Freya's Singing Tips: Basic Vocal Warm up Routine (Exercises)

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hi this is Brian with your next singing tip today I'm sitting at the piano because I want to show you some great exercises as a warm-up routine this is a basic warm-up routine you can do this one as a beginner or as an advanced singer previous to any more advanced singing exercises in my next video I'm going to show you more advanced exercises for warm-up so make sure you check back next week so let's get started right away the first exercise is a slow and relaxed sigh from the top to the bottom just take a deep breath and sigh ah again and get rid of all the stress get rid of any tension sigh it out of your body ah also make sure your jaw is really relaxed and you just let it fall let gravity take it the next exercise is the same sighing exercise but do it in slow motion do it very very slowly from the top to the bottom take a deep breath do that two or three times until you have a feeling your voice gets a little bit warmed up in the next exercise you have to imagine a remote-controlled airplane yeah I know it sounds funny but it really works close your mouth make sure you're not flat inside your mouth make sure that a nut would still fit inside the cavity and then just go like this hmm just to get a little bit more blood flow through your vocal cords in the next exercise we're going to start pretty low in your voice it's different in everybody's voice but I'm going to start wherever my voice is low so I'm you can adapt this exercise to fit your voice exactly I'm going to start at the G below middle C on a hum you what's important when you do this exercise is first of all again that there's a small cavity inside of your mouth that a nut would still fit in there which means that the tongue doesn't rest right against your hard palate but it rests on the bottom also it's important reason through your mouth give yourself time it has to be a very relaxed breath when you do this exercise you probably will find that it tickles you on your lips but that's exactly what we want the next exercise we're going to start on the bottom and slowly go up can we go on a mum mum mum Oh Oh my momma my mom just don't go quiet all the way up yet just go to where it feels pretty comfortable also this goes for every exercise that I'm showing you today always keep your jaw very relaxed and breathe in very relaxed the next exercise is the hello exercise say hello as if you were just greeting somebody but you do it very slowly and you do it over the interval of a third like this hello so start kind of a mid-range and then go up a little bit hello higher hello hello hello oh just however high you can go just as long as it feels comfortable and you're not putting a lot of strain on yet now for the next exercise you may put on a little bit more strength a little bit more effort and just a little bit more tension start on the top note and then slide down when you sing the top note there's a lot of effort that goes into it and as you slide down relax more and more like this every relaxed on the bottom yeah Oh yeah ah so whenever you arrive on the bottom note you're extremely relaxed and very soft last exercise octave leap to the top imagine you were kind of laughing yeah you slide up and then go down again Oh Oh now again what's really important is when you're at the top notes you have a lot of support you have a lot of tension inside of your body and your abdominal muscles and as you can lower again relax more and more usually in Psalms this is how it goes near the top notes you need a lot of strength and then whenever you sing the verses it's more relaxed and they're usually lower so that way you know high and low notes and you give your voice room to relax in between those notes that take so much effort that way you don't get worn out that quickly now if you want to do some more advanced exercises to really really really get your voice going check back next week I'm gonna upload the video for more advanced exercises I hope this video helped you if you like my videos I would really appreciate it if you supported me by giving it a thumbs up or leaving a comment and of course if you have not already subscribed um I upload a new singing tip video every Friday so make sure you check back next week to catch the new video and other than that I just wish you a wonderful day heart full of sunshine and never forget always keep a song in your heart and always keep singing bye
Channel: Freya Casey - Master Your Voice
Views: 160,563
Rating: 4.9568782 out of 5
Keywords: how to sing better, how to sing, warm up exercises, warm up routine, singing exercises, vocal exercises, singing tips, Singing (Musical Instrument), Music (TV Genre), Training, Help, Tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2015
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