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hi my lovelies welcome to today's video if you're a beginner you need to really focus on basics and that's what i want to talk about today all the things you really need to have on your radar to be a great singer but if you're not a beginner stay tuned because this is just as important for anyone who wants to sing to brush up on [Music] hi if you don't know me yet my name is freya casey professional singer and vocal coach from germany before we get started i want to ask you a trivia question about singing technique what is the effect of a lower larynx does it a brighten the tone does it be dark in the tone does it see minimize vibrato or does it d increase volume stay tuned until the end to find out the answer okay number one you must lift your sternum relax your arms you can do this standing or sitting ideally you will be standing just because i'm at the piano i'm actually sitting lift the sternum make sure your neck is straight and check if you don't have any shoulder and arm tension let the arms dangle by your side that is the best way to get used to it because then you can just do whatever you want with your arms at some point and not have to do like this or be stiff or do anything with your arms so get used to not having to use your arms because you don't need them to sing so it's your sternum which then creates this nice basic support that is there the entire time okay so next thing is when you inhale make sure you actually expand your ribs meaning your belly goes out basically mostly your belly that's what you're going to see move but it's really all around make sure you're taking a deep breath i mean as if you were going for a dive and your life depended on it not just but you want to breathe big see how this is moving lots of action down here the ribs constantly move and when you pair that with that lifted posture there's always this basic level of support of just really controlling everything with those muscles to where your breath doesn't just just rush out without control you want that control of breath next thing vocalization on the level of vocal cords there are different registers registers are extremely important to understand don't just start singing and you have no idea that voice and that is what almost everyone speaks in most of the time and then that is head voice those are two really basic main registers there are other mechanisms in the human voice but these are the two most important registers that you need to sing in why because there is a thicker heavier tone in chest voice and a different color of voice when you sing head voice because different parts of the vocal chords vibrate it is a whole different sound so no no no no no no no no no no no no or [Music] very distinct difference and you need to know the difference because when you sing pop you don't want to go don't cry for me argentina the truth is i never left you no that would not be appropriate to sing that song in head voice don't cry for me argentina the truth is i never left you so very very very important you can go to my videos i will put some links up here no up here and i will also put them below about chest voice and about head voice you must know the difference and you must practice singing in each to then be able to transition the next thing you need to focus on is pitches yes we actually sing defined pitches and when you go don't cry for me argentina the truth is i never left you not quite the same as it sounded before right so whether you're sharp or flat it doesn't matter how beautiful your sound if you're just not quite 100 on pitch it's not gonna sound good it's gonna sound really really bad and i have videos about pitch control i have a whole series that i recently did four videos and there are more videos i'm gonna put a playlist right below this video about how to have better pitch control so besides intonation which means hitting the right pitches you must play with intensity and vocal cord closure so there's a big difference between don't cry for me argentina the truth is i never left you that is very widely open vocal cords lots of air brushing out that will put strain on your vocal cords you will not have a lot of breath you will run out of breath very easily and basically it's just way too much work than it needs to be also it's not a sound that is appropriate for that song we actually want to make a more dense sound so having that awareness about vocal cord closure don't cry for me argentina the truth is i never left you i mean there's different degrees you could play with it but you must be aware you have to practice that if you want to sing falsetto [Music] you can't achieve that sound when you have that tight vocal cord closure and compression the entire time even if you sing softly it's not going to sound falsetto [Music] that is a compressed sound and not a loose sound so playing with the degree of your vocal cords how tightly they close is really important to know next thing is that you really want to be able to brighten or darken your voice and know where your natural middle ground is so like now i'm speaking in my middle ground voice i could make it a little bit darker here and there and i could also make it brighter not just higher in pitch but brighter and more narrow we will need all of that sometimes so if i just don't cry for me argentina the truth is i never left you i could also don't cry for me argentina the truth is i never left you so i'm playing with it when i sing i hate you i hate you and i want to sing a little bit more narrow sometimes or i want to lower my larynx a bit see how i'm playing with that and it's so