Most Common Singing Mistake How To Sing Better

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hi I'm Erin with superior singing method and this is most common singing mistake how to sing better okay welcome back this is most common singing mistake how to sing better and this is my first video at least at the time of filming this while in quarantine I'm not in a studio I'm actually at my house so I'm excited let's do this I've got a couple of cats in this room so you may end up here in the cats I mean any number of things can happen a motorcycle might drive by we have no I mean the sky is the limit on possible things that are gonna interrupt this video but it doesn't matter because we're gonna learn what is our most common thing I'm saying maybe not the most common singing mistake but this is really high up there on the list of a common singing mistake that if you can if you can figure this out it's really gonna help you a lot okay so this particular one is one that I can still struggle with if I'm not careful if I'm not thinking about it and which reminds me I do want to say that you're not thinking why you're singing I mean you are but technically you're not thinking about your singing while you're singing and maybe you are maybe you're like no I totally do my point is we don't want to be thinking about our singing while we're singing we just want to sing freely right and that's that's so this becomes a left-brain right-brain kind of conversation if we're thinking and judging and criticizing or singing while we're singing we're in our left brain we don't want to be in our left brain because that's just all the critical and all the technical and all that kind of stuff we want to only be in that area while we do our exercises which is why it's really important to do our exercise so we can work on all the technicals and all that while we're doing our exercises so then when we sing we can be in our right brain which our right brain is just free flowing it's not it's not critical it's artistic it's creative it's all those kind of things that's where we want to be so it's so important to do our exercises on a regular basis so that we can work on our technique because what will happen is as we're working on the exercises in these different techniques during during the time of our exercise it is going to raise the level of our singing it's gonna raise the worst possible singing that we can do does that make sense here's what I mean it means that the more we do our exercises let's like our worst is somewhere around here right now this is as bad as our sink possibly be and then our best is you know whatever somewhere up here if we're here as we do our singing exercises the bottom the worst possible singing we can do begins to raise up as we do our exercises so then at some point as we're doing our exercises and doing a practising on a regular basis the worst we could do is somewhere up here it's actually really really really good and eventually the worst we can do is like excellent professional as we're doing exercise on a regular basis that's why it's so important do these exercises the basis okay so here we go let's jump right in so one of the most common singing mistakes is a raise lyrics this is this is larynx is actually my Adam's apple but in there basically housed behind there is our larynx and when we sing when especially during high notes see that's when we raise when you raise our lyrics it comes up and it really affects our singing in just about every way our tone suffers it's hard to it's harder to sing our notes it's certainly harder to sing higher notes but it's hard to stay on pitch when the larynx is up that high because what happens is when our rant lyrics raises up it begins to close our throat it closes our throat and so normally when we're singing high notes in a raised lyrics the notes begin to go flat like when we're singing off-key it's usually flat because of lack of air and lack of hair flow so we don't want to be so we want to keep the ideas to keep a stay there so we don't want to have it like really low low you're right this is a low layer huh this is a low low layer we're not necessarily looking for that we're looking for a steady lyrics somewhere around here now to be fair it will never stay completely steady because as you sing higher notes it's gonna want to raise up lower notes it's gonna want to go down but we want to keep it within you know a steady issue ange and not be super high and not be super low so I've got a couple of tricks for you to help keep a steady larynx now the first one is key adding in like a or like a kind of sound into basically any exercise like for example one common exercise is liberals right liberals you can do two hands oh yeah lift up the cheeks now what we can do in an exercise like this we can add a little bit of a sound and that sound is gonna raise the lyric it's gonna lower the larynx a little more than we want to right we're not gonna sing where I can actually sing with it that low but it's gonna help us be able to control or get some sense of control of where that lyrics is gonna be when we add a little bit of that so for the it's like adding just a little bit uh does sound to help keep that steady alright and another fun trick try that it's a I know it sounds a little confusing but it's a little easier than then it probably sounds you can't hear it when I'm doing the but underneath that I'm doing the UH at least the feeling and the shape in the back of my throat and mouth of what the creates okay so try that you can do that and then the second one is a yawn so notice like when I yawn so it's like oh really lowers lyrics now you're not gonna be yawning when you're singing right of course you're not gonna yawn what you sing but you can add in again that shape and that feeling in your throat when you're doing your exercises so that when you're actually singing you will know and have more control and get a feel for what it feels like to have a steadier larynx so for example let's say like name aim aim aim aim aim aim another kind of common exercise if you add a little bit of a yawn in there and this is gonna be weird and it's a little it's not perfect but adding like the idea of a yawn so like you know I like a Mae Mae Mae Mae Mae Mae Mae Mae Mae Mae Mae Mae Mae Mae just adding so it's not an actual yawn but it's that shape inside so you could try either one of those or both of those and that's gonna help keep your larynx steady and a little bit lowered while you're doing your exercises so that and you're thinking about it right now you're thinking about it and you know am i doing that right am i doing that that's great oh that's fine while you're doing exercise but then when you sing let it be alright brain don't let that critical analytical side of your brain take over just sing and enjoy yourself and trust that because you've been doing your exercises on a regular basis they are going to naturally show up and you're singing and help you to become a better singer because they are but we don't always notice that because we're we hear our voice all the time or like am i improving I don't know I don't know am I so anyway try these exercises keep that larynx steady but before you go I have created a quiz that's free for you if you click the link below and this is gonna help you find what your personal number one singing killer is there's just a handful of these singing killers and here's why it's so important to find out what yours is because whatever your number one singing killer is it's becoming a bottleneck and blocking other possible things that would help your singing it's but those aren't helping because we got to get this thing out of the way first and so fight to find out what your number one singing killer is click the link below created a quiz gonna take about 30 seconds so take the quiz and here's even better news once you take the quiz I'm going to send you whatever we find out what your number one singing killer is from the quiz I'm gonna send you another free video and that free video is gonna help fix what your number one singing killer is tailor-made to you specifically find out what your number one seeing killers and it's gonna help you fix it and this is so great because once you have that number one saying killer once you get that fixed it will begin allowing your voice to blossom and to skyrocket in the way that it was meant to be so click the link below take the quiz and then you know once you find out what you're seeing killers I'll send you that other free video to help fix it and then we'll just go from there and I've got a million exercise on YouTube and course my superior method program but for now let's just get let's work on this that we worked on you know these exercises we got today and take that quiz right now and then we'll just take it from there there's a lot more we can do but for now let's just do this one small thing we're all just sitting here at home right or at least right now I'm filling it in this video we're here in quarantine you know that stay at home stay safe things so what better time to work on your singing right so let's do it together so click the link below take the quiz get your free video after you take the quiz and fix that number one singing car okay click the link below I'll see you on the other side
Channel: SuperiorSinging
Views: 45,305
Rating: 4.9014578 out of 5
Keywords: #howtosing, #mostcommonsingingmistake, #singing, #vocal, #singingtips, #improvingmyvoice, #singinglessons, #voice, #musician, #singer, #songwriter
Id: wxAZxt19IeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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