Freya's Singing Tips: Vocal Warm-Up Checklist

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this is Freya with another singing tip thank you so much for tuning in today today I want to help you with your vocal warm-ups and for that I come up with a vocal warmup checklist so if you don't want to miss it please stay tuned I already made a few videos about vocal warm-ups because they are so important I put one out for a basic vocal warmup for advanced but I want to give you more like of a checklist style warmup because everybody's voice is different now there may be some elements that are the same but it gives you a better idea of the form that it a warm-up should have and the elements that it should consist of so here we go now this is the list that I've come up with and you can download this on my blog fry up singing tips come I will put the link below and you can download this for free for your own use and what I've done here I've laminated it because I'm just gonna give it to all my students too I think it's very helpful so let's go through those points number one depends on what time of the day it is and what you've done before so if your body feels really stiff and not well circulated if you just gotten up or you've not really done anything physical it's a really good idea to have a basic body warmup this could consist of some stretches and a little bit of just get your blood flow going and while I've never been a friend of I don't know stretching your shoulders rolling your shoulders for me rolling my shoulders puts more tension on them then then it does anything else you just have to find out for yourself what gets your body going without building up tension so you have relaxed body to start with but also one that's not all stiff number two start with your low voice now the most important thing is to start lower and softer what I always do is I just start humming a little bit anything that's low intensity for example do an exercise like this just try to go as low as you can do it very low intensity low volume and very relaxed voice don't think about registers too much just don't have a very tight vocal cord closure yet just do it in a very relaxed way just to kind of get your book cords vibrating and if there's any phlegm or mucus it'll kind of just vibrate that away by just awakening your vocal cords and getting the circulation going third you will move up to your middle voice go from the low voice to the middle voice still on low intensity low volume with not so much vocal cord closure yet very relaxed don't think about registers yet very relaxed you can do it on a hub or start opening vowels like so yeah are very relaxed very easy the thing is everything up to this point should feel very easygoing you need to kind of please your voice you need to do we kind of pamper it it's kind of like okay dear voice wake up and do what you love doing most number four now you can move into a more chesty register which means there's more vocal cord closure you bring them together more there's a little bit more tension for example yeah yeah yeah yeah go from the middle to the low end of your voice yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and so on and so on from the middle to the bottom don't go up yet and don't go fast yet go slow go with open bowels very controlled number five now let's turn up the intensity just a little bit go from the middle to the top in a more chest you register yeah or muy muy muy muy muy muy muy muy me the most important thing is don't do a very fast moving stuff yet that comes later and that's for support and accuracy now as you start filling your vocal cords get more flexible and a little bit more circulated you can increase the intensity and do faster moving exercises yeah yeah and so on and so on number six now before we go on to the really high building stuff let's do some breath leanness now the reason why I don't like to do real breathy sound in the very beginning it's just because your vocal cords aren't warmed up and there's not a lot of circulation and you tend to put too much pressure on which could hurt your vocal cords or make you a little bit raspy so I do this after the vocal cords are livid warm up now you can do the falsetto and the breath enos and something really soft with little vocal cord closure but higher intensity hey Hey and so on yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah so increasing intensity and practice your falsetto on the top or also even breathy sound when it goes a little bit lower number seven finally we have arrived at the middle to high belting now you go to your top intensity like go to the limit like on the bottom you went to the limit also go to the limit on the top notes now my rule is always try to sing one or two half steps higher in your warmups then you need to in your songs because if you try to push your voice in the warm-ups while you are really just concentrating on the technique your chances are so much better whenever you sing your songs to get that pitch that's just a little bit lower than you did it in the exercises without having to think about the technique so incredibly you know tense up and the worst thing is when you know a really high hard pitch is coming up and you're anticipating it it's almost guaranteed to not work then it's like okay now comes the high pitch ah oh and then it cracks just try to be a little bit more relaxed as you approach that high pitch no I would do some exercises like that armed too much singing yet I would be like doing the yelling and or yeah or yes yes yes yes yes oh oh oh so first of all do it kind of like in a slide down motion that way you don't kind of like just hang on that pitch yet and then slowly week will come to that extend the duration of those high Bell two pitches number eight even if you think you may not need it do practice your head voice it gives you a vocal chords more flexibility because there's different muscles and different parts of both of your vocal cords involved in making that register work so do your head voice it'll help you on the on your bottom and even in your belting I for example love to do the e even though some people may think it's hard it's great for singing head was hey you could also do some non singing exercises like oh do the siren whoo oh hello hello hello just do your head boys and play around with it a little bit and you will notice that your voice is so much better warmed up if you do the head voice number nine and now it gets a little bit more demanding do register changes for example go from chest voice to head voice in back yeah or even try to stay on one pitch and change from chest register to head voice yeah that's an awesome exercise it's so hard but it's awesome exercise to feel the difference and to gain a little bit of agility in your voice chest - falsetto yeah just anything that could come up in a song with register changes that go not suddenly and very quickly try to do it or even from low to high yeah yeah yeah just try to do anything that has quick changes involved it'll make your vocal cords more pliable and more agile now do some fast moving pitches it will really help you and I can only stress here how important that is to do those faster moving pitches for singing clean it will help you for your support and just for better control for example do a scale up or do a scale down yeah ah yeah you will probably realize that it's not that easy to be really clean yah yah not that easy but it's awesome exercises yah yah yah II me money oh yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah now optionally what you could do at the end of it really complete and comprehensive vocal warmup would be very long sustained high pitches just to increase your strength and stamina yeah Oh ah even experiment while you're doing the long one I tried to do that now try to experiment with a placement you know mourneth wrote more up more you know try to experiment with shapes with resonating space and so much fun actually in it makes you realize where the tone sounds the best also it helps you economize your airflow because when you try to sing very very long and high pitches you have to really concentrate on economizing in it will really help you on any songs that you are singing that have really long passages even if it's not just one long pitch but it's a phrase it'll really help you now another thing you could do is volume changes on one pitch that's the hardest thing ever like for example start the pitch loud and then get as soft as you can or vice-versa start as soft as you can and then get as loud as you can so hard because the placement changes with the volume and sometimes there are songs where you need that so it's a really good thing to practice and with that workout right now it's a real vocal workout this is really complete and comprehensive and if you do this on a regular basis I promise you I'm absolutely certain that you will see your voice make huge leaps so I just really wanted to help you gain a better understanding of what the voice needs in order to be warmed up first of all and also to get more agile to be more flexible and just to increase your abilities and I think it's even kind of fun when you do that you can also add whistle register just if you do work on it which is awesome add that to your list and just do a few exercises like I showed you my whistle register video just add that and you will see if you do that on a regular basis you will really notice some change in your voice even in your middle voice so I hope you will try out this vocal warmup and also download the checklist I have my link below it's free to download and I hope it helps you don't forget to subscribe to my channel and give me a thumbs up if you liked the video also let me know what else you like we make a video on I'm always glad for all your suggestions and I'm always happy if I can help somebody also check out my periscopes and pretty much unscared periscope everyday from Monday through Friday um first of all singing a song and second of all talking about an issue that has to do with singing and singers so do check out my periscopes you can find me there at musical tryout I wouldn't get a pillow you have a wonderful day and don't forget to always keep a song in your heart and always keep on singing
Channel: Freya Casey - Master Your Voice
Views: 36,934
Rating: 4.9679298 out of 5
Keywords: warm-up, vocal warm up, vocal warm-up, voice warm-up, voice warmup, voice warm up, singing warm-up, singing warmup, singing warm up, how to sing better, how to improve your voice, learn to sing, singing tutorial, singing tips beginner, singing tips beginners, singing lessons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2016
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