SAM BAKHTIAR: From Immigrant To $100 Million CEO! 💸 (Against All Odds Interview!) - MUST WATCH

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hi I'm Sam Bakhtiar and I went from a refugee to a multi-millionaire CEO and I'm one of the passionate few well I think that what omar does he's one of the best in the industry I mean the questions he asked are right on he knows you he studies your business he doesn't come as random questions he asked me some of the best questions that I've ever had asked of me and I thought the interview was amazing and what I want is just to inspire people if I can help change one person's life from this interview that makes me happy I've done my job welcome to this episode of the passionate few I'm your host Omar and today we get to interview Sam Bakhtiar he's a serial entrepreneur and the CEO of the camp franchise with over a hundred locations and he's the CEO and founder of one percent nutrition a supplement company and he's made his life's work helping people get in the best shape of their lives so in this interview we get into the whole story about not only how he became a multi-millionaire doing this but how Sam actually grew up from very humble beginnings came to this country didn't speak English was a scrawny kid but then found weightlifting and developed a passion for fitness that would end up changing his life so I want to encourage you guys to sit back relax and do this powerful interview about mindset surrounding yourself with the right people and how to go from rags to riches just like Sam did with none other than dr. Sam Bakhtiar himself mr. 1% enjoy thanks for being on the show today Sam it's my pleasure man thank you so much for having me it's a great honor my Matt we're honored to be here in this beautiful garage of yours and thank you for letting us into your home of course so let's get right into it a lot of people have seen the incredible results that you've created for your clients in the transformation industry getting the best shape of their life but talk to me before you became the CEO of a hundred-plus gym location enterprise you didn't exactly grow up in a privileged situation right you grew up in a kind of rough situation take me back where did you grow up and sort of what was your childhood like before all this came to fruition well I'm a person American so I was born in Tehran Iran you know and I was born in a middle-class family but when I was 3 my dad and my mom got divorced my dad left and went to Canada and I never saw my dad again so my mom was a single mom struggled for years and so I was living in a third-world country and I remember that then Salim was saying started attacking us so our country went to a war was sad Saddam Hussein as you were very well know right yeah we were getting bombed on for like eight years every single night we hear sirens you know we're at a blackout in the city we had to go you know in a basement and they say you know you heard guns and bombs and planes flying over and anti-air missiles and it was crazy did you have any siblings growing up or only child I'm the only child Wow so then after your pops left you and your mom were sort of like buddies or what was that relationship come on you know my mom was just working to trying to you know you know make a living so what we're really buddies in our culture you know is like a you know a mom and a mom and a dad they're you know they're not friends they're like your coaches and disciplinarians yes correct and then from that point I know you said you got a lot of the work ethic and still didn't you from your mom but you were scrawny kid right you're not the the in shape guy that you are today right you grew up kind of like scrawny a little insecure in school talk to mother about the the early years in schooling and you know not having a dad around what was that like well you know I was always said I had the worst genetics possible hi like really skinny arms yeah you know and I had big old fat belly you know have pictures of me you know you know when I'm like 12 you know with like big old belly and little skinny arms or 14 same thing you know so I mean it was tough I mean especially when I came to the United States you know when when I came to the United States I was 11 years old you know in 1985 and I came to a little town called Sharon Pennsylvania which is like hick town USA nobody you know I was the only minority in school and so it was tough at that age at eleven years old pre-teenage coming to a new country don't speak language don't have the same clothes as everybody else and not having a sport because they didn't have soccer over there you know they've never heard of you know soccer just had football American football baseball and basketball so you felt like kind of like outcast couldn't relate to the kids not even the same sports yes matter of fact you know I'm like all right well baseball I don't know anything about a football oh my I was like oh my god only don't even know what that is so I tried out for the basketball team believe it or not you know I'm five five and a good day and I just knew the object of the basketball was to put the ball in the hoop you know so I tried out for the basketball team and I got cut you know and I was like eighth grade basketball team and I was devastated I was so devastated you know I went home I told my mama you know what this country is horrible I want to go back you know I thought I was coming to America everybody was millionaires and and how mansions and Cadillacs as I saw on TV shows you know and I came to you know Sharon Pennsylvania a very very depressed town steal me oh yeah definitely no I definitely not Hollywood and then you know my uncle you know did what most middle eastern - when they come to the United States he had a convenience store in the hood I'm talking about in the hood yeah I'm talking about brick roads abandoned buildings and 1985 in the middle of crack cocaine epidemic Wow you know so literally you know outside his store you know you see you know pimps you know prostitutes drug dealers you know and you know people got shot you know and it was it was very fast matter of fact there is a sign on the street there that says no loitering on the street like you couldn't even hang out on the street if you hang out too much on the screen the cops came back this is Wow and then you went to go work at that location or at that gas station yeah I went to work at that convenience store I worked there for many years you know have a quick funny story you know because when I came to America I didn't know what food stamps were at stuff money was money right so I was in charge of you know candy and a cigarette section in the convenience store so when people came and gave me food stamps I'll give him real money back in return no way and I didn't know what the thing was but I don't know pretty soon you know everybody the neighborhood heard about it this guy doesn't know what they want my section got packed because people money in return and then my uncle Oh sounds like why is he so busy all the time all of a sudden yeah hey he come and he was no you can't give people money back when they gave him food stuff that's against the law I thought they're the same thing yeah Wow and then how were you at that age I was 12 so from 12 to what age did you work at the in store 12 to 16 I worked at the convenience store and then I wanted to buy a car my uncle was paying me for working 32 hours a week marco was paying me $100 a week and at the time you probably felt like hanging out every two weeks every two weeks every two weeks you're making $200 a month yeah we're making 200 hours much but I was working like 32 hours a week Wow you know and but it was a family business you know whatever is really your first time making money but then I remember like you know my goal my ultimate dream car when I was turning 16 was a Volkswagen GTI you know was I wanted a black on red books GTI is because a rabbit GTI which is funny because you still like red and black you know so and I knew that if I want to buy a car like that I need a 200 hours a month and I also needed to pay for insurance and gas so I need to make $300 a month right and at that time I figure out I'm like wait a second you know I'm getting paid $100 every two weeks or $200 a month and I'm working let me see 120 hours I'm like that's like dollar fifty years you know I'm like but the minimum wage is 335 you know so I'm like well you know my family business and I pay me to what I want to pay you know sounds like forget family business I wouldn't I went to work I got a job at McDonald's that didn't work out very well I got fired from McDonald's for what you know because I just didn't like the boss I mean who's the boss of me I got something like and here I remember the boss was a lady yeah she took me outside he goes hey if you don't want to you know do it our way once you go across the street and she pointed to Burger King and so then I got a I got a job at a car wash and as you know in the East Coast car washes are super busy in the wintertime because the you know the salt and everything else I did I remember it was like for reasons i 20-degree below people bring their car in and I'm like freezing you get wet your toes are where your toes are freezing and and then I also got a job delivering pizzas I got a job at a cheese factory simultaneously or these are through two years you get one leave one try another one but sometimes simultaneously in some top 20 years you know but those are all results your goal is to save money because you figured out like I gotta fend for myself I don't have a mom I don't have anybody did sort of lean on so it's all on me right is that was that the kind of intention no no the goat was a boss wagon GTI really that's all you want well you know I still look them up but I was like I just wonder box wagon GTI if I can look cool drive around girls