Foundation - Medieval City Builder [Steam Release]

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name we're gonna go with what you'll try it let's let's do floovio a suite of ovalle new will do Valley I look Cephas any balancing foot alright this is you know just kind of East the gaming you know get accustomed to so what's going on here it feels like a one-point over isn't alright looking a little bit not good um well maybe I'll move out a little bit looking a little bit not good let me see if I can tone it down just a bit for for the stream here but shadows a medium grass distance near near near or far oh very near anything else I can do this particles but particles yes and no yeah how's it look now yeah a little smoother okay all right um so first off let's go build up town let's find out where we can build it we have a spot up here on the hill and you look near the water it's where I want to be do I have to have that one where's the other choices I don't want to build here I want to build but I want to choose where I want to build fine I will build here I guess there's some iron here by though all right so we're going to build a village center it's gonna be center of town ok that was loud you Julian why don't you go be a builder leave God's oliver is going to be woodcutter will do isn't it actually let's James go and forage let's make a gathering huts we know what we're doing now look control weight perfect almost like I knew that all along there right there I want to put in a stonecutter camp right there I'm gonna put in our lumber camp let's take it back over here like that sawmill going next to it perfect to make next people some some things okay so we got a forwarder a builder woodcutter we need we're gonna have two builders lily is going to be a builder as well looks like a builder flawed is going to be a forger a stonecutter Charles we're make a market quickly is going to forage as well for food kanou-kun CUDA Gundy Cunha goon deep is going to be a carpenter and Pierre do we need another builder Oh extraction zones okay let's paint some stuff extraction extract this and this and this look at the grass it's all grassy now it's grassy I think messin with a stream is something like that okay like that now can i name them Lily can i name you I cannot sorry here the market man oh yeah market man let's build a market [Music] look at all this stuff we're making a food stall which cost wood food stall we also want a luxury stall so we're gonna go and choose like the tint color well food to be red yeah the food stall sign oh oh we can just put a sign out there barrels meet you okay so food stall it's just just a bunch of like that we're gonna put a tint a red tint which is gonna go over it yeah like that we need a food stall sign obviously this is cool like that it's no stall without barrels they're a bench yeah so people can sit I'm gonna get tired well stash it over I don't know over here in front me looking at lady and out there we also want a good stall 50 gold up front we can do that what the other one luxury stall we don't do the log Restall yeah but put Goods right here did you get tense as well goods are gonna get a green tint mmm it's cool like that okay um good start it up we need 40 wood for this let's do it waiting for a bill to generate with my selling goods to the villagers yes wow this looks like it's uh it's like it's been a pretty big update all right what are you doing here why you stand around do nothing Juna Koenig indeed you are a carpenter there's no place to company yet I just go get some me some word first yo go who are you Charles the forager Charles buddy over here Charles hey Charles what are you doing are you dumb Charles go be a transport no no over the market tender have you made a minute you can go market end I guess I'm in two of them they appear the Builder nothing to build yet let's keep political jokes to a minimum even if they're hilarious the models have changed a bit haven't they they used to be pretty creepy well look at those eyes I don't know I'm gonna have nightmares okay that's very pretty packing away this isn't even all the way cranked up yeah but this is this is this is the Internet somebody's get offended let's go I think I mean you turn the grass down I think it's too much for this stream even though it's cool-looking how do I grasp distance very near yeah that might be a little better you can also just turn it off will be like that okay what's he doing over here buddy what's your job happiness you're super sad oh I didn't make it well okay um well right that wasn't me thirsty sick oh well right here like right here in militant okay get to work on that looks like our market stall is mostly up we need a lot of wood though for it I'm tempted actually turn this stop this cannot pot plug that one real quick worry about making other things first hey gore come has a comb James is doing that grabbing some berries which you've got 26 which is excellent plenty of tools we're not using those yet it's still a stone yeah sign of Newmarket tender which we've done build a market we're working on sell food in the market raise them to commoner for to free territory territories a alright don't mean to I'll do that we're on the sawmill we need to make a no bridges it's good for right now crank it up it's like the food stall is done no oh that to go together Oh oh hey hey Rick mitt now I have two names make me all confused yeah Jill vanished yeah that's a good way of calling it talked about that we talked about that before but that was in the the the dark times before we were playing the right version that's not gonna be on the on the vods so pretend that didn't happen yes core commit just hits a hit will alpha 1.0 it is on Steam today I think it's only steam I don't know anything anywhere else plug it in four fifths we need Wayne watch 24 more wood which I think he's carrying right now I know he's hammering away I like it what stand around doing nothing they all have jobs they'll have valid jobs or what are you doing woodcutter why aren't you cutting wood then hey hey there's trees everywhere Cooney why should you standing around market is done and there goes Charles to May in the market the market needs to have how do I tell it what to have slot one's gonna be food yes Barry is in there excellent we've got hundreds for that we have no goods to sell on the other side yet but we will eventually I'm gonna chat real quick because it's Kevin it's kinda messed things up they're kind of in the way here let me move it [Music] you stash it I think it's safe down here hey we're surface okay new zone residential yeah so many things happening he was recruiting our efforts recognizing your efforts and establishing your settlement I am but your humble servant maybe okay you need some stuff there slow this down because I'm I'm kind of panicking here alright we're gonna trade routes we're lucky we have it well is done six new buildings unlocked residential is ready we have serfs or we want to get to serfs and we missing housing yeah no one has housing okay so market you just do your thing we have unlocked what stone mason hut to make blocks wooden gate for whatever we have a rustic church we can make we can make decorative bushes weave so we now have we have fancy people we can make bushes all right housing is gonna be we're gonna expand to down this hill or stay on the hill let's put some houses over it this way maybe not cheap clothes like over here and and over this way this if you want to live in this town you're gonna live over here okay expand towards the water yeah I may be knocked down this hill here and it into here yes one thing I did try doing on this game whenever I was playing my let's play of it let's play playing a little bit of it I kinda made individual little I had like a main town and I had like a little uh a couple separate spots in town as well which seemed to work out well or torture chambers no peaceful peaceful peaceful what torture this is a happy town money yeah we get cash here I need to trade route which is on any planks for that which we're not doing yet forget that important life bury in middle again just need to be done I'm gonna hit and unpause that and get that building and away we go [Applause] before houses yeah yeah oh there they go they make houses okay they're going to it exciting look is that is that Lily another knot Lily so she is already a serf so in order to be not a serf she needs food water and church she gets the church then she'll be happy this guy's over here building a house as well I mean into the trees they're always putting it he's putting a fence and Oh neat they put fences in now Oh fancy okay okay so we want to make I guess we need a church in here eventually which is gonna be here rustic the church and it's tools we have tools this is unlock anything yes unlock a Fisher's Hut I'm gonna be using that in town a hedge the Prius oh I need 10 source before I can get this yeah any of these tensors all right let's make a church now yeah small church I think we're gonna put it where's the hill down this one this church is gonna go in like right over here so the poor part of the church let's make throw it in like here make it a little taller yeah I will put in a wooden extension this would be like a front door I get it let's do with the B oh yeah yeah like that excellent excellent like that okay that's cool small Tower a we raise it up yeah there we go what's kinda strange maybe like that and then we'll put in a door like that yes yes okay um small Tower be you know the tower it'll be good what put a towel over here it's cool yeah yeah there we go okay start it up we need 80 planks 65 stone for this thing we're never gonna get it made we were a little overboard I think that's fine start it up because it's fancy it's gonna give me 6.3 to the clergy it's 13 maintenance for this thing so we won't let's go we don't get made too soon we got little houses in here now with little fences and like yeah this is cool near the path going in oh yeah it's a lot of updates yeah I like this got some barrels outside let's take that for the market can i trouble with mayor's manner before I don't remember this one was already written yes is a week it rather begins stream all right yes this is the Church of own tea tea one villager lacks space for housing lying about complaining about there's plenty of places for you complaining that means you get planks going here so we got a sawmill maiden who are you are you new people new people are you new yes Jacque and Richard so shocked you are going to sputter viola john locke's a new tier of unlockables excellent Jacque I need you to go and be a carpenter please and then Richard I don't think I have a transport yet so be a transporter ok hey d-flat so we'll get some planks may wish to be key then get that market done what are we unlock we unlocked a new tier of unlockables I don't see anything new I guess Forester Campbell we can't make economic serfs [Music] Oh where's my lumberjack oh he's over here grabbing these to be the Forester if we can't make yet to make these trees come back a warehouse is probably a good idea let's make that I'm gonna stash it here with all the house yeah I'm gonna plate over here I'm gonna put it over here because I'm at the center of town to be kind of along this way I want them I want it to be a road that comes through here and leads down this way so we can do is what forbidden pissing people off there at all I'm gonna get a little residential land over here house coming in Mugen his house is back here too I guess you slob gonna live back here there you go latter-day Huntington's DSS's okay so yeah so we what do we need to get unlocked new land things wasn't that here 500 bucks to buy this okay then we can eventually go I guess we go down here and then we get like fisherman huts pretty soon we can make our way there and maybe me all water maybe there and over in this one make a way down this way all right let's go crank it up to 3x we got plates no there's more than the planks been around for when we first play this game it's been over a year I think it's been a while and pretty big updates this this was the reason as when we were just playing that we were not playing a minute ago this is the next update since then I don't know when that update happens name one fast me they are really go out these trees another house back their houses get cooler as they as they level up later going to that tree comment in this game no I need to extract this these little trees maybe we should leave these trees here these are the trees of Oh deep T it will stay I like this trees will will leave yeah yeah nice these berries will go away eventually so in time we'll be able to take over this with markets and all that but for now we'll let them keep whacking at those rocks reforestation is now oh this is now a done Forester camp excellence do I really need it right now I don't think so yes you will but I can do reforestation once we get that to make this all forest land back here so have oh wait we got two people Victoria I want you to sell anything yet here I'm having any goods to sell what good do what I sell we have berries rocks we can make a no one's working the warehouse yet so Victoria when it gets opened is going to be the transporter just go cut more trees I guess there's two wood cutters like carpenters not doing their work I guess the woods getting carried away so that's why it's looking's happening there Antoine I would like you we