How I Went From 25 Arrests To $10 Million CEO!👊(Badass Interview w/ Chris Cavallini)

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hi I'm Chris Cavallini I'm a former drug dealer and I was arrested 17 times prior to my 18th birthday currently I'm a Forbes featured entrepreneur and the CEO of one of the fastest growing companies the nation and I'm one of the passionate view I enjoyed the interview with Omar it was just a very organic it was a conversation more and I appreciated his questions I appreciated him really be back in when I kind of you know was getting off track there a little bit and I really hope that people watching this could just gain some valuable perspective and and realized that you know where you're at right now is not your final destination you know you just have to focus on the next thing getting better making improvements and yeah I mean the the gap between where you are now and where you want to be is bridged by the small actions you take every single day welcome to this episode of the passion a few podcasts today it's your host Omar here and today we get to sit down and hear the incredible story of Chris Cavallini he's the CEO and founder of nutrition solutions and as a meal prep company that's doing 10 million plus in revenue Chris talks to us about not only how he built the business by hiring ex-convicts and veterans but also how Chris came from humble beginnings himself to the tune of being arrested 17 times before his 18th birthday and of course since Chris grew up in a rough situation found himself being a drug dealer and involved with a lot of things that weren't taking his life in a healthy or positive direction it was only once - Chris enlisted into the service and became part of the Navy where he learned about the power of discipline mindset and doing whatever it takes to get the job done and since Chris has translated that war thick into fusing his passion for fitness and helping people get in the best shape of their lives to build his company to do exactly that so I want to encourage you guys to sit back relax enjoy this powerful rags to riches story of the CEO and founder of nutrition solutions himself mr. Chris Cavallini enjoy thanks for being on the show today Chris for having me brother preach in the intro yeah absolutely now I appreciate what you've done with your life's work so let's get into it before you built this you know that's in the tens of millions in revenue talk to me a little bit about your childhood because you came from a really rough beginning growing up so talk to me before you became the successful entrepreneur what was your childhood like and where were you headed before yeah so I mean I think success is all relative right I definitely believe I've accomplished my fair share of successes I don't believe or consider myself successful to this point there's so many areas that I need to work to improve on right um but you know basically I came up a little different you know I was arrested 17 times part of my 18th birthday where'd you go Massachusetts Boston I was born in Boston and bounced around a little bit you know my mom had me was just 16 yeah super young my dad just took off before I was even born so I actually didn't see even see a picture of him and until I connected with him when I was 34 just literally a year and a half ago so yeah so like I didn't have like a traditional like structured upbringing and that like you know that family support where I was able to develop in a in a proper way you know I relaxed I lacked structure I lacked discipline and you know just just develop some anger issues you know as a kid growing up and I was very insecure super insecure about a lot of things you know there have been different points in my life where you know I didn't have you know I didn't have certain certain luxuries and you know I've I've done things like steal dirty clothes out of the lost and found at school just so I had new clothes to wear how old were you at that time probably 11 or 12 you know what I mean and I think what compelled me to do that was just you know hearing from other kids calling me out about like wearing the same dirty sweatpants all the time and it's like you know that that takes its toll on you right like it didn't feel good it didn't feel good it didn't feel good to have to I you know stand in the free lunch line at school and you know I have other people know so I mean most days like I didn't I didn't need because I didn't want anybody to see me in that in that capacity so I just develop some just resentment and anger issues and this did not have act like a decent human at the time and although I was just a kid I mean I wasn't a very good kid right you know were you happy to get it all or not and there were certain times right no but I think overall like I would have to say no because I was always I was always always could find something to be mad about you know what I mean and don't get me wrong my childhood wasn't just you know like super [ __ ] out the entire mean there's like these days like you know it's more common for people to have like kind of [ __ ] up circumstances and like you know the normal but it's just I am aware now looking back that uh you know some things didn't really go like the way they normally go in the traditional sense and as a direct consequence I went down a certain path when I was in high school you know the way that I obtained significance was just doing really stupid [ __ ] like you know being out at parties you know getting in fights punching holes in walls throwing golf balls through like businesses windows like 2:00 in the morning like that just just the stupid I mean [ __ ] that if I saw someone doing right now I mean I would kick [ __ ] ass right yeah I mean I was I was that guy that that's like the attention that I thought you know made me significant you know it did in the moment but you know with that came some consequences and I developed a reputation reason I was just gonna say cuz yeah consequences seventeen times before you're 18 yes yeah and and you know I was arrested for you know things minor and possession of alcohol trespassing you know got arrested for possession of you know marijuana and it just kind of progressively started escalating I developed a reputation with the police department and the in the town that I went to high school with and I literally they would come more parties break up our parties and I would be the only one they take to jail and that was a result of the way that I acted when they showed up Wow you know any me and like I don't talk back I'd run my mouth just just act like a complete fool and you know that that's basically the the trend my senior year I've literally I mean there was like a two month period where like every weekend I was going to jail finally you know the state of Massachusetts got sick of seeing me in the courtroom and basically gave me an ultimatum I could either go to jail for seven months or join the military and that was obliged it you know thing yeah we're yeah and and you know they gave me that opportunity and made it very clear that if I didn't join the military that the charges that they had dismissed against me would come back up and this and that so you know I made the decision to leave and join the military and ultimately spent five of the most exciting years of my life as a navy deep-sea diver I was in a very elite community had the opportunity and privileged to work with and under some of the most highly trained decorated you know individuals in all the military and as a kid with the circumstances that I had that was huge for me you know I was able to you know have structure and learn start to learn discipline I began to you know receive training on things like attention to detail and just standards and things that I never thought about or like were or taught to me I mean the hell'd are you when you got into it 20 teams yeah literally I mean like I graduated high school and barely graduated high school and yeah and then I shipped out like I think four weeks after uh Wow yeah after I graduated and before that where you fit where you disciplined at all or to show any kind of discipline yeah that's an awesome question and and and looking back on it I will say yes I was disciplined as it pertains to working out but it wasn't because of understanding the importance of discipline I started working out but once a week in eighth grade I started to uh go to the gym once a week and I felt like that was a way that I could like do something where I could look I could look good not not necessarily like look good like physically but uh just do something that like nobody else at my age was doing so that that might offset some of the not-so-great things that God said people viewed me and such so um the gym was important to me you know because I wanted look good I wanted to be physically fit I wanted to have something about me that was significant that people looked at and you know could kind of say like wow like you know that's yeah because I had so many things that you know kind of went the other way right so yeah the gym was important to me you know not only for that reason but it also gave me like an outlet I mean I was a pissed-off kid it gave me an outlet to kind of channel that aggression and uh you know that obviously has worked out and I stayed consistent with it and you know here we are many years later but the as I said but the military um it it was it was the best thing that could have happened to me not just because of the structure and discipline that was provided but because it took me out of the place the circumstances and like you know really the people but that I was around my whole life that kind of like conditioned me to be a certain way I mean nobody made me the way that I ultimately was you know then but I think we all can agree that we are a byproduct of our environment right so like by being removed from there I was able to kind of just start seeing things a little different and although I you know didn't even come close to like you know changing everything at that point I did start to make some some positive changes things started going a little better for me still had you know those anger issues and still found myself acting a fool once in a while I was growing up and I had structure and that was a good thing and in the Navy did you immediately go into a world where like structure was dramatically night-and-day different than the freedom you had outside I mean talk to me about just how disciplined it was on day one day two day three yeah so you know you go to boot camp and that's like a nine-week program and you know they're basically everybody has to shave their head everybody has to you know be clean-shaven every day you have to make your bed like perfectly to the product as per the process so that's a real thing that's really thing you have to make your bed and they check in but not only they check it I mean they you'll do two three hour drills where they tear your bed apart and then you make it they inspect and you do it again and it's like the most miserable thing and as an eight-year-old kid right out of high school it's like you're not making the connection as to why they're doing that you're just like god I hate these these these drill instructors yeah it's like these this is stupid and whatever and but you know ultimately everything they do serves a purpose and it's you know not about making a bed it's about being consistent it's about having consistently high standards down to the smallest of details and you know that was uh that