whatever always ever since I was four years old I've been infatuated with cars you know some people buy cars because I want to flash in front of things I don't care like to this day like the other day we were driving and we saw in like Oh 30 year old Volkswagen GTI and I was like drove by and I'm like I told my wife I'm like I got I want that like I'm a car enthusiast it doesn't matter that they expense I don't care about the facts you know I I enjoy you know an old-school Camaro old-school Volkswagen just as much as Lambo irori well let me ask you this because for people obviously Washington's they see the cars or if you're listening us on iTunes you got to see the video to see the cars but can you rifle after some of the cars you currently own okay so you know you're looking at the peripheral monta the 2018 Lambo perform on teh I had the Aventador you know the big Lambo and all that come on the green you get a light green on yeah but I hated it you know those car look cool the Aventador looks so cool yes but it drives like crap because so has that old single clutch transmission and the suspension is not up to date and you'd have no vision out of it you have no yeah you can't see out of it yeah so even though it looks cool it drives like crap I'm like hey they're driving it you know yeah so then I have the 2017 Rory 488 what if I just put my order for a pista well I just put my order in for the pista so they say it's kind of hard to get right yeah I didn't know that that big of a deal or a big deal yeah 20 19 pieces yeah it's the update to the 488 yeah yeah so yes I saw a little video looks super aggressive you know so I'm debating so but read or maybe maybe I should change they'll get a white one yeah it'll read interior I don't know we have to have a different discussion on that yeah yeah absolutely should I have a 911 gt3rs 2016 I have a demon hmm yeah I've seen that the SUV right no no no the demon help that the dodge demon oh yeah yeah the fastest quarter-mile car is kind of like a Viper no it's a challenger with a 840 horsepower all dragged-out car it's all blacked out yeah and I have the charger hellcat with a Hennessy package I think you've seen that one yeah I see now it has like 1,100 horsepower now why he drives a Range Rover I have a BRABUS g63 and have what else do I have there was a recent purchase I believe oh the Bugatti yeah yeah the Bugatti yeah I forgot about that one well that's a car that I bought to play around with it but mostly to flip it after a couple you know after six or seven months I make a little bit of money it's amazing now looking back I want to ask you does the young-sam ever trip out on what's happening now like oh man I think you just want a GTI and to think now that you've created a business where you're ethically helping people and also you know winning yourself it's like win-win-win-win-win what does that feel like well I still can't believe it I still can't believe it you know I'm going to share something with you he's kind of funny you know it kind of I remember you know where like I could never even imagine when I'm from Sharon Pennsylvania and for people who are are from Sharon principle never listen to this they know that back in the day if you drove anything better than a Honda Accord you were either a doctor lawyer or a drug dealer if you were you know driving a Honda car you were a young guy you got pulled over and get searched no I mean I mean I don't have to know good to know but usually there's no way you drive anything better than the Hondo court you know you know see that so I was brought up with that mentality of my homei that those are impossible so when I first came to California and I saw a specialist on in California I saw oh my god there's Mercedes and BMWs and Ferraris and Lamborghinis oh my god I remember what first I went to South Coast Plaza I didn't even go inside I was outside in a parking lot like like a freak like a weirdo looking at some of these cars and just drooling which is a luxury shopping mall yeah an Orange County yes I'd like a corner yeah I was like looking I'm like what I went inside of this mall and I saw like t-shirts like 50 $60 and I couldn't fathom like who buys a $50 t-shirt you know and it's weird now when I when I see myself now pull up there with the rolls-royce and then go out with a bunch of gifts and you know the chef and I'm like oh my god I used to be like how these people do it and now I'm one of them it's so surreal it's so sorry I mean if you don't owe me you know years ago this is gonna be my life I would never never never thought that's powerful now let's get into the story of how it happened so you're in high school right you go to high school I know you mentioned that you were sort of like picked on scrawny kid didn't get along different customs didn't speak the language too well talk to me about what high school was like and how you sort of found your passion for fitness through that rough period so imagine this Sharon Pennsylvania nobody in this room here has heard about it right you know only a few people know where Sharon Pennsylvania is and in 1985 I'm sure there's a probably like a couple of Hispanics and there were a couple of Asians there now couple but in 1985 you know when I went to school in Sharon Pennsylvania in high school I walked in there was black people there was white people and he was Sam when I walked in you know it was like a Michael Jackson's beat a video right yeah those black people white people are now looking at me eat so what I'm like what are you you either listen to kool Moe Dee and LL Cool J or you listened to Metallica right there's no in-between like they're looking at it's like what are you rock rap so so what I wanted it was tough remember I walked in you know with a unibrow you know I had this is true story about like like shoes enclosing nobody has ever seen before haircut not like everybody else I look down whatever like I mean I looked like I was in total alien you know and so it was tough you know especially like I said you know kid at that age can be so rude right or I got I got picked on or I think the word was capped on you know not bad it's bad now was it hopped on back then and and that was it man I mean that so it was tough I went to guidance counselor they didn't have my sport you know it was tough it was I got picked on I got bullied you name it talk to me about where your passion for fitness which would end up being the ethos of everything you do your mission in life and all your businesses that you're involved in are helping support people get in the best shape of the best health of their life where was the seed first planted when it came to Fitness what was that first encounter where you're like I love this so grown-up you know in Iran I always played soccer soccer was my sport right I mean I I come home from school you know I get something to eat do my homework and I play soccer until the lights came on right moans okay come back take a shower and get back to school go to bed go get your ready for school but so always had a passion for sport always had a passion for cars I had like little cars I play weird to know that kind of stuff and so when I came to America their doors nose I lost that passion because there was nothing else around when I got cut from the basketball team which was the most devastating blow at the time for me it's now exam I mean Annie I don't have friends I don't belong I don't speak the language and I don't have a sport all right you know so the game plan was to go and go to the boys club practice basketball get better and try out next year that was a game plan so as I went to this boy's club I started you know playing basketball every day and all that kind of stuff but I noticed there are these guys going upstairs in this little room you know these guys were walking around with me over the laughs out there all you know cut you know and at that time I was watching a couple of like Sylvester Stallone movies a couple of Arnold things and I'm like always admired their body and I see these guys are looking like them yeah yeah I'm like I wanted I wonder what's up there and I walked to this you know room upstairs and it was literally a room no bigger in this garage all rusted weights garbage that hasn't been taken out in months people went chewing tobacco spitting tobacco just left in heavy waste boom your own boom box happen each other and I literally saw that and I'm like oh my god I I was so insecure I'm like they're gonna eat me I don't belong here let me let me let me wait I mean there were some big dudes you know mean yeah I mean big dudes yeah I mean they will leave and I will go and get him you know by myself with a pump in no pump in I don't even know how to lift I don't know I was going like this and so many times weights fell off or you couldn't live I literally almost killed myself I had black and blue marks here so many times someone like this and you know but what happened is I started you know developing baby muscles you know baby muscles I always tell people baby muscles are the muscles that you can tell on yourself nobody else can tell on you sorry sis are flexing and my mom was like what are you doing Sam what you do and I'm like mom look at my muscles she's like what muscles I'm like if you look at that angle mom around that light right look at that cut shadow you know so I got infatuated with it next you know I started buying the magazines I will get $20 allowance every week I took my $20 I went right to the mall to the GNC I got one of those Tuesday cars whatever the discounted on Tuesdays and all that back in the day I will literally get the latest amino acid or whatever they sold protein powder or whatever you know and I will literally go in the basement workout do a set pop a pill on flex yeah you know what happened what happened to my muscle get bigger yeah so that's right that that's right fell in love with