DAVID MELTZER: From $0-$120 Million, Bankruptcy & Finding True Happiness! (MUST WATCH)

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hi I'm Dave Meltzer and I'm one of the passionate view I do thousands of interviews and the interview with Omar and the passionate view was incredible he not only got to the surface details but really honed into the emotional aspects of how it felt to go from rags to riches rags to riches giving insights to help other people and power other people to be happy welcome to this episode of the passionate few podcast today it's your host Omar here and today we delve deep into the story of the CEO of sportsman marketing David Meltzer and for those of you that don't know David yet I want to assure you that this is the most roller coaster story we've had to date because not only did David go from rags to riches but he went back down to rags and made those riches again building a hundred twenty million dollar net worth David found himself in the middle of a bankruptcy which he was able to turn around to a positive mindset and staying connected to goodness to date Davos accomplishments in tech business marketing and sales becoming a leader in all those spaces and has had tons of experience being executives with key influential companies throughout decades of work and this interview we hear how David grew up in a rough situation not a lot of money with his siblings and was purely motivated by the ability to provide for his mom by her house buy her a car and had those motivations actually proved fruitful because David found himself making millions in his late 20s and never stopped from in this interview David also talks about how he got it all and lost it all so I want to encourage you guys to really pay attention because in this David talks about those accomplishments including things like being the CEO of Samsung's USA mobile division as he was the CEO of the first smartphone launch in history so it's pretty awesome Dave's experience goes even deeper than that there's tons of stories and this interview he goes deep into the power of relationships how to be an effective leader how to truly start making your life work and also I want to encourage you guys to pay attention because what's especially interesting about Dave's story unlike anybody else we've heard before is his unique motto and that is to make a lot of money help a lot of people have a lot fun of course in this interview David did exactly that as a shared story so no further ado I want to encourage you guys to sit back relax and with a powerful story David announcer joy hey guys welcome to this episode of the passionate few today we get to sit down with the CEO Sports one marketing himself David Meltzer thanks for being on the show today Dave it's over absolutely man so a lot of people know what you've done in business obviously you've had your hands and negotiations managing athletes and the multiple billions obviously you've negotiated in the tens of billions right 10 billion plus but talk to me a little bit about your childhood a lot of people don't know this but you grew up in kind of rough situations six siblings so talk to me a little bit about that yeah you know I I see as a blessing but it was a difficult situation I grew up with a single mom six kids total five boys one girl you know I I grew up happy though so I don't I don't want to portray it in any other way other than financially it was extremely challenging and my dream as a little boy was to be rich I saved my mom detector yeah six kids a teacher you can imagine how much money we had she actually had to fill up turnstiles at the 7-eleven with greeting cards just so we'd have enough to eat too much pride to ask for too too much help from her family but you know my siblings are academic freaks they all went to Harvard Penn Columbia yeah and my goal is to be rich and the reason I wanted to be rich though it's really interesting say you know being older now I can see where certain things formulated in my head right I only want to be rich to buy my mom a house in a car I guess my mom crying because we didn't have enough money to eat or I remember the car breaking down and her just you know just so upset and like I was you five six years old and I'm like man you know we're 2-bedroom apartments you know seven people total and I'm like I'm gonna buy my mama in Akron Ohio okay Akron I said yeah yeah I was actually you know have a great career in sport so I was born in the same hospital as LeBron James and Steph Curry so I actually think that someday you know my whole destiny may lead me to be the Commissioner of the NBA there's something about that hospital that had here I know I'm not gonna play so there must be something about the NBA that I do although I own a sport team so who knows that might be my MBA yeah so let me ask you this where in your siblings are you are you the oldest youngest in the middle yeah okay and you were the only one that had that sort of hunger out the gate or yeah you know I don't know what it is just born with the desire to make money I was more street hustler my brothers and sisters we had a station wagon my mom used to pack our dinner you know peanut butter jelly or Bologna with mustard in a paper bag and the older siblings would redo the younger siblings my two younger brothers are extreme geniuses Harvard Penn summa [ __ ] laude super genius they were just academic from the day they were born and you know my oldest brother being a doctor and like everyone was just very academic except for me I went to school you know to play football to play sports to meet girls well I had a tremendous amount of academic pressure so don't get me wrong I got one B in high school and you would have thought that I was the low end of the gene pool you know yeah so then after that what happens do you sort of like where's the pivot where you start trying entrepreneurship you start dabbling in that where did that begin yeah you know what happened to me was I believe my entrepreneurship started with wanting to be a professional football player because I think it takes curve to follow your passion to have a purpose and decide the profitability right anyone I was never really an innovator my people get confused between innovation and entrepreneurship so wasn't like I invented things I came up with ideas how to make money right but I wasn't like tinkering in my garage yeah that's an innovator and entrepreneur you know like Ray Kroc they could take someone else's greatest elephant make it 3d service system and make billions of dollars from it that was me you know I did come up with some cool ideas before their time that other people monetized but you know my whole thing was first football and I worked really really hard got a scholarship to college played football in college freshman year first game I got ran over by Christian Okoye a wandering nightmare I decided damn I better start studying first game first game very first game was a bullet on the kickoff team against Azusa Pacific very first game freshman year 147 pounds lightning fast yeah and I flew down there and I hit that guy on his thighs as hard as I could airborne straight back and he literally stepped on me it was a different ballgame I said wow I thought it was really good you know I you know best on my team in high school even our small and sure enough those dreams died and the next entrepreneurial thing was okay how can I be rich well back then doctors were rich and so I thought I'd be a physician I go over visit my brother he was at the hospital and he was doing his residency brilliant brother of mine and I said man I hate hospitals yeah just the energy is just the energy I live I'm an empathetic right what that means is I feel things you know I that's why I cry a lot you know guarantees a friend of mine and a mentor and I joke around Gary you swear to get people motivated and connect to you emotionally me I cry right I'm a 5th year old crybaby and I'll probably cry three times in this interview let's do it I've already got choked up but you know my went there I told my brother I hated hospitals he gave me the best piece of advice and I you know people see this on the Internet you probably heard it right he looked at me he goes be more interested and interesting right like I was 18 years old I had no idea what it's like to be a doc and that that really sticks because as an entrepreneur so many people think they have a dream right and they haven't been more interested than interesting I can't tell you when I ran Leigh Steinberg we'll get there but right CEO the most notable sports agency in the world right right Jerry Maguire any given Sunday for the love of the game Arlis so many kids 18 years old Oh mr. Meltzer I want to be just like you I want to be a sports agent and I think to myself it's like idiot over here at 18 saying I want to be a doctor but I hate hospitals right yeah they don't they may hate everything it takes to be a sports agent but they they're not more interested than interest it's kind of like the concept of lawyers right when you're a kid and you're like oh I want to be a lawyer because you watch movies and you see that the two minutes during a courtroom versus the years that they're studying I'm going over and the [ __ ] in the back room that yeah yeah yeah let's Rustom in the legal research so and I'll get there because there I was decided what am I gonna do to be Riddick's I can't be a doctor cuz I can't sit in a hospital cry all day but that was that was always on your mind like I have to get rich I get by the love a house in the car so so what was that voice now I want to get deep because a lot of people are guided by different motivations yeah so what was the actual dialogue in your mind like oh I'm gonna get [ __ ] rich any money any money like what was that if you could verbalize that sentence in your mind any Twitter stuff over and over it was that I'm get yoked up but I felt that people look down on me and my family because I didn't have money right so it was a duality of you know what all these rich kids I grew up with they weren't smarter than me they weren't it's really like football right right look you may be bigger but I'm not gonna stop like I had a competitive drive that still do it's just in a different way but I I remember you know the kids having you know cars and and people liking them and I couldn't you know I mean and I haven't seen them win and going man one day was that like in they they'd almost like looked out on me and