Gladiator Guild Manager - (Fantasy Ludus Academy) [Steam Release]

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uh let's check out gladiator guild manager this is in early access the 13th um which is tomorrow if those of you keeping track uh i played this one demo form of this there's a prologue out there that's free that you can download i think it's still going to be there after the game is out just don't quote me on that um basically what's going on there we are building a gladiator ludus and a fantasy style one with knights and orcs and elves and dwarves and all that um and we're gonna just sort of set them out to uh to conquer the the realm i suppose is the idea um the devs hear entertainment forge and grab the games in gamer game they have uh they have added me into the game and so there's there's a few things we're doing today we're checking out the game for one i was originally this is not a streaming night this is a me sit down and do uh video night and i was going to play this as a as a video but i remember when i played the prologue that i uh 30 minutes wasn't enough i wanted to play a lot more i think i did two videos actually with this uh so i thought we'd just stream it so i can play a couple hours into it and uh and we can finally get into the game uh and most importantly um see my my name i figured two hours maybe i'll come up in that time better than better chances in 30 minutes thanks emilyn this is really my quest my my whole youtube quest here is just to get my name into as many games as possible that's all there really is to it um i i don't want to spoil things i don't think there's uh anything i'm not allowed to say about this but my voice is going to be in another game coming out soon so uh yeah there you go the dream has been achieved all right so anyway let's check this one out and see what old gladiator guild manager is all about um if you missed the plural prologue which the prologue would be which again you can play for free um we'll get a few gladiators we'll level them up and we'll send them out into the world and smash some other faces that's the idea so uh let's play this in english today um so yeah when i played this before i was really i really got into it i i didn't think of myself as a big it's auto battler fan but um i i thoroughly enjoyed this thing when i played it before this is right we'll turn the fbi's counter off let me know if that music sounds okay it's a little too loud it's all right so uh go with that and let's begin uh difficulty normal fine fine we'll leave everything as it is i will be the blue team um i do not need a tutorial i know i i know what i'm doing famous famous last words you're the new guild owner i hear welcome to deadwoods um that's me where's my cursor at there it is great we have a few buildings left over by the previous owner take a look around okay anyway i'm slend your guild assistant nice to meet you let me give you a heads up gladiator championships are organized at the start of each month all right then there's the old arena named the ring of death we can join the action there each week they organize a variety of different bite types i got it lastly the dead woods has its fair share of problems bandits beasts feral undead so expect to be contacted and asked for deadly gladiator services outside of the arena hey will how's it going all right so let's take a look at our uh our guild which is right here this is my guild i own a tavern i have a barrack i have a berserker hut which allows me to hire orcs berserkers uh and an archery arrangement allows me to hire archers the bear excuse me knights um as we get money and resources and things we'll by getting doing fights we get resources we use those resources up here in the corner to do things like build towers like a fire tower to get pyromancers or a frost tower to get styromancers there's a lot more things that we'll eventually get necromancers that i hear is a famous one in there uh with with these points which allows us to hire those kinds of things um as our uh our gladiators go into the arena they will level up we can give them new items and new upgrades all that kind of stuff we can um they won't die that's an option that was at the very beginning of this is we can like click um to the death uh if we want but we did not choose that so uh they will come back to life um okay so i guess our first quest here is to go and buy ourselves a gladiator so let's check one out uh we've got a few folks we've got joslin we got margog some of them have things i guess these guys don't actually have maybe they do if i click on them um how much 75 or yeah 750 is what i have uh samara the blind that sounds like a perfect trait for an archer is that really what you have no no you're fast [Music] i mean with a name like that how can i resist samara the blind thomas the the colossus i think maybe what i want to do is like a um so i can't i can't get the power management because i don't have the building i think maybe i want to get like a um uh a knight and a and an archer maybe three she's 220 because of that stamina re re buff selena the quick selena the short-sighted um i gotta go with samara the blind she's expensive for being a level one person was this two for me oh okay let's not do that um so she has abilities again this is an auto battle that we can do there's things we can do about it though and uh affect things in certain ways um so let's buy that um this guy's only 80 bucks what's wrong with him he gains experience slower 80 bucks for a level two night it's pretty good but he's gonna 20 slower experience gain that's pretty bad um what's what's her problem oh it's the same thing i'm gonna spend 200 bucks we got 5 30 now let's pick up maybe we got three people curtis the butcher oh i can change the name i like that name that's good that's good uh i'll buy you uh and then i will buy we could try like we could do one of each i suppose we'll get a berserker we got margog the gritty who walks around and kicks and punches folks uh yeah sure one of each sounds good to me we can upgrade the shop later on to get more things but no it's fine let's go uh into the ring of death so we get to choose one of these we can do 1v1 2v2 a few of uh of them versus one of us or what uh which you will have i have a few they have one strong uh we'll do a um a 2v2 right now we'll see if we can win this thing maybe we should start with 1v1 all right so we get to pick our guys and put them where we want to go we got a knight and an archer uh i have a night in archer but my guy's a level one so i'll put this guy out first and we'll put her back here so she can just blast folks now we have priority points when this toggle is turned on you can click on a gladiator to instruct which targets they should focus on so we can say like all focus on charlotte here and then we can do that i'm gonna let it go for right now let's see how it goes we just want to sit back and watch my guy get murdered uh not blocking my stop blocking my arrows please this isn't going to this isn't going to end well okay okay that's one way to start all right um well let's um let's wait for them to rez a little bit we have events that'll happen up here new things at the gladiator thing we have different items we can buy maybe we should go with a thing uh damage against burning targets is increased by 20 we can get a bow for our archer we have 280 bucks armor i'll take an armor what else we got here strength by four with this axe intelligence how about an axe okay so um let's give it to uh margot margot proved he's quite great whatever so we'll give him an axe and we'll give him an armor and so he'll be a little better i can revive him for a crystal or we can just sort of wait let's give peace a chance um we'll let him heal we're going in there again we can do it i believe in our our abilities i was hoping the archer would take out i put her i put him in the back for a reason i'll have to wait um we can go to the graveyard i suppose can we do this already oh no not again all right well i guess that would not light up we can go uh there's more gladiators in the in the market we can buy um i could buy another i'm not gonna buy the guy though that guy's there that worthless guy is there uh you're red because you're expensive all right let's make some money we'll wait for this thing to come to come back and we will uh we'll go there all right let's go in here um i'm going 1v1 i believe in in he's a level two hey i'm a level two and i have gear which means i'm better than you what's your little thing there you're slow or something i don't know what those symbols mean all right fights but your priority is to kill that guy we kicked him oh nice there you go oh yeah we got it you punch me in the face i punch him back in the face excellent gargog you're a hero all right so we win so we get things we can open a pack of things here and we get a minor health potion as well as some gems and some cash i'll collect those things sure sure i don't know why i wouldn't want to collect them but there we go all right so your gladiators die don't worry temple of revival sits within the guild resurrecting gladiators but it takes some time however should you want to bring them back to life instantly it will cost you mana crystals okay got it got it neat uh so we wait for that to come back but while we're waiting for that can i go here no um i can give this item to somebody i think i can actively give him this which is increase health for that so um i got 130 bucks which isn't anything what's it cost to upgrade you costs i do have the stuff upgraded to get a better archery range what's it do for me i get oh oh she could hold more stuff and she gets faster experience yeah i like it oh it changes too okay cool or that one changes okay uh let's continue here what we got that's that's a item market upgrade update i have a bank i can buy and sell things i will not do that and there's my guild okay fans are taking over the graveyard arena drunk bandits have beat up two guards and claimed ownership of the graveyard arena i need you to take them down before they do any more harm uh yeah we're on it oh by the way so we've got three factions up here that we can keep happy we've got the uh the people we