SELF MADE: From Homeless To 7-Figure CEO!!! (Must Watch Interview)

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hey i'm miguel agilar CEO and founder of self-made training facility and i am one of the passion of you I just wrapped up the interview with Omar by far one of the best interviews I've had thus far Omar nailed it asked the proper questions was able to translate embrace we promote the story the way it's supposed to be Omar killed it hey guys welcome to this episode of the passionate few today we get to sit down and hear the incredible true story of miguel aguilar he's the CEO and founder of the self-made training facility franchise and we get to hear not only how he built his multi-million dollar fitness business from scratch but also some of the early challenges when he didn't have his parents around as a kid was homeless lived out of his car but how he overcame them when he found wrestling and went all-in on getting his mind set his body and his fitness exactly where he wanted it to be so I want to encourage you guys to sit back relax and enjoy the powerful interview with the CEO and founder of the self-made family man del Aguilar enjoy thanks for being on the show today Miguel thank you for having me absolutely brother so let's get right into it yeah a lot of people have heard about the revolutionary model that you guys have created with these training facilities it's a new idea in the space but take us back a little bit to kind of where you grew up and what your roots are like because before this multi-million dollar company he didn't look like this was in your future right no not even close it wasn't even in my space so talk to us a little bit about where you grew up and what a child who's like I'm from Riverside California I was born in 1981 36 years of age now so I grew up in a pretty rough neighborhood of Riverside California yeah in between you know casablanca/noir lands a lot of gang territories and whatnot I went to Nord of his high school but primarily grew up in Riverside California and I'm technically you know my mom Ben mu miles 12 about time I was 16 I was homeless and that's where kind of the the the whole kind of self-made brand started within myself so 16 you were homeless yeah so talk to me a little bit about the 12 13 14 years I know you got into a lot of like drug activity you talked a little bit about your first experiences and kind of what your upbringing was like so my upbringing is very rough I have a very rough childhood from the age I can remember till I was 12 by the time I was 12 I was abandoned my mom very its she's a crazy woman you know I'm looking back now and pletely crazy we'll leave as a random people would do and fabricate crazy stuff so my childhood was a completely mess so by the time I was 12 she ended up reconnecting with my dad because my dad left for about a year so he disappeared as well he was kind of tired with her her shenanigans and by the time I was 12 she reconnected my father found out where he was staying that my father already remarried had his old separate family and kind of lied to my father and told him hey like it I need you to watch the kids for a couple weeks I'm gonna go do a couple things and they come back and get them right so we reconnected my dad were in Corona California and we met at a park she kind of told us hey go play talk to my dad we knew they were kind of doing something because you know my dad was super pissed off mom was yelling had on and then by then she calls us back and says hey look he you guys gonna stay with your dad for a little bit and then I'm gonna come back and get you guys but I want you guys to visit with your dad II haven't seen him for about a year so my dad was okay you know take him on and a week past two weeks past three weeks past four weeks past mom disappeared never came back ever came back baby and it's one of those unfortunate events were 12 and had no idea what the hell is going on have you seen her since funny story just recently about two months ago I got a phone call through Facebook yeah someone's just blowing up my phone blowing on my phone I picked up it was one of my relatives in San Diego and said they found my mom and at first thought that was a bunch of BS cuz the only time they've ever called was either for money or something so right it's 24 years later so it's like what's what's being big big change 280 right and for us for myself I didn't believe it and then she asked me do you want to talk to her I was like okay cool them see where they gonna put on the phone you know and I haven't heard and talked to my mom since I was 12 so I'm thinking I'm not gonna hear what she sounds like or kind of reconnect that aspect of her her voice right but as a kid you can't forget that right so as soon as she got on the phone I knew those my mom and it's bittersweet you know as well as hard situations a tough pill to swallow because you don't understand the magnitude that she created with leaving us you know imagine at the age of 12 like I have a 10 and 11 year old daughter right I cannot fathom or picture the ideal leaving my kids ever and also just having like that motherly hug like that person that makes you feel better right imagine that being completely out of the picture by the time they're 12 right you know and my dad remarried to have a stepmom who hated us like with a passion because we were left at her home right she wasn't planning on keeping us you know but you know reconnecting with her it was bittersweet it was a still one of the things I'm still trying to overcome and trying to figure out how to build that relationship again but yet again she called because she needed money so she saw what I'm doing on Facebook on Instagram relatives see what I'm doing Instagram they're always just calling for that specific thing right yeah that's a tough bridge to cross yeah for sure especially thinking back to what it was like growing out now talk to me a little bit about another first time you tried any kind of drugs because that became an issue in your childhood Oh big time talk to me about I know you like smoked a joint with your dad when you were 12 or 14 or something like that so talk to me a bit about those times so by the time I was 12 the male bonding that I had when my father was a treat a talk ham with them like he would invite us on a walk when we'd go to the beach or we go to the park we'd go somewhere right and he would buy himself a Foster's talking and then he would get me me a smaller talking because the foster ones are big ones right you know and I will share that with with him and we would bond and talk and the only time my dad ever told me he loved me was when he was really drunk you know so that was the bonding so I looked at or two that was uh you know a 12 year old impressionable kid a nice it was like a I'm a sponge you know some was orb me and everything this is the way we get along so I thought that was true completely normal right you know and I thought it was cool I was drinking my pops and drinking my dad right that got to the point where that's how we bonded it wasn't a lot but it introduced me to that life right and then by the time I was 13 I was really overweight as a kid and and always struggle doing through my weight as a kid even though I was super active I was still struggling with me kid I loved to eat and I was really overweight plus my dad he owned yum yum donuts there are franchises so he owned those yeah and I was always eating Donuts so Donuts croissants all that good stuff so I always struggled my way so by the time I hit 13 or 14 or so middle school started hanging out with the bad crowd it's getting banging well pretend in the game banging I was 13 dude and got involved with some bad people and you know one of the things that came up was you know if you try this you're gonna lose a lot of weight because it helps people it doesn't help people it does is basically what it does cuz you don't eat right and I tried meth for the first time when I was 13 or so you know and I remember that night a good thing I they only gave me a little bit but I tried it I did it it hurt like hell yeah and I was up for literally a day and a half went to school the next day still as high as hell right and I remember doing push-ups and sit-ups all night cuz if the focus was to lose weight right so push up the sit ups all night and this is in a two-bedroom apartment with basically three four five five kids two adults and a two-bedroom apartment and Riverside I slept on the couch my brother slept on the floor we would all turn eight and then her kids and my dad's other kid they had their own bedroom you know so we're always shocked Adan that aspect and then I know your stepmom too you had a little bit of a rough relationship with her oh yeah that like Nietzsche she hated us you know and it's unfortunate looking back I forgive everything she's ever done right but it got to the point where you would she would hide food in the closet you know so we wouldn't eat it she also would it was almost like manipulating you know would be nice to you one day and then heat you the next day is completely crazy dude so definitely not a mother figure whatsoever and then when my father got incarcerated because my dad was a heavy alcoholic and drug addict so that's where I learned it from right I was like embedded it so you would see him actually drinking smoking again loaded all that stuff yeah and then one time I remember we come home from school this is already about 15 or so my dad would have always had hats you you would love wearing hats and we would take his hats and wear him you know and one time we found a little white baggie inside his hat so most like those either meth or coke but right that time I didn't know right and but that's why he used to work 24 hours you know he owned let's we lived in Riverside he had a franchise location in Norco California off of Hamner the yum yum donuts is still there actually and he was the owner he would have bakers that worked for him he started off as a baker and then he continued $2 he owned his own locations right work his way up but the Baker's work all in well guess who has to work he does you know so you work two three days straight we would barely see him and one thing I give my dad cried even really [ __ ] up his whole life was he was you know a hard worker so that's I did get something good out of my father so you got instilled that that ethical