maybe I was projecting my insecurities right but they would look down on my mom you know even in my family like I have some really successful uncles one arrogant one who you know I went to university of kaga law school wealthy lawyer and it was like he used to look down on my family right and like somehow he was superior to me it was such a motivating factor dude if it's about making money trust me I'm gonna make money and I'm gonna buy my mom a bigger house then you'll ever own I would buy mom a nicer car that it was he that was me so you had a chip on your shoulder oh yeah huge now I want to ask you do you find that other successful entrepreneurs at your level and other executives CEOs have you found that they - that was part of their mental dialogue they too had a chip on their shoulder yeah I've what what are common denominators of motivation you found from top achiever I think top achievers a lot of a man print like tougher parental issues cuz you don't mind where - you know my dad I wanted to show my dad you know that I could be successful Brian laughs right how old were you when he left so my parents got divorced separated when I was five my youngest brother just born divorced when I was seven and he was gone he had moved away were you close to her mark I was and so you know here's how my dad passed last year so here's I describe my relationship one from zero to ten my dad's my hero see here he's my hero from 10 to 18 I hated him mmm yeah you resented it yeah mom like every time I saw my mom not get a child support check yeah right you know I think right I buys them then 20 to 30 right I started to understand him right 30 to 40 started to appreciate him 40 to 50 I started loving so you guys had a good relationship to last yeah yeah yeah I said since I was 30 there if I can get into a little lot of sequence but yeah but what changed my relationship to my father where I started earning respect was one I started loving myself rabbi I got so good right yeah well I've got and so I started appreciating what he did for me right because I come through him not for him did you get any of his competitiveness er what rates from him do older I get the more I see my father in me can you give an example or two one super but my dad was super quick but I have this ability to coalesce and understand things in a very quick way he also was extremely generous like he money was not his god right money was beneath his feet and that's where my transformation occurred I had to learn that but my god you know we're tired when he was 31 he was millionaire bankrupt millionaire bankrupt he could make money like this he had great charisma great speaking ability and so I took on a lot of his energy and that's why I went bankrupt right because I was like my father it was like a self-fulfilling prophecy and he saw he saw him for my 30th birthday my father when I was ten years old so I started hating him my dad forgot my birthday so he had this beautiful hot step my step she was closer to my age than his age yeah and I met I loved her anyway he kind of completely start ignoring us right so he forgot my birthday super hurt right first she goes beyond so what I did talk to him I said how could you in so he projected his insecurities and he said oh I don't believe in birthdays that was his his way around right yeah you're ten now I don't believe in birthdays so not only did he forgive my birthday on his time he then have to live up to his word and he didn't give me a birthday card to remember any of my birthday's till I was 30 this is when I started right becoming friends my 30th birthday my dad gave me a beautiful blazer not as nice as that but a beautiful one Dimmie just perfectly so I knew not only did he buy it for me but he must have asked one of my brothers or someone for my size this so he cared that Carolyn oh yeah it meant to give me a gift that meant something here I'm like maybe he's gonna say sorry that's my mind right so I get this gift and I put on the jacket I thought maybe it's off the shelf it's not gonna fit like I know my dad right right and it fit perfectly right for you to short and of course that meant a whole lot to you meant a lot so then I open it up all open your jacket was a grey all all these pockets yeah horn out just ripped out he ripped about not in with the scissors he literally ripped him out so then I call him I'm like heartbroken I'm like he's trying to mess with me yeah this is I starting to feel like we were I'm thinking he's like made a point of something so I'm like dad I got the jacket I appreciate it but I can't use it is what you're talking about I go all the pockets are ripped out he goes yeah I ripped them out and I'm in my head I'm like you excuse my language you dick honestly you know you finally give me something really nice yeah and he goes yeah he goes cuz I'm worried about you I go what do you mean he was you're just like me I'm worried he goes uh you're just driven by money man he goes I was a multi-millionaire at the time right I retired at 31 he goes I know you could retire right now he was and I see everything like me and you so I gave you that jacket I was like was this your old jacket I'll do at this time 30 right 30 30 third day big birthday and he said no he said I go I can't wear this jacket I wanted to wear it to think of you he said I know he goes I never want you to wear the jacket I was like why'd you give me the birthday present daddy was so I want you to hang it in your closet and look at it every day and remind yourself can't take anything with you but can't take anything with you so that was the energy sure enough two years later retired at 32 an [ __ ] yeah just like my dad chasing money and all wrong people wrong ideas my wife warned me two years later you know as I retired from the time my wife won't warn me I ended up losing everything and we're talking like an eight-figure worth right we're talking hate figures tens of millions of dollars on paper over a hundred million over a hundred million dollars real estate yeah so I don't do golf courses Ski Mountain yeah 30 30 houses yeah more than 33 houses we had I 25 condos alone in San Diego yeah how old were you at this time 36 holy cow yeah so I wondered up to 38 I want to retrack back and we'll get that yeah so talk to me about you're in college you're your football dreams and into the dreams died how did that did that mess with your head to that first stream a lot of people talk about that first dream you've devastated mesh there goes the NFL yeah so for me it was I just wasn't a quitter like I talked about consistency and I love football right so to me it was okay how am I going to be involved in the NFL I can't play so let me just play it yeah yeah yeah get stuck for the hold like be a doctor in the NFL right make a lot of money right then it was sports agent right I'll be a sports agent I'll go ahead and go to law school make a lot of money right and so that's what I did I started switch to English and Poli Sci major still kept a kinesiology minor a little bit of the medicine so I was good at math and science ya know now you're saying it as if it was fluid at the time but was there a point where you're like [ __ ] what am I gonna do with my life like her was there like Montespan or not really you were pretty little of it I just picked the next yeah you're just quick with it yeah yeah well that's important because that translates to business yeah I mean I was always quick it wasn't you know like I know kids cuz my feeling was always and this was just natural right I have a goal but I'll change it I think we talked about pivoting else earlier right um that was me all right I'm aiming towards this and however which way takes to 10 the 60 freeway or whatever it is there's my destination it'll get me there so you know being an English Poli Sci major with a kinesiology minor I'm gonna go to law school right and I went to college by the way to a college that is a feeder for graduate school so I knew you know I was still gonna go to your setup and I went right from college to law school I went to Tulane for a reason I got into a lot of good law schools I studied really hard I really started to grow up as a student and went to Tulane because they had the first sports law surrogate yeah well it wasn't like it is today the leading in the kit in the country and they've honored me with the Dave Meltzer sports law excellence fund so I have my law school was just cool but I also went because they had a maritime law program they taught international and civil civil and common law so both right and they had the best oil and gas program and I got to study in Greece oh yeah yeah so I thought well if I'm not gonna you know hedge my bet I'm not gonna be a sports agent yeah you know cuz you got can't make money right of the box maybe I'll go be a litigator and be an oil and gas international oil and gas so this whole here most money I literally looked up incomes of back then there's no internet right there was magazines so I remember going it was either us news report somebody had the highest paid professions in a magazine so you look at one day and literally said oil gas litigator that's where I'm going oh like yeah sports agent wasn't no that was just like him right right but that was money and so you know I picked my law school best law school in the country for maritime law yeah Tulane University in New Orleans and that was my profession yeah Wow yeah so you didn't care about passion as much as the money your money was my passion exactly I was gonna provide me proof legitimacy all the things I was all about money in fact when I got married my wife was like gotta stop talking about money like I looked at and plead embarrassment about what a [ __ ] I was I mean I couldn't meet you and like you in within two minutes I'd be like I'm a millionaire right it was like before you saw my Ferrari Yeah right I would have told you well I got two Ferraris yeah yeah how was that big yeah you needed that validation or you wanted that yeah yeah totally and you know I bought and then of course I bought my over my house and I told everybody oh but I bought my mom a house I bought my mom yeah yeah yeah everything you always wanted home you're just showboating it yeah yeah for the wrong reasons so okay so then you pick your major and then what happens I got I want people really and yeah how you made this first million part of my life so I graduate law school and I have two jobs how old are you I'm 24 turning 25 okay I have two