got two builders Bev I don't need that a forger let's load up on food here yeah town sort of yeah building something I like that too let's iron right so residential they want to live near the town fertility yeah iron yeah hey bian hey poison doesn't my how we doing here we owe it smile hey planks they're all getting thrown into this church let me pause this for a minute because we can't make it we don't have tools for it anyway so it's gonna be a long time so we get something made I probably went a little overboard on the church yes just hit really access today maybe you need a forester and only a few trees left we can make we could run over here grab these we'll go ahead and build one let's take to make it 10 points okay stash them out here in the middle of the woods middle of the soon-to-be woods hey corner right [Music] yes we start making yeah clothes and other whatever goods will be where's the list I'm missing yeah that one there where we can fill in I like this is a good tab this is new I like it [Music] villager where's the research panel there we go oh it's not yelling at me for people coming in or maybe it is I'm just not seeing it Edward I want you to go and I can do it this way - Edward go wood cut I think it's built this BRF forester when ever gets made so Hildegard Oh forest I don't know if this stuff means so she she has a green next to her and this guy has a blue I guess I that's the zone that they need I understand okay she came in as a serf let's plant down our reforestation lines are gonna be this way no now that I've been playing this it was always controlled was always the the button to turn things poison I started about an hour or so ago Burgermeister like like Ranma homie that's a fancy looking house what's so cool about why is that have so much cooler than everyone else's they can have a little shack back there this is an average desirability for two people this is owes as a little no density level to level one house density - this is one one that's new also these are all one one's hey well upgrade it on their own but they will take your resources to do it okay so you are Hildegarde yeah Hildegarde is out here planting trees excellent good job I'll get a raid raid raid welcome folks how many we get raided what was the number where's my number well oh oh I just ruin things I broke things poor things 23 like your night ghost welcome folks cowboy thank you very much take people to work use a little hammer icon in the bottom left instead way easier use anything over face and half use the little hammer icon in the bottom left I was just looking out here so we can just tell them oh I could just tell me to do this how do I do it oh oh that way oh okay then I can just put a little plus Oh fantastic very much how are with a tip and a tip there cannot find accessible resource end zone yeah cuz the baby trees well let's go and extract them over here for no oh just take these out hey go buddy just go get those trees while wait for those to regrow oh they build this one up right this was a house before and they're upgrading it to level two houses upgrading jacque richard richard henry for honoree and louis oh yeah look at that's even cooler it's got it's like double how fancy okay he's got a little smokestack that yes cool thank you Mark and I'm rather proud of my Hill okay um get rid of all oh I do with people Louis and Henry so I'm gonna put stone cutter yeah we'll get another some cutter so Louis or somebody will go there like Louis will go there and we're home Omri or Henry let's go and we need forage I'm go forage yes we got four people in each of these and how dense can it get right we don't build the houses they do it all on their own so we need to have oh we can do this I like officials had a lord Manor obviously we want backs yes please yes please wouldn't keep wooden walls a large stone wall I can only do one of these don't wooden walls or stone walls what do you think or do we want to keep only four per houses the most you can get um all right so let's go and build my my new home Lord Manor here we go it cost me 50 planks to make this thing hey Billy the villagers um get points oh dude it's enough tools let's get this trade market and do this yet yeah yeah let's trade with can I buy tools I can I can buy tools from these guys we have many I got lots of money unlock the trade routes now to the warehouse so we want to say let me see if I can do this we want to have you hold its what keep food in there if I should keep wood maybe we'll keep planks around we will keep stone and we will do would really wouldn't okay so now at the warehouse menu the trade menu we're gonna say I will this is different this has changed by until inventory no no I want to sell above control put oh nope oh just hold down so anything above like I don't know 63 berries get rid of 59 I would like to buy tools so bye until we have 10 tools okay we can sell some planks sell we'll need them but we'll sell like 35 over that sell it ok great tools you need them in the warehouse you need a miniature to trade with them ok so we'll get rid of the wood and got tools [Music] first rate about excellent okay so we're gonna set up before you able my lord manner I know it's ridiculous I know it's outrageous but we're going to make a church first we should have tools coming in as we buy them but wouldn't unpause this so we can start hauling stuff over there once that's built then I will build my house my house will go oh I know where should the house go I kinda feel like buying more lands so I gotta have a place for my house well it's free well I want this one anyways I want this one and I want this one yeah [Music] can I buy two or just one I don't buy this one I can't I can buy two second by don't like this one who do one like go across the bridge build a bridge and go across here that sounds more exciting close to that okay there we go we now own more territory it's been come down there's a ridge [Music] I'm living there's anything like that random events or anything in there just yet that's right Church is about me the house is about me house is where I need my peace people always worshipping everywhere it's it's tiresome I think we'll put in another lumber camp down here I will just clean out these trees eventually big walk little grab that we have a stone place here I will put a stone cutter camp right here along with a stonemason Hut hopefully this is a good up here right there hey Kelly how's it going I think I own mobile but can't stay long okay does this game seem toward a playthrough Oh hard answer that one I don't know it's it's just how like a I lose any sort of random event in the game I think it's sort of building I could be wrong I haven't played a while you know villagers we got two people doing nothing George and Agnes we're gonna have them working down here once we get it going we built this time to work on it we're working on the church at the moment we need 16 tools total forget in there a lot of stone as well you know actually I just have you I can use another stone cutter I'll use two stone cutters let's get some stone in here we go builder man's gonna go work on this stuff down here we should start getting a path going down here that's not really what I wanted is it I want to go down here well we can use this not what I wanted it at all we'll have to buy this one sacrifice we ran out to make in order to have our land look good all right do we want help the king the clergy or the people it cost us 30 food I want this would be I can do the fish out right now how many wouldn't do it do we want that's this one gives me they wouldn't keep in walls which I didn't pick yet will do stone this is the church additional parts unlock the church monastery coming soon things hunters Hut let's get this this one which is the king we will assist the king after the liver that stuff I don't remember how to do it need resources in the warehouse I need 30 yeah 30 food in the warehouse why isn't it there was only 5 food in their pocket not selling that stuff why aren't they put it put it in there we got 50 food where's it all ask is it over here you have 50 food ok that's why I tell you to not have so much our game we're just trying to appease the king and we're not getting any food transferred in the book warehouse it's all going into this shop there I guess what we could do is we could get we got rudolf here can go be a berry picker oh no it's full any berries down here anywhere I don't see any we have a fisherman's hut let's buy a Fisher's Hut let's go down here no look what place is okay we got a fisherman here they'll have our food supply what are you doing over here Rudolph aren't you working what's your job you are what where's the same word up what's Rudolph do where does it say what he does read off read off he is unemployed read off get to work what I want you doing rid off go stone cut transport for Jane I don't want to suspend it cuz then cuz I have to get this thing done yeah 56 days to get this carry it out I mean do we have we have eight berries in there um no way suspending I guess it didn't make Charles not work here or just tell him not to make that so let's go switch over to fish so the berries should get hauled out movin over here noisy seven over there now eleven [Music] yeah this is suppose to be the front gate not this just let me rearrange later but stoned I see where's the berries 14 we gotta get 30 in the villagers excellent we may need some built houses down here your I don't want to though yeah they don't want to live down here it's terrible down this way there a little bit back in here don't chop all the trees down though something like that [Music] okay big house over there I'm gonna keep this clear because I want I want this about my town builds up here and then down this way and then we'll hob up I guess just a I don't know I don't know I don't know what I'm doing if I put I think I put my put a well down here it'll help - that in right here and then we're gonna get a bridge going across eventually on a wooden bridge start construction that one so they go something like like I can't control or the little mouse [Music] forgot that's weird up a little higher I guess it's all kind of weird I mean I'm 220 points for that wait a minute maybe it's a little easier over here means a 130 planks for that hmm is very important to my kingdom kind of weird how this works okay how about that 180 sure and that's a lot of planks man build that church first up has the planks they just needs the tools if we should be buying from the markets we have the the Foos let's go and deliver it excellent the King allows us now yeah I don't have any food anymore so I open this thing back up Charles get back in there give us some berries we're gonna die is my nose is not built yet can I piers bring in some wood nothing down here is done the well is done nope not quite and with that my lumber camp okay price tools this economic day [Music] this is a level 2 as well and you being any cooler listen it's pretty nice it's the only level 2 though we even have a fence going around here there's that level one this is a real fancy how's that church looking we need tools yeah still waiting for tools anything else we knew we gotta get we have that setup right reforested and chopping down I'm gonna remove the attraction from over here because there's no trees there keep on clearing all that out I'm gonna set this one up because we'll have a force that I hear at the militarily need and I'm not sure if it needs the water but I'll put it there no no no one dies here because it's a it's a happy day happy day night ghost it's just now saying that you hosted me thanks dream jar hey penny how's it going alright well it's done so the well what it does is it makes people want to live here I believe residential rehab sort of sort of I guess I could put up like a market down here I'll make him one a little more no one when I'm big up a build over here though go inside the mountain go right ahead if I got to mark it down here that would increase that a lot but I don't have enough food fit I don't think we have to where's the prioritize there we go at the bottom looking for need fish man a dangerous walking path here on the edge wonder if perhaps that mount far can i zoom out can I go I want to live up there I can't go any higher that's right to the O's there's a big map okay there we go gettin made two new villagers one of you gonna be a fisherman whether you like it or not got your fisherman hat who's Margery EE my fisherman is your woman and I think you to mark it down here start creating some home some homes for markets down here just a nice easy little food stall that's all I want just out here sort of in the just sort of out here by the well stop my gonna bite bite to eat right drink you don't get oh it gives me Splenda that's what those gave me by putting in fences and things these cause these user decoration what's it cost to make doesn't say [Music] and change eating the tents however costs cloth and wooden startup yeah I'm positive yeah speaking of order we need to have a day where we have a multi-player day so we're real don't we all have those tools though and my trade is not happening I should be buying them I should be buying tools by until it reaches ten so this should be picking it up with they're not I have the cash we should also be selling those place doesn't seem to be having them fifty blinks in the warehouse what if I change that to down though thirty-five the T