IMAN GADZHI: How A 17-Year-Old Dropout Made His First $2 Million From His Laptop! (SMMA)

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hey my name is Emma and gachy I went from a 17 year old high school dropout to millionaire by the time I was 18 by building my own social media marketing agency from scratch and I'm one of the passion a few I just finished up this incredible interview with my man Omar honestly I can tell you one thing about Lamar even just off-camera he is one of the most hands-down genuine people I've ever met you got things out of me in this interview that I've actually never shared publicly and to us things I've never even shared to my friends and you know that says a hell of a lot just about how much comfort you build with the person you're interviewing and I said just how much you know past the views past the content past the b-roll you know the Instagram snippets like you just care and I could tell that for a minute once oh yeah in this interview we shared a little bit about how I went from a 17 year old high school dropout to millionaire by the age of 18 using social media marketing and it's a good one for in for treatment welcome to this episode of the passion food podcast today it's your host Omar and today we get to sit down with the young and fascinating Eman Godsey known as the entrepreneurial whiz kid with his digital marketing agency Iman has generated millions of dollars in revenue for his clients and also in his own business and in this interview we hear how Iman grew up in the UK with a single mother facing tons of adversity or ultimately proved resilient knowing that he had to become a provider at a very young age and generate his own multi-million dollar business in his teens so in this interview I want to encourage you guys to sit back and pay attention because it's an amazing story that proves with resilience determination and focus and a laptop that you can make anything happen in your life and also if you're interested to stay tuned to the very end and also check out the link in the description below we put together a free masterclass so Iman can show you his step-by-step system to show you how you can build your own digital marketing agency replicating his system for success so no further ado I want to encourage you guys to sit back relax enjoy the empowering and inspiring interview with the high school dropout turned multi-millionaire Iman thanks so much for being on the show today Iman so much my man absolutely man it's so great to have you on I know you're in LA so I'm glad we made the other ones happen yes yes let's get right into it a lot of people might know you from YouTube or social media obviously you're one of the foremost experts in the social media space helping people build their own agencies and get clients but take us back because not too long ago you were broke high school dropout came from a rough situation at home with your mom and dad take us back man you're 19 years old now but where did you grow up and sort of how did this journey all begin for you so I actually grew up in a place called Dougie Sun south of Russia you've seen Borah right yeah so imagine like Borah like that exact same like set up like a little village like no toilet like literally like shack Kazakh Stan yeah yeah except in Russia just plug that same thing in Russia that that's literally where I'm from so uh yeah it was growing up my real dad I've met him once my biological father so he was alcoholic abusive so um a little bit rough I mean I said I only met him once when I was like 9 years old but he left before I was even born so that was a little tough my mom was like 23 at the time so I was actually raised by my grandma and grandpa my mom was working like three jobs so uh yeah I guess whenever I do an interview was my mom as long as the thing I get like a little yeah emotional about your why right she was your motivation or choked up a little yeah just yeah she's like my huh my idol my my girl I love that okay cool so how did you go from there in Russia to London what was that transition so uh my mom was actually in Moscow for some work and she met my stepdad met my stepdad they kind of like hit it off like kind of did some long-distance dating for like a year eventually she like moved over there and took me with her and my stepdad it was like this like fairy tale you know my stepdad was quite wealthy so it's like you know like this little like Russian village boy and his mom like going all the way over to London like I remember flying for this first time it was like absolutely crazy seeing like color TV for the first time like I remember when I got to London like Russia I had like eight channels just something salt like black and white and when I got to London you know like 999 channels it's dope but uh how were you at the time I was three years old Oh three sounds three years oh I mean to be honest like I don't remember much of Russia but you know my dad or I call my stepdad my dad because I guess he's the only dad I've ever had so he put me into private school expensive private schools so is that like this is literally like a fairy tale we're supposed to be like a fairy tale ending you know little Russian village boy comes over in London private school living a good life live in a great area and it seemed like that until I was like six or seven that's sort of when you know things started to get a bit bad between my stepdad and my mom and a lot of stuff my mom is actually getting divorced right now which is super super stressful I love it I actually can't talk about until after the divorce is like finalized but just a lot of you know by the time I was probably like 8 or 9 I probably saw stuff that 30 year olds hadn't seen games of violence at home yeah I actually never violence violence was in life with my biological father but a lot of other stuff that is said I can fortunately can't talk about right yeah it just really like most 30 year olds wouldn't have seen that sort of stuff yeah so by the age of like 9 or 10 I was I'd grown up way way way too quick mmm and then what did that cause psychologically for you because I know I mean you've talked about in private that that really like built a big why in you till I wanted to take care your mom talk to me a little about how like how that started to manifest and how old were you when you starting like man like I got to provide for my mom cuz you're like 10 11 years old at this time thinking this way most ten eleven roles aren't thinking like that yeah so I mean just like seeing things like I said lost stuff I can't talk about one example that I you know I think I told you when we first met you know it's crazy I was like eight years old or whatever you know I get a call pick it up they're like hey this is London escorts and I'm like you know we're here for you know my stepdads name and I'm like oh sorry he's not here but la my mom walks into the room she's like who was that like London escorts you know but I not thinking anything of it right see just like deep sadness kind of overcome her Wow and like I'm eight I don't exactly know what that means what is court is yeah but I was like somebody to help somewhere literally that's what I told her I was like oh no don't worry it's like escorts really like escort him from like the airport cuz I knew who is he was landing that day yeah it's you know he was landing that day and I was new is so funny the time that he would land he'd always go home like four or five hours later it definitely does take four or five hours to get from Heathrow to where I lived right so I was like no no you don't understand me I was trying to tell my mom they escort him from like the airport to here and you know just that sort of stuff I had to figure out what that meant and I had to figure out what that meant for like me and my mom and you know things just kind of went on and they were always like on and off but still married until the age of like 14 where he just like completely cut us off entirely under an only child I'm an only child yeah okay so um you know the way I kind of described my childhood like I'm super blessed like I had the best childhood ever because I you know I went to private school so um that's one thing he did still continue to pay for even though he cut off my mom entirely and cutting off my mom basically means cutting off me right because who else was there right so by the age of 14 that we were completely cut off so the way I described my childhood was like I had like a Rolls Royce but no money to like pay for petrol like I was going to this private school you know this expensive like elusive private school I lived in a good area even though my house was like I put up all my stories sometimes when I visit back there it's like literally the roof is like caving in it's ridiculous so yeah it was like double life almost yea linear at school you can play with the other wealthy kids but at home they don't know the history that's all this stuff is going on and you know I think that's actually like I had the most incredible childhood because I went through all this trauma all this pain you know by the time I was like 14 I actually realized like either I step up and do something or like we are just [ __ ] you know and by 14 I knew I had to be the man right and just kind of seeing like when I was like 14 15 16 you know just kind of saw my mom going to depression like sometimes I you know she'll she'll never admit it she's other strong like Russian yeah but you know that Russian culture yeah yeah but uh sure you know she'll never admit it but they were like literally like two years or whatever we're like you know she'd barely come out of a room which makes sense considering I mean I've just scratched the surface of what went on yeah some of the stuff that went on you know what surprised yeah and you would just hear her crying through the bedroom yeah yeah the funny thing is I wouldn't even hear her crying a long time it's just like you know when you look at someone you can tell they've given up solace there's no crying there's no fighting back it's just like they look like they're done you know and I've to me that's the scariest thing to see you know when you see someone you're you care about so much not even like you know they're crying or they're upset because that kind of shows that they're willing to work through it it's like when it's apathy you know when you see apathy and someone to me that's just like the scariest thing which is awesome because now that you've built a seven-figure business and growing past that as your scale you're actually able to take care of your mom and do some cool things for her which you've shared on social media what does that feel like we'll get into the story but real quick I want to ask what does it feel like to now be able to take care of her and spoil her in Auto yes I mean look to be honest like you know as you start to scale your business as you start to make some money you realize there's only so many watches you can buy it like there's so many pina coladas you can drink the holidays and going you know I mean like right you'll realize I actually got this tattooed like here the other day I have a thing I have tattooed is wherever you go there you are and you realize very very quickly that the materialistic the money stuff it's cool to a point but like to me just like you know taking care of my mom taking her on holidays being able to buy her stuff like I always used to you know when I was younger I would always look at because I went to a wealthy school I'd always look at my friends parents and the dad especially and I'd be like that's so cool the guy I'd witness it as they'd go to dinner and you know the check comes and the dad pays you know which isn't like a crazy ridiculous thing but you know just being like I was just had this idea in my mind like one day I'll be the man I'll be the provider you know I'll be the man and to me the man didn't mean that I would be draped in Gucci and I'd be like you know I probably like to me the man just meant like I I could be that rock solid person for everyone around me you know and even just like my my old girlfriend like girl from when I was like from like 14 to 16 their family was amazing especially considering everything that I had going on in mine I could go to theirs and you know they would take care of me like they'd pay for my dinners they'd pay for my trips with them Wow but that gave me like this immense like shame I'm like you know like I'm with my girlfriend and she's even though I was only like 15 16 yeah she's paying for my lunch like that does not feel good yeah I don't know for me like that just didn't feel good yeah you know so being able now with my you know with my current girlfriend it's just incredible you know we just came from Bali obviously in LA now to see some employees back to London so very cool man and I know also around that age 14 15 16 we talked about it off camera I know it's a little bit private but I know you mentioned that because of the stress at home that you sort of went in a direction that wasn't so good right yes cool a lot of kids were doing drugs and stuff like that did you witness a lot of that in private school a lot of these wealthy kids they themselves sort of just not realizing the privilege that they have and just sort of abusing it because everything's handed to them yeah you know talk to me a little bit about that cuz it may be there's people out there you know looking at you and maybe they're in a phase like that you know yeah every age for sure so when I was 14 that's when I first started like you know I picked up a book and from 14 to 17 I read a book a week you know every single Sunday I was you know if anyone's in a London or next time you're in London I recommend you go there so obviously I didn't have much spare income it's a rather than going like waterstones or one of those new book places I go to a place called Brixton book mongers and you know you could get like a book that looked like it was pretty much new rather than fourteen pounds for like three pounds or whatever so I'd spend my weekends there and you know 14 15 16 I was really building some good foundations 14 I've