I Ran Away From Home, Read 30,000 Books & This Is #1 Key To All Success In Life! (JOHN DEMARTINI)

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hi i'm dr john d martini and at one time i lived on the streets but today i get to travel the world do exactly what i love to do which is teach and inspire people all over the world and i'm also blessed to be one of the passionate few [Music] i just had an amazing opportunity to have a great interview by omar wow fantastic questions he got to stuff that most people don't get to and all i can say is that if you want to go do something amazing your life stay tuned and basically watch this show because this show is definitely an inspiration for not for only for me as a as an interviewed person but also the people that are going to be able to listen to this and do something amazing with their life welcome to this episode of the passionate feud podcast today it's your host omar here and today we have an incredibly inspiring interview that will blow you away as we can sit down with none other than human behavioral specialist and expert dr john dimartini known as the author of over 40 books and a student an educator who's learned from over 260 different disciplines ranging from biology sociology economics and more dr demartini shares with us how he did all this while building a multi-million dollar business inspiring millions of people around the world over the course of his nearly 40-year career starting from humble beginnings dr d martini shares with us how he grew up in texas struggled with dyslexia in a learning disability but ultimately run away from home and his teens and found a mentor that would change his life so whether you want to learn about dr d martini's story or you want to learn how to maximize your potential in your life or your business by finding aligning and living your values and creating a more fulfilling life by filling it with high priority actions that inspire you instead of low priority distractions that don't i promise you you'll want to enjoy this interview to the very end with my good friend mentor and the creator of the breakthrough experience program which you can check out in the description below the incredibly inspiring and intellectual one of two interview with dr john d martini enjoy thank you so much for being on the show today dr d martinez for having me honored to have you here on the show today now let's get right into it before we talk about your values what you've come to be known for and helping literally people from all walks of life from almost every country on the planet uh talk to me a little about where you grew up and what your childhood was like and sort of where did the trajectory begin before you headed to uh this direction where you're at today i was born in houston texas uh november 25th 1954 on thanksgiving day my mother told me that she had to eat a turkey sandwich that day instead of having a turkey feast i was um in houston texas i lived there till i was 12. i was challenged as a child with my arm and leg turned in and i also had speech problems and had to wear braces from about a year and a half old to about four and also had to do special exercises with buttons and strings and stuff with my mouth when i was a child the reason i mentioned those is because i suspect that that had something to do with me later wanting to be able to speak and to be of travel and be on the road because i had to i was constrained when i was in first grade i found out that i had difficulties learning and reading and i was told by my first grade teacher that in front of my parents that i'm afraid your son will never be able to read he'll never be able to write he'll never be able to communicate he'll never go very far in life never mount anything and i had to wear a dump cap whether or not me and daryl dalrymple we had to face the window and had that because we wouldn't be able to read i made it through elementary school with the smartest kids in the class by asking questions i'm kind of known today by my questions that's right i think that's part of the part of the catalyst too and i would ask the smartest kids what did they get out of the class and they would give me insights and now i made it through elementary school that way as a strategy then my parents when i was 12 moved to richmond texas which is outside houston and we went to a country area where there's a lot of lower socio-economic positioning and the school that we attempted to go to which 13 miles away from our home made a ride a bus there did not have all those smart kids it was kind of a less standard school and i didn't have anybody to bounce questions off of and then i ended up failing and i dropped out of school so i'm a young teenager now and i how old are you when you dropped out uh well i i moved out of the house when i was 13. where did you move to so that's a funny story i don't know if that would be appropriate for the thing but uh we'll take it you'll take the story let's hear it okay um i was playing pool uh with my dad in um the barn where we were living and uh we're playing pool and i told him that i need to go in now because i need to get cleaned up because i've got a an event something to go on in the town i was going to hitchhike into town and he said well you've been out every night this week you need to stay home and i said well but i've got something planned and i i've already committed to it well son you need to stay home and i said well i'm going in and my dad didn't want me to go in and so we had a little bit of a challenge there i didn't want to tell him why i was going to town but my best friend his parents had left for the weekend and there was a hot chick that i had the hots for and he had to check over and we were gonna have a special um you know educational period and rendezvous a rendezvous and so my dad said well if you go out tonight you don't come back you know he's trying to just be disciplined he wasn't it was not like any major thing but right so i said okay because i was not going to pass that up right and so i loaded up my little my little suitcase and left home and my mom said are you sure you want him to go you know she was trying to talk him out of it he said no if he's old enough to make his decisions and do that he's going to be on his own so i stayed at his place and i stayed at friend's house and i stayed in a park and i stayed in a bowling alley and i stayed at a a texas grill restaurant that stayed open 24 hours a day and i did i started to be kind of a street kid so you were literally homeless at this time well not because i had to be i could easily have gone home i'm sure got you but i was on an adventure and my dad had helped me when i was young to be more of an entrepreneur because he knew he had problems with learning was he an entrepreneur he was he had his own plumbing business he was an engineer when i was nine i started my first business i had nine employees when i was nine what kind of business it was a landscaping business and um i i wanted to i went to my dad and i wanted to earn some money to buy a baseball and a glove and he said well did you mow the yard yes did you swede the sidewalk yes did you edge the sidewalk the the edges did you climb the clip the hedges did you clean out the gutters sweep out the garage to do my shoes and shine them did you pull the weeds yes sir i said well if you want to make money i don't have anything else needs to be done and i'm not going to give you money without doing something of service you're going to have to go the neighbors so i went to the neighbors and i started going neighbor to neighbor to find landscaping things i could do because i was pretty good at landscaping right mowing edging and stuff my dad taught me that so i started doing that and my dad saw me with a new baseball and a glove and he said where'd you get the glove in the baseball i said well i bought it with what well the money i earned what how did you earn it well i did the neighbors yards well what equipment did you use and i said well in the garage he said well son i have to charge you for that so he back charged me on that and i owed him seven dollars and fifty cents and then i had to pay a certain percentage whatever i was doing back to him to pay for the equipment which deluded my income um like a taxation process i guess right and then i ended up getting other young boys in the neighborhood to help me and pay them a portion of it and i would close the deals and i got end up with three groups of three teams helping me do the landscaping and i got two other neighbors equipment and they charged me the same as my dad i guess they talked to my dad and i had nine employees going on when i was nine and after i paid everybody off and gasoline and everything else and i collected about 45 net to me which is pretty good in 1963 sure especially at nine years old yeah that'd be probably hundreds today i don't know how much but hundreds of dollars and my dad saw me do this but he saw that i was spending all the money so he said well son if you just keep spinning you're gonna have to work all your life you need to do something that's more creative and so he bought me a coin collection set and a piggy bank and so i started taking the coins and sticking them in there and he explained to me that if i leave them there they'll be more valuable and i just put money in a piggy bank and i'd fill that piggy bank up in 1963 and i he never gave me the combination to open it or any lock to undo it so in my drawer on the 52nd floor of houston texas uh texas williams tower where my one of my offices is um is the original piggy bank from 1963 with the original coins in it wow it's never been able to be opened and i've never opened it and i've kept it as a reminder to think long term because my dad was trying to think don't just work your life for money have money start to work for you and think in the form of savings so my dad was really amazing at teaching me those things and he had the belief that i would figure things out and i was capable and so even though i was living on the streets he didn't overly concern himself about it just thinking i've taughted things you got to learn how to do it you're not an academic you're not going to make it in school you've got to learn how to be street smart which i'm very grateful for i think i became partly an entrepreneur because of those those bringings so i lived in the streets 13 and 14 at 14 i hitchhiked out to california and came right into la and right over to huntington beach and i stayed in huntington beach and then that summer i hitchhiked up and down the coast surfing because i was wanting to surf and down into mexico i went all the way down to mexico to acapulco and throughout mexico hitchhiking to surfing and hitchhiking surfing and hitchhiking and living kind of a vagabond guy what was your plan at that time for your life or you were just taking it one day at a time well i was surfing this is the 60s so it's the kind of free love days and you're on an adventure and then hitchhiking was not abnormal at the time a lot of people did it right and um so i was on an adventure to travel the world hitchhiking and and surfing so i had my board my little headband and my and my surfboard bag and i did that and i eventually panhandled enough money along the beaches and did little things worked in jack's surf shop there and got enough money to fly to hawaii and so at 15 i i left for there and i lived first under the kamehameha highway bridge at sunset beach then in the iakai beach park park bench and then if it rained i went in the park uh bathrooms and then i found an abandoned car and then a bench like social i kept social climbing and i eventually lived in a in a a grasshouse tent combination and i did that till i was 17 almost 18. and then right about a month before my 18th birthday i ended up with cyanide and strychnine poisoning from eating some of the plants that were not wise to eat right and uh i nearly died you know right between right before i turned 18. and uh luckily a lady found me in my tent and helped me recover and got some fluids in me took me to a health food store and leaving a health food store one day i saw a special guest speak a special thing on the flyer on the door special guest speaker paul c bragg the guy that's done bragg's amino acids and nutrition things and he was speaking there at the sunset recreation hall one night and i attended that i never went to classes but something intuitively said go to that class so that was your first foray into any kind of personal development at all it was it was a special special moment so i remember walking up these little steps going in there there's 35 people or so sitting on a wooden floor and there's this woman yogi and paul bragg sitting in a chair and i walked in and sat down on this little kind of talmat and then he began speaking and he spoke for 45 minutes 50 minutes and then he said that we have a body we have a mind and we have a soul the body must be directed by the mind the mind must be guided by the soul in order to maximize human potential who you are and that you need to set goals for yourself your family your community your city your state your nation your world and beyond to 120 years and nobody ever talked to me like this i was told i was stupid and never read and this kind of stuff and this guy doesn't even doesn't fudge on that he's just saying this is how you live an amazing life kind of thing and after he did his presentation which i felt he was talking to me the whole time and i felt for the first time in my life that maybe just maybe i could end up becoming intelligent and maybe i could overcome my learning problems and maybe i could do more than just surfing i mean i was good at surfing not super great but i was in the next tier under the greats i got to be in some surf movies and surf books and magazines and things but that night i actually thought maybe i could overcome my learning problems and i really did not want to be stupid i want to be intelligent i was intelligent with my body but not academically and then he took us through this guided imagery meditation experience and in that meditation i saw a vision of me standing in front of a million people speaking wow and i had just a matter of about five or six years ago a gentleman named andrew tischler from australia melbourne australia was a famous painter there was in my talk when i mentioned that and he came up to me and asked me if he could capture that and paint that wow and he did an extraordinary job of capturing it and it sits in my office today in houston it's this big painting of me doing speaking in front of a million people and with every major icon building from every major city in the background because it was me wanting to get to the world and the vision i saw was that i was teaching from my heart about the power we have to not only heal but to live kind of an extraordinary life and it was so real it was that that when i came out of that vision i looked around everybody was in tears everybody had their heart open paul bragg was sitting at the front of the room with his eyes closed with his hands on his knees you can almost read his mind thank you uh for revealing to these young souls their destinies that's what you felt i felt wow the very sacred moment how old were you at that time again i was 17 just about turning 18. and um in fact it was november 18th a week before my birthday and then he said well those of you would