education yeah so okay so then let's transition to then you go into high school mm-hmm and you end up homeless to a good degree right you end up living out of your car talk to me a little bit about how your early teen years you ended up in that situation so it's uh and I can go on for days but I'll make it short and sweet in the sunset so by the time I was 16 my dad he committed a crime that sentenced him for 22 years and the day they sentenced him or supposed to go to court and see and say goodbye so because he pled guilty we didn't know the extent of the sentence so we wanted to go say our goodbyes how old are you at the center said 16 16 y/o and our stepmom was supposed to pick us up from school to go say hi to when we go see him and she never came so that same day basically got back to the house and we show up to the house doors are locked were knocking knocking coming get into the house he finally answers the door we go inside and she tells hey look you guys can't stay here anymore I can't afford to keep you guys and you guys just can't stay here so and then me I lose my [ __ ] at 16 I was like dude what the [ __ ] are we supposed to do what it were am I supposed to go right and she said figure it out I remember that completely like like her face or features I can still vividly see it in my head it's just I figure it out and figure it out you did real quick you know we grabbed our bags grabbed our stuff put it in the car took my brother in there and you know let's rewind it a couple years back when we were with our mom my mom actually she got to sent to prison for about a year and a half when we were still with my dad and we were in the system in and out because they would take us from her dad put his back with her dad like the system was just we hated it right so I told my brother hey we're not gonna tell a soul we're going to go ahead and compete and continue to figure out how to do this call your friends I'll call my friends let's see where we could stay and it was a school night so the people were calling we weren't telling him what happened we would just say her parents are out of town we don't stay home by ourselves team can we do something right denied denied denied all right finally you know we're at the corner at the gas station fast strip in Riverside this is when pay phones are still around you know yeah yeah so dropping quarters left and right and hand it up calling it quits around 10 o'clock at night because we did want to call it you need anybody else after that yeah packed into our car and I was wrestling draw high school wrestling we'd go on these runs on these trail runs because we do a lot of conditioning for wrestling and one of the trail runs was right behind or high school and that's where I lived I lived off a Stover to Riverside Inn they had these dirt trails and trails and I remember one specific trail at the end it was housing track and then those like an alley slash mountain I was like dude perfect so spent the night the first night there mm-hmm you know spent the night in my car still in my same school clothes grabbed a different t-shirt I didn't even shower that first night went to school pretended like nothing happened told my brother do the same at that point we're bouncing from house to house to house were you know trying to make ends meet I would shower at the gym I would I would get ready at the gym at times and and then you know head to school by six months into that my wrestling coach assistant wrestling coach Chris Gillespie bless his heart and his in his dad's heart kind of saved my life in that aspect he kind of heard what was going on he was an assistant coach so he wasn't hired by the school per se right came to me Aspen was going on I denied everything at first and then he say you gotta time where we're gonna have to help somehow or another I was like as long as you don't tell the school dude this is what I'm doing he's like we'll look I already talked to my dad you could stay with us he can sleep on the floor until you get on your feet yeah well he ended up working at home brochure in Fullerton it was like one of the big warehouses was they would deliver people's groceries delivered groceries or whatnot or not so I would be the order puller yeah wasn't eaten yet so I don't know how he pulled that off right and giving me a job working graveyard so working graveyard junior in high school towards the end going into my senior year I was working graveyard from midnight till 10:00 in the morning I luckily because I hated being home I went to summer school every year I prior and so I had all electives and in three major courses or three classes to attend my junior and then four courses my senior and you were working midnight to the morning till morning and then go to school go straight to school so when were you sleeping a warrior sleeping even at all no I would sleep after wrestling practice so I would literally sleep four hours a day and we would work 10-hour shifts I worked 40 hours and four days and then so I would catch up my slip in and you can actually see I have pictures where I went from you know can it's a completely white because I saw no Sun you know clearly white and I had the bleached hair I was a little skater kid by them you know I got away from the gang banging scene just because a it was only getting me in trouble so I figured I'd go do this you know Restless that was a productive habit that I was beside yeah so I worked graveyard and did that for both G news teen years and I barely graduated high school you know and if it wasn't for my English teacher I wouldn't have graduated high school and the reason for that is I was late to her class every fourth period because I was working so I'll show up late she you know what was going on you know and I was you don't want to share it because you don't want to get yourself in trouble get what the system yeah I go back in the system and and I didn't want to - we're so close to graduating and she's she pulled me aside prior say hey you're not gonna graduate because you're failing right late to my class every day yada yada I finally you know broke down to her and said hey you got a promising nutso school but you got it you gotta help me out here and she ended up not promise me that she was gonna tell at school but she did I ended up toner you know and she ended up breaking down herself and couldn't believe it showed her proof that my dad's locked up ended up getting set up to where hey if you do this book report I'll give you a deal pass your class we can move on in loving the story yeah it's shown me yeah the story is not stood in doubt what did she ask you to do right she gave you a little bit of context or how to do the assignment talk a little about that she set it up pretty proper man she uh she said who do you look up to you who do you who do you admire who do you want to be like and at this point I'm uh you know I follow athletes right hand and you know Bo Jackson Bo knows everything a great athlete in every aspect killer didn't football killed it in baseball you know even everything right hand so I told her I was like bo Jackson it was like why it was like I want you to write a book report on bo Jackson and I did you know and I have pictures of that book report I still kept that book report because I knew it would mean something down the road Wow I still like bo Jackson what was it about him because it seems like at that stage in your life you didn't have mentors didn't have mom you know pop so what was it that that Bo was for you at that age everything man yeah it was like he anything he put his mind to he accomplished and was excellent at it he he perfected the game of football he perfected his position he perfected baseball you know he did amazing things when they told him he couldn't mm-hmm you know they told him he was gonna suck at baseball he was like pick one or the other but you ended up doing both and killing it yeah you know and I admire that of them which is interesting because now you got your hats and in so many different places but you guys are still doing phenomenally well yeah right self-made is not only a training facility but you've got clothing and trainers and all sorts of digital programs and stuff like that so is there a little bit of that seed that you then kind of use later Oh 100% yeah that's pretty interesting there's there's a very young in my entrepreneurship career that you have to diversify yourself but you don't jump into a bunch of things that you just don't know right you kind of figure them out some of are gonna blossom pretty well and some of them are gonna die on the ones that die out obviously you move on but ideally is is if you can diversify yourself as an entrepreneur why not right you know but yet attack everything with the same passion and the same Drive so they can be successful yeah that makes sense so then Bo became your your sort of your your muse in a sense right like okay I want to be like that but talk to me a little bit about your pops going to prison for like 22 years right delete years how does that feel the day you find out and that process I mean is it kind like surreal it doesn't really hit you I mean well I mean it's not easy for anybody much less than 16 year old well what was that like talk about survival mode mm-hmm like literally survival mode dude your back your your backs back against the corner what do you do right and I like I was telling you earlier I'm a wrestler yeah I take pride in that that mentality that mindset that drive that wrestlers have right thank God for that because they gave me an option for every problem there's a solution I've told this before where you know in wrestling you have moves and countermoves and I remember one time my wrestling coach sat me down when I told him I was stuck in the move I couldn't get out he was like pulling the sides like you've never stuck this is the counter move for it and same thing with life for every problem their solution and business in business everything you know so I that's always been embedded with me and for me I don't give up that's that's when that happened I was like okay [ __ ] I have no mom I have now no dad my relatives don't give a [ __ ] about us they don't care do you like Noah and everybody my mom burned so many bridges that that relationships were all scarred right so for me I was like her issue was was just drugs and drove me up oh yeah dude psychological all kinds of stuff you