FRANK KERN: How To Go From Broke Salesman w/ $0 To Making Millions Online! 🤑 (MUST WATCH INTERVIEW)

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hi i'm frank kern and we'll washed-up rock and roll guitar player a college dropout a failure as a construction worker and a roofer but also the most sought-after direct response marketing consultant on the planet and I'm one of the passionate view I love doing an interview with no more man it was great a lot of times I don't want to do interviews like this because people ask dumb questions and he asked um he asked important questions with the end goal in mind being to be genuinely helpful to the audience which I really respect and appreciate if you were asked the one thing I hope that someone gets out of watching this interview is concrete proof that if I can be successful damn near anybody could as well as some simple step-by-step strategies that any business could take to build a bond and create goodwill in their marketplace and ultimately will get more customers welcome to this episode of the passionate few podcasts today it's your host Omar here and today we have a very special interview is we get to sit down with none other than the number one most sought after direct response marketer on the planet Frank Kern in this interview Frank shares with us his incredible journey about growing it from humble beginnings and ultimately trying a bunch of odd sales jobs before finding massive success and generating millions of dollars online including being one of the most elite marketers on the planet when it comes to promotion and also helping people like grant cardone and Tony Robbins build their personal brands as well so you'll want to sit back relax enjoy this interview that combines humor with education as well as the psychology it takes to not only move people to action and persuade them to make their lives better through your products and services but also how you can apply some very simple systems to not only make more money but have more fun in the marketplace so with no further ado sit back relax enjoy this incredible interview with none other than the godfather of online advertising and marketing himself Frank currant enjoy thanks for being on the show today Frank that was really something absolutely no managers don't have to do anything else there's no say that that's it wait so yeah so let's get right into your story a lot of people may or may not know what you've done digital mark you've been in the space for almost two decades now yeah helping some of the most elite entrepreneurs in the digital space including people like Tony Robbins so you've worked with a number of others but before you became known as this digital marketing guru talk to me a little bit about where you grew up and sort of what your childhood was like and how you sort of started on your path to entrepreneurship well my parents were horrible and abusive people know I've got four children so I've got like you know four good opportunities for at least one of them to say that about me childhood was great man parents divorced super young like two or something my mother moved down to the Florida Keys with me when the earliest memories I have was being on a speedboat that was owned by the student named Jimmy my mom worked as a secretary for real cool guys red speedboat he would take us out on the speedboat down in a marathon in Key West turns out the cop was like this huge coke dealer ended up on the FBI's top ten most wanted list so it was a very exciting and interesting childhood our family wasn't involved in anything like that it was random it was like really hey in that the dude that used to know mom was like yeah he kind of was into some other shady stuff it's pretty cool you know my my father was for lack of a better word of a professional outlaw who didn't commit crimes he was not a civilian he did not work in the in the normal world he I don't know if he ever had a nine-to-five job when I was alive or be born now obviously um and my stepfather of which I've had two my first one was a boat mechanic so I largely grew up around boats you know and worked at a marina as a kid pretty brief standard-issue normal stuff uneventful did you ever aim to be an entrepreneur or where was that seed plan because I know you had a few sales jobs coming up before you got into digital marketing so talking about your first couple jobs and what would that for a was like dude the first time I knew I wanted to make money for real was there was this toy called slime whoever invented this wasn't brilliant because that was his crap that they sold in a trash and I wanted some of that so bad and I was like mom I guess I'm gonna I gotta get that slime and uh she was like well you got to pick up palm fronds in the yard if you pick up enough palm fronds of buying some of this slime I don't think she ever had any intention to bind me the slime because I picked up what seemed to me like 27,000 palm fronds she's like no I don't know but that was when I got outside if I do something I can get money and I can buy the stuff that I wanted and that was probably second or third grade and then I remember having it wasn't a job is like fund raising stuff where you sell the candy bars you know door-to-door and everything you're that annoying kid and I sold all of them like immediately it was like this son this seems to be a pretty good thing you know see what people want see if they'll give you some money for it and it was pretty interesting because that's probably how you started your foray into the relationship selling which you've come to be known for online whereas instead of just making offers you more about building a relationship with your customers building a relationship with your audience and that good sense of goodwill like you call it give the audience a little bit of context people who might not know exactly what you do you know what is it that Frank Kern on a day to day does and what is it you're known for in the digital marketing space for people who might want to fill in the blanks there yeah you know I've been at it so long now I have no idea what I've known for 20 years so I'm like most of the guys are at it you know a couple years in and I'm known as the Facebook guy or an Instagram guy or whatever is man who knows you know known for but um what I try to do and actually practice is to create a really a very large audience of people that I help a lot who will then buy stuff from me in spite of my horrible ineptitude when it comes to actually trying to sell stuff because I consider myself a terrible terrible salesman I hate sales so I said my earlier jobs were sales I couldn't stand I was bad at it why do you think you become so successful at selling online whereas most people get stuck because I put in the work to deliver the results in advance to people so yeah I got into this business after my last job which is 1999 I was a door-to-door credit card machine salesman it the only reason I was a door-to-door credit card machine sales was because I had no skills I've been a musician up until that point it dropped out of colors kicked out of college would you get kicked out for that not going apparently if you don't go you're not welcome before you can't just send the check yeah what were you studying or what was your plan in college I started as pre-pharmacy because I wanted to be around drugs although swear to God oh that hey this is a great job because he could take all the drugs I was before I dawn to me they probably counted them or something yeah but that involved math and chemistry and then so I was a business major and you know I've probably literally attended like 40 actual hours of college so I took like three business classes as I here's how to write a memo doesn't really make any sense so it tried pre-veterinary medicine for like 20 minutes you know music for probably an hour and a half yeah but there's nothing I just sort of dabbled in things I didn't know what to do I was I was trying to avoid having to go back to menial jobs cuz you know I started work him like for real working in a job when I was in fifth grade pumping gas that our family's marina and I didn't like it very much then then I was a porter at my grandfather's car lot and the porters to do that just does all the crap nobody wants to do so I wash cars go running I didn't like that either how old were you at that time 16 so and then I was a desk clerk at a hotel throughout high school so I go to high school and get out at 3:00 and that work as a desk clerk in the hotel until 11:00 I wasn't like the Ritz or anything with some shitty hotel makeup George every piss tall there till 11:00 at night kid it sounds like oh man I don't like any of this stuff so the reason I went to college is was to do something bigger than this just to not even bigger than what it's like at least in the moment I can say I'm in school and hopefully not have to do this stuff my parents will like fall for this yeah which lasted like a month you know so I ended up you know tried all kinds of jobs it did horrible and finally was just like when you're out of stuff to do you're either going back into food service or construction or whatever which I've done both of those or you're door-to-door sales because they'll take anybody in door-to-door says yeah I've actually been door door sales as well so I relate to that you get good was it but if you get good out of here you're done so I remember I was kicked out of like literally leave type of situations and so I get online typing how to sell credit card machines by ourselves I didn't have a cell credit card machines online and that's when I like saw you know my first self stuff on the internet course in the I bought it and that was the end of it for me I was I was hooked how much was that first course she bond to 97 really yes corey rudl what i wish i could remember the name of it anyway was awesome it was a really good course you know and I bought and I met him oh why dude I bought your stuff and he's looking at me like get the [ __ ] away from ya I don't know you you know why are you talking to me but yeah that was it so real quick talk to me a little about the sales jobs leading up to that because I know you had a few sales jobs and some fun experiences leading up to the credit-card machine thing right yeah so sales - I was a telemarketer I was a used car salesman I was a new car salesman I was a door-to-door credit card machine salesman in every one of those environments and this is not true of all sales environments now that I've learned you know but in every one environment that I was in it was an adversarial environment they did not want to talk to me right no one was going I can't wait to go talk to this dude yeah yeah so it was really negative anchor and like all kinds of weird stuff dude I worked at a car lot that was run by these these two brothers one was a five-time convicted felon his last felony conviction was machine gun trafficking the other one went to Vietnam and described this fun Wow and so I was working in their car line which was a single-wide trailer and I remember it was right when the riots happened and they were very very paranoid about riot damage being done to their stuff so they gave me a tec-9 pistol and put me in the back of this van the door cracked to cover the lot and to them and they were armed to the teeth in case anything happened this is like day number two good job you know and I smoked cigarettes back there was obviously I don't care for this career at all when I was a credit card machine seller probably the most famous story from that is I was went to call in a strip club in the middle of the day which is awesome day as I go in there and they wanted credit card machines and I'm talking to the owner and he's huge like strangely you don't typically in my experience that strip club owners are not nice well-mannered people yeah nice enough guy with this big scary freaking dude talking to him and as is him his wife and then I here's a desk here's me dude wife I'm talking about credit card [ __ ] and I look over in the the what there's a photograph of the wife just but ass [ __ ] and it's right here so here's the wall and this and this is just full on the promised land is right there don't wait don't look at it don't look at it and you know but this is it's right there and he's just looking at me like it was no good so was your intention with doing selling or sales jobs was it to make more money than just the traditional you know civilian jobs are like what was the motivation for you like to make money absolutely wanna get rich really so it was just a matter no college I've been in a music rock'n'roll band for four years was on the road so that you know the resume was past experience roofer rock and roll guitar