like to join me every morning i have a class and so i hitchhiked 5 45 in the morning to join him at fort derussy each morning for the next three weeks um and listen to him just talk and what we'd do is we'd he would it would do these exercises and we'd do that then he would have a lecture and then we'd have some fresh fruit that was our ritual every day and i learned a lot from that i learned about the power of my mind power of the vision power of what i say to myself how i feel about myself about goals um and i was just on the very last day i ever saw him i never saw him again he he said i'm going back to mount chest in the santa barbara area and i'm i hope to see you all someday but i'll be leaving now and my mentor who is like my mentor for three weeks is all of a sudden leaving and there's a part of me is like well what what will i do now right and so i had never had the courage to walk up to him but this moment i did and i said to him i said well mr bragg um you said at that time on the north shore that whatever i decided that night will become my destiny he said that's right young man he says so well sir i don't know how i could do it because i saw that i want to be a teacher and travel the world and and speak and he said well that's right young man i said well i don't know how to read i've never read a book in my life and i don't i don't know how to speak i have speech problems and he said well that's not a problem son every single day i want you to say this one thing to yourself and never miss a day say i'm a genius and i apply my wisdom and he made me say that over and over and over again until my eyes closed until i felt it i'm a genius and i plan my life i'm a genius and i plan wisdom i've never missed a day i say every single morning until today to this day how many how long now how many decades now this is will be 47 years in november wow and you've never missed a single i never missed a day wow and it's inspiring for me to say that i didn't know what a genius was until a bit later but now i define a genius as one who listens to their inner voice and follows their inner vision and obeys it and lets the voice and the vision on the inside become louder than all opinions on the outside so they live a heroic life from within and not a conformed life or that kind of thing and um so i ended up doing that he leaves i go back to the tent i start meditating i started eating differently i started doing what he taught me i went and bought my first book in my life chico's organic gardening and natural living and the reason i bought the book is because the guy in the cover looked like me and i thought if that sucker could write it i bet i could read it yeah and it was just a bunch of gardens right well not a lot of writing but it was inspirational because it was the first book that ever went page by page by page even though i didn't get every word that at least i attempted to read a book and that was amazing i still had that book today wow and then i ended up flying back to los angeles hitchhiking back to houston and when i got home um my parents taught me into taking a ged test which is a high school equivalency because i didn't have high school and then i passed that by guessing and what i did is i sat there and i said i'm a genius and i apply my wisdom and i just let my intuition fill in some dots because i couldn't read after half the questions right and i passed and i'm starting to think maybe this quote has some sort of magic and um and i my parents said why don't you take a college instance exam in case you ever want to go to college so i did that and i did the same thing but it was a three-day test and i passed i'm actually now have a high school equivalence so if i get a job i can say i have a high school degree and my parents said why don't you try taking a college class because there's no surf until october again surf's kind of down in north shore i said all right so i took my first class english and history and it was a six week class so every two weeks she had a test and two weeks in i thought the same thing was going to happen i thought i was just going to pass but when i got the test scores the next day i got a 27 and i needed a 72 to pass when i got that 27 i was absolutely humiliated i was embarrassed i didn't want to talk to anybody see anybody i ran to my car i slumped in the car because people were walking around and then i drove home and i was crying all the way home because i shattered the idea that i could be a teacher and be intelligent because i was building this this dream ability yeah and i thought well maybe it was just a fantasy major delusion i really and i could always i could hear is that teacher in my head he'll never read he'll never write never communicate no mountain thing never go very far in life and i remember driving home and getting home and i curled up on the floor under this bible stand which actually sits in my office today because when my parents died the one thing that i asked for my mom is to give me that stand because it was a special moment so i curled up in this fetal position under the stand and i was just crying and sitting there going i guess i'm meant to go back to hawaii and ride big waves again i this is this is an illusion and i was really jolted by it and my mom came home from shopping and she saw me there crying she hadn't seen me cry in years and she said son what happened what's wrong i said i blew the test i guess i don't have what it takes i guess i'll never read or write or communicate everybody think to go over far enough and she didn't know what to say she just paused for a moment then she said something that only a mother could say she put her hand on my shoulder and she said son whether you become a great teacher healer and philosopher and travel the world like your dream or whether you go back to hawaii and write giant waves like you've done or you returned to the streets and panhandled as a bum like you've done i just want to let you know that your father and i are going to love you no matter what you do boy and when she said that my hand went into a fist and i looked up and i saw that vision that i saw that night with paul bragg in front of a million people and i said to myself with this fist a determination i'm going to master this thing called reading i'm a master's single and studying and learning i'm gonna ask this thing called teaching healing and philosophy and i'm going to do whatever it takes i'm going to travel whatever distance i'm going to pay whatever price to give my service of love across this planet i'm not going to let any human being on the face of the earth stop me not even myself and it was a moment of no turning back of decision it was a it was a it was it was just it's done this divine providence human sovereignty met and i got up and i hugged my mom i was very grateful for her and i went into my room i locked my door i got a funk and wagnalls dictionary because if you bought 20 worth of groceries you get a special encyclopedia volume or a dictionary and i went in there and i made a commitment that i was going to read 30 words a day memorize them pronounce them spell them and my mom is going to test me on them every day so my mom did she she was good at crossword puzzles and she loved that so she uh tested me on 30 words a day and i made sure i couldn't go to bed at night until i had them spelled properly pronounced properly which was difficult with with my speech and used in a sentence that had meaning and that grew my vocabulary and i started reading dictionaries and encyclopedias to grow and to try to catch up with all the other kids and i started to go back to school and i started excel i just i just kept i i was more determined to want to learn than most the kids in school they were taking it for granted yeah i want to learn and uh so without my mom and my vocabulary and everything else and reading dictionaries and encyclopedias i just started growing my vocabulary and my my ability to speak and i practiced you know spelling it pronouncing it everything and i started excelling and my first students came to me i'm 18 years old and i had a 375 pound woman come to me and wanted me to teach her yoga okay that's that was interesting then a persian man from tehran asked me to teach a meditation so you started sort of attracting i started tracking because i would sit out in the sun and do meditation and do yoga out in the sun and people were watching this and there's not something in the small country town to see it's not not normal no normal i was normal and so they they thought it was strange they asked me about it and they would gather around to watch and ask questions and then i had about 16 or 17 students gather in the library one day and asked me to teach them and review them on a math class and that was the first time i actually taught a class to people on math and it was so inspiring because one of the kids one of the kids in that little class whispered to this other class mate this other guy because the whole class got out and they came in to study with me he whispered to this other guy and he says that that dang di martini he's a freaking genius and when he said that i remember what paul bragg said paul gregg said if you say this affirmation i'm a genius diploma wisdom every single day and never miss a day for the rest of your life sooner or later the cells of your body will tingle with it so the world and when he said that and that guy said a guy is a freaking genius i got tears in my eyes and i just knew that i knew that i knew that i was going to pursue this because i figured if one little statement like that could change my life i wonder what would happen if i filled 24 hour day with affirmation statements so i went home that night and i wrote out 24 hours worth of statements that i could say i'm a master persistence i do what it takes i'm a genius and i apply my wisdom right no matter what i read i retain everything right i'm a autographic photograph from man or whatever i read i retain you know i do the right thing i'm always at the right place the right time to make the right context i mean i started filling my day how i wanted my life some were probably a little delusional at first until i refined them but some were really dead center and the intention was to subconsciously command yourself to have to do that to fill an entire day with internal dialogue because i realized if one can do that i wonder what would happen if i filled my entire day so i did that and that affirmation is 26 pages long so i just started reciting that and filling that so i i noticed that i didn't have doubts if i did that because my mind is focusing i learn if you don't fill your day with high priority actions that inspire you it fills up with low priority distractions that don't and if you don't fill your mind with the statements of exactly how you want your life it fills up with statements about how you don't want it so i started realizing that i had more command over my mind so i started using that did you notice that that stuff on its own started attracting things into your life absolutely more so than conscious effort would because i think for a lot of people listening whether they're entrepreneurs or not they think that you know to go out and make the money or build the business or create their impact they have to quote unquote do the work and while they do have to do the work what you're saying is that a bigger part of it is to get the perception right right the mindset right first your perceptions decisions and actions are what you have control over in life and if you take command of those you take community of your life and i learned about breathing i i just i was doing studying yoga i realized that there's the mind wander so the breath is the breath one or so the mind so i learned how to master the breathing process mastered the mental focus um started to focusing on how i wanted it my life started drawing out vision i mean i was doing before the secrets and all that stuff came out i was doing that because paul bragg taught me that so that went on and throughout 18 and right before i was turning 19 just weeks before my 19th birthday my mom came to me at home and she said son what do you want for your birthday your birthday's coming up and christmas is coming up what do you want for your birthday and i looked at it and i said i want the greatest teachings on the face of the earth the greatest writings humanity's ever created from the greatest minds who ever lived and jesus kind of looked at me like you sure you don't want a t-shirt and i'm sitting there going no mom i want the greatest teachings on the face of the earth she went okay let me see what i can do now she happened to have a brother it was my uncle ralph who was a professor at mit who was in physics and chemistry and she contacted him and as a gift an extraordinary gift he sent from where he lived on a flatbed truck two six by six by six foot wooden crates that were lifted off the flatbed onto the ground and i came out with a crowbar and unloaded thousands of books wow and filled up my room with thousands of books and had a little yoga mat facing the window for the sun salute in the morning and i just started devouring and reading books i really didn't care about anything else i didn't care about anything about learning at the time and i just started reading and i started observing what worked and what didn't work on reading so i could read faster what was working not work on retention and i learned that if i share with somebody what i learned i retained the most so i started to want to teach because i wanted to do it so i could learn yeah because then you learn it at an internal level yeah you learn it good enough to teach you so i did every opportunity i could to teach every opportunity i could do teach i would just start talking and waiting for people to gather yeah i didn't care where yeah because i was doing it because i really wanted to know i want to know the laws of the universe i want to know what maximizes human awareness and potential i want to know what you know how does somebody live an inspired magnificent life and i wanted to do since the night i met paul bragg i want to find someday when i'm his age a 17 year old man that i could pass the torch to so i was on a vision to do that i was not going to stop till i do it i'm getting closer to that day yeah not quite old enough yet i'm 65 in here in a few months but i i i had that dream so i just started pursuing that when i went on to the university of houston um i would sit under the trees and do yoga and eat an apple or something and people gather around and then ask questions and i started having 100 to 150 students each day gather under the trees and i started teaching and if it rained we go into the cafeteria and some days it would swell to 400 people so it'd be a whole park around and we didn't have a microphone so they'd just lean in and try to get the best they could and people would tell you this is what he said and i started i was inspired by the idea that somebody would listen to me that's right and i was so grateful for the opportunity to be able to share and then when i went on to professional school i started teaching six and seven days a week pretty well seven days a week i get up at two in the morning i do yoga until 2 30 i would speed read books because i learned how to speed read by then and i'd read maybe four to seven books in the morning between two thirty and fourth at 6 30 