transformation that's really interesting I want to ask you because it seems like there's a reoccurring theme in your life of like going all in like when you love something go cheap and a lot of people you know might have hobbies or interests but for you it seems like an obsession a passion and deep-rooted thing do you apply that same philosophy of business about like going all-in is that was that something that you kind of always had about going all-in or some of you cultivated talk to me a little about about that let me ask you this is there any other way I don't know of any other way not a way that produces results right right for me I'm all about results right for me I never I could never understand when somebody is not all in you might as well not do it if you want a half-assed something not do it if you're gonna do something be all in all out become the best that you could be you know when I was becoming when I told everyone I'm gonna become a bodybuilder everybody laughed like you have the worst genetics you've been working out you don't even look like you work out how old were you when you told me what you wanted to know team really yeah for time like yeah my mama become a bodybuilder even though you knew that you at the time were like scrawny flabby it doesn't matter force me and everybody laugh you know you got to be kidding me like you worked out you know and you don't even look like you know and I just I just kept going kept going and one thing that God has given me is just incredible work ethic and incredible will and that's I can tell you I'm blessed with that I'm not blessed with a lot anything more than that you know but if I want something I just go after it and you have to India if you want something bad enough just get obsessed and go after it mmm okay so then you start working out and you're working out five six days a week or how often you're working out just as much as you can in school yeah I worked out five days a week and then you're committed to training and then you go all-in on like trying to enter this competition yeah I was coming into training I was coming into eating you know I wanted to bulk up so I remember like we will go you know work out and we go who has like the cheapest buffet in town at that day right jeepers before that one time I got kicked out of all-you-can-eat Chinese restaurant because I would put like a seven plate you know the band comes at you here no more yeah taking advantage of a I love it so then after that you start getting results right you start getting in shapes or building confidence talk to me about were you know was there a psychological shift that happened as well as the physical transformation you know the biggest thing when I came to America was to build in a self-esteem because of the kids always say you know oh my god you're too small Americans are bigger or or you don't know this or you know you know all the things that the kids will tell you that right and I'm like wow you know so it was a big blow to my ego coming to America I don't have a sport I got cut from the team people make fun of me people make fun of my shoes right now I wore painless shoes you know matter of fact if you look at these Nikes you know it's funny like you know I remember the first pair of Nikes that I wanted to buy you know there is a store in Sharon Pennsylvania car riders riders has like the biggest shoe store in that area and I saw these Nikes man it was kind of like these by black-and-white matter if I have a similar pair upstairs and there were forty dollars at the time now forty dollars back then is like a hundred forty dollars now and I wanted though so bad i litterly big my mom baked my mom a mom four months four months because I was so tired being back gone about my payless shoes right you know I mean and so my mom one time like when I just bought them for me her tonight cuz I never forget like you couldn't tell me nothing like I thought I was the man I stepped into school like what talk to me and it's just so weird how everything involves me and I mean like - I swear to God like I was I was a man I'd like I walked into school like oh now you got muscles different person all right now I want to ask for people listening how important has Fitness been because obviously since then you've never left it right it's been a lifelong passion and you're helping others with that talk to me about what Fitness teaches you about life what's the metaphor there for people who maybe are watching this and maybe are starting to get in shape or thinking about it or considering it or maybe falling off the discipline and trying to get back on what have you noticed are some of the most important benefits that working out has created for you as it relates to life and business what consistency I mean I think the problem with most people in life wouldn't a trying to reach a goal is consistency look I know for me to get to a goal in Fitness all I have to do is show up work out and I know what I need to do and put a plan together here's what I'm gonna do on Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Friday Saturday Sunday whatever it is but well there's a rest day whether but once I put a plan together you got to stick to the plan here's what I'm gonna eat once I put a plan together I stick to the plan most people don't have a problem they put the plan together but then there we were off from it they go based on how they feel they go oh my god like oh my I don't I don't feel 100% today so I'm just gonna skip the gym today I don't I'm not a hundred percent there I don't know and if you go by how you feel you never get anywhere you just have to go about what you said you want to do and the commitment you made to yourself the worst person that you can let down in the world is yourself because every time you little self down you basically telling yourself you're a loser and that's a big blow to your self-esteem so I learned very early in my stage to never let myself down and I always follow through what I said I was gonna do so if you're consistent in Fitness fitness told me to be consistent in work how many times people don't feel like working or I don't feel like doing this I don't feel like doing you can't base your life based on feeling you have to based on your out based on your plan to ultimate goal that you put together look we're all the new year is coming up on us we all said okay we have these goal we have these goal we have these or we have these goals right and are you breaking down two okay if I want to achieve this in 2019 what do I need to do every quarter so you reverse engineer it reverse engineer and a lot of people when they do that they can't do the consistent things I love there and Hardy's book the compound effect yes you know doing that for the audience the compound effect basically said little things done correctly over time produce big results and the same token little things done incorrectly over time you know least a disaster make sense so then talk to me going back to high school and I love the point you just said talk to me a little bit about after high school you should graduate and then came to the decision of I've got to go to college pick a career and I know you had a little bit of conflict with your mom about what she wanted you to do right culturally you should do this be a doctor or lawyer engineer but you had other plans talk to me about what you did after high school as you've moved up and had to make big-boy decisions in life so every ever since I was 3 years old you know in our culture say you have to be a doctor or Laura engineer you know in our culture education is so important and it's also the title you can literally be an entrepreneur like business owners and entrepreneurs socially they're not accepted they're like scumbags they're like merchants you know like bizarre like you know they're just trading things and buying things and all that exactly right so you know so when you know when growing up I said all right man I have to become lawyer doctor or engineer but my mom said preferred a doctor just letting you know yeah she said prefer doctor so I researched when I was in high school okay I never go to college but what kind of doctor do I want to be you know I don't like operating on someone I don't like drilling people's teeth what doctor has to do with muscles and bones and nutrition everything that I like to do so that's how I research chiropractic you know and at that time physical therapy didn't have a doctorate program so that's where that's how I chose chiropractic I went to Penn State got my masters in pre-med and nutrition everything that I like to learn yeah and then I went to Los Angeles car practically and got my doctor and chiropractic just because my mom said she want to become a doctor not because I wanted that so even though you weren't particularly passionate about that path you were still were able to commit me and put the plan together stick through it get the grades keep moving up absolutely you know and the thing I loved about it Oh was because at least the subject I was interested in because chiropractic had to do with anatomy physiology biomechanics muscle origin insertion nerve supply you know everything that I was interested in you know so it wasn't like you know accounting it wasn't like statistics yeah you know so it was at least at least some of the things that I was interested in what would your advice advice be to somebody listening to this who's maybe maybe in high school or maybe in college or trying to figure out their career path and not knowing where to go they got pressure from mom and dad obviously it's a different day in age today where there's so much access to resources knowledge mentorship coaching but what would your best advice be looking at the landscape of you know 2018 2019 2020 on people trying to figure out their path what would your best advice be to somebody who's stuck and trying