KeeperRL Livestream - New Alpha 26 Update!

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you [Music] welcome to the Friday livestream it is time for uh another late night stream for uh well for me anyway late night and fen phen T stick oh yeah it sure is isn't it Adam wolf so yeah so we're gonna be playing some alpha 26 of keeper RL which apparently I didn't play 25 I thought I did but I don't think I did so we've got all kinds of new things here to try out this game has changed quite a bit it's game if you're not familiar with it is fantastic I love this game you push right button here so um first off welcome everybody I got you know see I told you I'm this happens every time what if I try this hang on I'm very yellow now is it less oh no it's still a little bit a little bit over here with my chair whatever whatever okay so yes giant if that's right everyone run and tear so yeah today is keeper RL time and if you're not familiar with the game it's a really good one it's you know a lot of people always ask me about a like a simpler version of Dwarf Fortress I'll play a game it's sort of like a simpler version - Hortis and the comments are always rejoice whoa simpler version at door fortress in and there's other ones that are like boo simpler version 2 or fortress but for the ones that are happy this is your game this is very duel fortress esque but far less complex for better UI and and still a lot of fun though a couple front ways you play you can build a fortress mode you can play adventure mode if you wish this new version has allowed us to where we can now build outside bases so yeah it's very it's very exciting so uh so we're gonna do today havean how's it going hey bomb and I'm wolf is here everyone in the discord has been threatened by a bomb so we should see all but all 300 of them in here today otherwise it's curtains yeah dwarves are bad news games you either love it or hate it or you think it's okay yeah one of those exactly exactly that so we have kind of a big a big weekend planned or I do anyway muv I don't know what you have planned but I do because we're streaming tonight for three hours or so however long we we can handle keeper RL and then I'm gonna go to sleep sleep for eight hours and so if I'm lucky and then I'm gonna get up and I'm gonna stream some more tomorrow at about noon my time which is which is almost exactly 12 hours from now we're gonna stream again and then 12 hours later that night we're gonna stream again so we've got three live streams in a 24-hour period it's crazy around here it's a it's yeah crazy around here oops says vien took the words right out of my mouth so again I've got the bitrate turned up a little higher I turn it up last stream to keep things a little bit fancier looking I've had that kind of kind of low I'll keep I've headed around 3500 kind of thinking maybe that was sort of some of my problems my upload rate should be good enough for what I'm at now which is 5k so we'll see how it goes it's colleges our colleges out now they should be it by now right I would think so stream pocalypse yes that's what this is excellent name for it you know we also need to do I'm a just I haven't recorded I actually I realized so I posted that sure tomorrow I'll explain the second dusty monk tomorrow in an a in 12 hours or so we'll be trimming frost punk with the new the new endless mode and then at night I'm gonna be doing kenchi and candy for like two hours and then after that actually I don't know I we have a few different things we'll vote on it let's see we want to play and they play some more Scifo we may play if if I do get if I end up getting a key if I get X 4 we'll play that I'm along the way we play that and stuff instead of Frost punk somewhere in there we may play that as well so things may change but will this be a video to watch later yes it will freaky crews go to bed I know you're tired I'm tired too hey you burger flipper Oh what was I saying before I was rudely interrupted by dusty monk I don't know what it was Oh oh so it is December first which means I have to do my channel update which is what I do the first day of every month and I haven't recorded it yet so what we might do at the end of the stream is just do like a live version and I might just squeeze it in there might be what we do so that or I'll have to record it after the after the stream who knows we may it would do with it well we'll do it after the end unto the end so yeah let's place some of of this game right here so out 426 let's pull up the old the ol thing here this thing let's see what we have here oh by the way this so this is like I guess technically free games month is over but this is a nice grand finale to that keep our our our technically is a free game you can download it for free from its own IO I think an get from here as well I guess it's through itch yeah you can get for it for free if you wish or you can also donate I don't know how much you donate donate $15 to any wildlife charity you show the receipt to the dev this is a 1:1 dev show here and they'll give you the game for free hey does sometimes so this it's free two ways or you can just go to steam and pay and buy it for 15 bucks I think it's on humble as well on their main page