Jalapeno Poppers 2 Ways | Texas Twinkies and Armadillo Eggs

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I love a good ole Texas Twinkie, I do

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/justinhunter_96 📅︎︎ Aug 10 2019 🗫︎ replies
hi y'all wanted to spice it up in the kitchen but she was afraid to even thought about colouring dr. Ruth we are gonna heat it up in the kitchen spice it up two versions of jalapeno poppers Texas Twinkie and armadillo eggs come on things is fixing to get hard [Music] hey thank y'all for stopping by the backyard my name is Kent Rollins and welcome to another episode of cowboy cooking and we've been getting a lot of stuff coming down to hot wire oh I mean it is overloading the telegraph system here beagle and Duke k9 keep up with all y'all's requests and what is that request jalapeno poppers one is our version of a Texas Twinkie Oh got some cream cheese and some brisket stuffed in there that's been smoked slow mmm so good but what is the other one you seen crawling around sometime in South Texas and what does he do lay an egg armadillo eggs whoo got some sausage wrapped around them but I'm not going to tell you the secret that is that crunchy crust that goes with it because you're gonna have to stick around to see it and for all you new viewers we want to welcome you but we also want to remind you that everything that we use in these videos will be listed right down there in the little description below so reaching there with that knife come down both sides and then reaching the back cut it loose from the stem in you can peel part of that out but take the backside of a spoon you can clean that out even better makes it easier so I went to the store and I pick some out I like to get the brightest green color I can to it you can see this one there's a little paler than the other but also see where this and sort of has some bruises and some indentions and sometimes they'll just have little white veins in them too I'm gonna tell you folks them little white veins is a sign to tell you that I'm fitting to make your blood pressure go up I'm gonna heat you up and I'll make your eyes water remember what I told you so many times when you are cleaning these peppers don't be scratching your butt picking your eyes or winding your watch because you're gonna pay for it later I promise you some cream cheese that is softened now I'd like to go ahead and just sort of mash this around a little and we have got us some chicha we have church' I even see Shan squinting in little eyes what is cheetah cheese of your choosing that's what it is now today I'm using a little Monterey and a little cheddar we're gonna add a little bit of onion powder cuz I like the way it is uh-huh I really be liking me some roasted garlic to put in this now you can roast your own and put in there but hey this here was handy right there in the icebox so I just got it out so let's get this mixed well let's go to stuff in some of these and you can take it to where you can just pull it down on one side and then put it in there but I like to take the backside of that spoon and make sure you load that gun all the way up because we need it to be loaded you just go right ahead in there and fill him plumb up and looky there everybody's in the boat and ready to go that was a great technique uh-huh I thought it was well we got some JC putter and I like to cut it potter packs the flavor y'all ever see that commercial they will be some folks out there so I remember that commercial the little dancin hog come across the string the screen of the TV a dancing alone shaking a skillet you didn't see it oh it was a good one cut them in about that bigger pieces and we're gonna need four of them so we're gonna cut there and there you go see that it is a rare sight look at it it's not blowing I ain't gonna have no trouble using it that's what I'm talkin about so I want you to just take one of these for right now put it right here in the big middle of this just give it a little mashing or guess what you can use one of these fancy husband trainers if you had want to use it just roll it out pretty thin because did y'all see the Scotch egg video that we did Shan we'll have you a link right up there you need to get this sausage pretty thin so you get that even cook time in there so leave the stem out because that is what we call presentation here roll em around here make sure that you getting all rolled up really well go ahead and fold him over I like to just roll them all around till you get everything covered now that is about the thickness or the thinness that we're after roller around with your sushi rolling technique pulling your paper as you go so the sausage will meet somewhere and stick a hole when you pull that off see what might have happened with hey it ain't no step for a stepper just take you some of that piece back on there any excess that you have that you think might be too thick how you pull it off there you need a little patch the hole it is quite simple and wait there was a secret remember a crunchy ingredient that's gonna get the topping on there what was it potato flakes yep you heard me right folks potato flakes so take the stem in let's go ahead and roll them right around in here a minute in the egg wash get them out give them a coating make sure everybody got some and then what we're gonna do go back in here again because we watch the watt double baptize mm-hmm so there you go there is the first participant ready to go let me get to rest of them this away and we're gonna fry well we got our fine next Dutch oven out here got us about two and a half maybe a little more inches of good for owl in there heating it up to about 350 you can just sit them right here see that fry we know it's all right [Music] well you've seen that first version you did but let's talk about a Texas Twinkie our way you know - hey same thing on them jalapenos we took all of them out just like we did before the cream cheese and the cheese mixture is the same but what we're gonna add to it some smoked brisket now I'm gonna give you the option here you don't have to put barbecue sauce with it if you don't want but hey I sort of like mine and I however Meech how much ever meet you want in it hey you go ahead and load it up now you can do this with leftover steak you can do this with pork but whatever you want to mix in there to fill these with hey it's a happy meal it's whatever makes you happy so let's get all this and incorporated well together rake him over here on that sideboard get him stuff down in there now you want to make sure you can get these as full as possible make sure you pack both ends to get to everybody in there because these are gonna be wrapped in bacon so hey get them plum fool after you stuff them take you some of that bacon and I like to use the really good bacon not the cheap bacon go ahead and overlap that a little to where everybody's