know she one time I was about nine we lived in Imperial Beach at that time and she fabricated a story to my family members she she basically prior to them coming over to the house she sat me down and say hey lookit and I love boogie-boarding and I would get this rash on my chest because I would had a cheek boogie-boarding on you have a rash guard right right so I always complained about it she never wanted to buy it for me and she sat me down saying you want that boogie board you want that rash guard I need you to do me a big favor I need you to sleep in the closet in this sleeping bag that I have set up and then don't come out no matter what and I'll take care of you you know tomorrow we'll go shopping for that Wow I'm like 19 years old okay sounds like the camping right she was like but you cannot come out okay all right cool so she sets me at abetik around 7:30 8 o'clock yeah and I I'm already asleep and then I hear the doorbell and I hear multiple times and then finally like I hear people hysterically crying my brother crying right my mom crying and say Miguelito make it lethal let me was my error is like Miguelito and she fabricated a story that I got hit by a car and she needed money for the funeral you know she was that type of person you know and I remember that vividly and it's unfortunate actually I remember vividly now because my brother brought it up not too long ago right I I blocked out a lot of stuff in my shirt yeah but I know that that happened to my brother like you know he played into it because my mom also conned him as well and my brother's only 11 months apart he's only he's a young you know he's only 11 months younger than me yeah so having that background in that kinda played into all that it really led me in a really dark path as a kid right so when my dad got locked up is yet again you know sink or swim what are you gonna do so fending for yourself with like having to earn your own keep and you know working the grave night graveyard shift like is that what I kept you afloat because you were literally homeless in high school right yeah homeless in high school but by the time my senior year came up I was able to get my own apartment I had my own apartment which I showed you pictures earlier the party spot and yeah so I had my own apartment I was making at that point twelve bucks an hour so I started off at eleven then I ended up working in the freezer Department which I had this big old Eskimo suit my scanner and my little scanner and I would have my totes and fill it up and set it up for an extra dollar an hour's I sacrifice be your agent you were though dude I was making Bank at that age you know yeah but prior to that I had every little hustle you know right selling drugs to burning CDs with everybody's favorite music so I've hustled since I was a kid did you get a little bit of that from your dad because it seems like he was an entrepreneur - right I got my dad was an immigrant from Guatemala okay he came to the country he got his green card and he learned English he he was a go-getter but unfortunately I believe my mom cheated a lot of my dad they needed that man that he became he wasn't strong willed on that ass but right heavy alcoholic always drank since I was a kid that I can remember everything associated with drinking right but yes I got for my father so at least I got something out of it right now and I think to wrestling became an anchor for you to teach you work ethic right you became a physical example that you then translated to the rest of your life how do you think that wrestling helped you and what do you think your life would have been like if you didn't have that that's singular at least anchor I wouldn't be where I'm at today we wouldn't be having this conversation you know it's pointing simple dude it's really interesting cuz a lot of people we interview especially in the fitness space and even if they're not in the fitness space you know and high levels of business will tell you like you're a business athlete like if you don't have any kind of physical routine or some exertion there's a cap to what you have available in business or in life or whatever you speak a little bit about that the importance in fitness it's the truth you know and I was telling you earlier it was like imagine every high profiled athlete or a person that takes care of their body eats well is disciplined to get up and do things for their physical appearance right major you taking those basic fundamentals and applying them to business what do you think is gonna happen you eat right you want abs you're gonna get abs right right you apply those same things to business in is strategically place yourself invest and in things like that these what's gonna happen in your pocketbook gets bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger so I I took that from a very young age into my real estate career you know cuz I after I graduated high school I was either joining the Army or gonna get a scholarship didn't get my scholarship to that I fractured my ankle in my senior year one double-overtime Snowden give up one in my first meet my state me and Isaiah had to call it cold the whole nine what do I do next right cuz wrestling was all you knew is your only happiness or your only thing that you're good at exactly amigos either that or going to work so you in scholarship army you going to work right turn to do the army cuz I couldn't tell I couldn't have people demand things from me yeah I'm a control freak you can't tell me what to do right to a certain extent I'm a student I'm learning but you can't command me to do something it's just not in my thing I hope you can train me to do stuff and I'm gonna do it properly so I got into commercial plumbing commercial plumbing those construction your honor what you were making at that time as a commercial plumber oh it's making 16 bucks an hour nice thousand so you're moving out in the world oh yeah I was making money dude I was blowing it on drugs alcohol every weekend we would fill up my frig would be random party like crazy so you could like do drugs drink all that and still be fun as a functioning drug addict alcoholic since I was the age of 16 do you know man and did that make it hard to quit cuz you're like man why should I quit I'm doing great I'm making moves I mean yet again the fight we've you know sink or swim right I knew one day I was either gonna end up in prison kill myself or really hurt somebody else and I wasn't willing to do that was there ever times where you got in depression or suicidal mode or anything like that I there's been and I haven't told this very often my wife knows this but I've had you know three occasions where I felt suicidal mm-hmm when my mom left when my dad got incarcerated and then after a four-day binge mmm you know and after that four-day binge I knew that was it and this was three years ago I celebrated three years sobriety yesterday Wow man congratulations on that other thanks awesome so it's unfortunate you know but I knew waking up I have a beautiful family I have a beautiful wife of an amazing career and then I also have you know this this training facility to thank for that for the sobriety aspect of it yeah it's amazing beautiful place thank you I appreciate that and through the training facility it's helped me become sober why because I can't be a hypocrite I can't promote health and fitness and and a healthy lifestyle a wealthy lifestyle right if I'm over there so partying on the weekends and doing my thing right you got to lead by example 100% makes sense so tell me I know that you were plumbing making 16 bucks an hour and then what was the part where you said man I should I really want to do things bigger you know what was the seed that was planted cuz then you got in a real estate yeah so talk to me a little bit about how that transition happened what inspired you to get in real estate take us back so I I I D I barely graduated high school right so no college education and my thing was okay I'm gonna be a an apprentice journeyman well I'm sorry from journeyman to an apprentice to a project manager to Foreman and then hopefully own my own construction company goal so there was in your mind there was always like I want to do big for ya that was always there yeah there's two things that I learned from my hustle I'm either gonna earn it and work my ass off or I'm gonna steal it but I'm gonna get it I'm gonna get it so I knew when one doesn't have longevity still in that obviously wasn't going to happen right you know I was either gonna end up in prison it just wasn't happen what was the motivation or what was it that like made it so intense in you two I'm gonna get it is it like you want to be able to provide is that you came from not having a lot is it the lack of stability I mean what was it everything all that and above you can think about it you have a poor kid that is living out of his car and had to earn everything that he's he's been you know that that I've had my first car I bought my own first car I taught myself how to drive I didn't we're not shave until I was a senior in high school dude you know so I got to earn everything right for me it was that drive I was like if I want that I'm gonna get it it's all on you it's all on me and the thing for me back then was the lowriders you know when a rider I wanted is that that was just my scene yeah but yet again that's a different arena right now so I always figured if I once and I got work for it and if I got to do that then I got to work my ass off to get there so I had that already projected in my head and planned out in my head that I'm gonna work my ass off to get to that position right three years in I figured I hated that [ __ ] job I give a lot of credit to construction workers right yeah manual labor it's hours traveling the whole nine I always thought I was meant to do more right and somebody at a dinner table when I was bitching about my day because I bitched about my day a lot right and Sammy Don say you need a sell real estate he was a real estate wig and he was like you're bilingual everybody likes you and you communicate well because I love to talk I can talk to anybody right and is it you'd be awesome in real estate because I want you to take your courses like what is real estate I didn't know what was right I knew how to build ship and you know how to you know yeah and he started explained to me was like foreign language yeah I was like