JASON CAPITAL: Broke To $40 Million By Age 29 From My Laptop! (How I Did It & You Can Too!)

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hey I'm Jason capital I went from broke to millionaire and only nine months when I was 24 I've sold over 40 million dollars before the age of 30 and I was named a top 100 entrepreneur by the white house and I did all of it from my laptop and I am one of the passionate few so I mean I've been interviewed by a ton of different podcasts and publications and magazines and stuff and I to be honest I shared stuff on this interview I've never shared with anyone else and you can shine the entire spotlight on Omar his ability as an interview the questions he asked he got stuff out of me that no one else has ever gotten out of in truthfully it's kind of therapeutic dude so I really appreciate how good he is at what he does the show was well if I say it it sounds like a 20 mile horn watch the show check it out you know what welcome to this episode of the passion and view podcast today it's your host Omar here and today we get to sit down with one of the leading millennial expert copywriters in the world Jason Capital and as a high income expert best-selling author and top 100 entrepreneurs recognized by the White House Jason shares with us his incredible story of going from playing basketball in Detroit and being the only white kid on the team and how he used that chip on his shoulder to actually excel at the craft and learn then that having a chip on your shoulder can actually serve you so in this interview we get into the whole story of how Jason went from basketball to digital marketing and how by the age of 24 he became a millionaire and by the age of 29 had done over 40 million dollars in sales online so in this interview we get into how Jason developed his passion for copywriting which is the ability to write words that sell and how he's helped thousands of students in the process replace their own rat race income with laptop income to create a six-figure and beyond the lifestyle of freedom and also I want to let you guys know if you're interested in learning more about Jason's program we've set up a very special masterclass for you in the description below so you can check that out so I want to encourage you guys to sit back relax and enjoy this powerful interview with Jason capital enjoy so thanks for being on the show today Jason dude I'm so glad to be here it's gonna be great all right boys man I know we've been trying to put it together for a long time so awesome to finally make it happen so let's get into it for people who might know your story but there's people who might not know your story take us back before you became this copy writer you know doing I think upwards of 40 million dollars in your 20s and online sales and helping students around the world talk to me a little bit about where you began cuz you probably didn't have a promising future as a writer when you were a kid so talk to me a little bit about your childhood and kind of what your upbringing was like yes so I grew up in a small town outside of Detroit called West Bloomfield Michigan which is a suburb just to give people context Eminem ever knows Eminem Detroit as eight Mile Road right I was on 15 mile road seven miles away from from where he was so it was a total suburbia yeah where I grew up middle class everything and I you know when I was young I didn't know I was gonna be successful I didn't know I like I don't know what the hell I was gonna be doing the only thing I remember about from the earliest time and I can remember is that I had the sneaking suspicion that grown-ups were wrong and I couldn't put words to it I didn't know why I just felt like even when I was like six or seven that they were all lying in some way or they were wrong or they did like there was something there and there was this rebellious spirit to me and that that definitely carried through men how are your parents tricked as a kid or my parents were very strict got shy very much I had a very protective mother you know and you know like the overprotective mom that was my mom don't hang out with these kids don't stay out past six you have to stay in the neighborhood at these times like very much like that and I think I felt really smothered when I was younger and when I turned 13 I started playing basketball a lot and it was such it was an escape for me because I was in the gym all day which meant I wasn't at home which was good because I have to deal with all that stuff I could just I'll see you guys later it's 1:00 p.m. we're going to the gym I'll come back at 10:00 p.m. and I'm gonna spend the next nine hours shooting hoops and playing ball all right so that became your outlet innocence or whatever yeah sweetly became an outlet became a positive addiction I so when I was 13 I was cut from the basketball team right so eighth grade all my friends try out no let's take basketball seriously it's just you know we play football we play basket we play soccer we play everything just for fun yeah we all and then it's like oh well playing the team right because it's not that competitive it's not that many kids trying out and all my friends made the team except for me I remember like running my you know they put the coach puts the name of people who made this right yes I'm running my hand down sing where am i where my name is not on it and I didn't know why I felt like all my friends like this doesn't make sense why are you on the team it was just really it was like god someone like taking a knife and cutting the connection between me and my friends and I was completely alone and I was disconnected because they're playing them team they're spending every day and I'm by myself and I didn't know what at the time but I just was like I'm gonna prove this [ __ ] coach wrong hopefully guess we're on here cuz I yeah I have attended to do square like this yeah yeah all right boy I wanted to prove the [ __ ] coach wrong I want to prove all my friends wrong the ones who were like no you shouldn't have made the team you weren't good enough right prove them wrong I just had this distract me to prove everybody [ __ ] wrong chip on your shoulder yeah I'm just a lot of people we interview say that and for like a lot of people listening you want to speak to them because maybe they're in that situation they don't know that they can use it to their advantage can you talk about like how powerful that chip on your shoulder was yes so before I got the chip on my shoulder I was just like any other kid I was worried about fitting in and trying to sit at the cool kids table at lunch and all the [ __ ] that doesn't matter at all the minute I had a chip on my shoulder I was driven I was focused I was like I got a goal I'm gonna [ __ ] do this I'm gonna do whatever it takes to do it and I you know you've this you're filled with a sense of purpose all of a sudden so if you have people who are doubting you like thank you God thank like but be grateful for that because it gives you so much more Drive it gives you like dark energy that you can tap into that can allow you to overpower your competition so like I mean I would literally spend all day in the gym and people like but in basketball it's a big thing to shoot 500 shots a day like that was like the Kobe thing right Cobra knows he makes five minutes before the game starts I wouldn't I would literally shoot like make four thousand shots a day I was in there all [ __ ] day and then when it would close at 9 p.m. I'd go home and I go in my basement I move all the whatever tables are over down there clear the space because it's too dark out and I would practice dribbling down there for another hours and I did this every day seven days a week we once went on a family trip we drove from Detroit to Toronto so it would mean my brother my sister all of us in the cart and we get about an hour from Detroit and I go we have to turn back and I was like why and I was like I left my basketball at home like I need I was like I'm gonna spend five hours in this car I'm so dedicate like I need to be holding a box so I can't be dribbling on this trip I need at least like just just keep that here so I made them get off and find like a sporting goods store on this trip to buy me a basketball let me go back in the car and I'm like I'm good just as long as I'm holding it Wow how old were you at that time 15 probably so did you want to be a pro like playing the NBA or you didn't even care about that sorry I love to do it I know like and this is what's funny looking back I don't even like the game that much I didn't even joyed that much I just it was my source of [ __ ] you to everybody it was my source of you said I couldn't do this and now I'm doing it it was her thing in a sense what are you gonna say yeah I'm doing it I so yeah that like it was you know it's just when I was doing it I didn't realize this now that time has passed I look back on it and I'm like I didn't even enjoy it that much I just had to prove everybody wrong and I was gonna do whatever it so I mmm at that time would you consider your passion or not it was just more of that peace it was it was definitely a passion okay it was definitely a passion it was you know it was all I watched it was all I did I I'd record like games on TNT when the Mavericks would play the Lakers and yeah rewatched the next day and study every footwork movement that Steve Nash did or Dirk Nowitzki did or Cohen did and just and that probably translated later to what you would do in copywriting right in terms of the obsession right studying the Great's and that regard right yeah totally so like one of the famous copywriters all-time Gary Halbert he has this thing where he tells everybody - you're starting to learn copy you should write sales letters by him and these things are 10 or 20,000 words and he wants you to write like dozens of them by hand because you're in graining that person's copy into your subconscious as you write it by him nice well I've done a lot of that but the way I like to gain from that was you find out what controls are out there what via sales and webinars and and sales material out there is crushing it and then you rip it apart you turn it over you flip it upside down you look at behind you and you start going why did he say this why would it Smee studying the footwork in the patterns and the moves of like the best copywriters today gosh yeah man that's awesome okay so take us back that's you're playing basketball you're 15 did you aim to play in college did you aim to be an MBA or you just kind of stuck with it I mean what was your planet that's yes you might my goal my idea of of great success was can be playing college basketball that was my focus so I keep playing so 8th grade I was caught in 9th grade first year in high school freshman year I made the team right so I'm actually made improvements and that's progress more competitive team still made it and then I made the JV team the next year and then and then varsity and what what was interesting about it is I was one of only two white kids on these teams or every years so that's right Detroit yeah so I grew up here like the M&M of the basketball court without all the rhyming skills yeah he so like at our high school there were a lot of kids so I was in the suburbs but we were is called a school of choice which meant that the families from even lower class neighborhoods from like Pontiac and Detroit Michigan they could send their kids to our schools so a lot of these kids were blacked obviously you know the stereotype that they're better at basketball they just a lot of really good at basketball right so they were the ones who were on the team and I was one of only two white kids who actually were in the city and played on the team so every year in high school I was like again when we wanted to white kids when I played AAU basketball this summer it was me surrounded by a hundred people of a different color so I spent my entire teenage years basically around around very different people not very different experiences we would drive from Detroit to like Louisville for basketball tournament so I'd be in a car with them for like 15 hours but it was so so different than anything my old friends would ever see you're okay and