Mountain Man Breakfast | Hearty Breakfast Casserole

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His channel is a gold mine.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ChildOfRavens πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

stopped watching at "we don't use metal on cast iron." mostly cause i didn't have the 15 minutes right now to finish this. for later for sure

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RiskyFartOftenShart πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

A variant of this is my favorite dutch oven breakfast. I try to keep things simple when camping and just used mini sized tater tots and pre cooked breakfast sausage. A dozen eggs work great in a 12" dutch oven.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Joe_B_Likes_Tacos πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love this guy! He always gets me motivated to throw the irons in the fire.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/80scraicbaby πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
in this week's episode what are we talking about layers and layers of goodness mountain man breakfast from the hash brown potatoes to the sausage bacon cheese layered on up with the eggs it is oh so good and folks it is easy and will feed a bunch of people so you better hang on because i'm going to the top of the mountain and get it before you get there [Music] hey thank y'all for stopping by camp on a glorious day camp by looking a little different where is the chuck box lid we don't moved around the corner because the ball of fire in the sky is trying to get all in my camerawoman's eyes it is so we set up over here i've cooked off these little tables but what are we talking about today mountain man breakfast hungry man mountain man any kind of man woman child dog they gonna love this one it's a combination of a lot of things to make a really big meal for breakfast like one meal a day might be all you're gonna get sometimes and you need something that's gonna stay with you all day long give you enough energy whether you're climbing mountains splitting logs working on windmills or chasing the pups and the rabbits you've got to have that energy to keep it up so let's get started on some hungry man on our mountain man breakfast 12 inch deep dutch oven it's another one of them one pot meals that'll work wonders you ain't got to wash near as many dishes and that's what we're after all the time on a ranch get away from washing so many 12-inch deep i don't took me a whole pound of bacon and sort of sliced it into bite-sized pieces and browned it up where it's just right set it aside to drain on a paper towel because we gonna need it so i need you to get you a pound of some pork sausage now you can use wild game sausage you can use any kind of sausage but i need it to just be regular old sausage and what do we be liking jc potter cause potter packs the flavor same pot that you fried that bacon in there's gonna be a little grease left in there and we need to keep that grease cause what makes everything better bacon grease it does so don't leave nobody out get them in there take your wooden spatula what you got no wooden spatula because we don't be using metal on cast iron and let's just go ahead and crumble this before we take it to old bertha and we're going to brown this up just a little then while y'all wasn't watching i didn't diced me up a red bell pepper roasted a poblano that we got to peel while this is browning and we're going to put some onion throw it all back in there and be ready to go so i'll meet you at the fire well over here at birth we are my dependable wood stove and we'll have you a little link right down there below to where you can find out everything you need to know about this cadillac the super stove of all but you see me pull an eye out of there when we put that dutch oven in there so we could get a little faster fry and get things to going i have me a poblano pepper it is roasted toasted and evenly charred all the way around it is and it's hot so look in your back pocket you know you got one of these or go to that drawer in your kitchen to where you keep the walmart bags everything you got i need you to slip that little pepper in there and you know you'd be carrying around a little water in your pocket too and just give him a little spritzing in there don't take much wrap him up give him a little shake and just let him sit over there and steam that way that skin is going to come off so much easier when we get ready to take that off fur now i don't chop me up one white onion diced it up pretty good we did and where does it go right in the dutch oven so just chunk her in there one bell pepper red in color diced a lot of folks make this recipe they do and they go down there to what the frozen food aisle in the grocery store pushing their little basket doing a little basket deal dumping their groceries in the basket or shops like that you've never shopped like and what are they looking for frozen hash browns yes they are you could do this as frozen right yes you can i'm not going to judge you because i probably won't see you doing it while you're doing it but hey get you some potatoes or some russets i really prefer a and i used about 10 of them got them graded up ahead of time got them on some cold water because they'll turn dark if they want and are you interested in hash browns for say maybe you've been to the diner and you think these hash browns are not as crispy as i thought they should be well don't you worry about that cause cowboy kent rollins has come to save the day and there will be a link right up there to crispy hash browns oh so good so look how big we're gonna drain the water off do not do this in your kitchen floor me and b can do it out here but i recommend you don't do it in the house big says there ain't nothing in that to eat all right when you take something wet like a potato or anything wet and you're going to put it in a hot substance that's got any kind of grease in it it's going to snap crackle pop really bad so let's take them taters dump them out here some of them tried to jump off bertha they did move that there and i just need you to roll them up here and let's try to mash that moisture see how this is running out of there that's that's what we're after we're going to get most of that moisture out of there because it helps in potatoes cook quicker and it will even let them crisp up a little if you just regular just frying them this is baked so we're not going to really have that problem but always take the water out of them taters in the pot they go our tremendous poblano keeper and most of the time you can just take that sack and i want shannon to get up here to where you work this magic that and then you just go to pulling this off and guess what we have a roasted skinned poblano now look in there at that goodness seeds membrane all now if you want to leave a little spice in there leave that in there it ain't going to hurt a thing me we're going to just put it right here and we're going to get rid of them because the puppies may want to bite here after a while everybody's in the boat though give it a stir now we're going to cook this to go ahead and let that south sausage no sausage brown up a little but we want them peppers and onions to get tender and them hash browns