started my first business which was actually flipping Instagram accounts I was reading a book a week it's kind of crazy like looking back now because as I said at 14 that's really when I realized like I gotta be the man or we were so [ __ ] which turned out to be a hundred percent accurate so you know I was building that foundation of 14 15 16 I was starting to make some money like I already flip and Instagram accounts for those curious like oh so like in you know in 2012 13 14 like influencer marketing really started to shoot up right so what I'd do is I'd buy an Instagram account well first I would just develop organically Instagram accounts and then you know one day I got a message from someone saying hey can I buy your Instagram account I'm like wow people do that yeah and then I got into these telegram accounts or these telegram like channels or whatever and people were just like buying selling accounts so you're on buy a Porsche account I flip it to a luxury Denisha account that way I can start selling some like watch shout outs or I can start selling shout outs for other products there guys are influencer marketing and then I could flip it and then sell it for more which still exists now but the markets super saturated saturated yeah yes so um you know I had like these hustles up and coming but you know back to your question like it was when my girlfriend she actually or my ex-girlfriend she actually went to America she went back to America us we had to split up and when I came back it's like I have no girlfriend I have no money or very little money you're from from the side and you know the side hustles I had right no girlfriend no money no home stability I I had like nothing and you know for me like I would say by the time I was 16 I knew I wasn't going to college cuz it's like you know it's fine and Danny like thinking you're gonna go to college but like real estate who the hell was gonna pay for it right you know so I came back to London I had nothing and the issue is with a lot of my friends in you know private schools and what happens when you have like free house on the weekend you know spare income and spare time you know no no good stuff is gonna happen you know maybe some good stories will come out of it you know if you can remember them yeah if you can remember them yeah um you know and it was like and I grew up way too quick in every sense of everything you know so when I was like 16 you know I started going out clubbing you know I started going clubbing and you know it's it still blows my mind you can go to like any major city like LA London New York and you just see these like these kids and they have their parents card and there's blowing like literally 10 grand a month on bottle service and stuff like that and sometimes don't even care don't don't even notice don't even the air like there's just too many things on their statements for them to even notice that that's an expense yeah and you know I had no money or anything like that but I had decent enough social skills that I kind of got into that circle you know I remember I'd be like 16 17 going out three to four times a week to high-end London nightclubs you know and then after parties you can imagine what's happening there so you know when I was like end of 16 17 you know or end of 16 you know first 3-4 months like I was started to use quite a bit of drugs before I remember on New Year's Day it was a New Year's Eve I was out obviously where was this at 2016 2016 going to 2017 yeah sure and 2016 and New Year's Eve I was out I got super wasted came back home and I remember I go downstairs I go downstairs I say good morning to my mom my mom's like it's not morning it's 4:00 p.m. and then like I turn to the sink throw up look back at her and like she's like it was New Year's Eve last night where were you and like just this sadness goes you know goes over her face or that like I just never seen before and I could tell that the only thing that she had left which was me she was realizing that she was losing says that I'm like I gotta stop this and that's the moment you decide to turn it all around and take business serious and take it to the next level at that point I had one client with my agency which was 300 pounds a month I thought was so rich once I got that so when did you actually start your agency and what was your agency at that time so I mean I went from flipping Instagram accounts in 2014 and 2015 I've gone into gym fitness so I would hit up these people on Instagram that's all had like we're like certified personal trainers I'm like hey can I PayPal you and can I buy like this scan of the I forget what they're called but basically the books you have to read in order to become like a level 2 or level 3 certified personal trainer they'd sent it to me but like 400 pages and I just go through highlight print out take notes and then I'd start hustling I'd go to my friend's parents who were obviously super wealthy and I'd start like I don't know how I didn't get kicked out earlier but you know I'd start signing on like hey like can I personal train you I'm like how much I'd be like 30 pounds an hour yeah you doing it yeah and that's what I did when I was 15 then 16 I needed something that was a little more high leverage so you know made as much money as I could and I bought my first camera I'm like you know what I'm gonna get into like content creation videography stuff like that what type of camera was it you remember yeah it was the first one that I had was a ATD it was new at the time Canon AUD and I saved up all my money for that so Kennon a DD and then the next upgrade I got was like the Sony a7 like double double used yeah yeah double pre oh yeah so yeah and then kind of from there like I used to play football or soccer for some of your ears yes I have in the US because soccer way overseas football yes yes so I was playing football semi-pro and I kept telling my coach I'm like look your guys's social media it's just terrible and obviously I had a good background with social media or namely just Instagram from 2014 when I was flipping accounts all right I'm like I bet I can man just like way better than you guys so I had a meeting with the owner of the club and he's like yeah sure like why don't you manager for us and before I could even say yes he's like and how much and my head I was like what do you mean I'm like yeah how much I'm like I'll get back to you yeah you know so then I you know I came up with this proposal I still have it on my computer and stuff like that Wow so it was 75 pounds a week the top package is 75 pounds a week and for that I did for YouTube videos a month 30 Facebook posts and 30 Instagram post for 75 a month 75 pounds a week 300 pounds yeah but I curated all the content yes I wasn't just distributing it so I came every week on a Saturday to the pitch and would shoot content like edit it and then throw it up all for 300 pounds a month Wow yeah yeah so that was my first class and that was going into 2017 when I realized I needed to start getting my act together and they took the premier package yeah they took that 75 pounds over yeah yeah how did you feel when they first when I first did it I was like over because also it was something that was like recurring revenue that I guess I wasn't really used to like I had my friends parents that were doing personal training services in me so I could kind of predict how many sessions they were one a month but nothing where I was like 300-pound retainer consistently yeah which is one of the powers of having a digital marketing agency right yeah especially as you scaled now you're able to count on that income yeah you're helping clients get what they want and you're also building a consistent income cash flow for you cash flows like king absolutely oh and a predictable cash flow because the thing is when you start to when you don't know your cash flow you're gonna make emotionally charged decisions and when you do that you're really not thinking long term you're thinking short term and then that's gonna come back and bite you in the ass later absolutely and especially if you're servicing your clients well what you teach people how to do yeah you're able to consistently like to service them which is gonna keep the income coming for you so it's it's a pretty stable thing for all parties involved yeah very powerful so then what's your second client from that or what's your next play it's New Year's Day mom sees yeah you're like [ __ ] now I got to change my life I got to take care of my mom what happens next yeah so from there from there I started you know going more heavy with the content creation stuff you know I start hitting people up for freelance jobs etc etc and I get in contact with this company called athlete and that's actually the client of the person that I have a meeting with in like two hours yes yes oh yeah so how are you getting attention um you're just shooting TM people yeah emails just just an email so how are you finding the email just from their website wherever you could yeah yeah so I would just have it Google Google like Google and I was trying to target fitness niche you know so I just look at gym stuff like that and then just send them like a cold video outreach right so I get into contact with athlete's I do one shoot for them and after that they're like hey can you manage our social media so then I'm like yeah sure I come into their office like beautiful I didn't really understand we work at that time I come into their office it's a we workspace yeah I come into the floor it does like employees I'm like I've like struck gold but I realize it was actually we were nonetheless they still had like I saw it 12 desks Wow and you know Shawn was like hey can you do this for us and once again I gave him sort like a tiered system more than 75 pounds a week hopefully know a little bit more and I was 1,900 pounds yeah so 1,900 pounds of things like $2,500 right um let's put that forward I was like he's no weights gonna take this I'm sitting in class I get the email and I literally like I get up because all my teachers knew I wasn't doing work like straight up like all my teachers knew that I wasn't doing work and all my I tried multiple times to drop out of high school or see what my options were so all my teachers knew I wasn't doing work so I remember I got the email I closed my laptop I left the classroom I'm like I'm coming back here when they said yes to the 1900 I said yes in 1900 were you at that time 16 17 so just turned 17 so this isn't that long ago sort of think that you went from that it was just under two years ago how would you have reacted if at that moment I said hey man in less than two years you'll make your first million and beyond I'd probably think about my mom I think I my mom yeah okay so then you get the first client for 1900 and then you're off to the races yeah and then from there I scaled really quick well actually I got that client and then from there there was a period of 45 days where scaled from like where I was like you know $2,500 yeah $2,500 it's like $15,000 and I'll explain that process one of my early business mentor was a guy called Bob he is like very well-connected in Holland and he took a liking to me because he just saw I was someone with potential that you know unless someone like him stepped in because I never had a father figure in my life you know I was just gonna go batshit crazy so he actually knew the owners of Bang & Olufsen in Holland baingan Olsen Bruce Abe so he got me a video shoot with him oh wow and I think it was only like 800 pounds or whatever but they paid for travel as well so you were actually doing the videography with the cameras yeah yeah yeah so initially you were doing the video work and then also when you saw opportunity taking the desert marketing it yes yeah stuff to service them gotcha so I was sitting in a window seat I was looking out and I'm like this is the most incredible thing ever like someone is literally paying me and then paying for my travel to go do work for them I'm like I want to do this for the rest of my life you know I didn't mean specifically video or digital marketing just having freedom you know that's so important having freedom and number two something that's always been important for me feeling like a respected business owner or like a respected asset to someone's business and at that point you know a lot of people I guess would just assume you know I'm just high school degenerate who decided oh I'm gonna drop out of high school and you know become some big baller it wasn't like that at all like I looked out that window I'm like how can I make this happen so what I said to myself was in the next two months if I can get my overhead plus rent cuz I'll say I wasn't paying rent at the time right if I can get that in either lump sum written contract or you know deposit or actually just like that full payment then I'll drop out of high school and I think the it came out to twenty five hundred pounds a month I need times for so 10 K I'd need to learn either contract or deposit etc etc and this is actually before athlete before we send that contract so I looked out I made that commitment came back to London signed athlete and then signed three more clients like in a very short period so it was only like two and a half weeks within two and a half weeks I was at the local council trying to make a claim that you know or trying to make a case for myself that you know I should be able to drop out of school and be self-employed Wow so let's go to those four clients because I think a lot of people watching this will go oh we mom how did you just brush back because that's like one of the biggest challenges you know it's one thing to learn how to service clients which you teach people how to do really well I love your material but then the other thing is getting clients in the first place right how do you differentiate yourself how do you stick out when they don't know who you are you know they have everybody in the world calling them to pitch them for business and you're some high school dropout you know how did you win their trust and how did you share maybe your tactics step by step for how you