I'm so grateful for because I made such good friends in there right all right and simulates your mind to think in new ways oh yes you see how different families operate different people from different classes operate and you know it made me it made me [ __ ] tough because the entire eight years I spent playing basketball like obsessively every single day I had a group of people looking at me like what the [ __ ] do you think you're doing there's no [ __ ] waiting able to do this like you're a joke these goals are this is I I you shouldn't even be here kind of thing so it was like I wake up and and I'm I'm dealing with that every day and is it from peers I mean we're we're peers and coaches totally from everybody really cuz you were the white kid cuz I was I was the white kid I don't want to say like I was it's like reverse racism or anything because I want to make any [ __ ] excuses right at all but there was definitely a lot of that was called a lot of names for a long time and [ __ ] and you were long you had to just like stay the course frankly I would shut my mouth and I'd say okay and then I'd go practice some more and then I come back a week later with some new skills that they never seen [ __ ] cross their ass over put it in the basket and look at him and be like what now yeah and and that feeling was like they called F yeah and and every one of them who doubted me were like waits for a muscle called belief and that muscle is like that's why I'm able to do what I'm able to do today so without them my belief would be weak that's amazing man ok so then you go to college you play in college yeah yeah so I played on it so first I was recruited to Division three school called Kalamazoo College which was outside hitch right and I went there for like two weeks and literally two weeks and that's the second week I called my mouth and I was like mom I can't stay here I'm coming home and it was it wasn't the basketball the basketball were been fine I would have done well there it was seeing what people in college were like I didn't realize like I thought people in college were gonna be like really serious about being successful they were gonna be focusing ambitious right and I get there and I'm like everyone here is [ __ ] lazy as [ __ ] don't forget my entire high school years I never spent time with like students or in class because I would skip class to go play basketball so now I'm like actually surrounded by these people I got three of them I'm living them in a dorm room and I'm like I don't want to be in this environment at all yeah hey dawn my mother did not want to she was like you're gonna stick it out blah and I'm like no no I'm very strong-headed I made me come pick me up and I went to so I moved back home second school called University of Michigan Dearborn I played there for a year and then I got recruited again to Division two school in st. Petersburg Florida which was like the one I wanted to go play somewhere warm right so that was in st. Pete Florida I went down there for for a season and then it was I was twenty at that point and I was totally burnt basketball right I felt like I made it I'm playing college basketball there's no one left to prove wrong right yeah and now if your whole Drive was to prove people wrong what do you do when they shut the [ __ ] up and they're like okay we were wrong right and I something very fortuitous happened there fortunately um Elliott Hulse I'm sure you you're aware of he had a gym two blocks away from that school in Florida that I went to so this you're at your twenty at this time so how old are you now just people of context 20 I today is my birthday and I'm 30 today no way happy birthday president did not know that that's awesome man yeah okay so that was exactly ten years ago yeah okay so at that age what were you like aiming to do aside from college like did you have a degree in mind a major a profession it was like were you driven a b6 you know you said you noticed that people weren't like success hungry yes were you like I want to be successful I want to be a millionaire I mean like what was the dialogue going on in your mind at that time or were you not thinking that deeply so I never cared about money it was never a thing for me all right a lot of people want money because they see get money get power or get money get respect get money get control and I understand that but for me it was I be the best basketball player get power get respect get control get all rest think that was my mechanism to achieve that outcome and die so it was never about money and I was I was I was a kinesiology major so I studied Exercise Science and my whole idea was I've so my my great-grandfather or my grandfather excuse me he was from Israel and my grandma's from Israel and his family basically ADA eight out of nine family members of mine were killed in the Holocaust and he was the only survivor and he escaped twice from the Nazis doing to concentration camps he escaped both of them twice twice so I should like running through my DNA it was cool which I appreciate so much great for that but because we had Israeli roots I thought so this is like some secret basketball [ __ ] but all right I knew I was never gonna play in the NBA I was realistic about that why just the skills weren't there yeah I just I'm six feet tall I couldn't dunk like right yeah you got to have some sick natural athleticism I didn't I I shouldn't been playing basketball like I was much more done for like soccer than basket yeah but did you want to be an ambien then it like that dream got crushed or you kind of normally have used it I wasn't realistic about it I thought but so I thought I was gonna play European pro basketball look I won't play MBA I'll play in Europe and because I I had Israeli heritage I would it's like a loophole and I'd have a much better shot of playing on an Israeli pro team because my graduate that was like that's what I thought I was gonna end up doing when I stopped playing basketball the idea my mind that was well I like working out well open a gym that but that was my idea of settling right if this doesn't work I'll settle open the gym I'll train college players or whatever for their 40-yard dash or basketball but I didn't really want to do that I and then I met Elliot right and that's kind of a he was um he had a gym right and I go there I'm looking for Elliot and I hear weights bang and people are lifting weights and they're dead lifting and I'm like where's LA host like it's his gym yo where's Elliot I don't know I don't know like oh he's upstairs so I look upstairs and there's this giant strongman Elliott Hulse over a laptop like this just punching away the keyboard and I'd meet him and I'm like you're gonna lift look what are you doing man he's like no man I'm writing my ebook I'm gonna sell it online and I was like what is the internet marketing ebook what is this and he opened up this door for me this opportunity of I didn't know it was possible I didn't know it existed but he was like you can do this and immediately from stopping basketball in a couple months I was like I'm gonna do this internet marketing thing what was it about it that hooked you the fact that I would be able to do it and I wouldn't have to settle for a normal life like all I'm that's a really good question all I didn't want to do was have a life like my parents not that I love my parents I'm gonna see him next week like I love them I just didn't want a normal life I didn't want to wake up go to work come home like I would wake up every day from school and I'd see my dad for five minutes before he goes to the office and then I don't see him until 7 p.m. at night we see him for 20 minutes and then like that's like I rinse and repeat five days didn't [ __ ] want that I didn't know what I wanted I just would not settle for an average mediocre typical life like it just wasn't gonna happen if I open a gym I was gonna get stuck doing that [ __ ] but if I make money from my laptop I'm a I get to be a [ __ ] renegade again right all my fault light him yeah all my friends in high school they were gonna become accountants and lawyers and doctors and all that [ __ ] and that's fine I was gonna play pro basketball so I was gonna be renegade [ __ ] I'm not playing basketball anymore how much gonna [ __ ] maintain this renegade yeah yeah oh I'm I'll make money from my laptop right and then I'll have freedom and at the same time I also was like a lot of respect right because I was doubt in my whole life like people don't think people realize when people doubt you the reason you hate it is because it's disrespect they're just straight up disrespecting you they're saying they don't believe in you and that drive to make them eat their words is powerful man I Tim Grover I don't know if you've had him on your show not yeah but are you yeah I don't down the way yeah he talks a lot about relatives about this idea of like dark energy and help Dwayne way to tap into and I think that's a real [ __ ] thing and I I think where people need to tap into it I think they could achieve a lot more if because if like you look thing about yin and yang and white energy and dark energy if we're only tapping into one we're only using half our [ __ ] and that that dark energy to like prove they're not gonna hurt them but you're gonna prove them wrong rational like that's and Tony Robbins talks about the concept that people are more motivated to move away from pain and they aren't towards pleasure yeah and and so it makes total sense is that if you have something it's gonna give you you know something bothering you a chip on your shoulder people that doubt you a breakup like we were talking earlier exactly whatever it is that's gonna give you reserves of energy to push when just being positive or motivated aren't gonna be there it's not a reasonable amount of action to follow through it exactly there's there's a great story that Gary Benton van gogh's was the best copy writers he tells about this I think illustrates it perfectly he says imagine your thrilly I mean you're asleep and your buddy calls you you pick up your phone what's going on man and he's like yo Sears is having a tyre sale right now you can get for badass tires 50% off let's go right now you know I'm [ __ ] sleepy I'm not going to get tires right now okay that's wrong with you quick 20 minutes later your phone rings again you what is it he goes dude so I'm on my way to Sears but I want you to know it's driving by your house and I saw some dude he had your car like and it looked like they're breaking off with all your tires right now yeah what the [ __ ] you slam the phone down you run outside to go save your tires because you're a million times more motivated to save which you already have then to go get a deal or go get something right yeah that drive to avoid lost instead of to gain yeah makes total sense who's that boy his name's Gary Benson Vega Gary been sippin I'll check that out yeah all right so Elliott Hulse going back to that he introduces you to digital marketing the e-book space now did you just walk in cold cuz you had a jam or did you guys have a relationship I mean how did you even touch base there I I so I was I would study a lot of online training material there's a website called elite FTS comm it was like a athletic training website powerlifting website and Elliott was one of the QA people experts on the site and I saw on his bio once he was in st. Pete and I'm like well I'm living in st. Peter right yeah so I found his address to like literally walking distance from Eckerd College right yeah so I just walk there I just went there so cold Holy Week so this is very important because almost in every interview when we interview people there's always some spark for opportunity that comes but it's because they took that little moment of action yes that little moment of initiative to check it out to check out the thing whatever the class the webinar to talk to the person whatever it is just take that one step so boom you go in there no clue what the hell is gonna happen goes on and change your life completely completely okay so then you meet him find out about the e-book and then what goes through your mind he's like doing well so you wanna you want to do it I mean like