player in parentheses woefully bad education none yeah what am I gonna do so it was that or go back to working in a restaurant or you know roofing houses or whatever so I didn't have like that I wanted to make money but it wasn't a burning wasn't well thought out I mean the desire was there but not as much as the desire to party and just [ __ ] off and not have to do anything yeah have a good time so I didn't get started for any noble reasons so you didn't really have your first success in cells with physical products it was more when you transition to the digital so you mentioned that you purchased that first course for 297 yeah and then what happens then so it's all mostly if someone handed me a check by a checklist of all the stuff not to do I would have done every single thing on the checklist so this is mm and it was 1999 I'm sorry sorry by the course 1999 the course says something like really really really good information and then on page 92 there's a sentence it says in theoretically speaking if you send spam you can sell stuff and I might no I'm pretty sure what that guy just said is I should send a lot of spam cuz that's the easiest possible thing to do so I became a spammer 1999 selling this product it was a cd-rom that had like a three thousand or two thousand reports on it about random things like cooking pet care and the hook was you could resell these reports if you want to or you could even resell the cd-rom itself and so I bought it from a website that basically made the same sales argument so I send out a billion pieces of spam around that how did you get the emails to send out the spam because that's your time all right yes selling products just want to give context to the audience yeah so basically sending spam emails of offering products and figuring if I send to so many some will buy which was sounds like on the surface like a good idea this is before can't spam it wasn't illegal but right I wouldn't was but dude it was so hard a thousand times harder than actually I placing an ad I didn't know and I didn't actually I never wanted to work you know so I didn't put in the I didn't put in the effort to learn the DIMM actually like seriously i corey rudl course was good i think i bought it and i became very successful but i probably only paid attention to the one thing that said theoretically as possible that if he spits in spam you might sell something and totally misinterpreted that yeah yeah so it was extremely difficult you had to like buy the email lists which were on CD from the email dude you know and it was always like a PayPal thing or a wire transaction or whatever and then you have to buy the spam software from the software guys and then you had to relay the spam itself through I'll get there like slightly techie through open SMTP mail relays that in like China or something that would not reveal the IP of the original sender and say yeah that and then you couldn't put a website in there all right because the website we get shut down because it was sent by spams I have to make it to where if you're interested email this email me at this address and the email address would always be like an overseas version of hotmail like one six three dotnet or something which was all in Chinese so you'd have to figure out how to sign up for these damn things in Chinese then there was a program that would go up check the email pull it down off of there sir the dudes saying yes I'm interested and then add it to an autoresponder list and then email those guys from a real autores hey here's the thing Wow dude it was like as in like any other context where someone's trying to take the easy way out yeah it is seven million times harder than actually doing the work but it actually started working so you did start making money yeah I didn't make a ton of money but I didn't have to go door anymore do you remember your first couple sales or your first month in revenue without yes right I remember not having to be in the credit card business anymore yeah and it was October of 1999 so once I started it it's probably three weeks I was done you know and I wasn't or any more and I was making maybe five or five or six grand a month or so anyway yeah nothing big yeah me I was 20-something years old but it was it was like dream come true yeah hey you know we had a score baby it was all passive so you were starting to learn what that was it seems like it would have been but I'm having to monitor all these females around constantly worried about getting my account shut down and like you know nobody likes a spammer again it wasn't illegal at the time so then I started buying the concept behind the CD was you buy this information and then you can resell it and that's what made it sellable I was like damn you know maybe I could sell other stuff like that too so I went out and sort of buying reprint rights that's what it's called - Direct Mail courses and I remember I bought like everything I could all these Gary Halbert seminars and everything so I would start selling those as well buy spam who's the digital marketer copywriter right none in that space for direct response Gary how about ya at Direct Mail actually so I bought a lot of old-school Direct Mail seminars and stuff and then would resell those through spam and finally and this is 2002 so I mean it's like three years of just bludgeoning you know that's not back-breaking in comparison to roofing houses all right yeah dude I had a job once sort of my job was to sledgehammer huge pieces of airplane engines into small bits yeah and then separate different types of metal noted that yeah yeah that was way harder than what I would describe you yeah um no still hard as hell you know right like conceptually so one dime I was looking at this is 2002 and this is when ebooks started becoming popular right did the concept of ebooks with master reprint rights became popular which was if you buy this book this ebook you can resell it but you can also grant others the rights to do the same that's called master reprint rights which is pretty cool and I like I bought one for 19 dollars or whatever and by now I'd built up a list of people who had responded to my spam you know so I've got this tiny little email list which is now quasi legitimate because they voluntarily after being spammed said okay you can continue to spam me I know you and again deceive context the emails that you were collecting were ones they were purchasing she were purchasing these I'd started CD with millions of emails on them and I'd send them out and it would say like hey do you want to learn how to sell stuff on the Internet send an email to this address - and then all this other crap would happen and it would be added to an autoresponder beautifulness so I end up with a list like 5000 people out of a gazillion email you got telling you I hope to god and no one watches and goes oh that sounds like a good idea worst idea ever yeah right so by the twenty dollar look or whatever and it came with the master reprint right so I just took the same sales letter I bought it from emailed my little list about it and I made like I can't remember dearly nine hundred bucks or something in a day and I never made nine hundred bucks in a day then it was all digital and so there's no fulfillment and when I was selling the Direct Mail stuff the CD have to all these boxes of [ __ ] you know I was like oh my god this it like just happened where I actually had this dream of get money and don't do anything yeah yeah you're starting to taste a little bit of that yeah yeah they said that I was like wait a minute there's all kinds of these little ebooks out there I think I'm gonna buy you know five or six of them yeah and combine them into one package and then sell that doesn't a jumbo package yeah yeah and for less money than one would have to pay if they bought them all individually and that became my first big hit and first and hopefully last ever encounter with the federal government really that was the one they got me in trouble yeah so you know I wouldn't take it back for any reason ever well what year was it at that time 2003 so this happened in 2003 yeah so in your packaging it can you get into like what that revenue was or anything it was nothing it was I mean nothing prepared Lee speaking now I think I ever it was $600,000 yeah you know and what and the reason I got in trouble is my website said my little websites made a hundred thousand dollars and you can too and there were no disclaimers on the air and this was called an unsubstantiated income way I didn't know there was such a thing as a Federal Trade Commission until they sue me yeah like I was just did total [ __ ] started out in my laundry room ended up in a toolshed yeah one night when I got sued I was standing outside of the tool shed which had been converted to a guesthouse and there were two that means they put an AC unit no window buddy you know the window my tool shed then you know this dude comes up he's like you Frank hurtle me yeah and he's like this is free the guy this looks dejected having a hand that's not 11 pounds of paperwork yeah what the hell is this I don't train Commission who are those dudes oh these are very these guys are real pissed off of me right now yeah and you know and so never say like and you can to get your stuff reviewed kids yes but that's what you know that's what really that was how I got started it was doing that kind of stuff and I get my head caved in and bouncing back from it love it and then you made a bounce back in a massive way in the digital marketing spaces you know you had many programs that were mega hits and the millions of dollars in revenue but talk to me a little bit about why you think your approach to selling is has been effective compared to other people whereas you know you focus more on relationship selling it versus other people who just throw offers and run ads talk to a little bit to the audience about you know what you think about your approach has been so successful well I just think I'm better than everybody else you know I mean Mork here's mad ache more humbler all right good where they don't write good no to me selling is really hard and then so I have a really bad connotation with it from personal experience getting thrown out of the strip club in thrown restaurants and just horrible so it always occurred to me that if I can get them to want it really really bad before I offer it to them I don't have to be that good at sell it you know so that that's the the basis of the thing and so if we accept that to be true that like okay if someone really likes you and what's the thing you got before you ever try to sell it to them then the question becomes what do I need to do to make them want it really really bad and there's a lot of stuff you can do you could you know try to look cool and that wasn't gonna work and or have a lot of people say you're cool and I don't want to do that because that that goes into like more unsubstantiated stuff you're liable for what other people say affiliates and all that stuff or you could just help them so I was like wait a minute if and I really learned it and doing like campaigns for other people it's like alright if a guy wants this result and I helped him get some of those results in advance of ever asking him for money he's gonna want to want the end result even more so like the closer like so this is his end goal and he starts here and I'm moving him here the closer he gets to the end goal the more he wants it so the whole philosophy became based on something I call results in advance which is just man if we just help people get what they want in advance of asking for the money by the time he asked him for the money they've already got such a strong taste of it that you don't have to be that good so yeah if you do the work upfront you don't have to close hard on the back end yeah and that's what separates because people don't want to do the work upfront thank God why do you think most marketers don't don't know I'm not gonna let that gift horse in the mouth guys it doesn't work I just got lucky it only worked for me y'all keep on doing what you do yeah I think that they want the immediate gratification mmm the customer now versus building a relationship and getting the customer in the long run yeah yeah they just yeah you know in direct response people model each other so and especially today and I feel like I'd say this names I've been doing so long you have new people modeling new people modeling new people and so the fundamentals are left behind yeah you know looks like that's why we got Claude Hopkins on the wall right behind you Gary Halbert you know in Albert Lasker and this like that's why these guys are here and David Ogilvy to remind me like hey it's not this was way bigger than