reach out to clients and how you would encourage other people who have their own digital marketing agency or think about starting one to reach the reach out to their first one or two or three clients so finally enough the way I did it and my first few clients was Ashley was my first one at twenty-five hundred the second one was a company called zebra fuel and that was like thirty five hundred dollars I'm trying to convert from pounds and these are all like super cool companies you can lick all of them up so I had a fleet than zebra fueled and furo systems and then the one after was a personal trainer called James Taylor so the way I actually called all of these clients was Instagram DM really it's really do outreach yeah so I would because I've always been pretty strong on video so I'd reach out to them do a quick 10 minute or 15 second or 10 15 second story and I'd be like hey look give me 5 SEC's and we're gonna show you 3 ways you're leaving 10k a month on the table you know and I just give them three things and I'd be like you know three things for each allotted video story and then that and I'd be like look just meet me for coffee you know F me for coffee if you don't decide to move forward you've got literally just gone like a free 15 20 minute consultation and and yeah and then I'd give him a text version as well like the three ways I think they're leaving money on the table because that's something that really like hurts business owner is hearing that they're leaving money on the table there's certain like buzzwords that I've found or buzz phrases that I found that really like resonate with a business owner so leaving money on the table one thing at the time my retainers I was still offering social media distribution and management but most of it was the content so we'd have a certain amount of deliverables every single month that we do then we write the captions distributed etc etc one thing so at this point you were running there social medias you weren't necessarily generating leads for them no you were just running their social media accounts yeah and I'll tell you the story of how that came about in just a little bit but one thing that also just really like you know hit home was I tell them cuz most these businesses were established businesses right or at least these first few except for James Taylor and I'll be like your social media isn't congruent to the size of your business mmm and they're like damn they're like that's right my business is way bigger than them every business owner wants to feel as though you know they've got their branding on point or like people look at their business and they perceive it in the way they'd want to be perceived that they're maximizing their potential radically yeah exactly and that's kind of how I got my first few clients was literally cold email I'd used something called the fake audit strategy someone your partner's earlier you know the fake audit strategy the thing is for me to send out a hundred cold video like now I use loom but before I would just use a screen flow but you know for me to send out a hundred cold video outreach a day it just takes too long now possible and to follow up with other people in the pipeline and whatnot takes too long right but for me to have a template and then send out you know something that's a I guess it was a little bit of a cheat what I do was I'd have this template and when I go to their website take a photo of their homepage and then go on canva put a little play button and stick that on there make it a little bit opaque and then download it and then put that into the template and the template what basically say I've made you a free audit on three ways you leaving you know depending on the niche ten to 100 km month on the table I could stand out a hundred of those a day no problem and then from the hundred sent out I'd get maybe ten percent ten people hit me back and be like hey thank you for the email but the video wouldn't play and then tells me those people are you know they're ready to be followed up with and right from those ten I'd make like real fifteen twenty minute audits of their business or at least from what I can see so that was your intent your intent was to send them videos don't work just to see who was interested enough to even check it out yeah exactly Wow where did you get that strategy or you just thought of it on your own I just well I was doing a hundred called outreach as a day I was trying and just anything you're just trying things yeah it just it wasn't working some like you know what like what if because the thing is like I could send an incredible you know cold outreach you know I could send an incredible audit to them but the thing is like most time they just wouldn't get it it would never it would never to the decision-maker exactly it goes to spam or it goes to their assistant or just we get lost in the mix of the inbox or they don't take it serious yeah something like this is super super inefficient so I'm like what if they had a way of telling me that they were ready to move forward to the next step and then that's when I realized how about I just don't send them natural video but if I just take a photo of their home screen add a little play button so it looks like it's a video even though it's on the email they should know better very smart yeah and then they'd click on it and as I said nothing would happen and then they'd hit me up and be like hey thank you for your email but your audit wouldn't play and then I could be like okay you know I'm here with the right person and I'll actually send I'll actually put the time in to create the audit Wow two questions for you what were you titling your subjects subject lines of the emails and is that important I don't I don't remember exactly what I was telling them but one thing that I would do is I would never capitalize the first letter mmm because the thing is any sort of promotional or spammy material you get there you know they want it to be like you know the flashing they want to be flashed it's always going to capitalize or the first letter of every word is gonna be capitalized so for me I had I never had my headlines capitalized starting yeah now that's just kind of way to bypass them for them to know like this is different yes a subtle pattern in a reverse pattern interrupt a few yeah yeah very interesting my second question is when you were doing all this how old were you at the time you're 17 17 now did you have any limited beliefs at all any fears as you were doing this any anxieties because there might be people hearing this that go okay maybe it worked for you mom right because your mom's got super confidence yeah but you started out just as imperfect as anybody watching this right who might be thinking like you know how could I do that for my business whether they're in digital marketing or they want to start your own agency or maybe they're in some other business every business needs leads every business needs the ability to reach out to potential customers and service them or show them what they have to offer you know at this time did you have any limited beliefs when you were doing this where you'd like nervous and scared when you were hitting up these clients for 2500 and 3500 when you were just a 17 year old kid who just sort of learned this stuff not too long ago I mean taking back to you know what were the limitations or worries in your mind or maybe it was your mom's motivation so hot that you didn't feel that I mean what going on for you and so I mean to be entirely honest like I let's take this back even a little bit further so when I was in the gym it's funny his name is Kieran he actually works for me full-time now but I met this guy called Kieran and Kieran was working in Times Magazine and actually had a marketing subsidiary so he got me a one day internship I was thinking well you know if I'm about to start my agency and you know really take this seriously I need to know what it looks like at agency that's doing half a million a month in retainers right now he's he was like at that scale so I went there had my one day internship and just the inefficiencies that I saw there was you know number one the expensive Nespresso machine number two the employees doing [ __ ] all the number three the I guess you know top floor top floor office like all this you know all this stuff adds to your expenses and what happens is that just reflects on the client retainer you know yeah gotcha so I just realized there was just so much inefficiency and at first of all I went there and once again like some of their clients were like LG on this other bicycle company but these are multi five figures some even 6 figure monthly Tanner's I went in there and I told him about a an app at the time was called I don't know if the so call this a fee like Appa chai and allows you to schedule your Instagram posts because you could use like buffer and stuff like that but it would schedule it but then you'd get the notification you still have to manually post it so that app was the only one at the time that just like straight up posted it without yeah and like their brains were just blown like they were like just super super impressed and I also got to take a look at some of their advertising campaigns and you know all of it was optimized for brand awareness and reach you know which now after spending you know at the moment me personally I'm spending like 2 3 K a day on ads and you know with my clients spending a good amount as well like I realized that's just super inefficient and that doesn't do anything it doesn't correlate to earning dollars yeah you have the brand equity out if you're not making money so I mean yeah I face the same thing then that I face now which is you know I get clients coming all the time and you know they could very easily go to a full-scale agency they can offer this solution the solution the solution this solution I had that same issue and I have the same I guess a way of handling the objection now that I do back then which is hey look if you come to me I'm a boutique agency we specialize in one thing so while another person is gonna sell you ten different services and give you you know they have a hundred percent effort they're splitting up that hundred percent into ten different services which most of these aren't actually even bringing you return or any sort of tangible result that's number one number two is the fact that you know you're paying you're gonna pay these people ten thousand dollars a month when you could pay me twenty five hundred dollars a month and what you need to understand is you're not paying that extra seventy five hundred isn't for their expertise or their knowledge you're just paying for their rent you're paying for their an espresso machine for the fact that they have to payroll whereas with me I'm using you know exclusively contractors or at least at the time and a steam or whatever yeah yeah exactly so um it's kind of the same way of handling that direction back then than it is now do you remember your first time letting a client where you couldn't believe that someone paid you that and I'm out of money you're like wow yeah you know I'm sure you had many moments at this stage but remember that first one that blew your mind when you saw what was possible with creating your own digital marketing agency there's there's a couple where you know it's funny it's not the most financially or the ones that are you know broad and the biggest retainers but like zebra fuel was one so zebra fuel is basically like you guys have breeds here right yes so it's like ubereats post mates except for petrol so look come to your chrome fill up your petrol for you oh wow so you don't have to go to an awesome yes gotta go to the gas station I just come to you yeah super super cool so um yeah the the reason for them I guess is just cuz they gave me so much [ __ ] for so long and he really hated me really like they they your clients no they're the leading up to me signing God you know like I thought so because there was three founders Raman max and red and you know max who was also Russian he liked me the other two hated and they had just got their Series B round of funding second round of funding yeah so you know their investors and stuff they had agencies that they trusted with and these are full suite agencies and you know Here I am just like a one-man team you know even my contrary high school drop yeah it's like trust me I can do this is very tough to convince them so someone like them another one that was really cool for me is I'm actually not wearing her right now I'm getting a replacement but Waring is one of my current clients and the cool thing was with them was I ordered the ring in February and by the time August came around actually got introduced them so one of my clients AJ smart which is a design agency out in Berlin I helped them launch and start their info product so we did half a million profit in five months Wow nice funnel Congrats yeah from the funnel I built plus the ads that we were running for them so they were very happy they introduced me to a guy called Kevin rose so he was a client of mine for a bit and then he introduced me to or ring so or ring as I said has been a longtime client of mine now we run all their Facebook ads and I guess that one was really cool because like I actually used the product yeah you know like I was a consumer of the product and then now I get to represent them and I believe very very strongly in the company and I took honest I do with all my clients but I guess that was a really cool and we're like you know long before I had any contact with him I was a user of their product and then now I get to represent them yeah that's awesome and it also helps I'm sure with servicing them because you're in the mind of the consumer because you are a consumer yeah well talk to me a little bit about how to service clients efficiently because I'm sure there was times where you maybe got contracts where you knew you could service them but you know unexpected things came up or maybe it required more ad spend or experimentation and this speaks a little bit to the digital marketers out there is you've kind of