Old Fashioned Fried Meat Pies

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[Music] okay we're gonna be making fried meat pies today guys in my neck of the woods this is how we do it but the thing of it is when it comes to meat pies you can make pretty much any kind of feeling you want for it today I'm going to do kind of like a an Asian player because our best on ground pork here that I'm going to use and I've been kind of wanting something a little bit Asian or some Chinese food something so I thought well I'm gonna use this pork so I put a little bit of Asian Flair on it now growing up I tell you my grandmom made these all the time and I'll tell you why because it was a cheap meal and she knew we really liked it I don't think that mr. Brown ever had ate one too me and him started dating and he ate one there at Grandma's and really liked it and don't the feeling that she would make for it would be just a little bit of fried up hamburger meat with onion and salt and pepper and she put a little cheese in there and that was it and it was always so good I'll tell you my favorite part of the meat pie was the crust and it was because most times she'd prime instead of bacon so there was always really good and tender the way she'd do it so I want to be frying up my pork and we're gonna put a little bit of onion in it I probably put a whole onion in it and I'm gonna put some garlic and probably a little bit of salt and pepper and probably even a little bit more garlic I'll put a little bit of garlic powder and I'm gonna add Oh probably a little bit we always put where Shire sauce in it regardless if it's hamburger or pork and I'm gonna add a little bit of soy sauce to it too so that'll be pretty much all the feeling that we'll be putting in it I might put some mushrooms in it not sure we'll see we'll just see how it turns out but I'm gonna get my shut up and get them in here is my pork meat pies there they're made in so many different the different regions they make different meat pies and I say that I mean so many different good feelings and some of them get pretty they even put like beans now I do like to fry a little bit of a hamburger mean sometimes grandma would cut up like a potato and she'd boil it just a little bit she'd diced up tight up real little and boil it and put in with that meat and that was part of the filling too and it was just a good meal that would fill everybody up and of course we'd probably have to dip it in a little bit ketchup or something but we really liked it but you can even put you some shredded cabbage I think some of the meat pies even have beans you can do it an all veggie pie wouldn't be a meat pie but it'd still be a hand pie and that's what some of them are called it just depends on what region you're from where I'm from up here in the hills Arkansas they're called fried pies I think around Louisiana in different places they're called a hand pies and maybe even fried pies there too and up north and I hope I'm saying it right I'm gonna put a little bit of oyster sauce in there they're called pasties and I have seen so many different good recipes from up north the way they do the meat pies and like I said they're so versatile you can just put anything in there the only thing you don't want is you put a little bit of a broth in with your meat stuff you just don't want real juicy because you're gonna be putting it in crust of course and the meat pie was originally made for you know easiness because a woman could go in and put a a lunch together for them the miners or anybody that's out working and they could come in and they could grab it and go and there's so many different stories about meat pies them so it's just always been a good handy thing you can have sweet and you can have savory and I'm gonna make both I'm gonna make us some meat pies and then I'm gonna make some I think I'll make a few fruit pies and then I'll make some chocolate pies because mr. Brown's been wanting a chocolate pie fried pies so I thought well we'll splurge and we'll have some fried pies it's an easy dish we'll have to make up some crust but it's an easy crust and it's gonna be a flaky crust you can bake it or you can fry it just depends on to me when you fry them up it's a little more of a flakier crust the way it turns out but if you want to bake it it turns out good too so whether if you call it a hand pie fried pie or pasties they're all good and if you get on the internet you can you can look up hand pies and just be unreal how many good different recipes there are out there form and and how they're the same but yet different it just depends on what part of the world you go to but they're all good my pork is looking really good it's cooking that good the onions are getting tender I've got a little bit of better than Boyan beef bouillon here that I'm putting into my pork and I know you're probably thinking why are you putting beef bullion in with your pork and it just gives it just a little bit just gives a good taste I'm not gonna put in water or any broth in there anything just just kind of throw it in there and because there is a little bit of fat in this pork and of course that fat is rendered out so everything's cooking up good I'm still thinking about throwing some mushrooms in there I got my garlic cut up I think it's time to put the garlic in it's smelling good looking good there were things cooking up so good I'm going to go ahead and we'll put my garlic in here and we're about