job offers at 24 recession so most of my class perfect time for a job I had one job offer to be a loyal and gasps litigator right and it was with a big oil company what was a salary do you remember uh the the base salary is like 110 okay a lot of money right at that really nice yeah good salary and then I got offered a job to sell no practicing law to sell legal research on the Internet now the internet wasn't what the internet was in the early nineties right phone lines and nobody knew what it was right so I go to my mom this is my trusted advisor and I said mom what should I do oil and gas litigator or sell legal research online no the legal research online job paid like $40,000 salary and a mission commissions I was fired unless I made a hundred they made it very clear you got you you get you have to hit your mark is a hundred minimum plus eighty thousand dollar expense account because there's a lot of travel so they gave you 2,500 for rent they gave me 1,200 for a cell phone and nobody is a bag phone right right yeah so that was tax free money so you know I'm a money guy 160 right 160 alone plus a base of a hundred puts me at 260 if I just and I could sell ice to Eskimos right right so I go to my mom and ask her without blinking she said you got to be a real lawyer you know take the oil and gas job right and for the first time in my life I realized just because somebody loves you doesn't mean they give you good advice that's powerful right there it was so many times I ain't in it because what happens if I would have taken my mom's advice she only wants the best for me right the safest the same whatever's in fact what does my mom know you know what my mom said about the internet why shouldn't take the internet jab coz I was leaning that way right she said the Internet Dave is a fad yeah I know we laugh now yeah but he sports is a fad two years ago I'd owners a professional NFL NBA MLB and NHL teams tell me eSports is a fad two years ago yeah so I'm not embarrassed to tell you my second grade teacher mom thought the internet was gonna be a fad right yeah so I you know completely went against my mom and I took the job with one promise to her that I would take the bar because she was convinced that I was gonna fail within a year that's the bar anything I passed the bar exam by the time I passed the bar take the job I'd fail and I just want to slow me down any and there'd be another oil and gas job right right he would always be there and she heads that was the was the bar exam hard was it as hard as people make it out to me I do want to it's yeah I didn't find it hard to be honest you know because now I had an advantage I had at that time I was engaged to a very very wealthy girl which I ended up breaking it off but her dad set me up in his country club home all I had to do was take the class study right we had food minimum and golf like those perfect setup yeah it's a lot of pressure more than it is difficult you know because your whole life rides on passing that exam right yeah California's the toughest by far so you know but I passed the bar and ironically I did extremely well in the state exam which I you know going to law school in New Orleans I was a little worried that I didn't understand the state law I mean but I passed so anyway I take this job and this is where I got laser focused now it was like training training and you finally make the NFL and you're gonna prove to everybody it's game day yeah then I'm Baker Mayfield and you have questions about how great I am yeah and I was like Baker Mayfield right all over the place right but meanwhile Here I am a top draft pick for this great team West Publishing great job and I'm now out of the gate right and I'm gonna prove myself so I get laser focused unlike Johnny Manziel I was laser focused like Peyton Manning I was in the film every day meaning I worked every hour that I could my goal was to be rich so all the guys that were 50 years old I was the youngest one ever to get this job they normally have four years of legal experience to get it I actually told the guy that Lou Lombardi who was a vice president he said Dave you don't have four years of litigation experience why should we hire you and I said I'll tell you why you should hire me because they were hiring four people I said you hire me keep all my commissions not me well he didn't know where my head was with the expense account in salary right I knew if he kept my commissions I was making more money than taking anyway yeah and it would be a lot easier yeah yeah yeah but I told him if I'm not in the top half of the first four guys six months in fire me and keep my commissions Wow and then he looked at me and he said we have no cell phones back then he said you got a picture of your girlfriend fiancee I said yeah opened my wallet yeah I have these little pictures back then you go oh yeah I handed it to him true story he looked at that picture and he said you're hired what said you're hired I said why he said choose my language but this is what he said he said but ugly [ __ ] like you can get a girl you must be able to sell and that's literally a job so I get laser focus I work seven days a week I'll sell everybody in the whole company we had seven seventeen billion in revenue as a company I said Big Show talking what exactly were you showing I was selling legal research online called West law of what what was the wall the street all sorts of stuff case law secondary material statutes of America you know those books that have the keys behind every lawyer on it yeah yeah so they were now putting those online yeah and they created something called West law so you were selling to like websites wrong relation I've sewn to every lawyer in the country whether cool calm in prisons that accounts because they had failed in books gotcha it was a big company so it's kind of like being I would say the closest thing would be a farmer wrap or a medical device wrap yeah yeah is that kind of pain remember your commissions purpur deal or what what it was yeah of course so you know because they were you know building the market we could make between 20 and 30 percent commission on the deal okay if some of the deals can range in the hundreds of thousands of dollars so within nine months they had to change the comp plan on me yeah I was a millionaire and I yes really IELTS old the next guy down from me yeah three two one so you're 24 25 what if I've never had really money in your life was that were and within 12 months nine months even multi-millionaire yeah never changed my suit I had three hand-me-down suits for my good buddy who dad owned a suit store three hand-me-down suits were my shoes till they had holes in them I got $25 a day per diem no matter what I had right so what I did is I went back to the to the five-year-old and I ate peanut butter and jelly because it was an extra two hundred seventy-five dollars a week that I could put to my law loans right I hit it hard I took in nine months I had a million dollars and I went I bought my mom a house my mom a car and I paid back my law loans which my uncle had to co-sign for me because you know no credit etc so he was always concerned that I wouldn't pay back my loans and what was fueling you this whole time was just that mantled I'll have to do it I have to do it was an urgent priority I wanted one I wanted to help my mom but I also underneath that I wanted to prove that my mom was better than everybody else because she was selfless and sacrifice for her children and her children's success was my mom success yeah so you want a regular yeah right you know summa [ __ ] laude my other brother Penn Wharton you know Columbia you know doctors all these great and and there was my mom who I felt probably not true that people look down on right she was driving this beat-up Ford Granada right terrible clothes we couldn't afford when we went to McDonald's I talked about this in my book highlight for me of going out as a kid was to go to McDonald's and get two large french fries for six kids pour it in a bun right that was to me like heaven right so he could mention when I'm on expense account still today one thing I love about Warren Moon is my dad's partner today he grew up with six sisters single mom same way and we both still have that he's 60 turning 62 I'm 50 we go out to eat in the finest restaurants in the world we'll fly into in the cities and create meetings because we hear there's a good restaurant yeah good sleep foodies right yeah but we're both like to you know inner-city kids that sit there and look around and go I can't believe that I get to eat here I remember the first one tell room I stayed in by myself Yeah right it was Hyatt you might as well thought I was at the ritz-carlton in the penthouse I called my mom right I was like oh my god I mean my own hotel room yeah you this is really surreal moments because everything you always wanted and it was right there yeah so that's your first million so talk to me from there how do you go on and start scaling and start moving enjoy the executive positions because a lot of people don't know that you're also the CEO at one time the CEO of the first smartphone launched ever for Samsung manufacturer yeah so what happened was three years into my career something lucky I would say the harder you work the luckier get opportunity arises Thomson Reuters buys my company that I worked for and because I'd done so well I had started they started videoing me to train people that people traveling with me they made me you know sales manager where I'm selling and managing people I'm in my 20s right there's two people in their 40s and 50s because this is a serious job it's like being a medical device rep you know you gotta have some skills and do you find I do want to ask do you find that the difference really obviously like you were saying earlier you're made of the same skin same flesh the difference was just the intensity in your mind of like hitting the goal right the urgency yeah it was desperation too were you good at sales or was it just the pressure that forced you to get good at I mean were you reading personal development was it natural I mean that's a great question so I believe there's two types of salespeople there's an eagle and there's a journeyman I was born in Eagle right I could sell ice to Eskimos I was a kid that was figuring out I could talk I could talk I could persuade people I could connect to you emotionally but where I became really good is when a guy named Mike Bosworth