have the baroness and we have the the high necromancer uh this is the baroness she's very angry and she wants me to go kill some uh some brigands we got a a that guy's a level three and we got some level ones i got it i get some things if i win sure i'm on it no dying please this would be real hard if you if you have like death on um they're gonna be throwing range stuff at me maybe we can like run over here and like charge that guy i went to priority we're taking out those range guys first okay that didn't work priority points does that work okay i'm sure how that works oh you got him in the net oh my arch is tearing him up though well there you go hey i won i did not expect that done thanks peasants will be able to sleep peacefully tonight i'm glad to hear it uh oh i want uh what do i get i get one of these i will take money okay can we go here what does it happen so once a month once this is done we'll come back to that uh i got 200 bucks i suppose i could use it to buy something what's this uh damages burning targets i don't have that guy we can get better movements we could give her a bow sure i'll buy her a bow i like the way she shot last time she gets a bow okay so close to hitting that button every time i get in there uh hey brandon yeah i've played this one before i played the prologue a few months back so we go 2v2 and i think i think old margog and samara can do this i think all right so we put uh we got a couple nights in here it's gonna be kind of tough but we can do it put her up front oh it's only two right right uh yeah you get out of there let me get you out of there and then check it out you move them around okay like change their change their angle well a little bit okay so here you go you stay there and you kill him please this is doing you can click on the gladiator to instruct which targets they should focus on oh oh okay okay we'll leave it how it is i get it okay two level he's level two they're level two we got gear they don't nice one down oh we got this hey tom how's it going i hate awesome all right i will take your stuff what do you give me my strength potion and some wooden skull all right all right i have to click to get my mouse to show up strange new gladiators are in the market i don't care about any of that stuff we could bring someone in here but until we like need to get somebody in here i don't think it's necessary there's ghouls in the world of feral ghouls roam the forest near the village i'd like you to dispose of them before further blame is voiced it upon me foisted so we get two people here and we can take out a couple uh a couple of ghouls yeah yeah we got it we'll help out uh the baroness she seems nice oh is he level oh i can level up can i do it right now yeah i'm assuming she wants agility that is based on strength and agility that's agility what's the melee attack i don't care about dodge is agility also so we'll just give her agility i could get five of these points let's give her from all agility i think there you go so yeah she got a lot better all of a sudden okay and um oh did he oh he uses that doesn't he he used it okay well here you go have a strength potion that's cool i didn't realize i thought i thought that was an active thing i had to do okay so take out those ghouls please go is he like air guitaring on his his axe excellent work there's nothing worse than cleaning up after another's mess yeah always here for good coin uh yeah all right uh 300 bucks i think maybe items is just a thing we can upgrade the shop update the shop for 30 bucks i think i think i'm good with it um did he level up yeah yeah let's see what he can do so what are you all about buddy dealing strength lots of strength times 10. okay get your punch punches strength you're kicking with agility you're blocking with agility all right so we'll do like three there and we'll put like um oh 60 more yeah we'll do a couple more points into hell there's my open coins five yeah there we go making beefy yeah we can upgrade our base here good point uh it will hire certain types of gladiators if that kind of shop appears in the event at some point can i bring this one more item inventory and more experience gain that seems like a good one but i don't have the points for it um i kind of like this guys maybe we can do this or we can come can i get this one no i'll do this guy because it does give me experience upgrades so we'll do that nope uh i can buy something right 60 bucks for 10 of it how much i need did i do the wrong i bought stone oh 120 for 10 okay we won't do that just let it go here i'm guessing we get a lot of rewards from the graveyard whenever it happens which is right there so let's get ourselves leveled up real good for uh for the fights um we may need to send the knight in here this is this is a few of us versus one good guy how many can we have in here three perfect so we got oh he's level six really okay nice oh we destroyed that guy man piece of cake right no problem what's this one about this is a this is a strength one which uh you already used it so here you go i have another one i guess um let's go upgrade i need five more of that i can afford that now i suppose i can just take five more for 70 bucks i'll take six more and i will upgrade the berserker hunts okay so now he gets more experience yeah i'm happy with that okay so let's uh let's move on here i got to get this guy leveled up mr knight a group of unsatisfied peasant vandals have burnt down a windmill i need you to bring them to justice is it just you only you uh luckily we get to use uh my other guy so yeah i'll do it i make sure i don't do any fights right before the big match because then they'll be out of commission let's work like why not you like that fight anything so tough peasants are revolting i knew gladiators would come in handy for these sort of tasks yeah thanks for your money uh maybe i should take this uh stone 10 stone that's that's that's good money or 10 iron i mean yeah i'll take that okay what do we got uh anything coming up we gotta level up for this guy finally uh what do you what do you do strength mostly agility i guess for mr butcher shield block is mostly strength okay so we'll kind of even you out then we'll do like two there two there and i'll give you a little more health and i'll probably give you some gear what can we buy over here until just by two what does intelligence do i don't even know maybe it's like how they use their abilities should tell us against uh damage against targets uh frozen target wait projectile damage against frozen target is increased by 30 so if i had a um frost mage and samara here that might work out well i will give him a chest piece intelligent by three so here have a chest piece buddy give you some more health basically it's just one level worth of health uh and then you leveled up again i'm going to put you more agility yeah 92 percent accuracy that's that's what i like okay what's this one gladiator wages we're gonna pay our guys 32 bucks okay so you're the guy that needs a frost tower and i could bring in a frost mage which might be might actually work pretty well especially if we do that with the other thing that might work out well well okay uh gladiator wages and now it's the big event right this is it let's do it so we'd win five matches and once we win the five then we can move on to the next zone basically uh if we fail then we fail yeah next fight okay um we can do depending on what we get there's our there's our chance of getting things so you get this guys are easy he's only tough these are really tough he's a level six knight but we saw what we did before to one of those guys we can take this guy out now i don't want anyone to die because we have we have a few more rounds of this okay next um this again we can do this again i could probably take both of them numbers seems like a big deal though in the game so i'm gonna take these this guy again destroying these guys okay gotta level up here uh i need strength out of you buddy [Music] there you go uh next fight two archers might be kind of tough you can easily take the two these two guys out two archers are gonna be they're gonna be like kitinus it's gonna be a real problem especially their lovely i'm only at level three also okay i'll take them you can fast forward it this way i think yeah there's your speed bar okay level up again excellent uh agility for you i'll give you stamina is shooting the bow movement i don't care so much about you're not going to get hit by things intelligence does what i don't know i'm assuming it's a caster thing so um this does do strength more so than like 50 points of strength right for each five i think the agility is just the thing to do though i don't care about that one but i do care it's just all about shooting the arrow i put one strength in okay next we got a couple more we got a level seven guy go hey dave how's it going i gotta level up for mr knight who's going to get he was agility right that's his his main thing yeah mostly agility a little bit strength too though because his shield block was strength wasn't it let me go we'll do that uh we'll do i have one more oh yeah 500 health um we go for the big guy this is this is the final fight um yeah we can do it final fight no problem okay easy the damage he's doing nice all right give me give me the good stuff i want all those there's a lot of wood uh do i get i got a bamboo bow uh a carrot and an apple really i go to an arena i can win five fights and they give me a carrot and a couple apples what is this and some hunks of all wood so we've unlocked what the uh the farm is the next thing that we can go to at the next championship i guess let me discount here on the fifth okay uh can i get new things i can so i can uh i can hire a range gladiator specializes in keeping melee enemies away a taming hall allows me to tame wargs excellent chasing down vulnerable but dangerous enemies behind lines i'd like to have some duckies let's get some let's get some doggies yeah okay uh can i get gladiators or um doggies from here i spend 60 bucks can i wrap can i update it there's a discount here right it's items ah doggies okay we got a level three over here we got a level two there the same price what's wrong with you you're slow