us you know the right response has been around for she had 100 something years now longer actually goes back to the 1700s so the money's always been in the relationship you know talk to me a little bit about your concept of intent-based branding yeah all right so cuz that's what you've come to be known for that's your like core thing after 20 years right you've told me that off camera I'm aware we're talking about it that that is if there's anything that's tried-and-true is that I would describe it as the single most powerful thing that I've ever seen and is really embarrassing you know because I think it's been so painfully obvious I can't believe it never dawned on me I don't even think I discovered this you know I think I just systemized this process so for years I've always thought branding was stupid you know I grew up reading caught Hopkins Halbert Dan Kennedy and all these hardcore direct-response guys and to me branding was a trick that Madison Avenue ad agencies would play on big businesses to get them to spend more money on ads so they can can make the Commission right and that's kind of how direct response and branding people look at each other it's like you know we're all my kind of looking sideways what are the branding guys like you sleazy ask direct response just ugly and you're making these huge claims and we're like you guys don't even make any return on your ads you know yeah but both sides are right in many ways so intent based branding means deliberately with the intention to ultimately sell something sooner rather than later controlling how someone thinks or feels about you your brand of your business prior to them ever seeing an offer that's really the definition of it is I want to sell that guy something but before I try I want them to think X Y & Z and not through manipulation or any kind of [ __ ] you know it's I want to demonstrate the value to him in advance and that's really what intent-based branding is and we can do it now really really easily because of Technology and social media you know it used to play the old ways to be get someone on an email list email a bunch of videos and stuff and then maybe they'll like you and then maybe they'll buy your stuff and um that still works but now you can just put the content right in front of them on Facebook or Instagram wherever yeah and there's no barrier to that relationship and then the the way those platforms work is dude watches your stuff today you can say hey show that same guy more stuff tomorrow and and so that powers the whole equation so for people watching whether they're experienced digital marketers or maybe new people who are getting into the digital marketing space offering their products and services what would be your best advice be specifically your tangible steps 1 2 3 I know you mentioned you know putting out the free content and then retargeting people who've enjoyed the goodwill of that content because you can you know pixel and track it but can you get people like just some quick bite-sized step Frank Kern step 1 2 3 on how to build a successful internet campaign I was just a lot wrong these are the 3 simple steps to make money online even if you have no product list or skill and 30 days or less guaranteed without working that's not really true I'm joking that's inside earlier that it does sound like a typical internet marketing headline doesn't it yeah absolutely process to guarantee here's how to clone my simple billion-dollar process um 100% money back guarantee yeah yeah yeah good lord what else can we say to get in trouble um alright so step number one is interesting and that is who do you want right so we're really lucky now today you know as we're heading in into this year and god it's only gonna get better you can get in front anybody now you know I mean everybody that has money to spend is on Facebook Instagram YouTube listening to podcast on linked and it doesn't matter like they're on there there is no barrier anymore so the first step is to really get clear on who you want because you could get anybody you know so and that question is answered by who's most likely to pay you the most with the least resistance what type of persons that's the first step because everybody is a dumb answer do it you know it's like who exactly what kind of person and it's not based on what anyone else has done and what so-and-so says it's really that question who is most likely to pay me the most right now with the least amount of resistance so that's them so the second question is what do they want you know we real important because if less we give them a taste of that we ain't gonna get them they the only way to get them without giving them a taste of that as being an unbelievably good marketer which I am not so I wouldn't know how to advise someone to do that you know it's like forget it is the too hard so we got to go and like do the old demonstrate you can help them by actually helping them trade so now the question becomes alright well if we accept that to be true you know how do we how do you do it and the the shortest answer to that is to find the answer to this question which is what must we demonstrate to be true in order for them to want to do business with us and that the answer to that question with the other ones in mind dictate what the hell you say and the content yeah you know so if a guy once I discovered this and helping someone sell a dating advice product for men in 2005 or 6 I think that you know that guy that guy in basement wants beautiful girl alright so ok what must we demonstrate to be true for him well that he can he has the self-confidence to talk to them he can go up and actually get their phone numbers without them macing him and he can go on a date with him without throwing up on himself right yeah it you know I say that jokingly but so many dudes yeah we're just horrible at it that's the whole invention of sports cars I think you know which we'll get into cuz you're big on rolls-royce by the way I know yeah the two rolls-royce level my company does I don't have any own property it's so like if we say all right what do we got to demonstrate to this guy it's that yeah did you you can know how to talk to them and they won't mace you and so the way to demonstrate that is to be like hey man try this take the Darth Vader costume off shower comb hair shave walk up and say hi I'm Frank see what happens and then they do it and then the girl doesn't mace them and they're like okay alright what do I do now because they did see in the light at the end of the tunnel he's you know it's like the starving person getting the width of the the food in the restaurant they want to get that restaurant wars so then he says alright well next thing he's got to demonstrate to be true is that he can actually have a conversation with them and they won't may sit look I'm an so here's what you say after you say hi and she doesn't mace you try this how's it going I was your day and see what I get groundbreaking stuff it's always this simple but yeah so you know and then and then finally all the way up to how to get the number and by the time the guys got the number using this whole metaphor then it doesn't for you to sell him the dating course it's not gonna be very difficult cuz he's like I got the number now what ideas like odd dude you need the course yeah yeah this course because you've got she's your corner tomorrow yes so that's a powerful point I want people watching the show to take notes or you know really get this down because but Frank's talking about here is giving out free value before asking for anything returned like you said actually helping people this revolution is yeah I call it the oldest trick in the book demonstrate you can help him by actually helping him Trey that'll teach him right there now let me ask you this because a lot of people watching this whether they be digital marketers or you know entrepreneurs trying to sell their own information products in whatever context as more and more people are doing this but like a lot of them are afraid to give out free value because they want to you know save it for the course um so what's your what's Frank currents philosophy on you know should you leave with your best stuff should you keep some you know some of your best content for your actual course do you lead with value I mean what's what's your best advice over 20 years of being in the marketing space on give as much as you possibly can there is a caveat though alright and it's not around the quality of this stuff what you want to do is give anything you can I really do anything you can do to help them because ultimately they're the people aren't buying information or whatever they're buying time yeah that organized in that thing you know so you give them whatever you can but the thing you want to avoid is making it too complicated so like if I was trying to sell a course on the list building or something I say hey here's the templates to use here's the here's the layout to use here's what to say I would not say here's how to format HTML on the landing page because then I'd lose them they'd be like this is horrible I was born by that I would put that in the course if they have to know it but there's no way I would include that in the freakin cuz they'd be like this sucks this is boring you know so yeah give him absolutely everything you can boehner checking I'd disagree on that I don't know him yeah but it's like I want to publicly disagree with him about this so he can take my money okay so ultimately this is just a ploy for me to get Boehner time to take my money I was listening to him on one of his podcasts which I enjoyed very much and he was like yeah you know the reason I don't sell information courses is because I don't want to have to filter what I'm saying and reserve my best stuff for other people noble I just don't think it's correct because I would love to learn a lot of stuff from him but I don't have time to listen to 700 million hours where I would happily pay him a couple of grand if he was like oh yeah here's the stuff organized and just the things that you want even if it was freely available online somewhere I don't care yeah very good I just want to buy that forty hours that I don't have to spend waiting you know through the thing so um please make the products I'll buy him at least one person like he needs the money you know but still yeah that makes sense now what about in terms of the Rolls Royce I know we talked a little bit about that what is it about the rolls-royce brand that a you love and B that the audience can get about the power of marketing dude this is there's a lot in the rolls-royce story so after like I'm you know hit pretty good success really quickly so got sued by the FTC was horribly embarrassing thankfully all my customers liked me so there was no public backlash people like screw you they're like damn we like that product we bought yeah yeah pretty nice guy oh thank you very much it means a lot so I stopped selling marketing I built up this big dog training company that worked great I sold it really you built the dodge fan company yeah yeah FTC sued me I was terrified yeah I don't want to as I use what I learned from all those Direct Mail courses to apply Internet advertising to sell digital products to teach how to train your dog because I was just scared you know you don't want get sued by these guys it's not like hey could you stop they like hey how's it going yeah there's no good there you just be cool with them so come back and and you know mass control hits less control hits and all that stuff it worked really really well and what is mass comes right I want to touch on that because for a lot of the audience or not reminders is one of your best pieces of work I've consumed it many people who consumed it but be sure that were about mass control and sort of what it was and what the intention of the program was and why I think also successful yeah it was the cooler sounding name than email copywriting you know ultimately what it was is how to do all the stuff that we're talking about deliver those results in advance build a relationship primarily through email yeah but mass control just sounds better yeah you know this is a better marketing so I ended up with with all this money and knew I didn't want to be a typical internet marketing guy because I always thought it was Mickey Mouse it's like yeah Howard just sell courses you know and just play have these gimmicky things so now the mass controllers give me keep I just didn't what I don't know just yeah I felt like I had more to offer so my cousin Trey and I he owns bill box which is an app building thing Trey's is so good at marketing he got bored with marketing and went into software selling it to the most marketing resistant