to 30 I mean like 20 tools tools is always something that's very necessary early on okay where's uh where's Marjorie at markets done yeah markets done market you're gonna be run by Elaine hey she is alright where you going yeah look at that fishing animation yeah good job she's she's thinking about it real hard real hard nobody the map is a map it's very big go all the way over here let me go over the ocean where it's icy and blue those yeah the map when go further this way we're in Bali mode so we can go up in the mountains but we can go from coast to coast I guess people spawning over here Matt gives ya I give some good and screenshots also good thumbnails I think this stone will run out eventually thought it in my villagers to people doing nothing John and Jakob Jakob don't you know the car uh I don't need a carpenter I won't have enough wood for that 100 blanks hey Bryce how's it going I miss you for the bakery is hilarious I can't make a bakery yet what we need next oh we need a Lord Manor but we need maybe we just need places I have tons of planks yeah I should be living here this is my house I want to live over here but we never get this bridge made where's the bridge eh where's the I don't know maybe we should live I want to live over here this spot over here where should I live okay I can't live next to these people I can live on my own can I buy 500 bucks where my man are gonna be I mean I could put my manner down here that would encourage people to be here see poison I really wanna go anyhow the river where should I live second like I can put it right here I'll put it like right right here leave off the cliff you know like right over maybe over here or maybe just down the side let's let's do this this is excellent let's do this okay let's build Lord Manor right here all right so we've got the core which is gonna go by the one trio the one tree over here or the one is there one tree somewhere else down here no no too far I could put it here on the edge that might be guys I see maybe kinda nice looking we'll do that fine go taller we need to yes lord over them okay I'm gonna place that's kind of dumb isn't it how about a tower maybe the spice things up [Applause] small Treasury fun where's my house so tiny it's been better than theirs that's what's terrible that over there living on the cliff over here another tower can put a tower somewhere on here that's not now what do you want you want bread honey bread I'm keeping it all front doors gonna be I guess right here look good like there yeah door right here in front if I can see this thing in the grass there well we can attorney things a little bit okay yeah it's all twisty and weird can I put another core in am I allowed to do that I can't oh yeah here we go here we go like that okay yeah living on the edge [Music] we just crank out Aerosmith all day I need 270 points for this thing worth every penny killed it okay oh hey sign so how's it going Julian's bringing 80 planks well Julian is kind of a hero isn't she or he well what about that bridge we were supposed working on remember that do you forget about that where's the beginnings of it is it this Fisher's Hut no where's the bridge bridge I told you to make I know you can't widen the quarries you go up her down that's okay Julian's got it Pierre sorry Pierre's got it yeah nice houses he's got some water he's got berries he has no church Pierre is angry because he has my shirt see 19 years old what else what else does a 19 year old once what a good church we need more tools how do we get tools why aren't we buying them he bred for that I need tools please I need tools I want tools maybe we should just give me to us by until reaches that I need more than that I'm you like that okay where's my trader maybe we don't have anyone working it well Richard and Jane are working it hey Alex hey so I um sign without an S you actually have oh hey yeah people are building houses done here because they have a market now have a market that's holding she this market probably should sell fish shouldn't it I thought she's not selling anything yet so it's going to sell fish we should start getting them in right we make we got a fish where's my fish at hey what do you been doing Marjorie just staring at him you got a fish you gotta use a pole what's he doing oh he's going to going to get the fish is a tray right with tools open I think we bought some we didn't purchase some I'm not sure how to tell if it's open what that means [Music] so I accept tools Richard and Jane should be working Trevor is enabled I've set to buy until we reach 17 of them you have money by the imperium galactic circle I have yeah quite a while back yeah I agree all of them should come with twitch integration so all these names should be just named folks and chance I should make you guys work everyone stand around doing nothing that's outrageous people don't do nothing in my town so go be in market we have one carpenter available we have nothing else available are these not made yet where's my builder Oh Kizzy tools need tools also everything needs tools I think we make it we need tools for 10 goals we have lots lots of tools [Music] we have a Katherine over here selling nothing cuz she's lazy enough I can't sell here mmm we need to make tools what's this red thing no everyone's quite happy to me more missing a house well they should make it then maybe you are these are the tools for houses you think maybe they're coming in but they're using them to upgrade their houses possible let me say no housing upgrades yet my village no no let's call it yeah look stone you go away hey Tom has a comb you have stopped you guys were upgrading and then you decided to stop because I told you to stop but you're good you good okay you guys like to live here more come back here come on around come live in here it's great yeah see right over there you're not allowed to live next to me though I need my space they all smell bad and I can't have your stench ruining my backyard okay there we go what's this need just blanks still patiently waiting for tools I don't know how to get them it's just it's because the tools and prioritize it so they make sure the tools go there I guess that might help my house done not quite doesn't have a front door yet in order oh we have sixty two fish now oh yeah Walter fish 50 fish in there she caught six to two fish and she just like willed them to come jump in her boat their boat so you wish they come up with blacksmith right we'll have to have iron first we don't have iron so we're way off from that we gotta get an iron mine and then a blacksmith before we can do that and make it happen long as we can't get tools feel like we're missing something [Music] CKO how many how many viewers are on the twitch side I wanna click away it messes with a game uh yeah we unlocked a couple of them we could unlock to splendor we gotta look that wouldn't keep the stone walls get stone wall done I've done just as well use it I can't do anything else here we can get all these I'm gonna save up until we get start getting hunters height and the something we can get 88 on Twitch oh they record man bath I think we're ten away from I've most I've ever had in the stream was 250 oh yeah we did right 159 plus 88 is not 250 no I can mask it's very close for what 3 away from my most in a stream before Oh 161 get in there and you're maxed out gold on land am i maxed out I'm almost knocked I shouldn't yeah yeah let's buy do we want to buy this one over here for this alleged can't move my house or do we want to buy we gotta get this one this is important that our road go this way okay now I'm going to build a wall stone wall and it's gonna go this way no one allowed to walk over here understand okay Stonewall done all you gotta do you want to go down here you got to go a long way around because I want to have a path this way I want to have a wooden gate over here it's very important that this thing looks right wooden gate is here use as an entrance your might strike you from the game no my Mike he's not in front of the computer let's go there okay we'll get this stone wall or is it here and we're gonna go like that and then what what what why is it so much cooler now what happened [Music] how do I delete things if there's a way of doing I don't how to do it though yeah it's Yeti hey there we go there we go welcome to the village you know people actually come in from this way so this is actually the front we can block them off though we can say hey don't come from this way um like that's what I did all of a sudden I get better I'm gonna walk or you know we won't live we don't actually own this territory we still build walls it's free too I think okay and we can say this is restricted land forbidden land you cannot I can't market you cannot come well some new people you must go right you cannot go through the will understand you cannot go through the wall cannot go through the wall you have to go around you have to go around what are you doing you can't go through there cheaters maybe I put my gate over here I think maybe then maybe should go over here we banished I have we been a long time ago it was like a very long time ago and I've been actually thinking about doing the banished stream cause if it there's a lot of really good mod out there for it how many we have on Twitch now oh hey Andre I didn't know is that was that was you how's it going indie and rush gameplay and game dev um computer tycoon is that right 94 oh hey you broke a record yay that's exciting what is that 274 player that he has changed I'm definitely good exciting stuff yet the going for tools which is still not happening no still no tools all right something is hmm I think something's broken does that mean if I stock mounds that does that kick them out how do I make us what is doing zero there now yes let's build a warehouse and we'll see if we can fix maybe maybe we can fix it this way or we can just try reloading the game which we might do I'm going to get a warehouse I'm just leave it in here because this is where I just maybe we could use one down here let's stash when they're on this side of town over like of this I think that it will they go cheating walking through the walls the oh look walking alongside the wall no very crafty they're a long state it allows you to get away from my house very own manner yeah yeah nobody you see the traitor come walking through here I haven't seen them in a while and we can't get through this one because we can't make bread yet to make bread we must make a wheat farm and windmill and a bakery we need commoners for that we're not gonna commoners cuz we don't picture ch if I want to build just like a basic church it's gonna take tools no matter what warehouse does not need tools no I'm pumped up a minute ago do it again I guess we want tools we want lots of tools bring them all in I'll buy a home buy the lot yes except accepting of tourism try stock maximum see what that does for us I think the traders where they go I saw them coming through I think this way before but I don't see a path where they would walk maybe they go this way may goes down to the fish [Music] I think the sellout markets other than food tons of fish though our markets gonna go on gold then you can buy than the stuff that you can't make this I don't know what do you want you want berries which I have not a mini berries that can change over to selling fish I can update I can update my lord manner yeah any more commoners but I will help myself 30 berries yeah I'm gonna sell this market here no longer sells berries in town sells fish you can't have it yet nose games what 27 bucks now it's on Steam today eyes up today you're hauling the fish in who are you you are a builder maybe I'm missing somebody I have a market tender transporters the one who transports good but there's no trader person the ones using this not supposed to you're supposed to using this if I build my wall even further [Music] and I don't know this it was delete but it's not Oh what matters none um yeah just go here and then go down and around how come I know like that okay no going through the walls anymore [Music] there's a little hole die for me to peek out but what happened there oh because of my because of this alright [Music] it's someone we're started getting it they were walking on the side of the cliff I mean I guess that's a piss yes it's okay it's kind of weird though look I want my pads to look right it's very important so you're not allowed to walk along as patty Berg you understand not for you I want you to come around this way you must come ignore what the drawings may look like please don't you go this way you can walk over this little hump right here and make it in there you go now you can do that and go around yeah you kind of got the idea buddy go around this way this is where my roads gonna be yeah yeah you got it you got it Agnes has it no no I got Windows here we can see let's try where's the other market at is it done yet prioritize that got 3x here which I've been doing I don't know what else to do here soldier assigned what yeah yeah I need soldiers small treasure yeah yeah transporters for that now this warehouse is going to stock tools I also still fish I guess we will stock stones lots of stone down here and a bit of wood now please trade and now there now they're doing it yeah and I can't upgrade bit until he gets what you guys want you went Church what I could do here's what I could do actually we can fix this there's only three