to figure out what to do well first of all you have to figure out a career that you can endure not a career to just pays you now and you can't sustain it because you hate it you know most people have careers that they don't like but that's what pays the bills and I have hobbies that they love but that doesn't pay the bills right figure out something that does both now I get this a lot and so people say hey what do you think about college should I go to college I'm sure that not go to college it cause necessary for success and we already know the answer to that where college is not necessary for success but College does teach you some intangibles that is very hard for you to have if you don't go to college like working the pressure being on time on projects working well with others you know and and and just some basic knowledge and basic discipline you know that can help you now do you absolutely then no but we'll help absolutely mm-hmm gotcha okay what about when it comes to picking a career path would you encourage people to like try different things to find their passion because you know as the host of the passionate view I get asked this a ton and so what value would you give to people who maybe haven't found their passion maybe you know they they have interests one thing I always tell people is to try things try things quickly just like that one time in high school you went upstairs took a look at the weights had you not and say playing basketball we might not be in this room right now but because you had the courage to try something new you discovered it do you think that's that's also valid or I mean what what advice would you give to people trying to figure out their passion I think that's valid I think that's very valid that's a great idea but how can you not have a passion you're a grown-ass man already I mean I don't understand that I mean you gotta be look warm all the time if you don't like past four years old at four years old I was looking at Lamborghinis and Ferraris and I was looking at these things and I'm looking at this car at four years old I was looking at Diego Maradona which was the Argentinian best soccer player at the time you know I was looking at I want to be like Diego Maradona I want to have a Ferrari oh I want to have a Lamborghini or you know you know I didn't know I didn't know anything about the birds and the bees but a four years old I was look at that beautiful woman like just looking at him like I have no idea what I'm looking at you but I'm looking at you yeah for you that you have to have some kind of a passion you know I mean just one of being tuned into what's already there yeah yeah I mean I don't understand how somebody can be you know 18 19 20 24 25 26 and say I don't know what the have you not been alive what are you been doing yeah have you been paying attention is is you kind of know at that time but if you haven't though for whatever reason absolutely try try try but I think a lot of people are so afraid to fail so they're so they're so afraid to fail so that they just don't want to be passionate about anything they don't want to give their all to something that will be judged a law you're that old and you're just getting into it or no what if you're I'm good at it yeah that's it that's the main problem I love that okay cool so then you become Sam dr. Sam bhakti are you graduating that and how long are you in schooling for for medical school so I went to six years that master's degree that three and a half years for for chiropractic school it's almost a decade so almost a decade yeah and how did you come to Hill when you finally became doctor she could tell all her friends well it's funny you know it's funny because one of my ambassadors 1% ambassadors you know he's very respectful he calls me dr. Sam but I never referred to myself as dr. Sam because I had a bad I had a bad thing to happen the first day of school in chiropractic school where somebody you know one of the doctors was teaching and one of the students was like mrs. so-and-so and she stopped literally dropped everything the first day school I said what did you call me I'm dr. so-and-so not mrs. so-and-so and I looked at him I'm like are you serious like you see like I never want to be that guy I'm dr. Sam no no you know it's like I'm a doctor but I'm Sam right so yeah my mom was just you know so so happy I have a picture of my mom holding my diploma kinda like LeBron won the first championship you know I mean I said now you can call your you know friends and tell your son bad news your son is a doctor but now can I open up my first gym and that's an interesting story too because you had to go to her for a loan correct all right so to share that story so I had I believe 20,000 dollars saved up how were you at this time I was 27 27 yeah I was 27 so I had $20,000 that I saved up it was a middleman and out of me books and all that kind of stuff because I know a thief would never you know steal a book so I needed thirty-five thousand dollars to actually open up and maybe a little bit of started capital so I borrowed another $20,000 from my mom and that was where Fitness concepts were boring mmm February 15th of 2009 was your first gym that was my friend he wasn't even my own gym I was actually renting space in LA Fitness I was at school right to personal training inside LA Fitness in Chino so even though you were a doctor you got the doctor degree but you're like I'm gonna go do this now oh yeah the doctor do you know my passion was never cracking people's back I got the knowledge because I wanted to know about you know anatomy physiology and everything else like that but that's never something that I grew up in my caveman I want two peoples back yeah so then after that you start getting into personal training and then you start doing well right away or was that a struggle what was that like you know I started doing well right away you know and I started you know making money you know that kind of stuff and because I've literally worked 75 80 hours a week damn I literally work here's my schedule 4 a.m. till about 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday Saturday 7:00 to 3:00 Sunday 7:00 till noon Wow and that was like three four years that was my schedule so and I started making money but you know I'm you know i started making you know I'm gonna say good money back then I was making like 10 to 20 grand a month mm-hmm and nobody in my family has ever made anything close to that right come on Sharon no the average household income in Sharon is $35,000 right so I'm making 10 to 20 grand a month and I imagine how I'm acting right you know I'm millionaire yeah I was I was Puff Daddy P Diddy whatever he calls himself right now yeah you know I was you couldn't tell me anything yeah so you know I was you know making money I was going out to the club that was any bottle service you know you know you know it was stupid you know nobody told me that you know economy has ups and downs business has ups and downs I just thought it just goes and go up from here until all of a sudden 2008 recession hit and I went from doing 2.4 million dollars in my studio in 2007 in 2009 I was down to four hundred thousand so I live in lost two million dollars of revenue you're doing 2 million as personal trainer 2.4 as a personal trainer personal trainer but did you have trainers underscore hey you scaled up build up okay so they're literally two to four hundred thousand dollars in 2009 where I was like oh my god yeah what the hell happened it didn't slow downs like somebody the emergency brake on her it was it was done yeah then instantly you have bills on a lifestyle that has to change radically yeah I mean I mean it's literally the other lifestyle I sold you know a couple of my cars you know I scaled down and it's so funny man I think everybody should do that I started looking at my credit card bill I'm like oh my god I'm getting a bunch of stuff that I've never even used I didn't ever know I was getting charged for this so I started killing that down you know and I remember you know the house that I bought you know at eight hundred forty thousand dollars other siding out there neighboring house exactly the same this is going for four hundred thousand and I literally like I lost four hundred thousand iniquity like overnight you know and I remember you know trying to get it blow modified nobody would modify the loan until I'm late on my payment and so long story sir I couldn't pay the payment anymore and I'm sorry missing a payment house went on foreclosure and I was able to save it I was literally like eighteen months late on a payment eighteen eighteen months Wow so it was it was a tough time the worst thing about that Omar was that harsh man you know I wanted to wait to to be financially secure to have a kid and I thought I was financially secure so I got met you know when I was in 2007 I got married and two hundred two hundred seven 2007 a year before the recession yes doesn't it talk about timing right cuz I was seven I got married Wow and my wife got pregnant my ex-wife got pregnant in 2008 and in 2009 my daughter was born and I remember having a conversation with my ex-wife where her belly is this big in a restaurant Chino and my account is overdrawn and I'm about to have a kid in this world and that's looking at I said I don't know what to do I don't know what to do and all that hard work everything that I put on all that all the four a.m. till 10:00 p.m. all that seventy five eighty hours a week all son didn't mean anything I felt like I lost everything all those hours that I work didn't mean anything and it was it was flashbacks of oh my god Sam you gonna be just like your dad he didn't provide for you he left you you know and you're gonna do the same thing for your daughter you're not gonna be able to provide for them what a loser you are all these negative thoughts that were going you know going