going to get sealed up just run him all the way around whatever you got left on the end tuck him back around pinning with a toothpick and looky there it's a Texas Twinkie near done now we're gonna cook these in a 14-inch Dutch oven today but I don't want you to lay them directly in the oven looky here what we got Iraq we got them wrapped up folks call them presence is ready to go under the tree but what we're taking them to the fire instead so let's get to cooking we had us a pretty good pile of hardwood lump there raked it off to one side then made us a ring around there pretty good ring of coals hot around the outside keep it backed off a little heavy on top because we're gonna get that bacon to sizzling we won't have to rotate much today maybe once or twice but there is no look Oh glorious standing still she is so we'll keep out on these try to keep duking the bagel out of them y'all stick around because we're done yet we've been on about 15 minutes we have and this is hotter than that oven in the house so let's do a little chicken and lookie here that bacon is beginning to crisp up then peppers is bulging open so let's take it off that bottom heat leave that top on there just a little just to crisp it up a little more on the top and we will be good to go [Music] [Applause] well we got them fried up and we gonna let them cool off a minute because that whew it burned the hair off your tongue in a hurry they will and we're gonna mix us up some sauce what yes put a shuffle in your feet make you wanna eat yes it does for sure so what does it start with some good honey you think this is odd don't you that the cowboy would put ranch dressing in with the honey oh just one of them little packets dumper right in there I don't know how to say this word but so I'm gonna call it we're Chester Shire our Worcestershire sauce some prepared horseradish and we never got no utensils beagle they all get carried off so we're gonna try to get some out of there and just put in there takes this Twinkie first now see that good bacon how it browned all the way around now I didn't rotate them over there why's cooking but you see me I did check it just to make sure how crisp do you want your bacon that's how long you got to let her go but you also want these peppers to get blistered and get soft and that's what's happening now folks it's live this pin has been cooled this one is fixing to explode I'm guaranteeing you I'm gonna try to attach it so it don't go off ere we go I feel safer now how about y'all that thing's hot Sam burning my fingers so we're gonna talk about these while we're here and ain't that a pretty dish right there folks I mean hmm another tip I'm gonna give you just cause I like it you need to be thickening something like a stew or maybe a broth that's got some beef in it or something like that put you some tighter flakes in there it'll thicken it right up but fry these till they're good golden brown you'll make sure that that sausage is cooked through that away Dipper in the sauce while we're at it I'm just gonna go ahead and combine the two uh-oh that's what you call hot pepper dance by using them potato flakes it's like it just opened up a bag of fresh Lay's got some jalapeno and sausage in mix with them it is so good got that crunch but then you get to that Center cream cheese double cheese got a little bit of that onion that you can see come out of there way we interrupt your programming to bring you some breaking news we have Kent Rollins live in the field with some special coverage Kent can you tell us what's going on out there something we did left out because we have forgot something that is very important now a lot of these recipes when you'll be using it they'll be saying for this recipe here to use a canned jalapeno one that is pickled I take them peppers before I ever start and I put them just right over the burner and I just blister them until they begin to pop just a little and you'll see little white specks coming in them but I forgot y'all please forgive me in you to blend because it will be in the recipe the blister is just for the armadillo egg we don't cook these long enough that they have baked and they are soft see the difference in the color and the brightness and the texture of them two peppers don't forget to blister this one on the armadillo egg well we thank y'all for dropping by the backyard hope you enjoyed our two versions of some jalapeno poppers takes his Twinkies and armadillo eggs pin everything we use remember will be listed down there in the little description below and we've had a lot of y'all that's been asking hey what about this black lock stuff that Lodge has coming out Rick and y'all can do a review on it well folks if the stars align next Wednesday we're gonna try to do our first-ever YouTube live video if we have signal wherever we're at you know another upcoming event we are we're gonna have a booth at the Wichita Falls ranch rodeo at the impact Center down there the little link will be down there below where you can catch us down there and almost if you want to once again we always tip our hat to our servicemen and women and veterans and all those who have served for keeping Old Glory flying wherever we're at whether you're a broader in the States we tip our hat and we pray for you on a constant daily basis though thank you again for stopping by the backyard god bless you each and every one and I'll see you down the pepper picking patch trail I want you to look at my eyeball chin right there he's a bug drilling on me see I can see see me he's a gnat right there oh yeah you got him thank you I didn't want to rub up air with jalapeno on me cuz whoo go ahead and pull it off that bottle heat let it sit Oh burglar alarm has went off it has what do we got going on here Oh folks they said it was not enough beef in this recipe that's what you're mad about sometimes you'd be having a little bit of filling left over for your Twinkies and who you're gonna give it to twinkle toes and a big ol dog there you go big try there Snooky why are you thank any tail wags any tail wags I got me some cream cheese that is softened I do we're gonna have to break in action because Kenny ain't got nothing to mix it with
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 631,264
Rating: 4.9662108 out of 5
Keywords: jalapeno poppers, jalapeño, texas twinkies, armadillo eggs, appetizer recipes, appetizer ideas, stuffed peppers, stuffed jalapeno peppers, stuffed jalapeno poppers, stuffed jalapeno peppers with cream cheese, jalapeño poppers in the oven, stuffed peppers keto, keto appetizers, keto recipes, stuffed peppers tasty, deep fried jalapenos, how to make jalapeno poppers, cowboy cooking, cowboy recipes, outdoor cooking, dutch oven cooking, dutch oven recipe, Super bowl snacks
Id: hj0W6A8DLuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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