been known for quite a bit on social media but talk to me a little about what does it take to service social media clients well to the point where they're happy to stay with you month after month oh yeah month after month well I mean the main issue that I faced was I was actually all of my retainers were based around content creation and distribution and you know my clients as I said they had their Series A Series B round of funding or they were just like well funded in general and they were loving it until three four months in where they're like hey this is awesome what's the ROI maybe like I don't know like how do I know ya know and obviously you know that's not actually what I'd say I'd be like oh you know we've brought in X amount of people blah blah eyeballs etc etc yeah you know like I would fight hard especially because most these companies were doing like RESP red bus ads and like billboard ads I'd be like look it's feeling like 5k month on that bill do you really and you know if you have no data on that yeah apart from what you know the BS agency is telling you you know what the reach is with you and stuff like that which is totally manipulated just to sell it anyway exactly so then you start seeing like okay [ __ ] maybe you know managing their social media isn't enough you learn about Facebook ads and actually acquiring customers and leads which all businesses will always want until the end of time how did that pivot happen and how did you get into that you didn't master that this is really where it gets interesting because I just had a you know a bog-standard agency and then I realized very quickly if I don't sell based on results and tangible results because you know my clients they could hate me they could wake up you know or at least you know where we are right now they could wake up and they could hate me or you know they didn't get enough sleep and they can fight me as much as they want I go okay awesome [ __ ] you like you spent 10 K we made you 40 K you're an info product business so there is no operating cost or there is no you know obviously they have their team and stuff like that but you know we made you 30k net so if you want to leave by you know and I can do that now and remember I think I told you a little bit earlier remember the most important thing was feeling like respected business owner back when I had my agency and even though is doing you know at a point $15,000 a month and then it would fluctuate around 10k a month I didn't feel respected you know I didn't actually feel like a respected business owner and at that point I'm like awesome I need to do results-driven services so started learning Facebook ads and you know what a you know really one of the main issues I see out there is you get a lot of people who are saying stuff like you know go from like knowing nothing about email marketing or going know nothing about Facebook ads or Google Ads or this or you know these different services right go from nothing to within 30 days be a you know have a high ticket agency based on that and you're delivering the services you know start off at zero and within day 30 you yourself are selling and delivering 3km on Facebook ad retainers that is like going to and I learn all this the hard way like that is like you know that's like telling you know rafa nadal would like laugh at you if there was a guy out there claiming that you can know nothing about tennis never pick up a tennis racket and within 30 days master tennis and then become a high-ticket tennis coach that's what i learnt the hard way i learned the hard way that you can't learn facebook in 30 days you can't learn facebook ads in 30 days you can't learn email marketing in 3 days SEO in 30 days and for someone to tell you that is just it's not true so here's really where like my bread and butter came in I had these clients and you know they might be paying me 2500 pounds a month for all this content and I learned very quickly that like you know I need to sell based on results so I'm like hey let me also run your Facebook ads for you and I'll only charge you 500 pounds a month because I'm just getting started 100 pounds extra on top extra on touch' every my first 4 or 5 clients I lost every single one no one and the thing that stung the most was I was charging them only 500 pounds not only did they drop me for Facebook ads they drop me for everything else Wow so my life my agency just like God smashed pieces and Here I am thinking like oh you know it's such an important thing for me to learn Facebook Ads and all that stuff yeah and this is towards the tail of 20 tail end of 2017 and you're going through a lot of stress for a 17 year old there's established business entrepreneurs in their 20s and 30s know there's at 70 you're doing with ups and downs and rollercoasters I love it but continue you know this towards the tail end of 2017 so I see somewhere I think as long like Google suggests or something Expedia released their sales for that year and Expedia's revenue for that year was like 11 billion dollars and if you know anything about Expedia they're just a glorified affiliate site so what Expedia does is Expedia connects the customer with the you know with the service or the holiday or the travel etc etc and all they do is they take a small percentage and the funny thing is I figure I've read in a book there's a saying which is like the easiest way to become a millionaire is to buy is to be a billionaire and buy an airline you know cuz my lens make like no money like it's such a nightmare so I realize Expedia is so smart Expedia doesn't learn that needs to learn how to have like ball mass in flight food or amazing you know an amazing boutique hotel all Expedia has to do is connect the customer with what they want and the funny thing is Expedia makes more or at least in terms of profit makes more money than all of these all these people than the end service providers yeah kind of like uber yeah exactly it's the same thing with like uber and air baby you know I'm here in LA in an Airbnb right now you know everybody makes way way more money and Eber makes way more money than I don't real estate companies are transportation companies yeah they own no car and no real estate exactly so I'm like no this is this is it you know I need to do this so what I realized was why am i spending all of this time and I have this saying that you know my customers and my students go crazy for you know work you need to work on the business not in it hmm you know that's how you're really a business owner you know for me like the reason I've had so much success is I'm constantly building a system testing how rigid it is you know I'll you know I'll build an onboarding process put a client through it see you know tweak do this this is and then there we go that's a system built you know then I'll look at another system build that look at another system build that and what I'll do is I'll create all these system whereas most agency owners and most entrepreneurs in general they're just running around like headless chickens repeating the same tasks again and again and again and again so I realize I am the headless chicken you know I'm client I'm delivering these services for my clients I'm doing it myself I'm not a business owner I'm not in an agency I'm just a glorified contractor and that's what I really I'm like if I'm just one person I'm just a glorified contractor that's right and that's why they're treat they're not treating me like a business owner you know I can tell they didn't have the respect for me like they do now and for me that really like that hurt the horse so from there I'm like okay I'm gonna apply the Expedia business mall so what I did was I found a contractor I found a contractor and at the time I was paying him $600 per month per client and then I was selling these services on for at first $2,000 a month and then $3,000 a month and then $5,000 a month and then I heard my first 10 10k client and these are monthly reoccurring we're talking reoccurring paying every month 10,000 every month 10 he doesn't everyone yeah and I realized it and the best part was when I was trying to learn Facebook Ads I bought every single Facebook ad course I worked with every single Facebook ad code because I was I still have my business doing tech my agency doing 10k a month so I can afford to pump some money into self-education how important did you find that it was to invest into self education it is so so important except for the Facebook ad stuff none of that stuff work really I bought all the courses all the coaches and none of it worked because once again you can like you know you it's just it's like riding a bike you can like you know you can either like you know read all these tutorials on how to ride a bike and watch a video on how to ride a bike but the best way to learn how to ride a bike is just write the damn bike right you know and it was the exact same thing with Facebook ads and the funniest thing is I used my contractor and as I said I was paying him $600 per month per client and I was charging 2500 3500 5k I was using him to deliver the services for me but I was also using him to coach me say you know he actually works for me full-time now his name is Danny awesome but I was like Danny you know why did you choose conversion the conversion objective rather than brand awareness or reach or you know he'd be doing a retargeting campaign and I'd be like Danny you know why are we not running you know this is to retarget people to buy you know why are we not running a purchase objective why are you running brand awareness and reach and he'd be like you know in his Colombian accent you know he'd be like oh it's because you know these people are already qualified you know we don't need to look for the people who are most likely to buy we just need to get it as many of this retargeting audience as possible I wouldn't have learned that through a Facebook Ads course right yeah you know so I learnt that you know that was actually the best way for me to get practice you learn the nuances by being in it yeah by actually being in it or being able to shadow someone who knew what they were doing and be able to pick their mind in real time yeah yeah so that's really when everything changed for me and my agency you know is it was always you know it would do 10k and then it would go down a little and then up Lewis was averaging 10k and that's really where just shot up you know that's where number one getting that contractor and bringing on board as a team member now I had to teach him copywriting because he was terrible at copy writing we're actually from Columbia probably a little bit of language difference yeah so I had to teach him copy rank that took a little bit of time but you know from there number one having him and number two building out the systems like just you know an example that I can give you as most people when they are trying to set up a meeting whether that be a zoom meeting a Skype call or an in-person meeting they'll go back and forth of like hey you know Chris you know what time works for you and then Chris will be like oh I can do this is this time you know I can do Monday Tuesday Wednesday at 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. and then he'll you know that person will have to come back then you'll you know you'll email back like ok awesome let's do Tuesday 4 p.m. you know what's your Skype ID or like what you know what's your address I'll come meet you blah blah just little things like that that's oh I'm saying most agency owners and most business owners in general are just running around like headless chickens lots of inefficiencies yeah that is a task you're repeating again and again and again so I'm like okay why don't I just send people my calendly why don't I just use a QT scheduling why don't I just send people Maya QT scheduling but the issue with that is they can see what times I was available and then they they're the client so you still have to be a bit respectful so whenever I message a client or a potential client I'm like hey could you let me know sometimes the work for you or conversely you can just pick a time for my scheduler and you'll get a Google Cal / iCal invite so basically eautiful yeah both the best of both worlds yes that way you're still respectful because you're trying to get their business right you know so what time works for you or just use the thing that works the best and you'll get a calendar my you know it's quite clear what the best option is makes sense but the issue with that is then I still need to send them my I need to create a zoom meeting or I need to send my skype ID so I'm like oh this is stupid so then I found a way to get a universal zoom link and then just put it in the confirmation email from a cutie scheduling so that way I can send a cold video outreach and I use loom for that best tool ever so I use a loom it's a really dope Chrome extension right I can send out a 15 to 20 minute audit and then from err they can actually book in a time and when they book in the time they can select it they get the iCal or Google can invite and then also when they get the confirmation they get sent to the unique zoom meeting link so then that way I don't need to tell them my personal phone number no none of my clients know my personal phone number none of my clients text me and them I know my clients email me we all use slack and then that way like it just keeps things separated and organized efficient right yeah I love that now how about in terms of actually finding somebody to help you service the clients right yeah you mentioned that you found the guy in Colombia how important is it to put people in place when you have efficiencies with skillsets when it comes to scaling your business right because we know a lot of people you know mean you're in the digital marketing space you know people who struggle when they're trying to make their own funnel and do their own copy and run their own ads and you know and they're trying and trying and trying to get nowhere as opposed to somebody else who puts the right people in place how important do you find it is you have a two-part question how important do you find it