LISA NICHOLS: From $12 & Welfare To Multi Millionaire! (INSPIRING LIFE STORY)

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hi I'm Lisa Nichols and I'm one of the passionate view so I absolutely loved the interview at Omar it was very comfortable real it's actually a conversation that just happened to be recorded so I believe that it had the ability through its natural organic flow to allow me allow us to sit in a space of authenticity and true I think that people need this because so many times we are putting on a show or a mask and I think everything that this show represents is the willingness to be you do you show yourself I think that men have an opportunity to show a different kind of heart these days and Omar does it masterfully there's a masculine gentleness and a gentle masculinity and I think that there's a dance that can occur across gender lines across cultural lines and I always love when it happens and there's just a dynamic spark that occurs when the right person is sitting across from me and Omar definitely was that right person welcome to this episode of a passionate view it's your host Omar here and today we get to hear the incredible story of none other than Lisa Nichols known as the founder of motivating the masses and motivating the teen spirit lisa has built a phenomenal multimillion-dollar Empire encouraging and empowering people all over the world go for their dreams no matter where they come from Lisa's story actually starts out as you'll find out in this interview from very humble beginnings as Lisa grew up with not a lot of money in Inglewood California and dealt with racism and tons of adversities that wound her of being the subject of a lot of challenges both here in Los Angeles but also when she went to university in Orion and it was through that experience where Lisa develop an insight into her passion for wanting to serve the world in a meaningful way and took that passion and has since leveraged a rock-bottom situation where one day she found herself having to be on government assistance but also dealing with the reality that it she couldn't afford to pay for pampers for her son Jelani it was at that very moment combined with the fact that her significant other have gone sentences 20 years in prison that Lisa decided to take ahold of her life and change it forever and since that moment Lisa has never looked back to date she's become a seven-time best-selling author as a world-renowned public speaker and has also been known as one of the foremost experts on the planet in the law of attraction and allowing people to manifest abundance in their lives were getting clarity taking action and truly committing to make their life a masterpiece so I want to encourage you guys to sit back relax and enjoy this powerful interview it talks not only about how to make your life 4th but also how to turn any tragedy into triumph with none other than Lisa Nikolas enjoy hey guys welcome this episode of the passionate for you today we have a very special episode because we have none other than the Queen herself the CEO of motivating the masses Lisa Nichols thanks for being on the show today Lisa I'm excited to be here with you thank you for coming and joining me in my home absolutely and and first off I want to say that right off the bat your role in the secret about the law of attraction is something that radically shifted my life years ago so to think that it's been manifested to this very moment is incredibly exciting and I'm excited to reach as many people as possible today so thank you so much for your time in your beautiful home today you're welcome it says a lot about who you decided to become you know you don't land in this space after watching someone in personal development on television in the classroom right yes here and then end up sitting beside me and my home without making a definite non-negotiable radical yes and no matter what decision so congratulations to you thank you so much for your role in that as well yes absolutely so let's get right into it we know that you've reached millions of lives at this stage but your life wasn't always so awesome so talk to me a little bit about your childhood where you grew up Inglewood California is where your roots are you talk to me a little about your childhood and you know where this whole journey began yeah well you know it's funny you should ask that because in 2007 when I was called by the Harpal Inc company Oprah's company and they said now that you know about the law of attraction how was your life really amazing and they were looking for just the amazing and I said well before I tell you that Nord of you to really know how amazing my life was you have to first know what a mess it used to be because it's all relative right I have an amazing mom and dad amazing amazing family like a tight close family but I realize all the closeness in the world all the nurture in the world doesn't make up or create self-esteem true and I found myself you know we're raised between the hog 30s in the rollin 60s you know I had about three fights a week to get home from school my parents didn't know about all of them early yeah I remember when I was fifteen one of my teachers asked me Lisa what do you want to be when you grow up and I looked at her and I said alive and when I get to 21 asked me again cuz then I've achieved my first goal and that was my reality I remember having to choose to fight the gangs if I'm gonna be in the gangs or fight my parents if I'm gonna be in the gangs or fight the gangs of I'm not gonna be me I just I just had it that was just our life it was normal to me and so um you know my mom and my dad worked really hard but it was always a hustle and a struggle you know I didn't really see the hustle in the struggle because they did an amazing job right but looking back on it was a house owner struggle being in mocha dark mocha skin full lips round hips this kinky hair way before was a fashion statement way before was on the cover of magazines before it was unique right before was you know you're in individual expression of self you know I had it you know some people talk about oh my god your lips are beautiful I say yeah but try having these in second grade it wasn't fun I was told when I was the first class of bus students to the valley out of Los Angeles and I remember this boy used to always say God left you in the oven too long Wow and I remember going home wondering why was that a mistake and the next day I come back to school and he goes Lisa God dropped you in the tar pit and so I at a certain point in time I began to think where I was raised was wrong not having enough money the skin I was in was wrong the hair everything about me was wrong so even with great parents and a great family my self-esteem spiraled down and but on the outside it all the good I was a captain of the track team I was you know editor of the yearbook I was in student council I was Commissioner of Spirit I mean on the outside I have mastered very early on how to be busy and projecting joy while not necessarily having it mm-hmm interesting yeah at that age did you consciously register that or not it was just a way for you to say vice and get to a survival I always believe that there's unconscious competence happening before conscious competence kicks in and my unconscious competence was saying buckle down grim bear it you know smile through it you know make it happen you can get to that side but I didn't know you know I am I ran track as an athlete as a way to not have to be at home between 3:00 and 6:00 mm-hmm cuz my dad said I couldn't be at home between 3:00 and 6:00 let me ask you this was part of your motivation of being physically active to get away from things you were dealing with or was it your desire to achieve did you get what I'm saying I absolutely get what you're saying it was to not have to go home at 3:00 p.m. because two things happen either I got in trouble by getting jumped by a gang on the way home cuz they're all everybody's waiting after three at three o'clock for everyone to get out of school or my dad said he read some statistic that said most girls get pregnant between 6:00 p.m. don't know where he got it from but it's like I was a latchkey kid yeah and so for whatever reason sports was my protection so I didn't go into sports because I loved running cross-country alright love softball I love being a hurdler I went there because it was supervised it was safe and it kept me in one place until my dad can come get me after school all the way through high school all the way through 12th grade I had to being a state champion I held the 330 low hurdle record at my high school for 18 years so I became a beast daddy but it was a point of survival as well what did running teach you also about life food running taught me so many things so running is a solo sport so I'm on a team but I got to carry my own load I got a I got to come off the blocks myself I gotta cross the finish line myself and I'm gonna help the team but I gotta do my own lifting all day every day you know and in track you know and I ran hurdles so hurdle is in track I you know you come out the blocks you can fall and the coach never said oh you fell gone lay down stay there the first thing we always get up and so oftentimes years later I lean back on my track I lean back on my I swim competition for seven years I did synchronized swimming for five years I saw option this was before this wasn't this was when I was 12 and I was 9 I the the the the pool was free babysitting because I can go to the pool for a quarter and stay there for eight hours and so my mom would give me a dollar a day and I would take that dollar take a quarter and get in the pool for eight hours I take 35 cent and I'd buy the big bag of you know that stale cheese popcorn and the balance I would be able to get two cheeseburgers and some water with that she had a system going the system at 12 what a dollar and so I inevitably I became a swim athlete and I swam competition for for seven years and did synchronized woman so sports was my safe haven Sports was the babysitter sports was the dish action sports was it was my safe haven and and then as I got older I I would all first of all III never got a great higher than a c-plus growing 12 years in school I never got a great higher than a seat so the world-famous Lisa Nichols never got higher than a cps one here you want to really hear something same as Lisa Nichols gotta say oh the last time I took English and my English teacher told me that was the weakest rider she said you have to be the weakest rider I've ever met in my entire life and she said it in front of the entire class and now you're a world-class best-selling author times seven books but it was counting um but I was a weak writer actually I didn't know where to put the comma I didn't put it I mean I never put the period I didn't put a period until I finish my thought and we've even created semicolons like what boring do created semicolons and colons like who sits around anyway that's my opinion so I wasn't good at grammar um you know I hate the thing I was a weakest writer she ever met but and then the same year my speech teacher gave me a D - and speech and told me I was that I should get a desk job and never speak in public so I struggled in school for 12 years highest grade was a C+ if you ever repeat this story say C+ don't forget my plus the a students a plus don't matter to a see students less manners every percent county was at 79 percent Oh was 80 percent matters we round up exactly I was always praying for the grading curve and I struggled but I struggled and my father knew when I brought home a C and my mom but I had done my best I didn't know until I was in my 20s that I was functionally dyslexic really never knew how who knows that that's not tested for yeah I was really at that time now yeah I was just slow I was just took I kept saying I just need you to repeat it again and it may I repeat it back to you and then and teachers like come on take just get it slow in the class said you needed essentially to have it like a back and forth as I learn it which kind of leaks into coaching and obviously you've done transformed many lives in that space so you did you probably learn that then the nuances of actually taking