Odd Realm - (Fantasy Sandbox Colony Builder)

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dreams is what the problem is because it's someone was telling me it told him that my livestream from last night was still going on like many hours afterwards who knows what the problem is anyway those few of us that are here let's play ah drown now uh this is a big day for our room because it just hits steam today well yesterday technically but it's now on Steam early access we played this one back I think in October maybe before then we played a a pre-release version of this it's a sort of Dwarf Fortress world kind of a thing where we're gonna take some folks and I'm gonna charge out into the unknown and build a colony I think we start with five six people and building walls chopping trees you know fighting off terrible things the exciting thing about this let me show up the old steam page here since I got it pulled up I think this is it yeah yeah um I think where there's no which I find interesting is you know it's typical build your base kind of a thing but but we can eventually I'm not sure if it's in this version yet it wasn't in the version before it might be in here now we actually go out and explore the the world so you can see on the world here they like different villages out there we can go find those villages and fight things and find mysterious caves and all kinds of other things let's see so yeah it's in here biomes biomes landscapes give me the Explorer bill Explorer dig mines in the arithmetic of er lost tombs don't wreck gods and lakes both creatures watching from the deep make sure not to go too deep but that's in your in your home zone I think less than friendly neighbors with cold steel and hugs made out of arrows maybe we can't I guess we can't leave our home zone yet I hope that's a plan I hope it is okay so uh let's let's start it up so I think everything here is fine either grafters down to sixteen by nine because it's tiny like we can't change the UI size but I think we can go hey I don't how's it going welcome to the secret stream alright let's go start a new game Oh mimimi okay so we're gonna be what's the name of our world Irma Irma quelle is the name of our world will be the humans that's all we can be now these things are in the game yet these are the races but will the humans living in small community since the fracture humans have only recently started to reform their once great kingdoms that's us let's do it alright so let's look around here so we have pixel world and within this world is four different biomes we've got the what are you you're the taiga we have down here we have the desert we have the void lands which is like scary pink lands and we have one other tropical I think there's tropical range somewhere taiga yeah somewhere on your that's tropical maybe on these islands yeah tropical sandy beaches lush jungles pirates so good pick a place to start now also there's other things out here so we can start here and have an island we wouldn't play on these little island out here but we've got like the Arden is a race and they live here in on the settlement and we've also got the who's the humans there's a human town over here I like a building us know oh yeah Tundra clear so there's five biomes alright big mountainous mountainous taiga interesting what's this ferocious tundra ferocious we don't live there it's a the dark glacier it's called the little houses aren't there deer I think I like the elves that live over here in this this spot this we can see the Browns where their settlement is I'm a Tristan we got this who's this these are the ancients live over on this side so we got a bigger place to start I say we start I mean this place seems kinda exciting start over here it's a little a kobold man over here next to the river I suppose that's very mountainous I want to be somewhere sort of flat what is that a building it is the Tomac just sort of like the works I think it looks like a flat ish yeah yeah this might be all right we going kind of mountain sort of some some metals and things it's might be interesting though a little spot of metals we have a place to build yeah I like this one let's go here so peaceful there's untamed neighbors around at the colleton River the years 502 V a taiga sure let's settle here we stick with peaceful because the games kind of rough and terrible things are going around charging at us now we have to embark now so we choose to be only be pioneers into a diverse group of settlers looking for start a new colony Vanguard is a bunch of bunch of Fighters on a mission to claim new land Hermits it's just one guy living off the land but we can go with making our own thing choosing who we have we have two five points we bring up to five people choosing what profession we have what items we bring with us we're to stick with the Vanguard I think this is the easy one that was to be easy hey Achtung it has gone the name of our settlements going to be still won and we're gonna have we have one Forester we have one miner a farmer stonemason and a carpenter and some other things like palm trees seeds and whatever else let's embark this might be the first time yeah this is gonna be the first time we've had more people in oops twitch chat than YouTube chat exciting day okay so we got let's pause real quick I paused paused let's see what we have so we've got Lake down here you can see the sea levels here if you're familiar we like to a fortress you know you can zoom down and up or whatever my scroll water over this way I'm not sure about exactly well updates were here since I last played so I'm gonna find out because some crab grass looks like over this way we got some mer clovers some tin in the ground there this is some K light which is I guess is some sort of stone there's dirt over there what else we have is it gold copper alright I think we build where's my flat spot like right here along the coast is that like right in here that seems nice what are you this tracks you are animals I think I can like tame you though we can hunt you as well but we'll be nice for now um crab grass over there what's that iron good iron we got iron lady harps sure so let's go down this way and build like right in here so I'm gonna go with my people and say hey go chop some trees okay I'm gonna come over here and Mark these trees but I should have one person who's marked as a forest or should go and grab a self-insert hacking away at it he doesn't illegal mine if we once I think maybe what we do is we like mine away this spot here so we can kind of level we can you know make it nice and even like that you know clear it out so it'd be a nice flat area all over we can also build things if you want we're gonna hold off till it gets tough though I'll unpause it let them go do their thing where are they here they come marching down the mountain my music's stopped for some reason marching margin metal a slowly climb on the way this way we look to people go in there everyone else is where's everyone else stand around doing nothing doing nothing okay um let's go into what see if I'm ever on my spot here seam layer so that means we also have notifications over here things have moved there was bars over here before I hope this was the right place we were supposed to settle maybe we should check the map again I think so buddy use the overworld map to code to view neighboring islands and lands oh we're still doing my tutorial stuff okay I see it's an ease us into it alright fine sorry sorry let me do a game capture here make this work a little bit easier on me so I have to click off it it won't panic properties that one okay we found of items to create a new blueprints okay cool so as things in October wood or stone or whatever then we get to learn to make new stuff that has not shown up okay so a blueprint menu over here we have an inventory menu also see what we have and we have a job menu over that way so we've got new blueprints we learn how to make things like wood walls wood beds wood stairs because we chopped wood down we can learn how to make that stuff now okay you've heard of the game Civ city Rome I've heard of it I never play it before because I'm birds flapping around here to squeakin which I think I can capture as well there's those deer things are scared of me we got Frank over here or seaton fur lacks our minor is hacking away at this stuff now we can go look at this guy and say hey see watch face what's your name how do I see your info where's your info at how do I see you character info T okay here's the gang so this guy is going oh yeah she lead with honor just in case okay so Steven here is a we see his rimmer old style chart he's a creature that gets hungry and tired he's looking for a companion he is a level one miner as he minds I get better I'll get level 2 once that goes up we can go in here somewhere is a menu for his abilities perks so once he hits level 2 minor he gets less energy used once at when the when you mines he goes in gets better as he becomes a minor if we change him off of miner and something else it'll cost reset of course now we collected so many item he shouldn't organize them into zones yes we should make stockpiles okay zones menu there's the one I was looking for yeah yeah you okay so let's put some wood down up this way Woodstock bar there we go we're also gonna put in a food stockpile like that put in some cooked food over here next to it just do everything all all things back here okay I also want a job here of harvesting because any plans you can Harbor throw some plants right there plants that want to get harvested no one will die today this is gonna be a death free zone because there's no one in stream tonight so it's gonna be the one time I play really well no one's gonna see it so what's gonna that's what's gonna happen it would take some of that anything else no no one else okay fine okay so click off of that let them do their thing so he's tunnel tunneling channeling out this thing over here there may be some pits down below we'll come across as we do buying find some caves there's scary monsters and things out in the ground as well yeah it's very it's very torturous like well fortunately the UI yeah before do you what with with a better UI and a little bit easier to make your way around would you find over you founds a tree seeds speaking of oak tree seeds we should make some of those so I want to I think I go in here to build and I build plants I like make some carrots so let's let's do some farming over here 5x5 there we go ten carrots we have melons as well but big farm line of melons here we have 10 wheat as well there and to beat there okay so my farmers should go and plant all that junk down there we gonna get some walls in I suppose let's get some some wooden walls and plant a like a like a storehouse of food over this way this more dilute buckets okay something like that and we'll put in there there and put a door in room a door isn't by doors wooden door right there perfect because the floor isn't if we want we'll do some some dirt cobble floors no no we can do wood we're not savages let's go something like mats in an upper level we can put a roof on this place if we want wood shingle roof I think goes I probably have to wait until it's built like that yeah we told the build okay should I remember to remove that for now okay so there's a food house when I put like a kitchen and all that stuff in there we'll do a one of the wooden wall and we'll put like a little alleyway here we've made so much progress yeah that's why OTT thinks great to customize our settlement how do you do that use the utilities menu to rotate props and lock doors that's new rotate and lock doors okay all right now let's go and and put it into the wall in here while they're done yelling at me and we'll put it in like this and down here we're clear a lot of stuff out there like our warehouse once it's always clear that we'll make a goal of further back there here we go one more that knows need to get moved okay warehouse is gonna go there let's take a door right here we will also come in and cut those get them out of here cut you out of here too okay what do we have over here this is tin right we need to get back so we can start getting some of the blueprints for those which op this tree down to let's go chop that one that one okay for my speed group there is speed factor there we go character melons no no carrots that's how we live so that's our lifestyle carrots I guess there's blueprints there no one has planted it we planted some carrots but that's it where's my farmer what's he doing besides not working all the junk is over here it's not getting a whole bunch of Karis just hanging out around here this building is done so let's put a roof on it from the right if I remember correctly the roof is a little strange I put it like here all right way down one yeah there I think there it is I need to cut this thing cut that plant okay let's finish up our where's our wood doors wood walls what's wrong with that there's stone in the way yeah it's doing the way well we'll get in a minute okay we should get farming going and that's gonna be I wonder what skills I'll learn in the future I don't know I ought what will you learn you set a screen to change this others professional or cheat oh yeah yeah so we can come see everyone as if I was looking for before so ayats is our forest or he's out chopping wood he is a creature he wants a room and he's lonely Petra is tired Gina and Jess are companions apparently and then Sivan is tired as well I'm hungry I think I'll find some food to eat well go do that then okay yeah we saw that already yeah Izzie level we can dig down we can be cave people if we