is put the right people in place and secondly where do you recommend people to go look to find the right people to put them in place because it's one thing to build a business nothing on the right people to scale it so when it comes to agency services you don't need to just sell Facebook ads like for example my girlfriend her LinkedIn agency she does done-for-you linkedin services where it's all organic and she'll just try to bring leads to agency owners right but she doesn't have to do any of the service delivery herself she just has to be the person that kind of looks over everything and trains the team etc etc so in terms of finding a high-quality contract or a team member the best place to look is actually Facebook groups because the thing is like that idea yeah you know the thing is you want someone who is like the issue with up work or Fiverr is people are usually on there they have this sort of mindset where like you know I just they're not doing it for passion or joy they're just there to make some money yeah they're not one of the passionate few they're definitely not you know and they've just got their hourly rate and that's all they give a [ __ ] about is their hourly rate or their monthly rate or whatever getting the job done not getting it done right whereas that's not what I want you know because we service some pretty big clients that's not what I want from my team so Danny I actually found him in a Facebook Ads group because the thing is if someone is actively in a you know media buyer secrets Facebook group or they're in a mastermind group or some sort of yeah but they're taking initiative time going Lee learn or be a part of a community yeah yeah one thing I notice about him was he just kept asking questions and he kept replying to people's questions I looked on his profile and I saw I looked at it and you know it's not like he was like a coach and he had a case study phone or something like that like you're just a regular dude someone why's this regular dude just spending all his time on these Facebook forums these Facebook groups and answering people's questions and asking questions like that this guy was like a nose was dead passionate and that's the most important thing and man you know when you find someone who is a team member you know nowadays I can trust any earlier or yesterday had a call with a company called Matt recom that were just about to sign or pretty much did sign you know he's like he's passionate and like before I even you know before I even signed a clown like hate Danny what do you what do you think about this and he'll help on the call with the client you know and he'll like vet them and open up their pixel and check their pixel data take initiative on it ya know and yeah that's the real difference between a employee or a contractor or a team member you know someone who'll actually take initiative compared to someone who waits to be told what to do or just there for the money yeah yeah that makes perfect sense now looking forward what are some of the challenges that you've encountered and how have you overcome them because a lot of people see you is you recently becoming a millionaire like oh man this wonder kid you know this protege of online marketing did it so rapidly obviously you teach people to your course and you've been helping hundreds of students all over the world build their own but what are some vulnerabilities or what are some challenges that you're currently dealing with whether it be personally or in your business and how ever you overcoming them and the reason I ask is because there's probably people watching this they might have their own struggles or challenges and go is he not even human you know or is this guy just a whiz kid with with you know this digital marketing space so where some current challenges you're dealing with and how have you got through them and what advice would you give to others who were having known challenges in their business they're great questions so um you know I say this all the time you do things have inspiration or desperation you know for me kind of like growing my agency was pretty easy like I got you know and it's funny everything that I knew was gonna happen happen the day I turned 18 so my stepdad in the divorce case would no longer have to account for me day I turned 18 I said that filed for divorce you know is he he didn't get his benefits out of us anymore yeah and there we go and his number one request was keep in mind they were legally married for like 14 years number one were requested you have seven days to leave my house Wow and if I was still in school we'd be homeless I don't have any family I don't have anyone to rely on and your mom isn't in a financial situation at all where she can you know take care of you but you know because I built my business and whatnot fine okay cool you know divorces are expensive it's costing me a lot of money yeah okay cool you know we can get it the best lawyer in town pay for cost a couple hundred grand it's free ridiculous but uh you know at least I can do that what does it feel like as a teenager to be able to pay six figures for your mom's legal fees I mean that's that's something that a lot of people obviously it's an unfortunate situation but what does it feel like for you to be you know to put in so much work and be able to do things like that to the audience who you know might be dreaming of doing something like that whatever stage of life what does it feel like to be on the other end of that that ability to provide huh yeah it's it's pretty crazy my stepdad so obviously he thought he was gonna like cuz he you could kind of start to tie was making money I guess he didn't know how much people okay probably just thought he'd likes squash us or whatever yeah and then we started fighting him and then he started throwing a bunch of slanderous claims and saying my mom it's just crazy [ __ ] like my mom was like prostitute and like my mom's doing this and this and I'm like a drug dealer and like you know just crazy stuff and like we keep fighting him fighting and fighting and I assume he just realized like yeah you know like there's not the funds for the lockers yeah they're strong enough now yeah you know that's that's incredible man you know I guess that's kind of the cool thing you know when you step into court and then you see this guy that's put your mom through so much and you could as I said like I always just wanted to be the man and the man didn't meet you know to me the man wasn't you know someone who's just ridiculously wealthy or you know popping bottles or this thing or that thing or a vanity thing for me the man was like you can be that rock for anyone around you whether that be your girlfriend whether that be your mom whether that be your friends if they're going through a tough time you can take care of them but that's kind of the issue is you know before inspiration or desperation so desperation my mom you know getting to 1015 km on no problem once you're at 10 15 K a month you know I could take care of my mom I could pay for an apartment for her if she wanted or if she needed and at that point you kind of start to ask yourself like why I'm actually doing this you know and then I started scaling like 50 60 70 km on and I was stuck in like around like 50 to 80 km month for a lot of last year from like February to around September of last year and I noticed my focus was going down and stuff like that because I didn't really have a reason to move forward very interesting I was just gonna ask you about that how much of your motivation is your career business came down to a why vs. came down to just ego you know or like desire not ego in the negative sense there's how much of it was like I want to make more money versus like no I have to for my mom yeah you know do you think you would have been able let me ask you this do you think you would have been able to go as fast as you did to grow your business as fast as you had had you not had the pain of your mom's situation or no no definitely not really yeah so wasn't a matter of ability it was a matter of motivation definitely and a very interesting point for the audience at home watching this now what lesson could you take or give to people whether it be you know either something from your life or for the students that you have all around the world who've learned from you know your various programs what have you found that the most successful students or entrepreneurs do well is it is it cultivate the the right why motivation I mean what have you seen work for you and others first of all just cultivate the right why and then to be honest like a lot of it is just the way you structure your day like you know I even teach fill in my program I teach people how to just set up a newsfeed Eradicator YouTube locker like most people are just you know one of the books I read early on was shallows what the internet is doing to your brain when I was like 16 that really scared me you know it's like most people you ain't understand most people they wake up at different times every single day they go to the gym kind of whenever in the day right Dave most most people don't even plan their day right yeah you know and most people the first thing they do when they wake up is check their phone so law is stuff I actually I have to teach people is you know most of it isn't even about like what's the best outreach method or how smooth are you at objection handling or you know how to build like a small niche Authority within your you know within had yeah a lot of it is just like set up YouTube blocker set up Facebook feed Eradicator wake up at the same time everyday you know I'll like show people how to actually wake up at the same time every day you know the best way to wake up at like 6:30 you know the right alarm to use you know using a ringlet or like a light that you know 30 minutes before wakeup starts to shine and emulates the same color temperature as the Sun you know like honestly like if you can just you know in my opinion if you can just stop like over drinking over smoking pot start waking up at the same time every day you know not [ __ ] around on social media too much and just do even like an hour to two hours of work a day you're pretty much like 80% of the way there to make six figures a year I love that and and it speaks true to two points one is Steve Jobs you know they interviewed him and I said you know Steve of all the success you've built with Apple this multi this colossal multi-billion dollar company what would you say you know you attribute most of your success to he actually said i tribute most of it to what I don't do not what I do do so my brilliance isn't in what I've decided to do or follow through or discipline or any of that because my brilliance is in the ability to say no someone comes in for a meeting know when a potential customer no you know we have a couple core products we have an iPhone and iPad a MacBook this and of course a multi-billion dollar company you could imagine what about a watch what about this what about that at that particular time and their business growth and he said know that the number one thing entrepreneur can do is focus on what matters and say no you know and it's about saying no so that's the first point that I think the audience could really learn from you and then the second point is a quote that I love and you probably love this if you don't know it already it's that most people don't have business problems they have personal problems that reflected that is missing a business yeah so that speaks true to that point now let me ask you this what motivates you at the 50 to 80 K level because you said you sort of got stuck there so what was it that push you over the edge cuz you know at a certain point 50 80 K you're already very comfortable and eat whatever drive whatever help your mom take care of things the immediate sort of luxuries or indulgences or not so much you know the motivation anymore what was it that got you over that hump from 50 to 80 km month and to sort of beyond to know you know six figures a month yeah so I mean for me to get from you know 60 km month or whatever to where I am right now I'd like roughly 200 km month profit it was just like I was stuck there for so long because you gotta think about it I was an 18 year old so all of my needs were met financially I had everything that I needed financially I had everything that I needed and then I also had all of the validation that I needed which was very very bad that's very scary in a social media ya know and that's you know I I did a post about this the other day I said you know entrepreneurship especially entrepreneurship combined with social media is very very scary because a long time you can get you know you can get everything all of the effects of actually doing the work by just posting about the work you know you can get all the validation you need just by you know posting about you hustling and this and that and that rather than actually doing the work you know before you have to actually do the work get the result and then you get the validation right nowadays you can just post about doing the work right and then you get the validation and that's very very very very scary and that's why I tell you know all of my students and stuff like that I'm like shield yourself from social media as much as you can you know it's in the same way you know a drug dealer it doesn't actually use his own product right that's kind of like the same thing with me with social media I like harshly limit my exposure to social media because although I technically what I do is I buy media buy ads from my clients you're in the social media business yeah even though I'm in the social media business you know and I buy media buy ad space and placements for both myself and my clients you know I never use it myself when you go on my facebook as I said nothing comes up on my newsfeed right I go to youtube I don't have any recommendations I don't have comments turned on I have two phones my actual real phone has only turned on eight hours a day for 16 hours a day you can't reach me it's impossible you know I have another phone all it's gone on there is