the time to learn lessons there people out because it's interesting in the education system it's very much they teach a lesson there's thirty students they get it homework due tomorrow one and done one way we teach one way play in the sandbox one way so now I call it 360 teaching and 360 learning what does that mean to you that means I always see my my dyslexia is my superpower cuz now I'll teach you for it and then I'll reverse it for you you know but it's it's saying here's what I told you tell me what you heard let me show you where we're going and then let me reverse engineer it for you so I'm a super incredibly thorough teacher I'm patient patient because I struggled as a learner and and I was embarrassed about that for a long time I was embarrassed about the type of student I was cuz it was the best it was my best and it was so subpar you know did you feel insecure at that time absolutely so you wanna days you were trying to get me and all my friends were getting a yeah and you're like I'm good at running why yeah and I hung with kids who like I wasn't with the with the guy sir behind the building getting high that wasn't my true I was with the cheerleaders and the athletes and and I call them the app kids I don't know what happening I was like what is app is that you know nowadays it would be something on my phone but yeah ap right I don't know that ap men Advanced Placement I just hung out with the app kids I don't know what app men and and so they were all applying to six and seven colleges and and here I was not even knowing if I would like I know I was gonna graduate you know cuz a lot of people thought I was really nice so I know I I know I passed math I passed math cuz I was nice I might my teacher was like look you tried hard not really and so and I was grateful I didn't I didn't even I didn't say no I should earn it no thank you please please let me out of this place there and and so I didn't have a lot of opportunities to to go to college I wasn't in you know I wasn't in the 3.5 and above you know I was I was struggling to get my 3.0 and so I was accepted to one college and that's where my English teacher failed me and that's where my speech teacher gave me a D - and that's also where I the words black bi TCH go home was written on my door my dorm room door and a bucket oh I don't tell this story often so there must be someone who who needs to get through a sense of healing and forgiveness because this is not about the the horrific nosov the story this is about the character that it planted in me black bi TCH go home was all my written on my door cat feces was put in front of my door no way a bucket of water was poured over my head now this was the same year that the 84 Olympics was in Los Angeles and so I had gone from being a high school selected Olympic participant I didn't run in the Olympics but I work with the athletes well I so when when the Olympic athletes took their clothes off and put their clothes in the basket I was the girl very proud so proud about my job because only two people were allowed in the tunnel the athletic tunnel that was the athlete and the basket girl then that was me yeah pop my color right now and what school is it where you encounter or see hi Sochi no well no Dorsey hi was my high school that I went to and college which I won't name their college I I'm gonna pray that they've evolved but the college was in Oregon and and I didn't know I came from LA I came through in the Olympics it was black brown white it was everywhere was Norway in Africa and China and Korea and everywhere and then I go to you know this small school 1,500 students and there's 15 African American students there and it was cold wet and white and here I come in with my Olympic jacket on and and and I was met for the first time I saw myself through other people's eyes in a very intense way and are I should I say for the second time the first time was when I was the first class of bus students and Brian would tell me though I was dropped in the tar pit by God and the second time very intrusive was when I went off to college ready to go get my education at 18 and I was met with cat feces at my front door and my dorm room door and a bucket of water poured over my head and and I kept saying what I didn't understand it I didn't understand it and I went to college wondering what sport I was gonna run that Saturday I left college wondering how will I bridge the gap in humanity cuz this is unacceptable and I remember so funny how how you hold on to things and they make sense later I remember wondering why was everyone attacking me but they weren't messing with the other black students and it was because they would make little jokes and when they would make jokes ichael excuse me do you know that's a racist joke you know just so they would be aware they're just a great conscious just to be aware cuz I you you may not know and I just and apparently you want to be friends with us cuz we're sitting in the same circle but you might not know that you tell someone else that you might be in danger I'm just saying yeah you know I was keeping it real and so the black students start calling me sister soldier and not wanting to be around me and the white students said that I was I was and I was never aggressive never lifted a hand never threatened to lift a hand I'd literally would inform but that was that was intrusive there wasn't even a smidge of like a little anger in there it was just there was a lot of anger I just did I want to backhand them absolutely yeah you know one of the jokes that was said was what are the two most popular bunnies in the world and and the girl was laughing really hard and and I I said I don't know everyone's laughing we're all laughing it's about eight of May but about 10 of us about four African Americans and then other nationalities and she said what are two most popular bunnies in the world we're what she's laughing she said the Easter Bunny and the jungle bunny and we didn't get it I'm like boils a jungle bunny she's like that's a nickname for a black person I said that's not my nickname No and so then I I would just say you can't do that and then the whole room will go want walk and there was my father yeah and so I always felt like sort of a long I was outcast I was a absolute outcast in college which probably fueled you for later in retrospect I was so painful I would say I never forget I would sit up I was a way to everyone was asleep and I would call my friend in California at night and I just sit on the phone and cry and she said why don't you just tell your parents you want to come home I said because I just believe that God brought me here for a reason but I'm supposed to see something I'm supposed to gain something I'm supposed to get something she's like but look how sad you are I said that's okay I think I just think one day now I'm 18 I think one day I'm gonna use this and I remember going to the one black counselor in the school and I told him they're dumping water on my head they're putting cat feces this particular time I've gone into what made me go to him as I've gone into a Burger King with my roommate and I was the first but I've never told this story ever have I'm Margaret I don't tell this story so it must be time yeah yeah it must be time my roommate had never seen a black person in real life before Wow really it's true yeah she had never seen a black person so like the first month we were in the room together she didn't know what to do she would just sit and watch me and and and you could sense that that awkwardness yeah was the obvious awkward she had only looked at Sanford and Son good times the Jeffress says different stroller stereotypes yeah and none of which showed independent black people like my family you know and so she would just she would whisper with another friend of ours wasn't my friend at the time they use the same lotion look they use the same brush look they use and finally one day I got really tired of it and I did a little something Rolly not able to show on this show let's try a little something well let's just say it included me kind of pulling down my pants and what was someone called mooning her and I say you see a split not a tail and I just told her look I have this exact same thing you have and I went on pulled up my pants and said when I get up in the morning I brushed my teeth when I get tired at night I go to sleep you know I'm not an animal I'm not an object I'm a person and so don't Vey me I'm a human being I'm a human being and she had little baby locks on all of her she had a little baby locks on her drawers and on her closet and I said you know hold on you know look at my closet I have leather and suede and and you know an Argyle and and and cashmere what why would I want your clothes is it that you think I'm a thief where you think we're a thief and so we got past that and actually became really close friends wasp you and she just I realized it was ignorant not judgment right and there's a distinction between ignorance and judgment and I think that's why god that's why I had to stay there cuz I kept being drawn to the ignorance I wasn't drawn to the judgment and so I went to my counselor and I said and truly if you want to serve people you want to feed ignorance right you don't want to judge ignorance you don't want to react to ignorance now to to prejudice that's a different thing right yeah and so very early on I began to ask what's the distinction between prejudice and ignorance which is very important because it takes a certain level of maturity to to acknowledge that instead of just reacting because then you're not gonna help anybody they're ignorant they don't know it's like people can be ignorant and they've crossed my path right and so this could be my chance to be an example to replace ignorance and and and you you just said a key word example when I tell you at 18 I felt the weight of being an example for my culture for women for people who come from a little bit of nothing I felt the weight and and and I I refer to now as a calling then it just felt like a weight I went to my counselor my counselor said I said was why is this happening to me and he said Lisa you have more bruises at 18 you have more bruises on your chin your nose in your forehead because apparently you've been given an assignment to pay the way and if you don't want to pay that way if you don't want those bruises then you have to go follow somebody but if you're gonna make a new path if you're gonna make a path where a path does not exist then be ready for the bruises on your chin your nose and your forehead and at the time I just called him a jerk ya weirdo I do like that was some kind of motivation to talk like that was good for nothing yeah and it's funny because now you probably show oh my god but I but what I have been smart enough to do over my career and I won't even say my career over my lifetime because in my 20s I've always been feisty I've always been strong eivol eivol ways been resistant I could be defensive I'm just a leader so if I don't believe in what you're saying ain't nothing happening right and so in my 20s I was just ignorant on fire I don't even know what we're doing relax Dylan's fire away how it run really hard into a wall but whatever I did I did hard so even at that at 18 I didn't agree with them but I put it in my back pocket I was smart enough to put things even if I didn't understand I put it in my back pocket for it well I'm a store that now I'm gonna see I'm gonna see where that goes and so I get I I get kicked out of college I got kicked out of college my second year because I didn't want to continue to run track I took my team undefeated the first year Wow and they went from not having won a track meet in two years at all to going undefeated in two in one year you could attribute what allowed you to lead the team to do that and one or two insights what would it be I had unwavering confidence did you cultivate that or was it natural was it cultivated at home or was it personally cultivated my dad and my mom they they I don't know if it was brainwash or encouraged me doing anything yeah like they they I wasn't opposition didn't scare me it's never half scare me like I don't look at how how big the mountain is if I can climb it I go are we gonna climb