want to we're building little houses here but it's got Z levels and build up or down or whatever we'll get a wall going eventually all this dirt clods are kind of in the way so we got to make sure we get them hauled into our stockpile which is supposed to be up here right yeah you're getting hauled up there but we're all being very slow I think we can make is we can build a ladder wooden ladder which we can like pop down there so they might climb up and get up he's like climbing the wall up there helps him get up a little quicker we do want to make let's build something for inside I think we want props what was it here so I need to get a what look like what kind of the cases would beds let's take a fire pit outside let's put in where's all the stuff where is like the may because we have oh it could be equipment any stone stuff yet let's go mine some stone when mining dirt so we don't learn any stone stuff yet it's like copper and we'll get there was stone right here somewhere here's some it some of that stuff too okay and yeah some iron too while you're at it why not I'm not gonna get away yeah can you cross the river guys we're gonna find out okay so he's all in the ground are these still his blueprints well blueprints put the stuff in the ground farmer get to work they're getting things hold over here so this is finally filling up I mean build that wall a little more junk in the way pretty much everywhere I can clear this loot you have a campfire I guess that's something yes buddy it's starting to get dark we should start thinking about assigning bedrooms we don't have bedroom yet i ahte get over it okay better then you decide and vineyards okay so I also have this roof is not ready and there's nothing on top I did the roof wrong again oh well we have zone this is got yet no we can also sewn up our buildings here it's not letting me do yet I don't think I don't want bedrooms I want yeah here we go kitchen so this is my kitchen it needs a wooden table and iron cauldron and a wood cabinet so let's make those things wood table wood cabinets iron cauldron got it so we need a wood table well probably to get a carpenter shop first to make the carpenter oh okay so wood cabinet is needed I'll stick that right there wood stairs no wood seat wood stool wood table here we go wood table and in the iron cauldron which we can't do yet because we don't know what iron is but we'll learn it as soon as he gets to mining and gets the iron he'll know what that is which is over here hopefully he can make it over there right now he's mining into this he's just thinking on the ground sorry Jess I suppose I can get let's build some wooden walls if stone now let's make you know we just dig in here I always do that I just come down here and just dig in if we do over here is gonna remove everything so we gotta go cut it down and then over I think I think gonna do that mm-hmm because if I dig here it's gonna take the top off hey rect rectum you're one of the few it's uh it's a private little showing night let's go or if I do this and like just put a put a roof on the top of it go bedroom there bedroom over there and like that another bedroom there so we're gonna be we're kind of gonna be divorced poor furious will appreciate this and will stash warm back this way and like that okay I means that nothing it's enough those other couples can share a bedroom that's how that works and that's all been cleared out me so let's go build that build a wooden wall like that and I want wooden floors to go fill this thing in okay we gotta get rid of that plant that plant well we're gonna slowly happening going on high level up I love a yeah yeah i ahte good job okay so we can look at him we already showed all that we can see I out here he's now at level two Forester so what do you get buddy at level 2 you get was it here here you get less energy whenever you chop logs down plants grow faster at level four and then all kinds of things when you get to level ten he gets a chance to find Ryan up random items when cutting down trees that's exciting so yeah you're gonna cover carve out here it's gonna look like you know that we put a roof on top of it though I think it'll be fine I can figure out how to roof let's see here I could also mark up a spot for fishing right over here like that so we gonna fish you can go over there yeah very super inspired my dual fortress Chloe have you found any what do you find over here Stone you found some coal did you make it over here to uh channel off this were my minor ant has he got all this stuff taken care he still working on this is this him my ops that's the Forester we can put that log where's my minor ant oh he's probably in here can almost use another miner well hold off I can't make a cook stove yet until he finds some iron can i prioritize can I say hey buddy hey buddy hey buddy I really need you to mine this maybe this mind over here I need the iron I can't make it any more of a priority for you a copper over there I need iron his junk just laying around over here pull it over the base tin he's going to get right now all right well we can build a roof on top of this so I think we do it here I think Oh hold a left alt to put it in midair okay that's how we do it okay okay now remember this now like that get a roof there and you get a roof they have a giant roof everybody gets a roof yeah and you get a roof okay perfect now we go down we can make beds so how about a wooden bed stone furnace wait when you an iron cauldron for that so I can't go yet I want you to shop for a carpenter as well put the beds in there you go there's all your beds I'm gonna another shop real quick carpenter shop which can be just attached to this guy like that we'll put a door and I think it's gonna be enough wouldn't door will go there okay oh boy oh boy okay what do you hear a mushroom all right that's good how's everyone feeling where's my my people sellers how you guys doing you are all tired you oh no hey look at that Petra I opted Gina Jess the only one who doesn't have one is poor seed and he's out there mining no one earring I've talked to anybody he doesn't get any companionship poor guy I kind of feel sorry for you not really here's our permissions nobody is farming so my grow under my Forester where's my farmer farmer what are you doing so I need you I need you harvesting I can't tell like a level of us he just he likes to harvest obviously he does that first cutting planting fighting melee yeah and looting you know good do whatever you're doing keep planting things we're slowly getting things in there look these are sea melons those melons they're in the ground we have a couple beds here I think we can assign these now right rooms bedroom so I think I can tell you so I say hey Petra and i ahte you live here got it Jess get out not your room I think I did that right now Gina and Jess no okay you guys are good you can live here see then you get your own room I'm gonna stash you in this one get it that wrong Seaton okay yeah you two are in that one oops and Seaton is in this one okay so everyone has a bedroom now right got it I think okay hey Ron all right hold on all right let's go build a lighting we want some torches put one there we'll put one there there and there I'm seeing I'll give you a torch to I guess a lot of coal to use but we'll use what we have what is that right there everybody is my it copper okay um my minor is very slow what's he doing cuz I have nothing oh he got all that ticking out yeah where are you my minor is lazy oh hey so far I need um meeting at the carpenter carpenter shop done have we made that building yet no it's still still blue no one's media get to work they're working on these this stuff first we need to get gear no props yeah we need to get in here I mean yet a storm furnace what does that do for us can you tell me what you do what do you do is it shift no there's a button that I supposed to be helpful but it's not helping we're getting something cooked this is always a part my head before is just getting an iron to start with cuz you can't cook until you iron and and you all die you got a food so hopefully we'll find some iron very soon he's chopping that way that is looks like more copper down there we can hope there's more things other than I haven't found any monsters yet no peaceful so far poor iaat because he's the best everyone loves iaat he's so proud of his levels I wonder like a billet bridge build a floor to go that's wrong level isn't it oh that's not like that mmm what's with the red can't go up a level left alt just a button mmm it's red as if I can't probably can't mmm I'm not sure but it's not looking good see if it'll let me so these squeakin I think we can actually go and we can talk to these we can go and how we do this there's a way of capturing these things you're a bird right I want you to be my bird how do I do that I think I can tell you you go and issue tame order tame where they go the birds right away we can contain these animals though and then they they just they become part of the colony and they'll lay eggs or whatever whatever birds do we can farm them they ran off on the way they went there tame those and we can build like a barn for them okay so our blacksmith or carpenter shop is built let's go make a carpenter's table let me see what we need for this I think it's a campfire it needs a wood stool and woods do okay work stop carpenters table would seat wood cabinet okay so let's build comforters table there wouldn't seat as it wouldn't see wouldn't cabinet is that what it needed I think would seat and he needed stools right what you need you needed two wooden stools this is kind of like a prison architect kind of style before I'm just gonna make it look nice there's section beach bridge now they can treat that area but soon as they make the blue section they'll be able to make it there oh okay cool this is how much did this I don't know this is so I just hit steam today it is ten bucks in u.s. dollars our first workstation now we can craftsman items let's do that do it so our station screen now to cue up some things okay I would like to make the only we have here oh the campfire we can roast some carrots oh we can cook up a camp fire auto job so I want you to have I want you always have five carrots around and I want you to always have five roasted broccoli roasted cap I don't have any this stuff potatoes Oh boiled wheat mmm now we're getting fancy boiled beetroot roasted mushrooms okay so there's our food I don't have a kitchen yet cuz it's not built yet the works up just got built so we can make things like bows let's make three bows I'm gonna make a fishing pole I want a wooden cudgel for my my worker I do want stone hatchet hammer sickle pickaxe sure Sam clods I bleed for dinner I'd say this is closer to a a room world Dwarf Fortress mix I think it's probably the best way of describing this one it's it's closer to dwarf fortress but it has the feel of worm world I think now these part of my colony now how I tell they're in but they show up here I don't think I don't know they might I'm not sure I think they show up under my one of my cellars once we capture them there's some more stuff over there what is the what is that cover okay chowing down excellent yeah we can now make you can now make lady harp harp is what it's a plant yes Oh mushrooms do we have a mushroom that can plant let's put some of those out now I don't remember if I have to tell them to do this or if they do it automatically but I think I have to come in here and tell them to pick the plants it might be automatic I'm not sure so they got to come in here and tell them to harvest I can't harvest anyways but once they get ready to harvest they can come in night known if they do automatically or five tell them to it okay bridge is done so we should get to this side oh there he is he's getting some iron excellent excellent so I have a cook shop done any more plants we can grab here that is the you can I make blackberries probably found those somewhere yeah bill - blackberries I like blackberries I mean to make all this better like him - there you go that's a farming last time I always have big issues with farming on this game so with food so palm tree seeds oh yeah at trees let's build build trees palm trees and yeah palm trees so let's line the coast palm tree so we'll get some oak trees and just plant it up over here okay hey Rock forehead how's it going I haven't seen you to UM make iron ingots now oh that's good that's good do I have to have them before I can make this thing this cauldron of mine that I'm looking for you want to make yeah I don't have to make a smithy I think first go ahead and do that Smith he's gonna be what am i doing carpenter tables no no no no walls no walls there we go there's our smithy missing wooden logs how I missing logs I made a lot of stuff let's go chop some down okay promise I make if he does need someone as a farmer otherwise you tell them harvest okay plenty of food looks like it looks like I started with a lot more food than I remember last time playing this so I think we're looking all right this is was my warehouse which I didn't ever set up so let's put down a floor which I can't do because I don't have any wood there we go we'll put a wall in oh boy what all this den says the bandits cows just come here to plunk down em Big Boss and some words which okay I think we're about to get attacked this scabbit has arrived and look at us so we need to get some defenses I think we have some though because we have items out here so I think tell me let's go people hate people yot go to entity yes I want you to grab where is inventory so go grab what are you my forester go grab yourself an axe