over Spotify inaudible Andorra so you know that as you said that's kind of like the main issue the most people is like it's not actual business problems they're having its problems that are manifesting in their business very true and you also have a mentor which is Sam Evans right not only do you mentor people but you also ever mentor I also have my mentors what are some things you've learned from Sam that you've implemented because obviously you know Sam is a world-class marketer entrepreneur and consultant but I know as part of his mastermind you've learned a lot of cool things relating to what you just shared right can you share some other insight to the audience that maybe wants to take their business or their life or their discipline to the next level whether it be apps that work or just little you know my new efficiencies that you've implemented that you've noticed you know a radical improvement in your business with yes so um I was doing roughly 100k a month and then I came into contact with Sam stuff and that was actually kind of helped me push push the marker a little there's one thing that I love about Sam and um you know to be honest like I just I kind of know what I need to do these days so I don't really have any mentors or stuff like that right self-aware at this at a certain point you just kind of you're your worst enemy right you know what you need to do you just got to do it but I came into contact with his stuff when I was doing roughly a hundred Kamath and what I loved about his stuff was most of the stuff he preaches when in terms of like the actual marketing side and sales it's not that revolutionary it's just the fact that you know everything that he focused on outside of business you know the efficiency the focus and so and that's you know that's the person where I loved about his stuff and that was kind of something that I'd cultivated and gotten me to that hundred K a month mark is just the Fen it's just the fact that like you know just having that streamline focus and just like waking up every day and having the same morning routine that boot up routine and a lot of people really struggle to wake up in the morning there's a really good app called larmy so definitely give it a go you can't turn off the alarm until for me I have it set that I have to walk into my kitchen scan the barcode of my like I think it's like an espresso capsule or whatever they keep in the kitchen yeah otherwise Allah won't turn off no matter what I can't turn off yeah you know so I use that that's so cool on my computer you know most computers you get like they're not actually usable this is just so much distraction everywhere so you know for like you know a year now I've been using facebook feed Eradicator so nothing comes up on my feet I've been using YouTube it's called like YouTube PK block or something like that so nothing comes up on YouTube no comments no suggested no sidebar and nothing so I can use you to like I can go on YouTube and not end up in a wormhole and three hours later like how the hell did this happen right you can be intentional with it yeah there's another one called focus so I set focus when I know I you know I know I don't need to do anything that involves you know Facebook or talking to team or whatever and that just blocks email that blocks Spotify blocks a lot of websites and once again there's no way to turn that off so you just have to like shield yourself from all of the people trying to grab your attention because they like attention is scarce these days because there's so many people like vying for it and just trying to get your attention that you have to you know whatever products you're using and in your path to building a successful business you know you're gonna have to protect yourself it's gonna be a lot of people trying to scream at you for your attention I love that now let me ask you this what are some things that you noticed maybe on the way up that you would have done differently so knowing what you know now obviously have tons of experience you've scaled you know to you know in the millions now in annual revenue but on your way up what are some things you would have done differently maybe some many efficiencies would you say it's just that sort of the inefficiencies you have made more efficient in your processes or systems hiring the right team if you could go back you know a year for example what would you have done differently knowing what you know now when it comes to building your business probably just focus and just identifying the fact that when I'm having you know what I'm having for example as I said I was stuck at like 50 to 80 K for like a solid six seven months and that's just because I had you know those were personal issues manifesting my business you know it was nothing crazy I wasn't going out getting super wasted it's just stuff like you know I was waking up at 5:30 70% I'm not a hundred percent 70 percent yeah you know you know how you do one thing is how you do everything and you know those days when I didn't wake up that's in my day was ruined because that's you know it's start off on the wrong foot number one that and number two like you know the same why that I could use to get to 1015 K month I couldn't use the scale past you know 50 to 80 km that's true you need a new why new motivation from there it had to go from desperation to inspiration so for me my why now is to reform the education system you know through the best you know the best quality programs online programs in the world like it's really cool what's happening with the education system because the education system is one of the most centralized industries in the world yeah so if you go look at someone like PayPal they took something that was so centralized so old so like sluggish which was banking and they completely revolutionized that they took it online if you go look at the education system it's very very centralized you know there's only a certain amount of people in institutions universities colleges that you know can actually teach the cool thing now is with internet you know someone like you you can show people how to have their own successful podcast and you know have their own successful business you know someone like me I can show people how to have their own successful agency from real world experience that's up to date rather than stuff that was written 10 15 20 years ago and out of a textbook taught by somebody who never ran a business in a school or something yeah so I'm super excited for you know the fact that the education industry is now becoming very decentralized you know even if someone just puts up a YouTube video sharing the experience of what they learn that is you know furthering the decentralization of the education system that means that it isn't just your Harvard's or your Cambridge's that can teach people it's just a regular person that has actually done it and then can then go ahead and teach other people how to do it but the only kind of scary thing about that is you know I guess it's kind of like the decentralization of the banking system if we go look like cryptocurrency it's awesome because now it's becoming decentralized from the government but there's a lot of dangers that come with that in the fact that there isn't as much vetting nowadays with the decentralization of the education system let's be honest any dumbass can put out a YouTube video or a poor put out or is yeah I guess that to me that's kind of like the only scary thing that I'm seeing is you know that but um yeah that's my long-term vision is just to reform the education system the way to do that for me is eLearning so as I said I actually have that meeting at 9:00 o'clock with my old client athlete they do a lot of software development we're looking at building a custom that's can cost me like half a million dollars but who cares like you know my customers are gonna be able to log into this custom portal and as I said one of my clients is ordering so you know I'm gonna have a conversation with the CEO Harper II I want to have you know my custom portal API integrate or ring so now someone can wear their or ring have real-time stats on my custom portal not only that can they you know not only can they consume all that content and all that education material but they can see how their sleep is affecting the actual business that can plug into you know I wanted to plug into QuickBooks so now they can actually see their accounting and how that's affecting their business education you know I wanna take education and not make it about just the tactics or the tricks anymore you know the actual because you're the thing I'm sure you understand this one person will purchase a course they get zero results the other person will portrait purchase a course and become a millionaire what's the difference between them it's probably their systems their structures their routine their mindset you know the limiting beliefs they have and probably the fact that they actually used it and fall through and took action I mean and just having you know at this point over a thousand five hundred students I've realized that you know I realized that you know someone will come into my program get no results and the other person will come into my program and be making 10k a month within three weeks you know or even have had as as little as a week before Wow you know and you know it just kind of made me wonder and it really made me rethink things so that's why I want to do reform the education system by just having the best a learning platform on earth I love that mantle you're well on your way to doing judge that now talk to me about something that we talked about in private and that was your motivation was your stepfather yeah we actually sent an awesome message to after struggling and not having much and quote-unquote making it you know becoming a seven-figure earner and your teens can you talk a little about what that felt like we're gonna put it up on the screen here so people can actually check it out we can talk about you know what that moment meant to you what it felt like although people you know listening this might think it's a bit spiteful it actually was a lot of motivation for you so we're sharing it with the audience you guys can see it but you talk a little about what was behind you know the energy behind that text message and what it meant to you to be able to do something like that yeah so I'm to be honest I'm not a very spiteful Aurora person you know I hold no anger towards anyone that's ever done me wrong lord knows like I've done plenty of people wrong I'm sure everyone has right but um you know at the end of day like for me that was just a cool moment being able to send that I said I'm not a very spiteful person but just being able to send that and it's just kind of like you know for me it was just like I think in this world you can get pretty far by doing some pretty shitty stuff but at the end of day that karma always comes back to you and for me that was that moment where that came back to him and you know just being able to move into my beautiful apartment in London and send that to him you know it wasn't even a spiteful it wasn't a spiteful thing it wasn't something where I held longer it was just like this is what happens it's come back round now very cool now before we wrap up and ask some mindset questions I want to ask for people out there what would be Amon gods these top three tips to have a powerful Facebook campaign right so say someone wants to get customers into their business generate leads and let's say they know nothing or barely know a little bit you know after all this experience working with customers at all levels what would your top three tips be to be inefficient facebook marketer to generate leads and customers for your business top three tips number one if you're actually looking to sign on a client you know you want to look for those easy clients so easy clients or for example this company that we just signed mattre calm they had a podcast with Tim Ferriss and then one with Kevin Rose and then one with Joe Rogan they're about to have three more podcast feature what that means for us is we can take the last six months of their pixel data so the pixel is a thing that you know you ever notice you'll go onto someone's website and then you see them like two minutes later on your Facebook that's not being served to you you know if you can take on a client that has some sort of pixel data most of the time if they haven't worked with an agency you can you know I can backdate them six months and take six months of website traffic and take six months of initiate check out or add payment info and I can retarget those people and get really easy you know just some really easy sales you know retargeting isn't too hard to do I can just get some really easy sales and that's in a lot of confidence in them from month one that you know we made the right decision because I say this all the time every recall is a reframe see you know I like that that's that's also why I tell all of my students never ever ever manually invoice all of my clients sure I have to pay stripe two percent you know merchant fee or whatever but all my clients are Auto bill and auto invoice in their card has to be on file for that because every what you call as a reframe at the end of the month I don't want them you know reframing me and going oh is this worth it is this not worth it so that's why I you know I don't care about the two percent I want them Auto Bild yeah but I care about the long-term value of that customer exactly but you know back to your your question is number one try to find clients with some good pixel data and good history what's the Facebook pixel for those who might not know so the pixel is you can get something called a Facebook pixel helper and it'll show up in the top right as if it's a Chrome extension basically pixel is just a line of code it's basically a cookie that tracks what a person does on the website you know for me with a client like mattre or a client like ora or just some of my other info product clients we can come in and we can take past pixel data and we can then retarget those people you know and