tools here though if I burn this down on the lab with a bridge 35 yeah turn that in if I burn this down we'll get our tools back only three here though I need five to make it Church so it's not gonna work let me try you save and reload see if that fixes it cannot make tools I don't have the ability to make them yet whoops needs import moves let's go try this one more time that's not the game I wanted to push wrong button okay Foundation see if I don't know what's happening something's missing uh I think I had this before when I played and I think I don't that's why I'm reloading I think that was something I happened before the thing about the tools if we need to we can destroy that and try to see we may be destroyed enough stuff to get tools back and then just build small Church how'd you talk yesterday my appreciation for your streams went way up yeah yeah we had we hadn't that will be s issue with a very big in this room already alright where's MIT tools I have 36 people living in town two newcomers 34 serfs we need tools can unlock the hedge for one thing sure whatever let's make a hedge no I make hedges at edge where's the hedge unlocked Oh hedge where's this oh that's that's that's a hitch why'd you make that for here then well what we unlock we unlocked Oh the hedge I guess [Music] when I exported more commodities the trade town wanted they made the trade try that I'm up for that so in a trade we'll go here what do they want they want they're buying food stone blocks and planks I have plenty of planks to give them I already marked planks up a toe cell above either wrong spot cell above their 30 and then cell above 16 berries be plenty of fish to feed us so go sell more Charles is selling some fish which are not there yet there we go that in there now [Music] come on market man thanks Alex Oh what are you you look like a market man you are what you are Fisher man no I don't know what you are probably at nothing and you're hauling some things in carpenter people the hats oh these my soldiers my soldiers yeah [Music] so those stuff is in here should be hauling them out I'm gonna put some changes over to planks we sell this also from there let me change this we have tools are here already here all villages have jobs no but I don't have enough jobs for my people I am out of everything's full the only space for anybody we can't make this because it needs a tool we can't make well the other thing we needed this over here needs tools we can't make that we've spend it all the building of houses liability hi this takes took more tools here let's so we want to build a new church it takes five tools just to make so we get three back right now we can remove something that took tools what took tools these tints right this took tools to make remember it's possible we have a bug or might be doing something on we're broke I must've bought something nope money anymore haven't we buy some tools no with all my money selling fish you sold five fish for 50 bucks you selling fish yet you sold zero fish nothing sold this week all right so bill some berries then and you aren't working [Music] yeah we should be selling planks it sits in the same place as yours we need you to make your clear with all the reverb I I notice that problem when I first set it up that I knew I hear from a lot of folks that have them and like if you set it on your desk like if you have a Mountie to your desk there's some sort of it picks up I guess the base or whatever through your ear your table so I have mine mounted up on a there's a shelf up there I'm in a closet by the way and it's a shelf up there so I haven't mounted my shelf within it dangles down here [Music] don't wait maverick busy so um yeah pray for - yeah yeah that's the thing to do yeah it ain't working so um I'm gonna burn the church poor choice of words we're gonna get rid of the church we should get some tools now we should have three of them now correct because those tools that were there are gonna come over here now but before you use them all I want to make sure they're not going over to things like this pause that let's pause where's that lumber mill which was over where that lumber mill is where you at here number can pause that what else needed tools that we made hake resin see never feel free to ban them if you uh they come back okay so the church is gone let's let's see why we could be what we can do here new rustic Church don't take five tools if you don't mean our tool disappeared again and have a core and throw this in just do a test what they mean Oh mate it's cost six we don't any money we need the door there take six tools now I have to have a door okay we'll just do that we get cash in here what's it white why not awesome none six what am I missing help the king no the Kings got nothing for me let's do clergy what am I missing here clear need a core okay Oh has a bell tower need a door a city and a small tower be right there like that now it's 11 tools why is it 11 tools now this is 5 this is okay let's do this woman needs a bell tower which is this okay hey no work how's going shield sandbox still he's 11 tool still though we don't have any tools now all the tools we had are now gone am I like selling them instead of buying them that what's going on here almost like we're just getting rid of them by until we reach that yes buy the tools no train bye-bye the tools your money now food start selling describe in one sentence what would you what would it be chilled medieval city builder complete the common request but I can't because I need faith no dia for commoners in order commerce we have to have faith that service is some kind can't get service cause we can't make a church we can try to do this one which allows us to get church parts it is no good [Music] they'll buy stone blocks to write I don't have a stonemason huh just like that one of those good myself yeah it's right here Tony's plum I don't have cloth I can't have cloth either can't buy cloth either [Music] Sall above 30 flex - no you're not selling him either nothing is happening maybe I may just have my thing that maybe bugged out clearly we're doing everything right hmm yes [Music] oh I know the problem is I know the problem is empty that stock huh I figured it out I have figured it out no thanks to you I'm taking credit for all this maybe not never mind never mind there's a max capacity of 200 there's a hundred of them right here now there's only other max capacity of 200 also so it's not working never mind never mind I was wrong market in season got my cloth can I remove the tint no but I can that it's here now never mind no I don't know it's I mean it's medieval city builder so I guess that's why you can compare it to banished but other than that not really I'm going to refuse the wood and the stone empty it maybe there is a hundred cap because it's not taking any more than 100 empty that out I'm not emptying it into that [Music] we do need the food in here [Music] he has 102 here now so yeah never mind never mind I was wrong I apologize for in for saying it was your fault or no help from you I can't sell tools what are the building needs tools tonight well you know we didn't get our tools back that we we made we got rid of this church which had tools in it and three tools in it we didn't get him back I think maybe bugged mr. Bowman hmm I think we're bugged because we're not selling anything and our only hope is to sell that ain't happening nothing else we can do here trading comes zero zero zero cross the board I'm gonna try one more one last thing we're gonna put a warehouse in another one in just throw it in here somewhere I think made real quick and we won't stock with anything but tools banished is I think it's finished but it's still getting still getting mods quite a busy pattern I already tried that we got sure we did get some trade though didn't give me not see Alex so we're gonna kiss thing up because these are the people I think that do the trading stone my soldiers she's still wearing a smock welcome to villagers oh boy just what I need more people speaking of people you guys want to live anywhere is there any way you want to live you're gonna have back this area I guess since that bridge has been giving up on okay so villager diligent this is going to have to use unique tools Martin Jean Jean Genie go to rule things we have a little bit of money so you can buy some tools I'm kind of worried what's happening is maybe we have it set to buy too many tools let's try just going down to like give me two tools to tools all I want to berries aren't really happening because we're selling them here we're gonna fail this quest switches have an official program you're sucking uh food [Music] okay this is it is the test we had a lot of money though earlier in the wrong side of the river I wonder if that's what happened if when I bought this now they can't show it because I'm on the wrong side of the river principle let's build a bridge let's build a bridge I like this map when I keep this this going let's get a bridge going which my other bridge stop for some reason we're gonna go a lot of tools but we have tons of tools there any doesn't like to run 30 tools are not tools but planks sure bring some wood and make it and prioritize it okay lunch is being hauled out jump in here so I'm not gonna sell them with muscle do something with them me you're full of stuff you only tools are out of cash the moment we could are we use another market markets food stall again I'm gonna throw it in over here's the church my back soon a food stalls on yes we go yeah bill that farm is our village is growing it's not happen again oh there it is okay here he goes I want to you and Britt I don't have any bread oh here we go Lord you like this now I need splendor yeah excellent question [Music] we're so broke there's a lot people doing nothing every job is filled though I could pray just throw another market not just more markets in make people happy I will put another market here a food market again I got one there we'll put one over on we'll put it over here where people are walking like up on this hill yeah you get hungry you gotta go buy a grab a sandwich on the way down the down the road food stall sign yes obviously put it right there in front and barrels there we go I'm gonna put a fence in yeah this is classy [Music] we don't have class I'm not gonna do the clock thing we'll make up yeah yeah I think the river maybe uh maybe good who who was that who said it so ever it is you've taken the the the hero of the day from eco somebody Koza you still you still he wrote to if this works if not then we're gonna figure out all about you mean for builder yeah yeah we're all very busy I guess you know I could do I get people doing nothing but live people doing nothing just Thomas building Walter killed it what are you missing on you got food build it oh yeah yum food builders Friedrich oh it was on their Twitter oh okay well negative cash flow wasn't a problem hasn't been a problem for a while it is now but it wasn't before let's go they keep on doing this the fish is not coming up you know what maybe we should do we should change one of these instead of being like planks change it over to fish so that they're up here so we can actually sell them up here do I have somebody we don't have enough fairies to sell these markets oh you should go to link it see Jeff if the auto mod takes it out one of the other mods will allow it wrong side of the river yep yeah that's it we shall see that that fixes it are we doing here need it oh we're almost there okay go very exciting very exciting we have no money that we gotta get more money before we can make sure you do anything about this but we should get money because we're trading with these folks and they also want stone blocks it IRA get that going oh no it needs clock but I can't make clock then I have sheep it's like a puzzle game I mean know where she come from hey Joel and it's that only new cream something isn't bought on twitch Oh am i feeling one over here Oh maverick you want to be a model right here congratulations you are Maude there you go welcome to the twitch side yeah alright my only twitch mod is beyond hey grumpy how's it going rich doesn't look too bad now that it's getting built I'm bringing 21 planks alright this is it this is the most exciting part of the stream so far a bridge and if it doesn't work that's gonna be very sad to new villagers here they come 105 a little better than the previous iterations nice beard you got there buddy Sigismund here comes come on put the plates on faster no where you going thought lunch break get back here yeah but you're selling talking about mini fish though why don't we have tons of fish sell the fish we have what oh we have zero fish oh we're eating them all because we're bigger now yeah let's make a fishing hunt where is it ass fishers Hut put one over on this side to really tell me where it's when it works Oh [Music] bridge is done no bridges almost done thanks Mowgli okay now I can I can smell the traitor I can smell him where is he we better be crossing that bridge soon job's done okay watching right we're in Izumo buys me another river on the other side so it's all Mountain over there well I know okay we'll see how do you money we're getting we're slowly getting money in here where's the you new trade one no your house what does I knew oh here it is not done yet you made yet yeah you're made can you have uh I guess fish is there fish in here yet no you don't have