it and what do we need to climb that size mountain you don't measure if I can do something based on the size of the opposition you decide we're gonna do it and then decide what to do for that particular scenario very different strategy yeah which is very interesting and I want people watching this to pay attention to that because and correct me you know if you're in agreement with it but I think what you're really saying is is that it's not about building an emotional judgment as to how big or intimidating the goal or the vision is it's really just a matter of what do you want and what how we gonna get there what are the tactical steps and forget about the big scariness of it if we just put one foot in front of the other that's how anybody's gonna get there and that's how we are - its its wording energy grows or energy goes you know that it's where I'm not gonna put my energy I'm up with my energy on me I'm a good bet I'm not saying I'm the best I'm not saying I'm perfect please don't get those mistaken but I'm a good bet I'm not gonna always give the return that I thought I would but I'm a good bet hmm I'm not going to stop until we get something done and having that that resolution that you stopped walking with can we like I'm not asking permission from my life can I do that no no is it responsible is a fiscally responsible does it serve others in the world does it leave this world a better place do we want it now let's go figure out the house so people combine the what with the how and they let the how to find if they don't do it yes see it's two separate yeses do you want to do this thing if you want to do this thing let's do this thing now how we're gonna do that yeah like so I I but but I would hear people tell me early on that I had a lot of potential and I got to tell you that word would drive me crazy yeah you're like what I would drive me crazy potential told me you're gonna be somewhere I'm really amazing one day yeah off in the future but right now like you so like you're so like a version of yourself and so I I really I wanted to constantly begin to see who can I be I was tired of people saying oh you got a light but oh you could be a good speaker but oh you should you you have good words but you're a weak writer you should be a good speaker but you know your your conversations too edgy you know I got a d-minus in speech khalida said my conversation was too edgy no I just got the wrong teacher like you know I I got the wrong teacher so Who I am as a change agent I am a disrupter that's what I've been designed to be as a disrupter not in a disrespectful way in a way that doesn't make you feel good but in a way that makes you challenged and in question and and look at who you're being in the world and how can you be bigger greater bolder like and I didn't know I was a disrupter I was just disruptive and if you don't understand who you are you'll buy into how other people say you are right so when people told me my problem see what you need to work on Lisa is you need to work on knowing when to be quiet you need to work on not walking into a room and sucking up all the oxygen you need to work on I had a list that all the things need to work on but I never had a list of who I could be mmm yes based on this person who can I be and so I began to study um and let me tell you how to begin to study because some of your best gifts will come wrapped in sandpaper some of your biggest blessings will come wrapped in betrayal we come wrapped in an abandonment we'll come wrapped in judgment some of your biggest gifts but if you don't keep on wrapping the the thorns you don't keep pulling back the nails you'll never get to the gift you don't keep unwrapping you look if you'll come you'll keep unwrapping all the the discomfort you don't keep digging into the center you'll never get to it so I said on was a studier right let me tell you how it started I was sitting in Burger King and old are you at this time 19 I'm nineteen with this roommate it's the next year what's her name her name is Deborah and I haven't seen her since high school Deborah where are you I love you oh I was sitting in and Burger King and we didn't have any money it was December 18th 1984 I'm sitting in Burger King we have no money we bought out our last food I'm about to go home on December 20th what's your order I ordered a whopper I want the whopper meal with cheese fries and I got lemonade and she ordered the same cuz it was a Gabala buy 1 get the other one yeah she didn't have a choice because I was paying so you're gonna get the half off partner and I'm sitting there and we're in a little town a very small town in Oregon and I knew the town was racist so we didn't go off campus often mmm and you would always feel that energy when he would go on to the city yeah it was it was it was pretty palatable it wasn't and I was foreign to that I'm in LA I'm born and raised in LA was it's it's I'm foreign to this did you have anybody there that was also sort of in that with you in that experience with you were you kind of more alone just because of the nature of the roommate in college I wasn't super close to the other black students because I was sister souljah so that was established in the first two months that I was I was already a rebel right I'm I'm rebel I know they nicknamed me you know Angela Davis and you know I was the new black panther and I really are part of you probably enjoyed it a little bit right coolest role so you go for something speak up for something or don't ever complain so if I'm a speak up am i speaking up for what's not right has you labeled me black panther Angela Davis what a sister soldier whatever put it on my tombstone I'm cool with that so I you know so I was ostracized I had a few a couple of them were my friends but not a whole lot so it's really me and Deborah lock and loaded Debbie lock and loaded and so I'm sitting there and this guy is at the table directly and kind of in front of us and we're sitting there having and I'm in your seat she's in my Center never forget this and he's mumbling things and his mumbling is getting louder and when I get up to go get ketchup he gets up and he kind of brushes me away and I go oh okay he's Presidency's an older guy like he was really old like 35 really Oh like 35 I'm like okay this dude is prejudiced whatever and I come back and I sit down and he's mumbling his louder cuz I didn't buy into his his I didn't even think about it engaged I did debate so all of a sudden he hits the table and he just points cuz you black [ __ ] you [ __ ] B and he just starts calling me all these names and it goes if it wasn't for that college you [ __ ] wouldn't be here you're animals you're so violent and I'm seeing red I'm like oh my god I am gonna make this man pay for the cat feces in front of my door the black bi TCH go home written on my door the water I'm about to make this man and I sized him up he was about five seven I could take him down you know three five I had more than a shot does he have my anger yeah right and he didn't have my background I practiced three days a week and I hadn't lifted my hand to anyone this entire time with the cat feces and all the stuff that happened I didn't lift my hand to anyone building up it was bit was so there and then I didn't tell my parents so I didn't have an outlet I didn't know what I so I was just steaming I was right here it was one of those wrong day wrong time wrong person I'm about to just absolutely haul off on you and so I remember getting up and picking up the back of the chick picking up the chair and all I was thinking was I'm gonna bust this chair over his head then i'ma bust out all those windows and I'm gonna tell my daddy is cuz he called me in you know the n-word and my dad's gonna say okay baby I'm a right to check I thought my dad had money at the time by the way yeah so so I knew my I know my my reaction was gonna be justified and I had witnesses and so I pick up the chair and as I pick up the chair and I'm talking to myself I hear as clear as day I hear spirit tell me I called God called whatever you choose I hear God tell me do not be do not confirm his belief system I am going to use you in a mighty way and I'm struggling no no God no I want to bust mini head I want to do my route yeah and I had never heard any I'd never hurt the comma spirit I'd never heard God I'd never heard anything like that I just heard about God through my grandmother right in through my mother I never had a direct and I could hear spear saying do not do this you are going to confirm what this man believes I am going to use you in a mighty way and I'm standing there with that with the chair in the air going cuz I got a I got a bow down and the last thing I wanna do is bow down to you of course that that's what my ego my ego was engaged right in my humanity and my human spirit was already being engaged as well so here I got my ego on this side and my human spirit on the side much like all of us right and they're in conflict and so far I just set the chair down and I looked at the guy and I said [ __ ] is the definition of [ __ ] is an ignorant person you sirs and our [ __ ] I'm not and he picked up a chair and threw it not to hurt me but he just threw a chair and walked out Wow and I went back to my my my college and there was a American Lit professor there and she had been watching me she cuz I would always raise my hand in class whenever they taught something that didn't sound right like when a when a when a white woman got raped by a black slave she was alone considered pure white she was now something and I would raise man ago what that doesn't seem right cuz that makes it seem like we're contaminant I just I was just questioned things and I was just enquiring cuz we're in school and I suppose to inquire and the professor she was teaching with another professor he would always say Lisa please don't ask another question hmm and you were never too shy to be like oh I don't want to embarrass myself front of the other kids to raise my hand I need to know I need to know I need to know cuz if I'm a walk with this and my few I need to know can you tell me your source so I can go look it up because this seems I just dressed as always and I didn't mind I don't mind the edge and so this professor took a liking to me but she never spoke up for me right she never supported me she would just let the lead professor teach and so one day she told me she wanted to talk to me she pulled me in her office and she closed the door and she says at least I just wanna let you know that I admire you I admired you question everything and I admire that you and I were a team when I met her I was 18 when I was 19 is when the Burger King happened but I met her earlier and I had no tact at the time I said you're not impressing me by pulling me in your safe office closing your big door and telling me that you admire me if you admire me answer some of my questions in class with the other 55 students who are learning some things and I walked out just like that house dude drop the mic Oh such a roughneck oh that's a roughneck um who are your influences at that time feeling you to do this or was this not when you it was just in me it was my way the streets of LA right you know but get this the next year when this guy says these horrible things to me December 18th I go back to my my dorm with my roommate and I tell my roommate I need you to move out for two days because I don't know if I like white people because some of the worst things that have happened to me have happened at your hands so I need you to move out I leave on the 20th I need you to move out into the 20th now I'm telling you the story because of course look at Who I am today and what I do right of course and all that all that makes me who I am right but I don't know this at the time so I go over to this American lit professors because I knew she was intrigued with me right I know she wanted to get to know me and I didn't want to get to know her but I was kind of interested that she was interested in yeah right I was just kind of like well why is she so interested me and I go into her office and I slammed the door I was just I was just a whirlwind whatever I slammed the door and I look her dead in the face and I said Malcolm X says you're the devil Martin