and then i would go out and jog come back shower go to school go to clinic come over to the office i mean to that apartment and i would teach and i taught three hours every night and i'd have 20 to 30 students in the class uh every night and were you charging money at the time dollars twenty dollars a night and so i was making enough money i made a hundred thousand dollars uh when i was 23 24 years old which paid for my school my books because i was buying 40 or 70 books a week so i had to buy all the books and i paid my rent my clothing everything was paid for that way and let me ask you this when it came to money because a lot of people struggle when they find their thing right so you found your gift you found something that you loved so much that you wanted to give to the world a lot of people might have found that gift but are struggling to convert that into attracting people attracting money can you zoom in on that and and maybe share a lesson or two you learned about how to turn that and sort of attract money yeah well i didn't start out at 20 right what i did is i put a bowl out and a love donation yeah and nobody loved me apparently and i got that from a church i'd seen so i put this bowl out and stood by it at the end of my talk hoping that people would kind of drop some cash in there and i think i got five bucks then i put in there a minimum low donation five dollars i think i got 15 the next time then minimum updation 10 i got about 25 and then um i finally said screw that minimum fee 20 bucks and that was courageous for me because i was anxious about that because that's like a rejection right so i put this thing down and i got 20 bucks and i made 360 and that was a month's rent at the time and i thought i made that in a day and i started doing it every night and people just started getting used to paying 20 bucks and i started doing local talks at health food stores and people's homes and wherever any place i could go and speak i was doing it and you started teaching you were charging for it too well the ones at school i didn't charge for but the ones around i did most of them uh if if i got them to invite me that's right if not i do at people's homes i did that and i was just grateful to get new new people because that was a way of networking and i did that and then when i graduated from professional school i started continuing that process i did it my apartment that's how i built my practice speaking and then i started doing classes in my my office and i ended up getting a big lecture hall next month in my office and i'd have classes every night and then i put megaphones i remember i i wanted to expand my things so i put these megaphones in these big light systems that you see in theater openings and i put these things outside my office and i put these megaphones so the cinema complex that was attached to my office people are going in at 7 or 7 30 at night they they could not not hear me so i'm lecturing i got a video crew that's doing filming like this and then i was doing live presentations and recording them and people were coming in and parking and rolling down the windows and listening to me with the megaphones and just watching and then because i learned it from robert shooter right and then i ended up they'd come in and they'd buy the little c little what they call audio cassettes in those days and i did that and then did tours in my office and my practice would flourish why do you think most people struggle to make money doing things similar like maybe they want to speak or they want to teach or maybe they you know entrepreneurially are trying to do something you know where was your mindset at with money and i know i keep asking about it because a lot of people struggle in that area so talk to me a little bit about you know what was it that you were doing psychologically that was sort of attracting it because it seems like you weren't too worried about the money it was just sort of flowing in the momentum of what you were doing i don't want to go i don't want to make it that simple i when i was 27 you're up to 27 years old i had a good work ethic i had no problem working i've never had a problem working i love working i can work 20 hours a day for 35 years i work 20 hours a day seven days a week i don't have any problem working and some people think that's crazy but i love i love it because there's nothing more rewarding than doing something that makes a difference in people's lives and serving people and getting the rewards of that but in this particular situation when i first started i would work make money and i would buy things mainly books and um and i always just would trust that somehow i'd always make the money to get what i wanted and then a gentleman that my father uh he was he had done some financial planning with a guy named gill baker and he had a young financial planner that worked in his company and he came to talk to me and he asked me ten questions and those 10 questions changed my perception about money he asked me what is my total assets at the time i really didn't know it wasn't focused on it then he asked me my total liabilities and i knew i was in debt but i didn't know because i just opened my practice i got a new house i got a new car i was just and momentum i was in momentum and anyone know what my total net worth is asset my liability i really didn't know the number and i realized i need to know that number because if i don't know where i'm starting from i don't know where i want to go and i don't know i'm going to get there i'm really not going anywhere i knew that from paul bragg right so then he asked me how much do you want to live on passively annually from investments a passive income and at that time a hundred thousand dollars was still some sort of significance and i thought i guess that's good a six digit figure would be good and then he said what is the average interest rate you can earn from your knowledge of investing and i asked him and he said well you could be conservative and i think we put seven percent or something and then the next question he says what's the average inflation rate and it was higher but the average was a little bit lower but it was high at that time and i think we put that at two percent and then how much is the total net worth you need to earn that interest minus that inflation to give you that number and we calculated he helped me calculate that and i needed two million dollars and that seemed like a lot i need two million dollars earnings seven percent minus two percent at five percent to give me a hundred thousand a year and then he said what's the shortfall well i was actually in debt at the time so i really needed more than two million dollars i didn't have a positive net worth at the time and then i realized okay now i'm going to knot my stomach got jaw tightness you know itchy butt i'm really stressed because i'm like going oh my god i didn't want to i don't really want to look at this but he's making me look at it he made me ground myself and then he says how are you going to get there are you really serious about having money work for you are you going to work your whole life for money and this is bad bringing up my dad now my dad was trying to say you know and nine so here i am 27 three times that age and i still haven't really mastered wealth building i'm just learning about it so even though my dad tried to help me and this guy's trying to help me and i thought how am i going to get there and i had no idea how am i going to get because i was saving 200 a month and i was paying off debt and how am i going to get to what i need and so i thought well i need 2 million something in the next 24 hours or i need 1 million over the next two days or 500 000 over the next four days or 250 000 over the next eight days or 125 000 over the next 16 days and i started thinking of and it still was overwhelming and finally i said over the next 15 years i need this amount and i calculated out and i needed to save over 20 000 a month over the next 15 years every month over 180 months to get where i wanted to go because by then inflation would make it 4 million right so i'm sitting there going oh crap how am i going to get to this goal right and um and i really felt like i don't see it this is overwhelming there's no way to make this no way i can do this and the reason why 99 of the people don't have financial independence even though they have the fantasy of it is because they don't have the values they haven't thought through the strategies nobody cared enough to get them grounded and they aren't committed to serving people to earn the money because there's no limit on what you can do to serve people so there's no limit on the money you can make but you have to manage it wisely because the hierarchy of your values dictates how you manage money and i didn't have a value on wealth building at that time until that day and i realized that i was going to have to come up with a strategy and an intuitive thing came in my mind and i found a way i'm going to start at 200 a month in three months i'm going to make it 300 in three months i'm going to make it 500. in three months i'm going to make it 750. in three minutes i'm going to make it a thousand and then i realized i was going to increase it 10 every quarter every three months increase the savings so it double the amount i was saving every two years should be a thousand two thousand four eight sixteen thirty two sixty four hundred twenty eight two and fifty six thousand dollars eventually per month so i kept escalating it with a what i call a force accelerated savings technique and a force accelerated investment technique and i bought myself time to how to become more efficient at work how to serve more people how to you know make more income you essentially learned how to pace the growth after 50 right after you reverse engineered and i saw light at the end of the tunnel and how i could do it because now now it was a simple step by step see i knew i could take that next step exactly i know it wasn't overwhelming and you freeze up and i'll show you what it's a cinch right you piggy banks become biggie banks you got to do little little steps make big dreams and and as jim collins later said in life it's not this one thing that makes your life change it's the little incremental changes that you make that make the big difference and you build momentum i love that like like a domino it's a bigger domino kind of thing and you're getting speed and traction and i studied the math of this and i realized i could do it and i followed it religiously and um i did it automatically an electronic thing with a schwab account at the discount broker and i had it electronically done i signed an agreement that they would do that every quarter and i would figure out how to get that into the bank to make sure that they had it and i moved myself into financial independence took me nine years to be financial independent do you think that having that system in place is what motivated you to like have to make money because it's like i have to figure this out what happened is when you manage money wisely you get money to manage money circulates through the economy from those who value at least to those who value it most and where those who have the least order and organization around to those who have the most order and organization around it and i was organizing it and studying it and i was reading a you know i was reading on it i started reading about finance i read about 1400 books on the topic and and that alone was sort of pressuring you or motivating not pressuring you but it was i guess yeah i guess pressuring you to figure out ways to make more money how can i offer this position this new well i started getting a value on it because it was like a baby that's growing now you once you have your baby you go okay my baby's there i have to do it now i want to yeah no i wasn't even have to it was it was inspiring it was inspiring to watch that grow and inspiring to be able to serve because i learned from jim parker that money received is a reflection of services rendered and i realized that i wanted to serve people and i had and the more i served the more i deserved served and deserved and then i i i did something that was um very significant for me i i started to uh create a cause for it because i found out if i do it just for my own needs it's not as motivating or inspiring to me or compelling yeah yeah i needed to have a cost so i i realized i i wanted to do something with that not just financially pending because i knew i can do that now what else do i want to do because otherwise you plateau and that was a turning point so yeah i found that uh what it did is it made my company more efficient and then i learned something right about the same time by a book called the time trap by alec mckenzie i learned that to make a list of everything i do in a day and right next to it write down how much does it produce per hour and right next to that is how much meaning does it have and right next to that how much does it cost to hire somebody to do it for you to look at the spreads how much time is spent a day on it and then i re-prioritized it after prioritizing the whole thing i re-prioritized it and then layered out delegations and delegated those things and in 15 months my business went more than tenfold and all of a sudden now i'm paying off my debts at fast rates and i'm getting to save more and more and that was a so i learned that every quarter when i raised my savings i delegated some more stuff and i shed things because i wanted to do only the highest priority things i learned from mary kay cosmetics around 34 years ago so this is sometime around that time just within that time that every day i asked her what is the most advice you could give to a young speaker she said every day write down the six or seven highest priority things you can do each day they can help you fulfill your dream and write them down and then go do them and reward yourself and make sure their daily actions not projects that take weeks but daily actions so i did that and i found out that the highest priorities every day with the same priorities that i found by doing that other exercise and mine turned out to be research right travel teach so i then said i'm delegating everything off my plate except research right travel teach and i'm going to master those things and i'm going to let go of everything else i'm not going to do things that devalue me because as long as i do things to lower on my values i devalue myself and as long as i stick to the highest part of things i value myself and until i value me the world's not going to value me so my responsibility was to to do the highest party things that serve the greatest number of people that valued myself because it was inspiring and meaningful to me and then it catalyzed growth and it made my company more efficient so the profit margins were way higher started out very low and it got really decent like i was saving 53 of the gross income of my business after a while and i found out that i i achieved it and then i didn't raise my lifestyle many people just raised their lifestyle right but i made a rule that not to raise my lifestyle unless i raised my savings and taxes equal amounts so that kept it in check that way i accelerated the savings and investments and i let my lifestyle be moderated and not let immediate gratification cost me this long-term vision beautiful and then i was able