started to mentor me he created something called solution selling which then sold the SBI the Sales Professional Institute but Mike was a IBM er blue blue blue all the way solution selling consultative sales Mike Bosworth taught me to be a journeyman so I had you know passion purpose and profitability that the profitability side was natural I was a much more natural sales person than it was a football player yeah yeah yeah yeah but I have this journeyman mentality that when I learned how to be a professional salesperson to practice and videotape myself work on the craft exactly and I am I mean I'm a sales professional now what would you say are your top three keys to being an effective salesperson number one understand you've gotta people buy on emotion for logical reasons number one people buy on emotion for logical reasons if you don't connect emotionally you're done 220 rule I carry an energy of being of service and they're providing value so for me if I'm not walking it's a room believing that whatever I'm selling you sales product service whatever it is if I'm gonna believe in carrying energy that I'm giving you $100 and only asking you for twenty back because when I believe that in my heart if I have that in my energy there's no reason you won't want to move forward I can sell anything in that way and then the last thing is don't do business with dicks yeah you know I just I'm not gonna do business in sales you know what it's not worth it if I have someone that you know is not honest or is a jerk there's somebody else to sell yeah I don't want to have anything to do with you and obviously that some of you learned in retrospect right because there was a time where you take the money from anybody over seller back in seller a [ __ ] and a liar yeah like Ray Lewis told me two types of people those who manipulate and those who motivate house a manipulator and then through the process of what we'll get to you'll see that I made a major shift in my life to be a motivator so there were times two or you would multi-million dollar deals where you would sort of fib and then that would result did that either trial Bulls at the time yeah of course because and that's what projected my insecurities right that's my worthiness yeah yeah because it wasn't of true value wasn't being a good guy you know it wasn't like I did anything illegal it was just it's like a car salesman dad let you omit stuff you know sound right right and sell right right and you've been better look everybody here has been oversold back in sold manipulative in and even lied to in the sale right and it comes up that's why I like even on my social media now I don't be us around I give you my book and pay for shipping right yeah everybody knows what it feels like when I'm like hey you can have my book for free and you check out its 1995 for shipping order exactly come on now come on you know I I Drive a vote for a reason so I can afford to pay for shipping the other day I'm sitting I got cancelled to take my daughter to college I was like see that plane behind me that's Southwest I could easily just taking a private when that my plane got cancelled to New Orleans with me my wife and my daughter but then I couldn't afford to pay for all the shipping so that people can actually get my book for free because I know that if you get my book that I'm helping the universe like I know if you follow like thinking Grow Rich you follow that book you fall connected to goodness I promise you every time you read it you'll get richer in more ways than one always in one empowered with passion purpose and profitability nice man this is really good so then let's go back so you're you're three years into it you're training killing okay you're making a lot of time yeah yeah yep got bought out for 3.4 billion dollars Billy 95 billion or the beat yeah that's what Billy was a lot yeah and how old are you dissing a 28 okay so 27 I'm the youngest executive and you're hot [ __ ] right he goes through the roof he goes through the roof I have a little bit of kiddie stock enough to build a house in monarch beach here right right you bought your mom a house I bought him on though his second house but I bought my house now yeah my first real house what was your first big purchase where you're like holy [ __ ] this is real was a car you're gonna laugh going so it was a big-screen TV back there $8,000 yeah eight grand yeah holy [ __ ] that's how they're big yeah it's so you were you were spending money just having fun just first big purchase that I made because I always equated like being super rich to someone only one of the eight TV yeah yeah watch out football games definitely and in fact when I broke up with my fiance I bought condo a convertible I gave all of it to her I said I wanted two things back she cheated on me no way dude thank goodness but I'm did it did it [ __ ] you up man no because I literally I knew that I had gotten engaged for the wrong reasons I I got a wonderful girl she was young she was a senior in college I was a third year law student but I fell in love with her dad multi multi-millionaire sleaze like yes your eye on the prize I a nightmare even the girl I'm engaged to is because I want to be rich nothing to do with the girl or her family they're wonderful right this is my own stupid stick right right yeah so you know I get engaged for money now I got my own money and she's not feeling it right right and so she kisses some other guy I use that as my excuse to get out and never everything's I feel guilty except for I had one of my ring back yeah yeah I'll take that plate I want my ring back and she cried to me she goes from a mole rich family that I wanted to take the big screen so I drove over the incredible universe got her one yeah so I could take the original Big Bird's is with me exact felt it was a good luck yeah like symbolic of everything you've worked for I wanted yeah that thing - it was like 16 different squiggly marks yeah he had this beautiful home in Rancho Santa Fe I'm not lying I had that in the family room and my wife is like Dave the movie theater has a beautiful TV our bedroom why is this sitting here well it's good luck now though mold I replaced it and went bankrupt so but anyway so you know Here I am I had the kitty stock I move out build this house and now I go to dinner with Lord Thompson he wants to convince me to stay on because every other old executive they owned there's a private company right I mean if you're a one-percenter you had 34 million dollars if you were half percenter you had 17 million if you were a quarter percenter right you had 8 million and if you had a tenth of the percent you got 3.4 million there was no loser in the situation no loser right my kidney stock was enough to buy a monarch beach home and building I didn't buy it I built it yes well now so here you're in your late 20s late more money than you ever dreamed of and they were offering me an executive job at Thompson were to stay on yeah Lord Thompson himself said what do you need I said he said I said besides money yeah he said yeah I said make me a Duke because I love you so Jewish Duke oh they're seriously make me a Duke you're a lord make me a Duke I'll do the deal yeah and everyone at the table got really quiet yeah just kidding yeah a little bit yeah took the money but I'm smart enough now another insecurity when I graduated law school I had esq on everything it was because I wanted to make my mom proud right right right so I'd go into laufes and all I was with a Salesman and I'd make sure that they knew right one I was a lawyer say esq right I'm a versa for the boss yeah yeah and I'm rich I make more money than you yeah don't look down on me mr. lawyer yeah yeah it was a big yes anyway so crazy I started branding myself as a technology guy I started realizing wait a second I'm in the mid-90s now 95 96 right the Internet boom started not a fad I better start telling people hey I was in charge of 17 billion dollars in revenue I know the Internet I know how to monetize the Internet right so Anderson consulting was Accenture we went ahead boom became one hundred sixty nine million dollars startup they hired me for looks like branding myself so now I'm a tech guy director Silicon Valley network with TPG Sequoia and more end o HP Ventures saygus venture capitalists in the world it started learning that game and your thing and thank God I didn't take mom's advice oh yeah I just got the LA job yeah yeah it's true yeah yeah yeah is it good less and then so then I get exposed to carrier's app companies hardware Samsung wants to get in the phone and are you finding by the way that all these as all these opportunities come up because one thing we found in interviewing executives right - most people even you when you were younger hearing these numbers and names just like oh my god it's so big right but when you're in it it part of you feel like holy should I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm just gonna kind of wing it and as you wing it you just sort of yeah you little fraud so and that exists at that level right yeah I fight I found it I in between the numbers III felt look the guy I've known agree I'm a law degree yeah I'm an English poly sign community yeah yeah right I sold [ __ ] yeah and then because I could sell pretty soon makes of imagine I thought when I was CEO of PCF Oh Samsung's first manufactured smartphone in the world and I'm with gates and Dell and all these guys I'm playing in the Fortune magazine CEO Invitational I'm the keynote speaker at Comdex which is like CTIA yeah and then your mind are you thinking holy should I hope nobody knows I'm a fraud basically I kept saying thank God I can sell yeah because in the truth is the reason Samsung became the second largest manufacturer phones in the world that fraud nough scam oh you know I couldn't run a business that big right yeah at some point he was bound turn into it yeah so so the trajectory of it so the company blows up gets bought out you get equity you start branding yourself as the tech guy now you're a heavy one head hunts me in Silicon Valley I go to every path of wireless proxy server middleware company I'm smart enough to understand trends right I knew Wireless was the next big thing right so I went into the middleware space did real well Samsung then hired me as a 32 year old CEO of pce phone and and the salary was the most you've ever experienced you know yeah I stock and I was involved in some serious stock plays in real estate plays you