Luther King says you're my brothers and sisters I came here believing Martin but I'm starting to believe Malcolm you better talk she said what what happened like then I tell her and I burst into tears I tell her about this horrific man and I tell her about the things that he did said to me and this woman started my journey she started pulling books off the shelf Maya Angelou I to be well shirley Chisholm you know just all of these beautiful Mary McLeod Bethune just beautiful black women who had achieved great things and she would tell me things about them I thought she was this professor's assistant this woman is like the lead American Lit professor in the state incredible and she's just sitting in on his class observing which is why she couldn't say anything to me right and she said this is who you are this is who you are you were brilliant you are mobile you are you are caring you're full of faith you're full of love your family she said don't you ever she said and she gave me a stack of what she was read these this is who you are and no one gets to take that away from you I've been watching you because this is what she said because I believe you're one of these women in the making and I'm just fascinated to see the young version of her Wow what did that feel like I didn't understand that I didn't understand it I don't know I was 8 I was 19 I didn't understand how does it feel now now it's like oh my god like I know that their divine appointments you cannot tell me that they're not divine appointments on people who have crossed your path to either teach you boundaries to help you get comfortable with your no to help you try out your yes to help you understand what it feels like to love they're not supposed to stay in your life forever but they're divine appointments in your life this woman spoke life and to me she she spoke my future that counselor he spoke my future like I felt like I just had these people that just even some of the men that I dated that said I am not worthy of a woman like you because you're gonna be using a big way and I was get in your way let the time I go loser sorry excuse for dude right and now I go thank you thank you for for sitting with that intuitive insight and so this woman she started this quest of me seeing who I am beyond Ellie boundaries beyond this college beyond my professors judgment of me she she and then like several months later she pulled a lot of strings and got into a lot of trouble and and had Angela Davis come to my college Wow and speak and and I remember Angela Davis's speech of faintly but what I remember more is she asked for me and I set with her privately as Angela Davis yes because this professor arranged it because she saw was a little baby Angela Davis yeah and I'm sitting in front Angela Davis I'm like and there they put cat feces in front of my door and they said black bi TCH go home and what are we gonna do what are we gonna do miss Davis and I'm ready for like the Black Panther you know pull up yeah she said and what have been what's been your response so far I said I just wanted to show them that our minds were the same I didn't want to respond with violence miss Davis because that's easy to do I want to show them that we can think this through we can work this out and I said but that's not working let's do something else she goes and you thought that I said I did and she said something took all the anger out of my out of my balloon cuz I was still angry she said if you lift one hand and you fight the way we fought then our fight was in vain I dare not wanted their fight to be in vain I don't want anybody struggle to be in vain and so I immediately knew right then that I had to find a new path but and she said its intellectual you keep that path and Here I am 19 I got a big pimple and right in the middle of my head I'm just trying to figure it out I'm lonely and none of the black kids are really my friends and the white kids are not really my friends master I'm looking for answers I'm Chyna my body my of this amazing body but no maturity to go with it so all this attention from guys and I'm mistaking lust for love and and and when someone says I love you I'm believing them and and and forgetting that it's just a part of the journey yeah I saw all this stuff is happening and when this woman drops this nugget in my space and she said I believe that you are part of the solution go find out how 19 divine appointments never saw I've never seen her again to this day and people always say why don't you go talk to him I come I'm nervous I want to achieve enough they're like I'd uh I think you've achieved somebody I think you're good on that and so um Wow so I I I got kicked out of college because I didn't want to run anymore and how they only got kicked out that year 19 I didn't just get kicked out the athletic director cuz they really wanted me to stay cuz I was changing the game for them he said you are you are disrespectful and you don't you don't appreciate Authority and I left his office and went to class and when I got back from class the locks on my dorm room door had been changed and all of my clothes had been packed up and boxed in in the admin Oh and he wouldn't let anyone else give them to me I had to go to him it was like his bow down in front of ya of course scenario and so I snuck and stayed in school for three more days until my meal pass was cut off and I had a hundred and fifty two dollars and it cost a hundred and fifty dollars to catch a one-way ticket home from Oregon and I went to the airport and um I told the taxi driver I didn't have enough money to pay him cuz I had to I had a hundred and fifty two dollars and the taxi driver drove me to the airport and didn't charge me and I paid a hundred and fifty dollars and had two dollars left and I cried the whole way home cuz I knew I let my family down I was the first person in my family to go into a four-year university and now I'm coming home and uh my dad was on a business trip I didn't we didn't have cell phones at the time so I sat on my front porch for eight hours until our landlord came home to let me in two days later when my dad came home I told him that I was kicked out of college cuz I wouldn't run track and he caught the college and the college says she was here on athletic scholarship and if she won't run she can't stay and so that was the end of my college I never went back um I went to a vocational school and um I remember well my speech teacher told me that I should never speak in public I should get a desk job so when I went to the vocational school I studied accounting cuz there nitin have to talk to anybody mm-hmm yeah you just look at numbers get a job place secure yeah yeah for the next nine years I looked at numbers and I never spoke up and everyday I felt like a little piece of me died away really for almost a decade you feel like you have something in you but you just can't let it out or it's suppressed inside because Authority told me I shouldn't do it hmm and then going into your your 20s then obviously financially you weren't in the best situation then I am when I was in my later 20s I was working in finance I moved over and did a few other things in customer service I got pregnant with my son and at the time I was working for a non-profit and the nonprofit lost its medical coverage and when I was eight months pregnant I had to get on government assistance and I remember standing in the government line on century Boulevard and I remember this one particular scene I had to go to the restroom and I went into the restroom and my stomach was really big and the floor was covered in something liquid I don't know what it was where there was urine or water and I could I didn't have a place to put my purse down I couldn't hold my purse well I went to the restroom and my stomach was really big and I just remember crying out in the bathroom god this cannot be my life how am I in the government's assistance office on century Bullitt well aren't pregnant by myself how this is not who I was supposed to be this is not the teenager this is not the young adult how can I be here this is not this is not me it's not who I am my lifestyle isn't congruent with my heart my life experience isn't congruent Inasa t my life experience isn't congruent my determination nothing on the outside is congruent with anything happening on the inside it's just not who I am this doesn't match me I remember crying that out in the bathroom just crying out to God you gotta show me why I'm here you gotta show me how to get out and I remember I walked out the bathroom then I went I walked out the bathroom and I got in line and when I got to the front of the line I asked the clerk to look up at me cuz I just needed someone to see me and she's beautiful what you're sharing I can count the number of times on one hand with fingers left over that I've told this story I know but I always went back to the word obedient I'm always obedient with what needs to be told in the moment and I think a lot of people think they know all my story they just know what I've chosen to tell them right I when I got to the line I needed her to look up at me I needed the clerk to look at me look up at me and see me I was in what I thought to be my all-time low I would learn later that it wasn't my all-time low I would go lower than that but I needed her to see me so as I walked to the desk desk I said scuse me ma'am could you look up at me she said no no no I ma'am I just hurry up can you fill out the form and I said ma'am could you look up at me I just need to tell you something she said ma'am I need you to just hurry up I got a lot of people in line I don't have time for this just and I just hit the devil the table sit down could you look at me I need to tell you something and she started looked up and I said my name is Lisa Nichols and I won't be on the county for long I don't know how many people you help and they stay on for years and years but I just need a bridge over my troubled waters and I'm gonna be a good investment and I just wanted you to see my face when I told you that no where would you like me to sign Wow and I throw myself constantly making those kind of declarations over and over again as out when I go into the valley and the darkness I'll make a declaration because it was a part of it was a part of the if I could see up then I can get up if I can see a piece of light that I can walk toward the light and I always would say the light is a light is not a train it's really light that's what I'm gonna tell myself it's really light and so I I hit rock bottom multiple times in my life if I have to call it something when Gilani was born your son my son my beautiful son who was in his 20s now when he was born you know eight months after he was born two devastating things happen one I ran out of Pampers one day and didn't have money and was too embarrassed to call my parents I felt like they shouldn't have to put pampers on my child and I set and watch my son laying on the couch what a towel wrapped around and was funny as I wrapped my son in a towel before after the back after I've bathed him I wrapped him in a towel before cuz he was just laying naked but I knew that day for those two days he was wrapped in a towel because I couldn't afford to the pampers on again I was like and I put my hand on his stomach and I said Jelani don't worry baby mommy will never be this broke again and I know he couldn't understand me but I can understand me a little bit of light I can look in that direction and then within 15 days I get a phone call hello hey Lisa it's my son's father who I was still hoping we could work it out well I'd never planned to have a child and raise a child on my own so I really would like us to work it out and I heard the words I'm in jail see where I was where I came from they nicknamed jail it became Club fed you know the rich white people went to club man poor black people went to Club fed and so I don't want anything to do with that you don't want no clubs ya know I don't want to be a part of anybody's clubs so that was why I went and did sports after school every day that's why I became an athlete that's why I was in so many extracurricular activities and all these other you know programs at school so this would never happen and that was the