harold harold the dog you know what your name you need to mist mist interesting name for a uh fork dog for a fighter alright uh i think you missed yeah i'm changing the name though click click click but i want to change it to my ssed it's funny no fine fine i'll keep them uh okay maybe i have to buy them first all right there we go there we go much better all right uh missed what do you what what's so great about you you uh you like to bite and you like to dodge okay so uh strength and agility um so let's go do this one i got one of these left right one versus a few three archers um she can do this stand on one side and work him down yeah oh my oh my so i i discovered the reason why you want some dodge in your archers man she got destroyed there uh i can give you a second bow can i yeah that's more agility there um here be a little quicker yeah she got she only has 100 health she got destroyed there so maybe we wait until next time before once we have uh that coming in we'll we'll check it out the church of the dead has risen our ancestors from their graves and turn them into ghouls and they intend to raise more soon i have two gladiators to take down the four and the two uh all right why is your eyes so white oh i won't get my archer this time around so we're gonna do this with uh with this guy and um who's this guy the razor okay okay uh in the night i guess could do this uh what's the apple do stamina sure buddy you uh you want an apple you can have two apples yeah he's raising the try to dead him before he shoots black stuff at us [Music] okay manny thanks a lot the dead can rest in peace excellent uh i will take uh i don't have any stones i'll take some stone and we're gonna level up here again um i'm gonna put in a like one agility but i'm still sticking the strength with this guy okay all right then we can do here buy some of those things we could go with the frost uh what's this do for us oh it gives us more stuff over there this is more people we can bring in uh wasn't there a discount at the market oh it's tomorrow there where's my exclamation point i think i'm in the way of the exclamation point but i believe there's supposed to be a discount here oh yeah there is there's a uh an intelligence ring that's on sale and some cheap armor i'll take that and then there's that protect dog damage against frozen targets it's just it's begging me another bow we just load her up with bows lots of bows yeah have another bow um that one's greens this one tells me it's fancy but um i'll have it used for it i'm not gonna do it uh hey have another bow and i could give you some armor to maybe maybe win that fight i'll give it to the doggy there you go doggie's not gonna need it a third bow that's right that's how we do things around here now uh you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna i'm going to give her this oh yeah there is i'm looking at it okay i think she can do it then i think she can maybe i should send in someone else oh here here i'll do this just to make sure we'll lose one of the bows so she's got two bows she's got two sets of armor on i'm not sure how that works uh this actually might be at my advantage i gotta take out that archer first though so i want you to this one kill that one there you go now quickly move shoot no no melee no melee get get up maybe bad what are you doing get out of there why is she so dumb why is she going melee with a barbarian i can't win that fight all right yeah give me your give me your armor back you don't deserve it anymore i'll take it i'll just leave it off no no no uh when we got an event coming up we got an item market we got a market update over there all right the necromancers turned a man's grandfather into a deformed ghoul and sold him to the traveling fair now he's doing street performance tricks um sure we'll help he's part of the uh the people by the way so we don't get our archer in here but we got a doggie uh we can give some stuff to doggy i want you to have probably both of those i'll give you some agility you need it okay um can you get out there go your job buddy is to yeah yeah ranged is he this guy you charge at that guy okay get him jump up you're doing a bad job what are you doing oh no no my doggy can't take my doggy oh there we go hey uh would you turn around there night that's one way to end it many thanks may the dead sleep basically okay uh yeah i will take uh some of that stuff all right i gotta level up for you why don't you take what was it again you need agility yeah okay everybody's dead but uh i think maybe we have like a like a wombo combo here with with mr frost and and samara but i don't know i really want to do it but maybe not what was this one item market update another one of these now they've really crossed the line they arrived in the middle of the funeral told us out there in a hurry to close a killer deal with some traveling flesh trader and their one girl short they people want revenge so four of us that we're back taking on all of them sure we'll help again that's all we do around here help out the people you in the middle i want you in the back i want your job is to take out the range first okay uh actually i don't care i'm gonna leave it as it is i'm gonna kill him it was a lot to ask but the people will always be grateful to you for being on our side don't sweat it kiln's what we do i would like some more of that okay and she's leveled up uh stamina so they are less winded in long fights yeah they they you can kind of see in the stamina bar in there i don't think it's much of an issue though um it's like 30 more stamps i think i'm going to leave i just seemed like damage seems to be i don't know she got 100 accuracy now she can't miss that's telling me now um level 5 she can't miss now okay this is it doggy give me your armor i suppose we could actually even take this away 99 yeah we'll keep keep the 400 um well make sure we keep her in the back i suppose we could put someone else in there like this guy see what we get yeah she's going in she's gonna go as far over on this side as she can because she can kill him her and then get him but yeah this is it hey plague dr johnson how's it going there you go one down two down there we go it seems so easy when you do it that way what do we get agility potion and uh a made robe all right i'll collect that i know the music's too loud i'd probably turn out a little bit it's noisy at that one part but the rest of it is is fine let me see if i can just a bit all right when we do this thing there it is okay we're just gonna play this thing this is a discount at the item shop what do you got over here made robes uh make the lighter immune and knockdowns is that that's as good as consumable thousands by eight agility by nine leather hat 240 hit points what i will buy that fancy sword strength by six melee attack knocks out the enemy for five seconds that seems really good uh how much is it 430 i'm gonna sell can i sell this i want that i want those gloves okay so this guy's gonna get the gloves biff uh i also have a leather hat so we can like put that on him and he has 800 hit points give him some agility if he wants to drink up guess what we're gonna do um you can give these over to him hey ordering or order in how's it going what's that one oh wages a young boy wielding immense mana capabilities was discovered at one of the farms but his brainless family won't give him a way for training they want him to be a farmer like the rest of their pitiful lineage your sweaty palms is the name so this is the necromancer now i notice we're not losing any any reputation with him even though we're killing all of his people um do we got four of us to kill all them yeah we can do it our event is coming up pretty soon so no one can die hm maybe i shouldn't do this no we can do it no one can die because if we die we're not going to be able to be in that event um we'll just try to keep i'm going to keep my distance and we're just going to stand around here and just protect they won't be protected they're going to charge out there but we will um we will hang around here and it takes us a while to get there dying anybody she's way back there why she's going back there [Music] okay she's just for the program just to back up at the start from the start good work he will one day thank us all i'm sure he will oh right uh a cloak gives me agility and stamina increases with five and tells my three stamina by 45. costs what cost 21 20 like maybe it makes them unhappy let's see what that changes chile by 2 stamina by 90. i'm going to take that one this is the level 70 cloak though i'll take that one oh i get oh i got one of these two um sure money oh yeah yeah okay they don't like that i see i see um so i'm gonna give her the cloak she doesn't need one of these because she's well i guess it still helps her so yeah that's fine we'll keep eye on her i'm not gonna go to that fight is everyone even available oh new battle choices huh okay i'm not gonna do it though because we got an event coming up here i don't want anyone dying like their wages and then the big events here at the farm we got six of these we have to win all right dominance fantastic i want to play some more domina too because i i will win domino one of these days i will determined uh that seems pretty easy i guess it's the first fight so like we cannot die i'll put the wolf kind of behind so like where they stick together maybe unless you can hang out oh it's only four so keep the wolf out of it this round not paying attention to the stamina is he losing it i'll give him a little bit there we go there you go okay um we got a scorcher and some of these guys these are all ranged and she's ranged um i can do this one i think yeah three of us nice one shot archer's op lots of archers that's ugly um that's probably pretty bad and they're a high level too i'll take the weaker one that's too much we can get four of us in here though so we can say like get him down here hopefully the doggy doesn't die now can i tell you i can tell you right to go for that that's what that means okay um oh level up good um let's see i want you to have what's your thing buddy agility is good agility is good for dodge yeah yeah and one strength uh and more hit points level eight