what are you talking about what's ESCO what's lets you know title what's this what's the foundation what they I mean uh foundational foundation but you know the the terms for when it came real estate right and you say you take all your online courses this way you got to do go for it and anything twice of it a little bird and sure you don't need a college degree no figure out why the hell not and he was probably successful too right oh they used killer dude right I kill me he taught me a lot of things about business you taught me how to understand disease you referred to books to me my very first two books I've ever read in my life because I my addm dyslexic I can't you know I can't sit down and function but since then I read a lot how many how many times did it take for you to pass that exam for real estate not stupid okay okay it by no means was i stupid I wasn't committed right I failed it 11 times dude 11 times but yes every time I went to go take the test I just had a two-day bender three-day bender I was drunk or high or did something I never study yeah I did all my prerequisites because they're online right they actually sit down and study I found that party was more valuable than that yeah after every time my Foreman would make fun of me every time I failed was like just give it up D just keep working your ass off you would make fun of me all your co-workers and plumbing on construction line they they were laughing the whole time I was a laughing stock for a while yeah and then over you at this time dude I was twenty-two between three so twenty to thirty three okay and another thing to add a sacrifice $75 every time to retake the test right my [ __ ] clothes thousand dollars in the hole yeah like dude after the ninth time I said I was gonna study never happened after the tenth I know okay I'm gonna do it this time that happened the 11th time I got the news when I was at a job site in that buy this I was already a journeyman right so I passed the labor aspect now is putting [ __ ] together in a way running reading blueprints and whatnot right my Foreman hated my guts because I was moving up and he figured I was skinny that could give him some competition something was gonna hurt a little bit of ego - yes so that day he's like here gave me a shovel I was like I need you to dig this whole thing I was like dude we got a guy that you paid nine bucks an hour why don't you get you know give them those guys I'll do it but dude yeah you're you're wasting 16 dollars an hour over nine what's the purpose of it I've not haven't dug a trench in a year and a half because I get on it no questions asked and you're gonna do this the whole week I was like what did it you know what did I do for you yeah so at that point I got super pissed off and I got the news that same day I was [ __ ] mad you use that you pass through real estate or failed the real estate failed failed 11-time I got all that news in one day and now go dig the chance and it took me a couple days because at that point I was like dude I'm done you know right I'm stupid I was what I was thinking right but now I thought about it like every time I hung up I went to go take the test I was either hung over recovering from hunger you know and I was like alright this is what I'm gonna do huh and give it since 12 to about 23 now there's not been a weekend that I didn't party okay I had no parents so I partied a lot right I'm gonna stay home for 30 days cuz you can do it every 30 days take the test right stay home for 30 days I'm gonna study I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do that I'm gonna pass this [ __ ] test did exactly that didn't drink for 30 days didn't party didn't do anything studied every day after work and even on lunch breaks every time and then should you not have passed the test what was the difference that time you just hit a threshold or you're like [ __ ] this I'm tired of the same place think about it interesting so that shovel was in your mind when you wanted a party drink nope I got a somebody else to control me and tell me what I'm worth because I felt worthless no you gotta earn your keep I get it but I burned my key I did two years of a Prentice I dug a bunch of trenches right no questions asked but by that time I've already moved up and because somebody's ego put me in that position yeah yet again sink or swim so that shovel became the anchor of why you have to go on descent yeah and I never gave up so you get the license and then you start practicing right away you start killing it I mean what was your walk us through your first year yet again I didn't know what a seat was I didn't mic my communication skills were good but they weren't like my dialogue wasn't proper right and I still slang a little bit you just right-click talk a little bit I felt very uncomfortable in the office setting mm-hmm you know it just didn't feel like I belonged right so for me I was like I gotta ask our really rich dad poor dad and then I started reaching thinking Grow Rich and what those two books I was like dude where's my where's my spot that everybody feels like friends and family to me right and it's always been the gym mmm so I trained out of the commercial gym instead of showing up in my construction work and cleaning up there to get my workout in I would go at the porta-potties at the site change there do little wipes change polish up and every time I walked into the gym I look like I was there for the training and everybody knew me there they didn't know what I did but they knew me there because they would always ask me about fitness what I eat what I do you know at that point I was already in shape I was just all the way yes you've always been in shape right and I think talk a little bit too about how like no matter all the challenges you went through Fitness stayed constant right 100% wasn't like oh I'm depressed man you know forget working out for a week or a month or whatever it was consistent throughout the whole night what if it wasn't for fitness dude I wouldn't be here today like yeah it kept me out of completely going to the dark side mmm get me on that gray gray threshold you know I'd get into I get into shape okay no more drinking no more partying as much okay binge a little bit come back you know so it's always been there to keep me safe God you know it was like my outlet it's workout no I just I just love sports student you just picked it up from wrestling and wrestling it just stayed with it the whole time they weigh them down yep okay so then you get in a real estate you start going to the gyms and then once you start going there what happened so I started going there because I felt comfortable so right when people would ask me you know how do you stay so in shape I would be like this is this is comfortable for me right so like well dude I eat right I prep my own food and my job allows me to create my time right what do you mean what do you do well I sell real estate here's my card you know you set it up and spike yeah yep that's it but then I would leave it at that and then that's it so next time the question was still about Fitness then and becoming what's the real estate market doing or what's my house worth what's this what's going on so I would bring that in it broke that ice that it became a common interest that we had fitness as a common interest now they feel very comfortable to me they're gonna use me for real estate gosh yeah you've already built rapport and you serve planting seeds giving them value and then building that trust so you essentially we're sort of instead of prospecting where you weren't comfortable a door over the phones you're going to the gym to prospect 100% and you start closing deals in the gym six months I get two deals in the same month other ones are purchase and one's a listing Wow and what were those chicks if you don't mind me asking you remember so when I get into it right yet again real estate somewhere foreign I'm learning right one was 3% the other ones 2.75 5% of the purchase price or the list price I'll show zoned in get their horror story is only it's it's don't count your chickens before they hatch right so I was so zoned to close those transactions I had a piece-of-shit car for like the the the purchase at a piece of your car every time I made a right turn it would open up so I had a bungee that thing down to the seatbelt before I wouldn't open a 1930 BMW you know and it look it was supposed to be blue but it looked purple it was like pieces it cost me a thousand bucks dude you know and or in the mornings I would wake up you know an extra half hour early because I wouldn't I didn't have money to change out the fan belts right would squeal really loud when you stopped at a stop sign so I figured I'll if you put soap on it it takes the wax and kind of moves it up yeah it lasts all day another good yeah it's all creative with it resourceful resourceful so what I did I would go to enterprise I would rent a car and show property you know so I was so focused on not losing these transactions right that I really didn't pay attention to the Commission's honest truth yeah and by the time in yet again I'm learning so every question that you had if I didn't have the answer I research the [ __ ] out of it I asked my broker I did this I make sure I give him the proper answer back right but I never told him hey dude I don't know I would always say to them yo look it it's an ever-changing market which it really is and some of the questions did have to do with some of the changes of new laws regulations and stuff of that nature right and I said look it I mean the research and get back to you right in exactly what I did i researcher get back so i'll so focus on closing everything l that by the time they closed they closed the three days apart from each other I remember hmm and by the time escrow cuts the checks to my broker my broker gets the checks deposit him he calls me into his office about almost a week after uh-huh he says and this is back you know 15 years ago right so he is like hey your checks already I was like hell yeah D yeah gives me my closing statements and in the envelope I walk out I said thanks probably like you should be really proud he tells me my broker and I was like oh thanks dude I'm not thinking they never open it I opened the checks and I was like holy [ __ ] bro it was so real like even to this day it gets me like crazy so my to checks was equivalent to one year's pay as