hatchet I think I tell you do I would tell you to get it to grab that oh that way okay so hatchet great equip the hatchet Petra is my carpenter or my carpenter I think needs a hammer I think oh there goes it says what it's for okay so you are used for not what I want you to use for are you your my minor you're gonna want to pick I don't have a pick so I'm gonna give you a I will give you a hammer sure and then Gina who is my stonemason she's in a hammer too I just gave it away though give her the cudgel there you go see you got yours you have an axe farmer I want you to grab a sickle and then Petra is going to use a bow wooden bow ordinary bow there you go okay good yeah Bridget's built that's how we're getting our iron alright now this is not ready yet but it any more wood should be getting chopped down here though so we get the we give them that tools and they makes their jobs better and makes them better at their jobs I shouldn't say it also will help us fight things off whenever we need to do that music no music alright fine we need some migrants past charging around we got some guy appeared digging around for any more iron in there no let's go start digging into this rock over here Oh chisel that out for me just take the top of that off there he goes so we're gonna tact we're gonna make sure we get everyone to sign up you know charging them to kill people hopefully not to be give it to an attack those the way you don't die my warehouse is ready we should put things in there what do we want to put in there what's the most important stuff food cooked food I think in here that seemed reasonable I put a roll cooked food and we'll put a row of raw food also and then some tools and a big gear can go in here okay use me bigger this will make it like a two-story thing about that hey he's fit is he fishing no what you doing no he's planting palm trees right what close enough good if you have not there now okay I need migrants where's more people need more people wood is getting chopped correct where's my hammer man max me there he is yacht good job good job he's wailing away on those things alright we've got um what is that Oh mushrooms campus the campfire is ready to go we need to get this as a smelter we're not doing yet I would like to build a what does a smelter need gonna be a smithy or a foundry each of the furnace the cabinet's tool and you take the iron animal so I think we need a foundry first do that way yeah foundry first and then we also need to get another building for a smithy Oh farm that's all farm okay that's new that was never a button before hey doctor and campfire setup so we need to get a smithy now in summation it's gonna go over here then go ahead get the room built with new wood walls it's maybe will be next door here to the old blacksmith smelter remove that and we will put down so inside here we need to get what was it all gotta get the furnace and we have to get a wooden cabinet wooden stool wooden cabinet and stick a wooden stool in here somewhere right there in front of the furnace well stick it right there yes and then that's gonna be my smithy here it needs an anvil a table and a stool so the table and stool there first there's the stool table and we'll get an anvil right here as soon as we can no fires sounds like my kind of game and a roof yeah yeah look at the roof as soon as the walls are in the roof would shingle roof I'm gonna be at this level and then we want to hold alt there and there okay perfect so we can do it without their walls Peter is hungry alright for music what was that sound [Music] false do we need a kitchen we have some bacon fancier foods components sand clods make something you know why yet do I have any any um clothing stone chunks for stone doors we need coal for the light we need coal for our furnace I think irony gets is gonna take coal and iron let's get digging Bobby toolbar cut off yeah I think it is that goes you can now make a stone thrown well that's exciting stone thrown stone Dyess stone furnace so are you an official place yet you are yeah you're done so I should go into work stations and go to the foundry so I'm making ingots and steel ingots let's make ten ingots and once we get the smithy Smith is what allows us to make the cook stove [Music] okay anyone I don't know ones I'd also make what what's the two new ones I got which would tell me what are the two new ones I don't know what it is iron lantern is what it is and iron helmets we can make we have a lot of dirt what a stone a lot of logs plenty of melons we have a lot of rotten food that's the problem no coal for new blueprints what are they they are steel things iron cauldron to iron ingots let's do it do I make it can I make it just now just make an iron cauldron I can okay to our yeah yeah it's gonna go right back here Oh raw food cooking with other stuff is okay she's in here Gina is making something dort on these wooden doors on everyone's house where are my migrants I want to see them okay cook so is done let's make something in know side of it the cook skill it's we can't Laurie resellers um Tess was born oh we have a baby all right um excellence tests hey go to you can't use your name I can't change a name all right Tess your name's going to be a vinyl rabbit well name the babies see how long he makes it you're a zero days old what are you gonna do what's your job in to be buddy do I do it to give you a job now I'm not sure wouldn't I give you a job I think I do it in here I'm gonna go and give you a bow no let me give you a fishing pole maybe Fisher man and I want you to oh what's that you say you say you want to be a cook okay looking for a companion already willing for that how do I make you swimmer going to do this I want you to cook I can't it's locked it's cuz you're too young it's too young I guess okay that's fine it's nice to person zero cooked food yeah the job that's set up for it though no stairs with cook skill wasn't the guy who I had to cook school before didn't say that before okay cloth gear okay we found some plant fibers I guess iron anvil let's make that you put a wall in here right there oops and an iron anvil three iron ingots we'll get him eventually so nobody has a cook skill how do I give them a cook skill hmm it seems like a problem somebody cook something nobody hat nobody wants to cook so it looks like you're too young guess who's busy harvesting what are you doing you are chopping trees down but they'll treat the chop and you can go cook things that's what it means no one hasn't marked for them so hopefully we'll make some food for us I see what it means means cook see what does it mean like that there doesn't mean know how to cook it just means they're not marked with doing cooking so I get it that was getting done there we probably should get a wall set up at some point before we get attacked I'm gonna build a mine I'm gonna build my mind though to go just straight back if we can um I'm not sure we can do that how is this stone going you get all taken care of you did a little bit coal in there that's good so it's my little bit more coming all that out hey Bom hey bombs here let's go it's the alley [Music] that's copper or lots of rotten food oh you can see Laurent and food in here I set up a zone of rotten food garbage the garbage is gonna go over here and be reached right away okay okay I see so we can just dig we can go through our mine over here somewhere like right back here we can go let's dig him down just in the middle of town here I guess doesn't be water down there well hold on dig there and we'll see what happens okay I want to give you guys a floor okay now what else do we want to make these things are being made finally good they're also made that seems like it's happening correctly false - were missing some carrots but once we get them I'm gonna head and said Auto job make five of them just have five of them around and then you are gonna make me I need another one of these hammers we didn't right now she's cooking so we have seven cooked meals now excellent eight cooked meals perfect okay now he's digging down now he found some stone chunks he'll dig this all out a minute [Music] be well for Gettys these roofs done crank up this beat here just sit back and let things happen squares are not in the ground if they dig them out they will make a hole oh I get it well we're gonna go down and then we'll it'll go down maybe a couple levels and then go out top hopefully not hitting water and I thought we would get migrants I don't know how that works down kind of thing in my maybe putting in a I put a dirt wall in like a dirt wall just sort of over here and around I moved you know like I just like a UH a wall somewhere I don't know make it attacked but it's fine it happens we'll see what we will deal with it later okay so that's being dunked out so let's go down one more and then let's go ahead and Mark that see if I go up there hopefully he'll find something more than just dirt and we'll go back here into the caves and we'll go start digging down over that way hope I get some metals and stones and things right well have you iron really so we could get some of that 74 raw food okay we should be good for a while you know buddy I'm gonna change my mind all it is just stone cancel that task go do the other one I told you to do didn't climb over anything can thing can they not call me over stone walls what happened to those uh those those rock those those bandits we saw where those birds we saw it we ever tame those I think so it was fun all right old enough yet get older child where's those birds birds are those those dear things seen anything well look I'm rolling back in here eventually we'll catch him then oh yeah another kid all right all right who wants to be a kid it wasn't your name just before and we change it okay um we're gonna name you a bomb hey your first name a last name bomb okay over here you're just a B C's planting we have a beet root over here to grab you'll see the things pressing like animals you don't get migrants you just have children in this game Oh is there not those migrants migrants I thought I remember are they walking on something on the walk you're walking on a roof that doesn't exist all right um I'm gonna crank let's be here we have plenty of food I think everything seems to be self sufficient um what is this Fuu says Fila I finally caught up with you we've still got lots of food to spare to let's get to work what are you are you migrants are you tell me them runner of it is a liar that was going on my kids because we have a population of 12 now look at that oh right um let's name everybody who wants to be in here me uh dig through chat here we're gonna get Ali one I'll you can be the kid I know you're gone but I know you'll watch this later there you go next Petra are you ready change the name Mitch we've got give Zach Zach another Jess V Jess dark the look is your name now vard byron to rock for head yacht Aliona made a name yacht me so he's first I'm still gonna be eaat he's me yatin it them Fila it's gonna be octa Newt Jeff J anyone I missed Ben Taylor anybody I scroll Oh door furious is near dwarf okay maverick maverick you spoke up so I gave it to you hey Ari yeah Oh Mike so I'm Mike do anything else Mike you get the you get the next kid Hospital game that was last night a bomb get with the program more talk like that I I change a name okay let's make something faint abut you make claw things I guess we have plant fiber at the smithy the smithy makes things mix makes clothing is how that works that's how it works in real life smithy you don't have an anvil yet I think yeah you're missing the an anvil iron ingots for that which you should be making them founder you had to be built what you mean house value we have a foundry what do you mean what do you mean cancel a stuff we have a foundry nah it doesn't like blueprints okay foundry I would like more of these please okay one of those two if you want and then I want you an iron fishing pole you say iron helmet iron leggings this all seems like good stuff iron pickaxe with something to hurt your hands flails maces we need all this stuff we need more iron okay and then you do nothing I really need so let's get that made and we get the ingot or the the anvil made first how's my mind doing it's not doing oh yeah it is is it it's all yeah it's all dirt I think go far enough deep though it'll work go down if the lighting is really nice in this game before we cancel that nation of the building until the blueprint is completed oh yeah okay okay it'll be a Wallis place so as an anvil done wait Oh Eddie's done already nevermind let's make well we got to have hats we've got to have pants as well pants are very important most of us already have pants do the babies come out of the womb with pants on so how this works yes they do born with pants excellent perfect what you guys doing let me vibes eariler still excellent no one stands on my watch the warehouse needs to grow I think so we may need to remove the roof and go up a couple levels what's this our herd of chickens has appeared have they look there they are right there come you chicken give me a chicken jobs where was it how do I do it - I grabbed oops I grabbed somebody somebody who is the herder Carrie cut tame animal nobody so most skilled is going to be Jeff Jeff you're really good at mining well you're busy mining maverick what do you do you are my stonemason I don't need two stonemasons we should bright I show justice stuff you're bad at eating and like I don't you do it so Ben is gonna be Mason we've got really we do need to miners actually if you leave that alone I probably don't need those AK is my only cook now Forester carpenter we had no