ready to start making some meat pies so I went to the freezer and I found me a bag of rice cauliflower and it has peas and carrots in it and I thought you know this would really be good in with this port because it would be like fried rice so we're gonna throw that in there I'm gonna cheat it is frozen it's green giant but it's gonna be good and it's just another filler for your meat pie okay let's put our rice cauliflower peas and carrots in here you know since we had been watching our our carbs there for a while we've kindly been neglecting it here lately but we're still doing okay we were eating a lot of things like rice cauliflower and of course we still eat a lot of vegetables and tried to stay away from so much carbs when it comes separate time but I just put a little bit soy sauce in there too so I only put half a bag I think a whole bag would have been too much so I really think this is gonna be good it's gonna be just like fried rice okay now let's start our crust I've got 2 and 3/4 cup of all-purpose flour this is optional I'm gonna put about a tablespoon of sugar teaspoon of salt he spent a baking powder you need about 1/2 a cup of shortening of or lard and I'm using lard I always used lard in my and my crust it makes it really flaky tender so since it's been in the refrigerator always keeping the frigerator I'm gonna have to break it up with my hands and then I'll just kind of mix it up with my flour get it blended in good I got my lard mixed up real good you just want to get it about pea-sized pieces there and you need about a cup of milk but I'm not gonna use my my milk for making crust my drinking milk I'm using canned milk you can use powdered milk if you want just make yep a cup a cup of milk out of powdered milk I've got a bunch of canned milk that I keep in the pantry that I cook with or just a have in case you know emergency or anything you just want to work all that together because it will come together the sugar that I put in in this crust it's optional you don't have to put it in there and it's not that it makes the crust sweet because if it doesn't it just makes it taste good if that makes any sense it's not going to make your crust sweet to me it kindly maybe takes a little bit of the the baking powder flour taste you know way but just tastes good so you can see how it's come together so now I can just take my hand and just bring it all together just like you would regular pie crust and the baking powder that you put in with it that may be different than some recipes that people use for meat pies that may be a different ingredient but we use it in our fried pies it helps that crust to to be tender in the Conley maybe just puff up just a little bit but it's just really good fry pie crust whether if it's savory or sweet and if you can pinch it off and pinch it like that and it stays together you know you're ready to go to make some make some fried pies there's several different ways that you can make hand pies and I pinched a couple off enrolled amount and just kind of cut them with a small bow to make the perfect little circles now that's not really the way that I do it but that is a way you can do it just lay them you know one on top of the other and just go around it like this and just kind of seal in your meat and just go around the edge and seal already and now you can do it with a stick your fork and water and just kindly seal your crust around it or you can just dip your fingers and flour and just just roll your edges up just kind of push your edges down and that's one way of making a a hand pie but usually when I'm making fried pies I just get me pinching me off a little piece and I have an older video where I made was making fried pies but I'm gonna show y'all again since we're doing meat pies tag I just put me a little flour down just roll my little and just press it out and then we're just gonna roll it out just a little I don't like my eye crust to be too thick but you don't want it too thin just kind of in the middle there just roll it out till you get it to the size you know you need it to put your meat in there you don't have to be perfect when the ladies were hard-working me and I don't figured they were hurried if the pie was pretty or not just long as it tasted good and filling up now I ended up putting mushrooms in in there too you'll see them so that's just another filler for your your meat pie so you just bring the side over kind of pusher your feeling in and sometimes when you're pushing it that feeling down you know it might bust a hole in your crust but you can just pinch it together be fine just go around the edge of your meat turn it over and then just start rolling just start rolling the edge of your crust and some people can do this and make it look really pretty it looks like a braid when they get done might that pretty but it will stay will stay shut just keep it it'll stay sealed and your meat won't fall out that's the main thing so just keep rolling the ends and there you go so that's another meat pie we get them done and put them in the frigerator for just at least ten minutes before I fry them now if y'all watched my my older video where I'm making fried pies y'all have seen these little pie presses and I bought these years ago when I was making a lot of fried pies because I was making pies for different reasons not only just for my family but I did make a bunch of them take them to say for instance our fire house at Dalton they would have a fish