audience in the world which is game developers the more successful at it so screw you Trey Oh being that easy for her yeah come on man I'm over here struggling so we're like dude listen listen start consulting you know let's give us some of them consulting clients because that sounds good that's legitimate sounding and at parties people will know what we're talking about we say what we do that's George ten grand a month all right you know let's do it so send out this direct mail piece and end up with a bunch of clients you know we got to do something coming to office never consult with anybody in my life as an actual paid consultant I've written stuff for people but never like okay let's come in and have a meeting and here's what you should do and processes and [ __ ] like that so our theory mainly mine was it if we have someone pick them up from the airport in a Rolls Royce it will somehow negate the fact that we have no freaking clue what we're doing that'll soften the blow right get there and they're like it's still you guys and you're still a couple of knuckleheads then they'll at least I will have the experience yeah ten grand a month yeah they could here less about the car everyone had a great experience we got good results right of them but I never didn't know what to do yeah I'd never done it and didn't have really the confidence here like what if I just got lucky can this stuff be applied to other businesses so I got the car my first one it was in 2009 I think whatever a long time ago then it was a phantom coupé and I bought it sight unseen at least it sight unseen was driving this BMW the time and the dude from the store calls me goes hey man you want at least the rolls-royce phantom like yeah he's like well it's you know 3,500 bucks a month for 11 months on this crazy special oh [ __ ] that's the same I'm paying for the BMW I don't swap him out and get that maybe the clients alike and you know the nationalisation voila get it it was my first wife at the time she hated it she was like I'm never gonna ride in that you look like a rapper I mean while I'm like this is awesome I look like a rapper totally Ted so driving around long white hair this thing you know this is a jay-z like smoking weed whole day you know immediately fell in love with the car and I have had them ever since you know that's amazing yeah but the reason I love them really is beside them being amazing cars as my all time marking heroes David Ogilvy and he wrote that campaign for them and he used to drive to client meeting someone wear a cape which I just can't pull off - I don't even gonna try the Cape yeah and I know there's also a powerful point about the actually the emblem on the car right yes I'm gonna screw it up the emblem was I don't think the mistress is the right term a love interest of one of the partners and someone had made a painting of her and the Spirit of Ecstasy was commissioned from that painting to represent his love for her and so it's still you know it's on every car which is cool so I'm like that's that's awesome and and I don't you on a separate podcast with bedros as a mutual friend of ours on the Empire podcast you talked about - that Rolls Royce is able to capture a story and create such a you know leader theatre intent-based branding you know of luxury sophistication in class can you talk a little bit about you know what marketers can learn from the marketing of Rolls Royce did their marketing now is really it's a Rolls Royce than its [ __ ] awesome you know but it was built like that what was what really built it was just a statement of fact about the car so if you look at Ogilvie's ad it's a statement of 13 facts about rolls-royce with zero pretense or anything so in a world and that's oh there's a lot to be taken from that which is number one just be the [ __ ] awesome yeah you know I mean this is like you don't have to sell a rolls-royce you know like should I buy it I don't know you want to drive it drives it [ __ ] this how much is it six hundred grand how much can I get for this kidney I got another one okay I'll take it you know they gotta have it so that sales process works well but it wasn't it wasn't always like that so what ultimately built that brand was ads like Ogilvie's which were purely fact-based which just told people like here's what the car is you know the cars coated with three coats of paint before it ever leaves the factory like they don't have the ad in front of me that if you look at it is I believe it's 11 or 13 pure statements of fact with nothing which is a big deal because a lot of people who are in marketing this again comes from that statement I made earlier which he got new guys copy a new guys copy and new guys which means everything's the amazing system that I use to get 50 billion dollars in 20 seconds you know what built rolls-royce was 13 simple statements of fact about an excellent product which speaks true to about what you talk about is just be very direct very simple yeah now talk to me a little bit about what you did with Tony Robbins I'm sure people would be interested what was it like working with Tony what's Tony like behind the scenes and what were some of the campaigns you worked with him on with marketing yeah this is great so um he became fascinated with online stuff and a friend of mine named Pam Hendrickson worked for him and shows she worked and developed content with Tony for 20 years I think so she's the one that got me into a meeting with Tony and the irony is I moved to La Jolla California because Tony's office was here and I wasn't trying to stalk Tony but my rationalization was well [ __ ] if Tony's here must be pretty cool that's what got me to random like literally just this idiot random yeah the other city wasn't he didn't know what he called the Del Mar castle or something like that at that time he lived in La Jolla yeah but so he did they live in Del Mar - but like I would get like my caller ID and Macon Georgia when his office would call to self because I said to La Jolla yeah and a corey rudl the guy whose course I bought also lived in La Jolla and I didn't know these guys yeah but I was like which is another powerful thing you know like that lemming kind of thing was somebody well I wasn't really didn't have proximity to them but I was like okay I'll do what they do cuz they want or they have what I want right and so it must be a pretty good place you know so I end up in this meeting with him and everybody say everyone's nervous and you know at the time I smoked weed every day constantly have super-long bleats white like from the Sun why they surfed all the time so at the time you're probably the most like rebel like marketer out that right because you're making millions of dollars through online market and smoking weed long hair Rolls Royce like you're definitely a typical in the marketing world at this time at that time yes yes yeah for sure and so I meet Tony and everyone's talking about what they do and I say something like well aside from being a professional model occasionally I write ads on the internet he and I just immediately hit it off because Tony's a regular dude I mean regular dude with superpowers you know but like at the end of the day he's super cool guy likes to joke around you know and everything so I hit it off pretty good and yeah I built some campaigns for him that that worked well but literally doing exactly what I'm talking about doing so the first one was um it was this product that was been really hard for them to sell the heck was it called I want to say creating lasting change but I can't remember it came in like it's a couple hundred bucks that's beautiful as like a black cloth binder thingy with silver pants mastering influnce know I know what you're talk about that was in the clamshell but it was and it wasn't Tony all the time was this other dude kind of like commentating on summit Tony's work and I was like man that's an excellent product let's sell a lot of that thing you know so he's like alright and I'll never forget it dude we're scripting him out in videos I don't write scripts I do it off the cuff you know so I just do bullet points and he's talking and I'm like saying alright say this and this just teach stuff you know nothing new and I'm on the ground like sniper crawling because he's I know he's about to get to the point was going to talk about a DVD and he doesn't have the DVD so I'm like a sniper crawling on the ground he's talking I guess is the point I'm talking about the DVD and I just make it to my hand in the DVD of off camera you know pixel you probably see my hand somewhere though giving it to him but it went it works really really well we built this campaign were the pure results in advance you know he sends out all these videos to his list had nothing to do with the product like here's this thing here's this thing here's this thing then when it kind of came time to sell he's like hey I hope you like those you know those videos I've been sending you it means a lot and I could really use your feedback on something I got this product we haven't really marketed it very heavily it's a little bit different I mean the old like demonstrate you can help them by helping them and then be up front he's like it's a little bit different and I'd love to send it to you and if you like it keep it and I'll bill you this and if you don't like it send it back and this $20 shipping or whatever and then I'll give you these bonuses and everything and it just crushed you know sold so much and I'm really happy to help sell he's an excellent product you know a really really helpful product there had been marketed horribly and then we created another one called new money masters and it's we're great yeah beautiful yeah and you know what are some takeaways you've gotten from Tony working with them directly personally I mean is the guy really like how he is you know on stage versus behind the behind-the-scenes like is he you know cool guy to shoot the [ __ ] with I mean what was it like off-camera with them totally cool yeah I would rather hang out with Tony than work you know Tony is no fun or anything yes like yeah I would totally if Tony was like hey dude you know I got a drive to wherever he want to ride with me yeah dude that's right for sure let's do it yeah yeah you know he's a he's a good normal he's not normal like you know it's like 15 people power yeah that's that was that is one thing I can tell you about him is his brain is like 70 normal brains so one of the interviews we did it was him and me and John John Reese I saw them on yes and so John's like level 50 genius yeah he died for he never talks to anybody is like one of the most introverted people ever if you can talk to that dude it's like yeah you should warn the entire world right now you know like this is on it's like holy crap so it's me and John and Tony and we start talking about this concept of an autoresponder and opt-in forms until you like and don't on stage his whole life so what was obvious to us was not obvious to him and dude he grilled us on every possible aspect of that for four hours just like you know we we were delayed four hours of the thing because he he had to know every detail not from like a weird thing but from like imagine that his brain is like this magnet and he it just sits next to the computer and pulls all the data off the computer data is still there but now there's a copy of it like that's how intense this guy's learning skills were I remember this being like holy crab that do you could probably go out right now and build the whole system because he has asked all these questions and retained all of the information was he writing them down or just internalizing that know he was internalizing them and Wow and I remember him saying like you know I don't really care about any of this stuff I just like I just like to help people my biggest payoff for me is that in person and I'm paraphrasing it's been years is that in person moment when he's on stage and talking to someone doing an intervention and he sees that shift he's like I've miss I'd do it for nothing yeah he's a good dude that's something else which is like saying you know water is wet I mean everyone Tony's a good guy I think anyone's gonna wall people no I changed my life many years ago Benji I name is Vince I agree tremendously now let's talk about your transition to some of the products you have now I know you help people you know with consulting you have a mastermind group can you talk a little bit about like what are some of the products and services you offer people now for those interested in learning more from you is this where I get to tell people why they should give me money part of it yeah I want it there it would be grand could really use it I live in California the taxes are