Freya's Singing Tips: How to FIND and STRENGTHEN your HEAD VOICE

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hi this is Friday with another singing tip today I want to help you find and strengthen your head voice so please stay tuned for some people it's easier and for some people it's a little bit harder to find head voice so you can just find it so first of all let me give you some exercises to find your head voice and then we're gonna try to move into kind of strengthen in it now let me say that it is a process it's not gonna happen in five minutes and it's not gonna happen in five days it's probably gonna take some time to really be strengthened and for you to be able to sing higher so that really does take training but let me just get you on the way to where you actually find the head voice and you have a feeling how you can actually be a little louder and get higher now the first thing is I don't know if you know how it feels but there's basically two basic registers now the one is the one that I'm speaking it right now that's the chest voice and that's usually the one that's easier for most people to sing in la da da da like this now and then there's also this head voice usually guys don't use it that much in everyday life girls use it a little bit more and it's kind of like this scratchy high feeling and this is half price so in order to find it I found that E and ooh are easiest to find it so first of all let's try just not specifically hit any pitch but just kind of do a wave motion just kind of go up and down and try to have this squeak enos try it on an e at first but try not to be too wide but just kind of e-e-e you may want to experiment where it's easier for you whether it's higher or lower for some people it's easier just to kind of start up high just even get to feel the difference between the chest register and the head voice and for some people it's easy not to start that high it because you start choking yourself off so try to find an area that's comfortable for you try it on you next you can even take it lower this is still a noise but it's very squeaky or higher like a siren so whatever area is the easiest for you just try to kind of meet around that area at first now the next thing is to eliminate any breath enos the more breath in us you have the harder it's gonna be to get higher on your head voice because it it requires for you to have a good vocal cord closure to get higher and whenever there's too much breath enos there's not a good vocal cord closure and so physically it's actually not possible to go really high and produce high pitches in head voice so in order to reduce brassiness and that's so important you have got to work with your airflow let just the tiniest bit of air through now it takes good support make sure you're expanding when you inhale and now when you exhale on singing that siren for example try to not be too loud but try to let very very little air out like so it's almost like holding your breath don't be each word so wherever the area is that's comfortable the most important thing is take the pitch back in volume until there's not too much breath leanness at the same time taking back the volume does not mean you're letting loose on your support on the contrary you're having rock-hard support really have this tension in your ab muscles and then really really just it's like blowing through this really thin straw and you're like the tiniest bit of air just flows through there but you you feel your ab muscles because you have to push against this resistance to where like I want to push the air through but only so little goes through so that's the feeling you want to have now the next thing in order to get higher and to really strengthen that head voice is to really do it on regular basis and really make sure that the higher you get the more you open up you open up that resonating space and you open up that vowel so important so the O becomes an ah the higher you go it gets closer to a nod like so so you can't really have this narrow space and produce a high head boys pitch well it's it's way back here then and you're kind of squeezing yourself off so you want to make sure you have openness when you go high and the problem that's most prevalent in singers especially females like if anyone is in classical repertoire you want to go high and your head voice is that you get way too narrow and tight so you want to try to keep your jaw muscles relaxed to kind of let it fall and stay open very important if you feel it your tongue going way up it's not possible to sing high very hard very much openness and then it's so much easier now I always like I was a lyric coloratura soprano that's actually what I am when I sing opera and that's like the highest pretty much you can get and the most important thing is to keep that relaxed position when you go high in order to not sound squeaky but I always imagine it's like it it's actually like a scream but I just put a vibrato on it like so when I think this high in notes screamed now why not put a vibrato on it sounds more Sun so the only difference was vibrato pretty much but you have to think of it as kind of a scream now a good exercise also is like this yo kind of doing appreciated scale like over an octave and arpeggio open up to the top you see it's kind of screamed it's like wow it's like this motion try that and it would probably help you another thing is you do have to do it you have to take it slowly it's not gonna happen fast and it's not gonna happen that easy it does take training and it does take persistence think of your vocal cords always as if you were an athlete you're not gonna run a marathon in five days or in ten days it's gonna take time to work yourself and to work your body up to that without hurting yourself so I hope these tips helped you today I hope you're gonna try to explore your head voice a little bit more because remember a stronger head voice also means a stronger middle and bottom and it really just is that way it's like for an athlete stretching is just important as strength training have a wonderful day thank you so much for watching don't forget to check back on Tuesday for how to sing this song video and also on Thursday for a Q&A ask your questions below any of my videos and I will try to answer them in one of my next video have a wonderful day and don't forget always keep on singing and always keep a song in your heart bye
Channel: Freya Casey - Master Your Voice
Views: 16,667
Rating: 4.9824047 out of 5
Keywords: head voice, head register, how to sing in head voice, how to sing better, how to sing, singing tips, singing tutorial
Id: cduh_ldmdYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2016
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