archer that'll be easy to take down but she might kill some of us and this isn't the last fight so i'm gonna stick with this one the rain the grannies [Music] oh took a beating hey level again okay i'm paying attention to him knocking people down or uh stunning folks yet we'll do the easier one because that's not gonna go well it's pretty much one-shotting everybody what she hits okay um we got gerg three prongs this is this is the final one right yeah we can do it oh he's right there okay and for us not concerned about this i saw that one you knocked him over that time what do we get stamina potion uh a basic shield hey okay i'll take those i guess if we don't collect maybe we get the gold instead what do we unlock we unlock the temple to think is the is the temple like the last one of the demo i think i think so uh certainly is what you want i'll put some hit points on you too uh actually i got you a shield maybe we should give the shield a doggie you can't carry anymore um i'll give it to you actually there you go and then stamina points that might be useful for which i'll give you the agility and i think maybe you need the stamina and then level up it's 10 for every every boost there that was okay we'll do that all right so we got the uh that's going next what what can we do now we have a mace wielder hut uh higher uh mace wielder slash in gladiators that are good melee fights and have the ability to knock down opponents from long distance with their mace temple of light is priestesses we have hunters we have cryomasters pyromaniacs the upgrade for this do uh more experience more item upgrades or item things i guess i'm about my max this a priest support letters that help by healing and casting yeah that might be a good idea to have a healer i'll buy that and then i'm gonna need to get a gladiator slot upgrade here we go and let's go buy let's go buy a priest any priests in here where are you priests at what are you oh you're uh a shot do you have to upgrade that what we have to do here oh update right there [Music] let's wait till that comes and then we will do that and hey we got a priest we got uh ellen deal which has the bad experience gain and the bad you're the worst who's this scintilla les agilit you guys are the worst do you need an agility for any reason no so i don't care okay uh cintilla the holy it is you i am buying hey dude village how's it going uh someone give me a uh a name and i'll name cintilla here i i'm already attached to the other folks so i uh uh no names for them but if you if you want to be a a priest let me know i should name it after my priest from uh world of warcraft i was i was a priest in wow um but i'll let one of you uh jump on this one so it's all cintilla here um joan joan yes joe and the priest perfect i need you to spread some truth round up your gladiators and get them talking about how the church of the dead dark arts are responsible for the feral undead rising get those blighted peasants off my back okay so the question is do we do we do this one do we i think each of these are each of these folks we want to help she likes us we're almost at neutral with him main quests for each faction are going to be implemented in the game soon gotcha um i will stick with the baroness she likes us yeah we'll do that one uh oh wait wait i missed do we not have an event for that we've been hiding rebels in some of the chambers but roots to those chambers have been cut off by imps we can't bring our lads any supplies so many can you clear out those imps and of course please keep this secret between us there's four of us against all of that there's a level six one in there i don't want any part of this we finally managed to break through the doors of the ancient temple i'm calling upon all guild members to help clear the imp infestations then we shall celebrate by holding a grand champion with strength uh yeah yeah we'll do it those imps let's get them all right so uh we know who's going in there uh and i mean i could try the priestess and see what she can do these two back here and we're gonna let let this guy just do his thing hey aces first there we go did you even need to heal well done easy oh uh that's a 14 strength that seems really good 14 strength is really good that's eight intelligence and 60 stamina which is like two points in that i'm going to go with the 14 string and i also want um some of these blue things i think because i'm assuming they're going to come in pretty handy later on so who wants some strength um most important strength guy is doggy i think so we'll lose that put it on here let me go back to my barracks here and upgrade the kennel whatever it's called oh i'm out of wood all right must be a early access thing or just telling me it's 67 bucks because i got four people now um here you go you can have it you can have this okay we can do one of these a few of us versus one many many of our one of us versus a few of them i'm doing this again because i want to i want i believe in my archer never mind i did a wrong one a 15. margot can do it and you can heal heal please you you're a bad he okay you're a bad healer you heal too slow what do we get uh intelligence by 18 that's good and some wood i put that on my mage or my healer which is leveled up and i think you're just all about intelligence there you so hey mobster because i think i can go back to these at the at the start of the month too all right lose some time along here what do we got uh that's a fancy chest piece we got there uh agility by 12 in this dagger these are good stuff i'm gonna buy that that's that's good um we'll give the i'll buy the robe and the necklace so she can have that and the robe and then the other thing was the the chess piece which is health and strength i'm gonna do this no one has any spots left do they she does so i'll put that in there let me go and upgrade something either the dog or the maybe the knight he's pretty good barracks can i do this one i'm out of stone i can't even can i it would light up i think um i could i'll buy five stone just five or more okay i'll buy six okay upgrade that so he can hold more things now right yeah there you go it's only what 60 health that's what one point in there but 60 health 60 health when am i playing new world yeah everyone else and their dogs doing aren't they hey samara the quick we have a sweat we have a samara the blind [Music] a group of bandits have been seen entering the ancient temple i need you to stop them on their way out and repossess any treasures they have stolen okay that's right after the roblox stream yeah oh you're still hurt oh man okay so you and i only get three of us so i think i think the ward can can do it he's ready he's eager he's a good boy superb job so where is the treasure they stole i haven't seen anything you haven't no no treasure not a single gold coin see there was no treasure all right oh swipe off lady swife off is that a thing people say i will take uh the intelligence necklace do i want that yeah we'll do that we'll give it to her whenever we can and i will take um these things swipe off lady we're esteemed with her okay um i can't give you this unless i want to upgrade that place i don't think i can what do i need the thing stone is so um elusive oh wait yeah it's gotta be what it was so about that treasure from bandits yeah what about it here it is buy yourself a nice gladiator or something ah nice we stole it well done slin well done she's she's happy how much did you give me oh i got a lot of money oh i'll go buy some stone i'd like to buy 40 stones that would i need like 45 i'm not i'll take 45. man it kind of hurts my pocket i'm gonna upgrade that's 55 man all right you better appreciate this there you go i haven't seen you doing a lot of healing though so i expect good healing [Music] sail over there we've got uh new items at the market uh what we got anything cool consumable things agility by 12 and axe and agility by eight that seems pretty good no one can hold anything though we can get rid of this garbage like that or that bow yeah i'll take one of those i'm chilling by 12. that's way better than those bows that i've got it doesn't matter what it is it seems kind of weird like that my archer may not have a bow i'm selling this one i'm gonna give her this she does even more damage and then we're gonna give this guy this ax instead of the bow and i'm going to sell those can i sell these things okay i suppose we can do one of these many of them versus one of us we know who's going in no i again i i can't read that's that's all there is to it he's a level 22. oh my level 22. hopefully he's dumb and he throws nets instead of attacks people [Music] that's always easy better do good stuff for that that's the worst all right uh here you go stop wasting them and you gotta level up here how about some agility i've got some good dodging going on maybe i should stick with the strength from that one because julie's not gonna be any more good um yeah we can even remove these things she's she's as good as she's gonna get there but we can give it's times five with strength so we'll do that okay we're gonna deal on gladiators a gaggle of immigrated peasants are plotting to spread their religion here in their homeland they paid homage to the church of the light and now wish to build a tabernacle in the dead woods this will not do i need you to cut down the leadership of this blighted cult so they won't like this very much but um there's four of us we can take all that out it's gonna be tough but we can do it we call the church of the light of cults it's the most prominent religion in the kingdom not in the dead woods these lands have always belonged to the church of the dead the peasant's worship is sacrilege what's next will the church of the elemental show up and start meddling with our climate i agree um could you sell more sunny days if you ask me um anything to help we want to go kill some peasants yeah all right we're gonna have four of us so put a um you know what i don't think he's gonna do is any good i'm gonna focus ourselves up here and stick her back here behind and get your red beams off of me i'm gonna die yeah don't be dead this game was real ugly at first remember that first fight now we are done with