very high yeah so it's it's weird I've done a lot of evolutions you know so I've got a book that works really really good how to use proper grammar and on interviews I don't think that's the right great really good it's really really good real good real good at right you're eating it right and inside for him this I have little things like that our core product is something called the inner circle which is a monthly thing where members get on with me every other Wednesday and I look at their stuff you know like I dude here's the like analyzing numbers form and copy I send out a physical newsletter cuz you know showing all of our test results for the month so I spend a lot of money on testing always testing new things it's my job pretty good job yes better than better than the old job so much easier than roofing houses it's like any time I was a bad day well could've been a reef in houses yeah that's hard man do your parents or do you ever like look back and think like whether it be parents or loved ones like ding who would have ever thought that dude smoking weed pain in the band dropping out of college would not make millions of dollars marketing online helping other people do the same like not what my parents know my father was a huge supporter for me and my mom was a supporter and my grandfather was my who I learned most of my stuff from was like he was very successful and treated me like it was normal and like of course here like it was yeah but not in like a pandering way like what the [ __ ] is wrong with you how come you're not dude what are you doing you're one of us come on we don't do this you know we don't go to I remember him saying what are they paying you to go to college like nothing he's like what the [ __ ] yeah you know and I remember my girlfriend at the time that was he invited me to dinner or something this is a pivotal moment for me I hope this isn't taking the wrong way if it is go [ __ ] yourself as my grandfather he was like hey what are you doing Saturday I'm like well I think she's got to work I'll see if she can get off working we can come he looks at me as like man I'd be embarrassed if anyone knew my girlfriend had to work I was like [ __ ] and then the key word there's had to yeah I'd say he wasn't misogynistic 'le saying women shouldn't work you know same like kind of provider are you it has to and that was just like that was probably the turning point the hell that's a true statement you know I'm not pulling my weight around here was there any key moments of your career thus far like powerful lessons you've learned that you wish you'd learned earlier that you could impart on the audience of deaf number one there there's this whole community of regulatory agencies that you need to comply with they don't make it easy yeah it's not like there's a manual you can get us our responsibility to do it so like pay attention to the BBB you know don't just because some [ __ ] out there going I made nine millionaires and you can too that doesn't mean that's cool so really get clear on compliance that's the biggest biggest one because when they when they hit me I was just some guy in my toolshed yeah people like AHA I'm too small they'll never mess with me no no it's kind of arbitrary like that guy yeah they get 2,000 complaints a day so this is an organization people who have had you [ __ ] enough yes you know you don't want to piss them off that's thing number one and aside from that I would say there you don't have to go for the minnows so if you look at and I guess this is really for people that are selling the businesses you know because so much of my clientele sells to businesses you don't have to sell to the startup guys you know the stuff that marketers know even if you're just beginning you only been doing it a couple years you're like you know you know more then literally 99.99% of the Earth's population so anyone that's reading scientific advertising or gone through my stuff for Russell's or whatever it actually watched genuine direct response content for let's say twenty consecutive hours whether it's broken down oh yeah once or a week or two you're ahead of most of the Earth's population and real businesses will buy this stuff if you can help them and you most of the time they're the easiest to help is they're doing everything terribly you know right yeah they'll buy this stuff in droves and then you and I were talking I did if every marketing guy in the world never slept we added an eighth day of the week and we all had the greatest ad campaigns billion dollar budgets we could never make a dent in the demand for this stuff so when I started I was like I'm gonna sell the beginners because this it'll be harder to sell to the more established people the opposite is true it is significantly easier to sell to the more established businesses it's easier to get them results as they have more forward momentum and okay and I think that speaks to people's limited beliefs right toad like a lot of people just don't have the confidence I'm sure I want to ask when you went in to meet with Tony it was only part of you like how the hell am I gonna help Tony Robbins like what was there any kind of that or did you would you say you had the confidence yeah because it was terrible yeah yeah 7 million things before I can order there's no headline there's no call to action it's like this course exists and it comes in a plastic clamshell okay it's not hard to yeah in most businesses yeah you know only choose your local attorney or even the national chain or your CPA or house-painting coming terrible and they don't teach it in school yeah you know you go to any college kid and they say who's that guy they're not gonna say guys caught Hopkins he wrote scientific advertise they're not gonna know the story of how she lets beer became the number one beer in the world by him telling the people the obvious which is how all beer is made disattach so it's to it they won't know Gary is you know they'll know any of these guys so and therefore no no businesses really know it and it's a shame for our economy but it's a great blessing to people who are in marketing how would you recommend people build their confidence if they have those limited beliefs like because they might have a skill system I go and I can't charge you know an amount of money that I have never charged before word to this Klein or man I can yeah what's your best advice for people to ethically build their confidence just get results yes skills results I got a good story around them so there is this the first time I met Grant Cardone who I know you've interviewed and I think it's I think we can all universally agree like the viewer included that I'm way funner to interview in Grant certainly better-looking a more humble so the first time I go and hang out with him go to his office and he's doing a he was doing the sales contest were selling me a glass of water so all these people have sent all these YouTube videos I remember that yeah and he's like help me judge this I'm like what the [ __ ] I don't know anything about say I hate selling that's why I'm a marketing guy so they'll be pre-sold so I usually you want it or not yeah you know but anyway I'm helping him judge it and so I'm that means I'm just really sitting there trying not to say because I don't know what I'm talking about yeah so um this kid comes on and the kids got a broken joy 16 years old jaws broken redheaded kid and he's selling a glass of water and he does like this magic trick and this I'm doing like this because he couldn't [ __ ] talk he's jaw wired shut yeah and I'm like god damn a kid's madman he's another salesman that kids a madman so you know grant does the contest I can't remember who won then I'm like hey man I want to contact my kid you know and I want to send them some books cuz you don't see many Naturals in the world so I got email him am i hey this is me this is kind of weird but can I have your address I want to email you some books you know my name is Frankie he's like oh I know he or I will ask your parents if I could send you these books because I am a middle aged stranger right what's your address yeah you know so he's like yeah yes cool so I send him some old direct marketing books and I said look I've made this offer so many times one person on the planet has taken me up on this offer it was this kid I say listen man if he goes oh how do I write copy how do I learn how to do it cuz I told him I see you're not a Salesman you're a net man you need that we need you like here's the stuff come into the fold son you know he's like well how do I do it I said well dude um I said have taken all these courses and [ __ ] just write a sales letter every day and email it to me he's like alright I'm thinking I'll never hear from this guy again it sure enough that little bastard he wrote me like 70 something sales letters just pummeled me every day every day about and like he didn't even bother asked me what to write about he just started writing him about there's one about duct tape about paintings about air conditioning like just pulling [ __ ] out oh that's right I would read them first when were that good by the end of the month it was awesome yeah today that guy runs Dean gracio sees marketing no way he got the confidence to be able to manage or God knows how much is probably to 300 grand a week and add spent by [ __ ] doing it that's where you get the confidence just do it that's silly nobody doesn't you know they're all like well what do I do what should I say I don't I start and you start you know when do I start now we're here what happens when it doesn't work you welcome to the club first of all he ever works the first time right get up start over and test test test yeah and then I know - you're famous for that bet clip that a lot of people talk about I was like what are the two rules to be successful my marketing can you share that with the audience the rule number one don't [ __ ] around so that kid Ryan he didn't [ __ ] around I said write me a sales letter every day he's like alright you're gonna read that [ __ ] okay you know and doesn't mess around which to write about what word prayer you know should it be a PDF or whatever is like no he was addressing me as mr. Kern now he's like hey [ __ ] what's up you know but then he was addressing what I was pretty good yeah yeah and I always take my man's calls me he'll be one of the greats yeah so he's like always you know but he really didn't [ __ ] around asked a million he just did it you know and then I was like do not say that and that one needs work that's terrible he wasn't like well that's it for me you know he kept on doing and that's this the second one we just don't be a [ __ ] just [ __ ] go do it you know I was like what if the ring doesn't like it what if it doesn't work I remember he started running his first ad campaigns they didn't work he kept doing it you didn't push out you know and people will spend and this irritates the [ __ ] out of me about human nature and thank God I don't do anything like this cuz I'm perfect none of that's true I did it forever about real estate so I get where people are coming from but they'll by course after course after core they'll spend a hundred gram on education never spend a hundred bucks I'm running an ad cuz L what if the ad doesn't work of course it's not gonna work the first time welcome to the club if people say you know what do i what do i do you know what do you say to people that run a campaign it doesn't work I say welcome to the club man good job you're gonna repeat that probably 10 or 15 times then it'll work cuz you'll learn from every single experience yeah and you know you'll the nuances you'll tweak the nuances a little by little and refine I'm gonna get better and better you know what really happens is they get out of their own head and say the obvious stuff like if you want to train your dog read this and say you know they'll drop the amazing dog training system that guarantees results in 27 minutes and then the the headline might say something like if you want to train your Doberman read this dear friend I'm not a professional government trainer but these tips might help you here's one two and three and then now you're into the the pitch you know so with the experience comes dropping of stupidity yeah horse sound yeah but I've done sort of stupid [ __ ] yes see I've done this longer than most people which means I've done more stupid stuff so I can I can say you know yeah hashtag experience right there yeah now you're phenomenal at telling stories and a lot of people know you in the online world is literally one of the best storytellers an online marketing period as far as I'm concerned I think you're the best storyteller in marketing there's a nice thing to say you