beginning of his 20-plus year sentence as we do this interview he's still locked up so at that moment that's read aside I'm gonna turn it all around it was that the moment where was that moment where you decided I didn't decide to turn it around first more I decided that enough was enough first see the turning around one of my students said this so I won't take credit for I will not take credit for Donna Donna says that when a door closes and a window when a window closes and a door opens no one tells you about the hallway it's just brilliant Donna I love you it's her cry I can't take credit for so the first thing I said was I'm done with this level of misery so I didn't run toward anything first the first thing I did was try to get as far away from chaos and scarcity and lack and procrastination and procrastinating people and and making excuses making being a single mom and excuse for being black an excuse or being born in LA and excuse not to say those things don't impede or have an impact on our ability to move forward but I didn't want to make any one of them my crutch as to why I stayed in my hellhole I don't know about anyone else but my place I I didn't know where I was going but I knew where I was leaving and so when I say to you I didn't choose the I didn't choose the possibility first I just stopped choosing the chaos see there's there's there's a couple of several choices you have to make because you know your answers are gonna come with the ceiling opening and lights beaming in and acquires showing up like you know if that doesn't happen like that you know if the first thing is I was sick of smelling my own crap I was sick of hearing my own story I was sick of wondering about my own potential so I realized that everything I had done had gotten me where I was and everything I didn't know was gonna get me somewhere else yes then lies the turnaround I began to become an explorer of what I don't know I want to read books I'd never read I want to hang around people that I've never hang around I want to know what they know I want to have discussions about things I never talked about I wanted to feed my brain something that my brain didn't know so that my brain can tell my body to do something that never done so then when my brain feeds my body and my body feeds my life then I begin to have an experience that I'd never had before it wasn't rocket science people want to make success raucous on success is not rocket science you go and find the thing that you don't know learn the thing you don't know and do the thing you haven't been doing and get the life you say you want I just all I wanted was unfamiliar but you have to understand that most people don't invite in unfamiliar because people are more committed hold on people are more committed to a familiar discomfort than they are to an unfamiliar new possibility the keywords are familiar and unfamiliar see we want to have a new experience while having some of the same behaviors because they're familiar to us they're comfortable they're familiar some of them not even comfortable people are in relationships are not even comfortable it's just familiar people are still at jobs that aren't even comfortable they're just familiar so that's the crazy is that we are more committed to a familiar discomfort then we are to an unfamiliar new possibility because of the familiarity not even the comfort I became I became comfortable living in the discomfort of the unknown I made myself everyday I was like new terrain new terrain new terrain but at least I wasn't in that old terrain and the new terrain didn't always bring me a bit a good result right I was ignorant on fire some days right into the wall especially at first you're born yet at first huh please my my my mistakes now are seven figure mistakes I'm not without errors now now there's seven figure errors trust me I've paid the attorneys but I'm but I'm still new terrain yeah I'm the same woman I was at 25 at 28 at 30 new terrain and so I began to explore what I didn't know I surrounded myself with people who make me want to stand on my tippy toes I surrounded myself with people maybe want to be a better woman not just in the money I made but in the way I parented and the way I showed up and the way I looked at humanity I begin to be around people who who respected the color of my skin and my culture don't forget it don't say we're all the same cuz we're not my journey isn't your journey because of the gender the background the origin the religion they're not the same so let's not act like we're all gray because we're not but can i dancing the dynamics of our diversity see I begin to hang around people who allow me to dance in the dining and the dynamic of our diversity and began to find ways where we can we can both become better people because we set together I begin to hang around old white men because they and not every white man but older white men because they seem to have had this conversation is relationship to wealth and wealth management yes that I didn't have and I didn't I didn't um abandon my nationality my culture I want to go collect information so I can come back and open the door keep the door open so we all can come through black white Latino Asian everyone women everyone so I I was sit at the feet of people who I wouldn't even have dinner with ten years before yes I would sit at the feet of people who I didn't even know if they really like me I'm not sure yes I stayed in a place of constant learning and discomfort I was the peon every day all day I don't need to be the biggest fish in my I would sit and I would just learn I would sit and I would learn I would sit and I would learn I would sit and I would learn and then the antidote joan baez says and miCoach Suzie Carter shared its first shared this with me that Joan Baez says the antidote for despair is action so I said how can I be in action I was always looking to be in action what else can I do what else can I do what else can I do and then I go learn what else can I do so to me there's a very short line between learning and doing yes and if you haven't done anything what you learn why are you getting more education you haven't even applied what you like I'm I'm a hell of a coach now that's like people who read a book and they don't go apply they just want to read the next book right hi the book I read when I was in my deepest darkest hour Stephen Covey seven Habits of Highly Effective People changed my life because I got into a radical action behind it how's it go Oh Stephen Covey talks about attending your own funeral doing a visionary session where you attend your own funeral and there for people to speak what were those four people say about you what kind of brother were you what kind of friend were you what kind of social change Asian were you what kind of neighbor were you man when I did that exercise I was like oh I'm a nice person but I I'm not getting a they're not they're not saying that things about me that I want to be saying yes I'm writing my eulogy right now Lamar I'm writing my eulogy I'm writing my I'm writing my legacy I'm not just living for now I'm living for the 40 years 40 years from now story being told about me I'm living for my grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's story about who great great great grandma was and when you live for a lifetime not just your life cycle but a lifetime you live for the legacy I'm writing my legacy now you won't sweat the small stuff anymore you won't get caught up in gossip you won't get caught up in and living inside worry you might worry but worry does not have worry does not have permission to take up real estate in your body worry is chased by solution and strategy yes action yeah and I always tell people listen I have every emotion like everyone else I have fear I have doubt I have judgment but you cannot take up real estate my body there's no lease options to buy in my mind the only option buy my mind and don't take out real estate I got things to do I got I got changes to make and I'm not a super Shiro I'm not I'm an ordinary woman I'm an ordinary woman who chooses every day to make one more extraordinary decision because if you make me an extraordinary woman then all of a sudden you get to buy out if you're not if you don't give yourself permission I know I'm an ordinary woman who simply have made enough extraordinary decisions to now to have creating an extraordinary life experience that's beautiful everybody gets to do that though there's no hookups there's no hookups there's no magic potion lotion there's no sprinkle fairy dust there's no magic wand and there's no Club if so I've already crashed it myself come on in now so let me ask you this then for people watching they will love this and a lot of them all say well you know maybe I'm in my own rough situation right with the audience at home maybe they're struggling financially maybe they can't afford the parameters or the metaphor of whatever that is let's talk about money and actual achievement because although there's layers in life that are more important there's no denying that money isn't it's a tool it's the team moves oh let's talk about the mindset as it relates to the law of attraction and money and what would Lisa Nichols best advice be to somebody out there to get their their mind right their money right the business right so what's the best wisdom you've deduced as the way money flows so first of all to recognize that that money is a relationship it's a relationship and the way you relate to money is the way money relates to you if you think there's never enough of it the money has to never happen has to never be enough money for you so money follows your beliefs money money money is your money relationship your money experience is a result of your beliefs right now it is a result your beliefs and oh by the way here's the news your belief systems were handed to you by your parents and by your grandparents and they were pretty much embedded by the time you were 10 years old so there's some beliefs that you didn't even have a chance to develop for your own you just are living them out inherited them you inherit the police even though it and did not consciously inherited them and so the good news is you get to choose to the belief systems you like and then you get to divorce I must say divorce because that's a strong word we all know what separation looks like when you say divorce you get to divorce from a belief system that doesn't serve you any longer a belief system that says money is the root of all evil maybe or a belief system that says only rich people have money or all rich people are our crooks or I you said my belief system used to be that wealthy people aren't spiritual that if I'm wealthy I can't be a spiritual person you have to pick God or money one or the other that's fit my faith or my finances I can't have both that's a belief system and and I invite you to divorce it because it's not the case I have both and I live in both quite well I use my money for good in the world and the more good the more money you have the more good you'll do if you're a good person so money makes you more of who you are so you will only be more of who you are with money and so number one understand your belief systems I have this program where I look at your money blueprint and I help you look at your money blueprint and and and I ask you questions how is money in your household that was it the source of argument the source of contention and divisive nough so you don't want money to divide you and your family so you might not want to have money around or you want too much because you don't want to be divided judge or did it keep your parents away like what was the what was your relationship to money as a child because that's fueling you that has an unconscious influence over your filter how you see everything exactly you want to bring from the unconscious to the conscious you might not be listening to it but you definitely don't want to have any unconscious power over you so that's number one be aware of your money blueprint how is money related to in your community how is it related to in your house what did you think about money how's your faith attached to it I used to think that literally in order to be like sister Brown who was like the