this nonsense real ugly but things got got uh got not so bad health by 240 strength by four agility five that's that's that same one again assassin one we can give her two of those things i guess let's do the uh health by 245 yeah and how about some of those blue things okay and then you can have uh get rid of the domax and take that okay and then you uh here you go um there you go when we get this fight there it is i'm eager i'm ready for it i could buy somebody but i don't know that i want to buy anybody buy a cheap dog hair old dog level five lower life the deadly the archers are powerful i wonder if maybe i should go any cheap ones there's a cheap frost mage that'd be nice to have what are you what are you i can't tell what that guy is the obliterator oh he's a mace wielder [Music] the orc is an agility character not a strength he's middle he's both i'll hold off i'm happy with my my my five when we ever get five characters in a match anyway so let's continue several peasant families have refused to pay crop tax i need you to visit a certain farm and send a bloody message to those who refuse to pay their share uh let me do this one because we've got uh an event and i don't want to miss out on it so we're not killing any farmers okay we can go whichever one we go we're gonna go to the temple though that's what we're doing we can go back to the other ones but we got seven fights here this is the easy one level ten frost mage and some archers where's this one level 12. oh doggy's still out can i revive you right now for two of these things i can and i'll bring you in here does this fight need i want to hold six people okay yeah maybe we should brought more people i will revive you and we'll do this fine yeah yeah things get much more spicy hey excellent how's it going like that and doggy frost that wasn't very nice good old man over there's happy doggy has leveled up um hit points i think and that i'm going with it requires less of us because i don't have six people it doesn't level nine there i'm gonna do this one just i just because i wanna i wanna win the match i don't care about so much this the loot let's take doggie out and put priest in four of us versus a bunch of bunch of razors so i think i think i'm supposed to have a name in here one of these guys um i think i think it's supposed to be me in here i never see my name but i know i'm in here somewhere level 16. okay i'll take this one out that seems really easy enough there's about four of us let's do what we were doing here before these guys are all raising the dead so no dying basically is the objective here oh yeah they're all level one things without doing any damage okay this guy my guess is gonna be tough um not too tough though where's the big guy he's in the back let's like work our what start like down here maybe we can kind of focus fire a little bit comes out tomorrow my priest needs a uh needs a bubble of some kind okay um let's see you uh you were the um mostly agility right oh strength right strengthened block so we'll do some of that and i think we should give you some hit points the archer and healer more backward in the snap they always move back they always they always move back on their own so i don't move them too far back a little 15 there this we got we got a couple more i'm less scared of of that i think even though he's level 15. he's fast also hits for 358 damage that's a lot of stuff um we can do it we can do it yeah i wanna i want him down first no just whenever they use their abilities you can see the gray bar there that's their stamina i haven't really been watching it i probably should because i don't know whether they need stamina or not it looks like they do these guys are both out we lost doggy oh you see that there's a bubble the priest does have a bubble excellent so doggy's dead um all right uh there's only four of us for this one so that's we can do that one yeah we can do that level up oh yeah there is a shield okay intelligence everything's intelligence right without that one yeah okay and she leveled up also so i'm gonna put stuff in the strength though now because her she's she can dodge some more but i'm just gonna do damage on her okay i want to fight this one let's work on this guy first yeah my tanks are running out the long fights are running the stamina i'm gonna have to figure out a way i'll start cranking some stamina into the big guys she seems to be doing well she's a little lobo she got a little low she's fine so uh yeah maybe i'll crank it into the standard here we'll try that [Music] and this is the last fight right this is it uh what we got six there we go get five i only have four characters available so this would be a tough fight i don't want to lose i think we take out zorkax and zorcax that doesn't seem so tough and or zorcax which one um yeah i'm gonna do what i did before i'm gonna try to leave us up here that way he has to walk a long way we can kill him before he even gets there there we go yeah the three orcs yeah those guys larry daryl and daryl all right uh experience potion chest piece um no stamina will we unlock show me oh the bridge uh maybe the bridge is where it ended last time i don't remember uh we unlocked a mana assassin interesting is that it just a mana assassin all right i can upgrade all kinds of things now i'm going to upgrade my what to do just experience an inventory we can keep making her really cool circle's already really cool we can make him a little better i have the wood for it let's do it um and let's see if we can get more stuff more health more strength sure throw more armor buddy 200 health that seems reasonable which one um oh yeah you're right purifier i missed that one purifier gladiators what is it i'm assuming it slow and freeze and stuff like that mana assassin whenever this refreshes we should see them pop in here i'm not gonna pay money for it um 1v1 what we got crossbowman hot deadshot uh he's a level 10 but i am amazing so uh what what these do for me experience gained intelligence experience getting here you go okay oh man i thought let's get shots off before he died i have too much faith in my in my archer i think is what's going on here all right and imagine if i played this with that's the way to play this game i think is with deaths on that's that's the way to do it because this would be nasty if you played the game with like deaths or death our deaths are dead man that'd be real bad all right so we got a next thing coming up here with a bridge we'll uh we'll wait for that card game with necromancer played cards with some peasants in the tavern last night well he lost and insults were thrown both ways the necromancer wanted to have the last word but was having trouble doing so among drunken peasants uh who haven't he cast a spell which turned everyone at the table permanently mute are they able to carry on an argument there the peasants families are taking him to court over it and the high necromancer has asked you to testify on his behalf uh yeah we'll do it so the uh these guys aren't gonna like it so much anymore but these guys are gonna like us um why wouldn't i send it why would i send a may uh not put a melee against a ranger and the problem is uh the rangers are fast and so uh all they do is just sort of kite you around if you ever if i have a quick one like the doggie might have been able to do it maybe um this guy probably was too slow though he would have gotten just pelted down before he could get there um i'll get this experience potion on to you and give you some more of these intelligence potions and check out the item market check out us against burning targets uh strength by 20 intelligence by 30. uh yeah the knights the knights can block them but again they're slow so unless i give i haven't put speed on anybody if i put speed on people then it'd be that'd be different strength eight and eight some pretty good things ooh health potion by nine oh it's like a consumable health potion and 10 of them [Music] okay um not for her because she's going to die immediately if she gets hit uh for you though i'll give it to you i missed that as consumable let's get those right out she can use them are we ready for it again uh the only one was a blocker yeah it's not 100 for sure uh the ones that block the dog the dogs can dodge him okay this oh she's dead uh this guy can do it this was in the fight for her just hit the guy okay oh more brilliant seeds okay what kind of gladiators we got in here nothing new really we have the shooters we've got i did have some things i needed six didn't i so i guess i'm gonna have to get someone else um there's a pyromancer there's level six pyromancer what are you all about right here is frozen intelligence decreased by by 30 that seems kind of bad but i'm cool with someone like you know throwing fireballs out there that seems that seems like my style let's get one a fire tower yeah okay and i will buy um you zara the flame tongue there's another one of you you're level three you're only 60 bucks i got the money so i'm gonna buy you unless you have something really cool nope you're just you're dumb and slow i don't want you uh i do want you though so zara the flame tongue anybody want to be fl zara the flametongue give me a name and i'll put you in there um you are going to get i guess i'll give you that and if you if you survive a fight i'll give you some gear okay let's see what what was that that was the what market was not that one so i think that update shop i haven't picked i think it just refreshes it is what it means there's intelligence 7 stamina 45 that's probably pretty good for him her buy that and then i want to get this projectile damage against burning targets is a cruise by 30 that's what he wants expensive but that's that's the good stuff let's make my 20 i want that too it tells my 15 health by 150 i want that too can i buy this don't yeah okay oh yeah it comes out tomorrow i'm not sure what it's what time it drops but yeah sometime tomorrow is coming out uh let's see she can't carry more stuff but this thing's garbage so get rid of that and take the arrowhead of fire there you go so if anything's burning you do more damage and then you uh i lied you get it you get how many cloaks would you like you get a