walking through it was look it took a long time for him to convince me to try it so I went there let's say it was I was so the season ended in March I probably went there in April I didn't write my ebook until October so six months it took of us dialoguing and talking in staying in touch until finally I was like I'm gonna [ __ ] try this so I I wrote the book it was a basketball training book helping basketball players dribble better how long was a book on it probably hundred fifteen pages plus a bunch of videos so you really went in deep to write this thing it was a legit book yeah yeah yeah writing though I've always liked in school that like I you know D student science [ __ ] D student in math a terrible student everything except for anything writing I just I had a knack for writing I remember I'm a a CT score I was like shitty on everything and then rhetoric I was in 99 so like speaking persuasiveness articulate Smythe Inge right so if you read a lot as a kid once is that you think that's why that that helps her I think she's helping my [ __ ] I would reach her hours every night I just cuz my birthday I just got a gift for my parents and they got me a globe and it was engraved on the the thing it said from something like from Harry Potter - Jason capital your are stars like something nice like but Harry Potter because whenever a Harry Potter book will come out when I was young I would finish the book in a day and these are eight hundred nine hundred page books I would wake up at seven it was like everyone knew it was like a ritual a good with seven no one bothered Jason today and he's gonna be done at like 11 p.m. tonight and finish the book and this is what I did with every single one holy [ __ ] so what do you were you natural at that or did you have to cultivate that muscle because I feel that struggle to get to a chapter let alone a book I mean when you're reading [ __ ] you like you can just do it all day at least at least for me yeah like there's times now where I got to be reading books where I'm trying like so one of the things with me that I struggle with as an entrepreneur is the operation side the managing side of a team side and that's why you you hire people who can help you with that kind of stuff but right there was a period there where I was trying to learn it myself so I can at least understand it and reading these management books these operation books I'm like pulling [ __ ] but it's that yeah it's like I don't want to do it you know my dog barks and I'm like yup that's a worthy distraction let me go you might be dying I got to make sure aids right yeah like what happened so gotta go help him uh but when I'm reading Harry Potter dude no problem yeah dog barks he could be dying I don't even hear him and I love my dogs right but it's just you get so pulled into the story I so I know in my life now if I'm reading about stuff that like I can't put it down this is good right and when I'm reading about copy or persuasion or sales I don't put it down I'm like obsessed with it how important do you think it is for people out there whether they're entrepreneurs or just trying to make your life work how important is for people to actually read and cultivate the habit of reading essential I don't I don't know anyone super successful who doesn't read a lot and you don't have to read books you could be listening to books and I think there's a few people who they get their information not from books but from but studying people but that's that's like that's genius that's like Rare you're not gonna get that with most be I think garyvee like he doesn't read right he just studies people yeah he said he's real wrote more books no he's read he's yeah yeah I and it's probably true I don't know I also know a lot of people who are successful they a lot of times they just say [ __ ] that might not be true like right you know I like Joel for instance right Joel married Oh both of our good friend Joel was was my second online marketing mentor but Joel's read like five books in his entire life and yet the guy the guy's written enough copy so I fill up like this entire bookshelf yeah words right so that was mentioned hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue throughs but from those words that he's written yeah so I think reading is essential and I think you got to mix it up obviously I think the how-to information is good I think the philosophy is really important biography biography czar my favorite obviously because they're stories you know right that's awesome okay so then Eliot convinces you six months later so you write your book 115 pages you launch it is it an epic success epic failure WAP what have you always want to point out you're very good at this interview because I'm all over the place and like I can tell you like you know exactly we're all right thanks ma'am yes so I put out the book and I remember putting it out on October 31st was the dad published it cuz I was I was in college so this was I was at Michigan State now and I was just the normal still almost ten years ago to the day literally yeah Wow which is crazy time flies man that's all right so I put it October 31st and I'm like here's my plan I'm gonna launch this ebook I'm gonna go party you know Halloween party have fun and we'll wake up tomorrow I'm gonna be rich like that this is my plan I'm gonna drop out of school for how much were you selling the e-book for 1495 on PayPal 1495 on PayPal and then were you driving traffic to it or no of course not you just yeah obviously right no this is my logic was I put up a website of course people are gonna come yeah yeah that's what you think no more [ __ ] came I come back the next day no sales nothing at all oh my god dammit this internet mark this is a scam this doesn't work this is [ __ ] right so I just forget about it for a few months and I to months pass and I get an email or a text from my buddy Ryan begin and Ryan worked at Elliott's gym with Elliot is actually an influencer now but Ryan's like dude there's this internet marketing seminar called the underground online seminar by this guy Yannick silver and it's in Washington DC three grand a ticket you have to go to this thing to help you sell your ebook and I know you can't afford three grand they're giving away scholarships now to young entrepreneurs you have to be under 25 you should do it just apply and I was like all right [ __ ] it I'll apply so I go and apply and we week before the event happens I still haven't heard anything so I assume I'm not getting paid right and I get a call from the event organizer and it was Nika and she goes hey good news and bad news she was the bad news is you were not one of the ten scholarship winners we selected oh [ __ ] I'm the good news number ten she was from Pakistan her government will let her come to the States do you want the spot I want this fight yeah so I'm like I remember I hung up the phone I do like a [ __ ] dance in my dorm room I remember calling my mom I'm doing it haven't done [ __ ] yeah but you know confuse activity for a team and you're like I made it and I scrounge money together to borrow from my parents which I did pay him back for a plane ticket to DC for this event and I go there and I didn't learn anything from the seminar to be honest yeah I got a bunch of overwhelm from the seminar cuz I don't know what the hell they're talking about right boy in between talks I met a guy named Craig Ballantyne and Craig sat me down and he just took a liking to me for whatever reason Craig was already making millions of dollars in the Internet and he was like you ve booked great you're halfway there here's what you need to do he takes out like a piece of paper he's like do this do this do this do this and you'll be good I'm like okay I can do that so I go back home with this plan I immediately implement exactly what he said I don't guess I don't change I don't try and put your jacket on yeah no no I'm like let's assume I'm an idiot here and just do what the smart person told me and I did it and I made almost 20 grand that first week from that point on that business was making me almost twenty thousand dollars every single month because and yeah near 20 at the time I was 20 making 20 grand a month so if you go back what did Craig Ballantyne who we've had on the show by the way author of the perfect date formula what did he tell you on that sheet for people out there that might want it he said do a product launch he said get affiliates through product launch knows it phileas meaning find other people who have email lists or whatever and basically have them promote your product and exchange for a percent of commission or something like that exactly and there was I there weren't that many affiliates and that in that basketball it's a such a small space there was one company called jump USA which if anyone played basketball and they write slam magazine when they were younger which I would read write these ads in the back of the magazine for like these jump shoes I don't know if you ever saw those I remember the slam action he doesn't just like a little kid like slam dunking on the cover usually and I should slam and like a I think so they were they looking picture of a player yeah front alright it was like it was like a dope magazine but they're these ads at that every issue that every high school basketball player kid was like cuz everyone wanted to dunk and it was like these magical shoes where it's like a shoe and then a platform on the top so you're basically walking on your toes all day okay and I have no idea if it works but it was a company jump USA sold them so I'm now 20 and I'm like well they still probably have basketball players and I hit up the CEO and got on the phone with him and we talked for like 20 minutes and he was like his name was John great guy he's like yeah I'll promote it and I remember hang up the phone and now I'm like mom we thought you'd made it like yeah this guy's gonna send some customers so did you offer them with commission or something like that yes so 75 percent commissions I Clickbank we were doing back then yeah alright and he was using the biggest affiliate he brought him more than half the customers on that was weak Wow so they just promoted so basically you didn't do any ad spend per se you just went out and reached out to affiliates to help promote your product offered it you know worked up a deal of Commission deals yeah we uh in order to that I sold over 25 million dollars and stuff from my laptop before ever spending a penny on ads Wow who's all referral word-of-mouth wow that's crazy yeah so you're tripping out you're making 20 grand a month this [ __ ] you ever been totally broke to making 20 grand a month to 20 yeah and then how does that scale or tick up or phase out I mean yeah well go so I know I didn't know the word scale I didn't know any that [ __ ] man all I knew was how you [ __ ] are in class I'd already dried out that immediately right you [ __ ] are in class I'm balling so yeah 20 grand is like peace out yeah I was like I'm set for life yeah this money is this is an insane amount of money right yeah I'm like Scrooge McDuck nice twenty G's which by the way and you go to bank yeah 20 grand it's like much yeah right you can't even hurt someone with that yeah all right so I took the time you were like a millionaire I was the richest person in the world yeah I took and I took all that money and I went on Craigslist and I found in Oddie a four Cabriolet page and outside beige inside convertible hold the guy who's like 2004 used car Bob I wanted it right take it for a test drive I was like yep I want and I take out the check all the money I've earned guys give it to him give him the keys and I bought how much was it it was it was like 19,000 something Wow so I immediately spent all of it on a car all right but now I go back to campus right and I lived on campus but I wasn't in school anymore so I was just enjoying myself out partying you know mingle and socialize and put the top down and just drive around and [ __ ] yeah and then show other people what you're doing and all that yeah so talk to me a little bit about college too because I think that's when the opportunity came about for your next venture yeah which was helping men in the dating