any fish we're out of fish we're out of berries we should be able to see the trade budget in the budget trades all zero trade expense twenty is that from this is from like this month correct [Music] keep an eye on it I know there's no music changing I think about getting more houses though don't give me more money let's go build a house over along the way here not right there though house is over there sure keep on building houses over here it's fine need more land [Music] no no no dragons you are selling fish yes it's a 10 this week for a hundred bucks we're using all the berries didn't I have another market around here somewhere you are to a man so 27 berries this week berries are going quick fish not so much hey Andy you're heading home nothing sold this week can't sell them get someone for some reason I've had probably only one leaving this time you last time I had issues of people being mad hey villagers are liking food probably because they have this and there's no fish there zero fish you have some work in here no Philippe Go Fish do we another one I can't quite make it I don't think this counts oh it does I'll see if that works you wants oh you want fish do you well I don't have enough fish for you keeping it off you need cloth if I remove these edits can I I want to remove I want is for the whole building just the just this one man forget it okay Trey income Tracy spent sixty it's as if we've bought something we have bought tools we bought tools I didn't see anybody cross the bridge somebody did let's watch it must have crossed the bridge somewhere with tools we did it we finally did it it took us two hours to finally figure out how to build a bridge yeah not just a build a bridge how they make people work okay clearly an issue with the game but it is an alpha especially since it didn't give me a chance I mean it shouldn't it's an issue anyway it didn't even give me a choice of where to start it I had to start in that square that's strange hey Shaka how's it going you listen that slope sorry sorry it's late I'm grumpy go instead to sit here and do nothing for an hour [Music] time for a new map yeah yeah okay um well uh let's see we're just gonna sit back make some cash make some tools look at that church getting made well it's just alright it's a tiny little Church kind of sad looking Lily's bringing a tool I'm gonna do caffeine first try that's right if this if this Vaud is edited don't worry about it okay okay how is that going how's that Stan going selling those fish six feet six fish sold building complete Fisher Hut we'll see if it works yeah Maria don't you go give me some fish sure you some I sure AM hungry what you got five fish in the stock pile all right yes go sell them and make me some money X when we expand I guess we gotta go eat some berries there's some too far away any berries in here berries right there so we expand we got to go here oh man it's the happiest sound I've ever heard we have in the commoners nine new buildings unlocked we have farms now I can get free New Territories this is so exciting okay I want this one and what else do I want I got even I don't even know I maybe this one over here maybe this one I think probably one of these would be nice to have houses they like the farm and all that stuff will be over here we could stash it I don't too many decisions but save it well we'll get it in a minute No nice try DJ flippy we know the problem was alright so you are done it's a monument people are happy I'm so happy I don't know what to do okay good berries right there buildings okay we have unlocked okay let's slow it down okay now first off we need a gatherer forager fur edger edger Gathering hunt it's gonna go right yeah okay grab berries we're gonna get a wheat farm going in which is gonna go wherever it is fertile wage I think maybe we'll do this maybe this would be farming up here you silly I haven't behind the wall we can move the ball I guess we could buy this square and have all that for me let me put it over here I mean I'm going I'm gonna buy this half of it though [Music] I'm gonna buy the one across I already have that one guy I don't know I'm gonna buy this one okay decisions made okay wheat farm is gonna be over here somewhere let's put it right in the middle and then around that wheat farm is going to be farms obviously fields all around up the sides and everything okay we will also put in a windmill so now it cost me 200 bucks up front wheel I need cash never mind I used to I know I talk fast hobbies things I used to work at Best Buy and like it was it was a nightmare whenever like no old person could understand me because I would talk too fast and so I kind of trained myself to slow down so I kind of did that for awhile whenever I did youtube I would talk a lot slower because I knew I talk too fast and eventually just gave it up like whatever so I apologize the guy that's on bond Bush yes you can put more gather hats on one bush I think the bush is used to go away I used to despawn after a while but this one isn't this is a never-ending bush of berries yeah pretty miraculous I would say almost divine looking Church there we can also add on additional parts if we have oh five of that let me put in what we have we have things now let's put in um we want three more splendor so I've put in another tower like a tower over here on this side I want towers a or B they both take tools we'll put you over here like that yeah yeah that's one more we need one more thing prestige another tower back here that looks ridiculous another core sure it is quick yeah like sure looks kind of dumb that's okay we're not here for looks I can do I can move this thing over here that's our is kinda strange but yeah that that's that's cooler uh yeah bill bet okay I'm gonna bump up the tool trading now that it works I remember all my head before I do remember I shouldn't say this but I do remember that actually being the problem that I didn't had a river issue and yeah okay we're stop selling me so much did we need them we keep them up to like 40 we will continue selling the the planks and they come off of those for those you can still go by until nobody want to sell into up to 30 once we get 30 we sell them off make us some cash you can't have anything yet right you can have clothes but we don't have any clothes so you just stand around doing nothing still assign foragers yeah okay there we go stone cutters I have enough people for all these so let's go custom stone more villages are here you're kind of a waste now but you're holding some tools so whatever how's the farm looking getting their meat stools of course so get that going over here gonna I suppose we have a big farm line over here we can maybe buy this one eventually get more farmland got these trees down I'm gonna go ahead and put in a lumber camp right in here 20 gold that we don't have a good broker and we'll talk about more trees we'll just extract all this chop all these trees down don't let em regrow the lemon camco doesn't have it over here is he in your working yeah so he's taking that out we have stone man getting that one we can clear all this out we might as well so if you guys have trees to get you get I'm tempted to turn the forest or off start building in here because this is like prime house house land maybe we sleep 50 sheep milling around patient or do Norg this game free Uncle Tom free I listen to when I watch the videos like crank them up and listen to them depending on the YouTube or 1.5 or - it was what I'm trying to do I guess I'm trying to watch for enjoyment I leave it as it is but I watched a lot of lines when I play games I kind of go through a bit of a routine whenever I play the new games and I'll happy birthday maverick I go through and I will watch I'll usually watch a video someone has done of the game that I'm about to play these are the best way I learn the game and I'll crank those up on fast speed because people usually mumble and ramble and whatever so no offense to those that that do this but I mostly just watch the gameplay and yeah I just cranked it up [Music] nineteen splendor here we can unlock oh we can oh we got 20 and we could start on one more splendor we can unlock who knew things in my house bailiff Treasury yes things are the things we need what is this this is give me splendor no it gives me those which I don't need ten of those what we want I have all kinds of this what do I need I need Splenda how do I get Kingdom's blender I will help the kingdom I don't have any honey berries no I'm keeping [Music] see echoes i all right lumber camp crank him in there get these trees chopped ruining my my countryside with all these filthy treats my house my house can I do anything to it yet no but I will it'll be an amazing house I'm gonna make this guy in fact I'm gonna go ahead and kick you out here who is this CUDA Gundy get it this is not your land anymore this is my land I'm going to remove no one will be living next to me because I'm gonna make this place exciting my house is over there I'll just do that that okay this is my land can I build a fence I think I do that over here yes offense fix tools per fence yeah buoy I'll take a decorative tree there we go what a fine-looking house look he's got a tree we're gonna play ADCs look how big are you on flight Sims with DCs the fuses have intelligence this is smart enough to make it two-fifty [Music] says the same my information per second now how fast you talk so screams Tim he tries to agile you starting say I ramble and say nothing I think it's I don't know it's when I I started really fast whenever I have a lot of things to say and so I I spew it all out I guess in my problem it's a bunch of planes you can fly like the f-15 and a-10 I do de lijn it's a it's a very relaxing casual kind of game there's not a lot of panic happening other than this bridge we had the big big bridge bridge cast Rafi of year 30 you're 15 through 30 buttons beep nice yeah give me some farmers lets farm farm I'm gonna put a windmill in here too there's a window wait window 200 bucks so you put it over here with with the farm on the coast here that's cool [Music] don't ya like this my money any money clear you do or balance particular piece though no battles yet and I don't know if if that's going to be in the game I would assume there's me some sort of conflict there must be used to be people would always be angry people lacking church well then go to church you morons I got one right here right here sheep farm yes it's very important let's suit farm over here I think we put it over this way this would be all just like farmland we're going to have a sheep run wild in our town this is a this is medieval times right sheep just run amok like that I don't think I have to do farming for cheap they just go welcome to the stream Olaf [Music] [Music] let's go make it a little bigger so yeah wife she playin over oh it's is that fertile I think it is people should start wanting to live over here I think you probably need a well over here because the Bartley I want to live here oh well and I'm market you want you want to be over here let's go ahead and put a well down here and we'll the market in here also or the market where's the market markets food stall again and of course a sign it's very important like bats put on the claw so none of those who knew splendor what's its rustic church is done what's the new stuff we got oh look at that - iron mine we can make our own dang tools iron smelter and blacksmith we got all kinds of stuff here plant arch any money I think the first thing we want to get is bread hey Jim [Music] well in a market for each section of houses yeah because you can see that here that once this amount something to come in so people want to live here now in this chopper he's a-coming to top these trees up and then we can let them they've said that's big enough in them to the house in can fight they want to live over here do that and then we'll do some back here it's fine as long as you clear this out we can live there market complete someone needs a litter would cut please markets assigned selling fish I think in fact speaking of fish how many fish do we have we have eight all right let's build a fisherman he's gonna go right over here next the market he's gonna he's gonna go fish and then just turn right around and sell it at his market [Music] there we go all right all jobs filled one shepherd yeah there we go all right Gwyneth have at it okay what are these sheep doing on my land get up sheep this is my house are you hush no noise oh man what have I done okay so we have sheep now we need to make a weaver hunt 200 bucks you take the bats make claw bat make that in that yeah you know I mean I should just put that in the title foundation no combat yet there's planks we have why aren't we selling these planks how's that windmill looking to never make it no we need cash yeah I think our first priority got to be that windmill because we need that in order to do the next unlock here 20 food or 20 bread I just buy bread and sell it I just do that give me some bread buy 20 bread nobody eat you idiot you're you are to be hanged let me really gotten laid out windmill right there nobody have a job yep well no jobs are all filled anyway our all my markets Allah hi see this are all my markets selling things that actually sell you are selling berries which is good is another one up here there's one by the church you are selling fish so 25 this week which is good put you on berries I think it's fine