know I was up 20 hours a day because I would wake with Squawk Box you know murió is right there yeah young were yeah yeah and he still beautiful but I just wanna say I and what did you meet what did you meet your current wife fourth grade really yeah so I love the first boy ever asked my wife to go steady she said no Maria right my wife's Julie Oh Maria Barth always a girl on squawk box Julie I I went to sixth-grade camp with and had my best friend asked her to go steady she said no so I threw an egg at her rocks at her yeah and not until her message right yeah yeah and my cousin was my best friend never wanted to see or to talk to me because I was a jerk right later on in life after I broke up my fiancee I mom had passed away and I bumped into her in Mexico literally physically in a crowded bar bumped into her I always say her mom pushed me yeah as her mom when she ran into me in law school or mom said you should date Dave Meltzer oh he's engaged she goes you should date someone like him so always said her pushed me in there it started dating and what I have loved my wife since I was nine years old from the first time she skied bordered by my house she doesn't feel the same about me yeah you met her in the club you guys struck up a conversation and at that time you were doing well really yeah yeah I thought my friend was bragging for me I threw away her number because I thought she still thought I was a jerk yeah yeah she ended up calling me and then yeah things worked out really well for kids and she's the best thing that ever she saved my life so what are your three tips for people out there entrepreneurs people trying to go for their goals and life on relationships what would be your top three tips on picking the right person picking the right person for relationships well number one communication so I actually have four tips which are my floor is one make sure you both are gracious I mean gratitude if you're both thankful then you appreciate one another has value to the relationship too especially if you're married to me forgiveness yeah patience and forgiveness gratitude forgiveness accountability is something that most people don't understand so in a relationship when you start taking what we ruin a relationship is that blame shame and justification right imagine my relationship building my mom what have I blamed her for all my problems that's what happens in a relationship when you're married you're the one that lost the house you're right right yeah yeah and then finally effective communication in effective communication is how do we communicate or emotionally connect as one this way but also how do we connect emotionally to that which inspires us God Jesus Buddha Joseph Smith whenever you believe in the 12th man I don't give a [ __ ] so those four things are the best piece of marriage advice I can have is have those four tenants in your relationship and you'll survive forever I'm 21 years married next week nice I did want to ask because a lot of people will hear a lot of the you know business stuff the story but they might linger on that so I definitely wanted to push on that so but I love that it's great so then go on so Samsung yeah so there I was multi-millionaire I retire used to tell people I retired they threw me out gave me a ton of money what's a ballpark of your net worths at this time probably about 22 million when I at that point and I built it up to about 120 129 total before what happened was man I had the right stocks I had the right real estate I was leveraging everything I bought I bought a golf course we put 12 million dollars into it it became the eighth best golf course in the nation called Poplar Grove worth over 120 million in paper i de ski mountain in Montana we're in beef trail yeah in Montana 52 Lots Wow conduct emergency what happened was I was a jerk an idiot wasn't my wife warned me yeah here's the interesting about four entrepreneurs right I surrounded myself with the wrong people in the wrong ideas meaning what were they what were they going to strip clubs doing drinking drugs not paying attention my business because everything was going fine no great yeah no mentorship no passion no purpose lots of profitability and my wife warned me two years before I went bankrupt my wife warned me that wasn't paying attention she wasn't happy and so I went and changed my life I started living by gratitude empathy accountability effective communication my wife told me go back take stock in who you were and what you want to become or I'm leaving and I know there's a story to that you shared and I would love if you could share it about the day where you said well what honey you should be happy look around like this the Ferraris this that city and she goes I'm not looking at any of that I'm looking at you yeah can you share a little bit about that yeah so I actually I came home I was with little John the Grammy Awards yeah and the hip hop artist hip hop artist came home five something in the morning high as a kite yeah and she's waiting at the doors we had this beautiful four car garage with all the windows and I can see your silhouette what cars are in the garage at that time I had a Carrera 4 gob relay I had the Ferrari we had a SUV we had back then it was a navigator navigator yeah yeah yeah so we had three cars in there and water thing of jet ski yeah but walk up I'm a little bit nervous and she looked at me and she open the door and she goes you and I've never seen her so pissed you you are not rocks and I looked at it and I go I may not be one but I sure feel like one right and so that's what she told me you know take my stocking and I was I'm like what are you talking about honey I've never even seen her mad at me like our life was so blessed I'm gonna live-in nanny Yeah right I mean yeah she never worked Yeah right we got everything I ever wanted well it was it as sweet as you dreamed it would be when you were younger like when you're thinking about all this stuff and then living it was it so I you get what I'm asking yeah so I tell people this all the time I'm not one of those guys that say don't own a Ferrari I Drive a Chevy Volt today but I'm not telling you not to own a Ferrari I believe get what you want in life learn from it if if it keeps you happy keep it if it doesn't make you happy get rid of it hopefully for a profit yeah yeah but that was been my philosophy and so you know I really I lost everything right but I will tell you I enjoyed it yeah like I don't know I don't have any regrets other than my own ego like that my only regret isn't what I lost my regret is how I acted you know why we were fairest how you were the embarrassment of having to tell people like thoughts that went through my head like do you know who I am or you know what I've done yeah bragging like in the first minutes about the money you have or whatever you know that's not my legacy so what caused you to lose it all so real simply economically what caused me to lose it all is I wasn't paying attention but I didn't ask for help if what happened was I had a lot of equity but in my mind in my experience because I didn't ask for anyone to help right I didn't understand that I've gone through my liquidity in lawsuits and kario dumb [ __ ] all sorts of so wasn't that liquid you know I feel like things were tied up percentages is just you know equity I figured I was just refinance things and you have so much money anyways that it's like the margin of difference we'll just your net worth goes down because the market crash is the real estate market the stock market crashes some equity and everything right so but I still have equity I'm not upside down I still have equity but I can't borrow against it because now the banks are in trouble right and they're not taking risk and I have so many properties they're not letting me even take us is my money right so I can't sell out of my stuff fast enough right and the markets going down so I finally get to a point where it's like I owe people money I still have equity so my bankruptcy was a little bit different it was one of accountability because I had switched my paradigm a value two years earlier I started living towards that pursuit of my potential I started living of services I changed the prayer in my head every morning to not what can I get but can God put ten people in front of me that I can help and this is when you lost it all so and you tell you whether the lag time right so you're starting like people don't get that look so things were on the decline even though you were now sort of spiritually going up but that the trend was already downward so by the time it was already too late anyways Wow but made that decision to walk away and you're 32 32 at this time I know when I walked away when Bank when I was 37 37 yeah so quick PCE phone at 32 made more money through these you know angel investing millions of dollars up to the nine four and I will give by 35 real 38 36 my wife has 35 and my wife has to talk within the two years right by 37 filed for bankruptcy by 38 it's done I'm bankrupt I lost everything and everything yeah and we had a vicious lawsuit with a neighbor of ours it you know broke the law and did all these other things to take my stuff really yeah I mean literally took every piece of furniture out of my house what what just because even exempt stuff this in the Bankruptcy Court this did really nak like would put letters in the mailbox telling our friends you know went to my wife's family you know I've been really gracious to my wife's family I let one of her cousins buy into my construction business on a UCC filed note which I never but he went to him and said I was gonna take his house you know me the song and then then the lawyer and the accountant they were all connected and my accountant was telling them that you know I was using the money for me like this yeah and so much illegally web it was blamed shame and justification in fact a couple of her family members still like aren't interested in in talking to her well now they want to talk to her but they still see me as that yeah yeah yeah you know what take accountability for it that's all I can say and if they look I forgive people not not for them for me and I forgive them right I forgive it because I deserve to forgive them yeah if look one thing you can learn about the Internet there's now four billion people on it you know give me point zero one percent of them that love me they get what I say that I believe in to the values that I have right what just