to eventually get that where it was making me the money to have the lifestyle i wanted beautiful now two questions stem from that uh one is what would your advice be to somebody who's maybe stuck or in a stress situation right maybe they're you know maybe they didn't find their purpose early on right maybe they're in their mid-20s or mid-30s or mid-40s or maybe even older than that and they're trying to figure out you know how to figure out what their values are what are the things that mean the most to them how do they serve the world to make money doing it but maybe they're pinched maybe they're broke maybe they're in debt and they feel flustered what would dr john de martini's best advice be to people in that situation or kind of in a financial funk mental funk professional funk on how to realign and get moving fast well in the 1980s when i opened my practices 82 in 1983 i started speaking at a big conference called the parker seminars and i started meeting a lot of doctors thousands of doctors and then i started speaking for other consulting companies and going and consulting with other doctors offices some of which i still have friends today with and when i was doing that i noticed a number of things that was really significant i noticed there was a lot of talk about purpose and i felt i had that but i watched a lot of people not really have that they didn't have clarity of that and they were floundering around in that and i noticed that the ones that weren't clear they definitely did more than the people that were kind of floundering around and i also noticed that a lot of people were subordinating to outer authorities in the consulting companies and trying to be somebody they're not and then defeat themselves and beat themselves up going why can't i do like this guy does or this gal does right and i was thinking why is it that they're having difficulty doing that and i learned the significance of human values because i realized that everybody has a set of priorities a set of values in their life and whatever is highest on their value they spontaneously do with no effort and whatever's low in the values they have to get motivated to do from external sources so you need to be reminded and motivated and that's least efficient you're not going to do you're not going to go any places if you need to be motivated that's not sustainable yeah not the same you have to be intrinsically called to do something if you want to excel where it's automatic yeah it's just you spontaneously inspired from within it exactly so i noticed that the people that were aligned to the values of the mentors they were excelling and the ones that weren't were struggling and i realized how important that became and i really made an effort to master values so i really started devouring these over 40 years ago and i devoured everything i could get on those and the process of doing that i noticed that most people when you ask them what their values are they'll tell you social idealisms and they're injecting as kolberg says ideals from mother father preacher teacher and social peer groups and more a's and traditions conventions and different levels of the dynamic of society that they're subordinating to and emerson said envy is ignorance and imitation of suicide don't try to be somebody you're not be yourself stand out as an authority and be an unborrowed visionary instead of borrowed visionary and uh so i want to know what that was and and started developing kind of a questionnaire on how to determine somebody's values that would be objective i've actually taken that test i love it yeah and i started realizing that if you just ask somebody what their values are they'll tell you social idealism based on what they expect by society to conform right yeah and you're not going to be except exceptional and and really unique if you do that and you rob yourself of your own individual creativity so i then realized that i had to create a system for that for myself and the people i cared about and i started to look at what would be the most efficient objective ways to look at what people do and i realized when their life demonstrates their values what their life demonstrates is what i'm interested in so what they tell me if it's not demonstrated there's a lie so if i said that my highest value was cooking and cupcake decorating yeah but i didn't do it then it's a lie so i had to look at what my life really demonstrated and look at what was really important to me and get and make sure those are congruent that's integrity and i noticed that people were all over the place they were not that way and so i started to look at what they'd actually do not what they tell me because they're not walking their talk they're limping their life and i looked at how they felt their space because i found from children all the way to adults things if you've got a little baby in a little crib and you give it something and it doesn't want it pushes it aside and gets it out of the crib it's intuitive yeah yeah and if and if it likes it pulls it in puts it in mouth usually and i start watching the human behavior does that and when things are proximal it's important to them and if they want to push it away don't not have it in their space it's not important so i looked at how people filled their space i looked at how they spend their time because i made time found time spend time on things that are valuable i look at how they what they're energized by because when they're doing something really really inspiring to them and really hiding their values the day would go by quick they didn't even take a break they didn't think about anything all they want to do is do what they're doing time flies time just zips by einstein said when you're kissing a girlfriend two two hours slips by like two minutes and you're waiting for a freight train two hours seems like two moments seems like two hours right and i realized okay so what is they spending their time on and and the next is what is it energizes them and the next one is what do they spend their money on because they'll if it's really valuable to they'll find the money for it that's right and if it's not valuable to them no i don't pay that so i looked at how their disbursements and how their money was spent then i look at where they're organized because i noticed that people were really inspired by something they had a lot of order around it and they structured their life to get it to be done and when it wasn't important they just never got around to organizing things to make it happen because order is part of what makes things build momentum then i looked at where they're disciplined spontaneously disciplined to do things you can rely on me to be researching and teaching and traveling and speaking you don't ever have to know you you can go where's john you know he's doing that so where where is it that you do that nobody has to remind you to do that's important and then i looked at uh what is it you think about internally about how you want your life that shows evidence coming true what are you thinking about and actually bringing about what are you visualizing about about how you want your life that shows evidence coming true what are you internally talking to yourself about not your negative self-talk but the talk that's actually things you really want that's coming true so in my case i was saying to myself i'm an international professional speaker traveling over the world inspiring millions of people around the world that was what was in my head right i have a photographic autograph of mine whatever i read or retain right i had these these internal things and these were becoming real so i want to know what i'm saying to myself that's actually becoming real and then i looked at what do i want to converse with other people about because i noticed that when people come up to me and said how's your kids they had a value on kids how's business their about your business how's your investments how's your exercise how's fitness they'd ask me things how what what are you doing for spiritual fulfillment they would always want to talk about what was valuable to them and i looked at what do i want to talk about what do people want to talk about and what they converse about and they'll talk all night about it where they get engaged and talking about then what inspires them and brings tears to their eyes everybody reads watches movies sees things and stuff that'll bring a tear to their eye what is it that brings a tear of inspiration and what's common to the people that do that i want to know what that is and then i look at what is it that you have that's persistent and consistent in your goals that are that are what you're pursuing and that you want to come true that are showing evidence of the last one is what is it you love studying about reading about learning about listening to and watching on youtubes and videos that you can't wait to get that information you're wanting to absorb that information automatically automatically you want to learn about yeah because i noticed that some people go and if you look at all their youtube things it's all about business or it's about finance or it's about spirituality it's because they're drawn to that they go to the bookstore they go that section i'm looking for what's the the top three answers for each of those 13 value determinants and i'm looking for the most consistent answer and if they're not consistent answers there's a lie because i've been doing this for over 40 years and if it's consistent you know what their values are and the one that shows that most frequent second most frequent third most frequent are the top three values and those are pretty solid if it's done properly you get a real sense for what it is now once they have that if they structure their life around that they're going to excel because that's where they spontaneous that's where they're excellent that's when they can't wait to get up in the morning and do it and they'll endure pain and pleasure in the pursuit of it like a boy who loves video games won't stop and he'll just keep going after the next video game and take on the challenge to do it that's the person who's the entrepreneur in the making they're not living in security they're into self-actualization so i want to know what that is and i try my best to give people that insight because i know it gives them an advantage and the majority of people are walking around clueless about what they really want and fitting in instead of standing out why do you think most people do that why do you think most people just never take the time to get clear on what they're valuable because they compare themselves to others they put other people on pedestals they minimize themselves they think they've got something they don't they're too humble to admit what they see on them is inside themselves they play small and shrink instead of shine right and they envy other people try to imitate other people and they lose themselves and cloud the clarity of their own calling and they hold themselves back from something great and it's not that it's missing is not but dormant the second they get back and find out what that value is and the second they get prioritized and learn to delegate lower priority things and get on with the other one and do something that serves people to earn an income to pay for the delegation they liberate themselves from the mediocre life and they start building momentum to do something amazing and i've trained thousands of people doing that and i'm absolutely certain it can change for people's lives if they start mastering that skill now how do people change their values they say they have a set of values and they want to realign them because their life like let's say somebody's life right now for lack of a better word sucks right or they feel like it sucks because they're not spontaneously inspired from within to do anything maybe they're in a line of work they don't enjoy maybe uh you know maybe they built a certain amount of momentum but they're just not fulfilled inside how do they sort of untangle that web and rearrange those values to serve them before i ever try to change their values i first crack their fantasies because the reason they're unfulfilled is not their values the reason they're unfulfilled is because they're expecting to live in somebody else's values that they're injecting with their values and anytime you expect to live in somebody else's value is not your own you do what einstein said if you're a cat expecting to swim like a fish you'll beat yourself up thinking you're you're a terrible cat if you're a fish expecting to climb like the tree you're going to beat yourself up can i share a story about that absolutely i don't know how much time we have so i have this doctor who comes to me and he says dr demartinium i want you to help me become successful and i said okay my first question is where are you successful he looked at me he goes dr martin you didn't hear me i'm not successful i want you to make me successful and i said well you didn't hear me i'm asking you where are you successful you go but i'm not i said i believe you are so i'm going to ask you to dig deeper and find it and finally he looks and he goes well okay i have an amazing relationship with my wife we've been married for over 10 years and we really have a great relationship and that's inspiring to me great where else you successful okay i have a son who's in baseball who's a you know 12 years old or 10 years old i mean and who's um we may win the pennant i'm his coach and we we may win the pennant this year right where else is successful well we all work in the yard as a family we got the most beautiful yard neighborhood we're going to win the the yard of the summer where else she's successful well my mother-in-law lives with us and most people don't get along with her mother-in-law but she's amazing and we really get along and it's really close family and it's really lovely and i think that's a success and what else well on wednesdays and sundays i work in my church and i'm a lay minister and i've been wanting to do that since my 20s and i'm doing it i said great so can you see you have some successes yes or what people call success achievements he goes yes i said the only reason you're thinking you're you're unsuccessful is because you're comparing yourself to somebody so who is it because i think i know it is i said well who is it he says well there's a guy up on top of the hill he's got a 6 000 square foot house and he's got a three-car garage and lots of fancy cars he got a big practice makes a lot of money and he's kind of like the leader in our profession and yeah i guess i'm comparing myself to that i said great i got something to share with you right now do you know him well he goes yeah is he married yes do you have children yes you have a son yes how's his relationship with his wife oh he says well it's interesting you ask that it's very turmoil it's very challenging they sometimes talk about divorce and it's crazy and they have a lot of fights and yells and it's very volatile and i said okay and what about his son uh well they're having problems with him in school and he's doing drugs and he's not engaged and and he's spoiled a little thing and what about his yard um that you're excelling at uh well yeah they got people to take care of their i don't think they've noticed sometimes they drive right over the grass and what about the mother-in-law oh yeah they