then we have one out here which is selling oh I never made this one who this row but this Sunday we never make a market Stan we just yeah this they make that one market there we've got a market over here selling fish nothing sold this week there's ten fish in there five fish in here are you holding fish you are but no one's grabbing it just take the stuff and don't MPs talk stuffs all fine there you don't have anything other than are gonna make you carry I don't know I guess you're gonna need what do you need you've any grain at some point cuz I'm going to the farm over here I think and then we'll put in the cloth and fish you have a path creation yeah oh is it Oh yep yep okay so fishermen we've done the whole stream and no one has left town all right so the women is gonna go there and then they got to take the wheat or the flour to the Baker what do you want twenty fish in sixty days for things I don't want to do that so no 300 bucks for this bakery that fishermen out there out and forbidden like world spoon of your village is unlocked something new this one what can I have these Oh give me that one that one give me that one yeah oh right now we're cool uh yeah this is my new my house can I remove this yeah you know I decided maybe I do want to see some things out here yeah there we go okay let's make this place fancy got here sheep my house I would like to put in here edit and add in we have a Treasury we need a stone oh yeah we can make it stone can i edit you and change you to be not fact bailiff office oh this actually has like a look out like fats I'm going to put it up so it's kind of like oh can I twist you around a little bit I want you like overlook the world with your yeah sticks out a bit weird let's do that that was terrible whose idea was it to put it on the cliff okay that's fine no no no no that and then yeah then it kind of overlooks that's perfect I don't purple right word but it overlooks the the filth below we want a treasury that's a bailar we do want that we're gonna put that one here big big Tower yeah yeah there we go okay stone door yes not savages that in there so extinction [Music] time to work with this so I'm not home - okay good got the Bailey bailiff we have a Treasury we have what on the chimney this is important where's the chimney go oh I think it has to go on a stone one he'd have to have a stone extension before I put the chimney in okay we'll do that this will go not too far this is like our house we have the do I need a um let go stone main building maybe wait YouTube still like that that's my house you're saying yes is their house that glorious yes my house is that glorious as a matter of fact yeah there we go get Jimmy in here okay right there in the middle okay this right there yeah okay okay maybe need a door over here it's kind of weird on the hill windows aside this is like our I know okay yes I accept that house filly light bulbs okay this town needs a offense but fences are our tools I don't want to build any more tools I'm still only $18 hey you guys sell something let's see so you I still have this we don't have clock so you're making the Sheep where's my my cloth person didn't I make one of those gonna make a cloth person yeah Taylor would be the word for that I'll make a Taylor Weaver site 200 bucks I didn't you need someone working here okay Emma and Oswald the Millers now once they get there they need to make it a bakery I didn't make a bakery either which I can afford right now no space pause it and throw the bakery in I think I'll put it I think I'm gonna put it in main in the main town square it makes sense that it'd be right over here let's put it I'm gonna remove my trees though it just seems like I should be it we'll leave one tree in there's the Baker right there okay yeah this is this is Town Center Baker we'll go there we'll get some some flour we hauled down to this one look it hauled in there we'll make some bread see Gregorius see Adam all right crank in a long mare making lots of flour excellent I think you were making some Mitch as you can so I can have to use another one of these we're go ahead and do it another Wiese wheat farm suppose I get a hundred bucks I'm broke right now we'll throw it in over here and get that going guess this is too scrawny for the houses to go in I can always rent they building over here Claire this little spot whoops right here other than Matt though if you only build a house over here feel free coastal house yeah real nice kind of room for that it should be I can put some houses over here so you want to live here for some reason okay I'm plot next to the wheat field he's just that one I was one back there yeah iron we'll get there in a minute oh and he gets I want to get the baker and the Weaver up and running first hey Maximiliano anyone take that question from from little benjin thank you maverick [Music] this walls got to go oh here we go talk a walk curving left slick left-click on the wall section oh ok ctrl left click delete Wow look at that it's easy okay yeah I want a real wall I want to go with a large stone wall like this just in existing wall shift left click there we go [Music] like that okay there we go continue doesn't around so we're going bats [Music] I think you uh don't you know come on around this way and build it up over here okay there we go there we go now get a wall people are still walking in oh no they're not or are they are people coming in when people walk into town here think I'm wearing watch him can I follow you the walls backwards what I mean is the woods was to go on the outside [Music] whatever I think that they aren't going here anymore so I think it's not if she might have worked like they were already programmed to walk in but I've got the wall there and so the other wall he's backwards isn't it so the woods was to go on the outside it's all backwards no I don't wanna remove it I don't have to do everything I don't want to do it all over again I don't want to do it all over again all right fine [Music] [Music] yeah you are unloaded leave over there and we have one piece of wall that's correct that one right there okay so if I go like this now you get out away busy what do you want I don't have you those okay correct go this way down here a bit will like stick a a fork or something out here we haven't made yet for some sort of watchtower we'll go up to here you want to go all the way here yeah because it's too tall we can't see where's my oh I haven't made yet so no house is gonna look I'm gonna go here just fine around [Music] they did continue coming here through here well we'll put a gate in stop this looking dumb okay there we go there we go yeah what a happy town [Music] so this game needs snipers ok windmills moving fancy horse move we got still no money how's the selling going we're sellin fish we need to start selling other things like if we could make clothes well we make some cash wouldn't we we can't we're selling those off we can't even make that I'd buy that cloth didn't I need to buy no it wasn't called house buying was bread I was buying I don't have any doing bread bread bread bye until we have 2000 hey money selling the planks selling the berries we don't have what else are they once they will buy planks stone blocks and berries and so until we get that cloth in which isn't going to happen until we get table [Music] thanks jet what do you need you need tools which we're not buying because we're broken on the rocks now what's he doing he's cutting stone he's just a slacker oh this is good they went floating now in order to level up [Music] that's two of them there this is a multi-dimensional town I thought you guys want more sheep think of the name I think it's 102 cloth now if only we had a weaver wait you 200 bucks for that help oh no no we lost our first villager whoo-hoo somebody kill him no one's allowed to leave this town were you mad lacking food and faith you're morons you got to go here all you have to do [Music] we gotta get this done six more tools prioritize this was by the tools [Music] very nice I think you might be able to Oh food stall small Treasury needs a soldier the one down here it made hey Balrog miss you're right we could just blow into their Hut right here berry huts going Hut yes unlimited supply so I'm just might as well even got something to turn off a long time ago and I forgot is this you may upgrade your houses 71 of you may upgrade your house now confident that's right if you want to lead you're forced to work the sheep farm we have four tools we bought some we're only short one and Sigismond is bringing it okay so that's gonna be bread well night bread bread means food by the way and we have a place right here to sell the food celebrate go ahead and mark it John guess what buddy can get bread land in celebration of bread land let's have a bench right there there you go why don't you uh put some barrels outside because that seems like we're selling something now and you want to fence [Applause] okay okay this will never get made this is one I just hired somebody for right what are you selling nothing which is selling fish maybe berries well how many berries my fish eater [Music] gathering huts Baker yes where's my Baker where is he there he is there he is villagers losing doing it we didn't want you anyway for Mike where's my Baker Dominique Carla where are they I hear you're hilarious I want to see you in action it's really cool you can like zoom in here you can get all the way down into like needs to try something I know what you turn the quality down let me just crank it back up here see how pretty this game really is let's go settings and graphics and shadows extreme grass distance that's like my cheating doesn't feel any good ethical is terrible I don't like that's appeal okay yeah there we go how's the stream looking see a baker certainly lowers the quality though how's it looking on the stream you don't look at their eyes too long drives you to madness [Music] Hey Ya tools we got four tools in stockpile that means we have money no we don't money we change the shadows the shadows which I guess is too bad no but she is where you going back here I was watching you so you're in so Brad do you have any bread yet no we're gonna watch we have zero bread now she goes she's oh yes yeah get it get it what are you doing to that bread yeah what did it do to you did it insult your mother what what's she doing to it I guess it's the same animation is like chopping trees or whatever oh yeah I did it we were at 101 Twain down to 43 now okay let's let's adjust those shadows again we're gonna add not extreme we're gonna go we'll go medium I don't care about shadows even making the sound of is that the same Sun is that her making the noises all rights for bread and stockpile all right anyone else want a job I got no we need jobs we have $400 hang on so what's next we have bread we need the Weaver so let's make a weaver Weaver's hutch they're gonna go in right over here I guess I guess it's the best spot for it okay that's 200 bucks meat what else we get tailors works up to me to make clothing yeah do that we're gonna throw that in here in front of my house no we gotta have it rode there [Music] put it in right over here you walk into town first thing you get you get the church you get the tailor where's the front door with a back door go right here yeah this is sign yeah there we go like that perfect [Music] should we start working on iron suppose we get a higher mind going right over here like that okay all good spent all our cash most of it lets them do their thing yeah how many ban comes we had today Mavericks Mavericks hero today he's moderating both twitch and YouTube I wish should move my Center our town a little bit i sleaze buries kind of a mine days it's fine [Applause] all right so we have lower fishing village down this way and then we have farmland over here why aren't you farming what's going on there you go thank you nothing we need around here is slackers should be more houses coming in here before too long I guess it maybe not because they are now allowed to make bigger houses they weren't allowed to do a minute ago how does but I do want a like a zone of of nothing so we can have a path room for a path there [Music] [Music] dragon this is a fantasy game I can food 21 lacking at church because we have to build another Church Church time I think another what can I do I think slipping here I need 20 there I guess we want to help the clergy out what do you want fish I only have 10 fish I really can't do this if I had fail it they lose stuff keeping it all Russell church tradition yeah yeah and in addition to my church so I can make this church cooler with click on it edit [Music] what wouldn't cross yeah yeah yeah can I move it you like she go on this side [Music] that one yeah there we go what else we want we want a grave oh yeah what first thing you see when you walk into town a graveyard I want a bunch of these can I hold shift and do a bunch no I can't there we go these are the people that tried to leave our town would you put the cross in the graveyard also I shouldn't do something like oh yeah I can well perfect put a couple crosses in there you know and then we'll stick a couple more of these yeah there we go I guess that's what medieval it should be a little more sporadic it's fine okay there we go we also need these give me anything no they're just cost me points stone extension would give me more likes something like that to go up there sure another tower