that's a really easy way just to get results from like day one and the same thing can apply if they have a good Facebook or Instagram or even YouTube is any sort of social like for example you know right now I could run an ad for you you know I could run an ad for you and we could take your entire Instagram audience build an audience of that you know build a 30 day audience of people who have visited or people who engage with your Instagram profile and I said that's just leads that are a lot warmer because converting cold can be quite tricky right yeah so that's number one number two is study copywriting the most important thing like by far is actually the creative but study copywriting and for me my niche is info product and e-commerce so most of our clients are 70% are in for our clients and long-form copy works beautifully so yeah study copywriting because honestly like a lot of time you can't really [ __ ] up the audience or you you you know you can [ __ ] that up but you can notice quite quickly that you know that vertical isn't working or whatever and you can pivot most time it's actually just a copy writing and the creative those are the two most important thing and if you're running ads for client just try try try your best to avoid stock photo II images right a lot especially a lot of my econ clients they want photos that are very like professional well done the thing is when people scroll through their Facebook if they think it's an ad like you're done ya lose generic yeah you know so I guess number one is finding a client with good pixel data number two is just become an expert at copyright because that's actually the most important thing which is the ability to write the words that sell on the actual act exactly and then number three is you know that's tough as I said it's kind of like based on a niche by a niche basis number three is actually something that's more agency but I'll kind of plug in here when selling Facebook ad clients on my own boarding process I have this thing called the 90-day emotional journey and it kind of looks like this yeah so I saved a one you know you're gonna and I have these emojis to represent it I go day one you're gonna look you're gonna you're gonna be happy you know because you know day one to day twenty it's kickoff you know you're starting to see your ads you know your mom's hitting you up saying hey son like I saw your ad whatever you know but then from there it goes down and that day twenty did to day twenty eight a day forty is when they start to reframe and they start saying guess you know because is Ananda you're still trying to figure out you know what audiences work best for them what sir toner tone of voice works best for them etc etc now most people in what I did was I did a ruling multiply month contract these days it's a three month minimum and then from there is rolling month by month because three months make sure that I said it's funny you it's usually around that day thirty where they're super emotionally charged because that first excitement period is done when and now they're like oh we're the results you know SEC working with a personal trainer you can't get results after 30 days you have to look at it from maybe a three month or a six month scope right so I like to do three month minimum and that just ensures that you know you aren't back in the day with my old clients like I was stacking the odds against me because I'd be doing a month by month but it's always that day twenty to thirty where there most on edge and they're both they're you know they're mainly making emotionally-charged decisions right and that's not what you want especially if you're not able to give them context upfront to expect that yeah exactly so I'm setting the expectation yeah yeah exactly so that you know just it's not exactly bring you know running killer campaigns because I said it's kind of based on a niche by niche basis but just making sure that you do a three month minimum for all of your agency clients just allows you that breathing room to relax and just you know not rush things very powerful okay now what about if I give you I had this idea because I know there's a lot of digital marketers out there you know people trying to build their social media marketing agency or for any business but let's say it's social media marketing and I'm gonna give you five niches real quick off top and if you could give me your first brainstorm of how you would get clients in that niche hmm make sense so I'm gonna kind of test your improbability here you ready okay okay so number one the automobile industry what would you do to find clients automobile industry that's a good one that's actually one that like I've had no experience with whatsoever I mean to be honest it's mainly the same with pretty much any issue going cold campaign if it's automobile it's gonna be local within now one thing that I would say about automobile is it could actually be nationwide compared to Jim you could probably only do a three mile radius because no one's really gonna travel more than three miles or at least I guess in London where I guess people travel longer it's in London you know no one's gonna travel more than three miles to go to their gym mmm whereas an automobile because it's a larger investment people who are willing to drive nationwide you know in order to get a better deal or whatever go to transfer or whatever you know so one of the things I really tell my students is you need to do your niche research so you need to understand that if you're in the real estate you should you need to understand that seller leads are buy are better than buyer leads because usually seller leads are also gonna be buyers you know someone that's selling their house the real estate agent can usually when they're selling a house there they'll usually buy another one so they get double Commission you know so as I said I know a bit about real estate Jim's we do info product and e-commerce but you know one thing just off the top of my head that I would do differently for an automotive niche compared to you know a gym or a restaurant is you can go ahead and take that demographic targeting and rather than doing you know three miles or ten miles you can actually open that to maybe like a hundred miles simply because people because it's a larger purchase and a larger investment people are willing to travel and drive further I love that actually the two I was gonna ask you was that and real estate so you knocked off to those third one would be the medical profession medical profession doctors or dentists plastic surgeons dentists so for example is something like dentists now it all depends so I had a client we actually didn't run their Facebook as we just did social me and stuff like that they were called Knightsbridge dental care super high-end you know like oh League arcs and like peleg arcs and politicians went there so you know III told Murray the owner I'm like hey you know why don't we offer a free teeth cleaning and then on the front end it's gonna cost you a little bit to acquire that lead but on the back end you know you can sell them you know you can sell them crowns and stuff like that those goes into the thousand she was like a man like we are literally the most like prestigious dental care practice in all of London do you really think we're gonna run a free teeth teeth cleaning yeah and I was like okay fine fair enough but you know that can work for a lot of dentists because also one thing that I would say is free teeth cleaning sounds a lot like free teeth whitening and everyone is crazy about free teeth whitening everyone's everyone want a lot of TV went yeah but free teeth cleaning isn't free teeth whitening free teeth whitening costs you know 200-300 up to a K to be honest depends on you know what product you use but you can bring someone in for free teeth cleaning which mainly just hygiene have that as a free offer and be like ah you know right at the end because this is what I was trying to get Marie to do but she would ever heard practices do prestigious there's AA be but you know they don't hear this one yes you know I was like so Marie so at the end of it will bring people in for free teeth cleaning and then at the end I want your dentist to basically you know tell the patient be like oh do you drink coffee do you drink a lot of coffee or drink wine by a chance and they'll be like yes or no and most the time they'll be like why do you ask and then you know her team can be like Oh just you know your teeth are quite brown and at that point it's like okay hit the pain oh yeah what could you do to help me and that's how you can kind of take them up that value letter beautiful now as a digital marketing agency owner how can people go about getting those clients so that so II just explained explains how to get customers into your dental practice or medical practice but what if you're a digital marketer you see your own social media marketing agency and you want to you know get in the door because a lot of times there's gatekeepers and you know there's you know the assistant or you get lost in the email or just email info we'll get back to you if we like what you have to offer so say someone you know put a gun to your head and say hey Mon get a medical you know client with the next 48 hours what would be your methods of creative prospecting in that regard so great question putting you on the spot here huh yes I mean this is one of the issues it's like if you went to a doctor and you said what's the best medicine and they give you one blanket you know answer you know you would hope that they would lose their license because you know they didn't ask you what's wrong with you you know where does it hurt etc etc so you know I know answers to the question yeah I get a lot of people they're like oh this outreach method is the best thing and it's like well obviously you're full of [ __ ] because first of all you know in Holland you're not allowed to cold-call there's a directory if you if only cost like 20 euros or something if you put your name on this directory you are never allowed to receive an unsolicited call ever right so telling someone in Holland and cold calling is the best way to get a Jim well that's not true because you're gonna get fined a hundred K so first of all it depends on the niche so if you give me a niche I could probably give you a better base let's say a plastic surgeon plastic surgeon so plastic surgeon I have no experience with but I have experience with a dental you know obviously like Marie and Sue a dentist okay so one thing is they're just never you will never ever reach the decision maker it's just so so hard to reach the decision maker because I've just found personally with dentists you know dental clinics a lot of time the owner is actually a dentist like they're actually practicing right you know so just you know cold calling doesn't work for a dentist yeah you know or least in my experience but once again you got to look at all different countries and also you have to look at the size if it's just a one-person dental clinic yeah you know that person is gonna have a room and then they're gonna have a phone next to them and you know you're talking to the entire team it's just one person right once again you also just gotta look at size now a good way to understand the scope and sort their sizes look on LinkedIn you know so Dan it's a great idea you know I can tell you just a company obviously we've had a lot of success with aura like a lot of success of the aura so there's another thing that I use which is AEG Reader it's called muses meditation headband so I was giving an example at one of my last masterminds actually how I'd reach out to them so what I did was first thing I did was I looked on LinkedIn they have around 70 employees I looked at who so I look because it tells you how big the organization is unlike Danielle's now what rules they have to ask so I went on there I found the seat she was the CMO and the founder now one just small little nuance is you never ever want to reach out to the social media manager or the paid traffic specialist never reach out to them because what you're doing if you're coming in as an agency is you're putting their job on the lines right you're threatening them man whereas a CMO chief marketing officer their only objective or they're the only thing they care about is the marketing department makes as much money as possible that's right they don't care if it's an agency that does it if it's an in-house person they don't care you know their main the main KPI that they work off of is how much did the marketing team make so you know her name was actually Syd I actually found it so her name was Syd and took a little while file her find her Facebook but I found her Facebook and then from there from her Facebook I found the old company she worked at so then I found her email from the old company she worked at and most the time people keep their emails even if they work aunt so it's right what I did was I shot you know live in front of the mastermind students I showed him a 15 to 20 minute audit so I use a thing called loom if you send a cold video average the way I used to do it back in the day was I would ScreenFlow weather issue with that is you have to export it and then you have to throw it up on YouTube or Vimeo and that process really slows things down yeah so what I use these days is a tool called loom absolutely love it it's a Chrome extension you can do a recording and then it's available immediately I don't even know how they do it it's available within five seconds yeah and the cool thing is loom also tells you if someone's opened your loom so now you know if that prescribes have seen it right so I said getting a little bit off-topic from dental clinics no no but it but it makes sense because it even proves that it's not doesn't even matter what Denisha is it's just about having a resourceful mindset and doing whatever it takes you know a lot of these interviews people always ask me how do you get this person and that person it's all about finding the key people in place and then leveraging that to get to the person you want to you know I didn't reach