fry twice a year fall in spring and I would take a bunch of fried pies up there I've had these things a long time and well they come in handy when you're making a bunch of fried pies because look they it seals them up just perfect and they look pretty so I'll put a link below I got him on Amazon okay we're going to make the chocolate pie filling it's the old-fashioned recipe and it's pretty much a chocolate paste and I'm going to put two good tablespoons of soft butter not melted just room temperature where it's getting salt two good tablespoons and we're gonna take I guess it depends on how really chocolate do you like it I put about a tablespoon and a half of good cocoa powder and if you like dark cocoa powder be good too and I'm gonna put about 1/4 of a cup of powdered sugar and that's it now what you're going to do it's going to seem really dry to you when you start stirring it up but you just have to stay with it and keep stirring because as you keep stirring and sticking with it it's going to become this perfect chocolate filling this that looks just like a chocolate paste you want it to be thick paste because when you put this in your crust and you go to fry it up it is going to melt inside that crust but if you start out with the chocolate paste that is way too runny it's going to start running plumb out of your crust before you get your crust fried so just keep you see the texture of it just keep stirring it because it's all going to come together and it's gonna be so good you're gonna want to just eat it with a spoon so I always accidentally get a little bit on my finger so I can taste it but you know they say a good cook always taste her food before she serves it I'm always fooled before Supper's on the table because I'm tasting it way too much but there you go you see how it come together and that's your your chocolate feeling so let's get to making some sweet fried pies so I got my job on my press if you don't have a press just use a fork press the edges together just like you seen me do though then meat pies I'm gonna put a good tablespoon heaping tablespoon right in the middle then we're just gonna flip this over and seal it get that extra crust off the edge and open it up and you got a pretty little chocolate frog ready to bet getting a grease and get fried up you can use either cast-iron skillet or your electric skillet when it comes to fried pies I'd do it both ways but I'd rather do it in my electric skillet because it keeps a even heat and it doesn't you can fry it several fried pies before your it seems like the flour and sometimes you're feeling a come you know kind of ooze out and with cast iron you have to change your grease out several times before you get your pies done and in the electric skillet it just seems a little bit easier and they come out just as good and this is a this is not a Teflon electric skillet this is a ceramic and I got it off of Amazon and if I can find the link I'll put the link to it below too now when you're flipping these over make sure you've got just like I've got you got two utensils long enough that you won't get burnt with the grease of hopin that you can just kind of flip them over like that you want to flip them but just when I start getting golden brown on one side you want to flip them but I will put a link below to this electric skillet I really love it okay the pies are good and brown on each side you can see how good and brown they are so it's time to take them out and I like to put them over here on a cookie sheet with a little bit of paper towel get some that grease off okay now I'm gonna do my meat pies I went ahead and done my my sweet pies first because I'm just gonna I'm gonna cook I'm probably just going to cook three meat pies for I stay for supper and I'll tell you what I'm going to do with it the other ones that are left I'm gonna wrap them up individually with either parchment paper or wax paper and then I'm going to put a couple in each bag and I'm gonna set them in the freezer that way if we need something handy for lunch something like that something quick we can go in there and all you got to do is take take your pies out you want to thaw them out in the refrigerator though don't throw them out on the counter and get them to warm and once they're pretty much thought out just fry them up so they're handy to have that way too and you can do your fruit pies that way too but you want to wrap them individually really I started putting them in there and didn't wrap that one but you need to wrap them in something and this is why because when they start going out they're gonna stick together so always wrap them like I said with wax paper or parchment paper stick them in the freezer and you got an instant lunch and I already turned the meat pies over they're looking really good okay taste it tell me I get to taste tell me feel I know this is Kido huh yeah it is total meat pie total and we all that usual life delicious is it really I really like that I think next time we'll do it with hamburger meat and cheese and onions and like grandma used to do she call it a Paul Bunyan burger those many years ago was just dating I hope you like this old-fashioned fried pie recipes whether if you call them fried pies hand pies or pasties they're always good doubler
Channel: Whippoorwill Holler
Views: 306,924
Rating: 4.9641299 out of 5
Id: 7wgcfjRKaO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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