power be weeded out Norwich right the door over here want weed adorable picked you put it a door in the missing okay it ain't so small and rustic anymore [Music] client arch what is that oh that's where you get married what are you married back here outside here right here I'll stash it over here behind the graves like a stick to the tree there we go um how about a decorative bush yeah along the side of the wall here can I rotate you make you a little less similar you always the same yeah okay there we go a road sign yeah you come into town you got nowhere to go where do you go maybe they should go here like that okay look make some effort Weaver has done all right let's make some cloth iron mine is done Weaver is done do they have people for all this yeah we have plenty of people I think 74 people in this town now we have commoners we need to get people once what do they want to go up you're a serf I don't care about you I want to know you ma'am no your surf as well where's a commoner there's a commoner upgrade your houses you a commoner your serve commoner wise I want to surf where's all the good the the higher class hey there what do you want you want goods right you want clothing which we're about to get our Weaver is here our tailor is on the way the weavers Wynonna is in there weave in a way the you're going in here right you need stone blocks which isn't gonna happen ever and pirate pirate eyes this so that cloth that we make from here should immediately go into here to get our stone blocks finally made and we actually sell those things we have tons of stuff BOTS no other towns yes for trading yes I uh a bumper crop of light bulbs to fit there we should make another farm so it looks better this games all about looking good doesn't matter how things actually play out unless you need a bridge it matters how about a wheat farm another one seems weird to happen so close together but we're passionate here on back here and we can keep on yeah it's already set to farm [Music] how are you doing here we got tons of wood not met a lot of planks maybe another sawmill needed we could stash them over here or we're picking up a lot of planks saw stash it right over here there's a front door that it set it what is that [Music] you're talking yeah yeah the Gainey's fires it needs plagues it needs all sorts of things look this is where the faints of people live out in the forest real nice can i buy another one of these I can't for 500 bucks I can but I'm broke this is but this is done is it I thought I had fight it's not done is it I thought I had a where's my my bailiff office I'm a bailiff we do that and then up a little bit so we can peer over the edge it looks really weird but I think it's it's not terrible the bailiff is there and we also needed a Treasury yeah Treasury lemon of these just be here in front so don't look as ridiculous maybe a little taller that seems okay chimneys still there cancel it good I guess so make clicky I don't want I want a stone door stone the door yeah one night you okay done oK we've almost made it a whole year I'm almost there see ya Jim it will go to much longer here what time is it yeah we can't go too much longer I got a little bed he presented a penis people are lacking what are we not made yet we haven't done we more commoners for this maybe we have oh we have enough for that anymore uh splendor we need more splendor again for this for the hunters Hut big keep isn't ready yet I couldn't a wouldn't keep can't I [Music] that's all done your line here is we are allowing you to establish an outposts on your territory thus you will be able to participate in military campaigns for your liege excuse me is there combat in this game it's a private it's a privileged I can read don't forget about it I will comply with his royal request yes I will is there combat in this game we've been telling people no though where is it wouldn't keep yeah it's gonna go over here on the edge I think why over here or we said it like I'm like out in the wilderness no it's gonna go right here in this little uh no I'm gonna stash it right there so we can tower over keep an eye on all the filth below wooden top oh yeah okay there we go decorative flag on top yes there's different kind of tops balance that one that one is cool you go away I want to wouldn't talk to see nope would it be yeah much cooler put the flag on top okay we're gonna put in a training dummy outside couple of those [Music] there we go we need a door see what's delay it over here too much in the way just be on that side let's do B what's up they're not going to be iy2 isn't it okay we'll do that we'll move this dummy over here right over there okay anything's gonna do yeah fill it [Music] where's assess the equatorial I will do you want what you want fish well I can't really hope I got 13 but we need them we we like to eat and it really only gives me I don't need anymore that I don't think we're done with there we can get that we'd citizens for the Lord man or tax buddy texting afters huh I need you steeper schemes which means I just need to make things that I have already like monastery 30 2015 we're selling them anyway and you down here you need to do yeah Barry's got one guy selling the fish so this market over here can take in fish which it already is we can sell to our church farmers everybody eighty villagers we get cooler houses they're all lame we need a better better people people need clothing why does he made it are you doing over here how much sweet do you need aren't you getting cloth I have a hundred cloth why aren't you making it because it's not in a stockpile okay let's remove the tools change it the cloth wool wools the Bulls the word right these things make water nine o'clock you're not nuts cotton fish to stockpile does that mean we have it now Oh Oh make sure it goes to stockpile I wasn't those there we go done [Music] we need that [Music] awesome wedding this no okay okay don't need it anymore why aren't you working there's a ton of sheep around here change that over to sloth memory now now that we have things actually working maverick we need more foundation look what even grow the wheat in the in the ocean or this is called a river but we do that too right between your having this count and the gold count the white box yes what about it come on honey do they here yet no there's there's the graves very cool there's the arch the wedding arch you walk down the aisle of graves and then you get married and then you walk over here and you become a soldier so I'm gonna prioritize this again it already is why did my cloth not coming in they aren't even getting any wool Edwin if you have 73 wool right here you need to take it to a place you need to take it to a market never change this to war pres being made yeah tools finally fix this we got that under control except wall let me go we got it okay so walls in the stock pile now Dave rolls over there right wolf [Music] allow this be creating some yeah it's all the bridge [Music] oh you have to world twice I'll change it over to my is it's not even making it did we have enough bread for we what 20 let's not follow this yes energy stream either for February well we got a up February's winner winner February was lady Hattie is right was it lady Hattie right been a while is our champ Queen Stream Queen we're doing here because the devil give me a couple keys for this game and I i press i I wasn't you only want to get keys I dish them out to the patreon supporters all that I knew they'd be a lot of folks that wanted this one so I will do a match at the end here look like oh I can get now how'd that happen we have 20 there we go we've got let me unlock this one okay they're buying wool which we want to buy it and herbs I don't know how to get herbs we can buy iron from them and glass and cold I will sell you some rule I guess I don't want to do it all of it I do I know where I want to do it all over we're not making it so sell we'll keep I don't know 75 around sell the rest let's talk about that anymore why isn't this working today maybe not get where is it oh maybe they can't get to the door is that problem give me where is it Weaver high money hey no Bad's going boy for cash come in how was our uh where's our budget how are we doing over here so villagers are I'm just what that means consumption 274 oh they're buying fish and berries 274 we made 100 bucks from trade I'm not sure which ones which here I guess this is over the whole year I'm not sure we are upkeep is 447 tres meses forty taxes 185 that's oh that's that's what I'm paying my taxes so we're losing money so we need to get more markets or where you get this close working it okay fine where's I Weaver at okay [Music] I think I think I guess that's the problem I didn't realize that that was a pathing issue in the game I'm hoping this little was oh my why is the period where I put it in like make sure the door is facing out right there [Music] hey Matt hopefully that's not all for houses for warehouse options so euros can only hold for goods of any one kind and this your transporters are the ones that sell so they'll buy and sell they won't yeah they'll guess I'll buy and sell these resources so you can only you can't have a warehouse that holds everything it only holds those certain things otherwise the goods just stay in like in the Fisher Hut or whatever everyone have a job oh oh my treasure he needs a soldier I'm just done it needs four cloth for the dummies I assume and the flag do not you fish now no guy wants fish because we stopped eating them you switch you a back over to fish there we go and how much bread that we have [Music] okay waiting for tools to come in I'll get that made hopefully get things we're waiting for this we need to get stone blocks stone blocks will make our tailor which will make clothes which will make us up to next rank so we're gonna hopefully hit that point before we call I want to make sure we get fancy houses these are terrible pathetic houses we need something nicer we need fancy houses [Music] this person was bullying over here if two people have built here average desirability law over here though Tom and hey Andrew you want berries I only have any berries and I don't really care about that [Music] if urban land is to keep them from walking on this slope I want to make sure I have this nice path here [Music] we're doing here one more tool and planks haven't been hauled over for some reason [Music] I'm chained to the planks I don't like you need just like four warehouses side-by-side just so he can stock everything that way camp you should be able to a cap you should be able to go to youtube and you can rewind it to start for the beginning I think it'll go that far back should go back to I think it goes back three hours that's about how long we've been playing this game [Music] your clothes Andrew nice try yeah yeah sorry I couldn't help [Music] hey the weavers here all right come work male of 383 oh we've got that point and male see 1969 we've we've run out of names yeah you know what why a game why can't we use twitch names alright there we go there's wool in there now and there is cloth coming out gonna go in here finally gonna get something done it was even really the Sheep don't even walk they just sort of float around it's fantastic these guys have just stained stood here the whole game Rudolph there he is and she's selling nothing you know what we close here in a minute cuz that's gonna make this yes someone's bringing for Lily good job Lily no she is she's gonna hammer away at it she's making bread there that was only two hours all right yeah go work there stonemason male 734 go make me some blocks we were desperate for them make blocks which will make this mean five of those then we can sell the blocks once we get a bunch of tons of stone the brain is working very slow what's the problem with the bread here is it you are you the slow one we have plenty of wheat we have not a lot of flour if here's the windmill is is the slow one what's that 50 skew is obese turkey and Mike call on you in a military campaign I shall think about training soldiers then what's that fifty means what is that [Music] ten soldiers yeah well I've used everybody okay all of you without a name you're now soldiers congratulations why is our flag right there okay [Music] yeah gonna buy a new one of these 500 bucks I'm not gonna I'm not gonna squander my money for just I can complete that I really want to though this this would all be good land that people would live on let's do it let's do it and make this why is it red I thought I thought it would be better than that yeah well no one's gonna want to live back here we'll need to maybe they'll eventually scoot back maybe put a farm or something over there yes we have a mate I mean if you think you have made a guess we haven't made anything we've got an iron mine we need blacksmith in order to get where we get coal from just go anywhere I guess it goes anywhere just revs well box with a coal hut coal huts produces a produces charcoal from vlogs I'll stash that back here not over here blacksmith we'll go back here also open the box yeah [Music] I think you said he can get I'm sure iron smelter oh yeah I do right there in smelter any more money i matter I'm Lorelei mama near my money go I just had so much climbing climbing husband tax day there we go I will make an iron smelting she's gonna back here like this hey did you just worked on my money go did it work okay yeah I cooked it right as I was