moved out of the country to get away from her and what about the church and the services and stuff oh no they don't they're not people that would do that that's not their thing and i said i've got a question for you if i could have you swap roles and you had to live that man's life and you could have the big practice and the six thousand square foot home and the big car but you had to have his your relationship with your wife it had to be his relationship your son had to be that your relationship spiritually at the church had to be that he had the same thing in the yard would you swap he goes oh no i said how come he said i wouldn't want that i said well let me explain to you something that man's not more successful than you he looked at me and paused for a second he's not more successful his achievements are according to his values and he has a high value on business and finance and a lower value on spirituality and family you have a very high value on spirituality and family and a lower value on business and finance i said if you expect your living his values you're going to beat yourself up if you expected him to live in your values he's going to beat himself up so he's not more achieving and successful than you he has a different form of achievement and his values are so unless i change your values it's unrealistic to expect that and if you change those values are you willing to have the chaos he has in those areas that are now lower on your values and he goes that's a good question i said before i change your values i want you to make sure you don't live in a fantasy that you're going to get his and your life because that's not how it works with a set of values and he goes got it i said i think it's wise to appreciate who you are and quit putting false expectations yourself because anytime you expect yourself to live outside your own hierarchy values you're going to beat yourself up and the beating yourself up is a feedback to let you know you're setting unrealistic expectations on yourself to be somebody you're not instead of understanding the magnificence of who you are and he was really grateful for that but then he hinted he says is there any way i could at least put a little bit more cash cash flow in my pocket i said i can change that but just remember that once i shift your values make something higher something else gets lower so is that an inevitable part of it does that i guess does that mean that you can't have it all to some degree something yeah okay but there's an art okay and that is to be able to see the new forms that are in for instance in my case i love traveling and teaching right so i may be sitting in front of a large audience and that is my social life that is my business got you that is my economics so you have to creatively that is my spiritual view they're like my family they're my intellectual stimulus so i've structured it and linked those seven areas to my highest values in such a way that i'm seeing and allowing the adaptability to whatever is happening in my life to help me get the form and knowing that whatever i think is missing isn't missing it's in a form that i'm here to honor and then i'm adaptable and resilient and less stressed and don't age so there's an art of being able to perceive things in a way where no matter what you're perceiving that you think is missing isn't missing and you find the form that it's in i love that and then yesterday i was i was sitting in your event and you said something very powerful you said that um basically twofold number one that there there is no success without failure to some degree right that those constructs are sort of fallacies in that it's a you said you're a man on a mission you're not a man pursuing success can you elaborate your perception on success and failure and why so many people are chasing it and probably take it to one side yeah getting addicted to one side and then disappointed when they don't have it feeling like oh if you're successful you're successful in all areas but can you just shed a little bit of light on context i don't like to label myself successful people do it all the time they're like oh dr murphy you're a success how did you get successful all that stuff right i said i don't perceive myself as success i perceive myself as a man on a mission because i've the second i think i'm successful i'm usually puffed up proud and exaggerating myself and blind to my downsides and where i'm not putting my energies and if i'm in a failure mode i'm blind to the upsides and i'm i'm polarizing something that's actually deserves to be synthesized and as you know in my class last night we had a lovely lady there was i said go to a moment when you perceive yourself proud and you think you're successful yes and at that moment what are you feeling failure at and she goes oh my god you're right and one was in business and the other one was family or vice versa and i explained to her that the mind the second it gets elevated into a higher self-esteem it automatically goes into the other side as an anti-form to humble that to get you centered to be authentic because pride is not who you are and shame is not who you are who you are is your heart and in the center in fact the courage the word courage courage comes from the root heart and the person who really has courage in life is not somebody that overcomes a fear it's the person that actually has the courage to be authentic in a society that's demanding you not to be that's what courage really means that's what the great greeks understood is one of the core four cardinal virtues so courage basically meant the heart to live in the heart so the goal is to be balanced to be balanced and not puff yourself up or beat yourself up because if you puff yourself up you attract tragedies and hubris to get you back in equilibrium and if you beat yourself up people lift you up and nature your physiology your psychology your sociology and your theology is all trying to get you authentic and your brain is the highest value-seeking organ which is where you're most objective trying to get you back into balance it's a homeostat and it's electronically and literally collectively and as far as the psyches information and also biochemically all trying to get you into equilibrium i've been studying neurology for over 40 years i'm i'm amazed at how magnificent that brain is on trying to homeostate human beings into authenticity so how does somebody stay centered when say say they go through like a breakup and they're emotionally rocked or say they go through you know financial hardship or their marriage is suffering or whatever it is what you're saying and correct me if you think i'm wrong but what you're saying is to basically acknowledge both sides of the equation the good in the equation and the battery in the equation or the challenge in the equation and sort of come up with balance of the labels right because that's an illusion that's true yeah those are just ratios of perceptions well yeah i guess a better way to phrase it would be you know both sides of the coin well if somebody's leaving you in a marriage your heart must have not been with them because if it was you would care enough about them to make sure you're communicating what you value in terms of what they value so if they're leaving um that means that their their values aren't being met okay nobody's committed to you that's the delusion people have is oh i got my ring now now you're committed to me no the ring doesn't mean that what it means is you now have the beginning you're just now beginning after you get the marriage now to learn how to consistently keep current with their values and learn how to provide in their values more effectively than any competition and as long as you do that they're going to stick around for you but if you think that okay i've got my ring i can take them for granted then you're running a risk of them finding somebody else because just like money circulates through the economy from those who value at least to those of you most people circulate through society from those evaluates to those who value the most based on their values on their values yeah so if you're not valuing them and their values which is what i'm training people in my programs right now don't expect them to be loyal to you because they're not loyalty they're loyal to their values their highest value so if you their high identity revolves around their highest value so if all of a sudden you have a loss of somebody if you had a fantasy who they were and you didn't communicate in their real values and you're having an affair with a fantasy figure and they leave it's there to teach you how to love somebody and that's not a bad thing that's teaching you how to really love somebody and respect somebody and so if you're in fatch with them and you have a crush on it you need to break that fatuation because an infatuation in a fantasy on that is not who they are that's why nobody's worth putting on pedestals or pits everybody's worth putting in hearts and if you have them in your heart you don't have them on a fantasy and when you do you let them come and go when you love somebody they can come and go without attachment it's just love so why why does ego exist to say like oh no how dare they or they must be well that's our delusion because we think that our values are more important than theirs we're projecting our fantasies of how they're supposed to be in our life and when they don't do it we're now angry and then when they all of a sudden don't feel loved for that fantasy we projected and they go somewhere else because they have somebody that loves them through they are why would we why would we expect anything else that's normal for them to want to go find somebody love them for their every human being wants to be loved and appreciated for who they are not for the fantasies we project onto them and a lot of our infatuations are fantasies not love now what are your thoughts on depression well i define depression as a comparison of your current reality to a fantasy that you're addicted to of how life's supposed to be and i found 15 common ones that are most common in people who have depression and i work with it every week and this this relates to depression stress overwhelm any form of depression i find that now your pharmaceutical representatives of medicine and psychiatry want you to believe it's about chemical imbalance right but i've yet to see one that i can't neutralize well you said something very interesting yesterday that says that everybody is constantly in a chemical imbalance to something they're fluctuating nobody's chemicals are just perfectly even all the time because your perceptions are fluctuating all the time you're sometimes you're perceiving things in a way that you think there's going to be more positive negatives and sometimes more negatives and pauses and when it's more positive negatives your your dopamine your oxytocin your vasopressin your keflam's endorphins and your serotonins are up and and your your histamine and testosterone and cortisol and norepinephrine and epinephrine substance p are all down but if you see more drawbacks and benefits and more challenge than support the other ones come online they go up and the other ones go down so you're gyrating your chemistries based on your perceptions and if you haven't mastered your ability to change your perceptions and balance them out with your intuition and asking proper questions you're going to be gyrating all over the place your chemistry can be all over the place and you're going to be in a sense a cyclothymic state instead of a euthymia euthymia means a relatively balanced centered state you'll be eccentric all the time and that's instability and when you infatuate resent with things those things occupy space and trying to remind and run you and you run from the external world instead of run from within and governmentists the word government comes from governments one who can govern their own mind which means to reduce the amplitudes of all those infatuations resentments and impulses and instincts that stop people from being present and empowered so what are some daily practical tips that you would give advice to people on how to develop their intuition on how to develop their balance on how to develop truly living their life at the best of their ability when i was 20 uh no about 30 i guess when i moved into my second office um i noticed some very interesting things i noticed that when i had a really big day and i noticed myself going you know i'm i'm pretty good yeah you know i'm kind of puffing up yeah i think i'm successful doctor dumas dr martini touch me you'll feel better about yourself um i noticed that when i would go home i'd get nailed i'd just get slammed because i'm puffed up and i'm above equilibrium and if any time you walk into a crowd of people they have an image of what they perceive you to be and any time you're puffed up beyond that you're going to get criticism donald trump's a good example right now so no but any time you go below that they're going to lift you up so if i walk into a room and somebody says well dr d martini you're an amazing guy and i go well thank you but and i'm really humble and i go talk to my girlfriend she may have a different view and i kind of minimize myself a bit they'll keep lifting me up right because i'm below where they want to put me but if i walk in and they go oh you're amazing guys finally you figured it out i'm more amazing than you can even comprehend yeah i'm more amazing than i even know you know peon yeah you know and i'm gonna put them down and exaggerate me what are they gonna do they're gonna turn around and criticize me immediately because the second i put myself above what they perceive me to be criticism is a spontaneous response anytime i put myself lower than what they want me to be support is response so i sat there and i have these puffed up days i go home and i get nailed and i thought she was toxic my wife she was actually caring trying to get me in the center but i was addicted to the pride and the addiction to pride attracts the criticism to get you back in equilibrium and you think it's because those people are critical but they're actually doing a favor getting back into authenticity but i didn't understand that and then if i had a low day i come home and she would lift me up and i thought man she's toxic she's only supporting me if i'm down but i what i did realize sooner or later that instead of me being up and down and having volatility in my business my business is all gyrating all over the place which is less effective in having predictability as i would ask myself if i had a puffed up day what patient's name did i forget what staff member did i not think what procedure did i overlook and i learned to humble myself and govern myself that if you don't govern yourself from within you have to be governed without and people in prison haven't been able to learn to govern themselves within so they have to be governed without wow and so if you don't govern yourself from within as a master you're going to be a slave and you're going to be governed from that so wow if i was up i'd ask questions and bring me down if i was down i asked who did i serve what name did i remember what birthday did i remember who did i thank today and i learned to neutralize myself before i would leave the office as the sun is setting at night when i go home i had a loving wife there's like an