through my going through my head and it was just it was like the worst I mean I was literally I did whatever I could to be able to to make ends meet mmm Wow because I know you tell me that your daughters are the core of your motivation they're my everything can you talk to me about how important that is as a driving force to build what you've built because I know you've shared that with me tremendously that that's your why if it doesn't make you money secure your time or their future or align with your business then it's not on your schedule right yeah I mean I mean look um I came I came I sat down myself and had a candid conversation with myself I don't know if you ever done that with yourself let's sit down in a quiet place and just say you know what come on man listen let's let's talk and I said you know what are your top two what are your top priorities on that this happened right after I separated with my ex-wife and I say you know I sat down in a hotel room in Chino and was if you don't mind me asking was part of why you got separated could the tension of the finances and stuff like that absolutely that was that was a huge part of a tension of the finances and you know we kind of grew apart you know some of the things that I was doing was irritating her some of the things that she was doing was irritating me and after a while you know you know nobody's fault you know they're just different people you know but I sat down the hotel's you know Chino Hills you know and said hey okay you're you know 40 years old now I was going through a divorce you don't have any money what are you gonna do you know and so I said all right well what I'm all about what am i all about I said well I know the number one thing in my life is my children and I want to make sure you know that they have the best of life and once I leave this earth to have good memories order that that's my number one why and so since I can't see my children because now I'm going through divorce you know because I get them on Wednesdays and on the weekend so what are you gonna do when you don't see your children what are you gonna do because before I would just come home that was I was happy I was with the children they were climbing all over me and that was taken away you know so no matter what like if I didn't have money that was my you know I was wrong because I was my children escape yeah you know but now I'm like okay now that those days are taken away what am I gonna do am I gonna go to the clubs drink get drunk you know and some of my friends have done that in the past got duis and nothing got better or sure I just work and make money so that's where I came by core values top priority spent time with my children second priority is to provide for my children so if it's not giving me more time my children if it's not providing for my children the answer is no so that's when I started ten Xing 100 Xing the camp yeah you know that's when we started blowing it up and which was your guys's first mega success with your partners which is a transformation Center yes and can you explain a little bit about the business model and why it ended up being so successful so rapidly because I see the campus everywhere in SoCal absolutely it's a really interesting business model - yeah well I mean you sit down you have to literally sit down and differentiate yourself from the pack right you know and I know in any business you have to stand out and just do things differently as you know it's called USP unique selling proposition what makes your business different you know you don't want nobody wants another me to business right they want something different than one another why and I was always infatuated with body transformations because I transform my own body you know I was growing up you know I was reading magazines by Bill Phillips the founder of AES and body for life and he's actually a good mentor of mine so I'm like okay when I'm looking at the other gems you know it's okay Fitness or bootcamp or yoga they have a they have something associated with their name you don't I mean they're so you know you know so this bootcamp this yoga this personal training and if you know you know methodology of exercise comes and goes it's a fad right you know CrossFit was hard to cross was down the yoga was hard yo goes now plot is hard you know spinning is hard spinning this out you know all that's go to go boot camp was hot pool cameras now all of that stuff is gonna come and go you know I remember when they talked to the CEO of BMW one time they said are you in car business they said no we're not in karpas they're spraying transportation business whatever that might be so tomorrow my transportation might be different so if you're just in the car business of if you're a single methodology Jim and you can't evolve then you're gonna perish bottom line it's the rule of the world that's why dinosaurs couldn't involve they perish and in business if you can't evolve your prayers so I said okay what can we do to make our business evergreen they'll be able to evolve no matter what would the name so and when when you started it you guys you're pretty broke financial they're in a rough situation financially right god we were rough a situation I mean yeah you know when when Ally approached me to to start you know the bootcamp Ally's my business partner boot camp at first I was against it I'm like you know what what is boot camp and I'm a bodybuilder but aerobics class but that's not gonna work right so long story short I give her a bunch of things to do you know she came back in and you know you know did all of them and now and she did everything she says she's gonna do oh my gosh sure I'm stuck with this thing I'm gonna do it so I literally invested 11,000 dollars she you know she said you put up the money I work that's all right eleven thousand dollars all I had literally all I had really so you went all in on it I'm like let's make it work right I said okay I'm gonna pull of a thousand but you have to teach all the classes because I'm not jumping around so literally if you look at this first photo for the camp it was literally concrete floors Hierro graffiti that you know we're hired it's a long story such a it's such a joke you know a couple of barbells and dumbbells and I remember you know after a few months couple of clients came up to me as I said my back hurts you know is that I know why it was concrete you jump down on the concrete your back is gonna hurt I'm like you're all right man stop stop wine around we had no we had no money for flooring you know and we start on a shoestring budget you know you know a quick funny story is we had one CD yeah we had one boombox my office were upstairs in the camp yeah and that Rihanna song we found love and at whatever do we follow over the empty place and I knew exactly the song before and after it for a whole year bro for a whole year like I remember one time I lost it I'm freaking lost it I was over number if I hear this song one more time I just got to calm it's gonna come it came I wanna and I interrupted the class I'm like we can listen this no more we got to get our iPod the only reason that I'm like this is horrible you know we can't I'm like Ali we need invest in a book invest in the iPod plays again I can't take this no more so that's how I started but we always took care of people and all that and so going back to the question you know we didn't call it boot camp we didn't call that personal training we didn't call that plot we call it a name at the end of the day people go and they want to transform they want to go you don't go to a gym to stay the same you go to the gym to transform you want to make a change right and if you look at the history of things why humans aren't top of the food chain it's not because we're stronger it's not because we're faster or have sharper teeth you know is because the fact that we get up every day and we want to become a better version of ourselves we want to transform so that's what we call the camp transformation center so I remember when I was actually in the field starting out you know I got a call a person calls goes Sam I will lose 40 pounds that's all right it's gonna cost you four hundred ninety seven dollars well he puts on a 12-week program and they're like okay so what is it is it personal training is it boot camp is a group training or what am I getting I say you're getting to lose 40 pounds that's what you want right right I said the method doesn't really matter I said it could be personal training it could be bootcamp we do whatever it takes for you to lose 40 pounds now when you do that you give you don't give somebody an apple to Apple comparison because if you give somebody an apple to Apple comparison then you become a commodity there is a war price on war yeah well price I'm sorry yeah uh me and then after that so hey personal training ok personal training okay they're gonna call around I figure out what how they can beat your price but if you sell them on the end result now your what what were your a category of one right yeah they have nothing to compare it's nothing to be there to it's just a matter is the price worth the out yes and of course with that it is yes and then you guys also came up with a unique marketing tactic which actually ended up being phenomenal for your guys's business of they get a you know there's a challenge and if they win the challenge and they get their money back and people actually didn't even want their money back yeah so can you talk a little italy says that's fascinating as a business so the first time I want to I did a challenge like this is we I've done so many variations on a challenge to try to figure out how to motivate people how to get people to to to motivate them and I've done so many I felt on so many of them and some of them were slow but successful but this was a work that etic right so we were revamping the website