Freya's Singing Tips: Sing HIGH pitches much easier by ALTERING VOWELS

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hi this is Fran with another singing tip thank you so much for tuning in today today I want to talk about altering vowels what can you do to make singing the tops notes a little easier and how much can you alter vowels so they still sound good and you can still be understood if you want to find out stay tuned did you know that every bowel has its own frequency in whenever you don't even produce a pitch listen so I don't know if you didn't notice it but even whenever I just kind of whisper them loudly they're still kind of a pitch now let me do two bowels where it's very obvious it's kinda like oh oh and that's a very fascinating phenomenon everything has its own frequency did you ever hear that story about that bridge I don't remember what city it was in but it was a bridge in the US that something the wind or something it just started vibrating and it just kept shaking itself up until it broke apart because something hits exactly the frequency maybe it was the cars of the vehicles or people like on the bridge that coincidently it started having exactly that frequency that natural frequency that that bridge vibrated in and then it just it broke apart because it started wobbling and there that our video there's video footage of that and it's really fascinating because you're like whoa what is this it looks like it's not even made of concrete it's it's just wobbles and then it breaks apart also whenever you hear the stories about glass shattering whenever you sing well it's actually possible what you would have to do though is hit exactly that frequency that that glass has the frequency that it needs to start vibrating and if you hit exactly that frequency that it needs to vibrate then it will shatter now whenever you're saying we don't want to shatter anything we don't want to break anything but knowing that phenomenon that everything has its own natural frequency is very useful whenever you sing because every vowel has its own frequency and depending on that frequency different parts of your head and mouths and skull and those cavities vibrate with that pitch you might have noticed this like I have something in my room right here and it drives me crazy sometimes like on my piano whenever I teach my lessons whenever I put the metronome on the top I can't actually put it on top of the piano because whenever I hit I think it's an a the middle a whenever I hit that pitch on the piano that's the frequency of that metronome and so it's just kind of was like every time I do that it just kind of starts shaking up and it's because it's the same frequency now sometimes altering the vowel just a little bit can really help you sound much fuller more open and much better and it can help you sing that note much easier let me demonstrate like if I do an R on a pretty high pitch but I do it very wide for me like it's kind of narrow and it's not very easy if I do it if I just kind of drop my jaw just a little bit more and just think more of an oo it becomes a whole different sound now the first one was very pressed and very narrow and the second one was so much fuller and it has so much more ping in it so much more it just cut through and just a little alteration can do so much let's do it on an O for example let's do a higher pitch on an O let's do the all very narrow like an O like now what I could feel is right here there was some vibration which means it was very much in the front so it couldn't probably go into my skull into these cavities a lot now if I open it up and just think of an O more like not a new but more like an O it goes like so much easier then o same on an O if I do it very closed or all it's much easier if it's opened oh so a little change in the vowel can help you so much now it will be different for everybody like sometimes it helps you on a nod to be more of an A then it depends on how high you are in your voice like for me if I do it like in the middle where the passaggio is it's really nasty to sing in a like a very open yeah like an it's it's whenever you get over that passado it's really nasty but whenever I go just changing it around a little bit helps me and sometimes I just kind of have it to experiment a little bit and try it out on really hard places like for example on let it go from frozen there are some of those really high pitches but changing those around just a little bit helps so much in trying to sound better you know especially almost high belted notes try to alter those fouls I love it now the most important thing is to still be understood don't change the vowel to wear it nobody can't understand the word that you're singing but usually even changing the vowel quite a bit and the rule is actually the higher the pitch gets the more open everything needs to be in order to have resonating space and for it to be easier but usually since there isn't just about there's also something that comes before that and after that that makes up that whole word it's still very easy to understand even if you change that Val even from an O to and a little bit more from an e to an AA like there's a there's a motor area it's really crazy it's got these really high notes and it's like on and nine so it's really impossible but what I do is when I sing that I don't go like och nine means oh no in German but I don't go like on the e too much I just kind of leave it out and everybody still understands it so I just go on the eat very short because it's just impossible to sing that up there that's I mean that n is already like totally impossible to do but the e would be just it would just sound terrible so I just pretty much leave it out or do it very shortly and if I did everybody still understand that it's 9 so these are my tips for today you may alter the vowels but still be understood but you can alter them quite a bit without the meaning being lost so hope these tips helped you today I hope you have a wonderful day don't forget always keep on singing and always keep a song in your heart and if you haven't subscribed please do bye you
Channel: Freya Casey - Master Your Voice
Views: 11,127
Rating: 4.9179487 out of 5
Keywords: how to sing, how to sing better, how to sing high, singing tutorial
Id: 4akkObje4fA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2016
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