entanglement between two people and if i'm above she's gonna bring me down find below she'll lift me up if i'm neutral and i'm really loving i have stability so what i noticed is when i started charting what my practice was doing the second i started that exercise which i still have those questions today my practice was stable and it was predictable growth and i was strategic instead of emotional and emotions destroy wealth and emotions destroy businesses and emotions destroy relationships and it destroys social leadership skills because if you don't have governance over yourself don't expect to govern anybody else and that was a very important clue that a person can incorporate immediately and then i develop my own d martini method which is a series of 80 questions that are very specific and refining questions to help govern yourself and to govern all emotions and to return them to back to thank you i love you because anything we can't say thank you i love you too runs our life until we do and every human being wants to be loved and appreciated so if you're not doing it you're not going to get maximum impact in the world and so i developed a science to help people take whatever they've been through nothing their mortal body can experience that they can't love with their mortal soul to bring it back to thank you i love you by the series of questions we ask and that's what our intuition is constantly trying to do if we're infatuated our intuition is trying to find the downsides if we're resentful our intuition is trying to run the upsides so it's trying to equilibrate the mind and the second we do we feel grace and love and so my method was designed to assist people in doing that instead of having to wait for the wisdom of the ages with the aging process to have the wisdom of the ages without it by knowing how to ask the question and be poised you don't have as much aging you're more inspired you accomplish more you empower all areas of your life by doing that there's so many benefits of learning the mastery of of the voice and the vision on the inside bringing back bring back to balance that's beautiful now i do want to ask a couple quick last questions here when it comes to your values right when it comes to raising your values can you talk a little bit about some of those you had some powerful one-liners where you were talking about yesterday and you mentioned it earlier in the interview that if you don't fill your day with higher priority values inevitably your day is going to fill up with low priority values and you're going to have a day that doesn't inspire you can you talk about some other quick concepts like that just so people can retain maybe go on a tangent because when you're on tangents you seem to flow really well on that um but can you shed some insight on that just so people because i want people who are listening to not just get the philosophical constructs you're sharing but also ways in which they can immediately implement them to their day-to-day life through these simple concepts let me develop that because there's a thing in physics that clausius in 1859 composed called the thermal laws of thermodynamics and the second law of thermodynamics after the first one that there's conservation and symmetry is the law of entropy and he basically said that all things are moving towards from order to randomness or disorder in 1944 another book came out called what is life by irwin schrodinger another nobel prize winner and he basically wrote a book called on negan japan the negative entropy the reverse of entropy which is life physics not death physics from disorder to order and a guy named luigi fontappi many years before uh was wroting about a thing called centripete the ability to see the hidden order in the chaos she could transform entropy into negentrapy life physics and he said the universe has got a balance of those two but most people don't see it and they're stuck in the entropy so what i realized is that if we don't fill our day with order it fills up a disorder and consciousness underlies both and consciousness a pain psychic consciousness of some great philosophers and even nobel prize winners have acknowledged even freeman dyson institute advanced studies i've had dialogues with and he understands this there's a pan-psychic underlying field that underlies space-time energy and matter and when you're in able to see the hidden order in things and you're in an unconditional grace for that you move into neg entropy and you move uphill against entropy and when you don't and you're in a conditional state of emotions run by your senses and your perceptions that are polarized and judging you're gravitationally pulled to the earth with entropy and you decay and age because entropy is the arrow of time and once you have memory and imagination separate in time you have aging if you have a timeless mind ages body as deepak says you don't have aging so every time you know how to ask the right question to see the hidden order in your daily chaos which is what the demartini method's for you now can stop the aging process and get present because in presence there's no time and so again if you don't fill your day with high priority actions inspire you it's designed to fill up with low priority distractions that don't create chaos that chaos is a feedback to our consciousness to let us know we're not being and honoring the beauty of the universe we're not living authentically so we crave order essentially yearning for seeing the hidden order in the chaos and this is why no matter what in science says about entropy and heat death and thermodynamic entropy and equilibrium there's a theological side to it that's trying to find the order in the universe and they're they're at odds with each other they think but actually there's a higher order to both so the individual that can ask the right questions that the intuition is attempting to do is a negative feedback system to get them back into order the moment they do that they have commanded their life and they exemplify what's possible for a human being and they magnetize people around them because everybody wants to be in that state yeah yes even if they're not consciously aware of this line of thinking exactly and they're now their leader they exemplify teach einstein said the greatest teacher is exemplification so if you exemplify that the world is yours and you're not a local person i remember reading a picture this and he was talking about socrates and they asked him you know where does he live and psyche says well i'm not a man of karentha i'm not a man of athens i'm a citizen of the universe and einstein when they asked him i'm not a man of my my local family my community my city my state my nation i'm a citizen of the world in the universe because what happens is the second you're living negan tropically and you live by priority and you're really objective and you see the hidden order and you're poised and you're present and you're powerful and you're prioritized and you're patient you're you're you're empowered in such a way that you expand your space and time horizons and your vision goes beyond your life you leave a legacy and you exemplify what's possible and there's a massive impact on the life that you give like a gandhi or something or nelson mandela and but if not you're living in time and you're shrinking and you're ending up with immediate gratification and compensation back in the amygdala instead of the executive center and you're losing out on your magnificence yeah you're playing small you're playing small okay some quick fire off questions for people who wrote in uh mentioning they had some questions number one how do you find your calling or purpose in life if you're you know say somebody's listening to this around the world and we've got over four and a half million people so say someone's listening to this around the world they're trying to find their purpose in life what do you recommend they do do they meditate do they journal do they sit down and get in touch with themselves how do they develop their intuition to even understand it what would your most practical concise piece of advice be to somebody who wants more wants to be aligned they've tried a bunch of things but they just nothing's working there's a bunch of things first do the demartini method value determination process and go online it's complimentary on my website drdmartini.com and we'll put a link for it in the description below wherever you guys are watching this make them go there and do that not just one time do that a week later do it again a month later do it again and look for the common threads and make sure and you can store it on there you can watch the change and make sure you're answering that objectively don't write down what you wish it would be hope it would be you know think it should be write down what your life demonstrates because your life demonstrates what you value and your highest value is your purpose your very highest value is your telos your purpose where the most meaning is in life most inspiration you're spontaneous finding out what that highest value is is the first step if you look carefully what you do spontaneously that nobody has to remind you to do every single day you just do it nobody has to remind you to do it look there you may be comparing it to other people and not appreciating what that calling is and therefore think you don't know what it is but your life is demonstrating it your life is demonstrating your purpose every single day but you can't see it because you're comparing yourself to others and thinking it's not good enough and therefore you're devaluing what is actually your calling which could make you the money which could give you the impact which couldn't give you the fulfillment if you ask the question there's seven questions you want to ask yourself every day what is it i would absolutely love to do in life how do i get handsomely paid to do it don't ever ask how do i afford to do it that's a debt thinking how do i get handsomely beautifully paid to do what i love what are the highest priority actions i can do today to make that happen what obstacles might i run into how do i solve an advance with foresight planning what worked and what didn't work today how do i do it more effectively and efficiently tomorrow and how did no matter what happened today how did it get me one step closer to that if you ask those seven questions quite amazing things start happening in your life but if you look carefully what you're inspired to do that nobody has to remind you to do you go and do the value determination you go look at what's common to the people who have been the most inspiring people in your life and look at what's common to them and look at all the jobs you had and look at what's common to all those jobs that have meaning to your life all of them are pointing to that same direction and if you do one more thing look at moments when you had tears of inspiration anytime you had music any time you read a book anytime you watched a movie they brought a tear of inspiration capture that moment of tear of inspiration find out what exactly the content of your mind is at that moment and keep them on a list and you'll see that it's revealing what it is all those things together will all point to the same thing and if you have to ask the question it's not it because when it's it you'll be certain you'll know you'll know because it heart is so open from it you'll have tears in your eyes and you'll be in a transcendental state instead of the imminent minded state where you're caught with the outer world you're you're functioning from an inner world and you don't need motivation i captured that when i was 17. i've never needed motivation to do research traveling teaching and stuff like that but i would need motivation for anything else beautiful now the second question is what to look for in an ideal significant other partner well uh you whatever you're looking for in a partner you're going to be looking for things that are similar to you probably because you get infatuated with that sure when you see more similarities and differences more sames and differences uh more positive negatives you have infatuation we typically start there but what happens is no human being is one-sided everybody's got both sides there's nice and mean and kind and cruel and positive negative et cetera so when the other side comes because you're addicted to that this one's going to hurt and they're going to have that side too figuring out the things you like and dislike when you can embrace somebody for the likes and the dislikes and you somehow just know that you know that there's somebody there that you embrace both sides to and love both sides you got a partner if you're talking down to him and you feel like you can live without him that way you probably got him as an underdog and they may like up to you and you may be addicted to somebody looking up to you but that's a short-term relationship right if you're sitting there as the underdog and you're minimizing them why would they stay with you that's not going to work you want a match the way you know you have a match is you have a bantering a bantering is where you you can you can confront them you can challenge them you can support them and it goes back and forth and you keep each other in check and you'll know that because there's just something about them you respect and there's a respect there not you're not infatuated you're not resentful to him there's a respect to him if you look down to him you're careless if you look up to him you're careful if you look across them you're caring and that's the one that keeps the rings on the finger beautiful um now say someone you know again focused on money since entrepreneurs are a dominant audience how does somebody manifest building a big business and becoming a multi-millionaire does it go back to the values again well hubert hal bancroft in his book of wealth said that there were three things common to the wealthy people in history they felt that those by divine providence and human sovereignty they were destined to serve vast numbers of people so if you don't have a feeling that i am here to serve and you care if you don't care about serving people it's unrealistic to expect to be wealthy i was speaking at a church not too long ago and said if you're poor it's because you don't care about humanity that was an interesting response very powerful people like going wait a minute yeah of course if you really care about humanity you're going to want to know what their needs are their problems are and you're going to want to find solutions directly or indirectly through yourself or somebody else that can have those and you're going to want to try to bring those solutions to people and the people who bring true solutions that are effective and efficient competitive in the marketplace to people that have a need they're the ones that are on the way to being wealthy that's one step the second is that they have to have a desire to raise the standard of society so they're wanting to raise the standard of themselves not for their own pride and ego that way but for the ability to raise the standards so everybody has a place to rise so they're investing in inspiration and serving and trying to raise the standards and surround themselves with the finest of everything they can so they're honoring the people who are masters if they honor the people or masters and invest