was one thing the military definitely begun to instill and means something that now like I've taken to a whole other level because I understand how important it is now that I've been able to apply it with other areas yeah next time yeah so like I said just military gamy disciplined gamey structure gave me purpose man you know and I'm for that was important for me yeah with the the circumstances that I had you know previously ultimately it got to a point where I could either reenlist or you know get out and I made the decision to get out I didn't want to leave Jacksonville I just I'd found a home there and I had some some some friends good friends and it was just like it was just it seemed to be a good place for me and I I got attached to it but in such a way where I just I wasn't willing to then they they offered me a lot of money at the time $6,000 that was it a million a million dollars now right like to stay as at you know 23 year old kid but I I mean I couldn't even entertain that because I just I had that fear of like going somewhere where like just you know I didn't have good people around and just so made the decision to get out which wasn't a strong decision because I didn't really have a plan I was go I'll go to school and you know that was a [ __ ] story that I mean it really was going to school but I was I was taking Community College classes online and the reason I was doing that is military has phenomenal education benefits so right if I maintained a full-time schedule which I could somehow do with two online online classes if they'd give me a check every month that's like literally like the online classes consisted of me like logging in and like taking the quiz looking up the answers in the book as I'm taking quiz it was like it was a beautiful thing that's free money yeah free money exactly and that was my my excuse oh I'm going to school so this ultimately will end in something good right right yeah yeah decided you didn't really have a long-term intent yourself let me just kind of wing it for now so this is gonna sound crazy but I wanted to go to law enforcement really yeah yeah I'd wanted to go and I had so much experience there you might as well yeah on the other end yeah the cool part is you know most of my arrests happened before my 18th birthday so um when I joined the military a lot of that stuff didn't come up so like I thought that I would actually have a chance of being able to like get in the police academy and that had this like illustrious career and how many times were you arrested total like I know 17 before you're 18 but how many yeah so 25 I had to put a number on 25 yeah and so you were just as a kid just a rebel just didn't care about the consequences you know like I guess man I mean I know I was just a [ __ ] like looking back I was just a [ __ ] like there's a lack of a better term I mean some of the just a punk II [ __ ] that I did is just like dude like what like you know that it's just not not good you know nice sense yeah I just did you get did you get in trouble in the military at all when you went to the service yes but not with the military I got or I got arrested a couple times during my enlistment yeah unfortunately the military never found out about it so I was never brought up on military charge yeah until now yeah yeah exactly exactly but uh talk to me little bit about when you go in there how long is it from when you go into the Navy to actually becoming a deep-sea diver what's that process yeah so cuz you don't have experience swimming so wrong no or you picked every time I ever actually swam more than like a single lap was when I did the the screen test for to actually qualify for dive school and know I'd meet her swim yeah Wow and it was it was there at that point the hardest thing that I've ever done and I actually passed my first time which was crazy he's basically a 500 meter swim as many pushups you can do in two minutes so many sit-ups you get in two minutes as many pull-ups you can do and then a mile and a half run all in succession so Wow yeah I passed I mean I was young in ads on said shape made it happen it was about I think seven or eight months from the time I joined the military to the time I actually had the opportunity to start dive school because they send you through another kind of training which is like a like a normalised job and it's basically like a like a back-up plan you know at the time I think the attrition rate that Navy dive school was like 70 percent or something so if you didn't make it through dive school for whatever reason you know you've had a trade that you were something you were trained in and they'd send you to the the normal fleet and you would do that job so yeah I made it through man through dive school it was hard for me you know I was I was young I was undisciplined I didn't like getting yelled at I didn't like you know being presented with feedback they put you through some very very hard scenarios yeah what are some what are some of those because I'm sure the audience listening yeah I'd love to know it what are some of the most interesting disciplines or like stressful situations that they they force you guys into without question the most stressful situation they put you in throughout training is something called it's called confidence training pool week basically you're you have scuba diving gear on you know you have tanks in your back you have a blacked-out mask where like you have the mask on but you can't see and you're swimming around the bottom of a pool basically just kind of like one hand in front they are going real slow and what happens is an instructor will dive down they'll pull your regulator out of your mouth shut your air off and basically smash you against the bottom of the pool and try to take your tanks wrestle with you for 15 seconds and then during this time of course you can't breathe you're you know at deep underwater terms you don't stress yeah if you bolt to the surface you're Blum's will explode like really oh yeah and then you're trained on that ahead of time so this is basically why is that that your lungs would explode so when you're breathing you know at depth under pressure and essentially when you would rise and ascend to the surface that the the partial pressure of that gas would would expand and ultimately your lungs can't expand that much there's some serious stuff yeah so basically you know they they [ __ ] you up for 15 seconds and try to take your tanks away from you try to make you as uncomfortable as possible they leave you alone and then you have to put yourself back together strategically following a process that they've trained you on and you have to do it in a very specific order and again like it's it's it's hard man it's hard as hell you're under extreme duress your brain is just saying give me air give me air give me air and you know they basically at that point they they they're testing your ability to operate in the most uncomfortable situation possible and really just you know be comfortable being uncomfortable so that was hard for him and yeah I you know got very very close to a point where I didn't successfully make it through I just I wasn't I it was a new thing for me and honestly I didn't like the feeling not being able to breathe I think someone smashed me repetitively off the first atom of a pool but it serves a purpose we did a lot of people out and how often would you guys do those exercises I was a weak man and it got progressively hard you start with like you know they're called light hits and it progressively goes up to hard hits and then you do with a buddy or you and another guy are doing and they come down and then you have to work together like they take his air you know and then you have to like share air so it's it's pretty intense man Wow yeah but uh it's confidence training it definitely you know when you successfully make it through you definitely stand a little straighter for sure that makes ass what's another one maybe another one or two things so you know just like the physical training right like the the standards for the special programs the military which like you're Navy SEALs your EOD Tech's your divers and you know your Swick members they're higher than the normal fleet so you know when you're in school like they they test you every so often as it pertains to your physical fitness and like your times will go down as far as what you're recording you to pass the number of you know push-ups and pull-ups go up and you know that really wasn't so hard it was more like the training for that when you know they run you 5 to 12 miles I mean the the toughest runs that I've ever been on were the short fast run yeah we've ran 13 miles in sand before had a slow pace and you know that was easier than a fast three-mile run so yeah you know what they do the instructors would do is you know run for a long time and when they get tired and of course all the students are exhausted at that point all right and they stop and they make you do like just you know thousands of push-ups and sit-ups and flutter kicks yeah well they catch their breath and that's that's it's not the physical training I mean that that's that's hard at that point it's as you're doing it exhausted like you know ready to die them coming up and just get in your ear and yelling and talking [ __ ] and you know you having to be able to control your ego at that point and just be respectful and answer respectful and do what they're telling you to do and you know that's uh that's again I mean that's that's that's a testament of someone's you know of whether or not they can handle the hard [ __ ] yeah what did that teach you about life because I'm sure and it was a lesson that your your mind is obviously more capable of things than you think it is or comfort will kick in yeah sure the clients like what are some takeaway lessons for people out there listening that you got from the extreme deep sea diving stuff yeah yeah I mean so you know I don't think at the time really it read it was immediately apparent yeah you know looking back on it I mean it's like life is hard it's supposed to be hard you know and when you understand that when you realize that you know we're supposed to be seeking out discomfort right like when we have these little these little voices that come in are in our head that's a no I don't do that and you know let's stay away from that don't make it like this you got to realize that what that is I mean that's just your your primitive brain like your instincts from two million years ago that are just telling you to avoid anything that's uncomfortable and honestly that is probably nothing the opposite of what you want to do is yeah absolutely you have to seek out discomfort because at the other end of discomfort is where great things happen it's where confidence is earned it's where pride is accomplished it's how we essentially feel good about ourselves I mean most people wake up every day and they feel like [ __ ] and they wonder why and it's because they're not doing things to challenge themselves they're not doing things to get better and you know that's that's that that's something I think that if we're aware of if we're aware the fact that it's supposed to be hard it's supposed to be uncomfortable it's not always gonna [ __ ] feel good it's gonna actually not feel good on a lot more days than it then you know you do feel like doing that's super normal I think what people understand when they can embrace and accept that it makes it uh it makes it a little easier to kind of you know push through those