point zero one percent of them it's four hundred thousand people right I'm there already four hundred thousand people on this earth right now love what the message I have and they know it the other three billion nine hundred ninety nine million right six hundred thousand people can hate me that's okay but listen listen to why you hate me because you're just projecting your insecurities if you don't believe in what I what I talk about because I live as close to the truth that I can I'm not perfect right but I'll tell you what you know and you've seen what a lot of people haven't been able to see right what most people aspire for so you've seen the up and the down and then they jump on the bed one of her cousins he met because he remember I took him to the Masters right and I promised him a Phil Mickelson flag at the time parting my butt off doing the things I shouldn't be doing I don't remember the stupid flag but he brings up to my wife like you know cuz his wife loves me his family loves me right you know he's still a jerk he still owes me a master's flag then why did you just call me and asked me for a master flag yeah yeah like you're 50 some years old grown like these are the little things I'm like what nonsense a guy like that I don't have time to change his mind right yeah yeah which is another lesson right don't spend your time trying to change people's mind you don't need everybody to love you right you know I've millions of people that love me for a reason they love the ideas that I share I worked to be of service I literally you know have given I'm a reverse tiny guy right 90% of everything I have is for other people including I would say a hundred percent because I don't really buy myself anything you feel guilty now about about buying yourself a nice stuff compared to what you used to buy you know guilt is a is an ego based problem right okay you know for me I buy what I need you know I hate to tell you but all my watches are fake this is the best piece of jewelry I own right here because Master sha blessed it for me you know I I I don't I don't really if I feel guilty I go back to Center if I feel anxious I go back to Center two things I do time and ego I keep my eye and awareness on time and ego whenever I'm worried about time like things aren't happening on a certain timeframe work right just go back to Center whenever I do something ought to be going xiety fear need to be right need to be offended need to be superior inferior separate whatever it is just go back to Center first forgive myself because I forgive myself I can give forgiveness to others and then I get better I just try to get better so so and a lot of that was born out of the challenging times right so I want to get into that and your practices and how you you actually apply that but talk to me about the day when you're 37 38 you file bankruptcy you had 100 million dollar-plus net worth and just like that in a day it's over what what the hell do you do the moment you sign the paperwork and you get out of the office well what's going through your mind kamo how am I gonna tell my mom so I went to bed that night depressed and woke up the next morning and my father says you spent one day in bed depressed and I just sat there long one and all I could think about was how am I gonna go walk to my mom's house and tell her because I lost my mom's house I was never put it in her name yeah wait I bought it for her but I wanted to make sure like payment yeah you took care of everything so she don't feel yeah it wasn't the first house I bought it right this is and so so it's 33 homes including mom's the golf course always talk to me about everything you lost what did you lose every single thing so homes condos Golf Course a mountain all the one car all my money how many cars did you own at that time oh I had five cars and motor home yeah I had a embarrassing endeavor gated community right new job I parked the motor home outside the community so they could come and repo it Wow so that nobody would see yeah yeah the hardest part for me I remember in bed it wasn't my wife was by me right as if she was imported yes I've been to I'd live by like she wanted me to and she she wasn't even afraid she knew that I was gonna make this thing right and does she love me more than ever because now was a good husband I was a good father she was by your side during the tough times yeah it was in your ear and we got this we get through this yeah so you might be created that tremendous he stepped up sold [ __ ] on eBay no way yeah so you went from being an executive at Samsung CEO running billions of dollars no let me say this up on eBay and then remember you have pride right right people old me money still today I bet probably old $750,000 for people that I never went and asked for but I remember we got to get groceries and I didn't have any cash and so my choice everything my rich people know my family I rich people now I felt like my mom I manifested being my mom's I used to kind of resent my mom when I was five going here we got [ __ ] uncles you know why my own food stamps like ask your brother for some cash now my brothers were successful my ego won't let me do it too much pride yeah so I remember telling my wife hey go in the garage I just remembered I had a whole big water five-gallon water thing full of change I was like $1200 a change I've got us through and then I got attacks like I got a check in the mail for tax read like things just started happening yeah there's a universal oh yeah yeah and I got the you know I actually already had the job at least I Berg when I had to claim bankruptcy so one of the other things that depressed to me was I had gotten this job with Lee I'm chief operating officer for Leigh Steinberg sports entertainment how do I go in and tell him I'm bankrupt right because when I got high I didn't know you didn't they no no no what was worse is like you know that lawyer was calling and I tried to cover because he knew I was in the lawsuit yeah but the lawyer would call and talk to like Kali and then try to sabotage my job to get me fired and so I would play the other role like yeah I'm having trouble but I'm gonna survive so yeah now you know I went from the part of the reason that he hired me was I was a successful guy big shot yeah like bankrupt [ __ ] so I remember being really depressed for one day and so I took accountability in bed I just said you know what I own this man I this is all my fault not the guy that was in the lawsuit it not my neighbors not my wife for putting pressure on me for to buyer humongous you know all the things that went through my head I owned it and literally I went to bed that night one day in bed and I woke up in the morning first thing and I walked over to my mom's house Wow she went to the door and they said mom I need to tell you something you're gonna have to move I lost this house and we can fight it in bankrupt but because it's yours you know there's a vixen laws but I said I prefer if we just find a place and I promise you I'll make it up to you and man I was just so blessed when Jesus said that's fine you know just I love you I know what do you need from me you know do you need my car do you need like yeah she was like never I'm about it Tara everyone is and that was my mom I went to work went to work went up to Lee's and asked him back inside he was going through a lot himself I said I could talk to him and he's not a big hugger and he held me when I was crying because I told him and then he admitted you know that he had gone bankrupt himself and at that time no earlier fire yeah yeah yeah yeah and he said look man you know just be accountable and so it was free like I felt freer than ever once I told me and I told my mom and you know it was interesting I I just I started illuminating my problem I wasn't gonna sit there with my brothers who were super successful and be competitive and I just took the very radical humble spot in my life and just said I'm gonna do this the right way and I remember after going bankrupt I was making good money yeah I wrote his check to charity to Warren's charity and more and more your partner yeah he was a partner at least two and he had the crescent moon Foundation and so for people who don't know can you talk about Legion how big that organization yes Ali Steinberg they made the movie Jerry Maguire after him Cameron Crowe followed him around he was the largest sports agency in the world most notable world eight first picks in a row Wow in a row never to be done again sold his baseball practice for 90 million yes auntie one of the great philanthropist of the world and I was blessed to have him as my boss mentor and eventually made me CEO of his company and you got that job just as you were having the bankruptcy she was almost like perfect time it was a bridge if you will to a lot you know like look man I got offers for jobs yeah and I was gonna take one of the telus to be president of their data division and I decided to work for lead by accident you know I met him and we hit it off so much like my younger brother I think that's why I wanted to hire me Leigh Steinberg hired me 48 hours after he met me he must had thousands of resumes for people that wanted to work for him and then eventually you would not only get the job but move up and be CEO yeah I was CEO Oh originally I took over for Jeff Morad who owned the Diamondbacks at the time and eventually the Padres but yeah it was incredible and but I lived in a different world man and Leigh was the same way he was a philanthropist and I was I was gonna live my life on value so I write this check and ask my wife we remember I don't own a house I barely on my furniture I literally we have to move my wife is pregnant by the way with my son know is his first son or do you have kids or son a $3 $3 you're going through a lot yeah yeah yeah but I I literally so I'm moving in everything's rented and I got my check and I said hey babe I would write this to Warren's charity to give a kid a scholarship to college and I said are you okay with that and she said oh you're learning to trust the universe like it's my wife my whole life don't Madden get it my whole life so she big on like meditation and mines yeah really yeah totally and you're all about the money don't get it now like she laughs he goes I can't believe how much you've grown like you teach people about this stuff if they only knew what a [ __ ] you were when I first thirty years that attract things in your life you could allow things