Freya's Singing Tips: How to EXPAND your range

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let's fry it out with another singing tip thank you so much for tuning in today today I have a big one for you how to expand your range if you want to find out how to have a bigger range please stay tuned of course everybody wants to be able to sing high especially the high notes but also the low pitches are important so I'm going to talk about expanding your range to the top as well as to the bottom because we're talking about the whole range and the range includes the low and the high notes so first I have some bad news for you on the bottom there is a definite limit you can train the bottom notes to go a little bit lower then you may be able to go now however there is a natural limit because you can't do more than fully relax those vocal chords and since those very bottom notes are produced by just relaxing them letting them rest and you know not be too tense there's definitely a limit now you're one of the lucky singers in this world which I'm not included in that but you can actually go really low you have a huge advantage because you have that bottom now the good news is for everybody who doesn't have the bottom at the top you can work a lot on now the first step that I always work on with my students is to first of all get to know your registers and be very secure in them just know exactly where your chest voice is know where your belting is know where it goes into the mixed voice know where that goes into the head voice and then wish to train you can even train there was a register knowing all these registers in your voice is extremely important because without that you don't have the tools to really work your voice the next thing would be to practice transitions for example you know your chest voice and you know there there's a limit to the top like for me it's probably around see above middle C yeah I could still still sing that in full chest voice now if I go even higher I have to be careful because if I get too loud and too massive it's you know my voice is kind of quick yeah yeah it's not gonna work so now I have to go into my belting so that's really high that's an F now so now to go higher I will have to go into my mixed voice yeah now if I want to go higher head boys so actually there's already quite a range but I'm only gonna have that range when the transitions are smooth otherwise it's kind of rough like if I sing a pop song that goes very high it's not gonna sound good when I transition into head voice right away from a chest voice because it's gonna sound way too differently to go in from a heavy mechanism into right away into the light mechanism yeah yeah that sounds rough it just doesn't sound like it goes together and that's why it's so important to practice those transitions but the thing is you will have to train them and I always say it again and again don't underestimate what training will actually do free local courts now what I will suggest first of all if you train on a regular basis maybe daily that would be ideal your chest voice try to go high train your belting and try to go higher and higher and you will see once you practice on a regular basis you will be able to get higher and higher but it's so important to be in training if you're not in training you're gonna lose it now while you do all of these things the really crucial thing is always have support I've had a lot of students that noticed a huge effect when they just changed small things so whenever singing in chest boys weight on the top the thing that's important is don't get narrow in your mouth and in your throat and that goes for belting too don't get narrow getting narrow means you're cutting off the resonating space and you're pretty much just putting pressure on those vocal cords and you're gonna crack for sure so one thing to keep yourself from cracking when you go way up there and you want to actually train to go higher is to make sure you let your jaw loose and you have vertical space that vertical space is so important plus it sounds really squeaky and pressed when you're too narrow unchain never let me go it's really hard unchain my heart never let me oh yeah versus yeah you gotta be able to sing so much clearer and with much more ease once you keep this right here relaxed and don't go you know it's it's a misconception that the higher you sing the more you have to open up your mouth and your jaw and you just have to make this huge space you know what the space is in there and the space you need doesn't have to be like like this no actually this is counter counterproductive because it actually makes it narrower relaxing this space will give you enough resonating space to not cut yourself off so that's a huge thing when you go up those high notes they are very demanding and you will feel like you have to strain but resist the temptation to strain here you know try to relax yourself here's an exercise put a book on your head it's dead against the wall you know so you have a good posture and then try to sing those top notes very calmly without moving your body around too much instead of ya so you just try to stay relaxed and that's the best way to practice getting those top notes with ease have you ever watched a singer and felt like they're just about to explode or their head is about to explode because they're like ah now while this is totally okay you know when you have a song and you want to express what's going on in there and you're really in it it shouldn't happen just because you're straining sell yourself so much to be able to sing those pitches now the really cool things were guys is the guys really have an advantage here because guys actually have the bottom let's talk about bottom notes I think that the middle and top pitches in your voice get even better when you don't leave out the bottom don't not train going low even though that that doesn't seem to make sense it's really how it is now what it does when you train the low notes it helps your vocal cords stay more flexible it's like it's like a ballet dancer you know they go through the whole range of motions if it always just went through the motion that has the most tension it wouldn't really be productive you have to go from a relaxed to all the way tensed up all the way back to relaxed again and that relaxed state in this case singing the very bottom notes helps your vocal cords to stay pliable if you want to say that it helps them to stay soft and moldable and agile you know if you only do the top all the time you're gonna lose that bottom because it gets so tight all the time and your vocal cords are going to be too tight it's like somebody who only does weight training and never stretches the muscle they're not gonna have as much mobility just because the muscles only trained to be tensed and it gets bigger bigger and thicker and thicker but you're gonna hurt yourself in the long run because you have not given the muscle a chance to stay flexible so do train your bottom in order to make your top stronger and the lower you can go the cooler it is because I think it's so cool to also sing low especially because it gives you the chance to transpose songs down that have this huge range and the more you can transpose it down without you know having any difficulties of seeing those low notes the less you're gonna have to strain to get the top notes because the whole thing can sit a little bit lower and the top notes don't have to be quite out of your range now let me say one other thing the ideal singer the best singer in the world isn't the one that could sing the highest notes that's something that some people think like they think they are a good singer they could sing the highest but that's not true there are tons of singers out there that don't sing extremely high and they are extremely famous and well-known and successful and it's not about just singing high it's about singing beautiful in your own voice so don't put yourself under pressure and while it is important to train and you know and to try to expand the top and the bottom and the main goal isn't just to sing higher than anybody else that's you know what good does it do that you could sing higher but overall it just doesn't sound that beautiful so you know there are some singers that have actually a very small range or a narrow range but they sound beautiful like one student of mine her strength isn't to sing the very top but she has such a wonderful voice color so we're trying to concentrate on those strengths and not just like you know try to get the top we do train the top but it's not like the main focus so I hope these tips helped you a little bit in this huge quest of trying to expand your range now of course there are some singers that have natural capabilities I guess they were just born with these awesome vocal cords I mean like Mariah Carey she supposedly could sing five octaves or Celine Dion and some of those women who can luckily sing very low and go high all the way up to the whistle register that's awesome but that doesn't make you the best singer in the world and let's face it it's all a matter of taste I mean some people love Celine Dion some people hair same goes for any but any other singer so just be aware of your own voice if you like my video I would love it if you left me a thumbs up to let me know you appreciated and leave me a comment if you have any questions I will try to answer it as best as I can and don't forget in to tune in on Tuesday for my how to sing that song video also give me suggestions about what else you want me to talk about so I'm just gonna wish you a very wonderful day and don't forget always keep on singing and always keep us all in your heart bye
Channel: Freya Casey - Master Your Voice
Views: 36,157
Rating: 4.9786601 out of 5
Keywords: how to sing, how to sing better, how to expand range, singing technique, singing lessons, how to sing higher, how to sing high, learn to sing, singing tutorial, beginner singing tutorial, singing lessons for beginners, advanced singing tutorial, advanced singing lessons
Id: O6-dACM-PxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2016
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