days and such absolutely yeah like they say progress equals happiness mhm so talk to me other about how the business came about because here you leave the military at 23 yeah yeah starting to go to school unsure of what to do when does business start coming on your mind well interesting that you say that so we'll talk about my first business which there's no LLC or anything like that I I decided to work in a strip club after uh the military when I was going to school the reason I chose the strip club is because I knew a guy who could get me a job there where I would get paid cash and that I could do that and still get the money from the comer job you'll benefit so if you know you have a normal job they don't pay you as much right so start working the strip club which was a losing decision for me it's just that being around just that just that lifestyle manager about five of people and custom clientele and clientele the girls yeah I mean that my other co-workers like that just wasn't for me and I kind of started bringing back some of my old patterns and self-sabotage pattern and then fights at work with the customers I was messing with the girls like it it was bad I mean sort of drinking it works getting [ __ ] up at work just so I could like have a little better of a time there and it got to the point that I just I hated it so much that I quit to become a drug dealer honest really and that was my first business so after being a deep-sea diver a man you go and you go into drug dealing yeah Wow how old were you at that time 24 ish 24 X 24 I'm old anabolic steroids for the majority of my twenties really yeah and you were doing well financially I mean that's all relative right like I'm you know at like my the the pinnacle of my steroid dealing business shall we go it you know I was I was making some money it was all cash but I mean my bills were nothing like my my standards were much lower than so alright I didn't have the the same context possible attack yes yeah at the time that I was I was making decent money yeah but you know you you develop a certain way of doing things and you that money it's coming easy you're not really working hard for it right like I'm partying five nights when no discipline I'm spending all the money I make money but it's going out and buying [ __ ] up I can't really afford going out and bottle service and all that is that man showing out trying to rip trying to act and portray myself as someone in something that I clearly was not super insecure what were you telling people that you were actually doing I had a couple little stories I the the primary one was I had a buddy that was in the car business and I would say that I would go to auctions and buy cars and flip them and then I did do that like twice too much but dude anybody with half a brain or knew what was going on knew exactly what was up and I that was to make me feel better and it did probably it really didn't accomplish that objective but you know I got I lived that lie I live live for a long [ __ ] time man and I like just going out partying all the time like just not giving a [ __ ] like it got to a point where like you know other drug dealer friends of mine started to you know go to prison get trouble go down everybody's telling on everybody there and I started to really develop an awareness of that of what was going to happen to me 100% if I didn't start making some changes and I I just got sick and tired of living a lie it literally got to a point where one day I remember I remember where it was I remember who I said it to you know I was talking to this this woman she asked me you know what I did that's when you meet somebody that's the writer the first question and you know this was 20,000 time that lied come out of my mouth but when it did I just I remember feeling just uh just just nauseated and just anxiety just every shitty emotion like I'd ever felt before like times a hundred and I just overwhelmed me and I realized at that point but I hard I had to start making some [ __ ] changes I did not know what it is I wanted to do I didn't know what I could do I just knew that that I was put on this planet to serve a higher purpose and I knew that based off the fact that I was even thinking that way I knew that like because I wanted to make these changes that had to stick that that had to mean something right like that it just did and you know I know no idea what you do like right like how do you get started that's like everybody's big step one what's the logo what do I do it myself yeah yeah so you know when I decided to start making these changes wasn't it's like alright I'm gonna stop selling steroids now and just kind of be this like that dude you know like you still have bills you still have a pair of your life as it were I basically went to someone that I respected and I put my cards out on the table I said listen man this is what I've been doing and I feel like [ __ ] about it and I I want to be a good person I haven't been a good person I own that but I'm committed to doing whatever it [ __ ] takes for as long as it takes to make that happen but I was like honestly I don't know what to do I don't know where to start how are you at this time about 26 ok 26 it's not I'm 35 now man yeah I just walked away from that life completely you know 2012 2011 2012 so you know basically he told me two things he said that I needed to start investing in my personal development and he told me that I needed to start surrounding myself with people who were better than me instead of just like that didn't say people who were more successful he said people who were better than me and it really resonated with me and was a mentor or a coach he was he was a good friend who I absolutely looked up to in that regard he'd been you know successful with a lot of things and he was someone who like I was proud to know and you know I also someone I had access to right truly that's a that's a hard thing it's like you know where do you start like and sometimes people don't have people to turn to I was fortunate enough to have him and you know those those two things I mean they changed my life me at the time the Tony Robbins YouTube videos that's how I got my start absolutely oh man yes Tony Robbins Jones my life - absolutely yeah I mean I literally I at so started watching his videos you know the thing that Tony says and this has said and consistent is he's like if you want to be successful look at someone who's successful and do what they're doing and honestly like I was like I could do that and I was like well I'm watching you Tony Robbins I'm gonna start doing like the [ __ ] that you did so yeah I started like going to shelters man and volunteering my time I didn't have I was blowing all the money I was making so like I didn't have the ability or the resources to make like charitable donations and such but I did on my time and I went and started a you know volunteering to you know serve the homeless and things like that and I went not because like I wanted to be like a good person or like that was important to me and I felt this sense of obligation again I went because again Tony Robbins said that that's the thing that he did to help change his life so I went for kind of like selfish reasons and honestly immediately the first time that I did it I felt something that at that point of my life you know 26 years I never felt before I felt a just deep feelings of gratitude and purpose and I decided that I needed to do something with my life to not only you know right the wrongs and and all the shitty things that I've done right but I needed to do something that emphasized and focused around serving others and helping people mmm because I wanted I wanted those feelings I wanted that feeling that I got that I experienced that first time I wanted that all the time so you know basically stayed on the personal development path started reading a lot of books I was reading like one four to five hundred page book a week which is impressive I'm you know at the time but I mean commando was a drug dealer I didn't have a normal schedule i slept till the Sun was warm and started reading a lot of stuff and you know doing what I could you know get out there and just just just be a good person it's trying to be the good human being and eventually an opportunity presented itself to start the company that you know that obviously I have now and it's a nutrition solution yeah but it wasn't like a like some I sat down and I constructed a bit of business plan for I've never wrote a business plan in my life it's not something I like you know just wrote up this like mastermind and went and like God investors I literally I I started it fill a void for my own personal needs I mean I was always in a fitness working out but there wasn't like a lot of resources back then to obtain healthy food and I certainly didn't want to cook didn't know how to cook right I had no desire to learn or or cook and some other guys that you know would were in need of the same thing and I saw an opportunity there and basically I started the company was basically me purchasing X amount of meals for like ten of my friends and myself from a catering company subcontracting and then buying them for them and then flipping them for a shitty low profit yeah buying them for like six bucks on them for eight bucks or something lower than yeah really a lot yeah yeah but again like at the time I remember like I didn't have a I didn't had no overhead right I didn't I was using a catering company who had the staff who had the facility and all that so very untraditional like start-up situation right they got to the point where like you know there wasn't a lot of people out there that were doing what I'm what I'm doing that in like more and more people like we're gaining interest and it's crazy that I was able to grow the business back then to any degree because like the food was [ __ ] the product was [ __ ] I serve it like well year did you start 2011 okay I wish like I mean it wasn't that long ago but I wish like back then like the like the pictures and the phone and all that I like the food back then I wouldn't even feed it to my [ __ ] dog like honestly I mean a estimate of like the standards that you know I've raised and such but it's just super interesting and they just did the best you could with what you had and kept running and that's kind of the mentality that I had that I've taken with this company you know it took it took a good five years to to get to a point where I was actually committed and I that was actually inspired mm and you know energy thousand eleven two thousand two thousand twelve is when I walked away from my past life as a drug dealer in I believe it was August of 2015 about three years ago I come home from work one day I remember having a good day at this point things are going pretty good for me not anywhere near where I'm at now but relative to the time things are going good I remember I had an awesome day good vibes I felt like I had I felt accomplished man I was just felt proud of like what was happening and it was so [ __ ] crazy because I didn't I didn't always feel like that this day that this day I did I came home and I walked into the lobby of the building I was living at the time and there were these two guys that were like standing on opposite ends in the hallway and you know normal clothes and I was like sup guys how you doing like just trying to put out more good vibes right right they're like hey and then you know it kind of stood up and they're like Chris I'm like yeah reach in their shirts pull