space yeah so can you talk a little bit about how you evolved or how it sort of because obviously you know you can't solve basketball programs forever right especially you're not playing anymore yeah specially not playing anyway so talk to me about that transition and how you phase that and take to the next level holy so play a basketball growing up like I said it's been all day in the gym which spent mint no time around girls so I was completely inexperienced I never kissed a girl I never had a girlfriend when I was 20 like any of that stuff yeah all right so once I had an Audi Cabriolet before you had a girlfriend uh before he ever had a first K with someone I think I think I'd gotten a girlfriend for the Oddie but he was like I wrote I wrote the e-book first before yeah yeah Wow it was somewhere around there so technically you almost had the Audi at the same time you got your first girlfriend right yeah yeah then went I'm not gonna say I got a girlfriend cause of the audio but I think I got the girl which I don't know what the hell I was doing yeah and then I got the car it was somewhere around there so you had one half a month you're 20 make 20 grand get the girl get the Odyssey you're in like a good fit you're on the upswing in life totally yeah I'm like blasting the Rick Ross in the car singing out the lyrics don't give a [ __ ] anymore yeah I'll check in your email for the passive income every 20 minutes for sales as they come in yeah like 100% my [ __ ] doesn't stink at all and like I remember being on campus and I'd park my car at like the local deli or whatever uh-huh and then one of my old professors would park next to me at the same time and they get out of this like piece of [ __ ] 1993 Ford Taurus and I got all this [ __ ] Oddie convertible and I looked at them and I'm like mm hmm what's up and I just I keep walking it and like it was it was one of those those periods my life I was very happy with myself did you did you tell your parents at that time were they blown away or what was their reaction completely did not understand I mom had no idea what I was doing my dad's super supportive yeah my dad very pragmatic it's good it's good it'll make money while you can but make sure you you know get ready to go back and get your degree eventually it's all right that was him and my mom was no idea how it's happening doesn't understand at all I even they did an article on me in like the local Michigan State newspaper and they called my mom they got a quote from her and she stood like I remember the quote was like he's very ambitious because she had no idea what I was doing yeah I but you so with the girl thing once like I'm like I had money I have a car like I have some stability in my life now maybe I should look into this girl thing right I'm 20 on college so I remember going to a frat party with my friends and we walk in and they immediately start talking to girls and they like know what to say I have no idea what to say I am completely shy completely tongue - I remember like talking to one girl and she does the whole it was nice meeting you let me I gotta go find my friends like never and if that rejection just really gotten me I was like wait I'm I'm a boss you don't reject me like yeah yeah and I got really motivated to like get good at that side of things and well there see copywriting and persuasion and being good at communicating people cuz it's not about game or seduction or anything it's are you a good communicator are you an impactful communicator are you a persuasive influential person do you know how to influence and persuade and and win the attention of people those are the things that really matter and those are those real skills that will make you a lot of money and I got really into that side of things because I was like I'll get good at this this will help my sales online and the more I learned about sales online the more it'll help me in real life it was like this virtuous kind of feedback loop where they both feed each other and I got really good with the opposite sex so did you just go out and practice what was your how did you how did you go all-in and like get better at that crap read every book that was available on it um become friends with guys who were really good with girls I would go to it was interesting I would go to like marketing seminars online marketing seminars play a lot of the guys who were good at online marketing were good at the game part of it too so I made them my friends in fact one of them is name was a dingy I became a mentor man he's a great relationship coach so I surrounded myself in that environment I got mentors I bought courses I studied I went out at the same way you get good at anything right and I got so good that there was this basically there was a frat there and there was a dude in the phret who recognized what I was doing and the frat didn't really like that a lot of their sorority girls were talking to me instead of them and he was like smart about this so he comes up to me and he's like why don't you show us what you're doing here and then you can like get all the perks of being like a frat member you can hang out with us you can be like the King at the party yeah just show us how to get girls all yell so I would I would like pull out a whiteboard at 8:00 p.m. on a Friday night with the red cup in my hand drinking vodka redbull teaching my buddies like first you say this and then you do this and then you do a takeaway here like teaching them all this stuff and I started doing that like every weekend teaching guys on campus how to get good with girls and then their brothers or their older brothers one of them referred their dad to me and I start getting paid to teach guys about girls Wow how I was like this is crazy cuz like yeah I'm reading these books by these guys and I think they're like you know Don Juan's and Casanova's and I'm just [ __ ] I just learned this [ __ ] right yeah and I'm bein paid for it this is this is cool that's incredible now at what stage does that happen does that happen at 2021 it was around there 2021 so now you're like realizing the power and teaching and learning these high income skill sets yes opportune skill sets okay so how do you translate and take that to the digital realm right because that became your next set of digital products yeah so so at 22 I moved from Michigan to San Diego with the buddy of mine who was an online marketer also so for those two years from 2020 to the basketball thing is kind of that was it okay it was but it wasn't I wasn't pushing it I was just trying to maintain it right and if you try to maintain anything you're gonna [ __ ] fail with it and that's what happened so I I go to San Diego I'm still on the maintain paradigm instead of the growth paradigm and while income starts to slowly go down and eventually it goes down to zero so much so that my choice was either i'ma pay Uncle Sam or I'm gonna pay my rent bill and I chose to pay Uncle Sam and you weren't you weren't saving at that time or being smarter you were just like having fun with it kind of completely yeah I was I want to move to California man I know [ __ ] I I never tried marijuana before I never knew and legal in California out here and I tried it and I was like oh this is I like this this is so I started doing that a lot and then I would make the mistake of doing that and then go into gas lamp in San Diego and going shopping well hi yeah don't do it yeah it's like driving on the influence like yeah you're gonna do something wrong I would just buy like clothing I didn't need and [ __ ] like that yeah until there was nothing left and how old are you when you moved to California when he was 22 okay so about 18 months later I was out of everything and I move back home to my mom's basement right with no money I still had the basketball business but like it was on fumes fumes it was garbage and I wasn't passionate at all about it anymore but I was still like getting some money on the side helping guys like was doing like email dating coaching like people back in Michigan who wanted advice I was like yeah give me a hundred bucks I'll tell you what to say like that and I was like I can make a real business out of this now the thing I don't talk about a lot then is I had this huge fear of going public with the dating stuff because at that moment like at that time I was like it's hush-hush I don't tell anyone about that right because there's a lot of connotations with that right like you do you lie to women do you take advantage of women to manipulate people to manipulate an [ __ ] dirtbag yeah all the terms right about dirtbags yeah all right and I and I have a mom that I love and I have a sister a younger sister I'm like what if I'm saying [ __ ] out there online and then my sister sees it like this it's kind of weird um so I did not want to put out any of that information for a long time and eventually it was a combination of one I need money - I am super passionate about this I should be talking about what I'm passionate about I shouldn't let worrying about what people think stop me from from putting this stuff out there because you know what no a lot of dudes who need my help so I started publishing that information and I started from my mom's basement and within a couple months money started to come in from it and I moved back to Santa Monica now in California was that that a course or is it on YouTube or like how are you publishing content around that oh it was my fruit is an e-book I was gonna make women want you make women I wanna make women want you and your same thing in just affiliate strategy well first I started very like I only knew one person in the dating industry that would be an affiliate so I had enough to move back to California right gotcha and then I really got focused on it um and I got really like I took my I switched from this like I'll make 20 grand a month and like people were spouting [ __ ] like that - lets play at a high [ __ ] lovely here yeah like like let's not settle let's see how [ __ ] high we can go with this let's just play we'll see what we can do and I went from mom's basement so a millionaire in nine months and that whole period with the dating stuff that's how I became a mom and that again was with affiliates yep all affiliates and you know our because the copy was so good the product converted really well the program is amazing in that day you're writing your own copy at that time everything so the same thing you were learning your copy by courses reading material trial and error yeah and the fastest way to learn copy is to write with money on the line is what I say a lot of people want to learn copy and they'll practice at home or they'll do the Gary Halbert thing writing by hand you don't really get good until like your back is up against the [ __ ] wall and either your words need to put food on the table or you're [ __ ] that's when you know you start tapping into these reserves you didn't know you had and the good [ __ ] comes out a lot of intermediate or young copywriters they will practice forever kind of thing but it definitely practice forever they're the perfectionist [ __ ] or they will just go really soft with the copy they don't want to push buttons too hard when you like good copy you're really digging into like these deep emotions that people have things that are uncomfortable and a young copywriter doesn't want to talk about the uncomfortable [ __ ] that prospect is going through because it makes them uncomfortable so they just keep it safe if you want to get good at copy you have to like be able to dig into someone's pain or someone's uncomfortableness or those topics and still be strong yourself and still be grounded yourself and not let it affect you yeah and the deeper you can go into that stuff the more powerful your copies unity so let's talk about that for saying yet I think and for me what I don't know what copy is copy is basically words that sell yes so on a sales letter or any sort of product out there it's it's the the mess right it's just the message it could be a webinar at VSL it's your Instagram caption it's your Facebook post it's what you say on a phone call to try and persuade someone it's just all it's just messaging whether you say it or write it or some common