in the masters the entire economic system rises and they're contributing and they get rewarded by that and the third thing is they have to transcend the morality of money as long as they think it's good or bad or infatuated or resentful to it it runs them you have to get to a point where you realize it's just a measuring mechanism of services it's a measure of services rendered and if you and if you value yourself you value serving it and you transcend the morality of it and you go and basically structure it economically where it's saved and invested structured with foresight and go serve people wealth is yours there's nothing stopping you from it but it won't happen unless you serve vast number of people i ask people in in almost every country how many of you um have used microsoft windows and they all put their hands on everybody in the room and i said now you know why he's a billionaire because i asked a thousand or ten thousand or a hundred thousand or a million people they'd have their hands up why because he found something all you benefited by and if you sat down and put your energy into thinking how could i serve vast numbers of people and came up with solutions and we're committed to that and we're committed to that you're on your way to being very fortunate but if you're thinking about yourself and you're thinking about little small cons fines or i'm broke or i'm stuck you're focusing on exactly what the problem is instead of the solution beautiful now another question is how to get out of a depression or rut and kind of we touched on it earlier but say someone's in a funk right now they're listening this interview and they want to do something today right now well you asked a very simple thing what are you comparing your current reality to that you think it's supposed to be and then what's the drawback if that was to occur because in that in that if i ask somebody who's depressed i go okay you're depressed about what well because my business isn't doing well okay good if it was doing well what would be the drawback oh i'd be happy then i said would be the drawback i was doing well oh i'd have and then they have to get them to get reality well i have to hire new people i have to do more management than this so you have a fantasy that it would be all positive without negatives and therefore your current reality sees more negatives and positives but if you ground that and you're prepared for the real responsibilities that come from the growth of the business and you have a realistic objective not a fantasy you get grounded and you don't have to have the depression to wake you up to your fantasy and to take action on those steps yeah you take it without the emotional burden of oh depression i've not seen one depression that didn't have an expectation on other people to live in their values an unrealistic expectation other people to be one-sided an expectation of the combination an expectation on them to be one-sided them to live outside their own values and somebody else's values or the combination or all the above an expectation on the world in general to be one-sided peace without war kind without cruel the expectation on the world's supposed to make it live in their values or their expectation of mechanical objects to live in their values they get angry at cars or computers i've had people literally slam computers down the ground anger called it stupid because they know how to run it so anytime you have an unrealistic expectation delusion or fantasy about life depression is your friend to let you know that you've got an unrealistic expectation it's not your enemy it's your friend just like fear is your friend for fantasies so when do you understand if you go and look for what the fantasy is and dissolve the fantasy the depression lives on its own and the chemistries change i do it every single week and i watch it week after week after week i love that and you've shared before that if you're attached to the fantasy you're setting yourself up to live a nightmare exactly i love that now let me ask you a personal question obviously you go around the world teaching this stuff what's something that you struggle with or an insecurity that you have present day well the biggest struggle i have today is is how do i get it all done because sometimes my schedule is is pretty intense i totally i really want to do it all yeah you know i want to if somebody wants me to speak here i'd love to do that and sometimes there's no flights yeah you have to do a private jet or you have to do something to get there yeah so it's the intensity that i would love to fulfill sometimes it's challenging and sometimes that makes it uh sleep challenging because the time zones and stuff like that sure that's a challenge i have a girlfriend who's now in south africa most the girlfriend my wife passed away about 14 15 years ago i'm sorry yeah and um she's up in the universal spa sending me universal express bills now so so what's happening is i've had three girlfriends since then starr who's amazing variety lori who's quite amazing they've all done amazing things and now trish but because i travel full-time um my girlfriends like to see me more than probably i am able to do it and so that's a challenge sometimes how do you juggle that how do you get them to meet up with you and things of this nature so logistical challenges are probably my biggest challenge uh learning is not a challenge i love learning um speaking is not a challenge my main challenge is the logistics of managing all the things and those those are the processes that most the biggest challenge which managing time for the kids managing time for girlfriends managing time for being able to speak all the places i want to go and accomplish the things i want to do because i have a 4780 page goal book wow so it's a big bow book and so getting it all done is is challenging beautiful and then the last thing i want to ask in relation to your field of study is um i i saw one of your videos that mentioned about writing down 200 reasons to associate to your values right like say you want to lift a value i think it was a video about um you know say you want to make 100 million dollars or whatever it is right yeah or get in phenomenal shape or attract the person of your dreams as a significant other or whatever the dream is for somebody listening can you explain a little bit about why it's important to to actually tangibly write down your goals why it's important to associate to those 200 reasons or whatever it is if i gave you enough for you in the breakthrough experience program which i do my signature program which i've done 1070 sometimes every weekend just about i do it people come in with a perception and a perception is nothing but a ratio of a stacked association you have on things good or bad negative or positive yeah yeah i got a story again yeah can i do a story absolutely okay so i'm in sydney australia i'm about to do the breakthrough experience it's about eight minutes to eight in the morning and i come in and put my goal book up in the front because i love reading it while they're working sometimes and i was getting ready to go back to the back to put my microphone on there's a girl in the front and she is uh sitting there she says oh dr d martini i finally made it to the breakthrough experience i'm so glad i've been here i've been waiting for a while to get here i've been saving my money and i came i said fantastic and i and she says i came here because i wanted you to help me find my soulmate and i said okay that's not uncommon for single women about five rows back there was a guy who also snuck in who was eating a breakfast mac really grossly like this all right and um jokingly i said to her i said what about this guy and she turns around like this you know and looks back and go she goes oh dr d martin no no no no it's not my that's not exactly it i said really and she says no no that's not my style do you know who he is no you don't know who he is you don't recognize him no he's one of the wealthiest billionaires in the world we let him in early so he didn't have to sit there and people recognize him and he's dressed the way he's dressed to make sure people don't really notice him he's playing down under the radar yeah he's under the radar she goes really i said yeah he's he hangs out with the a-list on the planet all the presidents prime ministers celebrities living on his yachts his jets his homes around the world i think he was married to michelle pfeiffer for a while and she was frustrated because he was so humanitarian and was so dedicated to serving people around the world that didn't have time for sometimes things she wanted to do and she was a little young and didn't appreciate that she wishes she could have him back again and um yeah he's done amazing things he contributes things he you get to go out to dinner with royalty and you do you meet amazing people and do amazing things and he's one of the most extraordinary people on the planet but we wouldn't have to come in early was this true so she goes and anyway i'm going to the back and she says she said well aren't you going to at least introduce me to him [Laughter] wow and i then i told her i said i'm just teasing you just to show you how vulnerable you are so it's just a just making up story but what i did is i stacked up associations with that man on all the things that the woman would probably want and her brain changed its chemistry and was now looking past his ugliness and was seeing him as attractive now because of the race is a perception so our feelings are basically raised as a perception anax agora said this two thousand six hundred years ago almost and it's still true so and when you know how to ask the right question to become conscious of the benefits or drawbacks of things you can change the race as a perception and change your attractions or repulsions and not have things on the outside run you you can run you and so the mastery of knowing how to ask the question to make new associations in the brain is the master of life now the reason i do 200 is because most people when they're writing down the benefits them they already have some benefits and they need to have enough to get past their conscious level of knowing and go into the unconscious and revamp neuroplastically and myelinate the brain in a new pathway and so i know i get it if i do 200 it may be done in 60 but i know i get it 200. so the reason that you say 200 is so that people can write down like say my goal is to lose 20 pounds or make 10 million bucks or whatever that if you actually write down 200 reasons it forces you to dig into your subconscious and have deep really compelling reasons as to why you just write down 200 benefits of why you want to be well be a millionaire or whatever that's not going to do it you got to write down the benefits of the proven action steps that if you do those action steps you get that outcome can you elaborate just a little bit more so if you say i want to be a a millionaire or multi-millionaire or something okay that's great sure you want to be that but if you don't stack the associations of the the actual proven actions that if you did these actions within the strategy you'll get there and you just say you want your outcome but you don't have a strategy you're not going to get there so it's not just writing down the benefits of the fantasy because you'll just write down the benefits of spending all the money on it yeah no the benefits of the action the actions that have proven to get you there if you don't have the benefits of the action you won't do the actions that it takes to get there so you have control over perceptions decisions and actions so i got to change your perceptions of the actions to make a change in decisions and priorities so it all starts with perception it's all perception beautiful now the last question i have before i wrap up here and play a quick game is when it comes to the law of attraction and manifestation and you know things of that nature you've been in the secret obviously a lot of people you know talk about the law of attraction and manifestation can you elaborate on exactly how that works in universal order as as you see it well there's a number of variables on that when you're living congruently and in alignment with what you value most you have what is called a selective bias to tension in your brain and what they do is sensory information goes through the pulmonary nucleus in the brain and goes under the cortex and that pulvin nucleus a gate and filtering mechanism based on what you value so if you have a high value on something if a mother has a high value on children for instance and she walks in a mall she will spot children's clothes children's items etc she won't spot business opportunities she'll she'll spot children's stuff she'll filter her reality that way and if a husband walks in the mall and he's an entrepreneur and walks in the same mall he won't see clothes and children's stuff he'll see business stuff so we filter our reality with a selected biased attention and an attention surplus order an elevated awareness of things that help us fulfill what we value most so the secret is enhanced to the degree that you're congruent with what you say you want if it's aligned with what you value most but if it's something low in your values you won't see those opportunities and then you'll think the secret's not working for you so it's the key the secret behind the secret left out of the secret was don't waste your time on goals that aren't truly yours don't waste your time on goals that aren't truly inspiring and really meaningful and really something that you're called to do focus on that find your telos and all of a sudden the synchronicities and the opportunities and the willingness to take action because you have an attention and intention surplus order because you tend to want to go and act on that because kids when they do their video games and they love it they just want to act they don't need to be motivated and you don't need motivation so you see opportunities you take advantage of opportunities you make decisions quickly as napoleon hill says if you you see opportunities you make decisions quickly and you act on them that's achievement well that's what happens when you're setting goals that are aligned with your values when you do you have your innermost dominant thought you keep thinking about it most because whatever's highest on your value is what you automatically think about most you visualize most your executive center brings a vision to it and you internally talk to yourself about most so you spontaneously do the things that actually make the secret become real if you're congruent so the number one secret is to make sure you're setting goals that are truly congruent with your highest values that's why you fill your day with high priority actions or it fills up with low priority distractions and the people that don't do that the secret doesn't seem to work for them what's wrong with it why is it not working for me because there's living in fantasies about how their life's gonna be instead of actually setting goals that are real for them in their value wow i love that okay now as we wrap up the interview we always play a game called first things first uh the way the game works is pretty simple i'm just going to say a word or phrase and then you just tell me the first word or phrase that comes to mind although i have a feeling that