couple of them and then strength is gonna go this guy's got some garbage gear so this guy is yeah strength is is the big deal for his long edge attack and long axe attack but his punch when he gets in there is is agility um those are both agility that's chilly also let me put you're mostly agility are you the one that's mostly strength right there um yeah it's gonna be more advantageous on him so i'll give it to you because that big axe 840 damage with that swing that seems like uh seems seems painful [Music] uh ralph five months thanks ralph okay cheap items again no i can't afford anything we'll pay up we gotta ban it for higher let's see if that comes we'll do our championship first and then we'll go back to do that one hire some bandits what's the red crimson mist intelligence of all gladiators is reduced by 30 is that always the thing that's there that's not very helpful okay so we've got six people uh look at this look at the abilities on those guys this is just a whole bunch of crossbowmen oh my oh i'm gonna take the easy one because i'm scared you keep everyone alive okay uh an empowerment will be right here next to you and then you just do your thing which i could just like i need to be able to save a save a spot so i just click in it and they put them where they where they go hey raven shadows taking names being awesome that's that's what's happening uh oh i did did anyone get want a uh to be the my fire mage i didn't see um uh anyone yelling at me about that let's see you need what what makes you uh maybe some stamina i need something to make you use you heal faster i'll give you stamina [Music] if you're all stamina okay uh let's see all archers is bad so 15 in there i think we can do this one it's five of us level 15. i wonder if i should like start up over here and we'll sort of work our way down so we can get them one at a time maybe we can like um let's experiment shall we your job is to heal these guys and your two jobs oh oh oh right you're out doggy so these guys will work on here you will shoot these guys if they get to you you're dead this this might be not good uh rip river all right okay good good no dying oh that was much better she got beat down though by something okay level up for mr knights uh stamina is what we need so i have that this is intelligence what you need uh can i name me here weaver is a good name for uh for a pyro all right uh a bunch of fives and some 15s this is easy mode i'm gonna win the match so we're gonna go easy but we always come back to these later on and make it not easy mode six of us what was the game i was playing before the auto battle i was played before that was um it saved your spot i like i like that um so each time you're doing an axe it can only cost 65. punches are 39. everything you do is pretty light on the stamina i need something more agility here though so we'll do a little bit more of that because that's going to help whenever he gets into the punching and blocking it's only times two though it's not really um fine a little bit yeah i surprised it doesn't either i mean it is early access so it might be something that they're gonna plan on later on far doom level 30 i almost picked that one i i'm glad i didn't 33 wow uh 16 on the on the low tier three twelves it just seems it just seems not balanced maybe i'm not doing enough of the other matches to uh to bring myself up here this one's way easier according to the numbers here and yeah i think it is so i'm gonna take the easy easy way i'm gonna do the uh the old that thing we did before the priest is gonna stay here with these guys hopefully the doggy or that guy doesn't hurt us all right oh they're burning i like that fire mage who was that like one hit point again maybe need some health i'll give you a little help um these are taking 450 per shot i'll give you a little more stamina of mostly agility and strength doggy you're mostly a strength guy right uh yeah mostly there a little bit of both you have terrible stamina two more to go this doesn't seem so tough that's just a bunch of easy archers it's much tough archers she might kill somebody in one shot because she can hit for 290. let's do an easy one and then the next the the last fight we'll do uh we'll do a nasty fight uh gladiator just shows those little quirks above oh it shows little things that pops up with their head as happens priority points is basically we can tell them i'll show you when we get there so archer time let's make sure we burn them and uh you want you in there and i want you there and i think i want the dog i'm gonna need healing this time uh so we can say like you i want you to fight this is priority points i can say i want you to hit range folks or support i want you to go for i want you to hit that guy you know um so he can sort of uh fiddle around with who attacks what and uh when they attack what that's a little much hey lord nightmare okay we got two more the scorcher this is a bunch of eights that doesn't seem that tough we get some good stuff out of that i think i can do that one oh i didn't even realize that i did not i didn't even see that riff weaver you died i'm not supposed to win a fight without you now i'm a little concerned because i don't have another ranged let's do this one [Music] doggy on the far side you right there oh no did you kill my archer oh no oh no this is no good this is the final fight uh i guess we're going for the uh the easy one which isn't gonna be easy it's all dependent on uh oh no okay this is it oh man okay we're gonna stick together there's no aoe stuff going on these guys are gonna raise the dead um i want you to come over here and i do want you to go for that to get that guy okay range that's that's your thing okay okay let's run over there and get him get him don't run away don't worry about that go get that guy there you go get him chew his face off don't kill my ogre okay that was uh got me sweating a little bit and do we eat the hard ones i got uh some garbage for it uh i think a cool gem though okay but what have we done we've unlocked the castle iron town let's level up some folks uh you still have that garbage armor on here lose that and take the no don't lose that health potion of potion he's more strength i think gonna put you more a little more defense i'll try to focus you as defense man you like to buy things and then intelligence and agility there we go okay so they got to heal up um we can do one of these if we have a you will have one gladiator they will have a few i mean i bet this guy can handle this maybe oh yeah they're level two i should probably be doing this more let's let the doggy do it he can get some experience out of it run doggy laying down i should do more of these to level up between those things let me get strength potion and an iron helmet that iron hat belongs on that dog i think strength held by 240 health by 570 okay there you go and then we've got 240 strength by four it's one of those okay uh anything the market we can get here nothing too great uh oh yeah i got this bandits they're interested in joining the gladiator games hey maybe we could hire some uh we'll check them out oh hey hey hey check it out um yeah i will hire you we got rotford the grim who uh dislocated his shoulder nope we got uh henry the grim who twisted his ankle okay we've got um are you a uh you're like an archer right throws a spear okay you have nothing wrong with you you're level 12 uh or galen the righteous so you throw oh either the net throw in guys lots of strength focus there and intelligence for your nets do i want so i've got three range and three melee right now i probably want another melee i can't afford oh he's 1900 bucks so defending from an attack ladder restores stamina if he's glad to death all friendly guy later gladiators get 25 health doesn't seem very helpful he's expensive too because he's fast um i think i want a melee guy the problem is they're all kind of bad he's level eight though [Music] agility twenty 20 movement speed decreased by five that's not the worst [Music] not the worst henry the grim he's cheap he's cheap and he's a level 12. so like a 30 strength versus a 20 yeah he's pretty good all right henry the grim we got a twisted ankle i knew who wants to be hendry here i'll take henry i guess i could buy another one if i wanted to i could get it arranged no i can't afford it okay that's that's cool i like that one uh time to go okay so henry over here uh here you go how would you like some armor and um you strength the strength is uh not so much a big deal for you he's gonna be uh blocking his strength blocking strength bashing his strength intelligence is knocking people over and damages agility um yeah sure um where should i go to you don't have one hey future moth bug gut all right bug gut is the name uh all right so let's uh let's maybe i can buy one yeah i can get a necro crypt ability to hire necromancers or invigorators support gladiator to boost the power of their teammates i need 20 of those and so i need 10 more of each uh yeah we're gonna do this oh it's so expensive never mind we'll get there eventually maybe i should sell some wood we'll get there can i see him in here i won't i just want to find myself that's really that's really all i'm trying to do here the whole reason i'm playing today i want to see myself what's with the pyro oh the gear oh the pyro hut i probably shouldn't last night i grew up first we get our bandits they took some of our golden resources should we chase them down through the forest yes we should we located the bandits i'm ready to attack um uh can can we come back to that when we get all healed [Music] we have pendulum the ghost [Music] okay increase out by 720. i have negative money that seems like um something they shouldn't be doing uh i can just manage that without her i think it's a bad idea well you know uh i oh they still yeah they stole my stuff they stole so much of my stuff i have negative stuff i can probably take them out with these guys i can only get six in here we've got six so she won't be there she's kind of the core of the team you know but um we get my stuff back though yeah we'll get them what's your name samara okay so uh mr bug here is see these guys are all melee we got one range guys or two