thing so and that's the thing is everyone watching right now whether they know what copy or isn't they use it every single day and if they're not using it correctly then you can be certain that other people are using it on that mmm interesting so what would what would Jason capital's top three tips to be a phenomenal copywriter B that's a really good question Oh number one used to write your ass off like you got to be writing every day every the best copywriters I know the first thing they do when they wake up they might have a morning ritual and then immediately after they write copy for one or two or three or four hours you have to write every day number two I you need to get Mentors you need a training you're not like self education I think general it's at formal education make you living self education make your fortune [ __ ] true is [ __ ] but you need a [ __ ] mentor right and a mentorship is not formal education in my opinion at all but you need a trainer you need a court you need to really have someone there live online or in person who's looking at what you're writing standing over your shoulder telling you what you're doing like you will just course correct and you will grow so much faster with that you need a mentor and then the third is you got to start writing with money on the line MLT l like you gotta like find a way to put yourself up against the wall where you your words have to produce money otherwise you're [ __ ] and that is I like I play these games with myself a lot work because like life's good now right like what's the motivation now right and you became a millionaire at what age 24 24 and it's only a groaning groans and it's only groaning grown since then yes though yes so what's so talk to me about what you were saying about how you've like you said it's only growing growing and growing the games you play with yourself so you each level you go up right like every level I go up there's new players and what I do and I don't recommend everyone do this but I look for the top players and I look for ways to make them doubt me and I know that sounds crazy but like so for instance at this new level I'm hat now because my company is we're just under like an eight-figure company now and we're about to cross that threshold and I want to keep [ __ ] building and going from there right people at this level with their direct-response marketing companies or their big like influence of brands or whatever these are new players for me right it's like the hero's journey and Joseph Campbell are you familiar with yeah yes so thank you enter this new world and there's new enemies and you're villains and new players and I would want to meet them in person and I would again don't worry around this but I would play not stupid with them but I wouldn't try to impress them I wouldn't try to show them I'm really smart I would want to just like let them talk well I say nothing to make them think that he's not like a super contender or like he's or whatever it is and then and then without demonstrating any type of expertise I want them thinking how the [ __ ] did he even get successful at this age because he doesn't seem like he's that legit I want them to be thinking that and then I want to tell them my goal so they look at me the same way those [ __ ] basketball players would look at me like really you wanted okay good luck with that because I I need that to see so it's a motivate me like we're talking about like the game versus lost a man so I would like play those games myself all the things I'll do is I'll just set ridiculous deadlines for myself and I have to produce this many sales by this date I don't need the money there's no reason why I would need to do that it's just you keep playing these little mind games with yourself so keep accelerating it's where you want to go yeah otherwise you're just counting on your emotions which can get comfortable or whatever yeah exactly and that's the problem like dude were like the house were in right now this is a twenty five million dollar house at Newport Harbor and Newport Beach the eautiful house yeah yeah like water like the woman who lived here before me with Shannon beador from Real Housewives of Orange County well Shannon this is my house now right but like but like that she was here right I'm living in like some TV stars not like that yeah that's crazy to me yeah it doesn't feel real at all still i boy yeah it's really comfortable right so for you know the last couple years I've been T six twenty seven I was just cruising yeah I'm making a few million bucks a year I mean I would be like in 2015 dude I went to Vegas 25 times like was alone I got it like yet twice a month get on a virgin first-class flight 40 45-minute flight ball out and party for two or three days come back here sleep for two days and recover and nice work like that that was like my [ __ ] schedule I and about a year and a half ago actually two years ago I went to a seminar in Scotland and Pena and I went to it on purpose because I was so comfortable and [ __ ] was so good that I wasn't growing and I needed someone to look at me and say you're not doing jack [ __ ] and I got that from Dan Pena so now I'm like you know there's a new level there's new motivation right that's awesome man okay so then you're at that age about you know 24 start stuff starts popping off you get to where you're at now and can you talk a little bit about what you do now and what you help people with because you've obviously accumulated a lot of these skill sets in writing yeah can you talk a little about what you've helped students with through your various programs and what your kind of focuses in now yes so with our dating company which I don't do at all I haven't done in a couple years but we accumulated over 12,000 success stories Wow with that so we made a real impact there and helped a lot of guys and for anyone wondering there's nothing to see for nothing dishonest my title back then was America's honest dating coach because I taught us to be incredibly like ethical overwhelmingly honest you know like if she asks you she looks fat in those jeans you would say I don't know let me see it from the side right really I don't like I just honest right that's just being incredibly honest and upfront about your intentions and everything if she's like is this a serious thing do you see us going somewhere if you don't you say no I'm just having fun right and I find and what I found is that women respect the honesty a lot more than just telling the [ __ ] you think they want to hear all right so that that was good and then the thing that came out of the dating experience was the number one thing I could teach guys to be successful with women but also in business and everything was to become a high-status individual which meant body language and vocal tonality and eye contact and these things that are sub communicated and it's not what we say but how we say and how we present ourselves and that was what I ended up teaching guys there and I took that and I put it in this book here higher status which which was very strongly that personal development book and that this became a best-seller which was cool and then in the last year man I've been extremely focused on I it's it's funny man because I'm opening up a lot here but yeah when you put this out in all this material I was really excited about it but after couple once I wasn't that passionate about it anymore and it felt like going through the motions with the marketing and the promotions and stuff and up until about a few months ago it felt they felt stale and I don't know when it happened but I realized like dude [ __ ] out I love the copy like it's copy was one of those high income skills that I'm really good at because I had to but there's sales and there's there's other stuff there's branding there's networking right but the thing I could talk about all [ __ ] name is copy so a few months ago we made a decision like this is what we're gonna help people with so they can escape the rat race like what I do now we say is I help people replace rat race income with laptop income and the way we do that is through copy alright so we have a course called email income which is a certification programmer I teach people how to get businesses to pay them one to five grand a month to do their email marketing for them and we've had dozens of six-figure mentees who've gone through that which is which is awesome and we've high level copy trainings that we do now but it's a happy man I could like I could like dude we could we I know we gotta wrap up soon but yeah I could talk to you about copy all day like let's let's go into it maybe about all day but let's go into it for a little bit so I know we have a mutual friend named Craig Clemmons who's one of the one of the most awesome copywriters in recent history can you talk a little bit about you know maybe some inner you know philosophies or strategies cuz I know that when I spoke with Craig he always says the famous line enter the conversation in the potential customers mind yes so and I know before this we were talking a little bit about that so like just let's get out for a second here whether whether people are copywriters are not copywriters like yeah talk to me how does somebody go about persuading or influencing another human being to see the opportunity you know because it's not just the outcome right people buy things for emotions right so completely just Jason capital feel free to geek out all the copywriting secrets you know like so will talk to us the first thing I want to say and this is what I'm seeing on the internet right now at the end of 2018 is I think there's a credibility crisis going on in internet marketing right now and that's the internet marketing I mean social media Instagram influencers any anyone selling anything online I think there's a credibility crisis I think that are people just they don't believe anyone any more media lies then right fake news both sides are fake news right so everyone's lying on the TV right I if there's there was just a study I saw actually the other the other day where it showed like people lie two to three times every ten minutes now right like and it's all [ __ ] and we know it like when you see a hot chick on Instagram being like this tea I love this tea you got it you're like I know you don't [ __ ] drink you don't use that protein like we don't believe any of this [ __ ] anymore and yet we keep doing the same things and making the same no one [ __ ] believes you so when it comes to copy dude in order to be persuasive you have to be credible in order to be credible you have to be believable in order to be believable you have to tell the truth so the thing about copy which makes no sense to most people in marketing is that you have to tell the truth and people think the truth is boring the truth won't work the truth is the most important story that you can tell so that that is huge to me and I think if anyone's watching right now and you do any copy or marketing and anything like see where you're making the same promises or doing the same [ __ ] as everyone else and stop it immediately just start telling the truth a lot of people follow me and they tell me Jason uh follow you because you're just the most authentic dude I know right like if you are doing something just because you want money like you'll tell us like hey I'm telling you this why am i selling it I just need some [ __ ] money right now right and people they don't go oh your sleazy they go thank you for telling me the [ __ ] truth because I just heard from ten other people they were selling me some [ __ ] and I knew they were only doing it because they wanted money but you're the only one who told me that you actually that's why you're doing it right so be [ __ ] honest like incredibly honest and truthful in your copy what do you think most people are not all I dude we could take it deep I think I lack of self esteem is a big part of it so like David like instead of telling the story about how their company actually got started right their origin story let's say they go you know what it's boring it's been told before our shits not that interesting low self-esteem right a low self-image but if what if what if we said this