grow we have to grow errs why not have I don't need to stonemasons I need a fisherman I need an archer blacksmith that's what you do now yes maverick you now blacksmith so you will do these things okay perfect yes and chicken I think with a name like dark thug now you're really good grower okay rock 4head you are my chicken grabber I'm actually going to make you instead of grower you're going to be my my warrior all you do is just fight things rock and hunt down chickens okay so let's go grab a rock where you go rock have I got a job for you buddy first off I could give you a weapon like I have something for you um use a hammer sure I'll give you up in a minute and then I be selected still where he worries yet we select you okay he pauses so he's right he's here how do I select him to tell pretty rock rock it's silent there's no music just me searching for rock where is he okay there he is now I have a job for you buddy stop on pausing for me I'm so lost where is this guy there he is so I took click you and then I go and say tame order these chickens over here okay so go say hello to the chickens I want some chickens and then we need to get off a farmer so he's gonna there he goes charging over there nope not him where is he he's hopefully trudging over there he may just be ignoring me hey what are you doing oh they were digging where I told you the folks who know who knows who knows we lost him he's given he's he's failing us okay so the farm is going to be I mean the farmer should be like okay do we like dig into here like we did with these houses make for the farmer house let me like carve it out a bit more I think probably is actually a better idea so let's mine and sort of clean up this area here we'll have a like a chicken range and a farmhouse can all be sort of stashed back here my farm house I mean like fencing and things something like that just kinda keep that cleared out a bit maybe talk to Rocco's at you that's Mitch you don't you talking to say no chicken are you going are you going oh pick up the stuff where's Rach what are you doing besides nothing you fight fights you carry you do not carry things okay you go around and you tame animals mitch is hungry where is that guy there he is what are you doing hey what are you doing I'm a ver st. Claire's companion okay um let's grab I mean I which iron do we have is it where's the button that shows us our inventory iron ingots we have 5 iron no iron ore just 5 ingots so we can make just a few things at a virus we can be cautious for this so we make an iron helmet which we might need to give to rock iron boots iron breastplate takes three there's four and then maybe give them make a flail or a mace a 6-3 piece though so we can give them just that for now eventually we'll give them like at all kinds of cool stuff but wait there's only two chickens here what do you eat the other one what happened where are my chains we're you a chicken out nobody knows so I think once we clear this out we can make a room of a animal enclosure yeah throw it back there okay we bedroom bedrooms so we need to get bedrooms and so maverick and rock are going to get I think I'm doing this right this bedroom okay and Zack gets his own tie give anyone to this one I don't know who has his bedroom who doesn't let's see so Jeff I own octa and Zack need one you guys in a share a room hope you okay with that I'm gonna stash you up here I don't think his over this room but there you go you're gonna have that one I think I have one two three oh this was not claimed either so were you found to the kids hey go kids have a bedroom okay so everyone's got a bedroom hopefully it's done like I think it is no it says if they have them I don't know which one is actually owned by them how do I know which bed is owned by who maybe they're right oh I didn't do it right I was up up a level oops cancel those cancel those okay so we gotta go okay go down mm-hmm house whatever everyone has one I think it's I think it's right another door fortress-like yeah it is looks like I'm bunking with ya yep that's exactly what's happening okay my animal enclosure is done let's go and make make it look like an animal enclosure it's gonna be this area here okay go down to level this area here no settler is selected hmm Oh Peter and animal enclosure right yes animal closure no settlers selected not sure what that means because we have no animals it won't let us pick what was that as a sound of something I don't know what you want to put in the enclosure like people a bed okay okay I don't have the animals yet because we haven't capture those chickens yet because rock is being lazy where's the chickens at rock where are you besides being lazy b-bomb final rabbit where is that guy there he is he's just standing around doing nothing I'm tempted to not give you any things but I would like to give you it also be out here how is you are you worthy of this 21 health is that good wait 94 health what so 98 what why is it so good because he's level four is that why so as he levels up in age I guess he's not the same age just as he leveled up in skills he gets uh health okay I'm gonna make you something I'm just gonna make you a fisherman or as fisherman just fish for now I guess you can still have that well okay you can have a cloth hat that's what fishermen wear I'm gonna give you the breastplate and the hash I'll give you how instead because when it comes time to fighting I'm gonna switch you I'll make sure you're fighting that weapon for you yet I'll get you one you know that you have the ordinary stone hammer just fine which is 2 D 3 + 2 vs. 1 D 2 plus 6 the stone pickaxes better have that hey you made a wool coat where they come from I want you to fish their tame animals offer some reason for you ready to go off okay fish don't harvest just fish and tame so we should come over here where these trees are and start fishing I'm curious about his stats actually so if we go look at you so you ninety for health and for toughness versus where is rock twenty-two toughness on him in twenty one health twenty-two toughness is really high that's super wearing okay I get it I'm not sure how that gets any better other than just waiting for these stats to go up these are all level one they're all the 20s you're level three is sixty eight live one down to twenty five you look sad yeah we should just so if we go in the fight what send Jeff out there will give Jeff's the good stuff Jeff have a have a hat have a wool coat goes there that's what you're wearing and these are plus three what you're doing raise it which wearing is minus two there you go okay give me something I guess it was my mind looking bunch of melons apparently have fallen through cuz we mind wait right where's our melons down here melon seeds right um okay eat - go down there can't go down one more he will go one more this way hoping to find some stone yeah well there's those chickens did it belong to me yet they don't looks like vana might has gone as growing old though which means you are good at carrying things you're good at fighting and you're good at mining you're a minor right now I'm gonna make you into something useful that I don't have much I think I have everything don't I blacksmith cook farmer I have everything I don't have strange that farmer changes there if I such a warrior I can do anything hey and er are you looking into the future oh say the plight skip it I got you let's go I'm afraid if I make you a warrior I'd do anything but if I say warrior and then I say you go and do a lot of things yeah just do a little bit of everything we'll see what happens do everything about rabbits let's look at his stats now like I gave away rocks job so again you're 24 you have a fishing pole in your hand I would like you to have something different I'd like you to have a bow cloth hat okay hey Cobb more dirt than lots of dirt banane has been born all right is he born down here he was born in in the caves down here all right down this way yeah he was born here in the caves all right all right so the Dane I'd like to change your name you're gonna be Mike dustman okay how do I select oh just click on the chickens where the end you guys there to have the team order on them three entities I click on just one of them I think they have the similar overhead means there I don't I can't yet symbol means they're being tamed tamable me tell it we should be tamed we'll see if it works tame animals we got two people set with team hopefully they'll go do it let's build a offense I want to gate I want was it on props horse fences that they do with walls yeah they are and wooden gate right there there we go nobody in there I don't remember having problems at this before you guys go in here control you yet yeah whatever I give up let's take a look at our workstations here okay um so how many iron you gets do I have do I find anything I even don't think I found anything anywhere we've got to we need to find more tons of food we got to find more iron we're digging and having no success oho here we go we have found stone that's good it's a good sign so let's mine from here what's more in all this out yes what have we here says no one comes around here without paying and the iron tax he says oh yeah oh yeah CID you want to fight SIB wants to fight well let's call the whole colony if we can get everybody here I want everybody everybody come over here we're here we're here where's this guy yet come on over this way where is he anybody see I don't see him she'd be on the map there he is there he is use a mini-map red dot okay let's get him get him murderer I'm oh nice what what did you do yo your turbos okay make 3d blueprints what can we make now we can make what we just learned we learned graves and tombs and altars wells make a great dirt grave I suppose okay yeah I will build a dirt grave for this guy right where he died what did you give me what do you leave for me stone leaf bag go loot it look that bad see what it is so my trash fresh boiled wheat if it grow some more we're gonna be able to fit too much here I think it wasn't much of a painted how's the how's the work going here I don't see anything that's other some coal down here I could let's put a torch in torch yeah stick a torch just somewhere along the way here with this way and we'll put one in okay they can they walk past that just in case I can't let's go stick one there okay put some torches are outside here somebody know which ones which where though we know where the mine is we can tell anyway but makes it look fancier there is okay all done what if I say tame that one are you tame Mitch you got it tame oh we got it you're like making them bleed team that guy yeah we got him okay we have three chickens now someone left their pants on the ground um yeah three chickens companion of chicken sure you guys all live here okay done hooray we got whoo there's no transport company oh I need to check that out Ian I have thoughts on my plate that was like a year or two ago it was pretty early days there's a lot of fun though for for as basical as it was it was back then I want to see how it is now got me all shook up Mitch 407 with no no excuse for that came out very exciting we got potato seeds over to I wish I would plants but I'm not gonna plant because we don't need those I need to iron the house my mind doing I need a hot shortcut keys to zoom what's all lit up down here now excellent oh yeah looking nice stone chunks more more stone and coal keep mining and all that out we'll get all this as well we go down a level and my not this [Music] stone hearth yeah stone hearth I was I was disappointed stone hearth it was I mean it was such a good idea of a game I think I could've done really well but it's one of those like like these kinds of games where it's it's it's not a kind of game you can just sort of crank out in a couple of years and be done with it you kind of have to like stick with it you watch you make that kind of game you you're stuck with that kind of game and start developing that kind of game and they went and dropped it they said it's complete it ain't complete though how about some boiled eggs let's go make some of that any modding can only do so much if it gets picked up by the comedian does lots of money it could be it could be good still [Music] hey locks are there's several mods back before whenever I was looking at it we have five idle people that is unacceptable so chickens hey go in here you'll live in your new home it's likely more wood let's do some chopping oh there's all the trees I planted music is exciting all of a sudden what happened there goes yeah there was the it's pretty broken it's it's a really cool idea you come in you can build your own buildings with the kind of a voxel style but it's so broken to where you might try making anything creative it's not gonna work they're gonna get stuck on the roof or whatever and yeah speed up speed up time here yeah scaffolding bug it wasn't ransom this wasn't always there I think it was they had it and then they changed things around I think I read something about it where they thought it was but there they had that fixed or they didn't have the bug and then they've changed something about it and it made that happen I don't know I don't know I'm not making any sense I'm sorry copper right there I know that let's go take a look at our cave system here so I kind of baby these guys if I'm only stone there's no ores down here all just a bunch of stone well guess we could put some stone walls stone walls so we're gonna go where's our front door gonna be like I want to flatten all this out let me go mine some things and see if we can just get this place looking a little better to remove all of this