most godly woman in my church when I was a teenager she was amazing but we also had fundraisers for sister brown mm-hmm that I could not have a million dollars in my bank account and be sister Brown yeah so I had to reel it took me years to do that now did you consciously sit down and say I want to manifest inspiring millions of people making millions of dollars was it was it a conscious thing were there moments where you sat there when you weren't living in that reality we said you know what I'm gonna decide I'm gonna figure it out I might not know how I don't know where what but I'm gonna commit to it and make it a reality I mean talk to me at the core of your Excel right so I love how you say make moons of dollars I said I want to inspire people and I want to want to be able to pay my bills that was initially awesome I wanna I want to have but I want to run out a month before I run out of money I want to have enough like you can't think about having abundance until you you literally give yourself permission to have enough get past scarcity yeah like so I want to have enough stoop to dream and so my first I think I have a ministry mindset my first I just want to help people I want to help people who and I want to I want to be rewarded for my efforts right and then once I got past that I said okay I want more I want to generate millions I want to serve millions inspire millions and generate millions I think I deserve all of that but that have to do my self-worth right I had to feel worthy to touch millions and I have to feel worthy to touch millions I have to feel worthy of both and so that was personal development which is why I live and I stay in personal development I teach personal development I teach wealth development I teach business development I teach personal development because you have to have both and so the first piece is understanding your money blueprint and then understanding that money is an energy and if you don't treat money right and you're not responsible with money money you will repel money because you're not a good steward of it and so until I became a better steward of money and I'm still growing in that area and money didn't money and I we had a I would keep giving it away until it was all gone because my mindset said it all have to be gone there's never gonna be extra yeah my grandmother what make 10 dimes go in 22 different directions who was I to have 20 dimes only ten directions need us right again mindset yeah right and then understanding your worth a big thing was understanding my worth in my value and when the secret came out and all of a sudden the world saw my values and they kept coming at me with oh my god you're amazing and we want to pay you and they want to pay me more than I was charging yes and you probably had limiting beliefs in opossum right oh my god talk a little about impostor son oh my gosh feeling like whoa I don't deserve this all right how do you catch up the beliefs to the money yeah yeah well the night before I was going on the Oprah show in 2007 what was that like probably nervous yeah well I'll tell you um what about what had happened was the Oprah team had heard some of my back story and they said can we send a camera crew much like this wonderful camera crew and that nearly is good-looking and can we send a camera crew to capture your story and so I I share my story and I mean I dumped and dumped and I shared the ugly and right after the interview I regretted it because I didn't think I could be the secret teacher the expert and have that kind of ugly out there in the world I didn't know I didn't know that the world would love me for what I've come through I thought that they would they would consider me an impostor in the secret and so I share all this junk two weeks later I'm on my way to Oprah to do the actual recording and I know what I require other video so the night before I'm packing and I'm crying oh my god but it's over tomorrow the fastest career up-and-down anyone's ever seen Lisa Nichols will be the secret yes right so um so I'm just sad I'm scared and I and I called a friend of mine at 4:15 in the morning cuz I stayed up all night of course yeah how you gonna sleep yeah right right and I said I my god I married one of my junk in the video and I'm it's over and he said can I pray for you Lisa and I was like sure my friend says God thank you for using your imperfect child to help your imperfect children I went over the next day and as the chatter kept going in my head leading up to the moment when they play this video I'm like it's okay I'm enough I'm enough with all my mess I'm enough I'm enough in the chatter kept nope they're gonna find out they're gonna find out your son's father is in jail they're gonna find out that they're gonna find out I thought no they're not gonna find out cuz I'm gonna tell them because there's power in transparency there's power in authenticity there's power and truth but I'm gonna speak life into someone else because they gonna see who I am because of that in spite of that with that and so then the after-show Kane so after the regular Oprah show the after-show and man I cracked open on the after-show and within 72 hours talk about the power of transparency and authenticity within 72 hours I received eight thousand seven hundred and eighty-two emails and my email wasn't even Lisa Nichols it wasn't even easy to find and my web site wasn't Lisa Nichols yeah they people searching for me whatever it took because of the truth and so I have to imposter syndrome then I've had it since then people told me oh my god you're the answer and I'm searching for my own answers right yeah of course then your coaching programs as well and as a coach myself I know this AB saccas you help and surf people but at the same time I have come your your journey yes your your journey and you get your mess he's got your coaching your mess but that's actually the blessing absolutely you'll teach you exactly teach from what context do you have yeah I don't want to learn from anyone who doesn't have any problems a man cuz we have nothing in common I got issues and my issues again got big big price tags take a long time and so you know to the conversation about money and wealth it's one being willing to release a familiar now for an unfamiliar future now that's that's easier said than done and it's bigger than it sounds are you willing to have your future look unfamiliar and in some cases look around and you don't recognize anything are you willing are you so tied to the comfort of what you know even in its discomfort so I was willing to reinvent myself a thousand times are you willing to reinvent yourself are you willing to introduce yourself to the new version of you are you willing to go places you wouldn't go and do things that you traditionally wouldn't do see I wasn't traditionally in meditation or in visualization or hanging around older white men or like I don't have a thousand things that I didn't do traditionally and people probably called you crazy for doing like oh you're broke you're getting government assistance you can't afford pampers and here you are meditating same conference 42 times oh you're going to the seminar you're still not always people who don't look like you exactly you know talking about you know airy-fairy stuff but also on your way to wealth you got to be willing to walk alone sometimes Amen you got to be willing to walk alone sometimes because everyone doesn't fit on your journey at every part of your journey and there's parts of your vision that no one else will get and when no one else gets your vision remind yourself no one else gets your vision because God didn't give you a vision of them God gave you a vision to you and that's all you got to know and it's your job to be the Midwife the birthing agent is your wife is your job to be the nursing stations your job to be the doctor the delivery doctor to bring that vision out so the world can see it that's your job no one has to see it or get it while it's here while it's here why it's here it's your job to birth it it's your job to give it arms it's your job to give it oxygen and it's your job to be patient enough to know that it won't happen overnight just like a child when a baby is threatening to be born in five months the doctor says hold on bedrest the lungs aren't developed hold on bed rest the heart isn't strong enough hold on bed rest the muscles aren't same thing about your dream so when you get impatient about your dream it's only because you're comparing your dream and your journey is somebody else's journey yes it's only because and Benjamin Franklin says comparison is and will always be the thief of all your joy so don't look don't look left don't look right just look straight ahead people always say at least how'd you do it I wasn't looking left and right I wasn't keeping notes on what Tony was doing or what Jack was doing I love them I'm busy I'm busy building my dreams I'll stop and have dinner with you I'll stop in and and bump elbows with you but I'm not gonna compare my life my joy my success and what's my Divine Right to yours no not gonna minimize my light or my brightness for anyone as well so the other thing I'm going to wealth is you gotta let your entire light shine you came halfway you can't have way living shine and shade mm-hmm you can't have way living shine and shade you can't dim your light so that other people you're palatable to other people you can't turn your light down to make sure everyone can understand you handle you embrace you you can't do that you're robbing everyone who needs your light from your light so abundance can't come to you because you're trying to temper your light based on what other people think I did that for years Omar years I walk in the room I go okay how much of me can handle and I never walked in the room to take over the room no I well I watched him to be in the room but many times not all of me was in the room yeah cuz I'm nervous for everyone else in the room can they handle it and so part of walking to financial abundance is owning and operating in your full light doesn't mean you'll get it all right but even do your own run into the wall in your light get back up in your light stagger back up in your light forgive in your light love even with a broken heart and then love again in your light your light is never that light right there that light it's never negotiable because that light that light never ever belonged to you your light has never belonged to you your light belongs to the people who are going to cross your path and as long as you hold it to yourself you're operating in scarcity even your light most people think it's about money is about possession it's also about your light and so what you've seen in me anyone who follows me anyone who likes her loves me or tolerates me millions of people amen I'm grateful what you've seen is a piece of my light that I made available to you touched a piece of your light that you were either dancing and celebrating in you believed you had or you were trying to discover either one see a lot of my light or touch people who haven't touched their light yet but my light will touch your light and then it's something recognizable it was my light touching your light even if you didn't see your light that's why people run up to me and they hug me and make a rhyme mission to feel their life our reminder that you have it yes a reminder that it's yours I'm a confirmation that what you thought was right or I negate it with somebody else said about you or even what you might be said about your own self light does that only light does that Khoda I'm gonna stop so I can wipe my tears so she can wipe her tears hmm so that's abundance it's when you can hold all that and then you put a measurable tangible system to it see abundance financial abundance is not without structure and and and that's what a lot of dreamers a lot of dreamers they're not they don't get that part where creators I'm a creator I'm an artist I'm an artist but then you have to move over to linear structure you have to put a tangible structure so that people can understand the take away people don't invest just in a feeling they have to invest in something that will progressively move them forward so how will they contain you how will