happening we embellished it this way and we added this [ __ ] drama into it that a good story nope right the [ __ ] true story is the best story I so I think I think low self-esteem is a big part of it and I think everyone is so stuck in this pattern of constantly comparing themselves and their business and their messaging to what everyone else is doing and they see the market leader and they're like why if this person is winning I got to say something like what they're saying right and they get more and more away from their truth and themselves and die yeah there's certain gatoring to what they think people want I mean an example is kind of I heard I forget if it was better us or somebody saying that people are trying to emulate Gary Vee or like they're trying instead of trying to be their own version of their Gary Vee they're trying to emulate what's out there and in the process just the market gets supersaturated with the same [ __ ] nobody knows what to believe exactly there's always there's and that's why every market goes right that we see the pattern there's someone who kills it and then a hundred people who try and imitate this person and they of course they're never going to do is they do ten percent as well right because and and I've seen a lot of people like I'm speaking at this event coming up next month in New York and I saw a clip of what any other speakers we're gonna be there and I it was like yeah this person wants me Gary Vee so bad so you looking at him and instead of listen to what they say you're like Alice guy just wants me Gary Vee all right so you're not even listening to what they say and you're exactly right like everyone wants to be Gary Vee everyone wants to be Grant Cardone and it's like do you dude right like I guarantee you grant isn't isn't waking up like who can I emulate right yes I know it would be the best [ __ ] version of myself whether people like it or not I'm gonna be me and that's the other part about telling your true story and constantly telling the truth is you've become incredibly polarizing right which is basically the most authentic version of yourself and when you do that you're gonna attract people who vibe with you right like your vibes there's a connection there and now that I love you and at the same time there's people that that you're gonna repel like I'll demonstrate right now all right so I'm wearing this ring here it says t45 right it says making America great it says made America great again here mm-hmm right T Trump 45th president right but I know very little about politics I don't even care about politics I think that it's just it's it's like a it's a movie like it's a theater it's not real it's doesn't affect me that much right all right first of all me saying that is gonna piss some people off but it's also gonna mean that part of the people watching or listening are gonna be like I don't give a [ __ ] about politics either I like this too me too yeah there's other people who like Trump yeah all right no question I like I think he's the I don't use a huge badass I think is an entrepreneur as leader as a businessman as a persuader his copy his messaging is insanely good right I admire the [ __ ] out of it there's people listening who and where they should all that to then be like I [ __ ] like this Jason yeah I'll roll with this dude because he's saying it right right um and there's people who hate Trump and they're hearing this now and they probably just shut off this interview because I'm saying that I like Trump right but how about a comment below right now yeah they're they're tapping away that's a hassle looking at a loud jacket he's so insecure I already know it they're gonna say I'm gonna put up a Facebook editor I was wearing this shirt with the low-cut and people were like why are you wearing your sister's t-shirt like you stretched it out already like [ __ ] like and I don't give a [ __ ] that's the whole point someone and someone put yawn in the comment all right if I made you actually yawn you would have yawn you went to fight dawn so I got an emotional reaction out here i won all right but it's about being polarizing I want to be polarizing and most people are afraid to repel so they play it safe they're saying this is what I taught dating and I teach the same thing your marketing is that you want to attract people to you right what is the opposite of Attraction people think it's to repel right but it's not when you are attracting people to you it's when you're putting that that raw honest polarizing version of yourself out there right so the opposite of attraction isn't repelling people it's a byproduct the opposite of attraction is inhibition it's when you are playing it safe and you're not being too far right or left or forward or back or up or down when you're just playing it safe when you're you're inhibited with what you're doing now you're not attracting anyone and now you're not repelling anyone so the opposite understand it's about being inhibited so the secrets to being attractive is to be disinhibited right it's to be and what I mean by that is you don't give a [ __ ] about expectations of others you don't try and play up to other people's opinions or expectations you are just the most honest grounded raw real version of yourself and that disinhibition that true honest version yourself that's gonna attract people to you and that's gonna repel like there's a minute.you everyone's like I want to attract customers I want attract these the youth understand the minute you start attracting people what are you also doing at the same time for palying if you're automatically repelling people so you have to sack the [ __ ] up right as vedras say you have to man up and be like I'm gonna put myself out there completely understanding I'm gonna get customers I'm gonna get an audience and I'm also you get haters and I'm gonna get doubters and I'm gonna you can't get one without the other you will automatically get both Wow and then in terms of what you're talking about with the copywriting stuff because I love that because it shows that any average person could pick up their skill sets from their laptop is it really that easy for people listening right now is it really as easy as really working on a craft and like talked a little bit about the opportunity that exists there all right honest opinion if if someone's willing to work hard a date 12 months you could be making six figures in copy you work your ass off in three years you can millionaire from copy all right especially nowadays with the digital marketing laughing and that's the thing that's why I say copies just messaging and everyone needs a message and everyone frankly could use a better message in their copy whether it's a caption on Instagram or a Facebook post or the header on your Facebook page or your website copy your video copy your landing page copy what people when people call your office what does a person on the phone say that's cat it's all messaging it's all copy so if you get really good at copy you can go into anyone's business and increase the revenue and profits immediately right without a whole bunch of research without a whole bunch of other [ __ ] if someone wants to just start making money with Cappy like I said 12 months six figures if you work hard but if you like we we teach new people email that's where we start them at with email copy email marketing because it's in an email how long is the email the emails we teach you more like a hundred words to write so like like a webinar I just wrote 22,000 words email 100 words how much more can go wrong in 22,000 words versus a hundred uh a whole lot more but in a hundred words can't [ __ ] up that much yeah a smaller margin prayer exactly so we teach them email copy it's easier and faster to learn and then they can immediately go to businesses in a restaurant a sporting goods store a dog-sitter a pet store any local mom-and-pop store at all because none of them collect emails none of them do email marketing and you go in there and you just have a conversation with them and hey pay me maybe fifteen hundred bucks a month and I'll start collecting emails I'll do your email marketing and you will see this much return on your investment that's much more profit that you went to vet otherwise and they test it out and these people are stunned they're like I can't believe that like it like so there's a sushi restaurant right here I love 300 people come in their door every day they collect one email out of every 300 that comes in right so I told them I was like if you had a special system to collect emails you should be getting half so we should be getting 150 a day that's let's say a thousand a week 50,000 at the end here you should have a 50,000 person email list at the end of this year all customers in the Orange County area that you should be sending three emails a week to come back to the restaurant all of a sudden everything increases yeah and they're sitting there and they're like a lot of [ __ ] aren't we doing this right they're like calling like in there a corporate company so they gotta call corporate and [ __ ] yeah but they're like dying to do it and that's one business so imagine all the other ones around us all those yeah exactly that's incredible I mean think about this ones last time you went to like a restaurant or anywhere and they like had a real good pitch to collect your email address never yeah yeah okay so then talk to me about the technical side I'm sorry more of the philosophical technical side so like a so when I say copy like I know I keep like going back to it but it's cuz I love that concept of entering the conversation in someone's mind so I think one thing that Craig talked about and I'd love to hear your thoughts is that when you're selling to people you're not selling to a perfect person you're selling to somebody that has their own insecurities their own worries and so when you speak with that sort of language you appeal to more people than trying to sound cookie cutter and perfect which is what most people do just when they're trying to make money selling yes so can you talk a little bit about like like kind of what we're talking about earlier and share it with the audience about like how you're not selling the product you're selling the emotion that that's product yeah help them achieve yeah I mean so first of all I'm copy you want it to be like when if you read a good piece of copy a college essay professors should look at that copy and want to kill themselves right because you break every rule and grammar contract sure no structure there should be like ellipses and italics in places it shouldn't be all right rather squiggly underline yeah with like yellow call-outs and [ __ ] and it should be very cloak wheel it should be conversational should be short snappy sentences you want to write at like a fourth grade level because you want you want to speak to everybody right right so that that's first and entering the conversation they're mine there's a guy named Robert Collier who it's a book called Robert Kyle your letter book he was a copywriter in the early 1900 and it was his he's the one who basically was like one of the godfathers and taught us all that principle and it is so incredibly powerful if you can do it and it's one of those terms that we're gonna bring a geek out here real quick rights to it because enter the conversation in their mind implies that it's a thought that they're having right but I don't necessarily want to enter the conversation in their mind I want to enter the emotion in their heart and in their gut because that's obviously what moves people to take action by [ __ ] and do things with your copy so yeah we were talking before about like this course right that would be basically the promise would be how to become a celebrity in your niche right and I was like why would someone want to become a celebrity your niche and you said um would you say so they can buy [ __ ] right yeah stick out from the competition to stand out to have that leverage so why do they want to stand out and you said they'd want to have more leverage in the marketplace so that they can stick out from competitors because then they can charge more and make more money have less resistance have more confidence