a plumber dude I made 62 thousand dollars this was in the Haymarket when the the pricing was up on every 62,000 3% to 7% you know when was almost a million - and the only ones like this like a million five lamb deal and I was like [ __ ] you know I'm already thinking what am I gonna buy what am I gonna do right and I'm banking Wells Fargo and I send it and I go in there to tell her looks at the checks stamps on IV have a business account right I it was on in my personal name and I yeah and you've never had money like that you're never ever ever do it like [ __ ] yeah dude time to party you know with Vegas how to spend it yeah dude and so I deposit they put a 10-day hold on them because I never had that much money in my account right they want to make sure they cleared so but then they hold on it longest 10 days of your life I'm sure long is the most rewarding in a sense of getting my mind right I got this adrenaline high that I'm banking on think I'm rich you know right and I was like [ __ ] dude I was still working as a plumber mm-hmm working real estate part-time in the evenings weekends I hustled my ass off for six months to get that happen actually about seven months seven eight months and by the time I was closed those ten days I was evaluating my life the whole day the whole time Jose right well car am I gonna buy what am I gonna do what am I gonna say you know I was thinking of everything I had do I really want to be a plumber or should I quit what I hear man I really like this real estate thing everybody was wearing True Religions I'm wanting to religious you know three hundred dollars pop yeah I got it I'll still have sixty one thousand CMD so in that transition I'm still going to work and I'm still shoveling things you know these are he's pointing out things for me to do and at that point I was like you know what I'm done dude I finished Rich Dad Poor Dad it gave me a completely different mindset I was on to Think and Grow Rich completely different approach of business nominal books yeah the best books I'm glad they referred those books to me as my two first books gets her from there it's been on would you recommend to people out there listening my personal service 100% you'll take things out of there that you don't know I've reread those books by two or three times okay and I always get something new from them to pronounce it and it depends where you're at in life a hundred pokes out at your applies and you situation and hue or whatever yeah so by the ninth day I already kind of had my mind set that I was gonna quit and I knew reading those books if I have a crutch I have an outlet to go to something else right if if I gave him two weeks they would they would accept me back because I was a good worker right and so I called my form in the next morning once I saw the money cleared and said hey yo I'm not coming in today what do you mean do you sick you you're a like nah I quit bro he starts laughing and I was like what you're doing the real estate thing I was like yeah I'm doing real estate thing he starts laughing is like bro get your ass over here you're not gonna get your job back if you don't put in at least in two weeks and I was like you know uncle [ __ ] off yeah and I hung up on it was the best feeling you ever do Wow that's filling every and I hung up and then I started stressing out freaking out like I just [ __ ] up I did I just do yeah and but then I I calmed down I had enough money to hold me over I didn't go crazy spending it which was good because he gave me that time knowing that I was gonna quit right yeah but then how are you right here I was 24 okay then you know 23 24 and do my first year in real estate I mean $125,000 nice you know nice but bad at the same time because I wasn't incorporated so dude I would I didn't know about taxes I didn't know about it yeah that's good yeah dude I had a $32,000 tax bill there sucked they don't find out about till you owed it today I incorporated the next day you know so because I knew I was going to do that that well and the other hand most of your clients I do want to ask cuz I think a lot of people would be fascinated to know because a lot of people start real estate they struggle yeah or any profession they started to struggle how important is it to find an angle to find clients right like cuz I know you like a lot of people would say oh I tried a cold call or door knock but it didn't work for me you never did that right well the thing is it's like I love meeting people right you know so it's I find out what that strength is and make it that happen applying what you already know but put it in a different industry right for me was like okay I how does somebody gonna trust me with a 500 to a million dollar purchase over the phone right now and I wasn't like a smooth talker is like there's no way you know so if I got in front of people and they got to know me that was my strength right you know I can I can make anything happen at that point especially if I give them educated answers back you know right so that's you know taking that strength and applying it in a comfortable position in a sense of the gym because already knew and these people already knew me and I already know that right right so it worked out you know so you found an angle and capitalized on the position and I think that's a big lesson for people out there to listen like whatever market or whatever and ever there in like who says you have to like go through the traditional routes like maybe find your angle and leverage that maybe that'll be your strong 100% dude so then from real estate then we get into you know what we have now is self-made talk a little bit about the transition and the addition I guess because you juggle a lot of stuff you know and you do it really well talk about when personal training came into the mix and sort of the seed that built this beautiful place and so will 16 others yeah it's a little fast-forward real quick so we don't spend hours and hours on this but it's all those things where did really well in real estate right a hundred percent killed it got up to you know to the point where I opened up my own brokerage and I went really big in one big location right yeah I was telling you that story earlier writing really really big in one location started off small and then work my way up and then I ended up having the X amount of agents lending everything under one roof mark has shifted on me had a new person come in they offered a hundred percent commissions I lost a lot of my top producers couldn't reinvent the wheel couldn't make it happen yeah so I ended up having to file bankruptcy in 2012 and I learned a hundred percent I mean humbled me and learn so much because you got think about a kid that had never had anything I'm on top of the [ __ ] world right on cloud nine you know yeah and no one can beat me I'm a stud at real estate but I think one year I sold 98 homes in one year Wow you know that's the first year I ever made a million bucks I was a 2009 so welcoming through the income levels so you said first year 125 how did it he's get skelling up second year was to twenty-five thirty was three hundred forty was about 450 and then the other by the fifth and six years eight hundred to a million Wow you know and by then I had a full staff I had my own brokerage reel-to-reel news associates went really big started doing landing I got into lending as well so that had another channel revenue as well right I was killing it and then like yet again a shift happened that I wasn't prepared because I was such blinded in my ego that all my agents left and I won't blame them I blame myself I provided a an outlet for them to find something better when I could have been improving my systems instead of worrying about just my production and so on gosh yeah and the challenge was that the other brokerage sir opened up and they were like no Commission I am 100% commission flat rate the whole so all the agents want to go there and they're your whole empire and your overhead no Don collapses so my wife tells you don't live in nothing doesn't love you back so decide to file bankruptcy love that don't don't love anything that doesn't look me back I love that you know and and smart woman dude I'll get to her next and got into the bankruptcy yet again I already had some rental properties that I owned and in and I was like my main thing goes protect my investments that I've already accumulated over time right how's our barrels held are you at the bankrupt oh shoot 2012 I'm 36 now I was probably 30 Wow 29 I wasn't even that long ago then no 2012 not too long ago Wow and I hired an attorney from online because I was so embarrassed to ask for referrals or anything like that right followed bankruptcy before yet again being ignorant this guy tells me that yeah my rental properties will be protected and all you have to do is follow through the corporation of the real estate and maybe some of your personal assets so we did all that I got to the attorney to the judge and come to find out they attacked my LLC so I ended up having to give up some rental properties and they collected almost close to a million dollars in equity yeah but luckily 2012 wasn't the peak of the market so I was able to keep some mother estate properties which has now tripled in in amounts you know but out of that humbled ourselves this was December of 2012 by 2013 I told myself this will never happen again and started thinking of rebuilding my real estate business and just being self-sufficient alone I wasn't planned this wasn't even in the picture but my wife to help the household to generate our income back to what we were used to she started personal training out of our gym she's been I've been a personal trainer for a while already so I found my buddy was selling all his gym equipment for five grand and I had 5 grand so I was like cool build it put it up for her she did that for about 8 months and she killed it and no self-made fitness she was at developing her own personal training she was independent doing everything on her own but I hate it people keep coming in my house not because I hate the people it's just you know random people's right else so I finally told hey babe do you know sell everything let's sell everything let's get you to go work at a corporate gym or work at a studio she went to the corporate gyms by no means dude baby value of the hell out of the craft of personal training to put you in a