they consume you how would they share you how will they revisit you all of that's in the structure in the system and you have to be responsible enough to put that together even if that's not your muscle strength it might be your muscle or strength and if your muscle of strength is structure how do you get people to feel you mm yes aside the one where that my students come from one end or another either their structure and systemic and I want people to feel you because structure and systems will make me respect you yes if I can feel you I will be loyal to you and if I feel you and love you and I'm loyal to you you need to bring me values so that I consider you my teacher they have to coexist and live together and then abundance ultimately financial abundance comes with the willingness to be seen you have to be willing to be seen by millions and millions of people even in your darkest hour even in your doubt even in your brightest out how much how much would you say of your and I'm so curious to ask this I'm actually excited that I get to ask you in person you know how much of the big moments of your life right the the most significant stepping stones were you totally scared and took a step anyways and the reason I ask is because there's people around the world watching this and there's a step in from they're scared of maybe they're nervous of can you talk about how important it is to take the steps into the darkness and and how sort of those end up being some of the biggest catalysts in spite of how scary they are yeah so I haven't I haven't figured out how to overcome fear so let me start by saying that interesting haven't figured out how to overcome fear and I don't think I think there are techniques that we use to manage fear I don't think we overcome fear because if I overcame and I wouldn't come back yeah uh-huh yeah so it's more of a counselor than a jailer that's the key exactly yes so what I have learned how to masterfully do is dance with fear I dance with fear where fear doesn't and and and and change the the meaning that fear has see most people say allow fear to mean stop fear doesn't mean stop to me fear shouldn't mean stop to you fear informs you fear says go get more information go get a coach go collect data slow down use your discernment fear is informing you of something fear is an emotion just like compassion love care it's a it's a feeling like any other feeling think about it it's just a feeling emotion you just you you at list it you listed with other feelings so why do we give it more power than the other feelings and we universally do it so now society its accepted by society oh you're afraid okay hold on yeah let's stop right there exactly so we've condone what what we allow fear to mean so I changed my relationship to fear when I realized that fear was gonna be with me probably my entire life because the bigger you play the bigger your butterflies and I can I always plan to play big so I'm always stepping out on new terrain I'm always stepping on new terrain I'm literally going into a meeting with my staff in the very near future like tomorrow and we're changing the game in my company and I'm leading so I'm like yeah this is exciting and I do have I got butterflies in Batson and birds and all that Mustang but I also have a strategy and so the relationship to fear is you can come with me but you cannot stop me so I always bring fear alone as a partner and I asked for what else do you need to know and fear always tells me go get someone who's been here before okay so I go on five phone as a pro at that yes so fear slow down a bit you're going too fast okay hump the brakes a little bit and so fear is telling you something is not ever telling you to sit down your dream it's never telling you not to open your mouth and use your voice it's never telling you to sit on the sidelines and and wish and look at my life through a lens and through a window and not go get your own it's never telling you that it's telling you something that allows you to still play big I fear as my friend fear is your friend and so the relationship has changed so um it's like they say nothing in life is any meaning except the meaning that we give it absolutely so that's a perfect example of using fair fear as a counsellor it is it's a counselors telling you something and so I hope you serve you right and and when it comes go hey you here again okay let's come on like III don't have like I don't have a fear doesn't have any I don't stutter step negative kind of tension yeah yeah and so and I had to do that because I stayed afraid it just kept coming but I I kept being afraid because I was playing bigger I'm charting off to Ireland and and Swaziland and Kazakhstan and Slovenia I'm the kid from South Central in Slovenia and Kazakhstan who is on who is getting government assistance in her late 20s couldn't afford a pap wait whose sons father's still in prison who is functionally dyslexic who got a D in speech and a failing and English Here I am carting all over the world two parts of the world I never even knew existed thank you money that people never you would have never even dreamed to get for one keynote someone's annual salary all day every day yes all day every day one keynote what people pay double digits to sit in front of me I had to own my worth I had to own the work that that's that that my six hours with me is someone's annual salary and yes I'm I bring value for that it's a divine exchange it's an investment into a result and I can own the result I commit to bring so when you talk about financial wealth and find out your mindset it's understanding the value bring it under and knowing that your fee does not equal your value your fee does not equal your value add your annual salary does not equal your value yes that those two don't equal that that's just a form of compensation for who you are your value is high this is just what's being exchanged in the moment yes so I do as many free events as I do for free events because that'd be of nothing does not equal my value now before when I never got paid I would be offended when someone says we only got 500 hours because I may be equal my value right yeah and so your roads of financial abundance is to make money mean what money means and to not mistake it to mean something else money doesn't mean your value money is an energy exchange money is a tool member a money is a team member and money is a tool it's a tool money gives you access to better memories money is not the end all money gives you access to better memories the fact that my stunt my son took the fact that my son stood on top of what he believes to be the tallest mountain in Africa with his arms spread open at age 10 saying mommy with his teeth still coming back mommy I'm on the tallest mountain in Africa I still vividly remember that Raiders Jersey those blue jeans and the teeth coming back in I still remember the day he can spread his wings and being on another continent money brought that memory incredible now let me ask you this and we have two more questions before I wrap up here and we'll play a little game at the end for people listening this inspired moved I moved as I sit here I'm sure the whole every all the whole crew here is and I'm sure millions of people who are watching this or listening to this are as well let me ask you this you're known for the law of attraction obviously you know there's a lot of people believe in it a lot of people criticize it talk to me about how the law of attraction really works how does the law of attraction really work how much of it is manifestation versus action versus focus give me Lisa Nichols best assessment of it from your study of it for decades um how does the law of attraction really work so your life the way it is your life the way it is is a physical manifestation of the conversation going on in your head that your life has to show up to make your conversation about your life true because you don't want to be wrong even when it comes to negative things so you're speaking life into your life or you're not speaking life into your life now that that's non-negotiable that's like when people say that they don't believe in the law of attraction or they don't believe in the power of the word that's just saying that's like saying I don't believe there water is wet it doesn't change the fact that waters wet you don't don't like it and a lot of times when people don't believe in it's because they're not speaking the life they want to speak into their life mm-hmm yeah see when you fill a victim to your life you don't want to say you spoken I always say you know there was a time of my life when I would go God who's writing and this horrible story called getting kicked out of college and and on government's assistance and and low self-esteem was writing this horrible story about my life who's writing the story in and then I focus on the and then I focus on the wrist then I focus on the elbow and then I focus on the shoulder I'm gonna go oh damn that's my hand holding that pen writing that story that's the law of attraction it doesn't mean that everything that's happened to you that you made it happen now you think you're too powerful that's where the dissension occurs there's some things that we don't know why they happen a child getting cancer I don't know why it happened but what I do know is that if a child got cancer around me I can navigate the energy that I have going through the experience yes that if I were crippled all of a sudden a car accident tomorrow yes I choose how much joy I have the day I get out of the hospital that's what we have power over that your circumstance might be influenced and will be influenced by others but your mind is never available to anybody else but you so the law of attraction is what you think about you bring about what you think about you bring about that your life is a physical manifestation of the conversation going on in your head and if you want to see more than think more you want to play bigger think bigger now here's the gap here's where the secret left off from a secret teacher words + action equals manifestation most people thought thoughts equals manifestation and then I said that's why people refuted it it doesn't work oh no it works we just didn't have time it was a 51 minute show so if we had another 51 minutes I would have put it on action thoughts + action equals manifestation it there's no way you can't get what you want if you think about it and you make it detailed as a child they say oh the Devils in the detail no the angels in the details the results are in the details you think about it you write it out you focus on it you speak it out you get someone to hold you accountable to it and you're getting radical action transformation has to occur you any mountain in front of you has to bow down every single time I am not supposed to be where I am today I am not supposed to be Who I am today if it was just about where you come from equals where you go I've disrupted that conversation you disrupted that conversation most of this crew disrupted that conversation because we thought about something we could see it we can taste it we could touch it and then we got into action and I'm a grinder I'm a grinder like I don't stop until like I get to the finish line yeah I don't stop until if you can't keep up with me then you might want to let go cuz I'm not stopping cuz I will drag you over the finish line how much of it is the what versus the how right the classic classic question right so I want this I you know I want to create this in my life in the world in my business and my incoming you know whatever whatever it is for the audience at home they're aiming for how much of it is what I want versus the house obviously how is the detailed plan it's important yeah but which one is more of the energy important to come from or think from well you get the question I do I do and you know I'm always gonna answer you backwards probably untraditional than anyone else you've interviewed welcome I think that if you're what's not big enough and if it doesn't help enough other people then it's not gonna have a lot of juice in it you know what can't be your what can't it can be isolated and if it's finite you can still get it but it's gonna be limited because it's finite