when styling yes they wanted more confidence they want to want to make more money basically why do they want to make more money though so you have more choices you have more choices right why would they want more choices so there's been a little bit boggled down I feel like that more freedom see and that was the thing we went from like they want [ __ ] they want money this stuff and then you just said the F word the better effort feel right because it's not end of the conversation their mind it's the emotion that they're experiencing and you said they want to feel like they're not limited right they're not trapped high and that's a much deeper emotion we went from how to be a celebrity to I just don't want to feel stuck and limited and like I'm a prisoner in my own life and there's like helpless like there's nothing I can do like we get down to they feel helpless they feel powerless they feel ignore it that's a huge one right it's that sense of when I was growing up with mom and dad I had a brother and a sister and they paid more attention to my brothers and sisters and they did to me right so when I grow up I don't know how I'm gonna do it but I'm gonna finally be accepted I'm gonna finally get recognition I'm gonna finally have the attention over other people so someone's buying your how to be a celebrity thing because mom and dad ignored him at the dinner table when they were 11 right and it's like that's crazy right but when we're running copy we have like that's the thing I'll have to go deeper and like say why why do they want that why don't why why keep going deeper and you have to talk to them and you'll hear it in comment like it'll be off him you've still typewriters it's all about research and understanding the marketplace more than it is running fancy words right and that's why I like for me I I'm not a catty writer where someone can hire me and I'll write some copy for a financial newsletter and then I'll write copy for a sushi restaurant and then I'll write copy for some anti-aging and then for some Alzheimer's product like I'm not going to write in all these different niches or all these different industries because if you're gonna do get a copy you have to understand the deepest darkest most dominant emotion that your particular audience really feels and wants to get away from and if I'm jumping around from niche niche it's too hard to figure out that dominant emotion alright cuz it takes time you got to go so deep with your with your your prospects and your niche so I'll like with dating it took me like a year and a half of copy every single day before I finally I cracked the code and I figured it out and with what I'm doing now it's taken me about 18 months and it literally it's just funny last night I was sitting out here by myself and I felt like I cracked the code last night which is just ironic I mean you know I make all these crazy notes myself in my phone but I and it's not what you would think it's not what you would think at all it's not the emotion of they want to make money they want like I originally thought it was they want freedom they don't want to be stuck at a job they don't want to toxic co-workers and all the [ __ ] they just want to be free that's not what they wanted all that's like freedom is an emotion but it's still shallow it goes so much deeper than that what was that realization last night that you're willing to share yes I don't want to share it all right I gotta keep some secrets but yeah it was it was this idea that it's not freedom that they want and it goes deep in this yeah but deeper than freedom is just [ __ ] respect respect from their girlfriend who tells them they're like why are you listening to these [ __ ] success podcasts right you're a loser right like you just have a normal job like what the [ __ ] you even listening to this [ __ ] for they want to prove that that [ __ ] [ __ ] wrong right or if it's a girl and the guys giving her [ __ ] she wants prove that [ __ ] wrong alright hi or family or whatever exactly the family the co-workers everyone who doesn't believe in them they want to make them eat their [ __ ] words I and it's it's part of the aggressive now I want to make it be my word but also it's not a mean desire it's just I just wish people [ __ ] they could respect me right and that's that's like even D and it goes deeper than that but that was that was part of the breakthrough for me last night just realizing it's powerful it's super powerful and the thing is copy isn't just its messaging but it can be also be what are you projecting to your audience like and I mean this in people who have an itch people who have an audience like you have a big audience right and they look up to you and a lot of them follow you because of what you represent to them so there's like them in their life and let's say that they they are stuck in a job they don't like they get a lot of disrespect and doubt from people they're around a lot of negative crabs in their life etc there's that version of them that they have to be there's the shadow side of them that is the exact opposite event and that guy is a rebel that guy is free that guy is connected that guy is respected that guy is a boss and that's who they want to be and they take that shadow because it's behind them they can't see it and they look around the world for a reflection of that shadow and somehow you your projection like on the screen on the podcast on the video came at them and it spoke today I'm gonna spoke to their shadow and they go we want to be like him so they follow and they watch and they listen and this is why people like celebrities this is why people follow influencers because that person represents the exact opposite of who they perceive themselves to be and who they wish they could be so you want to sell to that persona more so than sell to the the person that's you want to represent their deepest darkest identity desire of who they wish they could be and who they one day hope to be that's amazing and that and that's why that's why copy gets [ __ ] deep and that's why well good that's all you have done so well with it so as we wrap up here these last couple questions want to ask some stuff for the audience you know obviously with digital marketing so many people are getting into the space people are starting to leverage their passions and offering products and services to help with it and you know we've seen a huge influx of people trying it more often than before can you speak to how important it is to just accept the fact that failure is a part of the process because like a lot of that in this interview and a lot of people's stories you know we hear the good parts but we don't see the days where you you know maybe lost thousands of dollars on ads or waste you know countless months or whatever tweaked products can you talk about like how important it is to accept the fact that Feathers part of the process totally dude I lost seven grand yesterday yeah Oh seven grand yesterday we were testing something new and it didn't work uh if I don't fail I can't succeed right which makes no sense than most people but you there is no way that you will succeed without failing along the way it's almost like you want to fail your way to success which is why I say the most important thing anyone can do is just keep taking action that's like our number one rule on our team capital family is take huge action every day there's even if it's imperfect just take imperfect action just keep [ __ ] moving keep taking action expect to fail most the time and then once in a while you'll win in the lessons start to accumulate failure it happens less often and success happens more often but like it's just it's just it's unfortunate that the media and social media now only projects these like perfect images of people in success and they only show the highlights they don't show actually like all the losses and the blood and the sweat and the tears but that's 90 percent of it right right yeah like it's cool I live in this house and there's all this cool [ __ ] in the cars in the garage but like when we're done I'm gonna go film videos and I'm gonna [ __ ] up some [ __ ] and we're just gonna we're just gonna keep going yeah building that momentum yeah what were some if you get a little personal what we're like two maybe one or two big failures that you haven't shared before or personal things that were rough and how did you overcome them oh it's a good question um one it's hard for me to call anything a failure because I I really like I know it's cliche to be like I learned from my failures but I really it's hard to learn it first because you're so dejected by it I try huh i when I was 21 I wouldn't call it a failure but I I just I had a girlfriend and I was like it wasn't in love with her but I was in love with the idea of her and it ended very very fast and she just she left me and I didn't like wasn't like a breakup it was just thought the face of the earth to stop responding to calls and text it was as if I didn't exist I was worse than a breaker yeah it was super hard for me and I actually got sick after that like I just so much stress was built up from that experience but for like six months I liked obsessively thought about like how do I get her back like how do I do and I look back in that now now I'm like God you I wasted six months on that book right right so I don't call it a failure but that was one like that was a serious thing for me I was I was a big turning point in my life once I got over that experience and you actually turned it around cuz you actually ended up helping people avoid their own situations and that's part of what I've done is anytime something is really hard for me I I I resist it at first and then I accept it and then I conquer it and then I go back and I teach it to other people right and so like one of them the last couple years was as I was building this company and we're trying to scale past eight figures now all right I started saying yes to everything taking everything on and putting myself second third moving down the list until the I wasn't left at all right and a guy I started getting as mini panic attacks at like 28 years old which you should not be like I can't breathe for a minute I'm super stressed out I think I'm going [ __ ] crazy in my head like I feel like that that I would never talk about I and you're already probably a little crazy because of copywriting I'm [ __ ] yeah I'm nuts no matter what you look at like dating stuff taught like look at this Jack I'm crazy man I accept and I enjoy my weirdness by it right that was that was a really big thing for me like I thought I was like like going crazy all right and resisted it first proud of you try pretend like it doesn't happen and then I was like this is a real thing I got to deal with this [ __ ] and I started meditating a lot more than I used to and I started practicing yoga and now I practice for an hour every single day so this and in yoga is like the best medicine in my opinion I and now like I'm not gonna say I'm super calm or like I got crazy energy I get that but very much more grounded now I'm much more calm now I don't really have issues anymore because I'm I'm breathing and I'm my body and I cried so it was like you know Ryan holidays it's great but if the obstacle is the way right where the obstacle becomes you're like you keep trying to turn away from avoid an adventure and you're like I I got to go in the direct I got to go through it I have to there's no other way all right Emerson do this thing and you will have the power so I turned into it and I started doing yoga and meditating and bioenergetics all this stuff and now it's like a skill for me that I help other people with now so it's like I always figure out like any challenge anyone's going through right now like master it so you can help other people who are [ __ ] going through it right now to like stop being so [ __ ] selfish I deal with the challenges open completely up to them master that [ __ ] conquer it not only will that help you significantly but now you have something that you can sell to other people that's incredible man I love that okay and then talk to me a little bit about the Jason that was 20 years old looking for answers at that time