think yeah absolutely my man and I I want to I want to really understand what your model is I know you say point story metaphor correct so can you share with the audience a little bit about how important it is to tell stories because stories are what sell with results obviously but stories are would sell more than just facts so can you share Frank Kern's philosophy on how to effectively tell stories there that's all well the easiest ways to tell stories is to tell stories and if they work keep telling them and if they don't tweak them but no one's gonna want to hear that the reason you want to do it is the the content itself the point you're trying to make is like a nail and the stories a hammer that drives it in like if I just said you know well the thing you got to do is just kind of do it you know and just have to do it every day and that's how you get the confidence you need to do it every day that would have been moderately powerful but the story of Ryan O'Donnell that was a [ __ ] nail that drove that in this kid with a broken jaw he really did have a broken jaw me my man's on camera talking like this you know doing some magic trick crazy this guy's straight up you know he's the real deal but I'm wouldn't know wouldn't hit home without that story so that's why you used them so in marketing it was so you got to go all the way back to the beginning that we can't unless we have like superhuman selling power power it's very difficult to make a sale a non in-person sale you know like a distance rated sale whether it's through copy or on video or webinar it's real hard to do without the relationship so we accept that as point a if we accept this point B which the relationship is really built when you help them then we have to say well how do we help them and is to get them to accept certain points such as you have to get started or whatever so then we say okay well how do we get them to accept the points and that is to wrap a story around that point so you can't just say you should use a headline you know you got to tell the story up well I wrote this adamant suck and that change the headline it was amazing ever since then bah-bah-bah so the the way you do it is you make a point such as you know the way to do it is to do it let me tell you a story then you insert story such as story of Ryan O'Donnell and then the third thing which is harder to do and I don't do it every time is to use a metaphor which would be like you know it's like X Y Z and in the case of Ryan and blanket I can't think of a metaphor so you can leave the metaphor out his point story you know tell a story that illustrates the point my wife does it beautifully she talks about how if you focus on past negative experiences you'll never get anywhere see that's the point right so I'll illustrate it best through her through her illustration and so she tells the story so that's her point hey if you hold on to bad [ __ ] that happen to you you're never gonna make it anywhere you're gonna be [ __ ] up on this bad [ __ ] I'm not gonna go over as well right yeah yeah so you have to translate that into intelligent person so she's like yeah and she now she goes into the story so she's from a born in former Soviet Union from Ukraine and then lived in Moldova and then moved over here I think 15 or 16 years ago to the crown castle to the kern castle grounded by her hair and drug her kicking and screaming with me um so she tells the story about how when she was in school she wanted to learn english and she didn't do well on in the class and the lady said you'll never speak english you know and she's if she said that heard her she's like that really that really sucked it was very emotional experience where she's very angry very resentful and but she ended up now fast forward to today see english-speaking children does business in english lives in america speaks english as her primary first well second language i guess i mean your native language yeah so so there she tells that story but the metaphor is this and here's the point here's the metaphor the bad experiences that you have in life are like rock and you got a choice you can take that rock and you can put it in your backpack and you can carry it with you now I think it's safe to say we're all going to have plenty of bad experiences so every VAT experience every time you put it in that backpack it gets heavier and heavier if you keep holding on to them you will be crushed by the weight of the backpack and you'll never be able to go forward so that metaphor there of the the bad experiences are like the rocks those then solidify that story the bad thing happening in English she learned the language anyway fast forward to today that's moderately powerful yeah that metaphor to it is even more powerful all just to get someone to accept the point of you know if I go with a bad [ __ ] man you know I mean but it's you like our brains don't work that way it needs to feel it yeah yeah there's got a point story metaphor I love that and I learned it watching the Joel Osteen oh yes it's one of the greatest public speakers I was like okay let's you know cuz I'm a modeler I'm like well someone's reaching millions of people with this much power yeah you know what's he doing and I went transcribed the [ __ ] and it's like oh there's a point there's a story there's a metaphor he just does it over and over and over and don't you love how he starts every single on with the joke yes I think he takes a light and how bad the joke what the audience is so used to laughing that they'll laugh at any punchline these I think they're just like we love this guy that he thinks is joke is funny now I want to ask about the money mindset because a lot of people out there I'm sure yourself included myself included there were times in your entrepreneurial career digital marketing wise where you thought no like there's no way I could make that amount of money right I'm sure you had limited beliefs right what's the key to get past those limited beliefs and how money really works for people out there really trying to you know because most of our aren't entrepreneurs to some degree certainly on this episode it's gonna be entrepreneurs there's no marketers people who like your good looks and your excellent grammar during interviews especially yes the grammar especially the great work okay but you know what is it what is the money mindset shift that you would encourage people to make to to really see what's possible for their life financially man I'm gonna be dangerously close to one of those woowoo people I like to make fun off but in this case they're right whatever you're telling yourself is true you know if you like I can never have that and you can never have that I used to have when I was in the band at one point in my life I lived in a single-wide trailer no carpet no heat so mener and Georgia strangely gets kind of cold where I lived and I was on an 1,100 acre cattle form and so I would go to the store called ripoff Rick's which wasn't a ripoff at all this is the name of the damn store whatever brilliant marketing reason yeah actually was the only store in 10 miles so you call it whatever you wanted because the [ __ ] you were open and still go by yeah I go there I buy a big gulp you know the big giant plastic cup fill it up with water put it in the microwave then pour in the bathtub and then repeat that process to try to take a hot bath like that's how poor I was Wow right don't worry at this time probably need twenty by twenty years old yeah it doesn't work by the way because the [ __ ] water gets cold by the time the other cup load is original so basically you're getting cardio there warming yourself up and running man correlation to the fam batha doing that and I remember I had this mantra that I would say I don't know what the [ __ ] was wrong with me I would say everything is horrible it's always been horrible and it's only getting worse actually put it on the refrigerator I ended up single wide trailer middle of nowhere no carpet mattress on the floor no bed springs no no frame my dirty match lights straight out of the [ __ ] movies microwaving water to take a hot bath and so whatever [ __ ] you're saying is going to happen so you might as well say good stuff in there and money is like you know people talk about the economy they have all this [ __ ] around money it uh I was like where is this economy you're talking about you know with the economy's bad like well this good now let's drive down there and fix it you know as Jeff Spicoli said my dad's a TV repairman I got an excellent set of tools I can fix this where is this economy drive down that [ __ ] crank on it a little bit there is nothing there is no economy right there is no shortage of money at all on the planet when things go badly for some they're actually going well for others that just means a group a [ __ ] up and now Group B has all the money and actually it's interesting you say it cuz more wealth is built during times of depression or recession in economics than any other time in socio economics well in there think there are times of depression or there's just like for some there are for some they're not you know the universe is made up or the world in this case our planet civilization is made up of a collection of individuals everybody's experience is different what's happening to them has nothing to do with you you know it just does it like we control everything so the way I look at money is it's real good I like it a lot you know I don't have you need that [ __ ] around money is a root of all evil you want money you're a bad friend yes I want a lot of money now preferably over later yes and I want it because I want it you know I don't want it because I'll help me take care of my family I can give them order my chair no one is a [ __ ] warning just like if I go get a coca-cola I want it because I won't cocoa that day there's no difference to me now do I think you should use it well of course but that doesn't mean you know anything so that's I think that's a belief that someone has to have and it's just numbers like if you can go out and sell that thing for $20 more than you can paid for it then there's no reason in the world you can't sell 20 million of that thing you know and it's like this literally the limitation is in the mind so it goes right back to the two Commandments quit [ __ ] around and don't be a [ __ ] you know all this money [ __ ] we got it's [ __ ] this is us telling us something I love that like one of the best things that we learn from Grant yeah [ __ ] I tell you why can't the same building with him come all the time he my continuity program was doing pretty good yeah did we just hit a half a month but he's like I don't see how you live off that half a million a month yeah I don't see how you can live off that and he was serious he wasn't [ __ ] with me yeah he was a genuinely concerned I liked him dude how are you able to support your family just on half a million dollars a month and now I'm like huh he actually thinks that us the plane yeah you know and all that kind of stuff so he's manifested that into his reality yeah exactly because of hi doing stuff yes yeah but you can't do the stuff and unless you can see the target you know so I think like I don't believe in manifestation just by thinking like his is clear very clear focus on a target you know caused him to take concentrated repeated action towards that target and that's really what it is yeah clarity is power in that regard for sure now in terms of you'd like was your in terms of the money was it like a specific tangible goals you set or is it just let's just blow this up as big as possible you know what's been your approach to money and goal-setting ah damn these ethics I wish I could lie and have a coal story I just didn't want to work I didn't want have to do anything that sucked because my early job career was always some [ __ ] tell me what to do you know whether as I hated my stepfather at the time I don't hate him anymore and my current stepfather is awesome by the way poor guy don't want to confuse that I've had to yeah you know I have so the the first one I didn't care for him at all and that was my first job really it was pumping gas at this marina and this [ __ ] tell me what to do all the time so I equated working with bad I no longer equate working with good now I equate work with freedom I enjoy my work but then I equate it with that so my first goals were just don't have to have a job just to be able to I would be able to do whatever I want whenever I want to do don't tell me what to do you should yeah that's the first thing now it's just it's just more yeah because I like it I like the game you know so it's yeah I want to make as much money it's humanly possible but I also want to be the best in