box they don't care about the training aspect in the personal development they care more about the numbers and make sales okay so that wasn't her job and then she ended up going to a couple private studios some of them have have to ask the equipment didn't have everything we needed and then some of them were charging still membership doing large boot camps right finally she comes home she was like just give me my gym bag by then I already sold everything right I was like no babe here try this one place that we Google the place that we found find this one place they're hiring it says they're hiring looks like a good little gym she went there talked to the owner and they belittled the [ __ ] out of her dude you know she came back I was on my lunch break from real estate she came back home crying and tells me the story and I'm over here like I want to beat the living [ __ ] out of these guys and I just didn't give her value or nominal value do they baby valued her crap they told her she couldn't carry her name that she was competition that she has to be all them or none and so that wasn't happening right and the owner was a competitor so you know I was a competitor so they kind of just didn't flash and so I got so pissed I was like you know [ __ ] out we'll build you a gym well build your own private studio right I'll be outside of the house find this type of commercial at this dollar per square foot and I'll make it happen baby and and I budgeted about 75 thousand for that and should she know she found it and she found it directly right across to the facility that told her no and be live you know have big fu to know big time dude yeah so for us or like all right cool we go into it thinking it was a private studio and I was like dude how many trainers just like my wife need a home to build a career at it you know without the micromanage without the limitations and really build a career based on what they're good at and I have any members of nothing so we started creating this thing and then that's all we came up with self mitri facility but the first location in Murrieta is 3900 square feet I budgeted 75,000 not knowing anything about equipment I know anything about the build-out right our credit was jacked up so we had to put three times the amount of the deposit so that deposit was a little over 20 grand so now that took you know down to 50 55,000 big chunk of that 75 budget yeah by the time we got to our floors and mirrors we're about it down to our last 8 grand and I was like so much for the budget yeah I was able to keep a couple of my classic cars and I had a badass road key harley-davidson Road King customized featured in hot bikes magazine I sold that right away and then I had a beautiful 1970 suburban original 3 door completely we're slammed almost those white white in black details and you customized it yourself customized it from the ground up Wow you know and that was one of my pride possessions and I said you know what [ __ ] it sold that for pennies on the dollar sold it for 40 grand worth 60 or more yeah I just got rid of eight so we ended up getting enough capital to put the gym so you just went all-in on the genesis life savings dude so you literally had no reserves no loans no reserves I was hustling real estate every real estate transaction I closed went to the gym painter overhead went to the gym paid our overhead paint went to the gym I did that for a long time so this had to work they had to work there's no no no there's there's this pivotal moment where I was losing my [ __ ] and I'd tell my wife is like this better effing work right you know she looked at me as you're like dude my wife was mopping floors like we had no help no employees it was just me and her you know how'd you guys meet she used to what we met at a club when I was about 18 or 19 we connected but we never did anything and she went on her way and I went online and then we reconnected when I moved to Temecula I had a Harley Davidson then and it was all custom out too and they wanted to use it for a calendar she's a promo model but she was also in landy and she is also a bartender she's a hustler herself yeah yeah like every job you can think of you guys connected on that mutually productive and then we've been inseparable since that calendar day yeah so - to the hit series through the roller-coaster that's one thing she's new me when I was poor and she this was before real estate even took off in she's been with me through good bad and everything what's the best part about her impact on you in the relationship she taught she taught me what love was what gays love like true love unconditional love even through the bad [ __ ] you know and never had that once in my life Wow not once not even from a parent that's amazing dude yeah and then so you guys come together start the first facility yep and talk to me a little bit about what's unique about your business model because it is freaking amazing and I think that's why you guys are taking the industry by storm so a little bit about the uniqueness of the uniqueness that sets us apart we charge actually no memberships all our trainers are independent contractors they run their own facility they run their own business in our facility and they can carry their own name they mark it with us we co mark it with them we give them tools and systems to be successful not only one-on-one but online as well so we create an online nutrition platform for online training platform and their one on one training platform so it allows them to be successful not only here but it also virtually so basically the personal trainers pay you guys a membership and they can bring in all of their clients yep for free there's no charge for that and then they keep 100% of the money that they earn from their personal training client yeah we've to have an accredited certification course that they can take we also have an on tour entrepreneurship courses that they take that we developed based on our model so we teach in my County marketing retention communications we teach them everything how to run an efficient business under a house because looking we're recruiting personal trainers that work at corporate gyms right so since they're working at corporate gyms there and they're like an employee mindset they're not independent contractors they're actually being owners no that's right so we teach them how to do that yeah if anything they're used to hiding right correct because the you know it's taboo now you go to 24 LA Fitness you got to be low-key that you're a trainer because they want you to sign up with the actual gyms trained up so you're solving a huge problem in that niche market yeah yeah Wow so we took it to a whole nother level we're constantly trying to perfect it there's no way that will ever be perfect so we're constantly evolving right you know we're five steps ahead everybody else is trying to mimic us right now you can copy us that's credible and you guys are at 17 locations and 17 locations out so started off in Murrieta and then yet again in Stoney instead of going real big like I did with my real estate office I was like hey let's see if this works somewhere else I'm from Riverside went to Corona killed in Corona went to Costa killed in Costa that's like a true testament that this would work anywhere in the state right and made it happen and your first location was profitable month one or enjoyed yeah month one we're only staffed within 90 days that's incredible most of the marketing was done online right online Instagram social media we built a multi-million dollar business on Instagram no Instagram and Facebook how did you guys market to begin with what were some strategies or insights that you can impart to the audience I took ego out of it you know instead of saying hey this is Miguel's gym or this is autumn Jim this is self-made you could be self-made and does has nothing to do with money a self-made is an individual taking actions behind the thought and the idea right they want to be successful we're gonna teach them how to be successful and at that point we created a community and retention so high that people can't compete with you know so for us is is the value is the trainer you know so for us did they're coming to us and loving every bit of it and you guys also have nutritionists in-house we have twenty twenty six dietitians that work and develop our software we have our training app that helps them train people online that we also have their credited certification courses that teaches them how to develop different skills if I can diversify one trainer to do five different things that in the same industry right they'll never be slow powerlifting great I got you weightlifting great I got you bodybuilding great I got your weight management good I got you the question that the question is my trainers can do anything of what they're willing to put in the work for that's amazing dude that were there any struggles when it came to getting personal trainers or was it pretty easy was a pretty organic growth it was organic really yeah look at the values there and we took like yet again we took us out of the picture and we focused on them if you go to our Instagram which is self meet training facility our main corporate headquarters it's all about them and then you have them promoting it to their students and then it just so on - so for you yeah you know instead of a spending a $20,000 budget on marketing we have known real marketing budget if you think about it because I have like say Temecula we have 50 personal trainers in Temecula 50 people tagging this place on a daily basis those 50 people have an average of 10 athletes that are tagging our place that they're getting success out of our facilities that they're excited to be here we get so many requests to be a membership gym right okay they keep wanting to come back but we'll never do it because you never want to devalue the craft yes you get and the fact that your wife was in personal training you have a pulse on it you have a sensitivity to it you didn't just start it a gym to make money no you started a training facility because you you understand the market you know what they're dealing with you know what they wish was the case yes built it around that instead of trying to reinvent the wheel I tried to perfect it mmm yeah I build things from the ground up right and this model has been around but they've never tried to perfect it they've never