and go well have like our a line here I think I might actually dig out more of this that's quite fine hoping at our wall around here somewhere that will go over here level if that will put a wall up going around and coming down here and then around you better work down down here don't like worry this way there we have Alice Carly is now an adult well alright uh Dean Lester has been born and those Lester's they don't ever stop breeding he wants to be a kid we're named madam do you have one don't even a damn wolf I didn't did I yeah there is we come in adult in 70 hours okay who was the other one Alice right became an adult so Alice what do you do you like carrying things and cutting things planting things what job do we need you to do it's probably the question should be we should be asking I need you to let's see here we have two fishermen though a bomb and rock have that happen and then Alice is a farmer with dark folk I guess it's fine and vine Robin is my warrior I don't have an archer yet I don't think I don't think Alice is very tough though I don't know well let Mike I think be oh here we see some ale a fight I'm for not very good I think that number will go up though right button one second okay yeah well at her farm and then next next adult we will allow them to become an archer I guess I'm not good at it but they'll get good at as they get older I they do the job they get better yeah okay how's our mind looking looking like a mine there is zero ores around here I've mounted Dwarf Fortress 2 have pokemon mystery dungeon style settlements [Laughter] alright which a melons over there I need to make let's make a two-story warehouse maybe like a three-story warehouse can I remove this let's remove this roof candy that where's a remove button I want you just can I just build it on top of this oh I can't okay so we're something like that I don't have to get a way up there so somewhere down here on the first floor here we're gonna build a ladder still don't explain how we're gonna get up there if I can't remove things it must be a job here deconstruct take apart that okay and below there right here we're gonna put in a ladder right there so we can climb up to the second floor of our warehouse maybe we'll do another little enough of that they'll get removed I'm gonna stay on the ladder over here because we'll get we'll go to the lair eventually come on South wall you may think this way maybe put like over here what is this heard of squeak ins have appeared squeaking just say there they are squeak ins um I'm gonna grab idle people I can't grab them there I know people uh who is it vine Roberts I'm gonna pick you okay there's only matter who I grab maverick come here my blacksmith go and tame those got it we'll see if he gets it oh there he goes you might be math Keys going there okay okay I'm assuming they lay eggs and we can make more food that we don't need but to keep having babies around to make more houses we can make like a big dormitory that's not very exciting there are houses over on this side it will explore a second I see we're stuck in our initial embark something we can look at the map those I don't know it seems like you can explore but I don't think you actually can I really want to be able to I don't know how to do it though it the game makes it seem like you can do that but doesn't doesn't seem like we can yeah that's what I that's that's what I want oh it is for sure planned I thought it was too that's why I beat you real exciting you start building up a bit of a force and go taking things out I mean it's it's got to be built that way cuz you can even see here if you look like the talents here here's a oh that's nothing here's a town on here the Arden you can see that other settlements already put in placed in here another one there's a mountainous area but there's several little human towns sort of built into the brown stuff is the human settlements this is a big ancient place so there's clearly things out there and it's in the works I guess has those squeakings did you get him I told you to run up here maybe you don't have the job maverick animal tamer please on that table okay sorry maverick sorry yeah run around like an idiot mmm-hmm see if our rabbit there's these weakens flying around we should have chosen a more angry place what we have will do by now right yeah you knew then who will be archer easy to be a demur or mike Adam I think is fermius Mike's gonna be the new the will grow old first and be Archer you mean bronze ingots now oh we got bronze Oh tendon and and cover yes yeah I like bronze stuff I don't see the cage looking empty well let's build more mining no sir if things collapse or not I hope they don't take all that out throw a torch in here to a duel with a boat like ten paces kind of thing if we want a fish what's this oh we got that one that way this is Mike is now an adult okay Mike where are you you already go Mike wants to be a fisherman no fishing Mike you are now a Archer okay yes you're gonna get a bow I think I have one for you I do there you go you can have nothing else that's what you get I need to make some things let's go into here we have wooden stuff we make easy wood things no that's what I really want though just to have some I guess around plant fibre alright make one of each of these just to have them make some bronze ingots make some you're working on already if you get some iron around you can make some helmets and some legs and some boots and breastplate [Music] okay everything set up in five there okay with all this fresh eggs just lying on the floor here that's how it needs I know what it means this is all been cleared up so let's put our wall build a stone wall okay all kind of junk in the way so it's gonna be problematic but let's do like there and we're gonna do this it's gonna take a while to get cleared out but we'll eventually get it and down here and then we'll go down to there Pat's and up this way remove all these plants okay like that there's a wall well well well do double wall or - hi Ament with the first layer first first layer first I think are open gonna be I guess we should put it over here let's put it there so now let's cut all these got here yeah your plants and then still get moved in a minute it's gonna take a while to get these dirt clods out of the way from water I don't know things can swim or not I didn't know help I'm being kidnapped excuse me what what what is that what is that kill it get over here and kill things anyone else around here what's wrong way you guys come get this thing where did he go did you kill it already nope he's climbing you'll kill it he's climbing up he's coming into the base everybody come here even the chickens no Quebec where is he here he comes hey over here get ready here he comes where'd he go what red dot there is it one did we kill it pixel art is great most the time I guess music stops so I guess we kill it no one died I think so hooray we did it yeah alright sure great roof is there okay this is where you go upstairs we're gonna put in a put the note resources refined materials can go up second floor I can't it's - thing out over there okay da bomb what was that blueprint for or what was that torches we aren't having but with new stuff mmm large crabgrass bronze weapon rack bronze armor rack bronze weapon rack yeah what we do with that to mean you'd like an armory we do need an armory um we're gonna put it I don't know sure where this is all kind of junk in the way I'm stash it back over this way once this dirt gets moved can I move the dirt into a new zone custom I want went none okay dirt dirt clods are gonna go just away there drawbridge for the wall oh can I do that I think I can't do that yeah I'm thinking like this corner up here's gonna be sort of military land also get this all cleaned up where's those kids at put them to work they can haul things make bronze brush plate breastplates now okay just dug that out on accident Mike is hungry how's this mining operation going here mmm slow we're at least getting coal from down here so it's something maybe Ambrose man those those Lester's Sophie nook was born right Sophie look you keep your name but everything name Corinne Gant Nene all's well I'm gonna run out of names and want my name list here uh Theron Theron how about f Erin sure and another Lester you're gonna be [Music] who else was nd I'll give you a name gonna be an D and okay I find it hilarious I'm sorry all right all the doors Katie move finally we get a wall row and eventually um it'll be two levels of uh of wall yeah like a torch back here torch over there okay I probably need a ladder over here to actually they make things a lot easier let's go build some ladders like that so let's see if I go right way here can I put it there there and then there and I think there may be coops let me go to the ground okay so that's that now when they come over here they're needing another ladder going down here right yeah we can't put that cuz there's dirt in the way but in the air though much of it does this any good in there too okay still know that where's all the wars okay that should save us a lot of time we need to get a ladder over here also and cuz stairs here too isn't there floors I thought for sure I saw stairs stairs yeah so we went here and then here I'll tell you that so transport company oh nice very nice good oh yeah it's a really good idea for a game I like those little transport kind of things and that one was as a cool idea I'm glad I stuck around with it let's go up there there and over trash in the way fill the hole and then we're gonna go what that's not done yet so we can't build on top of that so what the organ I think is gonna go our doors gonna go here but double doors there I can't fill that one in okay get in there almost of complete wall almost we have wild person which is good what is this Bri greetings says Emily I've traveled for many days and nights to reach the settlement it's clear you need someone with muscle to help protect your border I'm more than willing to fill that role what do you say I've seen string cheese tougher than you scram no we'll take you in yeah smart choice this area is full of bandits and kidnappers yeah we have a heavy probability problems with them wait Louise berries okay so uh Emily um what's so special about you where are you are you a warrior Emily Emily Emily Emily town isn't you're not in here so are you uh Oh Adam wolf I don't need three farmers I'm gonna I am gonna make you be a Archer as well I'm gonna give you a bow if I have one all kind of stuff now no bow as though everything but bows will have a mmm not gonna give me anything make you a bow real quick though okay why is Emily not in my list I'm just blind if she maybe just like a guard that isn't part of the community she just sort of runs around and attacks things that's kind of cool where's that better bow wasn't there a better bow I guess not what what leave me Adam was kidnapped by what me Adam Wolfe was kidnapped no he can't be kidnapped by who where is he where is he where is he where's my notification where's my notification um [Music] bloopers entity kidnet go to it bye what dark thug on a rabbit Alice where it where is he I don't even know where is he where's this warrior of mine Emilie Townsend your neutral are you a kidnapper why does it go to you whenever it says kidnapped how did it happen were you going that's it no one else is allowed in my town talk to Newt Jeff maybe she's think maybe she's like lying to me she just walked off it zoomed to her and she just walked away that wasn't very nice it's what I get for not giving him a bow [Laughter] I know where the doesn't um no she did say kidnappers around here didn't she she did she did I think she lied let's go kill her where is she she comes back we're gonna have a few words for her tossing dirt down good I need my walls back those walls um we have just junk everywhere this place is just trashed and here's hungry well that's a bummer doesn't need to be a lot bigger can I could make a little bigger good night I could go all the way to the wall I can fill all this up with warehouse let's remove these walls and then we're gonna build balls to go here and down here that will fill all this up in here as warehouse stuff oh no this was the thing in the game didn't die yeah you're just yeah sure what is this Sophie looks an adult and here's an adult and someone else is an adult all right let's go chop some tree doesn't we need a few more a bit more wood all right so we've got Archer Mike sold your vinyl Mike what are you doing you're just carrying things around and fighting um that's all fine I guess and I can have you that's good that's good just carry stuff around we don't have any babies anymore so soon as we get one we'll start raising an army I guess with our babies I'm out of seeds for carrots how's that possible build up a hoops look at this wall done there and it's all bully nothing's done some of it is though that and then never layer here okay be very difficult to know where we are on the wall but it's fine you guys doing over here so I think we need to mine where we saw those little pockets like right in here with a tin is we know there's more tin there maybe even just my Matt grab us a bit more tin don't weigh this way just keep on mining down here grab that then wear this iron was was over here keep digging down there shouldn't find a bit more iron Louis what are these melon seeds I got a place to put these seeds well uh what's that bronzing it's it's going in there that's fine we need to go up another layer ladder we ready have a ladder so we rip into their floor up here that one yeah like that alt another floor no wall there for some