the world you know like I want to be the best advertising person since Ogilvy like for real I that's it for me it's like yeah yeah I'd love I have a plan to be great but I want to do it while being the single greatest dad person ever you know and I got I got a ways to go but I'm still very young yeah but you're doing pretty phenomenal yeah I'm good okay way to go yeah but like these dudes were books yeah and I can read them yeah do what they did and then apply that to modern technology you know and then also to I wanted to say there's one point and I do want the audience to get this because I know you you have their two commandments which are pretty direct yeah but there's another thing you said and I love this analogy and I would love if you could share with the audience about if somebody put a gun to your head and said hey you have 24 hours to Beauvoir you know make this happen you would figure it out a way to make it happen can you share a little bit about that analogy just that metaphor cuz I think I will we you know and I do it about stuff too man so it's like none of what I'm saying because I will get direct and get in people's faces but I will do it with the full understanding and standing that I'm just as much as a [ __ ] as anybody else right just in other areas of life besides this like fitness oh my god you wanna see [ __ ] watch me come up with excuses why I'm not gonna work out you know as they come of like oh it's totally I was totally deserved to have a giant piece of cake at 10 o'clock at night you know like come on man cuz I knew that dumb [ __ ] but just not in this area so um you know people say oh I can't I you know I tried I had one guy I remember one time I had a chorus and dude said I tried this every day this week for eight hours a day and it didn't work I'm just like you stupid [ __ ] you you did about the you put in a the minimum amount of work one could do to consider themselves employed full-time for five days and you were already giving up you know so the the thing I like to say is okay yeah that's great what that really demonstrates is a lack of commitment because if someone had a gun to your head or even worse a gun to your children's it said you got 24 hours I'm pulling the trigger you gotta sell something or I'm killing this kid right and you believed um and you were not equipped to kill them like so it was like you know whatever hostage situation or whatever if I can do it yeah like you got 24 hours to build a website with a sales letter on it or I'm blowing a little Janet hears brains all over the wall and you're gonna watch I know it's graphic it's just horrible to think about but you know what you do you go to youtube how to build web website and look at one of these seven million tutorials and you'd have that [ __ ] done probably in enough time to be like how to find gun to kill the guy that has your family hostage right but people don't there's no commitment you know so is that there's no product a short of information there's a shortage of motivation there's no one trying to keep a secret from you I love that these are the scenes they play any [ __ ] secrets man yeah you can get all my [ __ ] for free you know buy the pirated sites I'm gonna try to shut them down there I get it you know you need it that bad to steal Anita go ahead and knock yourself now yeah they just don't want it bad enough and it talks about to like you talk about to how like if someone put a gun to your head you wouldn't ask like oh should i do should I use Squarespace or should I use this website or should should I do a PDF or should I do this or you were just like anything just boom boom boom keep the momentum yeah yeah yeah and then pivot as you go mm-hmm I love that now if we could look back at Frank's career over the in the last 20 years and you could impart entrepreneurial wisdom asides from know your stuff and not get into legal trouble yeah what would be your best you know sixty Seconds piece of advice to entrepreneurs out there digital marketers on really how to get out of a funk and how to make their life work maybe they're listening to this right now and maybe things are going well but they've plateaued you know maybe they're you know stuck in a rut and just nothing's working for them you know you know you've been through the pits and valleys as an entrepreneur I'm sure you will still continue to but what would Frank currents best sixty Seconds piece of advice for you from everything you've learned to entrepreneurs I'm talking to the person Moses the person who's like tried everything or whatever yes they're stuck all right first of all quit lying to yourself you haven't tried everything so very dangerous words that we use or every everything nothing everybody nobody always never I've tried everything typically means I tried three things and over about five days and it didn't work and so get up and get back in the ring number one you know shut up get back to work you're gonna be okay but you didn't try everything you know it's a big world out there thing number two is always go for the premium so I always try to go for the higher ticket person you know you got a choice and you could sell like you know I don't know what other cars there are Ford Focus or something they make those whatever like the regular car you sell Rolls Royces so the rules were there 20 people that can buy that [ __ ] all right right so you didn't try everything keep going and go for them if you're gonna go for it if you're gonna get wet you might as well go swimming so go for the biggest sale the biggest profit you possibly can because it's no different it's just as hard if not harder to sell the ten dollar thing than the ten thousand dollar thing and in some cases I know it's counterintuitive just have to try it don't trust me try it you gotta try it and see for yourself no extra work to sell the premium priced high profit thing versus the low price that everyone else is buying so this is just a matter of switching who you're selling to when it comes to pricing yep totally that's really just and switching the the material you put out to attract up so if like this happens all the time I'm so lucky that I chose to do consulting in addition to training because it put me in the trenches I'm in the sleep - you see what people are dealing with it's like it's always the same [ __ ] yeah so here yeah guys like ah man I've got all these customers are driving me crazy and then as Leach and material as free report reveals how to start from scratch even if you have nothing in you're an idiot like well it says even if you have nothing in you're an idiot right there and the expression I use you can't catch whales with minnow bait you know so it's like put out different stuff to attract the whales off the caliber of the thing you're selling go for the whales they're the greatest thing ever is that for whatever reason people think it's gonna be easier to sell to the Walmart guy and no disrespect to the Walmart guy are people that can't afford or don't want to buy expensive stuff you know I'm not trying to be an elitist [ __ ] but I am an elitist [ __ ] I'm just not delivering yes yeah thank God everybody thinks that's where the money is meanwhile the dude with the black card that will happen we pay extra because just to not have to [ __ ] with something is ignored yeah one of my clients is in medicine and we totally changed the game with this dude okay so he was ready to not practice medicine because he didn't like having to deal with insurance I was like just go after people with a whole bunch of money they'll pay you whatever the [ __ ] you want to come to their house and not have to go to the doctor's office he's like really building [ __ ] yeah they'll do it to the tune of a couple grand a month just to be able to call you on retainer or what absolutely yeah GameChanger nobody pays attention to poor and neglected the joke is with this guy call this richer's based on the South Park episode yeah the richer's are horribly discriminated against by marketing which is wonderful cuz we're like dude you mean I can get that thing and I don't have to be bothered you know our roles as God this really sounds obnoxious right now from this girl worst car salesperson ever only calls me when she wants to sell something terrible zero all she's always like oh I got you a gift to go the car Baccarat crystal or whatever never shows a still taller because she will bring the paperwork and the car to the house without me having to do anything so I'm getting like terrible service for the same car I don't even know go she ate the price I'm just like yeah okay I don't have to go up and talk to anybody yes I'll take it sign me up me up you know of that and there's there's s everywhere that that opportunities everywhere right now as like people say oh there's the middle classes going away okay everyone's gonna focus on the other guys the people who can pay you a lot of money I guarantee they're being ignored if you go in and you start servicing those people you'll you'll do well if you just have the courage to find them in the first place they're everywhere you have the courage to be like oh yes I will charge you a lot of money to give you what you want give it to me do you remember your first time charging amount of money that you thought people wouldn't pay in the near like oh dude it was a hundred grand as easy sale I ever made really it was unbelievable it's the same thing my cousin and I it's how our consulting business started and how we know his rolls-royce people so he's got better financial sense than the driver Rolls Royces I still manage money like a newly signed NBA star you know thank God gotta make it because I go I got $1 shipping out of my hand give me something shine so yeah just unmask control this control had a bunch of money he was like oh I don't want to be in consulting and sent out a direct mail piece to a thousand people and the pitch was give me a hundred grand and 15 percent of your revenue and I will release your product for real do all your marketing and I'll do all of that kind of stuff and of course it was you know you got to have a real business and you can't be a fruitcake mailed it out to a thousand people direct mail we got 41 responses back of people saying okay within seven days I had the check for hundred GS immediately went to a guerra coach now immediately went to a guerra and wrote an $80,000 check for a vintage floor Wow better get rid of this money right Froy which I later gave away as it was impossible to drive yeah but that was a red one right yeah yeah hands-down easiest sale in my life yeah hands down there was no negotiation yeah but it was like okay 41 go let's cut the check yeah yeah they ended up making royalties on that deal as well and there was no one would have done that you know and I'm like okay this isn't gonna work but [ __ ] it let's see what happens and 41 people and so we started the 10k a month thing because there's no possible way I could have taken the 40 something bit well it's like there's a lot of work services oh my god worth it it's great experience yeah but then that's how consulting happened because the demand was so high for someone to actually do something probably charge more nice number yeah yeah okay all right no and actually it's funny to say because I've actually read through your consulting stuff for my consulting business and my team's consulting business and your other you books and your products are phenomenal so literally thank you so much on behalf of the digital marketing community for what you've done and the tons of free value that you give people without ever asking for a penny which is why you have a lot of pennies a tremendous amount of value so thank you for that now before we wrap up here and we play this game at the end called first things first I do want to ask about the Facebook and Instagram strategy that sort of we discussed earlier on a practical level where you mentioned you know it's important to put out and for people listening digital marketers take note about putting out content whether it's one minute five minutes you know I think yours a ver ajiz around eight minutes or something like that and giving out goodwill content and then retargeting the people that actually follow through to the end so could I know we talked about it off camera but for people listening just because this is a practical take away from people from this interview they can go act on aside from you know getting your books and you know your other piece all of your money in the description below but can you talk to them about that just so they get a tangible step-by-step on exactly what to do Facebook Instagram eyes dude yeah so I'll give you the magic formula you know with like really do you think this is a