added systems anybody can put a gym together right anybody can right but no one can build a community the way we've done it no one can develop the tools and the systems to have the investment be the person not the tangible product I'm investing in people I'm investing in other entrepreneurs to be successful corporate America will build you up because they get a piece of your pie right go put your greed your paddle back great sales meet your quota meet your quota meet your quota while we're getting fat and happy right with us no hey I want you to make a hundred man what do I get out of the hundred grand nothing I get the flat rate every month no matter what you made that's that's because you guys have built a multi-million dollar business while increasing other people's revenue to write later percent talk to me a little bit about the stories of trainers who've you know 2 + 3 X 4 X 5 X their income sometimes something about that you got an average trader from corporate jet who's making between 25 and 40 thousand a year if that we're in 60 plus hours a week with no respect - there's no respect nothing it's a restaurant business getting ready get them out nothing wrong against restaurants but I'm just saying you know get them in feed them get them out and they get a piece of the action 100% right so with us is now hey let's invest in our trainers make them super successful we don't get a piece of that pie we've had trainers 1 we had our first six franchises were - my trainers they started with us making a hundred plus like a year invested in our facility because they saw what we've done in three years three and a half years four years Wow so you're helping personal trainers that were struggling before now generate six-figure incomes that they would never have 100% dude yeah and then we have trainers that I'll take my franchise director he started in our Costa Mesa location lost it all prior okay had his own gym prior lost it all and needed a new fresh start loved our facility loved everything we implemented the tools and systems he took them to a whole nother level applied everything we taught him and you know I noticed when I was there I would notice him getting dropped off every week and I was like dude this guy doesn't have a car so one day Oberyn yeah I see them getting dropped off he's getting the stuff out of the car and I pretend to go walk to my truck to get something out and I see that uber sign so he's been getting ubered to the facility within 90 days making 10 12 racks a month dude right to now having his own car yeah and now having his own personal training business and now you know freakin he just leased an apartment in Newport Beach which is huge because that's a 3,500 or payment just on our apartment you know right yeah and the fact that you played a pivotal role in that what does that feel like man it's amazing bill you know I get more reward from this than I did my real estate career those they got me out the hood per se but it was always yes I get repeat business yes I hope somebody get in the house and it's big commitment it's a big financial commitment but it doesn't save your life or really improve it you know dramatically you know it's a great investment don't get me wrong but here we're saving people's lives like directly saving somebody's life through health and fitness or improving their life through health and fitness so it's fulfilling 100% okay and you've seen transformations I'm sure happen yep let's get into the business element of it what have you found to be the best pieces of wisdom I'm sure you bumped it to the walls a bunch I mean we've heard your story what would be your best inside advice to people out there that maybe want to start their own business maybe they're in a hard place maybe they're living in their car right now and they really want to start that thing or start that business get off the ground well what have you learned what's Miguel's best insight over the last 36 years that you would impart to them is it gonna sound stupid but just take an action it's real simple yeah you have to take action you can't sit back and and have the what-ifs what if this happens what that happens right [ __ ] it all you know you're doing it you're gonna fall on your face right it's proving that every entrepreneur falls on their face you'll never see it but you know all on their face yeah get back up and do it again strategically do proper actions to get to the end goal we did this in and we hit many many roadblocks you know now we're we're in the point we're still hitting roadblocks right you know scaling is a whole different aspect right out of the country out of the state not never doing it ever in my lifetime but now we're dude I got the proper team yet again you know where has just started self-made actually in 2014 right 2014 was our first location so four years in and you guys have already built a multi-million dollar business help trainers generate six figures in income and helped hundreds if not thousands of people get in the best shape of their life represent this is a company that's invested in people dude yeah Wow and what's what's fascinating to me too is the fact that if you notice in your story early on with the real estate is that you essentially had that Empire crumble because you were getting a piece of your Realtors transactions and so from that like wrestling you learned to pivot out of that make a counter move a strategic move and said okay my next endeavor with Fitness I'm not gonna take anybody's piece of the action all right we're just gonna rent them space yep Wow so you turn that negative into place Lee I took that model real estate the guy that took my business or gave them an option to leave and I said hey we can do the same thing in the fitness industry but they sparked because of my wife because she was belittled and she was put in a situation where she had nowhere else to go and that became the new shovel maybe one hundred percent that knew motivated yeah I do it for me there's no such things as like a true setback it's a learning experience what's my counter move you know how do I get out of this and how do i improve it you know you perfect something like in wrestling I had an awesome fireman's fireman's carry I perfected that move no matter what I can get it on anybody you do the same thing in business no matter what you can get it done you know it just takes that practice over and over and over what if there's entrepreneurs or people listening or watching that they don't know what to do maybe they're stuck and think I don't know what business I want to do or I don't know what my passion is or I don't know what would be fulfilling work to me I mean I know you say action is important but what if they don't know what actions to take what advice would you give people about that but it doesn't take every position that you possibly can don't jump in other words don't don't don't be that entrepreneur or that person that jump from career to career to occur in your career I get that but since I was able to work the day I got my first job which selling women's clothing at contempo in in this was prior to graveyard right hey women's clothing at contempo at 16 that got me out of my shell to be able to talk to people right as I had to talk to females 16 years old puberty dude I was going you know you're freaking out that day me my real estate career you know those two every job that I've ever had has set me up for the next thing so don't look at your job or your career situation as I'm stuck doing this forever whatever you're doing right now is gonna teach you something for your next position when it provides that opportunity you see an opportunity to take it if it's improving like if you're scaling from one position they'll be going from $10 to $12 take it go for 12 to 14 an hour take it because you're gonna learn it's something in every one of those positions right you know same thing if you go from a national employee to management take it because you're gonna learn some skills out of that yeah they don't teach this [ __ ] in college dude right yeah and you're never gonna be ready no no you got to take the actions before you weren't prepared to start the gym you weren't prepared to do the real estate deal but you put yourself in the fire you walk through it and you bump into the walls and you figure it out 100% that's all like muscle right yeah tear them up dude fascinating man now when it comes to you looking back right yeah to that young man that young yeah that was 16 years old living in his car unsure about his life maybe even suicidal seeing what the beautiful amount of detail you've built into this awesome business and company that you built what would the Miguel today say that young 16 year old who was looking for answers that's a tough one I would tell always never give up right it's never like eight if you're alive you're you're somewhat healthy and your minds right where you can think it don't give up because those aren't enough tools to be able to get out of that hole you know when I was in my car times that I was crying and and and you know I would never cry because of why me I would I would be crying because a shitty situation but then I would laugh and and say look at watch watch watch I have mrs. axe I know I was gonna do something but I knew for a fact I was gonna do something God always had something planned out for me you know he kept me away from overdose he kept me away from going to prison he kept me away from joining the gang even further in deep into that whole lifestyle right you know and he kept me away in the transition of this you know all the stuff that would tell myself then is just to keep fighting the fight the people that fold is when you never get a reaction out of that yeah you fold you fold can't controlling things pop 20 30 40 50 60 just keep going and it will work out you'll figure it out along the way and I've had if I had five hours with you you know I take everything every setback in every way we came out right you know yeah and that's 16 year old if you could see you up in your office running this multi-million dollar company what would he say to you now would he have believed it you would believe it you know the the purpose of this whole I get me coming out of my shell and being able to really expose the darker sides of my life is for that specific reason I wish I had somebody like me that would mentor me at that age or at