as well so yeah you can pay this game you can pay for it you donate or just buy that right 900 bucks has been donated so far look at that anyways let's look at the the news here 426 news so those games changed a bit I thought I played 25 I mentioned before I don't think I have though cuz I came out back in July I thought I'd played it let me look at this up Hama I'm a little bit confused and let's let those take a look here look and see what Chuck out the old YouTube channel it's this guy named new priam see what he has here because there's been a few things I was reading and there's either a lot of changes this time or I didn't put him in recently I know I did play it last year on freakin this month I played the year ASCII version of it last last year am i hiring sure - sometimes the pay is paid it back in march 3rd of this year which was adventure mode i played the time before that was last free games month exactly a year ago today in fact and then a year ago the month a year before that so game a lot don't I this game is great it's fine so I guess it's been a few months so I guess it was before 25 so 25 is new as well so let's go down the list I suppose and explore with it's like well first off explain what the game is the idea here those new that are not familiar with a game at all we are a dungeon keeper this is sort of a dungeon key mixed with Dungeon Keeper and dwarf fortress and rim world kind of a blending of all of that yes free version is a ski only and no sound here the the idea here is we are a word Dungeon Keeper our job we moved into this new valley and we've decided that we have decided to set up shop this is our new home we want to live here and we need to summon some imps to get to digging into the mountain eventually all the foul things in the world like like the like the undead or trolls and goblins and orcs will start kind of strolling into our gates and saying hey I would like to work for you when you say sure come on come on in come live here and you can do whatever you want to do so we'll build a bit of a base into the mountain previously but now we can actually build outside we can build the castles and things and we'll sort of rampage around the world destroying the humans and the dwarves and and all the good in the world we would destroy throughout the the land is how this works all starting from from humble beginnings just a lowly sorcerer but now we can be a white knight keeper so we've got three different ways we can be a typical magician mage of some kind a dark mage write some sort of sorcerer we can be a dark knight who begins I think with iron working skill basically yours is like you're like a frontline fighter I don't know what else it does for you or there's also the white knight keeper so you're like you're like a a happy human you're not really the friendliest guy cuz you still go around killing the human tribes and things but you can be the white knight who gives you the ability of archery I believe we can now build outside buildings we can build our very own castle if we want to if it was written in here I think it's written in the new game mechanics in this page where is it where is it where is it yes you can go wild and build a castle which we are going to go wild today and build a castle that's the plan previously you can only build inside we have a new dungeon leveling system so right before we had man oh yeah they like kill things and you get mana to learn to learn texts and things now we go through and you just roll 'evil your thing there's all kinds of other things we'll cover all that later let's just play the ding game okay let's play the dang game what's my name in it Oh let's pick first I'm gonna be a wizard a knight or a less evil nice character is new the game it's not fully fleshed out yet recommend not recommended for new players that's fine we're gonna build a castle so we're gonna go with that guy look at this guy with the horns though managed to dream dungeon defend against raids this guy's both do the same thing and this one it says less evil you're still kind of evil though what's my name gonna be my name is gonna be what's my name gonna be weird me burns flipper today burns flipper it seems like a nice Mormon mage named burns burns flip is our name because it doesn't fit did it work I hate this miss burns flip okay is my name I am a male I am a keeper oh yes keeper white knight is my name senior bomb start new game okay so we've got a few different to play in this game as well we can go in campaign mode which is kind of your typical mode you start out you are just somewhere we're right here at home site we can bounce around various other instances basically and attack these other kingdoms like the dwarves or the OE the doors are my Ally oh we are actually going for the bad guys being the white knight Oh check that out okay oh hey Travis how's it going we can play in free play where this one's cool because we can pull up add retired dungeons so these are like regular folks that have played the game we can go in and we can add them into our dungeon am I gonna be in here I might miss may be in there another mm-hmm what can I say these names we grab me these folks and just throw them into our dungeon and that's some