paying money or something the part could remove this house I guess to make the road I think they'll still be able to fit through here though looks like they can [Music] gcapp captain this will all be posted to YouTube eventually also it might take a day or so I'm gonna edit out the channel update at the beginning and have that separate thing how long do YouTube takes actually I made just I may just import from twitch because YouTube is broken in many ways I'm curious why tattoo I was gonna I wasn't about to call it a day but now that this has happened I'm I want to know what's gonna happen oh this is done it is I'm gonna make clothes so one of you is not gonna be a fighter female 489 I'm work over here make me some clothes I'm in what's your name Catherine who's been standing here for over a year waiting to sell clothes it's finally gonna get something all right 30 minute false start you're right yeah Barnes you missed it nothing too exciting boys exciting for a lady Hattie so I think was a winner am i right right lady happy yeah I forgot to be a righty or the best job ever depending on how lazy you are I have soldiers and there they go to the people to new soldiers we have look at loosened builders if it wanted what does wait till new people come in we got 92 right now an envoy from the image 1 is requesting an audience what does that mean war is coming we are prepared and will actually we are not that prepared and we'll be happy to have some helping hands ideally with swords or axes how about sending some of your troops to our aid I'll deploy my troops right away I get a thousand gold 20 wine bottles for VII is and one free territory yes send five soldiers to city name open missions set up was I mean Senate Isabel Heinrich Lily Anne female 489 and male 289 send them away okay let's go murder there he goes yeah this is this is why we couldn't because the bridge is padding this way so where's my soldiers are they what was our regrouping they those dummies yeah make some more bread on those dummies here they go there they go I want to follow you right Florence who you are you're Isabel oh is that what that is it's wine there is yea wine okay cats losing it over here through the woods venturing off into the mountains to go chop them heads off alright our enemies will know the name soon know the name fear the name looks Dona [Music] all right um let's see what else gonna do here anything else we can make while we're waiting for that to happen it's all done it's all done we've got this stuff slowly any may be waiting for a lots and lots of tools how's that clothing going female it - 489 you making it clothing how come you have none aren't you working 78 cloth are you stockpiling it you are not I'm gonna change the berries over to long because we all the berries are immediately going into the market stalls see new soldiers there you go okay we're full what do you want berries I don't have berries for you they'd build it backwards I don't think I think they can get in there it's gotta be this way there's where the door is yeah there's a door right there why aren't you why aren't you going and grabbing 50 cloth in here go get it make some clothes why isn't it working [Music] one tailor assigned you just go get cloth and put it in here and make shirts don't stock it no just just accept it accept it why aren't you working or even it we're even are you where are you I'm on my free time no no you're not what oh wait what what are you doing what's happening what's going on no no what you can't you can't do this this is not how things work in my village all right you're fired female 103 where are you there she comes she's on the mission I don't think you see can you be a you be a soldier and a tailor oh that's weird [Music] I guess so through the back permission okay are they all covered in blood the only way you're allowed in these gates so the blood of your enemies are all over you get some fabric there you go keep that box yeah there she goes okay that's a big piece of scissors so they are coming back where are they I mean they're coming from this way here they come yep okay house is upgrading is that a good up brain I think we have the right people yet okay oh that is a house level - look at that house look at that that's a fancy house huh we have more of those at the first one I did the first one okay we have a fancy house yeah look at that one who lives there Oliver Agnes well done villagers every status citizen yes we have level 2 we now clothing people are not longer no longer naked good job female 103 where are you at why aren't you making things what are you doing over here why are you over here you live way over here this is where you live hmm that seems like a tedious job I'm fired you're fired here fine I cannot fire her so I guess she's gonna work here Hey complete we got a thousand gold now lots of wine and one free territory I don't know buy more territory you buy a place for a fish [Music] by this one over here just because it seems like I need to be purchased anyone live back here maybe a few folks [Music] okay all right so we should start getting some cool houses and yeah look at another come new building unlocked up to a house there too too fancy house what I luck I am I earn money Vidya those stone bridge we don't have is a Cypress and a fountain yeah and now we're getting fancy need people to work we lose charcoal burners houses are upgrading [Music] so is she working wears clothes we got five clothes I guess she's working she's just slow it'll be unlocked oh the Cypress in the felt and yeah Cypress the first Cypress will go in front of my house right here next to the other one right here yes and the fountain is gonna go right here there we go I would like a fence I don't have any tools course I don't go to market and the new flames start quantizing it I swear that means Lima 103 aren't you again [Music] 20 shirts sold this week so I guess he's working some 821 never some I mean they planted it right here looks like one of those those baby carrots just green okay any more work iron smelter is done sure go do that we took the iron mine we have the coal we just this the blacksmith eventually should be smelting the wood and that's okay I think we're looking I don't think there's any more is anything past what are we at we have 14th citizens there must be someone something past citizen because we don't have why anything what's can I find one of these guys I'm gonna find a citizen [Music] oh there's one Charles yeah Charles is fancy Charles wants luxuries which is wine which we have wine what's the other thing Oh herbs probably get herbs [Music] nor herbs come from [Music] [Music] I don't know got my heart beatin Milt I can paint one of the three points things Oh is one of these oh there it is mana story and as an herb guy so we need 50 prestigio 50 I guess I need another Church well who's leaving you whine about know what more clothes we could think another Church I don't know we always gonna call today think we're about done here I can't see the next villager but I'd only go for another it's late they're going that much longer don't mean we didn't make it the monastery because I don't have enough splendor here and I guess to get that what gets splendor with Church none of these is it all have to do with it's all with the church so we can we have to build a few churches I guess we already have marathoned it it's still like this is point two for this extension those two for the tower though let me get it just be a giant wall of towers priest none would be none alright nobody here we know priests need a priest do 90 new record sorry the one last yeah you're right onion more touches which I think I do the last time I had like three or four of them and it's part of the way to do it but Church down here I think people want to live near the church too so it's a good way of expanding our housing wants like a church in here let's just crank one out real quick real quick I don't need to go to bed I will eventually right over here across the bridge I cross the bridge and a big church right there it doesn't kind of look like a good place for one I'm gonna put a core in you know put a stone core no it's like like right here what do you want fish [Music] there [Music] let's do something like that we'll put in a not explain oh look at that yeah that's cool and I want to put in a big door like something I'm gonna tear that's that's stone yes okay you will put in a door right there okay put the cross in how can we can't make gargoyles it always used to be a thing I want more goggle is how much of this is it's a 4.4 we need how much do we need we need 20 for this and then 50 that's a lot that's a lot this makes two so we're gonna put in I want get this one stone I don't want these I mean this town needs is more towers on my churches you know they don't quite look right we'll do you one more another one this one okay yeah that's something that's 14 that puts us up to the next level we get stone walls and unlock unlock a church okay yeah a regular Church okay build that I mean ugly no that's great that's a raven yeah yeah it's not look pretty good now insult my church I think it's quite nice I would pay a lot of money to go to that church I wouldn't pay a lot of money to fish at this place where's what you think what this there's another working here and Tony where you at you better not be sleeping no one sleeps in my town work one team tees Church Bay but there are renewable use resource things noisy [Applause] um let's see so you know have a lot of flour a lot of wheat though another windmill much why do we have wait where'd all my thousand dollars go to my money builders thousand bucks my villages now we're spending more money almost as much just on upkeep though the lord manor cost me three hundred seventy eight dollars or ducats or whatever 378 for this thing that's tiny though I don't even will even put water in there so any more tools [Music] yeah store in my life more tools [Music] exactly magic you don't have to stay [Music] that's right not a stream until we sacrifice MTT envoy from somebody is here what you want now war is coming yeah same thing okay I'll murder some folks I like killin Isabel get back out there Heinrich Lilia you enjoyed it so much and they send you back out there female 49 no more shirt making for you and you okay away you go I'll take some money and a free territory will be missing here all right fourteen yeah call it I gotta go to bed been working you making you're making we're making our own tools now we make our own tools now he only took 67 weeks people of City named five are the worst but cd9 city name five is insulting us send mail 125 in female 428 where is my stone no is this a wooden walls where is my stone gate we can make wooden gates I can't make a stone gate let's go make sure I'm working [Music] okay when you just need 42 tools no big deal we make them ourselves oh we going to bed okay well okay maybe okay you might have a point but look how small it is you just jump over that all right I gotta go to bed so look at the pretty town it's let's do one last little walkthrough here we are smelling the coal scroll rates pretty fast so we got it is too easily a blacksmith over here is not working as usual in this town male 3 substitute with a swab we got our smelter over this way down here we've got some take the path well this over this way please call it nerd unhappiness much cheap walking around we can go check out the what are you leave the Weaver this the stone block man in my house with water in the well now yes yes it's rather glorious if you win whenever you get you know how hard day's work you can just sit here on the balcony I can't show this camera I'm sorry stay here on the balcony and you know have your tea and and whatever you know side of pig whatever we have as medieval people and watch just watch the town do its thing this one density to just sort of overlooking the land we have walk here you're walking into town here's it going through the gate let's go through the tiny gate I can't get me closer than that yeah here we go here we go our first church food stall no one's working Center town that lone tree that's still around is our clothing seller catherine was busy Catherine who has sold 20 this week back down this way suppose to go a tour down here we have our markets this is our we call this the frustration market because we're losing our mind because we're getting tools what this means thanks Mike not over yet we got a we got a crown a winner of the key so I got two keys to giveaway here I'll talk about that man Cruz over here we can see town number two this is where the you know the one inside our walls they smelly ones live down here if you're really smelly you live over here what do you need yeah more tools okay soldiers are back from mission all right I'm something the victorious no one died at the breadmaker we're gonna make bread from all right over here yeah Dominique Carla yeah they are rather bread peanuts go taking some of military training into that bread okay so let's call it a day here
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 548,948
Rating: 4.1889729 out of 5
Keywords: games, foundation, foundation game, foundation gameplay, foundation 2019, foundation steam, city builder, gaming, medieval
Id: _LSbh5Q7XRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 8sec (11528 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
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