magic formula step number one every day go live on Facebook every day which many people like oh [ __ ] what do I talk about what you talk about is the answer to that question what must we demonstrate to be true in order for them to want to do business so like just whatever you need to demonstrate give them advice that demonstrates that every freaking day then the next objections gonna be will got them you know I can't say the same thing every day yes you can because they're not sitting there memorizing every you say like look at Instagram now wait 20 minutes go look at it again you're gonna have to scroll down ten times to find the post this at the top now you can do it every day trust me and what if what if people think I don't mean interrupt but I do want to say because most people might say well I mean the people that follow me on Facebook their friends or their you know they're not people who would buy for me or consume my content what do you say to people who have those limited beliefs about like oh my audience on Facebook isn't the type to enjoy my Facebook that's why you do this [ __ ] to get a new one yeah so yeah Facebook page imagine you've got 20 people that follow you and most like they're all your family you go live your mom's watching your soul is crushed because there's one person on by the way when I go I don't have a ton of people on you know I might have a hundred people on cuz it's freaking unplanned it's in the middle of the day yeah you know but that's not why you're doing it you're doing it because Facebook algorithm goes hey that news grandma was watching and she was on the platform longer than she normally is it's called engagement next time that God does it we're gonna show it to more people so I did this every day in December what live every single day my fan base there's only two hundred twenty seven thousand people my reach was nine hundred and seventy-six thousand I know this off the top of my head is I just did a live today going over this test score holy [ __ ] guys it's not about how many fans you have or whatever if someone watches Facebook we'll start showing it your stuff to them more often and it'll start showing it to people like them I think I'm not a expert really but I got two hundred something and it showed it to nine hundred south of people and I made a [ __ ] ton of money so it's like something and here's what I did I went live every day randomly arbitrarily 15 minutes or so I didn't plan it I'm gonna go out for 15 minutes it's about how long it takes me to make the freaking point I talk a lot you know so I go live 15 minutes and then don't care about how many people are watching it right now because people will watch the [ __ ] out of it over the next 24 to 48 hours so I'll go live and they'll been like 200 viewers or whatever I'll come back the next day it'll be like four thousand all right so take the video download it from Facebook it's still up there but you know you just click on download video download it upload it to YouTube alright so step number one now I got it on Facebook and YouTube so I got two assets working for me at the same time then I'll take the audio from some of them and I'll put it in a podcast and I so that's how I podcast in the in all of that content I'm always cell in the book or something so the formula is deliver value which increases goodwill and make an offer simultaneously every freaking day all right so Facebook YouTube podcast all of them making a pitch every single day also building that relationship right on Instagram I will periodically throughout the day shoot 60-second video saying something related to whatever the live was about always trying to be helpful and say hey go to Frank Erne book calm or whatever I'll type the URL in the in the thing on Instagram even though you can't can't click Instagram that's why Frank Kern book calm exists it's easy to remember right so like they'll leave and they'll go to Frank Kern book calm they'll hear on the podcast so you have a memorable URL right and so then I'll click select I post that to Instagram let's they also share to Facebook so now my 60 second videos also going over to Facebook as well and then I will make Instagram stories is so ghetto dude but soon it works so well yeah so like what's the videos on YouTube for example I will have my phone and I'll point it at the computer screen the the youtube link and I'll be like right man I just uploaded this on YouTube swipe up and check it out it shows you these things talking super fast goes 15 seconds and that's it and I'll do that like two or three times that's the whole form you do that every day for a month that's step number one know who's spending money one ads you let's do that every day for a month go back then after a month you're welcome I imagine 30 days from now when you're counting the money cuz this probably you would have sold a lot of stuff if it your other stuff is right which is welcome it's funny because most people will probably do like one or two Facebook lives two days in arm because [ __ ] doesn't work yeah oh my god I was fifteen minutes at a time that's how often I had a guy like 15 minutes everything is like Facebook live every day that's exhausting like shut the [ __ ] up and get his job like seriously 15 minutes [ __ ] you yeah you're not in business yeah you're a [ __ ] jerk-off get out of here yeah of course I didn't tell him that into his face he probably could have beat me up but I say it now cuz he's probably not here it's like come on man yeah but make an excuse it so at the end of your thirty days or whatever you go back and look at all the [ __ ] you put out and the ones that got the most engagement you run those as ads so you just show them as video ads and you run s called an engagement ad on Facebook and you're not trying to like you make an offer in the thing but it's not a conversion ad or whatever you just want people to watch it and then if they watch it they're put in a separate audience and that audience gets more content and then it gets honest-to-god real live go buy my stuff ads you know with the image and the copy and your typical Facebook stuff and that's in a nutshell that's the whole formula that last little piece though of turning the stuff that got high engagement into an ad that's how you take the brand and build it huge so we got um I can't remember like my email list is like 77,000 my Facebook audience not followers followers of [ __ ] it doesn't matter so I make believe number now yeah you know but the audience of people who have consumed my stuff is now well over a million so now I've got that a relationship with well over a million people because I do that I run those videos and then keep retargeting them with more videos and offers simultaneously and that's how you build the brand so when you do that and it works you're putting a dollar into the advertising you're getting more than $1 back and you're building your audience at the same time that you can retarget so it becomes a self-perpetuating freaking cycle of goodness yeah and you're not built on goodwill exactly and you're not wasting money time or ad spend on creating content that doesn't convert because you've already tested it for free yeah on lives that makes sense yeah very cool works great all right oh man well thank you so much Frank now before we wrap up we as a support I have to take my shirt off because I'm still a little don't think anyone's gonna like it as krause well well this is the part actually this is really good so this is the part where we play a game called first things first we play this with a grant and a landlord has played that first things first though no not okay yeah all right first things first is basically a game where I rifle off ten words or phrases then you tell me the first word or phrase that comes to mind does that make sense boobs so it's like a relation game what so I'm gonna rifle off ten you tell me the first word or phrase that comes to mind ready boobs okay the only rule is that you can't repeat yourself twice food all right so ray yes first word marketing fun sales fun can't put yourself twice damn it enjoyable money I'll say money okay that was actually an excellent money good obstacles temporary at best limiting beliefs stupid your past going the future of online marketing who knows good I can't say good great yeah the key to building powerful relationships with your customers good will Frank Kern but damn I can't say fun nice yeah your wife perfect and last one you ready yeah Frank Kern's legacy I can't say good will again helpful yeah I always sort of say if people say we you know I didn't want people to perceive you helpful and friendly that's it well thanks so much for being on the show today Frank and bringing your goodwill and helpful nature to the show and thank you guys for tuning in to this episode and make sure to check out the description below to get access to Frank's book at Frank Kern book calm as well as follow him on Facebook and Instagram until next time thank you guys for being one of the passionate few can I ask the audience for a favor absolutely okay listen guys I need your help so I like to [ __ ] with Grant Cardone it's fun to me like I'm living by him soon he's already better shape than me he's got more money than me I'm angry about alright I would like it if you would in the comments even if you haven't seen his interview just does he believe me terrible you're not gonna lie you type in the comments how much more you enjoyed this one instead of over his and then I can be like grant have you can you believe this weirdest thing he's not gonna have time to watch this interview with me and you he's just gonna be like yeah I really gotta up my game I will have gotten one over on him one of many that'll be go yeah that'll make at least make me very happy who made me laugh oh yeah absolutely will make sure to do it mm-hmm thanks so much got a Frank over grant com Frank wins thanks so much Frank if you guys enjoyed that video be sure to hit that subscribe button right now because every week eaten is a very best in person the government content interviews and insights help inspire you to take your life in your dreams and make them a reality and also if you don't know how to book dream guests the same way I have you can check the link below for my top 3 secrets so if you have a podcast or a show or whatever is you want to collaborate with them you can click that link below I'll give you those top three secrets to help you get in touch with anybody and also don't forget the passionate view is available on the media platforms as well so you can subscribe to the podcast and until next time thank you for being one of the passionate to you alright so there's like a simple formula the right to get what you want and that is to find somebody who's got the thing you want see what it is they're doing and then do more of that the challenge comes where we're always going to inevitably have questions like well how did you do that why did you do that and what do you say and the best way to get those questions answered is to find the person and directly ask them and get them to help you and that's what Omar can do for you he can help you go from not having a podcast and no guests and nobody knows you two having a noteworthy recognizable guest in a very short amount of time not because he makes these big promises because that's exactly what he did his third guest ever was a multi-billion dollar entrepreneur you know out of nowhere and he's done it over and over again with all these business celebrities constantly getting these unobtainable people on the show so if you want to be able to have a podcast that's successful and get extremely popular guests on your show to help you build your own brand name makes a lot of sense to leto more help you do that because he can and more importantly he's probably one of the only people in the space that's really willing to take the time with you to sit down and help you through the process step-by-step so I'd recommend you link up with him and I'd recommend you do it fast [Music]
Views: 81,831
Rating: 4.9066901 out of 5
Keywords: frank kern, frank kern marketing, frank kern grant cardone, frank kern core influence, frank kern tony robbins, frank kern intent based branding, grant cardone, digital marketing, online marketing, digital marketing career, online marketing strategy, online marketing for beginners, online marketing business, the passionate few, omar elattar, omar elattar interview, core influence, digital advertising, intent-based branding, frank kern interview
Id: _qP9u0gb-rk
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Length: 93min 56sec (5636 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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