if you would see the Jason ten years later on his 30th birthday living here in this beautiful multi-million dollar property by the water you know helping thousands of people around the world like what would what would that young Jason say to the Jason now like would he believe it like what would he be thinking if he knew that this is where you say no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way you actually you actually did it that's what he would say you at he'd be like damn dude you actually did it I which is cool and then the second thing he would say he'd say well what's next you know yeah how about the third year old what would you say to the twenty year old like knowing what you know now to that twenty year old who was stuck like what would you tell yourself to get things moving quicker faster or are you happy with how things panned out I had no regrets man all right but I would say I would tell him dude there's there are zero limitations on what's possible except the [ __ ] people have fed you so if you can turn all the [ __ ] people fed your entire life just unplug it turn on mute do eat it you know like put a thing of it it's on your desktop drag it to the trash bin empty trashcan boom it's gone forever now there's no limits so whatever the [ __ ] you're gonna be doing when you're 50 let's say at a peak just wrote that [ __ ] in 20 years and see how I can get there and a third of the time all right and and I don't mean to sound vague about that like an example a more concrete example would be charging more money for what you do right like you think that I need to do X like people think I need to do X Y & Z mhm record and then I can charge what I want and I'm telling you discharge what you want now just just get rid of the the rules that's an it's I it's an if-then rule people creating their brains and they have rules for everything right if this person looks at me this way then I respond angrily that way if they look at me this way then I feel like so we've these rules set up for our lives but one of them like really evaluate the rules and see where the limitations are and just get rid of the [ __ ] rule people think they need XY and z in order to do the thing I'm saying just do the thing right now all right so charged Harding more I know we were talking to about the limited beliefs people have with that yes sir when I coach clients are I'm sure you coach your clients as well I remember you were telling me that you know you spend 10 15 minutes telling him about that they can do it the other 45 just reassuring them that it'll be okay yeah exactly yeah and it's it's just amazing people have so many blocks about money and charging more and things like that one of the things I try and have had my students do my mentees do and I got this from dan Payne and he says smell the leather and what he means by that is when he was he was younger and he wanted money he would go to the local rolls-royce dealership every weekend he'd go in the first car go in there and he'd go up leather and he go like he's racking a line of cocaine yeah at the easies rack and rolls-royce is what he's doing man huh but he said it would just fill his senses with like holy [ __ ] like it becomes real it's possible it's real yeah you're like you it's creating an anchor in an LP right but you need to surround yourself with this kind of what don't just look at pictures like go to the events go smell the leather and meet the people around they're saying yeah go to go to Vegas and go to Crystal's shopping mall right which is this mall in between the Cosmo and the Aria if you go through this mall there is every big designer store you can imagine nothing else there try and find a women's pair of shoes that cost less than $1,000 in the mall you will not find it how do I know because drunkenly a few years ago we tried to find shoes that for like a lay the last minute we gotta go out tonight kind of thing you cannot find a pair of heels in there for a woman that is less than a G all right so put yourself in that environment so you can see not while these people charge a lot of money but there's hundreds of people around this mall that are happily spending 1,800 bucks on a pair of shoes and don't like don't bring that [ __ ] [ __ ] mediocre conditioning into it where you see someone spending eight hundred bucks on shoes and then the rat race of your your parents in psychology or social or the society telling you that's over expensive that's a waste of money that's not your voice that's their [ __ ] get rid of that look at them spending money and go there's a lot of money out there and salut its money and sort of I can't afford that it's how can I afford yeah it's evidence that people will spend a lot of money that's something that's not that valuable so if you're like my shit's not that valuable how could I charge more dude they're spending way more morning on [ __ ] that's not nearly as valuable as what you have and you just need to get the reference experiences to see it to smell it to feel it like surround yourself with wealth in that way and understand the lesson is just that there's evidence that money is flowing a million miles a minute all around us all the time from one hand to another and you need to get your [ __ ] head in that game and once you overcame your unlimited beliefs about it cuz I'm sure you had your own limited beliefs right yeah so once you overcame that did you notice like like knowing what you know now seeing the numbers you've done now would have you realize that a lot of it isn't even the tactical stuff it's not the tactical [ __ ] it was more obviously the tactics are important but a lot of it was just allowing yourself the permission to like yo whoa this is possible if there were on that being on that this side of the fence completely yeah uh there were times where we're going to put out an offer there we're gonna charge this much money for it and I would wait two weeks to put it out because we take two weeks to wrap my head around the fact that I'm gonna do this right like literally and then you put it out and all of a sudden you know you wake up the next morning and you just made 80 grand yesterday and you're like [ __ ] did I wait two weeks for this [ __ ] for and the more that I would do that the more I realize like money and food prices elastic people not listening that means you can it you can charge you can move things around you can charge a lot more for your services or your products and you currently are and I and people do it's like the old negotiating thing where you say the price and the person is like all right deal and you're like [ __ ] I could have asked for more right so yeah like I don't know we're like if someone's listening right now or where they're at or what they're selling I can almost guarantee they'll make more money if they just start charging more right now and not only discharging more making more money but you're gonna get a lot more compliant clients which means they're gonna actually take action on what they buy through and now they get a result right like definitely you get what you pay for so there's there's a lot of value in charging more and being be I mean we can talk about a lot about being the preeminent person in your marketplace and there's a lot of competition at the bottom I like to go where there's not competition you know that's at the top that's awesome man well thank you for bringing the wisdom that you've learned from the top here today and last question before we play our game for people listening out there that people who might be you know struggling or maybe they're doing well but they're not fulfilled you know maybe they're successful but you know they'd really rather be doing something else or maybe they're stuck at home maybe they're broke maybe they're smoking a joint right now this thing goes in everything [ __ ] how can I change my life right maybe they're there and they're for eating man's too late to be an entrepreneur men woman whatever they want to start making their life work and they're looking for answers from what Jason has learned in his 30 years to the day to the best of your knowledge what would you tell that person looking for answers looking to start making a life work and really fulfilling way one brick that's it just just lay one brick down today towards whatever it is you're building just one brick you don't need to build it today you don't need one [ __ ] brick just lay it down and then lay one more down tomorrow and then one more down the next day and then one more time just if you just do one brick each day I promise you you will build it a lot faster than you think you will avoid the overwhelm you'll be able to get started like a lot of people don't take action because they're overwhelmed they're afraid of rejection they're threatened people say like and that's all valid I get that I think it's all [ __ ] but I get that those are real things that are stopping those people real story stopping those people I teach every single to my mentees tizen which is 20 Robbins people know about it's from its from Edward Kramer in Japan right the idea of constant and never-ending improvement like I'm just gonna make this tiny little increment I'm gonna get this much better today and it's all I need to focus on and I can just focus on a little bit better today then I'm doing it tomorrow the day after the day after and as long as I keep [ __ ] getting a little bit better every day I am guaranteed to be a huge success one day because I focus on just one little brick at a time building momentum that way I love it so at the end of every interview we play a game called first things first super easy game the way it works is I'm gonna rifle off ten words or phrases and you just tell me the first word or phrase that comes to mind in relation to it it should be interesting as a copywriter so you're gonna say a word I just thing first thing that comes to my sorry yeah word or phrase you can say okay so I'm gonna rifle off ten and then you just tell me the first word or phrase then I go right I just wanted you know I swear like a sailor so weird [ __ ] like that's that's fine the only rule there's only one rule you can't repeat yourself twice okay the ceiling rule all right you ready sorry all right first word freedom funny limited beliefs [ __ ] funny Jerry Seinfeld money good your past license your future [ __ ] awesome your students cool failures important success okay and the last one you ready fulfillment family my man Jason and that's a wrap thanks for being on the show thank you guys for tuning in be sure to check out more of our social links as well as Jason's masterclass in the description below until next time we'll see you guys and thank you for being one of the passion if you guys enjoyed that video be sure to hit that subscribe button right now because every week you can be the very best inputs on the government content interviews and the insights help inspire you to take your life in your dreams and make them a reality and also if you don't know how to book between guests same way I have you can check the link below for my top three secrets so if you have a podcast or a show or whatever is you want to collaborate with them you click that link below I'll give you those top three secrets to help you get in touch with anybody and also don't forget that the passionate view is available on media platforms as well so you can subscribe to the podcast and until next time thank you for being one of the passionate to you [Music] [Music] you
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Keywords: jason capital story, $40 million in sales by age 29, Jason Capital Interview, The Passionate Few Jason Capital Interview, Jason Capital Passionate Few Interview, Jason Capital, omar elattar story, jason capital dan pena, Omar Elattar, The Passionate Few, The Passionate Few Interview, omar elattar interview, Business, Digital Marketing, Millionaire, Make Money Online, Online Business, Copyrighter, Successful Copyrighter, Top 100 Entrepreneur, Alex Marako, Nataly Biskay
Id: N9gkK0N9J2U
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Length: 84min 16sec (5056 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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