out badges they said Tampa Police Department you're under arrest [ __ ] so yeah I was in fact arrested for crimes that I had committed not allegedly committed I definitely committed them three years prior Wow yeah I was I was set up by a you know someone was my friend at the time and for whatever reason I couldn't give you that the reason as to why they waited three years but they did and you talk about you know turning your entire life upside down and a moment so just recap I had transitioned away from being a drug dealer had started this business actually got to a point now where we were legitimate I wasn't very good I mean it definitely I still don't think I'm very good but like I was I was in a much better place I was growing I was learning and the company is probably doing six figures at the time yeah yeah we're do six figures at the time I'm not making a lot of money or I'm not keeping it again right yeah and you know all the sudden my past karma comes knocking and basically this the DEA and the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office where the crimes had committed from start to finish me that they gave me a firm plea deal offer of two years in prison for that's what and that's what they started with and and when you get in trouble and there's like jail time at stake it's like a business negotiation you know you go in whoever puts out the first offer like it's it's it's high then you come back and then when then you meet like somewhere that that wasn't the case with this littered they would not budge on that they when I got arrested they wanted me to cooperate they wanted me to give them information set someone up and I just I just told them I mean at this point of my life like I had really accepted responsibility over making the changes that I had done to even like get to a point where I could start a business and think that way right you know taking responsibility was a huge initiative in that campaign from me like trying to become a better human being so I just I couldn't fathom even entertaining the idea of destroying somebody else's life because I was unwilling to be held accountable for my actions so what you do do when they gave you the plea deal I thought man yeah I went all in on my legal defense and and and literally it cost me everything I mean my bail there's half a million dollars Wow half a million dollars for steroid charges I'm not minimizing yeah what what I did mean I got set up for two things I mean I've committed hundreds if not thousands right so labor it's not it's just it's not to happen it's just when it happened it's just I thought that I was good your free [ __ ] thought I was good I even moved away from Jacksonville yeah where I was that person so that where those two guys was it kind of like almost like in the movies where the two guys are in the lobby just monster law and they pop bad isn't just write them an arrestee whatever look and I don't know these guys on see these guys treating me really good well one of the guys knew who I was you know he say hey man he's like I know you are I respect what you're doing he's like look I would love to just go up let's go up to your place and we'll talk about this and and and and I'll let you know what needs to happen from here my initial reaction was like well I don't think my lawyer would want me letting you in my I thought that was their way to life he's like hey man I don't have a warrant for your house he's like I just don't want your neighbors to see what's going on and the guy the guy knew what he knew a little bit about me so he knew that they were turning it around right uh and and honestly man that made me feel good at that time I mean in that [ __ ] up situation it made me feel good and I went in the house they let me use my phone for like 45 minutes let me eat yeah and you know it's a meal preps yeah yeah yeah that they basically said I'll look other they called ahead to ask what my bill was so I could start making whatever preparations let whoever no and the person that came in the other end of the radio was like five hundred and five hundred he's like dude you're good he's like honestly I've never seen one that low before yeah and I was like you know on this it's part of my story and that it out the dude when I get what I'm getting processed now at the at the at the jail I go up to the you know the I guess the window last year the window right and you know they're reading your charges and you know taking him in Tori your property and I was like I'd like to go ahead and pay my bail now like which doesn't really out and all right people know help bail bondsman to comers I'm sounding really really confident on pay my bail now uh you know my Louis Vuitton wallet whatever left and she's like okay do you know how much it is I was like yep it's $500 and then she's like okay and goes little computer a couple clicks types whatever and then oh that's not I'm so sorry and she's like how much is your bail and I don't say they told me is five hundred bucks and she's like um I think there's a little mistake or misunderstanding because what I have here is different and she grabs a little post-it and writes on the post-it and then slides it across the thing and there was a five and five zeroes $500,000 was my bail and that you want to talk about that feeling it it was it was bad and that was a message that was a clear message from the the police prosecution that they weren't [ __ ] around they're trying to set an example trying to make an example and you know I sat in jail for a week until I was able to get together the money that I needed to bail myself out right um which you know was only ten percent of that so are fifty thousand now yeah a lot of money man yeah and then I basically went and got a lawyer told them my situation and I was like listen I was like I don't have any interest he's like oh you know a little have to get the recordings and this and that we can say this and I was like I don't have any interest in trying to deny what has happened here I said like I I don't want to insult anybody's intelligence I was like I was this person a hundred percent I was like and honestly like I just don't know that I would be able to like maintain a straight face for my composure and try to act like a liar manipulator I'm gonna expect a opposing counsel and a judge and impossible jurors to believe that like the two times the only two times I ever committed a crime I just happen to be some like set up for it by an informant I think that's been crazy and that the hammer me yeah and I was like listen I I said I I realized that this isn't the popular thing and I know what I'm paying you to tell me what to do here I was like but I have to own this I I just do I have to own this and I'm prepared to deal with the consequences but I want to do this the right way and I believe that getting the best attorney was a good start with that and he's like okay I was like I respect that he's like I I can't promise you any sort of favorable outcome here but I can promise you that I will fight by your side and I will do everything I can to produce the best result and do the next two and a half months was was hell yeah that was a very scary point of my life I was having to keep up with all my normal [ __ ] run my business and deal with this unknown and essentially prepare my life to go away for for two years I mean that that was a lot and sure I got I was very very positive to the outside world a lot of people were very impressed didn't know how I was like how are you able to you know because I was I stepped up my community involvement I started going really really hard with my business I actually went did a fitness competition won the fitness competition never had one before so like on the surface a lot of people are like wow this your [ __ ] beast he's got it together yeah behind closed doors I I was contemplating not just contemplating I had mapped out a sequence of taking my own life the pressure was it it was crazy and it wasn't because I didn't think I could make it in prison for for two years I knew I'd be fine with that and I like I actually thought that I was like you know what if I go to prison for two years like this will just add to the story and it'll add to the [ __ ] comeback yeah Wow yeah was you know at that time like I said my business was doing okay I had some employees man I was this much smaller operation thence maybe there's a 12 13 right so like I was a lot more like intimate and personal with them and I just started just becoming obsessed with the idea of like my business wasn't going to make it without me impossible and it probably wouldn't have lasted more than two weeks and I just started thinking about like what would happen to them what would their life's look like how would how would affect them how it affect their families and it really made me realize that I couldn't I can't go to prison I I got a fight I have to fight I have to do everything in my power focus on what I can control which which was a lot right like I even know I was going through hardship yeah I know I didn't know if I was gonna be sent away for two years I could still do some good things I could still go out and you know do things in the community and make my presence known with that I could soon go hard with my business I could look for ways to improve and honestly like I just built up a little bit of momentum and right I I remembered the day that uh I was to be sentenced it was a it was a it was a very actually funny story but I think if I didn't sleep the night before either actually I did because I didn't sleep for like a week leading up to that so I'm living in Tampa at the time where I was to be sentenced in Jacksonville I'm staying at a hotel in Jacksonville and I somehow managed to fall asleep around 4:00 in the morning of the day that I'm to be sentenced I'm sitting there sleeping I don't remember cause drinking or not right the [ __ ] fire alarm and the building goes off Wow dude you want to talk about the most like I just shine like what the [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah that's how I started my day you know but uh that was you know that was a big day I'll say I walked in approached the courtroom and I knew that there was a very strong possibility that I'd be walking in that day and I might not be walking out on my own free will free man yeah and as I approached and I'll never forget how shitty that felt and just how defeating and it was all out of my hands right now and that's not used to that right like if there's a problem I normally say all right well I'm being controlled Lucian house were you right here at this time 20 oh no this was this was three years ago man I'm 35 now 32 32 I walk up outside the courtroom and there was there was about a hundred people out there that should showed up to support me to speak on my behalf as a character witness or just just just to be there just to just to show their support moral support that was honestly to that point it was probably the best feeling that I'd ever had in my life and I'm all days for that to happen yeah so you know I go in there and I sit down and the judge we start they start reading your charges and letting you know we went to the judge for sentencing and basically the two years was the offer that they gave us when you go for sentencing and if they find you guilty normally they hit you with more the the to is to save the time and the money the tax dollars the energy and it's a plea deal she's reading all the charges and it's very real now and she's going over all the different