cool when you're aware of this little thing here the larynx and then the next thing the fairings of really how to play around with it that ties into my next topic which is the fairings oh my goodness huge your fairings it's that entire space in your throat back here way back here and you can't see a lot on the outside when you move it but it makes a big difference so whether i'm doing sorry my dog is walking around don't cry for me argentina the truth is i never left you or don't cry for me argentina the truth is i never left you [Music] it makes a big difference in the sound because i'm shaping my vowels differently and it does really affect my resonance a lot so oh so that is this entire area back here and i have videos about that i will also link them below these are all topics you need to cover and i just want to let you know all the things that are really relevant and important that you need to work on from time to time unless they're so automatic and they work so well for you already that you don't have to think about it anymore highly unlikely that all of these topics are i have to work on this all the time also and focus the next thing is your jaw so important you want to get used to move your jaw as little as necessary as much as you have to so instead of don't cry for me argentina the truth is i never loved you i need a little bit more jaw movement otherwise i can't really make those open vowels on the other hand what i don't need is don't cry for me argentina the truth is i never left you ouch my jaw gets so tired and tense after a while i could not really support that kind of singing for longer periods of time so you want to loosen the jaw there is movement but what is the most important thing is that you have that baseline move like that baseline position of open enough but not dislocating and that's where you kind of that's your middle ground that's where you work from and then everything else you do some vowels will be more closed some will be more open so basically i'm thinking [Music] that is my relaxed jaw just letting it fall position and the next thing is really see how it's just my tongue or mama mama i'm not moving my jaw it's really [Music] as much as i can avoiding like for those consonants or vowels that don't need the jaw movement that can keep it on that baseline middle kind of open position awesome so needs to be a little close but don't cry cry cry cry cry it's a lot more lips and tongue than it is jaw on cry so it's not crying so it's cry it's more internal movement than it is outside so don't cry for me argentina the truth is i never left you so just make sure you work on that and i have videos about that also put the link below a lot to work on i know but if you want to address your sound quality you're going to have to look into each one of those areas to get to the bottom of like what am i missing here and the last thing is actually musical phrasing there is a shape to musical phrases it's not just i'm just singing pictures and i just plow through don't cry for me argentina the truth is i never left you all through my wild days my med existence i kept my promise whatever it is so it's more don't cry for me argentina the truth is i never left you okay so there's phrasing i also have videos about that also the link is below really important musical phrasing because otherwise it could just be [Music] different from [Music] so let me unmute the piano so even on the piano different from [Music] see phrasing is really important not just for singers but for every musician and as a singer you are a musician so these are all the topics that i think are extremely important if you want to be a great singer this goes for beginners this goes for advanced if you're still a beginner you have an advantage because you can get things right and you can't just like don't get into bad habits you can already start doing it right from the get-go it's gonna be awesome if you already have established a lot of bad habits it's gonna take some time to uproot them and to bring in new good habits so let me answer the question that i asked you in the beginning what is the effect of a lower larynx while a lower larynx will darken your tone hello it is a darkened tone sometimes that is used for effect or sometimes in opera sometimes just heavy heavy voices tend to lower the larynx a bit more than maybe sometimes they should it is a quick way to get like more voluminous but basically it does really darken the voice so thank you so much for watching today give the video a thumbs up if you liked it and share it with someone who may also benefit check out all my free resources on my website i have tons of really cool stuff there including a 30-minute audio warm-up program that you can download including a checklist that you can get as a pdf where you know once you know the exercise you can just check off every day and just see if you've covered all your bases thank you so much for watching today have a most blessed day i hope to see you next time and until then always keep a song in your heart and always keep on singing [Music] bye [Music] together let the sky fall when it crumbles we will stand
Channel: Freya Casey - Master Your Voice
Views: 5,314
Rating: 4.9912853 out of 5
Keywords: how to sing, how to sing better, online vocal coach, online singing lessons, freya casey, how to sing better beginners, how to sing better instantly for guys for beginners, how to sing better instantly for beginners, singing exercises, singing exercises for beginners, singing exercises high notes
Id: iY3K-Daca7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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