Meat Pies Using Canned Biscuits

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hi everybody welcome to my channel rosie cooks i'm making some old-fashioned meat pies this is everything i'm going to use i'm going to use a little bit of olive oil a quarter of an onion some garlic right there i have a little bit of all-purpose flour i'm gonna make a slurry just to make everything thicken up i have a small carrot i'm gonna cube it up into small pieces just like that same thing with the potato i'm gonna cube it up really small that's worcestershire sauce i'm gonna use one pound of ground beef i have a little bit of tomato paste salt pepper some red pepper flakes and some grand biscuits let's get this started okay so first we're going to start off with about a tablespoon of olive oil to this i'm adding my chopped onion and i'm gonna cook this for about three minutes until they become translucent now i'm gonna add my garlic okay so now you just cook up your garlic for about a minute and then you mix everything up now i added my ground beef and i'm mixing my onions and my ground beef everything together cook some of the red out of this i'm adding my spices i'm adding my worcestershire sauce and my tomato paste and gonna mix all this together okay ground beef is 80 20 and has a little bit of oil so i'm going to drain it and then i'm going to add my potatoes and my carrots everything's mixed together but my carrots and my potatoes are not cooked yet and it's still real firm okay so now i lowered it to a real low simmer and i'm gonna cover it for about five or ten minutes i'll check it make sure my potatoes and carrots are nice and soft and then we'll go to the next step things cooked and i'm going to add a little bit of flour and this is just going to pack everything together we're going to make meat pies and we're going to fill our dough so we don't want it to go all over the place so it kind of packs it together a little bit my meat filling is cooling off i transferred it to a small bowl and it's just gonna cool off these are my biscuits gotta open up the pan whack it against your counter and there you go have a little bit of flour on my work surface okay and here we go i'm just right here i'm gonna flour up my rolling pin and i'm gonna roll these out i'm gonna roll them out flat make them a little bigger than this and then we're going to stuff them with my tasty meat filling okay so this is a good size right here okay so then you're going to i'm going to put some of my meat filling in here don't over stuff you want to be able to close it i'm gonna get a fork okay we're gonna close this up we're gonna close them up with my pork and this is a meat pie i'm going to bake these okay just adding a little ventilation right there and that's my meat pie i'm gonna make all my pies and i'm gonna freeze some of them and i will show you the little aluminum foil pocket that i make so here's my little meat pies i have a multi-function air fryer it's the emerald lagassi and i'm gonna put it on the bake function i'm going to cook it for at 3 50 and and just until it's nice and brown should take about 10 to 20 minutes i'll let you know i did spray the bottom of my pan little pies are in my emerald lagasse air fryer but i am using the bake function i'm baking these you guys can use your regular ovens i'm baking them at 350 and i think it's going to take about 15 to 20 minutes i will see what they look like after 10 and i'll let you know okay friends with all the transparency okay this is what i made i made eight pies okay this is all the filling that i have left just a little bit that's a great side dish it's very tasty let me show you these are the two that i just baked and it only took me 10 minutes at 350 degrees look how beautiful they are beautiful brown toasty color they came out great this is how i end up freezing these take a piece of aluminum foil i sprayed it with a non-stick spray put your pie in here and now you're just going to create a little pocket fold up the edges and then from here you're going to put it in your freezer and you can make them next week or in a month very easy and they keep for a while just take them out frozen they'll probably take you a little longer to cook until they're golden brown it only took me 10 minutes like this it'll probably take you about 13 to 15 minutes on 350 degree oven okay friends look at the inside of my little biscuit meat pie wow it really looks good very tasty center filling very easy recipe thank you so much for watching thank you for joining me on my channel if you appreciate all my hard labor please give me a thumbs up it'll really help me out on my channel thank you so much please subscribe see you next time
Channel: Rosie Cooks
Views: 615,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pasty, runzas, pasties, empanadas
Id: 4qWbLQcQxLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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