charges and what the possible you know sentences for each we're talking like a lot of years I'm like doing the math in my head it's like the worst feeling I don't know everything behind me and and Omar in a shocking turn of events like someone comes in from the outside approaches the bench my lawyers run up there to talking to the other lawyers they go outside I'm like what the [ __ ] is going on yeah and there's just like commotion back and forth and they my attorney comes up to me and he says like relax like we got this oh my god thank you like what does that mean basically the the the the police prosecutor literally as we had started the sentencing had come in and agreed to pull their recommendation and basically gave the judge like full discretion to do normally the judge will make a decision based off of what the prosecution write what they have that working relationship and that was massive the judge asked my attorneys if she could address me in the courtroom of course they said yes I'm gonna say no to the judge an honestly man like you know I'm thinking like all right she's about to destroy me now and say it's all over you like you know like I'm gonna be lectured and embarrassed that my weakest kicked me when I'm down type [ __ ] and she basically looked at me in the eye and she said mister Cavallini I've been doing this a lot of years on this bench over two decades and I have never seen a more impressive mitigation packet in all the time I've been doing this the mitigation packet is basically like the the packet the testimonials the character references and stuff and the narrative of someone who was up there for obviously being you know breaking a law and she said you know basically we send in the state of Florida we send people to prison and the purpose of prison is is rehabilitation she said I believe you've done that on your own and it is remarkable what you've been able to do with your life and what you've been able to do to help other people with their lives and she said something that literally I mean this is saying like it makes me emotional she said that I should be really proud of what I've done Wow and in that situation that is the absolute last thing you would ever expect to hear or to have happen and and honestly it was it was it was it was an amazing feeling and she then gave me a new lease on life she didn't send me to prison she didn't send me to jail I got probation I got a year probation with special circumstances I ended up getting off in six months because I was like the poster child for felony probation that evidence of course yeah you took it very carefully after that court that day was a turning point for me I realized at that point that you know I was on really borrowed time and I should be in prison I was given a new lease I was given an opportunity I was given the keys to the kingdom and it was up to me to take advantage of that and that was the turning point for me as far as when I started going all-in not only on my business but just going all-in on every [ __ ] thing I do so when you went back to life you got that second chance or probably even third chance or more at that stage when you go back to business are you going into it with a newfound sense of intensity and focus and gratitude are you not wasting time I mean what was the it was the biggest shift this time around in business so at that point you know my business wasn't doing very good that process that taking up a lot of energy sure and such revenue and all that yeah and you know I also took a little bit of a reputation hit as well there's a lot of people that didn't you know want a lot a lot of people showed their true colors at that time hmm which was which was good I mean I'm grateful that they did that right but it actually it happened both it happened both like the true colors as far as like not good and then other people showed their true colors and made me realize how how just fortunate I was to have some people around me that really [ __ ] cared that [ __ ] like [ __ ] [ __ ] got hard and like my life was literally like on the verge of just just completely falling apart I had some people that were there too it's in their corner pick me out man and that's what I [ __ ] needed yeah so I I started going hard for them I started going hard for my team I started going hard because I felt I owed that to the universe and and again like and still like to this point in my life I feel there's definitely a lot more things that I've done that I'm not proud of and things that I am but I realized that every day I wake up with an opportunity to take action to bridge that gap and then that's a responsibility I take very seriously so you know present day you know we're we're we're doing pretty good we definitely need to get better and no shortage of areas but you know if you look put out the the charts year after year not only in the numbers going up that's that this business is not gonna ever be the thing that you know makes me a crazy amount of wealth right but the the team the our culture the the details one thing that you know responsibility that I accepted as kind of part of my like penance to the world when I've got that new Lisa's I I've obviously been able to to successfully make some changes and go from kind of like one end of the spectrum like to the other and if it wasn't luck you know it wasn't like you know something that was gifted to me it wasn't anything but a direct consequence of like specific actions that I took so I essentially took on like the ultimate responsibility of teaching other people how to do that and you know that's why we're here now and this is this is a perspective that I take not just with like you know the outside world when I when I speak or on social media but with my team I am proud to say I mean I employ dozens of convicted felons I have a lot of people that work for me that have been homeless that currently live in halfway houses yeah and I have opened up our culture as as one of acceptance personal responsibility and basically setting up our mission statement and core values in such a way where these people have an opportunity that they couldn't get anywhere else because this this disqualifies them for that and whatever I take on the responsibility of giving people an opportunity to not be defined by like a past decision or a series of decisions and essentially come in and do the [ __ ] they need to do to create a better lives for themselves and for their families because how do you how do you quality control when you're hiring you know convicted felons or people that are homeless how do you build a business of quality work ethic not to say that they can't do that but chances are they probably don't have the proper training or brothers in place so [ __ ] hard like I'm not gonna sit here and say it's easy I know it sounds really good alright this guy's really good guy yeah like it is so [ __ ] hard so stressful and honestly yeah it doesn't always work out but if when it's all said and done if three out of ten doo-doo-doo a wedding yeah and those three people lives changed forever how can everything has changed forever so an answer to your question to give you like it like tangible like a tangible answer we basically have a structure set up where personal development is mandatory in our company whether you're a convicted felon a former drug addict or or just a kid like coming in trying to like figure out his way in the world personal development is mandatory our entire building is wire we have speakers every every section of our building that we play some form of personal development whether it's an audio book a podcast a video so we're feeding their minds we're conditioning their minds teach them how to think on it on a higher level where our core values are something we take very seriously it's not just like you know the the poster you put up with a little quote that you have like it's it's it's applying it to the daily actions that you take and you know the the first and most critical step that we look for when it comes to people that have a past is are they willing and had the accepted responsibility over it or is it someone else's fault and just yeah because of this and they were a victim of circumstance and whatever do they own it or not yeah that right then that that is everything and you don't need much to work in my company man there's only like two sets of criteria you need to have a good attitude and be willing to work hard we invest a lot of a lot of time a lot of resources a lot of energy a lot of money into training and into you know personal development because I I care about my team man and I don't want them just to be better to be better assets at our company I want them to be better human beings and my objective with everybody that comes in and starts to work with our company I want them to get so good at what they do and grow within our company to cover they can't grow any more and they end up leaving us and going somewhere because they have earned a better opportunity and nothing and I honestly mean nothing makes me more fulfilled than when those situations happen and then and they have they have happened and you know it's it's it's a pretty cool thing man when you know that you look at the accounts you get more money go in the accounts and like that's not like that isn't like honestly nothing in comparison to when you see like someone who was washing dishes like started walk washing dishes and now he's part of a different department he's checking other people doing Quality Assurance like talking in front of the team when you know he used to be like in the dish pit like this head you see them moving up developing their care it's it's it's the most I mean man like I said it just makes me it makes me [ __ ] feel good it makes me feel good and I feel that that I put a lot of value in that a lot of value which is why I've exhausted a lot of energy and stress and time and I mean I work really really hard to get to this point man and it's saying it wasn't easy as a [ __ ] joke of an understatement I mean there's been times where like you know I questioned whether or not it was worth it and I was like you know just I could be doing something else and putting this much energy and making so much more money and then I just read then when like my cortisol levels like normalize and my IQ goes back to normal I realized like yeah that that wouldn't make me [ __ ] happy yeah one of your guys asked me before we started filming guys I saw your McLaren like does it feel good every time you drive it yeah and I was like yeah honestly it does yeah but it's like I would be completely fine if you stripped all my cars it like it's it's it's a different kind of good feeling it's a different kind of good feeling and and you know I think I think a lot of people miss huge opportunities every day that are there to not only you know just make little improvements in their life but just to be a good person and help other people because we all can do that in some in many ways but it does require energy it requires a certain level of commitment a man like when you when you help people selflessly with no expectation of anything in return not only are you going to help them get better like that [ __ ] comes back around that's in abundance so like a lot of people that you know might be selfish and don't do they act in only ways that are self-serving and consistent with personal gain and such dude like if you're selfish and you want personal gain I mean then you should be helping other people because that's exactly that's an