and say you know what I want to get some killer before and after pictures so I put it out there I'm gonna train 20 people for free but they gotta lose 20 pounds and that's it you got to come in and do 20 pounds and you gotta give me your before and after picture it's for my website so 20 people came in and I signed them up for free I didn't get any money from them and next thing you know I'm spent time with them you know give them a meal plan measure them I'm taking a body fat you know they're all excited and next thing you know a week or two into it most of them quit that's what most people do right right and I was so devastated because some of the people don't my friends I can't even give they won't even return my texts or call because they were embarrassed right right so I went and I visited Bill Phillips in Golden Colorado Colorado I went to build us a bill what is going on you know I got 20 people just ran for free none of them no never finished I'm like what can I do he goes Sam people are motivated by a prize he goes I have multi millionaires that come in here doctors know that they need to lose weight to have diabetes high blood pressure they don't do it but if I tell them me I give you just you need t-shirt they're all about it they're my millionaires only the t-shirt a teacher an incentive yeah so so that's what I was like you know what why do I give them an incentive where you know they actually pay for it but I give them their money back so I came up with the idea here you put a deposit down for a game for the program but when you go through a follow through and lose the weight and do everything you said you're gonna do I'm gonna give you your money back and so I set up another 20 people and added a 20 people 18 finished two people dropped off and out of the 18 people that came in the night before I wouldn't had all the checks written their names and had an envelope cuz I was working on like okay you know here's your after picture here's your money thank you so much and all that other stuff out of 18 people 17 of them said well I want to stay I'm gonna keep calling I like to new me what do you why are you kicking me out of gym I'm like no we agreed that you give me before after and this your money no no I want to you know I want to apply towards a membership I'm gonna stay do another challenge I don't know what that's a hoax this cannon right right so then I did another one same result another one same result I'm not going a second I think what is happening is that one most of these people wanted to lose this 20 pounds before and they didn't have a challenge and it usually would have quit 2 3 weeks into it because they saw food and all that kind of stuff and now they're like well I don't want that guys Sam to keep my money so I'm not gonna eat that so I'm gonna push through because I don't want him to keep my money that was there why that was fighting the temptations or whatever that's keeping them all right yeah and next once they push past but normally would have quit they entered the place that they'd never been before and they're like wow you know what you know I want to keep going I'm gonna keep going I don't want it that now the money's irrelevant after they pushed through and they key there were nowhere else before so mmm and then you started getting more and more people and adopting this to have every single location correct absolutely and you guys are at over a hundred locations now yeah we are 107 eight right now and then with our be in a few weeks we'll be 112 Wow let me ask you this when it comes to scaling what are some of the biggest challenges or some of the biggest lessons you've learned from challenges when it comes to scaling putting people in place because it's one thing to grow a business it's an entire another thing to scale it and have moving people and a franchise you know what are some lessons you've learned that you can share with entrepreneurs watching this when it comes to scale well first and foremost you have to have very doesn't hiring process you know they say hire slow fire fast right and most importantly you have to make sure they understand what your vision is or your culture is what you're trying to achieve in their in you wanna make sure they're 100% in you know and obviously what another thing is to have standard operating procedures and protocols everything has to be written down follow correctly but if you have shared their vision with them and and create the great culture all that will fall in place it's just all about putting systems in place absolutely and then how important has coaching been because I'm sure you've had business coaches fitness coaches along the way I'm saying you've coached people um can you talk to me about how important coaching has been in your own life in your in your business I mean coaching is just essential I mean think about it I mean why reinvent the wheel if you want to go and do something find out who's already done it and ask them how they done it so that you don't have to say make the same mistakes that they have done it's just very you know I don't understand how what why there's an issue with people wanting to spend money on coaching or anything like that especially if they already know hey don't spend money on course of that hasn't done anything before or you don't want to be like right if you somebody's already where you want to be befriend them pay them do whatever you just get around them right yeah proximity yeah absolutely okay then so talk to me about the actual business growth because you said you're 40 you broke you you know ollie approaches you to start it you guys start getting a little bit of success picking up momentum how quick was it before you realize like whoa this is this is gonna be a big multi-million dollar thing you know how long did it take to get to that first million in revenue and and and beyond that like what was the growth like initially well I don't know you know we started in what 2010 I believe right less than a decade ago yeah 1010 you know I started and we struggled the first four years four or five years really yeah we should I mean I mean I think you know if I'm not mistaken the biggest paycheck I got from a camp up until 2014 you know was like 5,000 dollars a month I mean back then me and Ally was celebrating Oh and yeah no joke you know I mean you know and when we started you know skill in the business and and you know licensing and franchising and you know people love what we do that's what we started the massive growth now do you find that you know a lot because there's a lot of competitors in the space you know what do you find that people who are having this you know success in the fitness space are going versus people who are not having success you know what are some of the pitfalls that you're fighting not just in Fitness but just in general what do you notice about businesses that ended up doing well versus ones that don't even if the idea initially is good well I mean people in this day and age the only competitive advantage you have is take care of people look the same everybody can market like you everybody can put up a website anybody can post on the Instagram page at the end of the day what it really comes down is arguing people results and are you taking care of them you know what I mean and if you are able to do that consistently then this is a competitive edge you know it's not Facebook it's not Instagram there's nothing at the end of the day results and relationships is all it was all about and that's powerful now what about when it comes to like you looking now at you know everything you've built what are some of the things that you would have done differently or maybe some challenges along the way that you know really like you would have sort of played differently I guess I guess my question would be like what are some regrets you have along the way or maybe tough times that you learn from like what are some things that if you could redo it all over you would have done differently well honestly you know I don't believe in regrets in life you know I believe that everything that happened to you at that time that might have been unpleasant happen for a reason there's a learning lesson in there so as long as you learn from it there shouldn't be any regrets and you know and all that kind of stuff which you know is when I were to learn from it you know you know growing up you know I was always the one said I just because I didn't have siblings mm-hmm you know I always wanted to create something with others you know I think it was really cool to that get a bunch of people we all work on different products a team player and team player in hanyang get stuff done because I guess I never had siblings you know I was always did things on my own and you know looking back right now you know sometimes I wasn't reciprocated does that make sense it was a reciprocated looking back right now you know I give opportunities there's so many people and you know I'm like I said I'm I don't regret it and looking back maybe I should have looked up yeah I actually did a more been more diligent you know what I mean yeah and more careful yeah absolutely you know for me it's nothing about is it's not about the opportunity or anything they did for me all I want is someone to be grateful and when when you have opportunity and people feel entitled and they're not grateful bother does it make sense yeah yeah no I get I want to ask you this too and maybe this is a little personal but I got to ask when your ex-wife sees you now yeah how does she feel about you know the fact that you were in such a rough situation then were able to turn around I mean that must be pretty cool feeling for you right I don't know but I've got to right now man it's not a pre thing right it's not a pretty thing you know you know it's you know they you know do you know like she can't figure it out what happened like