least I can follow and see him through social media because we didn't have it back there right yeah you have that capability you have these kids that follow us these youth these young adults even order adults you have them follow us right and what's really different now than it is back then is everything back then it had to be polished up if you're in the business world you're in a suit tie that's what you do right right now you have entrepreneurs that are super tatted all walks of life any ethnic background and they're crushing it and guess what we relate with that you know kids from where I'm from from Riverside one of the worst parts of Riverside to be able to do what I do now imagine how that how impactful that is and indirectly to because I don't know if it's working or not but it the amount of dm's again things that I've done so far yeah it's it's a hundred percent doing away as opposed to yeah you know I would listen to me at 16 why because Judy not only did does he have cool stuff but I'm a good family man you know I'm a good father I'm a good business person III don't know it all which I told you earlier I'm a student in life dude I'm constantly learning right and I'm still gonna fall on my face I'm gonna make something mistakes but I'll be following up to a minute and make them happen so that's 16 year old it would be a lot more impressionable with our lifestyle now knowing that it's possible because I could be just like him you know or my situations could be a lot worse than his current situations and there's still light at the end of the tunnel yeah now what about when it comes to you sort of because I'm sure you you know a big part of what you do is mentoring youth and stuff like that right and a lot of people ask you man how do you know how do I become successful you mentioned something earlier when you were giving us a tour about how not to chase the dollar yeah can you talk a little bit about that because it seems a little counterintuitive how do I become a multi-millionaire without chasing the dollar and I love money everybody that knows me I love money there's no doubt about it right an awesome life what I do with it is spend time with my family travel and do all the good stuff in whatever I want to buy all by right so that's a good feeling to have but I noticed in my real estate career when I was chasing the money in my brokerage right chase you giving everybody 80/20 splits how many deals you make and giving them quarters all that stuff right it failed and I took this invested in people it doesn't fail so far you know it's not I don't see it ever fail you dude how can you how can you fail when you're really developing somebody else I got another human being right and guess what happens and money comes because it be the biggest reward for me is my bragging rights I love to brag okay yeah I made this guy hundred grand I helped this person get in Shaler percentile yeah you know if I get that person to say hey look I got this trainer over here there was a Berean to my location killing it we had people move from a girl seemed Costa Mesa location and then I'll tell you the corona one real quick move from Chicago because she was following me on Instagram followed us here went to Costa Mesa when we opened crushed it and now she's killing as a personal training and for people wondering how much do you guys charge in membership depending on there's a location you know this location here in Riverside County we're at 700 San Bernardino County like Rancho Cucamonga there are a hundred dollars a person Costa Mesa 900 dollars a person so it just varies per location is totally worth it for trainers because that's paid off and income body you have all this for a very low overhead like yet in return we're not okay this equipment it's badass we manufacture some of the best equipment in the industry you own because yes you own the equipment so it's like it's the best of the best right it has no value to me hmm okay my trainers have the value we instill that in them right so for them we make it super affordable give them everything they need to be successful as long as they apply it they will be successful and don'ts and also I always tell every trainer Marco can vouch for a here in Temecula he went from corporate gym to now running his full business here he's been with us is you know killing me here and he always in he'll hashtag it or put it in suppose sometimes don't take your foot off the gas that's exactly what I told him when I interview we're not interviewing when I met with them and said hey you're gonna have to be consistent and once you get that fire going keep pulling fuel on it and keep it burning so don't take your foot off the gas he remembers that to this day yeah you know because it really you're an entrepreneur there's no like there's no nine-to-five do ya no one's gonna pay you know we're gonna earn you no one's gonna tell you got to wake up at six in the morning no one's gonna tell you how to be here you don't have to do this you have to market this you have to do this you have to do it on your own but we give them the tools and systems you know we would provide them a platform around a foundation and then when it comes to you managing everything I do want to ask cuz in closing everyone's gonna wonder man you like that's awesome but how does he manage that I can't do that how important is structuring your day I mean you have a daily routine what's your best advice for managing it all man yeah that's probably one of the toughest questions I get asked all the time do you yeah every time I get asked and it's always like cuz you got my natural state yeah real estate at the franchises I got the equipment sales I got the training facilities you know I got my real estate investments that I still be able to keep some of them that I know personal life everything yeah I wake up every day and I'm real big III talked a lot about time I wake up and I have something do every hour of the hour you know I program it to that way so I'm able to balance everything out and also I made myself a regimen where I'm home by seven o'clock at least Monday through Friday so I still spend time with my kids I don't miss any of my kids soccer events I build an awesome team from you know my chief operating officer Dean to my wife helping us with the backend stuff and helping us with the facility in the marketing to Charlene doing all our bookkeeping in one night and then having Maxwell do our franchise director so I have a team and they take on a lot so it allows me to do this kind of stuff yeah because the more we can share with the world of exactly what we do the more people I can reach and impact Amin thing is impacting if we can impact as many people so I wake up every day knowing that I have a purpose in my life for once because I have clarity you know the three-year sobriety has given me a lot of clarity this all happened because of that like it has a lot to do with it because yet again I can think properly I can make decisions happen and be completely clear of any toxins in my body mm-hmm you know every time I fail just because I was always either recovering from something or MSM it's okay yeah I got the point the last time I did it you know yeah oh man so before we wrap up because I think we've got a full grasp of the story yeah before we wrap up we always play a game called first things first okay and the way the game works is I'm gonna list off ten words or phrases and then you just tell me the first word or phrase that comes to mind you guys that make sense so you ready yeah all right so first word selfmade actually your wife loving your kids amazing your past learning Ted money management the tough times rewards your future never ending money Atul passion from heart and then your last one ready good legacy impact I love that my man yeah beautiful and certainly impacted a lot of people in the process any final words or words of wisdom the people out there that might look up to you and aspire to be like you and sort of dream of having built what you built in that fulfilling away in their niche what would be Miguel's final piece of wisdom someone said you know Miguel give me the 60 seconds your best stuff what would you say you know I want to quote somebody that I respect and Joe Rogan's right he says be the hero to your own story mmm so true bro I took that very young I'm the hero to my own story I write my own story I create my path you know in with that anybody be the hero of your own story man you're the Superman you're the bat you're everything you want to be you just gotta apply that and you have that mindset it doesn't matter where you start from no matter how much you have how much you don't have you're the hero of your own story oh man I love that thanks so much for sharing your story brother thank you brother thanks so much appreciate it that's a wrap guys thanks for tuning in to this week's episode we'll see you guys next time as always live with passion if you guys enjoyed that video be sure to hit that subscribe button right now because every week you the very best inputs on the government content interviews and insights help inspire you to take your life in your dreams make them a reality and also if you don't know how to book between guests same way I have you can check the link below for my top three secrets so if you have a podcast or a show or whatever is you want to collaborate with them you can click that link below I'll give you those top three secrets to help you get in touch with anybody and also don't forget passionate view is available on media platforms as well so you can subscribe to the podcast and until next time thank you for being one of the passionate to you [Music] [Music] you
Views: 75,162
Rating: 4.9065857 out of 5
Keywords: Homeless To 7 Figures, omar selfmade, homeless to selfmade, self made training facility interview, self made from homeless, self made fitness, self made gym, self made family, self made training facility, miguel aguilar self made, miguel aguilar homeless story, miguel aguilar, The Passionate Few interview, the passionate few, passionate few, self made, the passionate few podcast, omar elattar, miguel aguilar video, How To Make Money Personal Training, self made millionaire
Id: 8kuThMEwZoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 40sec (4540 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 03 2018
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