that happened yeah you know like all this stuff so I remember she goes are you learning to trust the universe I'm also you're cool with this and she looked at me and she goes doublet no way and I was like I don't trust universe that much yeah three daughters a lot a bankruptcy there they have been wrongly dressed little by little married you know and but yes now I'm the one that's like doublet you know she's like are you sure you want to do this I'm like it's all it's and I don't do it I don't give to get right there that's training I give unconditionally you look at the signature in my emails it says unconditionally right that's my citation there's only two things I could put as my salutation to be true one that which I aspire to be so it says unconditionally dave meltzer rest it's a loquitur that which it is right so and or it could say this which would be even more truthful than unconditionally hypocritically no matter what you try we're all pursuing our potential so we're all hypocrites guys and so if anyone watches these videos and interviews and go people love to admire that stuff I've done right impact theory and the Gary Vee stuff look let me tell you this about every big guy that that I get to deal with we're all just trying we're all hypocrites right we're all just doing our best we're doing our best and so are you so be cool with that know that when I say unconditionally because I'm trying to do this without condition judgment I'm doing my best but I'm a hypocrite right do I get mad at my employees and lose my temper yeah just for less time then I go back to Center right do I have you know insecurities fears yeah I just go back to Center they don't ever go past a few minutes where he used to take days weeks months spiraling all types of projection of my insecurities right that would ruin me I limit the amount of negative energy in my life by going back to Center and then so now what were the practices when you started to rebuild was it met tation I mean what were the the specific tangible things you did to bring you to Center right so number one meditation every day every day 20 minutes in the morning my philosophy was if I could find Center then I would know when I'm off center and go back to center right and create this flow you have a constant inventory of where Center is as opposed to most people who just kind of wake up show up and just don't know how to calibrate the compass if you will yeah and then learn to detach my happiness from outcomes just enjoy the consistent everyday persisting without quiz is it TM Transcendental Meditation no meditation theta theta meditation I believe in vibration I believe in you can only be aware of that which vibrates equal to the news so you should work on how fast you're vibrating understanding the truth vibrates the fastest yeah I've heard you say that before so for somebody out there that might be new to the concepts of meditation or applying it to their life for their business what would be David Meltzer's best tips on finding center or how to incorporate it into your life what a tangible practice it's real easy you know sit up straight so you have a hard time guys are usign straight breathing through your nose like it's coming from the end of the universe and then blow it all the way back past the ocean right and what you think about is nothing that's the hardest part is people think they're supposed to be something coming to you all that I think about is awareness so if colors come to me temperatures come to me stories come to me higher I raise my awareness I can start witnessing patterns because patterns are you know that go from the conscious of what we think say and do to the subconscious of what we believe into an unconscious soul an unconscious competency which has a duality and the duality is quite simple it's an energetic component and a genetic component of our unconscious the genetic component is a DNA it's a code that you've been given from about four generations down to you great great grandparents great grandparents great grandparents and parents for generation it's the in but that that genetic unconscious has XO genetics shell that has an activator a deactivator so you can activate or deactivate alcoholism frustration yeah look you like you said how much your dad do you see in me I just started to deactivate the things that I didn't like about my dad and started activating the things I do like about my dad activating the things I like about my mom deactivating then on the energetic side it's about vibration right are we you know energetically attracting what we want surrounding ourselves with the right people the right ideas are we raising our awareness if I could give you any gift Omar be one gift awareness if you have true awareness you never have to work all you would have to have is true awareness for one day why because you would be able to go right to the Mercantile Exchange and say oh I have extreme awareness gold is gonna double tomorrow or gold is gonna double in the next two months or right right or you know viral back and still all the money in the world buy some gold because you know you have complete awareness awareness is awesome it's what leads me and it translates on the inside to self awareness Gary Vee talks about it is doubling down on sort of your strengths right being aware of what am I good at what am I not good at what are the things I want to create so have you found that that because I want to ask for the audience who might hear it and think like okay that sounds like pseudo or spiritual there's one component but a lot of people watching this want to get better want to get ahead want to get money haven't had their own journey so to speak so how does that those practices apply to the mindset of personal growth and income and impact and all that fulfillment look you got to be more interested in the interesting you got to gather data but once you gather the data you got to have awareness make your decision notice you got to interview a lot of powerful people yes we all make decisions quickly there's no it's real and it's imperfect you don't even know if it's good bad it's just it's better to make the wrong thing quick than it is to sit there and continue then like what I believe I also think that we all are optimists or top 2mr like my grandfather who's Popeye called the optimist you're at the highest level of understanding that my decision today may not put me where I think I'm supposed to be but eventually it'll get me there think about the manifestation of the fact that I went to law school to be a sports agent if you would have told me yeah that's true 15 years later that I would have run the most notable sports agency in the world by not practicing law right studying maritime law right going into technology selling legal research on to a wireless proxy server then on to being you know CEOs you know see of their phone yeah then retiring getting into real estate and stocks yeah and then going bankrupt and that's how I was gonna be the CEO of the most notable sports agency in the world yeah yeah so if you don't trust the universe that's true I believe that most successful people understand one thing that they live in favor they live in a world of more than enough and when you live in a world of more than enough it all comes to you even if your current reality is not that by living it in your mind you start to attract it yeah times a construct so then how do you rebuild that you know you go through the tough time you get the job with Lee you've now translated into an other things obviously now you have TV shows you have books philanthropy talk to people a little bit now yeah about kind of other things you have going on now and also what's close to your heart with the nonprofit's and let you're involved in it so it's for me about passion you know once I get my passion that I think about a purpose for that passion and then I make sure it's tied in to profitability I'm different than most philanthropists I've written a book called compassionate capitalism I believe in one thing about this vibration this pragmatic world we live in that if you want to have options if you truly want to help people you've got to make money so I tie everything to a direct path to revenue and I do it for the purpose of helping others and with the passion for me of being of service in fact I started realizing that my core my name in itself the name David means beloved Meltzer actually means waiter there's a way to do there of service so I'm beloved of service that's my passion right empower others to power others to be happy elevate others to elevate themselves you know like all types of things you can do and it leads a vertebrae to me that you know I've always had this kind of go like you there's nobody's more busy right there's 24 hours um it's be as active as you can I look at life with two with a lens a two-prong lens productivity and accessibility how productive in how much value can I provide all day long into how accessible in my to others and how can I access that which inspires me data help whatever it is and if you look at life with productivity and accessibility right you can manifest whatever you want when you learn that ego and time are constructs they're man-made things they're constructs time has nothing to me so for me when I have books podcasts speeches I have a media company of a marketing company all they think to me they're not they're not separate businesses it's simply my job is to put forth action to help other people and value and then have as many silos because beyond the businesses I have I have a sit on forty some boards beyond that I have probably 200 channel partnership agreements where I make referral money because I ask you how can I be of service and I want to monetize it so if you tell me man I'm looking for a ten million dollar house I got a channel partnership with Ben Anderson next door that he gives me a commission for bringing you there so he can do your 10 million dollar mortgage then I got another one for the realtor that's gonna give you and they're all best to breed guys so I'm doing you a service yes I want to talk about that now I love that you you come from a place of service not getting right giving not getting and you trust that the universe responds to that now we got to ask for it right yeah now I want to talk about that how important do you feel networking is and what are your best strategies in finding a powerful network like that because it's key to your success