you know or were you hiding things from me or no no do you have stash money and if garbage can or and I'm not even joking this was actually brought up in court really yeah there's actually brought up in court like wait a second you know what you know you were hiding money from me how come you know in like I said 2013 2012 2011 2010 I think my tax returns was 80,000 hundred thousand you know a month I mean I'm sorry a year you know that was and in 2014 our tax return was like that that was that was we got separated like September or August of 2014 and 2014 my hope that whole year my tax return was like 300 or over 300,000 right and 2015 all sighing you know I 10x that yeah her attorneys like how what's going on you know like the camp and you know yes so it's been and it still is a long battle yeah I know that makes total sense yeah now let me ask you this I'm sure people ask you all the time about you know your routine and your rituals and this is something that I know you're on a personal level and this is one thing I admire you tremendously for can you talk a little about the routine that you've you know built the business on and built your life around because you get up at 4:00 in the morning 3:00 3:00 in the morning I'm gonna get my for Wow so you get up every single day at 3:00 in the morning yeah Monday through Friday what is it the what is the mindset that's allowed you to adopt that routine and even past comfort because now obviously you're at a point where you know you sort of you don't need to push if you don't want to you know you could be comfortable a lot of people get comfortable on the way up what is it that keeps you so hungry so disciplined on the schedule is it just a lifestyle habit now I mean what is it that that allows you to sustain that you know that's a great question that's such a great question you know I ask myself that you know and the only thing that I can come up with right now I know why I did it initially I know I did I'm hungry I want it I want to achieve things I'm gonna get things done I want to move things forward I heard you when you started doing that gosh man I started doing that I would say at 25 26 so since then you've been dominantly waking up at this oh yeah oh yeah I mean I mean look when I went to chiropractic school when I graduated and I went to her chiropractic school you know I would live in Irvine chiropractor school was in Whittier and I was bodybuilding I had 21 to 23 units a semester and I was getting ready for a National Board of chiropractic examiners so I literally will leave the house with four three bags what about my book bag one of my meal prep and there was my gym clothes yeah I will leave at 3 o'clock in the morning we'll come home like 10 o'clock at night and I just wanted to get all my stuff done you know so everyone since then and every sense of my business I had to get up you know you know in the morning train clients and get things done and make calls and prospects and all that kind of stuff and now is it's at a point that I've done it so much that I'm comfortable when I'm uncomfortable mmm that make sense yeah you're used to being comfortable so it's like a habit yeah and and and another thing I can share with you and I Drive my wife crazy right you know because I can't sister on just Netflix and chill right like it's just like that she looks at me like can you just relax or like turn off yeah like like I mean I'm looking at I'm like okay I'm looking at this thing I'm like oh my god man like I need to read a book this is not anything for my life remember mom I remember my top two things right you know make money you spend time with my children right okay I'm looking at this I'm like this is not making me any money and it's not spending give me any time my children oh wait a second but you have to do it because we're wife wants to do it and you have to spend time with your wife you know and now I'm acid that's a third one now that's where they do it yeah the third pillar I'm like oh my god like you know I got to make sure that gonna make her happy you know she likes it should I relax and you know cuddle you know and watch it unless a good movie and all that kind of stuff yeah and and that now I'm uncomfortable but I'm comfortable mmm that's really interesting I'm so uncomfortable I'm comfortable so even when you were broke or going through those tough times you're still waking up early trying to figure it out there was never a dip in your like motivation to do that just automatic well that was never a different my motivation there was a dip in my self-esteem there was a dip in my oh my god can I actually do this you know you know I felt so bad in my self-esteem and and doubt our doubted myself yes yes when the recession hit when you know everything out of myself so much because I you know I'm like oh my gosh I'm gonna be a loser just like your dad you know the negative dial all there's every dialogue and all that kind of stuff and there's a great book I don't know if you read it you know shad hamster I think I'm not pronouncing it right but it says what just what to say to yourself when you talk to yourself yes yes I don't exactly that book changed my life that one of the books that really changed my life because I literally was like having so much negative talks with myself and but for me the motivation there was never dead because I had a kid coming I'm not gonna I'm like wait a second I got a bite i purrs I got a feed the kid I'm not gonna say I'd rather not sleep and if there was a way to this day if there's a way that I can bypass sleep I would really if there was a way that I could bypass Lee I would what time you usually sleep every night to be able to get up at 3:00 or 4:00 mom you know I'm 45 now so you know you know it's better because a couple of my younger training partners like 25 and there's didn't get sleep last night came straight to it I'm like I remember those days yeah you know but now you know so but I say about 9 o'clock I'm get tired so by 9:30 I'm in bed but 9/3 is gonna get five and a half hours of sleep I'm good with that and that's been able to do been able to sustain yeah I'm I'm I'm I can sustain five-and-a-half hours sleep five hours sleep I can get by anything less than that do you think do you think you've been able to build a multi-million dollar business as big as it was if you're waking up at like 6:00 or 7:00 or 8:00 a.m. I don't think so really I don't think so I mean look at you lawn moss it's all those little extra hours added up that compound count you were saying you know I know who are something maybe ed said it and my dad said it somewhere you know you know it's like how you spend your time we all have an expiration date right let's just say we all have an expiration date and is what you can get done in that time that you're here and if you you know obviously productivity goes a long way not just being busy right right if you're productive I can get a couple extra hours a day I'm look at what Elon Musk I didn't say he'd like work 100 hours or something like that yeah it's insane yeah to think that Elon Musk has SolarCity SpaceX Tesla in the same 24 hours I mean you have it's someone else's saying oh I can't make it to the gym or I can't you know do this or that yeah I get I totally go tonight yeah it's about productivity not just active absolutely about being resourceful on that timeline okay now let me ask you this because a lot of people when we said we were interviewing you a lot of people wanted to write in and ask and I said what are some insecurities that you deal with today because today we see you you know strong confident on social media but a lot of times that doesn't reveal the whole picture well there's some current insecurities just to show entrepreneurs out there that it's okay to be vulnerable and be figuring things out you know I have a lot you do have a lot of insecurities it mostly has to come with with me taking care of my children mm-hmm like like I'm which is so beautiful by the way seeing how you take care of Haley and baby yeah I mean my life but I mean like I have sure will get all teary I but I have that complex that's growing up you know you know you came inside a house to see the Christmas trees and all that cause if I number as a kid going to families that homes like this and there had dads and they had all these nice Christmas presents and all these cool things and I was there with my mom we didn't have we live in the apartment or we live with my grandparents and I didn't gave him the same gifts and I was just looking at him like drooling oh my God look at that tie that he got or that back that he got and how come I'm not getting that so my biggest fear is not being able to provide a good life for my for my daughters you know and it's it and so it makes my heart happy that I'm doing that now you know and I want to continue to do that and provide a life that I've never had so that's my biggest insecurity that's beautiful now that mansion there's two more questions before I wrap up here when it comes to having a why how important is it to actually have one versus just be chasing the money does that make sense like like for example there's a lot of people that might start a business and obviously you want to be profitable as profitable as possible but at the same time that's not what what lights the fire pushes you beyond for you I know it's your daughters but can you speak so that people out there can get an idea of in your assessment how important it is to have a why that's so much bigger than just the money if you look at psychology mm-hmm the thing that's gonna move the biggest lever is emotion Tony Robbins talked about it so if your Y is not tied with an emotion it won't work you know you know uh Tim Tim talks about not Tim story but Tim Grover Tim Grover yeah Tim Grover talks about and they're both my friends my great friends I keep getting my stuff and you