organic consequence and I just it just feels good man it feels good to be able to see people get better and see people develop and just teach them the things that like have helped me like kind of bridge the gap between where I was where I am now and you know where I'm going and it comes down just a few things I mean it comes down to very basic things like just taking pride in everything you do whether you like it or not whether it's monotonous whether it's a small task do the only way to get to a point where you're able to do big things is by becoming a master the little things and I think that's a concept a lot of people have a hard time kind of you know accelerating yeah that makes sense so let me say this how long did it take you from the day you're in the courtroom or you got out scot-free to becoming a millionaire how long did that I wouldn't say I got out scot-free yeah like I said I got a year probation yeah that was a three years ago so my thing my thing used to be a financial goal was I needed to have a million dollars in the bank that was it was like I needed to have a million dollars in the bank like I'm not winning unless I have a million dollars in the bank right because you know over the years like 2015 16 2015 16 like we made some money the end at the end of the year when it came time to pay taxes after that's like well where the [ __ ] is all the money you know what I mean expenses and everything yeah or just you're blowing money on things and not realizing how quickly that [ __ ] adds up 2017 was a breakthrough year for me and it was at the beginning of this year I believe I had stacked seven figures and it went from me obsessing about having a million dollars in the bank when it finally [ __ ] happened I was freaking the [ __ ] out that I had a million dollars in the bank not a million dollars out here here here working for me to bring me more money because my awareness changed my priorities changed like right like my level of education change so so yeah my smile yeah so it's a good is truly one of those things where it's like you know I've been doing this like seven years it took me six years to start like actually really like making what most people would think like a lot of money right but it did kind of happen it seemed like it happened like one month to the next right yeah and that's that's how it's always gonna feel it's what's what's the current business model for people curious about the actual business so you guys do meal preps for people all over I know you guys have some celebrity yeah yeah yeah husky from the New England Patriots yes yeah Rob uses us Rob uses us when he travels and so basically where we do healthy meals we customize meals for people that are looking to accomplish their goals whether it's he'll lose weight build muscle will just overall be healthier look better naked whatever it is obviously there's a real problem like in this country right now you know just address the elephant in the room like legitimately three-quarters of the adult population in this country country are categorized either overweight or obese I mean there's a hundred and ninety billion being spent treating obesity-related illness of the human species the average human's life expectancy is actually going down that's [ __ ] crazy I mean that that's crazy yeah and the the issue that I have with that is you know not only are 70% of these illnesses these obesity-related illnesses is preventable it's like we're doing it to ourselves with the decisions we make every day with the things we're putting in our mouths in our body and you know a lot of people are doing it because everybody around them is doing it so it's like oh it's okay it's like no it's it's actually it's [ __ ] not okay that's it's the opposite of okay so like you know a way for me to to kind of fall through with what I get committed to doing when I was given my second chance three years ago and and and you know like taking it to a whole other level when I really I had this business but I wasn't focused on on really really helping people and making an impact I was focused on like trying to make as much money Minds possible yeah so after my you know my sentencing that's when I change the perspective man and I started really like looking for ways an opportunity to to actually make our business more successful by making more of our clients successful so our business model is more than just like us providing our clients meals we have you know a team an allocated team of National Academy of Sports Medicine certified fitness and nutrition specialists and weight loss specialists that essentially are there to cut like support coach hold their clients accountable and basically you know like give them the occasional kick in the ass if there's if they're slacking we put a lot of energy that's the biggest thing meant consistency consistency is everything and literally the solution to every problem that you might have in your life is this lack comes down to a lack of consistency so we understand that life gets crazy people are super busy people have kids people have stress at work whatever the case is so we try to do a good job and definitely need to work on getting a little better of not only making sure we have like the best product the best tasting meals the most like diverse menu but that were you know doing what we can to hold our clients accountable you know coach them up and just let them know like hey like if you get off track we're here to help you get back on track yeah oh that's amazing so it's not just meals it's support beyond it I mean I think the only that's what makes our company special man I mean you can go anywhere and get food you know what what I believe makes our company special aside from the I mean we actually care like we [ __ ] care and it starts with us caring about like our team and taking care of the team and getting them to understand that like the direct impact that they are making on the lives of tens of thousands of people and you know you have like a dishwasher or a cook and you know that person in most organizations they're focused on the dishes they're washing or the food that they happen to be cooking but you know as a leader I mean you have responsibility to articulate explain to them the importance of their role and how that directly contributes the mission and the big picture you know we have to do a good job you know cooking those meals to perfection and doing the best job we possibly can to maintain the standard because if we don't and the clients don't like the food they're not going to stay consistent yeah you know not gonna share with others more they're not gonna accomplish their goals they're not gonna feel good they're not gonna do the increase their quality of life so like and you know with the dishwashers mean if we're not maintaining the standards and making sure that our equipment is clean we run the risk of possibly getting someone sick and then then then what happens then you know they trash the company and we have a lot of people out there who don't want to do business with us people who we otherwise might be able to help them change your life so like everybody understands the mission and it it allows them to feel that like sense of pride and purpose and it really conveys you know not just you know with their work but with with kind of what's said about us in our company I mean our clients know we care and we go above and beyond and as I said it is a priority to us to not only hold them accountable but make them understand that the reason we're holding them accountable it's because we [ __ ] care we want to see them accomplish the goals that you know we've set together when they when they start with us it makes sense and then also I noticed that you're one of the most fit people we've ever had on the show so talk to me about none of the most or the most probably one of the most out of the most Ronna it's I breed you might be tied with that my leg so that's a good competition in amazing shape absolutely he yeah he's in great shape but I wanted to ask you how important has Fitness been in your life as it relates to business I mean do you feel like you would have been able to do as much as you have been if it weren't for fitness how important is Fitness for you in relation to life it's it's it's everything and honestly it's not just because obviously as the CEO of a nutrition company and something that you know what we're promoting out the lifestyle obviously have to lead by example I mean if I was selling like marble tables for a living I would still maintain the same level of fitness that I currently do because by having that discipline as it pertains to my diet having that discipline as it pertains to my workouts like it not only allows me like like look better right that's like the third or fourth like positive consequence of living a healthy lifestyle it makes me feel better and by optimizing my life to feel good it gives me the ability to like to do to do more [ __ ] do more [ __ ] at a higher level I mean look you're not always gonna [ __ ] feel like doing the [ __ ] that you need to do to get ahead but the reality of it is if you could increase the occurrences and increase like the the level of your performance level of execution if you could make yourself more efficient like what would you do that like red billed blue pill red pill says yes but like the red pill is going to the gym the red pill is eating good consistently honestly like your whole [ __ ] day like could be made dramatically better by starting your day off with a very hard workout eating the right things and just like going from there it's all about momentum man and like when you workout there's some there's some real [ __ ] that goes on in your brain there's a lot of chemical lot of feel-good chemicals that are released but it's like those chemicals like you have to earn the right to feel good mmm you really do yeah and that's with everything and like with Fitness I mean that gives you a very like easy opportunity to earn that right and doing it at the beginning of the day set your day up for the wind you're gonna take that that momentum you tell how good you feel that energy and you know most people don't have any energy because they're not working out if that makes any kind of sense yeah it's super important you don't use it you lose it yeah it's super important the the quality of your life is heavily dictated by the quality of the foods that you mean that's a fact that's an undeniable fact and you know of course I'm gonna say that right though I'm the CEO of this this company that's like it's it's the it's the God's honest truth and and so many people are conditioned to eating [ __ ] every day and they've gotten used to this like substandard level of of how they feel and the substandard level of performance and it's become the operating norm when if they just took the time created the time and invested in their health and their quality of life and their competence every literally every [ __ ] area whether you're talking about work I mean being more efficient in the workplace being able to be more focused having better mental clarity the quality of your relationships with your kids not only you're gonna set a better example for your children like you'll be able to keep up with them yeah you know you're a lot of people unfortunately I see this all the time like you know they get in a relationship but they get married and like they let themselves go they gained a bunch of weight it's like dude like that's that's not fair to your to your partner thank