reason there another wall and then we'll go even further up babies oh yeah who's silly oh look whose studio would like to be called a name check twitch over here okay already has one Mitchie already got one anyone else uh speak up if you want to be named and I'll throw you in here otherwise I'm gonna beat you any bomb I'll get you next time we need to Bob Ross okay Bob you're gonna be the village painter it's a whole lot of nothing stone it's it a whole lot of nothing down one more layer I know if it sound is make sure one has things down so yacht we know should have things he's not level four he's got a level ten he's good at logging three 250 897 hit points who's my top guy even higher than level four that that big noise I think is is the sound of them leveling up so been a dark dog is a level five farmer which means he has next level and he'll get increased health by fifty and toughness by two trained militia from farming level six with jeff jeff has chance to find random rare items when mining what has just happened oh wait hey glad you could make it says hell con is a vicious Oh welcome to the tomb now you're here we'll need to kill you I mean that's what tombs are for right holding them the dead giving spiders a nice place to stay you would not believe as far as we have talked about gross that's right back to business he says ancient remains where do we find this oh right there okay bangs oh okay um what we have what are you a kind of a vicious and Darrow the Jester 11 hit points 9 hit points you guys are super weak okay [Music] affarin come on up here everybody back it up a little bit come up here here come on come on come in before you get chewed on okay here they come call in the military guys you get everybody there's a few here come down here anyone else there's one there come on down okay one get here get ready get ready here they come okay let's do this what do you got you have weapons octa newt what have you got you're tired and unhappy get over it you're tired you're tired you're tired you're tired everyone's who's this Sophie nook of course the name like nook you know she's a hero how do I see your inventory I was he your inventory you have nothing we're gonna go out it just punch throw your fists whatever you do get in here whoever you are oh yeah easy well alright alright this gave me a lot easier it's getting done way easier well before this was really hard we need a loop button let's elude all that let's go into the mines I suppose and loot everything all kinds of things to snag here yeah take give me all of it bags metal chests ancient remains wooden doors ok ok stone tile flooring this is like a fainted look in place so we come on down here grab the stuff further mining all that yeah whatever someone come down here and rabbit I'm really here to see what's in there can I um I've got somebody you look come here go get this who's this ok going down dustman you live in things you are what is this sparklies you see that oh yeah we should live here yeah we should live here why don't we live here what is this ordinary bronze breastplate well that doesn't sound that ordinary I'm I'm one of the sparkles let's go to the sparkles wherever they were okay yeah let's live here I think every yeah I think every map has things like this I've actually played some before I want to play this game where the like as soon as I loaded into the map it said there's some evil like terrible person here lurking in underground somewhere yeah look it's hungry what's in all the stuff would you get picking stuff up he should not tell me what it is I'm using yeah this would be good bedroom land let's do it let's do it let's live here why what can I can I can I clean it how do I claim it as mine but I want to live here you can mind that but you can't mine anything else go do it there's some bronc leggings bronze helmet Oh ordinary crossbow yeah why can't I live here what if I go just to build I can build in here but I can't mine it oh because the wall I should deconstruct it okay I get I get it so deconstruct a wall like there and there we're all gonna live down here okay we can mine will get carved out because I can't see okay we're going to become dwarves now so let's move our kitchens all that stuff down here he's mining it's very dark see these sparkles are all about look he's like right there let's cancel this candle that I don't want to go into my in my mind no matter my new house you still go here though and you still go do that thing Earl sir just eath run down now damn yeah I know he stole sparkles don't know if it's some sort of random effect it's got to be something down here though you wouldn't put sparkles on the map for no reason back in the stone again and dirt hmm oh is iron there that's what it was hinting at this is all just dirt it's cancel those okay let's get some bed built you may have won last time but this time I'm back stronger than ever [Music] what what game give me give me some notifications give me something what is that a buckler buckler hmm okay somebody's back stronger than ever I'm a little scared now though where is it uh who I don't see a red blip no red blips moving around who are you Jeff it sounds like maybe it was the skeleton but there's no one down here you're just sleeping right not dead just sleeping okay okay [Music] sure [Music] I know and I don't know see after Newt all right well she seemed to be climbing these watches fine no walls gonna do us any good um all right that's just a little concerning keep an eye on my cellular number if it goes down we know there's a problem but everyone seems to be okay even little Bob it's wrong with you Mike Sophie going on over here all right I want to find some more of this stuff just stone in here we did see some [Music] copper there that's mine that okay doc Bo yeah yeah that seems DPX but YouTube didn't give out reminders a anybody so yeah we had uh it's pretty quiet stream stream tonight okay so we should be telling these things up eventually some of us could come in here and remove this wing get out of these our buildings her bedroom set up down here if everything goes right I can't see if there's more these kind of things bunch of copper in here good bedrooms are in here now um who needs a bedroom we're gonna give one to Theron he wanted one was this mitch is starving Mitch go eat something you know we got food usually what you're supposed to do so rooms bedroom petheram where are you anywhere I want affarin and endear you guys can have this bedroom there you go all yours yacht and Mitch can have this one Sophie and Mike were Soviet so our mic mic sir it's a little one and then Bob gets his own little little kid Bob gets his own okay um all right I just don't like to be disassembled yeah just being flown really gonna grab dirt don't do that don't do that my customs own custom dirt zone leave it all in here okay well Tess Lucas hey we got another baby alright just hanging around in the tunnels good guys are done - okay let me slow down her name Tess Tess wants to be named who was it wants to be where you want twittering YouTube Earl Earl sleek is the name I suppose I can change the name off of Nook okay let's put in a couple doors what all we're missing here was make sure we're making planning it's [Music] let's go to the foundry and make sure we have bronze ingots I guess how about just keep eight ingots around at all times and ten iron ingots and for stealing it's okay and we don't have any iron nice to have some we have a bit of bronze though we can make a bit of a make a bronze breastplate some boots legs pickaxe helmets like all that stuff which there's a way of telling them just to grab the best thing for them and rather than having to go through and just tell them individually what to grab just say you know grab whatever you want whatever you need you know if you're if you're a minor grab the grab the pickaxe oh I'm getting this wrong that's done almost got the wall done okay we appear to have a problem here okay all is almost done a fox how's it going well let's see here Bob Ross is now an adult not something you hear every day that's all looking fine we have plenty of food 15 I think it's still good even with our 18 people I'd like to have let's go up cars an hour here I want to have any lights need more lights here goes down there and then we go into the main giant room we've got like all kinds of junk down here and we've made these out so let's go mine make some bedrooms so we're gonna do two by twos we dwarves three by threes two by two is probably fine way too many bedrooms just realized was way too many bedrooms well just have a setup feature future-proofing I suppose we come back in this way and we make like our buildings and things over here I don't know we need how much more of this we need give a military down here yes excellent we actually have like a little fortress here we got a fortress we have an underground catacombs all right if I go deeper let's say we go well here says clave no one comes around here without paying the iron tax says clave clave don't mess with me we don't pay our in tax we we kill anyone even even says the word iron tax we immediately walk over in his murder room that's kind of people we are you know we can probably do this with one person so I'm gonna go see what final rabbit can do all right okay okay job for you buddy give a weapon you got a bow how about you go grab yourself a bronze breastplate before you go kill this guy grab an iron helmet grab a iron leggings and some bronze boots sure and come on over here level four there's some excellent iron boots there as well who's my you're my warrior so you should have me a bow for you no weapon yeah wicker buckler yeah buckler and then a I thought sword did Knight iron dagger d 4 plus to take the iron boots they're better and you're getting brought a breastplate right iron sword take that there we go okay go grab all that stuff as soon as you grab it you go go kill somebody he's getting kind of close though you may not make it where is he say him you say him right there yeah there he's right there no you're not gonna make it so come here go get them well done are you doing on the ground get up okay just sleep but a little work will concern their loot that bag I need some better combat this is too easy hey doctor how's it going hey Ozzy mmm I made fast forward wait for more excitement here let's go dig and how's that is that I get it look yeah yeah put in a torch right there okay now we're gonna go down further we're gonna start mining just kind of on the edge the map isn't it let's go look let's go over here that's mine down here I blow our way I'm always going wrong way that way [Music] yes herd of cows is approaching herd of cows well hello cows what you guys doing go and go go tame them got him one got it get that one yeah I got cows cows you live over here now with the chickens let's go do rooms and animal enclosure all of you are gonna live in here happily I think so you think onto the water Hey I believe so the water only goes to a certain point and then we can go yeah that's what we're gonna be doing here isn't it yeah we're gonna be we already started no you didn't that's the wrong way this is where we're starting to date now and go down but I can't see it's too doctor yeah they slowly gonna work I weigh it this way well we get to we'll get to here all stick out torch in there somewhere uh thanks blind IRL welcome welcome viewers of of that let me finish up what is this oak tree seeds get out of here now suppose about my my military encampment here wasn't I let's do that we talked about that like an hour ago we should do it we're gonna pose something like over here we'll put in a like our whole of our junk will go into there I'm farewell move that's you don't help I can get with viewers today thanks no thanks that YouTube uh let's wait what the wall in there cuz of that okay what did that then go around to hold of seeds I think I'm making this talk wall don't you Tom maybe it's fine put a door in there okay probably all asleep are you [Laughter] thrilling evening Hank yeah the only the only people have noticed this stream are the ones that sort of stumbled upon it because there was no notifications that went out at all even though I posted like I do with sort of a thing right that I posted several hours before hey stream tonight you know playing this game and YouTube did not feel it was necessary to let anyone know about that cuz youtube is is kind like that they really helped us out glad to have them around I'm not bitter down here and then we'll go well don't make her away with more over here I'll see we can find down that way and then we'll this is gonna be under the water way under the water started dreaming 12 hours ago mm-hmm you know they YouTube as times there's times I think how nice it would be just be a twitch streamer but but we won't we won't go there I want to see violet fight things cuz now he's like all decked out right you got the best stuff now alright right buddy where are you yeah you got a iron helmet you got a wicker a buckler bronze Buffy I think I have an iron one don't I got a steel breastplate I should make one if I don't have one and you have here your iron sword you have 39 toughness you have zero evasion and you do was that one D 6 plus 4 damage on your sword that's true with Aaron that's true alright let's go make ourselves a military base so we want props this really needs to get some sort of filtering done with it it's early access though so we'll give them we'll give him a break in a bronze armor rack which is gonna go right there all right I'm putting a bronze weapon rack hopefully hold a bunch of stuff I know there's no room for