range guys so let's let's do this put my my healer over here we want them to come to us your job is to get that guy and that guy okay uh your job i don't care who you shoot you gotta get that one hoping you'd hit that one can i tell you chase are you now with the tub she's got a bubble nice hey check that out that actually worked pretty well we got the bastards and got back what they stole plus we found some additional gold on them all right silly bandits uh now i can buy my we'll level up now buy my stuff uh you need some intelligence give you a little help and then you need uh maybe a little more stamina okay sweet revenge i need you to take care of a very dangerous criminal living in iron town or garrett three prongs yeah that guy's the worst uh focus net on the high level seems good the on um this doesn't have a net we i didn't get the guy you talking about the um the the archer brigand one oh 1v1 who wants this one he smashes with pitchforks punches so he's over um yeah oh get back get back in there he can hit all this one biff smash that's why i have strength in that guy me too oh oh um close up 19 standing by 75 or the 720 hit point thing or the 12 agility stamina 150 i mean i don't know i want that 720 health i think that's seems pretty good i mean that seems pretty good too 19 intelligence that's that's like what five four levels of intel of of leveling up okay i'll take the robes more robes for the uh for the caster um i think i want to put on you i could level you up let me see what i can do here so i do want to get the uh the necromancer crypt i need 10 more iron which is very expensive okay and then we're gonna go buy the necromancer hut i do that wrong i'll buy that and then i want to upgrade the fire tower i think if i can nope only i can do is i can buy 100 cabin but i don't care about that um i'll go ahead and spend the 40 gold to get before you will get that upgraded uh and then we're gonna go i can't upgrade this so i'm just gonna do switch this thing out with this because that's much better 71 intelligence now and then anyone going to carry this this thing i hear you do this this is uh so far it's been easy but the beginning of the game is not easy not at all all right so we should have a necromancer showing up in here and if we're lucky we'll see it we'll find ourselves a special one i don't wanna spend the money to uh update the shop for 120 fine there's no necromancers in there i'm disappointed okay she's been dead for a long time uh we got cheap deals over here i don't have a lot of money mage staff stamina potion frost orb of frost aoe area effect for frozen is increased stamina um this is some neat stuff that's supposed to be oh it just got refreshed this is a discount of that one so we can pick up a cheap a few cheap folks how much are you 300 um content with what i have an important associate of mine will arrive soon but rumor tells that a group of bandits await him at the bridge i believe they aim to assassinate him intercept and eliminate them first i should really like this if i do this uh six of us can take out all these guys yeah that's no problem hey bimble uh yes this is a preview uh it comes out tomorrow sometime so we'll go that way and someone's gonna sit out i think i'll let's the dog needs some experience we'll put the dog in there uh i'm gonna set him up here and make sure he gets these guys i'm gonna go get these guys please and then i need some some leveling up from these guys since he's level 12 already yeah usually they have it does it say as it says on steam page usually it has how long it'll take before it's unlocked on the page the bridge should be safe now hurray oh yeah my lord what have you done the person you cleared the way for is cruel and corrupt beyond measure local folk gather some goods for you so long as you promise to keep them away from our lands um who is he a suave and judge no less corrupt and vile to the core you wouldn't believe the things he's done uh what kind of things his judgment is not based on righteousness but purely on bribes examples tons some time ago a drunken officer trampled a young man with a horse carriage the judge not only forgave the officer but he declared the young man guilty how he concluded that the peasant must have been sleeping on the road when he was run over his poor family had to sell everything to compensate for the officer's stress was he sleeping on the road well yes my lord he was also drunk and sleeping right in the middle of the road but that's not the point you're right uh yeah well anything for goods uh i don't think i have um the price list i could check oh at the end here i'll check my email and see if it says the price um what are you a healer yeah revitalizer six of us so someone's gonna sit out this one i think we're gonna need you in there if the dog is gonna sit this one out okay oh my god one of us down my pyro dies all the time i will take um and that's so much more expensive this the iron is is i think worth it we'll get some stone back in a minute uh i need to upgrade the pyro hut to give her some better things because she's dying all the time i need a lot of stone for that i could have gotten it let's do one of these uh get some new ones 10 v10 let's do a 3v3 i saw that on the steam page it says it says what 13th 14th but um my email i know says third i'm pretty sure it says this is 13th oh okay good miss plus she was dead saw that knife flying by hey stand up [Music] okay we got new gladiators here in a minute anyone we want in here i don't think so big fights coming up we have to buy our way there we got over here we've got a clobber over there we've got a uh something the benevolent revitalizer where's my necromancer is that i wonder if i have to i mean we're friendly i guess let me get a necromancer that's all i care about i wonder if i should buy someone else though just to yeah i probably shouldn't if we get a second archer that's as good as old samara here gains experience faster i mean look at yeah samara the bear slayer i think i got it we're doing it she's 12 she's expensive she's very expensive but i'm buying her okay uh give me uh give me an archer name please we'll give her some stamina uh and we're gonna give him some fancy armor you have anything you want to give her no no if she dies no biggie okay now we are broke uh and it's it's almost time for a fight i'm going to pay this which is going to be a problem okay so we're going to go into the uh oh let me let me revive you uh because i'm going to need you and you oh it's expensive man okay archie archie um speaking of of arrow slinging folks um i uh i just started watching anyone ever watch arrow the cw show i just started watching it and it's it ain't too bad i'm like halfway through the first season it's it's a cw show so you kind of yeah you kind of go in with a little bit of a lower um you know expectation but it's not too bad actually um kind of getting into it all right so uh let's get man i am a 36 archer she hits like what she do 800 damage in one shot isn't even gonna work uh what do you do zorcax oh zorcax here he's just everywhere um i uh i've been watching um legends of tomorrow i watched that one recently i've done quite a bit uh it's weird it's really weird but it's it's weird in a good way and um we got caught up with that one so i thought we'll try we'll try uh arrow see how it goes um we've got six of us here so we got we probably need a healer and i'm not bringing with riftweaver in because refrigerator just dies then we're gonna send in next archer okay yeah you know i saw a thing that said that um like uh it's like what's what's the best cw show ever and i think arrow was number two i think number one was like a smallville cw show was one of those um and uh maybe i should try it out and plus you have all of those other shows that have like spawned because of arrow so i figure it must be something about it she still has a garbage bow i didn't realize that uh she probably gonna need some more strength for damage that what she wants maybe some hit maybe we should give her a hit point she has garbage hit points so let's let's beef her up a little bit um and i think maybe this guy too seems like a bad thing to be leveling up with a level up but okay look at what eight of these things [Music] these guys are pretty low level they'll die immediately they'll burn us a little bit though if we uh if we do that one um yeah i think we're doing enough damage now because we're like one-shotting everything uh being able to survive some of these hits though i think might be the thing he's gonna throw some nets at us we'll do this one let's try i'm going to put archers over here with my with my healer and we got three more of us so yeah we'll do like that that's and that oh yeah when is that is um when's the flight that's this it's just here in a few days isn't it um let's see um you uh you got a nasty damage here i'm gonna start yeah let's crank some in some health into you and then you like one shot and you're dead 600 there and a little more intelligence oh it's it's today four hours from now it's gonna be tough he's gonna raise the dead everything else man i don't know this is gonna be a tough one um [Music] [Music] okay as long as we there we can group a group up just fine because they're going to be no way oh no my priest okay my warrior okay good my priest is dead uh can i i can't oh i could i could halfway through the fight i could revive them oh well those little blue things keep becoming a lot more important oh man look at the damage um i think they might they might not maybe it's not a maybe that's not a necromancer maybe it's just a summoner let's go uh yeah we'll take out some grannies this doesn't seem too bad even though it says it's really bad a whole bunch of archers oh okay we can block some arrows i'm not putting i don't know if we should go out there or not c3 can do that um please shoot fast and then we just send her out or send the doggy out because the doggy is gonna go charging in there you're gonna go you're just gonna go to the back row and chew them up okay or you'll make a hotnet oh no the thing that we all knew was gonna happen just happened oh man there's no healers those healers were doing more than i thought they were