to warm throughout because we're going to be doing some stuff to it and i need it oh you're you're jumping way ahead of the schedule here and wanting to know when the bacon goes in there you don't want the bacon to get left out got her all stirred up mixed well you can use salt you can use pepper but why would you huh when you could use our original blend can't roll in seasoning ain't none better than give it a little good seasoning in here give it a stir and i want you to give it one more seasoning so just sprinkle her in there good we're gonna let this cook and simmer around there until everything gets tender then we're gonna do some mo to it simmering right along it is probably been about 10 minutes and things have got good and tender they have i need you to go to the hen house real quick and what go ahead and get 10 eggs yes you heard me right 10 eggs tell that hand thank you so much i need you to put five in the magical bowl because we're going to what you call divide this recipe up hang on don't run off and we're going to use five at one time and five at another time so put them in the bowl give them a good whisking them good chicken eggs fresh you can see how them yellers is so deep dark and yellow they are so good looky there uh huh reach in your back pocket what do you got a whisk go ahead and whisk her up good tell you what i do since i like y'all so much we're gonna go six eggs i would really like one more to keep it on what you call it the even numbers so we're gonna go six [Applause] our veggies have got tender just make sure everything is sort of level in there where everybody is going to get to play fair when they get to the playground so just pour right in there you are evenly over the top and folks this is the perfect fall recipe and camping season is just fixing to get just right to where you gotta pull them covers up just a little when you're in that bedroll but we're doing it in a dutch oven but you can do this in the house the recipe everything you need to know will be listed down there below click on the link and take you to our website you'll find it there i'm gonna cook it in the dutch oven i'll meet you over there with the trivet well you see me get some coals out of bertha and bring it over here put it around a trivet why don't we use a trivet raise it up off the ground and help us regulate our heat just a little because remember that dutch oven ain't got no knob on it and you ain't gonna have a timer that says ding i'm done so lay coals around the outside edge only and then we're gonna lay a pretty good layer of coals on top you see me rotate the pot one way the lid the other because i did have a hot spot of coals on this side that was closest to me it was simmering a little faster than the rest of it so to even out heat rotate and always remember you got to do it more if the wind is blowing we're going to let this cook till we sort of feel them eggs firm up and then we're going to add some bacon because shannon was worried about it and then we're going to do something else and it is spectacular so don't run off and leave me just yet [Music] so [Music] oh wait look look at the layers upon layers of goodness this will make a mountain man say hey i'm looking for a recliner i ain't got time to work today i'm over full we should bust this little egg and see if anything happens here pull it out there uh-huh i mean there is some good stuff in there and i'm gonna tell you right now i'm gonna take a bite of it and then i'm gonna even improve it more than that feeling strong now like rocky balboa once said but he ain't strong as a mountain man breakfast because we was what split wood all day long shooting guns getting them things that we're going to drag into camp build a fire and make them and then we're going to run to the top of the mountain because we got so much energy i mean we run so fast when we get up there and we think i'm at the top of the mountain i got to run back down so i would run all the way back down get there i would and what happened i'd have me some more mountain man breakfast as a tarp went blowing by you folks this is some of that good what makes it better y'all know this guy this is a new product it is kent rollins salsa and i mean describe the salsa and the heat level because people want to know the salsa and the heat level okay heat on a scale from one to two i would call it a one and a half okay now it's it's got a little bite to it but it's really not much it's more of a smoky flavor that goes in there it's made with traditional old dried chilies they give it so much flavor no jalapenos were harmed in the making of this ain't none in there so one more time i'm going back see all that goodness in here well had a lot of good help today i did and i picked this right off the top it ain't got nothing but just bacon and cheese and egg and folks y'all have seen the big so many times in our videos and it was really his birthday in september and he is such a great dog he knows what part to play here you go my friend you are first now after that seniority comes to duker the cheese inspector and he says that's all right then it would come down to the mage and then there's sadie the muncher and big since you're so sweet you get another bite shin people want to know how come you don't never take a bite well i do afterwards okay well we hope you enjoyed this it's really pretty simple to make it is takes a little time but it is well worth the effort great camping recipe great sunday morning breakfast friday morning wednesday morning holiday every day of the week this stuff will save you so much time and effort because you ain't gonna have to cook no more meals later on one pot by design and oh so good as always i tip my hat to all our service men and women and all the veterans who have kept that old flag of flying over camp no matter where me and shannon are at and we thank y'all so much for all that you all have give and all that you all have done for the rest of you we just glad to call your family we are and we have a big family and what does family do family supports each other so remember when you gather around at a table and you're all sitting in there and right before you bless the food i want you to look around all the chairs that's sitting around your table it ain't the legs of that table that them chairs are by that holds it up it is the family members around it grab your hands bless that food lift the good neighbors up share it with everybody and so y'all come on in here god bless you each and every one and i'll see you down the mountain man breakfast trail we need water that's what it says right here wow oh man the words are not working today [Music] you
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 1,831,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mountain man breakfast, dutch oven, dutch oven cooking, dutch oven breakfast, camping recipes, camping breakfast, dutch oven campfire cooking, breakfast recipes, breakfast casserole, mountain man breakfast dutch oven, mountain man breakfast recipe, cast iron cooking, outdoor cooking, camping cooking, cast iron skillet breakfast, kent rollins cast iron, cowboy kent rollins cast iron, egg recipes, breakfast egg recipes, kent rollins ou
Id: uu9B006ZF14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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