at every level so key talk a little bit about that yeah so I'm very strategic about networking I do it through helping other people I've find the people that I want to be around what charities they're involved with and then I get serious about helping that charity knowing that I can connect emotionally for you and ask you how I can be of service to you the way I made my money back you know you probably know the story right right it's like literally I wanted to be around Steve Wynn and they had Larry Ruvo how to event keep a memory alive event in Las Vegas around all these billionaires and Steve Wynn introduced me to one of his friends he said oh you know I need to get these watches and I'm like oh give me a list of what you need I know a bunch of guys in the watch business and I ended up creating a margin but you know when you're playing in you know eight zeros yeah yeah you can make some serious and I'm helping them absolutely I mean more money than me you're just helping at a higher level yeah the thing the key to is like there's a lot of people of service but they're not asking like dude it's not afraid to ask unconditionally help people don't be afraid to ask back you've created a void don't be afraid to ask for the money you want to test how much you have a problem with limiting your value go ahead and try to dream about making a hundred billion dollars and see how you feel compared to this feel the energy that I'm gonna make a thousand dollars today or even ten thousand dollars today there's a piece when you close your eyes even you won't mark close your eyes and think about I'm gonna make a hundred billion dollars today and compare that to I'm gonna make ten thousand there's a disconnect in your heart I said so a sense of truth yeah yeah that you feel is it your [ __ ] yeah yeah that's where they asked come in man I started feeling better I still have not do 100 billion dollars 100 million I feel as comfortable as a hundred feels like 100 million no problem a billion I'm almost there 100 billion I don't understand how they do it right but when I was a kid it was a million I dreamed of having a million dollars and the way I feel about a hundred billion is the way I felt about a million when I was five years old and at some subconscious level you were you were then that was your Center and worse than conscious love yeah yeah I had a deactivate and activate my DNA I had to shift my energy so that it became part of my perspective that's powerful so looking back if Dave could redo his whole life over right the good the bad obviously you know it made you who you are today but what are some top three wisdoms like if dave meltzer could share with the world top three or four things what would it be number one be kind to your future self if every situation I was in I thought about it in the context of being kind to my future self money relationships trash on the street so the number one would be kind of my future self to do good deeds the universe doesn't know sighs if you can you know it I know it ties into being kind of like look for good deeds just little ones whatever it is there's so every day a mile to somebody Thank You Man yes yes there's no idea and then lastly ask for help man ask big and ask for help I didn't feel worthy of it I was egle based if you want to live in radical humility ask for help now in terms of the network and I do want to end with this before I have one more question because I feel like networking is huge right who you know so for somebody out there watching this they might want to like build their network to build their business what would be David masters like cop 3 tips to being an effective network or an effective human connector of going from not knowing anybody to building a contact list it's four things you need to break it down into the four realms of networking you can network in person you can network on the phone you can network via email and you can network via social media then when you break it down into a strategic point that every day everyone out there you want to be a huge networker doesn't take long every day stay focused and ask or attract me ask somebody for help or tell somebody something that attracts them to want to help you bring just one person in person one person on the phone one person via email and one person via social media if every day every day consistently persistently in the pursuit of your potential enjoy it at the end of one week you would have asked and attract twenty eight people at the end of one month 112 people you want to change your position in life ask an attract 112 people a month trust me your life will change quickly especially if you're asking me attracting and doing being more interested than interesting and doing the right things to strategically say I'm gonna ask and attract people worth more than ten million dollars 28 of them a week 112 million a month your life will change because guess what people like to do help other people it makes them feel good right just ask him attract it's powerful and then in terms of the fulfillment what have you found as somebody who's built a nine figure net worth the ups and downs of life you've associated with big people made money lost money had the things didn't have the things what's the key to fulfillment somebody watching this and really thinking about how they want to make their life what's what's your best advice on that you know for me is have three priorities about what you want at all times and then make a minimum amount of time every day consistently without quit persistently three things that you want in your life that you're gonna enjoy the pursuit of the potential those three things so put a minimum amount of time on three things at all times and when it becomes part of your unconscious think of another one but always have three priorities that you consistently persistently pursue the pursuit of your potential and enjoy it attach from the outcomes have goals but make a mile markers don't make them endings what's more important to focus on the mile marker the big game so say someone wants to make a million bucks the big game is my mile marker because I believe the eater is I'm limiting the universe yeah so the big guys even get your big game have it be a mile marker in your head but then think about today right what do I need to do today to enjoy the consistent persistent pursuit of my potential I'll get there now it also loses that judgment it may seem like man I'm going in the wrong direction but the wrong direction you know selling legal research and online there may be the key to you being a sports a yeah and if your logical instead of energetic about it the energy will lead you to where you want to go but if you're so logical you could get in your own way and cut yourself off from where you were headed anyway trust the universe man make sense all right so in closing we play a game called first things first I don't know if you've heard about this game a little bit but basically how it works is I'm gonna rifle off ten words or phrases and then you tell me the first word or phrase that comes to mind make sense now before I ask this before we play this I do want to ask about the time magazine where I started the cover there in the office about humanitarian of the year yeah can you talk a little bit about that oh yeah I won variety magazines sports humanitarian of the year which is the biggest honor that I've been given Morgan Freeman Seth Rogen Matthew McConaughey Gina Rodriguez and me so you could imagine I have Academy Award winners yeah and I'm David Meltzer which I got to say like what the hell am I do I literally my speech was I know you got two questions who are the hell are you and why are you here so anyway I have been the chairman of unstoppable foundation and we've been able to impact 75,000 people and I'm currently building a community center raising over another million dollars to do that and Cynthia Kersey who's one of my mentors best friends made that for me yeah that's an amazing you've had an amazing story and then rebuilding this with sports on marketing and helping the people you have it's been an amazing story so so far so far yeah so you ready for the game I'm ready myth all right so first word or phrase that comes to mind the only rule is that you can't repeat yourself twice very little make sense so number one money happiness number two passion purpose number three fulfillment legacy center piece your bankruptcy learning your past happy Oh appreciation passion except purpose right wasn't that very soon uh what passion wasn't saying I thought it was alright passion is inspiration only the tape will tell whether he said it's why yeah if bankruptcy though I know he said that was right its lessons lessons yeah um your wife Savior your story continuing and the last one you ready service everything I love it thanks so much David Gilmour I've been of service today thank you guys so much for tuning in you guys can check out more of David's info in the description below see you guys next time if you guys enjoyed that video be sure to hit that subscribe button right now because every week eating is a very best in personal development content interviews and insights help inspire you to take your life in your dreams to make them a reality and also if you aren't know how to look between guests same way I have you can check the link below for my top three secrets so if you have a podcast or a show or whatever is you want to collaborate with them you can click that link below I'll give you those top three secrets to help you get in touch with anybody and also don't forget that the passionate view is available on media platforms as well so you can subscribe to the podcast and until next time thank you for being one of the passionate you [Music] [Music] you
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Keywords: david meltzer story, David Meltzer the passionate few, David Meltzer Interview, david meltzer podcast, the passionate few, david meltzer advice, David Meltzer, david meltzer speech, The Passionate Few Interview, Dave Meltzer, Omar Elattar, Digital Marketing, the playbook david meltzer, Sports 1 marketing, the playbook, passionate few, david meltzer wwe, Business, Motivation, Sports Marketing, Personal Development, Sports Agency
Id: byHVXyA1e7I
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Length: 83min 55sec (5035 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 08 2018
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