know simpler talks about you know your dark side why why does he talk about the dark side because your dark side is tied with your emotion you know my dark side is tied with my emotion my dark side is seen you know I still remember not having getting back Don not having the means living you know getting fun all because I remember one time somebody one of the kids saw my mom at a grocery store pay with food stamps mm-hmm Wow and then when I told the whole school you know food stamps you know food stamps and I was so embarrassed you know so embarrassed you know me that you know blue mcCargo and food stamps I was like 14 15 years old and you know and all that kind of stuff so that's the that's my dark side that's might the chip on my shoulder it's all about me I don't want to get a Lamborghini or gonna that's not but it's interesting because you told me that you on the treadmill that you write down not only your goals but also the people you want to prove wrong oh yeah I've seen about the chip on the shoulder and how that actually pushes you away more than boys well you know you know you know most people have you know their goals and then they have things that are grateful for you know and I have that as well but I have another separate list of people want to destroy I don't know maybe maybe I'm totally I don't know you know but that's what motivates works it motivates me I really have a taste I'm like you know what you know him her you know I'm gonna I'm gonna show them what I'm capable of doing and if you don't have that I mean people always win a world right now that we gotta be politically correct yeah yeah I say they say yeah but let's be real we all have that absolute somebody in your life somebody everyone left us sitting here in you know I'm watching this somebody in your life that told you you cannot do it and for some reason you're afraid to say oh my god I can't say this I can't say yeah you can't whatever it is going go go on there you know whatever your dark side is whatever person to piss you off and told you could amount to something there you go you know there's a God who messaged me yesterday or this week and he owns a fitness center and he just says Sam you know thank you for always motivating me that all did all his people and is for other people that never thought them too so he basically said man a person that who told him he'll never amount to anything and now he made it Wow and that's what gob so I'm so happy for you I'm so happy for you that's beautiful man and you two had that happen in your own life as well oh absolutely it's beautiful that you get to share with the audience so last question before we wrap up here and as you know we play a game at Dane called first things yours so my last question is for the young Sam Bakhtiar out there who's watching this or you know a young lady out there watching this anybody with a dream really at any watching this if they could look at you and they see you know they might see the cars and the business and millions of dollars and you know everything you've built and they might look at it and go and but how could I do that right or what are the odds or maybe you know the time that you were in you know where you're 40 and broken you know it's sort of file your futures foggy czar really gonna happen or my dreams real you know what would your best advice be from everything you've learned to say to that person if somebody were to ask you hey Sam I'm going through a rough time I'm trying to figure it out I you know I have big dreams I want to make them happen but I'm stuck what would be sandbox yours best 60 seconds piece of advice to give somebody to endure whatever it takes to get to the other side okay first of all you know we all know that where you are now is now where you are your end up being is your choice where you're gonna end up right so when somebody asked me that I'm like look let's sit down what do you want out of life let's reverse engineer and what do you need to do to get there the problem is this getting there is hard getting there is not sexy and not linear either it's not it's all over definitely not linear exactly there's ups and downs are you willing to pay the price to get there and a lot of a lot of times just like I guess it's the same thing as when somebody comes in Sam I need to lose a hundred pounds but I don't know how I'm going to lose a hundred pounds but let's devise a plan what do you need to do what do you need to be every week what do you need to be every month what it means is every single day are you gonna feel like getting up and working out are you gonna feel like you're gonna do this no you're not in the same thing with that as long as you stick to your plan don't get shiny object syndrome and move forward things will happen for you I love that even if you don't necessarily see the path because I'm sure that you had that right off and what were there times where you doubted like man can we really build this to millions of dollars could I really be a millionaire could I ever could it really work right sure you had that going on in your head right it hasn't been that long ago yeah it's not like it's not like it's so long ago that I recognized I mean I mean I'm just telling you you know five years ago I was broke five years ago I was broke I almost lost everything it's not that long ago for me so I what I'm telling you that you know I you know death throw in the towel no was I discouraged yes was I you know was i down what did I doubt myself yes by end of the day I showed up I showed up and there's so many times I thought it wasn't gonna happen for me wasn't gonna go my way oh my god I'm gonna lose my house I'm addiction you know imagine he comes to your house there's the eviction notice on the door after making millions of dollars prior Yeah right you know me so if you just keep going and just stick to you know what you have to do you know so many trainers during a recession there are they jump ship so I'm gonna do something else I'm gonna get a distance but guess what now they're like having a job and making forty fifty thousand dollars a year you can't jump ship anytime things go wrong anytime things go down oh oh things over now I'm a jump ship I'm a jump chef I'm a jump ship stay to it I love a man so it proves that being one percenter is really about a mindset first before it manifests into your real life I love that all right now let's get into the game okay this is the favorite part for a lot of people so we're gonna play first things first and how the game works is I'm gonna write off ten words or phrases and then you're just gonna list off the first word or phrase that comes to mind okay make sense yeah the only rule is that you can't repeat yourself twice okay got it yeah all right so the first word you ready I'm ready your daughter's Haley and Bailey my why my life mm-hmm your past what do you have to make me cry what is it about your daughters I don't mind interrupting the game to show that what is it about your daughters that gives you so much I don't know I don't know they just my everything you know they're just my life man I'm such a papa bear such a softy when it comes to that I tell them before we go to Target or any store we're not buying anything and we come out with ten things you know it's like that's how I have no control of my emotions with them is it this is hard for you to tell them no and they want they get really excited myself I know kids are like the biggest salespeople you should see my little one coming here selling me on stuff you know and that just tells you like you cannot know anything about ourselves but if you're enthusiastic about to sell you can sell it my daughter it just comes on my face and says daddy look at this look at what it does oh my god he said what it doesn't is what it does I'm like oh my god I can't after that enthusiasm Giancarlo's going so yeah all right I'm ready for all right so the second word is your past doesn't define me money freedom cars cars my hobby limiting beliefs get rid of them books read as many as you can mentors get one now passion without passion there's no life being a one percenter not being afraid to fit in your future bright Fitness life and the last one you're ready Sam back to yours legacy helping a million people get in shape my man Sam thank you so much for being on the show it's been a privilege thank you guys so much for tuning in to this episode and be sure to check out all the links and programs as well as follow Sam to check out all the things he's up to in the description below and until next time thank you for being one of the passionate few if you guys enjoyed that video be sure to hit that subscribe button right now because every week even is a very best inputs on the government content interviews and insights help inspire you to take your life in your dreams to make them a reality and also if you don't know how to book between guests same way I have you can check the link below for my top 3 secrets so if you have a podcast or a show or whatever is you want to collaborate with them if you click that link below I'll give you those top three secrets to help you get in touch with anybody and also don't forget the passionate view is available on 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Rating: 4.9161091 out of 5
Keywords: a day with sam bakhtiar, sam bakhtiar grant cardone, sam bakhtiar net worth, sam bakhtiar story, sam bakhtiar cars, the passionate few manny khoshbin, omar elattar interview, Sam Bakhtiar Interview, sam bakhtiar, sam bakhtiar first wife, sam bakhtiar podcast, The Passionate Few Interviews, passionate few, The Passionate Few, 1% nutrition, one percent nutrition, omar elattar, fitness concepts, The Camp Transformation Center, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 42sec (4542 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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