Freya's Singing Tips: Vocal Cord Closure Exercises

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hi this is friar with another singing today recently I talked to you about a vocal cord closure and in that video I was giving you more the theory that goes around it and today I actually wanted to give you some practical tips on how you can practice better vocal cord closure so if you want to find out more stay tuned I talked about how important it is to have very good vocal cord closure especially when you sing high notes that are also belted and very very loud for present in order to not damage your vocal cords because when there's a lot of retinas there's a limit on how loud you can get without really hurting yourself so the degree of vocal cord closure is very important I also talked about how you actually can decide how much or how little enclosure there is and that's also going to determine the sound so if you want a really breathy sound from purpose you're gonna have very little vocal cord closure and so you're going to have a sound like this yeah you can do that you even on the top that would be false Adam on the bottom - yeah so there's very little vocal cord closure which means the vocal cords don't actually come together very tightly they're very loose and a lot of air can pass through which also means that whenever you have very little vocal cord closure that you will be out of air much sooner so whenever you sing high pitches that are loud that are belted that you want to stand out a lot of people always think that you need more air for those but actually it's the other way around since the vocal cords closed much more tightly there's a much smaller opening that the air can pass through and thus you actually need less air in fact the higher you sing the louder the more you're going to feel like you're almost holding your breath because there's so little air passing through and that's one very important characteristic of correct belting is that there's not too much air flowing through because otherwise there's way too much friction so enough with the talking let's do some practical exercises in the first exercise we're going to sing the bottom note very softly in it not very closed vocal cord status and then whenever you go to the top note you're going to tighten those vocal cords and also sing louder and then go back to the first to the last note which is the let's same one as the last one like so so kind of slide up and slide down try to do that on a few pitches it will be different for men and women depending on how high or low your voice is Wow what's also very important is that you have good support throughout the exercise don't let loose whenever you're singing that soft pitch and don't just tighten up just for the high pitch have a general tension in your body but of course when you go up to that very loud pitch you will feel a tightening of your abdominal muscles and your body so let's go on a little bit up high feel the vocal cords come together slowly and relaxed again it's very important that you become aware of that feeling how it feels when they are tied or when they're relaxed Wow Wow let me do one more wow this is also very good exercise stars because usually whenever you sing a song the pitches aren't just isolated you don't just sing one high pitch or you just don't sing one low pitch it's all connected together and a lot of times you will have to kind of go back and forth between having more closed or more relaxed local courts so that's why the motion between the two states is kind of important now let's reverse this exercise let's do a strong bottom pitch and let's do a very breathy and soft top pitch and let's reverse the bowels let's go yah-yah-yah yah yah now for guys it will usually be a little bit higher you can usually go a little bit higher and still have a belted voice on the top but since we are doing the top pitch very softly we could go actually higher I'm gonna just go ahead and go a little higher now yeah ah yeah ah so however high or low you can go you should go until you feel that it's getting too high it should there should be not a strain but attention in your voice now let's do another exercise now let's just take two pitches that are neighboring and the bottom one very soft and the top one very loud so these were all exercises for practicing the transitions and again it's so important to start becoming aware of what's the degree of closure in your vocal cords that way you can tell how much air am I using or how how tight are they closing in order for the pitches to get louder because really the pitches only can get louder and if you have very good vocal cord closure otherwise you will definitely feel tired very quickly or do damage to your vocal cords and we don't want that now with the next exercise I want to prove to you that you actually have much better booklet called closure than I can't send that word that you actually have better vocal cord closure than you think you may have even if you think you sound breathy and also that you actually can sing higher long notes then you may think you can so now let's do this pretend someone is just pushing you to the edge you're just about to lose it because you're just somebody is absolutely making you crazy and everybody's been there I've been there so you're right at the edge and there's two choices either you hit someone or something and I wouldn't recommend that because you either break something or you hurt yourself so don't do it now the next choice would be to scream and that's the better choice by far now after being done with this exercise you probably can yell at someone so much better and let all your frustration out the thing is you have to do it right in order not to hurt your voice now let's do this you have to have full body involvement so what we're going to do now is kind of like breathe in take your fist and even stomp your leg and hold your fist and kind of just you know tighten up your body especially your midsection and just yo the important thing now is find your own yelling pitch it sounds funny but everybody has their own pitch to where it's actually comfortable like when I yell I go bad or you idiot or something like that what we're going to do now we're just gonna use the word man as if you were just like oh man but we're going to do it very loud and very long now really important for this exercise is keeping in mind that you don't let a lot of air through actually quite little and you keep the pitch very straight and don't think so much of a pitch just think of that yelling as if somebody was just freezing it in time and it just continues and continues and continues let a little air out and have full body tension and don't just think about extremely loud just think about lasting so let me do this again this is my yelling pitch yours might be different ah okay I feel much better um I could have done it longer but um and this is just if you do this on the pitch it's fairly high because of course when you are so frustrated that you hardly can contain it you will you want to be heard and it's just a kind of automatic reaction like whenever you yell at someone to go up have you ever tried to yell at someone just stay down your thoughts on ooh dude that just doesn't work man you're such an idiot oh I can't believe that you just automatically go high whenever you want to get louder to be hurt it just kind of kept through I guess it's kind of an unpleasant frequency for everybody to hear that's why we're doing or just to be heard but anyway it's actually actually a lot of students ask me so but this sounds terrible enough fussing like that well have you ever tried to imagined strip strip the music away from some of your favorite songs that can really high in pitch and then are belted um just take like hello by Adele just imagine the music away all that you know all that surround her voice it's absolutely it is yelled technically but that's supposed to be yelled yo it's like hello from the other side I must've called a thousand times to tell you it's very you know it's it's very intense it's not like hello from the other side that's not what it is it has to be guilt so um these exercises I hope they help to to figure out what it feels like to have vocal cord closure and just kind of practice that mechanism a little bit if you like my video I would love it if you gave it a thumbs up and also leave a comment if you'd like also don't forget I do upload another video next Tuesday and from now on on Tuesdays I have a second video a week in which and talk about a song and some technical aspects of that specific song so also if you would like me to give you some suggestions on which some to do next so don't miss it and if you haven't already of course subscribe to my channel and because there are a lot more singing Tube videos to come and I wish you a wonderful day and don't forget always keep on singing and and if you can make someone smile - phone today that's wonderful bye
Channel: Freya Casey - Master Your Voice
Views: 58,002
Rating: 4.9164348 out of 5
Keywords: vocal cord closure, how to sing better, singing tutorial, online singing lessons, free lessons, free singing lessons, Vocal Folds (Anatomical Structure), Human Voice (Film Character), Singing (Musical Instrument)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2015
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