Freya's Singing Tips - Singing on pitch

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hi everybody this is fry up with another singing tip and today I want to talk to you about something that I think is absolutely crucial in singing and in music in general that's singing on pitch have you ever heard somebody not sing on pitch that's generally the thing that makes you say well this person really can't sing at all but I'm going to help you today to sing on pitch much better and to do some exercises so stay tuned so whenever you sing any song basically the first thing you need to do is sing the pitches correctly in order to be able to hear what melody you're singing so if that's not given then there's no way to tell what song you're singing right and have you ever heard somebody play the violin but they are pretty new at it and the most terrible thing about it is is that they just don't play the pitches right here because it's really difficult and it's the same way with singing that's what makes it sound really terrible it's wind up when somebody does just hit the pitches right so in order with you to get better and to really train your fine tuning abilities I'm gonna give you some exercises here we go so for the first exercise I want to just to take a book or a binder anything that has a surface that you could just put right in front of your face because I want to just to be able to hear yourself better a lot of times we think we sing right on pitch might never be singing along with a song but in reality we're just hearing what the person on the recording is doing instead of just hearing ourselves so I want to help you just to hear yourself a little bit better and that's one key thing is that you learn to listen to yourself to concentrate on what on what you're doing with your voice so for this exercise I'm just gonna take this minor right here and I want to just a say note and go up and down just like so and so on yeah Oh so you can do this exercise you know a long time and just go up go down just try to experiment with it and then we're just gonna start hearing yourself in a different way now for the second exercise I want you to get your cell phone and use the sound recorder so you can record yourself okay take your cell phone open up your sound recorder record yourself singing one steady very straight note any note that's really comfortable to you okay here we go now what I want you to do is to play what you just recorded and match that same pitch the reason why we do that is because your own voice is the most similar to your own voice of course it's much harder to match piano note or somebody else's because it's not very similar to your voice so just try to match your own note okay so here we go so um that's now just doing the same no no next thing I want you to do is to match that note and try to go up really slowly half a step and come back again to match the note again okay so now the next thing I want you to do is to match the note and then go down have a step and come back again to match the note so what your notice is that whenever you match the note there's kind of like a pulse that you hear and whenever you don't match the note the pulse gets faster so it's kind of like a very nice and steady pulse whenever you match them that would like to do doo doo doo whenever you go away from that note so there's a dissonance it really bites you here like a doo dum dum - dum dum next I want you just to record a melody line China so just do like an exercise like this do it on you you now play back and match it try to be very exact and try to hear that nice slow pulse that happens when you match the note exactly mm now you could go on with this exercise doing all kinds of different exercises whatever exercises we've done before doing matching yourself you know with your recording it will help you train your ear to match a voice the most important thing is learning to listen to yourself it's a matter of training it really is it's like doing any kinds of sports you know I mean even knowing how to do it it doesn't give you the ability to really do it you need to practice you need it you know do it over and over and over again until it becomes an automat ism in your body you know that your body remembers how to do it and it's the same way with the ear you could train you ear you know if you're not used to matching a pitch or just really really fine-tune your pitches you could start training yourself and be strict with yourself I think the most important thing is really to be able to sing the pitch absolutely correctly and if the pitch isn't absolutely correct and it's just I don't know even your audience even if they're not musicians and they don't know a lot about music don't underestimate them you can hear if it's right or not they they may not know if it's too high or too low whatever it is but they know something isn't quite right so you need to constantly train your ears and your brain actually to react to what's happening in the music outside so you can match it for some more advanced ear training check out my next video that's coming up next week which is interval training hope you enjoyed the video today if you do like my videos please do subscribe so you don't miss any future videos and hope you have a wonderful day always keep a song in your heart and check back soon bye
Channel: Freya Casey - Master Your Voice
Views: 33,982
Rating: 4.9615951 out of 5
Keywords: singing on pitch, pitch control, intonation, singing intonation, pitch exercises, singing tutorial, pitch perfect, pitch control exercises, singing exercises, Singing (Musical Instrument), Pitch (Music)
Id: VaMIjEwLdgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2015
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