this there's no room for barracks is there no so we're gonna put whatever we want in here and I guess the other stuff is gonna be stone Dyess what would I put on a Dyess sort of put on there stone throne sure I have a throne would been you know Oh a bin I probably need those for oh wait a minute wait a minute is this wait a minute I think of light bulb is one we put bins in here will that make it to where our stockpiles will like work let me go in here zones and say I want all let's do custom we'll say everything but no boy so much junk everything no garbage no would if I had everything said oh it doesn't save okay fine we'll just do I have a lot of seeds we'll put the seeds back here let's try this in valid locations for seeds I can't put anything in there so the bins are or not what I think they are yeah I'm sure twitch YouTube doesn't have a nut roll well known for taking care of their gaming channels they like their late night hosts and or whatever but yeah my audience is all on YouTube I very rarely have much of a twitch audience actually have about the same amount on Twitch as I have YouTube right now we end up with somewhat mostly normal amount of viewers the Swiss team but yeah we start off with what six six people were in here I think when I started the stream Ziya maverick yeah I can't complain so I want the ingots and you need broader armor so is there is there armor in there I'm not sure how that works and if it works like it's supposed to or if it even does then we have fishing over there which prices some fishing over here to though is to uh that's where a door is I like watching when they talk about YouTube is the scrolling feature which I like a lot so if I like if I come to a stream late I can catch up but guys I can I can start at the beginning and like fast-forward a bit that I like a lot and I usually watch YouTube because of that if I watch a stream look at this this is just complete all seeds I gotta make room we gotta fix we got it this is terrible all seeds horseys all seeds are gonna go out here the seed storage yep yeah just which have that does it I didn't know that now I'm with which clips do you make seed crates how do you make those wood crate is that how I do it just like stash them over here see that works this is a very very relaxing little builder I kind of like it I like I like the laid-back Ness of it sometimes nice not be uh frantically losing people to everything how about a torch right there and we've reached the end appear to be anything oops my screen it's gonna be anything down here stone dirt iron guess we've reached the end let's go and do some more digging sorry this probably kind of dark we're almost there let's grab all that wherever that iron is oh that's that's the sparkling as iron oh okay okay you see sparkling there and we're gonna come up here Grey's gonna hold a good amount oh yeah good cuz we have a lot my cows are over here making babies I think Cara was born yeah look at that go to the cow good job cow can i name you you me want to be a cattle okay it is gonna be bovine bovine bovine yeah yeah Oh bovine Frank's okay bovine Frank's is his name can I give you him I can't give you armor no no no I can't no comment no cloth hat pants I want to give him something give me get let me have some something on a coat I'm sorry bovine Frank's you don't get anything both these apparently are done let's go on a big harvest spree nothing we need it but we're gonna go pick some berries and yeah that's good now let's go down what are we finding there's some iron in here there's with us a ridge stone what's that nothing exciting they put a torch in here so we can see this [Music] who's asking with this we got new blueprint for I can make gooseberries what it's exciting Bridgestone I want know what that is and what's all exciting about that look it takes a long time to mine girls sleek is now an adult okay that's all getting mine let me put in Bridgestone find that out for you you miners hey well I'm here Jeff you got you do have a stone hammer you are trying to be a miner though so you probably should have it pick any of your bronze pickaxe hey go buddy go get that any more pickaxes I got some stone ones yeah where is my miners our Theron has nothing so we got to give him a stone pickaxe anything there all right dagger just don't pick ax for you okay now what is zak what is that I need to cook oh he is a professional cook okay good I have a have a cudgel see you guys should both have sickles I have another one around here somewhere and a cloth hat obviously being a farmer ation oh yeah I should have a hat and you'll see the stone sickle I can't yeah like click things strange here extra fishing poles for you you fisher folk yeah rock rock or what you got where are you you're a for store so here have a hatchet you know what you're new right I'm to make you into a miner that's what we're doing so be a miner you're not good at mining but I don't care whine someone else about your problems go be minor yes and I'm gonna give you you're gonna mind with a hammer okay oh we can see now okay what is that that green stuff that's iron and this ridge stone apparently it takes a long time to dig into because he's not getting anywhere with it I'll put a light down here if you work yet and here what do you do you are a stonemason so you're making those walls I guess now we can see what is this stuff take any blueprints with it yeah ridge stone hmm no I got nothing with it is that like it's not the bottom layer sure what that is isn't let's look here this is desert what is this called void lands shape I avoid energy manage many strange creatures wander into red soils expect the unexpected when venturing into this odd place not what I thought it was you're right I really wish we could go venturing off somewhere Oh what is this what happened what happened Earl's sleek is died from starvation what why we have meals Earl what happened buddy do you forget to eat Earl all right well that wasn't very bright so I have all these bedrooms I don't need because everyone has a bedroom already we'll make a couple of though just have him here I think he I don't know why he did it I don't know see more beds I can do it starving I think it's cuz they're just too far away from home so they get hungry maybe they fall asleep or something and then by the time they get back home they die of starvation because we're way far away from home probably set up a food stockpile down here would help some things I'll turn one these little rooms into a stockpile food stash in there yeah that'll help hopefully their walk Oh see a blind or aryl sorry I missed you what was that what happened Achtung has died from starvation mmm stomp it three hungry settlers I think it's thinking it's our problem four new blueprints will we get Oh steal things okay we're finally getting steel ingots skinny made it and see if that food got transferred down there yeah there's some there's some food here now hope but that'll fix that all right I mean the workday you all to to death or reach down okay kayla has 50 hit points there's originally 200 so yes to face tough whatever it is let's go here there's like a layer way down here can i maybe hold and dig yeah okay do that go to the bottom layer let's see what's down there that weaponed them - it probably just mark the one they didn't work okay dig a pit to the deaths okay right there excellent let's build a torch down here some of you may die in this process [Music] mrs. baby baby what is it tell me now no baby you stumble across water stained note dear settlers can't say I didn't warn you about the kidnappers although it's really not as bad as you think it was her I'm part of something much grander than yourselves an organization of warriors duty-bound to protect the innocent and keep the void from claiming this land Adam has agreed to join our ranks and be trained in the martial ways I give you my word that I will keep him safe well there you go Adam there you go sincerely Emily Townsend she did she did steal him oh Emily you come back here Cinna don't worry about it you Lisa Adams happy he's as happy as a kid that person can be it's all red stone yep okay so takes a while but we'll finally we'll eventually get down there let's see what's in the in the pits all the way to the bottom so I played whenever I play this a few months ago I played I did play in a more treacherous place I think it was like I don't know what the word was but it was it was uh it was not much as what I have here but it was I think was peaceful and untangles what we have here I think was in ferocious lands or something and it was rough like I think I made it an hour food was always an issue food is know look at all these literally seeds we have can I make can I say zones and put seeds into here yeah okay put the seeds in there oh there it goes there it goes clean this place look that's just seeds on the roof they're just everywhere so many we have no food problems at all here not you know it's a fresh milk over here now can I just know can I cook it we roasted DOMA meat how do we find that how do we find DOMA kitchen you make stews what about this campfire you make nothing with milk okay DOMA do we find something and kill it okay so here's our pit slowly working on right there okay I want to put in put a torch in there will still be illuminate everything she sent us a note Adam Zahra Ross has been born who wants to be named did I have a type someone else I said in the name I don't think so if I did yell at me we're name you dug ball you don't have one you need Doug bow Doug bought you in a bedroom okay you're gonna get one buddy bedroom Doug bow well he can sleep and I think anyone's this one so you can sleep over there there you go Ziya who's this Zion Duke I do you have extra Brannigan named okay well everyone in the room okay as I inductive never names ayat where is aya Zion nook pretty fancy name you got there as I um we're gonna call you who else wants a name you want to give a girl or old deserves another one where's my game there it is here well just go I'm pulling from the list here I got the sale Epstein over here so let's go we're gonna go with Z lop okay Monday I got my name list over here there we go perfect what you see over here more rich donate is what we're just how this game different or purchasing any well it means it's dwarfism is way more complex for sure but it's also got 10 more years of development this is pretty simple compared to that let's build a box would Kratos make some more of these wooden crates all around there fill them with seeds or hang on here - can I put one first - crates in here and fill them with things like so the bins don't work but crates - apparently I'm holding stuff the wishes would create everything here and just put all junk in it my food is not in here anymore people want to get hungry me up my meals a little bit let's go with ate carrots I'm gonna plant a few more potatoes ate two potatoes let's go ups potatoes downstairs you think I mean they're their potatoes what's this somebody starving vinylright is starving can I plant mushrooms in here no I cannot need more light is it really though mushrooms over there so there's all that check out the old mines far down out there so we're nowhere near the bottom I'm gonna put in a lamp another baby no kind of the way I can't put a lantern in yeah I keep clicking on him instead of the spot now what is this co-op has died from starvation why why you why you were so close to home to walk in and eat something there's food everywhere everywhere there's there's no reason mmm do that let's put all of the wars resources I guess down here how do that No look I put in the crates refining materials can go in here okay we'll do that raw food can go in here we have tons of raw foods throw it in there west of loathing I have known now what a Ferran has died from starvation yeah that's not cool - some spots in there for food we got another baby lure nuke him born with a name like Lorne look you're gonna keep it because that's amazing that's a fantastic thing yeah what's this oh boy Ron right has died from starvation yeah this is a some sort of issue free now you cows get back in the bin in there you think about leaving hey um that's clearly a bug or something not a bug is just a pathing issues or something but let's just get out of the bottom here and see the end of the world a world of squeakings have arrived let's see the debate the bottom of the world and we may wait about time to call it we have a little ways to go only a few more spots actually and we'll be there there's no dining room system now if I know of that bow is now an adult yeah the only rooms we have in the game so far we have we have a kitchen where they make the stuff but I did there is no dining room spot there is like tables and chairs but I don't think they as far as I have noticed they don't see them going there to eat and it's just now autumn a long a long year okay welcome to autumn it's all kind of grayish now cool I think it's snowy in the winter there's a chicken I'm looking at up here founders do other than just having places of food everywhere um so we have a we have a food spot upstairs they come in then where's my food stockpile it's in my cooked food we don't know where it is let me just like set it over here by the campfire they're just food out there in the middle of the forest they also have some down here in the caves they've got a little bit of mushrooms there and then further down here there should be some in here but it's not supposed to be in there what kind of way Jeff I'm here to see what its gonna take him for every guy there slowly climb into the hey now you hungry we just roof this