oh no i'm out of it the day nets away this is why melee versus range is not a not a very uh successful uh thing man uh well we got one guy left um level up i think we'll surrender this one man i still get stuff though for winning a few that's good i got some cash i need to replenish some cash strength potion hey andy how you been andy long time no uh no no screen name talk um let's give uh you some of that so maybe a little speed buddy and uh i guess we're gonna wait for everyone to revive at least i got some money on that doggy you can have some strength i'm gonna give them to you as well um yeah nice guy thanks andy all right uh we'll uh we'll i guess we're gonna fast forward some things undead from the iron mountain i can't do anything about this i think i could love those things though i can buy buy back four how much five i'm going to save them yeah i could put points in the movement speed it just seemed like it seemed like such a pointless thing i discovered a reason why we want to have it just now intelligence no thanks another item discount day okay so some of them are coming back if they'll probably be back by the time it's done actually new items one more cheap i could pop a hat on on one of these archers or maybe my i don't know if it's worth it but a uh cheapo half off staff level 13 staff twenty intelligence six agility melee damage against burning targets increased [Music] i need to get something more for uh for what's your face oh full archie here i can't afford those things though it's really 12. that's kind of cheap um i'll buy this for archie there you go archie you died and you're kind of worthless but there you go we still think you're all right okay new gladiators um too fancy there okay everyone's back during the life get it before it's over we had a few groups of very peculiar undead descend from the hollow mountain and attack the city something's not right i need you to go up there and find out what is going on thanks uh rocco for five months what do you say unusual we've never had barrel undead rise spontaneously from the hollow mountain not a single report of crimson mist appearing over the past decade the altitude keeps it snowbound second they are too old barely have any flesh on them we have never seen feral undead spontaneously risen by crimson mist in this form my thoughts exactly yeah not spontaneously risen uh-oh okay we only get four of us versus all of these uh these guys what do you guys do you uh once i do more damage you deal damage by punching folks block things dodge things it's not so tough you're all just melee stuff what are you gonna do to me firebolt localized text not found um i'm gonna put in we'll put in uh samara because she's the best i'm gonna put in this guy to defend the front we'll put in an old bug guy here who really needs some gear now i could i could micromanage this and swap things around but i um don't really want to do that i'm too lazy for that i don't want to do that uh here you go in there and um which one you use faster where are you at so your speed is 15 and your speed is 11. what's your speed 14. okay so quick all right so i want you to go after this the mage you you you you you come on buddy you go up the mage and you stay back here and do that she'll shoot him also all right fight look at samara back there she's a beast rock on that uh pole arm buddy i'll keep my eye on what's really happening up on that mountain okay good idea i would like a uh 720 health thing seems pretty cool five strengthen i'll see the health and give me some of the blue things that's really good okay who wants some health i think uh this guy wants it um there you go and then archie can have that one okay we have another big event coming up pretty soon hey remember that bomb boy whose family we salated and then kidnapped and brought to the church of the undead oh you did that we did work well kind of well he's here for revenge although i have oh my god look at his name look at it he'll leave us be and travel away i'm a story character that's fantastic that is that is ten times better than i thought i thought it was gonna be a random name thrown into the game somewhere it may it might still be it might just be coincidence either way no cream the twisted i couldn't think of a better better name myself um i um i kind of like the guy [Laughter] uh yeah let's fight um let's get him this guy is gonna be he's gonna be real good i just have a feeling he's grateful every time a gladiator gets healed gladiators intelligence increased there's no healing going on here unless it's mine he's gonna raise the dead he's also going to be kind of scary okay i didn't know your damage he's raised the dead all right let's take out this guy getting that myself that's right uh seven of us so all but one's gonna go out there i'm gonna leave um uh bernie mike you might be pretty good because they'll raise the dead and you can burn them down so we gotta go with these guys are gonna come out here we're gonna make sure you hit those archers real quick put you on the edge so you can pluck those that archer down and maybe me uh we'll put this and you and then we've got two more we'll put in heels heels back a little further um yeah and bernie can hang out here too i expect a good fight by me where's the dead where's the dead being raised i'm i'm the worst he's been dealt with also we found some gold on them i know i wish i'd the dark arts can give you long life but sometimes that can come at a cost so you became a grandpa within 12 years and then you live 200 years like that ones who can afford mana crystals can extend their lives quite a bit but yes that can also be the cost this boy as it appears was advancing extraordinarily quickly in the dark arts and his body has suffered awful rapid transformations as a consequence nasty stuff man i should have let him live because i want to see the story continue i don't know if it does but now i regret killing myself okay uh all right uh all along i was in here looking for myself in in uh in the market but there is okay i'm quite pleased i'm i'm quite pleased um please enough just call let's we should just go out on ohio just end the stream here because it doesn't get any better than this this is it this is the high note if you're looking for something more exciting than that it's not gonna happen i should have spent my money on more gear before i got in here uh well all right so let's take um that's a bunch of archers i'm not doing it this time i'm gonna go the easy route i know you're gonna it's kind of lame but um there's only five of us we have learned that i need a healer okay oh i need oh there's six okay is that be able to do that oh i don't know how many hit points do you have 620 and you have how much five five ninety all right what do you gotta has to go uh archie you're out and uh i think curtis is gonna what you get out of here okay hey jaredos you missed everything everything there's no point now oh man on the first fight i lost a big man uh i can resume some of those uh gems i'm gonna have to i have to have them okay we got a couple of necromancers here which aren't so tough i'm gonna stick with the easy ones because i don't want people dying here uh eight of us so we put everyone out just i need a button put them all out [Music] okay uh no fires coming out doggy go get uh go get that guy i knew oh we got him still nice okay uh next bunch of peasants uh these are all these are all archers a bunch of peasants here also in a level 20 archer um yeah we can i can do this one we only get five people on that one i really want a button the devs watch this i don't give out requests much i just play and enjoy the game but i have a i have a request i really want a button that i can just like like maybe a few different buttons like my my four team my five team uh or like my a team i can put out if there's like four of them put them all out there you know that kind of a thing i want one of those now uh i put the wolf out they're just gonna throw nets at him but he's gonna keep those archers distracted so he's gonna do it and then we can we can have like you know murdock or whatever out there for our a team oh no both my archers are dead oh my priest is dead this is supposed to be an easy fight my dog is dead oh no please swing man i got some some armor don't die don't die i don't have enough gems or heal everybody swing again man i leveled up um i'm gonna take what was block block his strength right yeah okay the question is who do we res next fight is i gotta go with the easy stuff um six of us can go in there how many can i how many can i rest margog is five you're five is everyone five there's a four i can do one more if i plan that properly put it in two more so um i mean i gotta have samara she's the best didn't say five and i had oh yeah can i can end archie joan and mist are gone [Music] okay um let's do our thing where we focus on uh on the corner here i couldn't have been you that died rift weaver i'm sorry i don't mean it that way you're just the worst she's gonna die immediately oh man what's the damage is that is that archer man that guy that guy destroyed us man it's not gonna happen oh man i can't win this one oh man i'm gonna faint staff though well you know what um i think whenever i when i post this vod on the uh on the channel i think i i i kill nukriam and then i and then i end it i think my my downfall was not doing these rings of death uh because that was that's a good experience and it's easy experience to level us up because we we hit up we sort of things are going so easy and then we just hit a wall and everything kind of fell apart there at the end anyway there uh there's gladiator guild manager i'm gonna i'm gonna end it here this is this is a as good time as any to industry
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 21,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nookrium, youtube live, live stream, nookrium gameplay, live, strategy game, gameplay, sandbox, indie game, Gladiator Guild Manager gameplay, Gladiator Guild Manager, game, auto battler
Id: a-NaABHm9ZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 23sec (7523 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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