not only are you gonna lose that flame like keep in mind like that person your significant other they fell in love with like the bit like in shape version are you not the lethargic like fat like tired on a breath down great alright yeah I mean that's just a fact and I think that people lose sight of this no wonder why like their their relationships lose passion it literally it the the benefits of fitness the benefits of living an active healthy lifestyle working out eating good it literally will change your entire life what's your best advice to people out there who maybe aren't physically fit right now maybe they you know I'm sure you've seen it they try to get in shape it doesn't work they get a trainer they try this I'm going to try that gym years Ellucian they keep falling off the horse and again older and older maybe and just getting discouraged what would be your best advice to somebody who's been trying to work out and just stuck in a rut to actually build that momentum to make it a lifestyle yeah you got a you got to let the past go although you may have failed in the past it doesn't mean you're a failure in fact I would make the argument that if you failed in the past that's actually leverage that gives you the opportunity to go about it a different way you now know what doesn't work you've proven that you know what doesn't work so now you have the tactical advantage to go into it with a new mindset a new perspective and honestly I don't want to say a new game plan because I think the reality of it is a lot of people don't stay consistent with their fitness goals a lot of people I've have been unable to follow through with what it is they were once so excited about doing because after short period of time they stopped doing the [ __ ] that they're supposed to do they stopped doing the things they committed to do I start doing it some of the time and they get frustrated when they don't see results you gotta take responsibility over the fact that you didn't do what you said you're gonna do and you know what that's okay that shouldn't that shouldn't frustrates you at this point to actually empower you you know you didn't do the [ __ ] that you need to do so it's like no mystery yeah so let's go about it differently now and let's go [ __ ] get after it and make [ __ ] happen and you know all those people out there like that roll their eyes and they hear about people making their new year's resolutions and dude like that that's that's weak don't do that any opportunity that we can have to set a goal whether it's New Year's resolution your birthday Halloween Labor Day Memorial Day [ __ ] all those things leverage that leverage that yeah and understand that when you commit to something when you set a goal like that is a commitment that you were making to yourself and you have a responsibility to honor your commitments 100% of the time and get up and do the [ __ ] that you need to do even and especially when you don't [ __ ] feel like it how about when it comes to setting goals is that something you set short-term long-term where have you found work for you like I'm sitting goes it's a really good question man and I'm gonna be completely honest I did not start setting goals till the end of the beginning of 2016 which again this was right around the time I started making all these changes I didn't start like planning my day or writing goals to the end of 2016 and don't you follow like a daily structure day to day everyday routine or does it yeah there are certain things that I do every single day and I foster as far as like waking up at a certain time making sure I worked out but you know when I'm scheduling my day I have certain tasks that I put that are not the same I mean there are certain days that I check on certain things but those aren't really things that get scheduled because they're part of my routine the things that I schedule are the things they're gonna actually move me closer to the next level the things gonna help me like you know like climbing it you know yeah but yes structure is super important and honestly as an entrepreneur like dude that's the most important thing because you know you don't answer to anybody necessarily unless you're you know in a in a situation where you have like a board or whatever right when you're starting up the first several years like you are your own boss and you have to give yourself that structure and discipline and you know setting goals was something that I never did until the beginning in 2016 and 2016 was a breakout year for me financially with the business a lot of other things started happening and then you know like wow like imagine that like I so I can't sit here and tell you that the the growth our company has seen in the last three years which is over 500 percent is a direct byproduct of me like starting to write goals but I also can't sit here and tell you that it's not you absolutely have to have goals if you don't have goals I mean like it's easy to go nowhere if you don't know like where you're [ __ ] going and then that's unfortunately yeah that's unfortunately what most people do and it's like they get up and they think that like working hard is enough I kept working hard it's like dude first of all working hard that's like the price of admission everybody is working hard man working hard is the bare minimum and that is the perspective that we need to have because like it's a very competitive world out there whether you choose to admit it or not I mean like there's a game being played out there and you have to do the things that you need to do to separate yourself from everyone else and it's very easy to get overwhelmed with the details of the day or the stress of the hour or whatever [ __ ] or email the thing yeah there's always some thing that's gonna happen which is why you need to have those goals on paper write them down every [ __ ] day and honestly like the funny the really funny thing about that it's like you know you don't actually have to know exactly what you have to do to when you know what you want and you and you you know you stay - you write it down and when you're writing it down you're actually visualizing right visualize it important obviously nobody has time for that but when you're writing your goal is time that's actually a visualization technique so like give yourself the competitive edge right when you're when you know exactly what you want it's funny man like the universe and like your your subconscious it has a very funny way of just bringing those things together without you even realizing it's so true so you know what I'm saying so in a lot of times where I've been like like you know writing these goals I'm like [ __ ] me like I'm I'm doing all this [ __ ] like nothing is happening and I don't have a sudden I'm like right holy [ __ ] like that stuff that I was like stressed out that I was having to do now I didn't even realize that that not only was taking care of what I consciously knew was taking care but that was actually helping me get towards this goal takfir what a [ __ ] concept yeah absolutely so writing your goals down as important man and duh instead of deadlines - right 100% it's part of the work like when you set a goal you're obviously we know that there's gonna be a lot of work that gets put into it what you have to understand is writing your goals down every day as part of that work if you can't even do that save your time-saver energy and don't don't even bother setting a goal because you'll ultimately just be left with disappointment and a painful association towards the goal setting process which a lot of people have as pertains New Year's resolutions the people that like you know talk [ __ ] about other people or roll their eyes when they see the like the little memes and and all that they feel that way because they have failed in the past and the reason they filled the passage because they didn't set they set a goal because society said oh let's set a goal and everybody else sets a goal and then what else what does everybody else do it after should period of time they fall off the rest on their laurels or they quit all together so it's easy to give yourself a pass and let yourself off the hook right when everybody else is doing it right right so that Jamie but the question I think you know people need to ask themselves is like do you want to be like everyone else and and that's that's a that's a question we need to ask and when answering be very honest yeah that's a very good point so let me ask you a couple questions before up here yeah for some of the entrepreneurs watching number first question number one is how did you start getting celebrity clients with your meal preps obviously a lot of people in startups you know they want to go for attractive clients obviously I won't make a great product but how do you recommend people go about getting you know star clients or branding on social media with the right people how did you do that if you want to start attracting you know celebrity clientele and hiring influencers you have to have a good product you have to have a good brand you have to set high standards with your business and your life and honestly when you focus and take pride in the small details good things start to happen there's no you know big-time celebrity or influencer that is going to stand by a product as that that is just complete [ __ ] there there are actually are some products actually out there that the relationship doesn't sustain long term because either a be the celebrity or influencer smart ins up it's like vaak I don't want to do business with them or be the company doesn't last and they end up going under so you know like I can say oh well you know sending this DM to this person or this email whatever like focus on the things that you have right now everything that you have right now every single area every single component of your business every single part of your day whether it's like you know your your workouts your diet the stuff with your business your customer service your actual product look for ways every single day to make things a little better and understand that is a campaign that never stops okay because the only way to get better results the only way to live a better life is to raise your standards and I think you know winners people are winning at like the absolute highest level they understand that like you know having high standards are uniform high standards across the board that is how you win and there's always things that need I wake up every day and I literally say to myself in the morning after I like you know express the gratitude and think about the day that the winds that I'm going to accumulate that day I sit there and I say to myself and I think to myself to this point of your life you have not done things the best way so it is your responsibility to go out there and do what you need to do to get better because that you know you had mentioned earlier like the happiness that everybody looks for you'll never find happiness if you're out there seeking happiness right the people who are looking for that or they're gonna be frustrating they feel like [ __ ] all the time right you find happiness by making progress the key to happiness life is progress and we all everybody in this room everybody that's going to see this you and I dude there's like a hundred things that we can wake up tomorrow and start to work to improve on and that momentum it it builds it manifest it cultivates over to other things and you know mainly it allows you to develop confidence hasn't even or