whole place oh yeah let's do that that's what we're gonna do with our with our extra resources we're gonna build ourselves a roof stone shingle roof it's going to go like this like this I know what that is what is that that's a tree thank you for that wait wait we can't do all that we got easily a little bit open let's put an open spot where's my roof here there and that's perfect it's gotta be a little open for our plants and then the cows don't need anything but up here yeah okay yeah perfect yeah it's great it's got a little hole to it for scenery carrot seeds when you bounce me around therefore let's put since carrots are gone let's put potatoes in or something let's put something in there blackberries yeah blackberries there and tons of melons so for melons sky light that's what it is yeah sure hold that we know out of stone right how we doing you see where we're at where I think is that us of the chickens genes I think he's almost made it how much fur you got we can't see him it's too dark he has almost there why does it turn red let's back up to the top white of that color bedrock oh we made it bedrock okay um well that's disappointing now let's go look don't mind that while you're down here I want to see what looks like so do that we'll put a light in there we have tons of food I don't think I need any food around have you food issues yeah we could probably use it for for sticking with this where I call it here in a minute but we could go and a little bit more effort into having farmers and all that but I think it's too important right now put torch in there for starving what is this one one starving one hungry who started probably guy that was down here okay yeah he's still starving I don't know it is it is not sure how to tell this way no I'm not sure um Zach is unhappy why are you unhappy you want furniture oh I didn't think about doing that like in your bedrooms you want things like you want chairs and oh there goes Jeff has died you don't want like stools and tables I mean I never made what if I should have put it in their rooms or maybe I should have made a dining hall for them crying about okay I'll see this bedrock okay build that light I want to see what the bedrock looks like hoping seeing more caves more and more of these things muster how many of these are on each map but if it's always one I have no yeah these dungeon things is everyone else do we have more feelings we can see a people a bomb let's look at you so you're unhappy because you want furniture chickens tamed Bruce's egg daily waters the line and search for food okay Mike is fine where is his is there a meter for uh there's a lot of energy there's no like meter for happiness once their own room well lower I'm sorry America's unhappy because he wants furniture also would like more furniture in their room Oh in his bedroom he wants furniture okay like dressers and things what's more furniture in their room Alice wants it as well okay um yeah we can do that okay real quick Oh whip that up for you I'll give you what do you want you want a bookcase okay here you go I'll make your day have a bookcase books for everybody see that solves the problem Torche isn't gonna happen yeah 11 animals now those animals are going crazy making babies did you ever fill these crates with things they were supposed to maybe we like a beer fortress I guess yeah amatory here we have 500 dirt clods 400 stone chunks but somehow isn't enough for our roof 400 melons laying around 172 mushrooms we have 1400 melon seeds if Erin thank you very much check out west of loathing if you can take your head this still by free hunts team okay once you give all right all right will do thank you very much only 200 rotten food which is kind of a surprise we'll take a look at it for the stream here where is my cook who's my cook my cook died didn't they know Zach's cooking what's this her cows has appeared Zach what are you doing and why is it not cooking are you cooking you appear to be make me we don't eat the melons roasted dolma me sure make some of that we can make more wheat have a 10 wheat and boil wheat at all times and more mushrooms now just cows over there how do i light lights lights lights no light why is it takes a lot to get alive in here there's no one doing it I stood there saw that - mine - I'm not doing it why those settlers with the mine skill what Oh all my miners died yeah it's a rough life being a miner in this place Doug beau who's the worst fisherman I don't need one fisherman it's gonna be a bomb Bob you're now a miner I lost it Doug boat I mean with a lame like Doug bow Doug bow should be a miner and rock for head you're a good fisherman okay I will give it to a bomb a bomb you are a miner but I don't want to be a miner well too bad get in the mines [Laughter] heito Lennar oh they just like a whine about things you know these settlers they don't know what they don't know what they what they need I'm telling them here though he's in a mine I can't tell what's going on there cuz we can't put a torch in here some reason where is that more torches you know what let's make let's make an iron lantern see I take care of you guys look how fancy it is um I can't tell where we're diggin yet he's getting hungry put it there there we go iron lantern now we're getting classy oh speaking of graves yeah we have lots of dead people we should think we should bury them put them over somewhere over here skids let's build some stone altar 15 some trucks one human right yeah you guys get altars see I take care you was it Lauren up cos hungry stone throne was never made was it or was it yeah yeah it was made I know what the point of it is I guess you put in their chair in their rooms so everyone has bookcases now no no one has a bookcase why who's starving Kat was born who's starving who is it I bet you I know who it is where I think hey you feeling Alice Carly's companion where's your hunger level you want furniture dug Bo's fine you are tired Doug Bo well Langton looks cool Cole down here nothing really fancy though it's just ordinary bedrock and ridge stone it's nothing cool I'm kind of disappointed I want a magma later all right well I think ready the place to call it a day here before we murder any more people so we should do that we I think we got yeah I think we got oh what's this whatever we here says bindi no one comes around here without paying the iron tax oh yeah plenty people come around here but I have yet to pay the iron tax bindi this is it this is our go okay going out in style where is Viner of it did he die he did die ba I want to see all his stuff though um I lost all we lost my guy that had all the cool gear all right yacht can you grab some cool stuff well you have now I'm gonna grab yes sir whoever let's go murder that guy who's out here anybody just cows over here let's fight him on the bridge hey oh you come here anyway I want to see vinyl all decked out in his gear yeah don't use the the doors Clinton oh my cows go get them cows let's get where is he there he is there's the Menace how the cows climb that wall it's two it's two levels high and cows are climb in it yes you think she's having second thoughts now she's like wait a minute look at all those cows I can't win this fight here she is I stay here I want to I want to fight on the bridge yeah now get her get her cows died now make roasted cow meat did you hear you got her Zach Lester has died and come out who is this why are they so tough did you get them I think we got him yeah y'all still just hanging around here so I guess we got him okay good job man ho guy was tough we want to make new food and the 14 citizens I'm alright alright you're welcome Mike yeah you're welcome did what I could you didn't do anything the whole time you did absolutely nothing you you loot you fight you range and you carry things look where are you what are you doing hanging out your bedroom of course you are just walking around you're uh you have a bleeding wound you're unhappy well I guess you were fighting in there that's good you did something okay I'll go ahead and save it oh that's my old one from a long time ago which one is this see what it is so this is the game I think it's gonna be this is my old old game from when I play before I guess it still works I think this is at a different biome I want to see the different biome yeah that's right last night you were just hanging around doing nothing - Mike it's the easy jobs we got to remember that next time Mike you're gonna be a goat tomorrow in kimchi it's may not work because this is an old save well end it here with a deathmatch I looked at the discord and I shouldn't have all right I don't think it's gonna work let me pull this up this was a definition well yeah kind of was my steam page okay see most of loading oh this is uh yeah this is this isn't gonna work okay overwhelmingly positive Oh came up not that long ago I don't I don't I remember the name it I've not know anything about it well okay all right yeah I'm that's okay yeah yeah I'll try that out okay so let's look Deathmatch this and a call a night we got to figure out who our our our stream champions are today if they're indeed a new color on that's red now that did it two months member that's exciting and you guys so we do have a new person in here we have Kelly Kelly is a new patreon supporter thank you very much Kelly see if you survived your first death match we're gonna go to uh let's do I like I like the earth something like that we're gonna go death match so again this is time with thank you for uh the support everyone that supports now let's let's kill each other thank you for your support now die we'll see how we'll see who who reigns a the the champ here if you win top three are going into the final big match on February 1st who will give I'll get like a mug or something too often them off and we've got a decent sized list I next month I may just do just the winner and then we'll do a smaller match at the end of the month because I mean I still have a lot of names in there someone's launching missiles already a bomb is that who it is no Daniel P Cruz is just flinging missiles out of everybody should we find anybody in here that is in this dream tonight or new folks you go speed for all right the vinci downer who's that dusty monk lolz addicts up there hey tellin our let's see we've got Zilla who's already who's already on the list for a patreon on the list for them for the month and Bill is dominating over here who we have over here polish renegade Dave over this way it's even find sorry sorry new folks Alice Kelly you did already there's no org so uh which of the beginning of this tomorrow night or tomorrow is my son's birthday and so we're probably priced a blow later so I will still stream kimchi but it may be a little bit a little bit later than usual well probably plan on like well maybe thirty minutes later for kimchi we'll see and we may not do it we may not do another one after that we'll see we'll see we'll just play it by whatever but yeah so plane just little better so if you don't get a notification I'll be here streaming just maybe a little bit later and I do have another game I want to try is a game called undone come on home please what's called uh nothing I want to try let me try it tomorrow night as well michael pre cup bills kind of dominated whole thing Bill Cartwright I haven't seen him only I've ever seen him any of these death matches he's always hiding where is he where's bill bill is what cute green there he is oh yeah he's taken out Daniel P Cruz yeah I got a 12 year old now 13 and a 12 year old outrageous Sartain feel like an old man let's go up here to a Tex who's this Oh bill is just flinging missiles at everybody there is a fleet hanging out no monsters I don't see yet I will go to like year 100 in what college one of these days we'll do another geoguessr stream I was gonna play Parker Texas tonight but I saw that this was out today so we will do a parka text dream eventually to and uh I think was brick was talking about it earlier star traders frontiers or industry this is why I've added an extra stream in for the week it's all these games that I want to play that I don't wanna play is like a twenty my five minute video I want to do a stream of stark traders frontier thing so it's called I'm gonna try that one as a stream we got to play more star sector Violetta but bill is saying he owns the world so go to your 100 and we'll call it Michael it has a level 7 tech compared to Bill with a level 1 tech but Bill's still dominating everything Michael is wrong side of the world [Music] I don't think any these guys are on my list yet nope [Music] Oh bill he's just stepped up what happened to uh who was up here saying to go [Music] oh there we go you're 100 okay run a college okay here's there's the final results so they got bill is dominated bill is supreme champ Michael freaked up and bill Garth writes its to be in the in the mix for the month for his bill down here right yeah bill pick up yeah okay okay so that's the end of the stream thanks for watching everybody it was a strange one there was a it was a nice quiet stream this time but yes thanks for watching anybody I'll be back tomorrow night same time and we will we'll do some kimchi and see if we can not get annihilated maybe slavers slave save a few slaves
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 50,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: odd realm, fantasy game, colony builder, rimworld, dwarf fortress, game, gaming
Id: N2mtQfXGJx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 54sec (12474 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2019
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