for you it will be phrases so i'll sort of just say something and then you tell me the first intuitive thing that comes to mind as it relates to advice to others on that topic you with me okay okay the only rule is that you can't repeat yourself twice okay okay so first word or first phrase i should say is how to develop your intuition so that you know it's true and you're not you know how do you know when something is actually your intuition or it's just is that a fear is it a worry so how to develop your intuition and know what your truth is well instinct is trying to avoid pains impulses are trying to seek pleasures and intuition is trying to neutralize them so you don't see either so anytime you can whatever you're perceiving if you ask the question where is the opposite you strengthen your intuition because what it's doing is it's trying to bring the unconscious conscious you can be fully conscious that's what intuition is for and people confuse instant gut instinct and intuition and feelings and all stuff they don't understand intuition is nothing more when you're infatuated with something your intuition is pointing the downsides when you're resentful to something your intuition is trying to point out the upsides is trying to neutralize polarizations to get you back into authenticity and so intuition the question to get intuition is to whatever you're perceiving whereas it's opposite that trains your mind to see both sides of things okay beautiful how to find peace when you're stressed instantly well inner peace is different than outer peace if you're looking for outer peace you'll be searching for eternity and not getting anything but a fluctuating peace and war game but inner peace is the realization at the moment there's peace where is the war and where the moment there's war where's the peace because maximum growth and development occurs the board of support and challenge and peace and war people have this fantasy they're supposed to have peace all the time you don't grow there cultures don't grow under peace they grow and they stagnate they grow under challenge so if you're looking for one side and you're looking for peace look for the other side in that moment if you see both sides at the same time you have inner peace when you can see that both the challenges in your life serve you as much as the calm in your life you'll find inner peace if not you'll be searching for outer peace your whole life and not get it but half the time and end up bipolar gratitude uh gratitude is the is the second you see both sides of the same event whatever it is you have gratitude gratitude is a perfectly equilibrated perception that opens the heart and it's the key that opens up the gateway of the heart allows love to come out which when the washes the mind which makes you inspired and makes you enthused makes you certain it makes you present so gratitude is the ability to see both sides simultaneously synchronously of an event and not be swayed by an emotional misperception and bias why most people are living unhappy unfulfilled lives they're searching for a fantasy of trying to live in somebody else's values or trying to get a one-sided aspect of life or trying to get other people to live in their values or trying to get them to be one-sided or trying to get the world to be matching their values or trying to get the world to be one-sided or trying to get mechanical objects to be one-sided or living their values they're projecting their values onto other people and expecting others to live in their values which is not going to happen the best daily ritual that you've ever incorporated in your entire life from all the things you've tried your best daily ritual that you would impart to others and share and encourage them to do one discipline if you had to pick one yeah very simple i have the largest collection of gratitudes of anybody i've met on earth and i and i keep that every single night you'll be in there tonight we'll be typing that in tonight this interview and uh because i've already written it but i'm going to put it in there in more depth but i go in and i had the opportunity to meet this person had the opportunity to do this today had the opportunity to get this interview had the opportunity to go in and have a dialogue with this person whatever i had the opportunity to do that day i documented every single day and i have a very large collection of those thousands of thousands of pages of those collections of gratitude there had the opportunity that's what i call them what's your system is it 10 gratitudes a day every single day it may not be 10 maybe 5 maybe 20. you just let it flow whatever feels right because sometimes i get in thank you letters during the day and sometimes i get to meet amazing people i mean in the last month the gratitude have been quite enormous because i've had an amazing opportunity to come into my life and amazing people i've met in my life that are in tear-jerkingly inspiring experiences to to plan to be grateful for my mother told me when i was four years old and she was putting me to bed son make sure you count your blessings because those that are grateful for what they have to get more to be grateful for and i've been doing that for many many many many many years now every single day yeah every day i don't miss a day that's a daily ritual i can show you upstairs on my computer and you can see it and you just go whoa you're serious so even if you're tired is it at the end of the day in the morning morning or afternoon but i by the end of the day i'm i'm doing it again i'm finishing it up how many lessons how many would you say you have give or take well put 4780 pages on ten point print one-inch margins that'll tell you how many holy cow uh top three books you've ever read aside from your own syntopian volumes one and two by britannica by mortimer adler are the two books i recommend every human being to read those are two that about 800 pages each and their their masterpieces they're the greatest ideas from the greatest minds over the last 2 700 years the biggest breakthrough a human being could make to live their best life the courage to be themselves and honor themselves and not try to be somebody else we live in a world that's trying to make us conform and try to fit in and the courage to stand out and be an unborrowed visionary and allow themselves to go their own path even though they may get ridiculed and violently opposed along the journey until their life becomes self-evident legacies at the end of dr john d martini's life what do you hope the legacy is that people remember you for well it's interesting you say that can i tell us another story about i would love to as long as we i'm sure you've gone away over time but yeah i would absolutely love it so uh in 1999 right before the year 2000 rome was preparing for its pilgrimage it was attempting to do like mecca for islam it didn't work out so well nobody came hardly but they were preparing for it and uh i was there doing the breakthrough experience in rome and after my breakthrough experience the following morning i i was invited to go walk around rome and go to some scenery and sites and around the afternoon because my flight was until later that afternoon early afternoon i happened to come across the square that was roped off about the size of the soccer field in the middle of the square was a marble and bronze statue of giordano bruno the philosopher theologian and mystic and astronomer the entire place was covered in red rose petals and it was roped off i mean millions of red rose petals wow and 400 years ago to the day he would burn at the stake and now 400 years later they're honoring him as a genius 400 years ahead of his time and i'd read about his life and i knew something about him for my studies and it was very inspiring to be there on that day where they honored him but before he was killed and burned at the stake because he was imprisoned because the church said what are you teaching is wrong and he said we live in an infinite universe with infinite worlds with infinite beings we now know there's over four thousand exoplanets discovered so he was right and the church at the time was still under a ptolemaic and aristotle and construct of a geocentric world it was limited and they thought it was within the primal mobile and they had a very limited astronomy and his was beyond that he unveiled the flamerian diagram of infinite vision and so they burned him at the stake but before he died he wrote a posthumous biography of how he wanted to be perceived 500 years in the future and now 400 years later what he wrote became true they were honoring him and that's what he wrote that someday the world will finally understand what i'm trying to say i'm living in a world that can't see what i see he was a visionary so when i when i saw that i was inspired by that so when i left that night and i got to the next place i i sat down and i got on a computer and did a jerry maguire tom cruise mission statement kind of writing thing right and i wrote out about a 26 page um well i was actually 23 pages non-stop automatic writing about how i wanted to be perceived one thousand years into the future the the impact i wanted to have a thousand years wow because i remember that i remember a statement that we go around and say we have mortal souls but none of us write immortal goals and immortal goal is a goal beyond your life on the impact you want to do and seneca the poet and roman philosopher and politician said you don't measure a person by their immediate goals you look at what they do over the centuries to come and what they're they're planning for that and so seneca impacted my life and so and heraclitus did that too her clydus basically said that he wanted to mortalize him something he was looking at how do you immortalize yourself and leave an impact way beyond your life to build momentum so anyway i was i filled my mind with these minds and i wrote this thing out and that was 2000 right at 1999 to 2000. in 2009 i was asked to speak at the milk abbey on the over the danube river at the walls l conference where they had 200 people from around the world media from all over the world and it was 200 leaders around the world and there was 12 speakers the dalai lama muhammad yunus wolf singer myself a bunch of people and we got to do a presentation on trying to solve six world problems and at the end of the saturday night they gathered in the library at the mill cabbie all the speakers in a semicircle and all the people attended got to be a watch around it and they honored each person by handing them a stainless steel cylinder and i didn't know they had done this but they had taken 365 quotes from my books wow and they had taken the d martini method which is what i was introducing there on conflict resolution and they had calligraphied it on beautiful scroll paper rolled it up put a ribbon around it stuck at the same ceiling vacuum sealed it and handed it to us to walk down the library to the very end of the library into the infiniti of divinity library room which has this 12 foot infinitive divinity library shelf and i got to stick it in the center of that shelf to be sealed for a thousand years wow what did that feel like it was a tear-jerking moment because i realized that what i wrote in that thousand-year plan just had the reality manifest because i know that now when they open that up a thousand years from now i'll have that information there what would the young young surfer hippie i don't know if you were you know smoking weed or anything but what would the young hippie free thinking version of you who was surfing hitchhiking what would the john de martini today tell that young man who was looking for answers thank you you're right on track you have made a mistake beautiful because there's nothing bad anything you look back and you can't say thank you for is baggage anything you look back and you say thank you for his fuel i wouldn't change a thing my i've had an adventurous life and i've i've i mean amazing life and um so i wouldn't change a thing word number nine is money the way money works the way may the way money flows meaning what what's the what's yeah so remember the ten words or phrases yeah so money just in terms of money how it works how it flows how it operates well the beauty of money is it allows us to have sustainable fair exchange and gives us the opportunity to care about another human being in a way that we can serve them and be served in return in a fair exchange sustainable fair exchange that's what it represents i love that i love what you said about if you're broke it's because you don't care about humanity yeah because there's nothing when i was nine years old my dad said go you want to make some money go out and serve people period yeah and i don't there's nothing stopping me from serving people so there's nothing stopping me from earning money beautiful now the last one i have before i wrap up here is as we know decisions shape our destiny so when it comes to making decisions at any point in life we have to make them daily so what would dr john demartini's best advice be to people who listen to this interview and now as we wrap up here uh who are faced with decisions you know obviously there's you know sometimes people were faced with like i should do this so i should do this there's reasons sucked up on both sides what's your best advice for how to make effective decisions that lead you to your ultimate destiny to not make a decision but to go actually and balance out the perceptions of both sides until they're perfectly balanced and the moment you do you'll have gratitude it'll open up your heart your heart will inspire you and you'll make an action out of love instead of a decision out of ignorance my last question is what do you hope people take away from this interview and effective immediately go take action on i want them to realize that they have something amazing inside themselves and give themselves permission to do something extraordinary on the planet the magnificence of who they are is far greater than any fantasies they'll impose on themselves and don't subordinate to the world on the outside allow the voice and the vision on the inside to rule and govern the amazing things you can do on the outside and and realize that if you communicate what you would love in terms of what other people love the world will help you get exactly what you love i love it thank you so much dr martin for being on the show thank you so much for enjoying this video and if you found this content valuable uplifting and inspiring to 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until next time live strong live with passion and i'll see you in the next inspiring video you
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Keywords: The Passionate Few, Dr. John Demartini, Omar Elattar, John Demartini, Dr. John Demartini interview, The Passionate Few Interview, Omar Elattar Interview, John Demartini interview, John Demartini The Passionate Few, john demartini values, john demartini breakthrough experience, john demartini wealth, mental health, personal development, personal growth and development, how to set goals and achieve them, life coaching, human behavior, demartini method, Demartini Institute
Id: Up0wNSedJ1A
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Length: 113min 15sec (6795 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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