Freya's Singing Tips: Head Voice vs. Falsetto

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hi this is Fran with another singing tip today I want to talk about falsetto and head voice what's the difference between the two and when do you use it if you want to find out more stay tuned although there are different theories about the registers and I guess a lot of it just depends on how you want to name it there are definitely some mechanisms that everybody can identify so one is the heavy mechanism which is chest voice and that's what we speak in most of the time so I'm here yadda yadda yadda I'm talking I'm talking I'm talking a little louder oh I'm so excited but this is still chest voice this is also chest voice yeah this is cool and there's also the lighter mechanism which is when you go higher and you go like no way ah this is so cruel it's kind of like girly-girl sound but that's head voice the reason why it's called heavy and light mechanism is because and I did explain that in my video about the vocal cords is that on the heavy mechanism the chest voice it's a much larger area of the vocal cords that vibrates and on the lighter mechanism on the lighter register on the top the head voice there's actually a much smaller area of the vocal cords that vibrates now there's also this creature called falsetto and although a lot of people think well Placido is just for men that's actually not true falsetto is a mechanism and there's actually not really a vocal mechanism technically that only a man can do or that only a woman can do now while there is a huge difference in how low or how high a voice can go the basic anatomy is pretty much the same between a man and a woman I mean we have the same parts they may look a little bit different in size and the relation the relationship between them in size may be a little bit different but basically we actually have the same stuff to work with so basically everything is possible now whenever we sing very high notes that are above the chest voice and belting capacity there's actually two ways we can do it and in a lot of modern pop songs we actually hear falsetto which is a very breathy high voice it's kind of like this like Sam Smith does that a lot this it sounds different when a guy does it but technically women can also do it and actually it's heard also when women do it whenever you sing a pop song sometimes you just don't want to go into head voice because it's not going to sound right I mean even guys can go into head voice like guys do that sometimes for effect but also women can go into pasta dough because it sounds much softer actually Adele does this quite a bit she doesn't actually sing very high notes in a belching voice because I assumed she can't really go that high in a belting boy voice but as you can see that's not the most important aspect for being a good singer the most important thing is to do everything in a smart way that fits your voice and Adele does this in a very smart way since she can belt and she has a very strong belt on the top there's also a limit in her voice which everybody has natural limit and she can go lower which I can't and I envy that sometimes but she also can't go extremely high in her belting boys which is totally okay because I mean course she sings mostly original songs and she can kind of twist them to where they fit perfectly um how she wants to do him so what she does a lot is that whenever a high note is she's over into falsetto for a short moment even in the song hello he's hello from the other side that's so strong and then to tell you there she goes into falsetto she doesn't to tell you she doesn't go into head voice but she goes to tell to tell you to tell you and then she goes right back into a chest voice now that's very smart to do it that way so how do you do a proper falsetto now whenever you do falsetto what I do is I kind of think of little girl just go as if you were a little girl and you know how little girls sing they go like I'm singing a song now ha ha it's very breathy and very um kind of fragile sound it's not very loud but it's so pretty so to practice this I could do this exercise so think very wide and you know and then you throw it kind of a little bit now this is only to get that feeling of how it sounds how it feels right here inside of your throat now since we don't want to sound wide and flat and very nasal we have to adjust this a little bit now so now don't spread your cheeks just let him loose do the easy sound and just go like this but basically everything else is the same just like before just don't go wide and just don't basically um ever really do this this is not a good thing like on an AA or II don't go wide here just relax your cheek your cheek muscles right here and so let's do it again to a side and very like a little girl kind of very wide just don't light in here it kind of just feels very white here and it's other than that it's very little relaxed now what's really important that you still have support don't let just the ear gosh out just don't go like hey that's way too much breath eNOS and then your ear you will run out of air so quickly so that's falsetto let's do head voice now head voice is more like a siren it's like oh that's Moorhead boys you can't really hear that Bret eNOS let's do this let's just do a siren so let's just do one pitch and alternate between falsetto head voice seto head voice a little bit higher so this is without any vibrato but I just want you to get the basic technique down and when I spoke about vocal cord closure which I made two videos about this is also the same principle in falsetto the vocal cords are very relaxed and in head voice they come together very tightly so that's very important to keep in mind also have support always have support and also be aware of the degree of closure there is on your vocal cords so I hope these tips helped you a little bit about the confusion about what is falsetto and what is head voice if you liked the video I would love it if you gave it a thumbs up and also check back next week I upload singing hips twice a week now on Fridays in the usual format just I'll give you tips and exercises and Tuesday's I take song and on that song I just explain some aspects then I'm technical and also how to interpret it to make it fit your voice so make sure you check back and of course if you haven't already subscribe to my channel there are more great singing singing tips to come and have a wonderful day don't forget always keep on singing because it's really good for you you can make someone smile by singing song today that's a wonderful thing
Channel: Freya Casey - Master Your Voice
Views: 84,628
Rating: 4.9141707 out of 5
Keywords: falsetto, head voice, how to sing, how to sing better, singing tips, free singing lessons, free online lessons, free online singing lessons, singing tutorial
Id: wfZIFjgQDxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2015
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