it's not but I'm going it I'm a social change agent so I'm gonna think like if you're the bigger your what and and the more the more the more effective yeah the more the more that it the more that it can can create its own tidal wave onto others the more your how becomes non-negotiable I love that see if you're what's not big enough your house yeah it's just like like when people come to me and they'll pay me a lot of money and they're there what is like this I go can we please work with a bigger what so I've had fun with this cuz this you know when you're what's big enough and when you're was like a nelson mandela's when you're what's like a mother teresa like a Mahatma Gandhi a Cesar Chavez a Martin Luther King when a Bishop tutu when you're what like that and it's like oh you don't even know how you're gonna see it in your lifetime yes see we can get into a selfish thing and we want to see it all done in our lifetime with that selfish because your lifetime is finite that's kind of small yeah right like I want to I want to start something that I can see some of it but I ain't gonna see the best part probably cuz it's just gonna keep growing that so to me you're what when you're what is about something that's significant enough to change the way tides go it's enough to make people who wouldn't get up normally get up it's enough to it's enough to make people think twice you're how begins to unfold and create your how actually gets more momentum I love that yeah how could like if you're what has enough juice in it you're how you're how we'll start running in front of you this this life this Lisa I was trying to keep up with her for a long time I promise you I was trying to keep up with the things you were telling people about me but things the crewmate I was trying to keep up with them like okay hold on because it was so that one little moment in a secret I talked about looking in the mirror and loving yourself it was so big I'm gonna now the one little moment I did something else it was so big so you ain't your what that was the what I just want people to fall madly in love with themselves that what in it and so that what doesn't have to be inventing the computer it doesn't have to be like that because that was huge yeah it could be something else that's that seems so here but it's so why man that how will take on its own life that's so beautiful and you know it's ironic about this is that that's how the show was born this show this show the passionate view was born almost two and a half years ago in my most rock-bottom times yeah and to think that somehow I'm in front of you yeah and as the audience has seen the amazing people past present and future we have on the show I totally agree with you people ask how how did you get this yeah and I say to be honest with you I could give you the tactical but that's less important than the internal fire inside because that manifests the how way quicker than logical you know thinking or whatever so I mean let me confirm what you just said about you because I did my research on you oh nice right because you were coming one in my home and two I was coming on your show and I see I seek advisory from certain people and when they say it is law I don't have to I don't have to do a whole lot more up to that and I call it someone and I said tell me about this person tell me about this show and the first words that came out of her mouth was they do a lot of good work in the world they do good work they help people they cuz I don't I'm not want to be driven by your reach first right so a lot of people like oh we reach up and I'm not I'm not I don't care if you're not reaching him with good stuff right numbers numbers don't quantify exactly so the first thing that came out of her mouth was what you do in the world and what you produce in the world and she went to go on I said that's okay you don't go on I got it I'm good alright and I and I hung up oh I'm good yeah so so just I'm matching what you say with that is what's been said about you and that is how you are in my home it's what you're up to in the world and then when you're up to it when you're clear on the what and your and your become non-negotiable with you what cuz you're what can't shake and you're what can't check the temperature of the weather outside and then and if the weather is good and the what strong if the weather is not good and what and the what's weak it's right the what has to be the what right and when it when it when it happens then your what and your why begins to attach itself to someone else else is what and why and then you begin to find common ground and there's an energy that's exchanged and then are what and are why touches someone else is what and someone else and all of a sudden you just have this tsunami that's being created but the what has to start off big enough yeah honor yeah because it has to get you through you're not when you define when you decide your what Omar you're not deciding your what for these days this is I would hope to think this is the good day you're deciding your what for the days when the project is still going but the money ran out right you're deciding your what for the days when the family says I don't even understand what you're doing you are so bizarre though what has to stand the days when a significant other doesn't want to be so significant anymore in your life all three of those happen to me exactly exactly and so you're what has to withstand those days they don't have to withstand these days I always tell me will choose your dream based on the worst possible don't focus on the worst but choose it based on the being ready and okay with the worst possible fallout and then still choose it then you have to worry about it yeah that's true there's no there's no way no way out I'm not wondering what's be I'm not worried about anything I'm down I say yes to it all that's when I say yes yes that's second yes is it that's not just a cliche that second yes is louder because the set the first yes is to you and your dream the second yes sister what is gonna cost you that's so beautiful now last question before we wrap up this has been an incredible interview and I'm honored by the con words and this question is for people around the world I'm sure you have coaching clients I have coaching clients and whether people have coaches or not there's people out there really struggling right now particularly now more than ever with Instagram and social media people comparing themselves oh they're this successful what am i I'm not good look in right you know that classic dialogue what would Lisa Nichols best advice be to somebody out there who's looking for answers maybe they're lost maybe they're broke or maybe they're financially great but they're unfulfilled inside they're stuck they're lost what's lisa nichols best advice on step one on how to go from being lost and in a funk to making your life work i would tell you to do the same thing i did twenty-one years ago I got in the mirror because if I'm lost I lost myself I got in the mirror I completed three different sentences I looked at myself and the first sentence was Lisa I'm proud that you and I found seven different things to be proud of myself for so that's your first sentence I'm proud that you look in the mirror right after you finish watching this and find seven different things to be proud of I'm proud that you and from small things to be paying second sentence cut the shackles to blame shame guilt and regret the second sentence is say your name and say I forgive you for and forgive yourself for seven different things and the third sentence say your name I commit to you that and by doing that you are now and do it every day for the next thirty days and something will shift you celebrate yourself first I'm proud that you you release the shame blame guilt regret and anger by saying I forgive you for and the third thing is you make a commitment to yourself before you commit to anybody else I said I commit to you that so I summarized that that's the exercise I did I did it for six months but I was I was diagnosed as clinically depressed and I was prescribed Prozac when I did it and so I needed to get my life back so I did it every day to find Lisa so I'm not just telling you this as a nice little thing over there I'm telling you what I did to turn my crawl into a walk and my walk into a run and my run into a sore I did those very things because who you are is an unrepeatable miracle no one can do you better than you and you are the best gift that your environment could have as they are a gift to you and it's not in the time that you're standing that you're going to be the greatest value at times it's when you're staggering and getting back up when someone's watching you and you inspire them to do the same and so I would say get in the mirror and become intimate intimately connected with who you've always been you've never gone away mine just starts getting filled with all the lies and the stories and we start keeping score verses track don't keep score keep track don't keep score on why you shouldn't succeed keep track on what you've done to get yourself here it's beautiful and then the last question is actually a game we play called first things first so it's really quick game basically how it works I'm gonna rifle off ten words or phrases and then you just tell me the first word or phrase that comes to mind okay makes sense the only rule is that you can't repeat yourself twice okay okay so I'm gonna rifle off a word or phrase and then you just tell me the first word or phrase that comes to mind or to phrase gosh you ready mm-hmm first of all what can I do it again you can look at me okay first word here non-negotiable abundance birthright wealth available to everyone coaching necessary your past does not equal my future your team irreplaceable this interview heart warming mindset needs to be managed passion is your fuel and last one you ready Lisa Nichols motivating the masses everything you've done in the world the last word would be your legacy here lies a woman here lies a woman who showed us how to climb over the mountain climb under the mountain go around the mountain or straight through it here lies a woman who lived her life to be a shining example of what it's like to give yourself a thousand second chances and every time you get to 999 press reset here lies a woman who bridged cultures together religions together economic statuses together she continued dr. Martin Luther King's dream in her way I love that so much thank you so much Lisa for being on the show it's been a true honor thank you guys so much for tuning in to this episode and make sure to check out Lisa and all our social links in the description below and until next time thank you for being one of the passion if you guys enjoyed that video be sure to hit that subscribe button right now because every week eating is a very best inputs on the government content interviews and insights help inspire you to take your life in your dreams and make them a reality and also if you don't know how to book between guests same way I have you can check the link below for my top 3 secrets so if you have a podcast or a show or whatever is you want to collaborate with them you can click that link below I'll give you those top three secrets to help you get in touch with anybody and also don't forget the passionate view is available on media platforms as well so you can subscribe to the podcast and until next time thank you for being one of the passionate to you [Music] [Music]
Views: 33,638
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Keywords: lisa nichols husband, lisa nichols interview, lisa nichols best interview, Lisa2Motivate, omar elattar interview, The Passionate Few, omar elattar, Lisa Nichols, passionate few, Motivational Speaker, The Law Of Attraction, Motivating The Masses, Female Empowerment, Women Entrepreneurs, The Secret, Inspiring Stories, multi millionaire, The Passionate Few Interviews, Turn Fear Into Fuel, lisa nichols story, lisa nichols how to hack fear, lisa nichols law of attraction
Id: jTEMUTji2y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 8sec (6368 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 08 2018
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