nothing and I mean nothing is more important than that yeah and man you have to do but it's not just so this guy's confident like dude he's not confident he he develop yeah he earned it he earned it by like taking the plunge and taking risks and making bold decisions and like getting up and life beating him [ __ ] down and most people would have quit giving up altogether and this had [ __ ] this I've had enough he got up he pulled himself together and he kept pushing [ __ ] forward and when you do that it might not feel good in the moment but when you get through when we need when you're in hell and you and you're willing to fight scratch like claw whatever you got to do to get out of hell not only do you arrive in a better place but the the opportunity you have just taken advantage of to develop your confidence I mean it is going to help you with literally every area of your life especially your business mmm I love that how about looking back what would the the young version of Chris who was out there in and out of jail yeah and out of being arrested what would you say to the Chris now who's got the McLaren multi-million dollar business yeah well what would he say looking at you and then what would you say looking at that young man who was looking for answers like like what is piece of advice knowing what you know now you would give that yeah the answer for this question what the younger version of me would have said to the current version me I mean probably you know [ __ ] you but I would've been hater to myself because that's you know back then like I've had an excuse for everything like why I would never be able to do this or that or this and my childhood affected this like you know then that's what losers do right losers look for a way to like tear down people who are winning so that's no doubt what the younger version of me would say to the current version of me if you know I could go back and talk to myself you know I would just basically look myself dead in the eye and just say listen everything that's happened to this point of your life it doesn't define you nor does it dictate what's gonna happen tomorrow or a year from now but it is 100% on you to understand that and change that [ __ ] narrative because I the the thing the story that I used to tell myself was I will never be able to do this because of fill in the blank I mean I had an excuse for all of it and and dude like I believed it too it's it's probably four people are just hearing me talk for the first time it's probably difficult like kind of thinking that I was ever like that but I mean it's because I was like that that I'm so passionate about this topic it's like we have to understand the path forward begins and ends with learning how to think different you have to learn how to think different because what you're thinking right now is a byproduct of outside and external influence and honestly like a better life a different life of anything that you could possibly dream of whether it's personal professional material just emotional spiritual it all starts with changing your thinking and adjusting your perspective and instead of saying things like well because you know as a kid I didn't have I didn't have a good family and I was abused and you know in business this person [ __ ] me over and like whatever instead of like using those those stories which are all horrible things I'm not writing that yeah but instead of like you know using that as an excuse as to like why you can't do something take responsibility and use that as fire and fuel and use it as the reason why you absolutely have to because as you may have been abused because you've been [ __ ] over you have to step up you have to step up and not only like prove a lot of people wrong but moreover show people out there that have been through so much worse than you have and there are so many people out there who have been through unimaginable circumstances show other people that is possible change it is possible to get better be be a be a resource and a catalyst for positive lasting change and other people take on that responsibility you know understand it's not just about you it's about making the world a better place during the one and only time that we have to live here and and and honestly that's that's uh that's one of the things that I do and a huge component that I used to kind of get myself going sometimes man like it's not just about me and how I feel weight I feel is irrelevant you ain't always gonna feel like it you have to act and despite of your feelings and you have to understand like you know what's that stake and a lot of times you know there's there's opportunity there to to show other people something that could make a positive impact on their life and potentially create like an organic spiderweb of just know a ripple effect yeah and I think about that and I really obsess about that and I want to play my part to to to be that guy who starts those spider webs because I know like just based on him and doing this little while now you know using my social media and speaking it's like I get messages every day from people who say something I said something I posted hearing me talk and interaction a message that I was like yeah like something that was so simple and seemingly trivial like to me like how it was the catalyst for them to change their life like radically and take time express gratitude and it's like holy [ __ ] like how does that feel free it feels [ __ ] amazing like honestly I feel amazing and honestly I'm so grateful when I get those messages because I know for you know every person that takes the time that works up the courage to share that their their story I know that there's you know probably 10 other people that did something similar but just didn't realize it so I take it seriously and it feels [ __ ] amazing it's what drives me to do the things that I do but again like it's it's it's real it's proven I mean this is something I made up my head to pump myself up to pump you up like it's I mean look man I think we can all agree the the world's it's not the best place that's ever been currently there's a lot of not-so-great things that happen on a daily basis and a lot of things that are kind of you know shoved on our throat and we're exposed to you and it it results in people not feeling as well as they actually should living in fear living and uncertainty living with anxiety that that they that they shouldn't be living with so what I say is do the [ __ ] that you need to do do this [ __ ] that you're supposed to do to just leave your mark in the world and be a catalyst for positive change I love that yeah very cool oh man well last question before we wrap up here we play a game that we play at the end of every episode is for people out there looking for answers right you've had quite a rollercoaster of a life through other who are looking for answers maybe not just in fitness business I'm sure you've encountered many people that reach out to for advice what would be your best advice is somebody who was just stuck in a rut maybe life's not working maybe maybe money's not so good or maybe it is great but they're not fulfilled and they're looking for answers and they just don't know where to go what would if you could condense everything you've learned in your three and a half decades on this planet what would be your best 60 seconds or so a piece of wisdom someone out there looking for answers consistency that is that that is that is the the solution to all of your life's problems it is the way that you move forward it is the way that you will start developing momentum and earn the right to feel good about yourself people wake up every day and and feel I believe entitled to like just feeling good and what they failed to understand is that's this is an elementary school anymore it's like a Elementary it's like graham crackers novels just anymore yeah it ain't that like the world could be a very unforgiving place it is your responsibility to do the things that you need to do to earn the right to feel good about yourself and honestly that should make you feel that that should actually relieve you because nobody is holding you back from doing the things that you need to do to earn that right nobody's holding you back from getting in shape to developing more structure and discipline with your routine to getting more consistent at work to taking on additional responsibilities at the office which will ultimately like lead you to a better position a better opportunity and earn more money it's all about consistency things take time okay but if you go and you're only doing the things that you need to do 70% of the time expect to get 0% of the [ __ ] result consistency is everything look back at your past failures understand why they happened they happened for no other reason you didn't do all the right things and it just didn't work that's not the way it works you know what to do you know what you should be doing start doing the things that you need to do every [ __ ] day not only the days that you feel like it and understand it's hard and that's exactly how it's supposed to be powerful moment alright so for your up up we have a game called first things first how it works is I'm gonna rifle off ten words or phrases and then you just tell me the first word or phrase that comes to mind make sense yeah the only rule is that you can't repeat yourself twice okay so you ready first word money freedom your past learning lesson Fitness life your business impact their employees everything failures opportunity your first million won't be the last your McLaren not that important your legacy super important and then the last one you ready passion without passion it is essentially impossible to live a life worth living come on man thank you so much for being on the show Chris thank you it's been an honor on make sure to check out the description below for links and access to Chris and his social media as well as nutrition solutions we'll see you guys next time and until then thank you for being one of the passionate few if you guys enjoyed that video be sure to hit that subscribe button right now because every week eating is a very best inputs undergarment content interviews and insights help inspire you to take your life in your dreams to make them a reality and also if you don't know how to book between guests same way I have you can check the link below for my top three secrets so if you have a podcast or a show or whatever is you want to collaborate with them if you click that link below I'll give you those top three secrets to help you get in touch with anybody and also don't forget the passionate view is available on the media platforms as well so you can subscribe to the podcast and until next time thank you for being one of the passionate to you [Music] [Music]
Views: 48,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris cavallini story, chris cavallini interview, omar elattar interview, Nutrition Solutions story, chris cavallini motivation, 25 arrests, chris cavallini workout, Chris Cavallini, Start Today Podcast, The Passionate Few Interviews, Inspirational Podcasts, Motivational Podcast, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneur Mindset, The Passionate Few, Omar Elattar, Business, Entrepreneurship, Train Magazine, Millionaire, Millionaire Mindset, Success Stories, Meal Prep Company, interview
Id: 4o1UzDXJ0oY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 57sec (5757 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
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