Freya's Singing Tips: How to sing louder

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hi this is Fran with another singing tip thank you so much for tuning in today today I want to talk about how can you get a louder voice because a lot of times singers think well I can sing fine but I think my voice is just my loud enough how to fix this problem if you want to find out stay tuned now before I get into any technical stuff let me say a few things now first of all remember your vocal cords consist of muscles so one component of being able to sing louder is certainly training it's not going to happen overnight so your overall volume will really increase with training I used to have not a strong voice at all when I was younger and I could sing very well but I did not have a very strong and loud voice however over the years this really changed just because I trained so much and I trained in opera for many years and then I trained just by singing in bands and in combos and with orchestras and my voice became stronger so that's one big element of what it's going to take for your voice to get stronger one day also what I realized is that the healing in my voice like after I sang a whole lot or after I have a cold that also goes onto my vocal cords the healing time is so much shorter because my vocal cords are trained and those muscles are always being worked so don't underestimate the fact of just working those muscles and always using them so having said that let's talk about how to increase your volume a lot of times even when your sing with a mic you may have the feeling that your dynamic range like you can sing softly but you can't really get extremely loud and while it's good to have a large dynamic range which means to be able to get soft and loud you need to be very careful cause you should not sing unsupported and so here is the first element the first element of being able to sing louder is definitely support support support support now in order to support really really well make sure whenever you inhale your ribs go way out like your tummy your back everything that's around your lungs needs to expand and then when you breathe out don't collapse try to hold those muscles in place and what this will do is it will increase the pressure of that air column that passes through the vocal chords and that will help you produce a much louder note like let me demonstrate to you so if I just really am i if I'm too relaxed yeah and if I went any louder now I would put a lot of strain on the vocal cords because I did not support now just by raising myself up standing straight and really expanding the ribs and holding my midsection very tightly I can really increase the volume yeah just by getting that breath enos out of your pitch you already have so much more umph you have so much more energy and it just cuts through so much more now the next element that's really important is resonating space and that's one thing that a lot of singers underestimate because you see in the end it's not about how loud you can be like in decibels but what frequencies you can produce that really cut through it all for example when you sing with a band or an orchestra like all these instruments that play around you you need to be able to produce frequencies with your voice that cut through that you can still be hurt above all that and that's the main reason why you want to sing louder or sing with better frequencies that way you can be heard and I'll I have experienced it in my life many times that I'm the director initially thought well I don't know if your voice will be loud enough over the orchestra but you know what I had a tenor standing right beside me and he was so incredibly loud when you stood right beside him like I mean really loud it was like deafeningly loud but whenever you heard the recording afterwards on the video recording of the whole concert or the Opera it was like you can hear my voice above his voice like it had those frequencies that cut through and you could hear it over the whole Orchestra and his voice though it was loud when you stood right beside him it didn't cut through and that's so important so what you need to do in order to get those really necessary and important frequencies to cut through to be above ISM and I have a video about the ping in your voice that's really the main thing I need to make sure that first of all your jaw is relaxed because when you don't relax your jaw the space that's inside of your mouth doesn't it can't be around at space it's very tense and it just doesn't make a round space in order for you to have a lot of resonating space you need to be able to have a round space like your jaw shouldn't be opened actively but you should just let it fall and then also relax your tongue relax your jaw just let it fall let gravity take it and so the difference between just being tense yeah ah it's like I could try to get louder and put strain on the vocal cords but it still wouldn't cut through I would just hurt myself but if I relaxed here yeah it just produces much more of those frequencies that really cut through it has a lot more overtones which gives the tone a lot more brilliance and brightness and that's what's going to be heard and that's what everybody wants to hear right now another important thing is to not push on your throat don't just push your vocal cords try to have a bright barrel so whenever you think you're not quite cutting through try to change your vowel around just a little bit and it really helps sometimes just let's take the song rather be okay it goes really high and it goes on those no no no no no place I'd rather be no no no no no so I'm probably not in the right kids I think a little bit higher but um the thing is that no no no no those high pitches right there they can get so much easier if you just change the vowel around to where it's very open and let me just show you the difference no no no no no place I'd rather be no no no no no place I'd rather be now let me open it up no no no no no place I'd rather be no no no no place I'd rather be so I mean I'm not gonna be that loud if I really did it but if I would really want it to get loud and cut through I would just have to change the No - no just open it up more and that way you have so much more resonating space and the sound could travel into your head and all those nice cavities in there and that's really the secret to being more efficient with your voice in what you want to do all the time is no matter whether your sing loud or softly you want to say any energy you want to save your vocal cords from you know having to do too much work because these are the components that we're out of quickest and the fastest and the easiest and these are the parts of your voice that wear out the quickest then they are very fragile so you want to be very careful on those right here and instead increase you know your workload on like if your support your abs it can do tons of work and it's not going to hurt anything and also your resonating space just be intelligent about it and about the sound so these were my tips about how to increase your volume which sometimes it's really necessary in order to be heard another thing that I'm going to say just be careful a lot of my students they sing with bands and what I notice all the time and what they tell me is just like a lot of times the key they sing it in it is too low and then when you have to sing move all the time it's really hard to be heard over the rest of the musicians you really need to be sure that you're singing it in a key that's right for you that way you can in have that ping otherwise you're gonna sing yourself to death if you no no no no and if you just push on those lower frequencies quite a lot it's really hard to cut through so make sure you don't seem too low and also and that's something I don't know a lot of musicians and to me a good band is one that plays together not competing with each other and a lot of times it seems like whenever you play with other musicians everybody just wants to be heard and everybody just wants to get even louder and play up a storm on their own instrument but they don't listen to one another and they don't listen to the whole overall sound so I hope these tips could help you a little bit today I hope you have wonderful day and don't forget to check back next Tuesday I upload another video about how to sing song and of course every Friday I have my singing tips and if you have not already subscribed to my channel I would really love it if you left me a comment or something like that have a wonderful day and don't forget always keep the song in your heart and always keep on singing bye
Channel: Freya Casey - Master Your Voice
Views: 58,505
Rating: 4.951807 out of 5
Keywords: how to sing, how to sing louder, how to sing loud, singing tutorial, how to sing better
Id: JxkyBZ0vLHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2016
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