out to you know it's Grant Cardone forever directly go on LinkedIn everybody's information all the key people are there you leverage that web elegantly you know you're resourceful like you're saying you don't piss off the people you shouldn't piss off and then it's just a matter of a numbers game at that point right now one thing I would say is and I was showing as said in my my program and to my customers are showing a more advanced method where you know you're really stacking the odds in your favor longevity-wise so one thing I'm always thinking is what's the longevity of something so I'm most agency owners when they're doing outreach they're hitting one person at a time by a phone they're hitting one person at a time by a messenger and that the thing is the longevity of that is a day or three days or five days whereas if you can start to build a small niche authority on Facebook and LinkedIn so if you become an initiatory as the person that delivers results for dental clinics and you start to do you know a lot of these Facebook groups you have dental clinic owners UK yeah you know and you start to join in there and you start to join in and same thing on linked and you start to add all these connections and I'm still learning linked and that's I guess the one part of my outreach that I'm just you know my girlfriend's teaching me that there's a plug for Natasha yeah so you know and then you start to do these value posts you know the best thing you you'll come to realize that at a certain point agency the best way to get clients is inbound and referrals that's right right or network yeah there's a great book called power versus force when you first start your agency you know I said I can't teach people you know build a small niche Authority get great inbound and get your get great referrals that's something that can't really teach so at first you need to do force you know which is cold outreach cold calling you know cold messaging cold emailing you you know networking and referrals like you know that's force where you just got a force to make it happen at a certain point you got you got power and it's the same thing for you and when you first of all grant cardone or do I do first I got grant cardone I waited outside of a restaurant for two hours in Beverly Hills I got in touch with the system after assistant things started taking long but I got in the mix I literally stalked him went waited outside a restaurant cuz I saw on his Instagram story I live in LA he lives in Florida so I saw that he was in a restaurant in Beverly Hills waited outside the restaurant because I saw his Instagram story was there waited two hours for him to come out pitched him and he gave me the interview and then we need a better developed a friendship with him let's add my lead and so on and so forth so yeah I didn't I talked about force yes so what that was right there was forcefully resourceful made it happen resourcefulness you know when people talk about hustle which I don't really like but like you know that was hard work resourcefulness you know just making it happen that was force when we said this up that was power yeah hey man do you want to do uh you know do you want to come on for passion a few yeah of course you're Omar you know how's Friday yeah you know and that's the difference that's power that's force at four you know when you first start you really go to force things through compared to powers so I can't teach people power I have to teach them force to begin with I have to teach them how to send an expedited cold loom or cold email or use the fake audit strategy or you know teach them how to cold call etc etc but the cool thing is once you get to a certain point in your agency you know you start to get referrals and you start to get in bound now another really cool thing to do is build a case study funnel so that's a good way to indoctrinate leads is indoctrinate and that lead so you build a case study funnel you know I think mine is how how my agency is helping the new breed of e-commerce and info product lantz scale aggressively or something like that you know it goes into a one hour thing where I'm giving a bunch of value I'm also giving some real-world cases and at the end they can book in a call with me you know and I have all their information before the call now one of the cool things about that is you can actually retarget people so this is it's a small little nuance something a little bit more advanced but I used to think it was really stupid to have a website and I guess I still kind of do for a long time for literally four five months the the five months I scaled you know most aggressively last year I had no website someone hacked my website cuz it was like you know super old version of WordPress yeah yeah but one of the cool things you can do is just use clickfunnels just build a case study funnel put a pixel on there because this is this is longevity this is dope funnels yeah you know because here's the thing if I reach out to in a month I reach out to a thousand business owners and they click to my case study funnel Jones I don't even care if they watch my case study for if they click to my case study funnel that's it they're pixel tracked and then what that means is in facebook I can build an audience so even if I reach out to a thousand people maybe only a hundred people watch the case study fall or you can even just do this if you have a website if you have a thousand people click to your website now maybe only like hundred people will do something productive on their actually hear you out the other 900 will just leave and just think you're an idiot right but when they've been tracked with that pixel now you can start to retarget them and I can tell you honestly there is nothing more powerful as an agency owner then you know having someone who a cold prospect that comes to you who just thinks you're some dummy doesn't even want to hear you out and for the next 30 to 60 days with a high frequency you aggressively retarget them which isn't even that much yeah and then you get them to book in a discovery call you know that is really really powerful because then you're showing them that you know what you're doing firsthand mm-hmm so you could say well if you want proof you wouldn't be on this call right now yeah how'd you get on this call it was retargeting yet I hope you do the same for your business or your brand exactly it's very powerful I love that man I think we covered almost everything now before we get into my last question where can people find out more about you your free trainings follow you on social media things like that yeah you could share it with the audience all right awesome so right before you know with this interview me and Amara actually set up a free training so I think you'll leave the link right below that's right I've touched on as much as I can you know in this interview when it comes to running a digital marketing agency you know the different services you can offer the you know the best way to reach out to clients depending on niche but you know we really scratched the surface in this interview you know there's only so much you can do so we would have to have this free 90-minute training the link is right below and then apart from that on YouTube I'm emag a G so uh I think that's yeah very cool man and then my last question for you is you know knowing what you know now from lessons going from zero high school dropout to millionaire and beyond for people out there you know whether they're teenagers in their 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s at any age you know who have their goals or ambitions where they're entrepreneurs or not and they're looking at you for advice or wisdom if you Mon Godsey could you know condense his best piece of wisdom into 60 to 90 seconds or so what would your best piece of wisdom be if you could condense everything you got so far at the ripe young age of 19 and share it with them to take their business to the next level if you could look into the camera or if you're listening to this on any audio platform pay attention to this but what would be your best piece of wisdom to make your vision your dreams a reality well I think I would just give you a couple different buzz phrases and we've actually mentioned some today but first things first is work on your business not in it so start building systems that once you you you know once you build them you can kind of set and forget and you can move on to the next thing and always think about IPAs income producing activities so that's number one number two is kind of what we said which is you don't have you don't have business problems you have personal problems or manifesting in your business and as I said after having you know a thousand plus you know soon enough a couple thousand students like I have realized that the ones that scale and succeed are the ones that focus on you know a good morning routine a good night time routine their health and you know their meditation those sorts of stuff and I guess the last thing that I would say is wherever you go there you are don't think that once you hit six figures or seven figures all your problems are gonna go away your problems are still gonna be there and if you know I guess that's one thing you asked me what would you do differently if I could do anything differently I would have made a commitment to myself from the beginning that no matter how much money I make or how much my business grows like I'm always gonna put my presence my happiness my gratitude first because the thing is you know and I kind of lost myself for a bit here and not by doing stupid stuff but just by thinking that you know once I that next checkpoint that's when I'll be happy and you know I guess that's kind of why I got a tattoo to myself you'll never forget now yeah I can never get forget now this is wherever you go there you are you know you think you're gonna you go on that amazing holiday you think you drive that amazing whip wherever you go there you are however you feel now is a state of mind and you carry that through anywhere in life very true and that also speaks to people who sort of try to always escape you know those people who are always moving or changing businesses or changing relationships or wherever it's like they're they're trying to find some sort of inner happiness by changing the environment but it speaks true that everywhere you go if you don't solve the inner world if you don't get that congruent then you really have nothing because everywhere you go there you are I love that well thanks so much for sharing your story Eamon I hope people enjoy the free training and you guys can check that free training out in the description below and lastly we have a game so every interview we have a game called first things first so a very easy game the way the game works is I'm gonna rifle off ten words or phrases and you just tell me the first word or phrase that comes to mind makes sense so pretty easy the game's called first things first again to repeat the rules I'm just gonna write off ten words or phrases so I'm one at a time and then it's a relation game so you just tell me the first word or phrase that comes to mind the only rule is that you can't repeat yourself twice got it okay let's go ready all right first word money freedom second word your girlfriend Rach oh I like that third one social media marketing agency I can do a phrase nightmare if you do a wrong absolute list for your right your mom Carol your past a blessing the tough times appreciate appreciate them your future [Music] so much can go right so much can go wrong passion what gets you through the hard times your legacy education system mmm I love that and then the last one you ready hmm fulfillment here and now don't run away from it address it now because it's just gonna magnify it you know you're just gonna get gonna go to tej in here but you know it's just gonna be worse and worse if you think that once you hit that checkpoint or something that's when it's gonna happen because the thing is for a lot of people is you can a lot of people are live with enough happiness knowing that you know once I get to that point then I'll be happy like at least they have that hope the issue is once you get there you don't even have hope anymore so that's when it really sinks in that you know wherever you go there you are love that well thanks so much for being here with us Eamon my pleasure you guys can follow and check us out in the description below or Iman shares his free 90 minute training as well as check us out on social media on Facebook Instagram as well as YouTube until next time thank you guys for being one of the passionate if you guys enjoyed that video be sure to hit that subscribe button right now because every week you the very best and personal medomak content interviews and insights help inspire you to take your life in your dreams and make them a reality and also if you don't know how to book between guests same way I have you can check the link below for my top 3 secrets so if you have a podcast or a show or whatever is you want to collaborate with them if you click that link below I'll give you those top three secrets to help you get in touch with anybody and also don't forget the passionate view is available on media platforms as well so you can subscribe to the podcast and until next time thank you for being one of the passionate to you [Music] [Music]
Views: 126,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Iman Gadzhi Interview, iman gadzhi the passionate few interview, The Passionate Few, Iman Gadzhi, passionate few, Omar Elattar, iman gadzhi smma, Omar elattar interview, High school dropout, SMMA, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Marketing Agency, Sam Ovens, Digital Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Millionaire, how to make money online, how to start a social media marketing agency, smma cold call, smma tai lopez, smma facebook ads, entrepreneur, marketing, iman ghazi
Id: KrK6cQm2cCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 41sec (6101 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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