real a real person that has made a why is that why is that hidden by auto mod bar super is a terrible fry cook why what's so wrong with that [Laughter] so this is a real person's castle dungeon which you can what you can do you can you can save your dungeon and then other folks can come along and attack the thing we can also go into single map which is actually my favorite one where it's just us on a giant world everyone else is sort of in there hey Donny and Emily endless movie no that is I guess we're gonna go with campaign mode for this one yeah well he campaign mode I suppose I'm a little torn about having dwarves as my ally and more working room Oh map here we got so we have Cyclops around to our villains we have spiders around there are villains only two things next to us and then the ogres are a villain as well so we're trying to make friends with folks like dwarves more dwarves we got another a main villain here as a dungeon keeper down that way okay let's try this one out and see how it goes sure hey Justin welcome to the late-night stream welcome to Apple 26 was released just a couple days ago many things added yes we know we don't even know it's thinking tutorial I know what we're doing okay remember what I'm doing okay so this is me bar slipper the keep I am just a wee lad I don't even have a helmet yet as I level up I will get cooler I've got some peasants around me who are helping me do various jobs they're basing my imps I can give them jobs however now I can go through and I can just order them around and do new things you know I can say hey go chop some trees down please doctor trees Dixon dig some stuff into the mountain that kind of a thing or I can actually take control them I can say hey you control put I can throw anybody and we can walk around this way it sort of reveal the map what was that up there there's a big pig up there so much my peasants are over there doing all the jobs cutting trees down they've already done it so we'll continue on but we can get kind of an idea what's going on we can also see the way extra control mode we can also see up here there is some ore in the mountains we can even go in control peasant as well it's very important very important that see you you very important that we have a peasant named backpack crucial crucial to our success the backpack is now here uh now what I'm gonna go for a castle let's see how this works you can also see so that goat goat so as things as things progress as we get a bit of a kingdom going things will come along and they'll say hey we want to live with you people like peasants or goats apparently and caspin the knight who everyone has a trait now he hates all elves don't we all and so he'll be a fine guy to join in so as soon as we can he wants an iron training dummy and abasement makes it bed then we can say come on in well uh well let you join in don't worry backpack dies there's always another one behind let's go and yeah dig good chop some trees down I mean we're gonna go with wooden walls I guess it sounds like a really bad idea if I can do wooden walls I don't know I haven't tried this we could build a wooden building there we go let's do it so let's build a little like a keep we may be we have to be involved because it's good to be able to dig into the wall get all the materials we're gonna go something like just a little one for right now just just a tiny little keep here I'm sure that's cool and we'll look and get to work I'm gonna mosey around doing let's not much of meaning they know dig in the walls all right speed up speed if we want speed up to speed we can do I need more gold in a beasts cage for a goat apparently so on this map we're playing on campaign mode so it's gonna be me there's me a few other folks around here as well we're gonna have obvious there's boars around it's putting me some bandits around here as well Oh door right doors doors are kind of important let's put it on this side so I can just put it in there hang on hang on wooden door right there right maybe I need to have probably have it built first what are you banging the dog is your name mm-hmm okay so you guys want storage room I'm gonna bed and put some resource storage I'm gonna toss it to sort of outside right here for rent shift right there for now it's not that wood in there and get to work making things pyramid shaked Castle hey Magnus backpack will lose an arm why why would you lose an arm that wouldn't be a backpack it'd just be a sling hey Bob what did you do to the autumn on you and Justin oh could you spell it that stick that's why cuz spelling spelling matters hey cannon all right so we build up this thing here we want to make sure we get some things like some I guess some beasts cage is set up so we can get these guys and you wanna be's cage as well can I make those this may not go well because we're we're pointing to die pretty quick here I want to see this stuff we in cages beasts cages [Music] insulations beast cage I don't know where the stuff is quarters do I OPH sure we'll get some beasts in here get set up I'm gonna wait my door in set it right in there so there is my house now in my house I would like a better floor I would like a wooden floor please in my house and we need more trees don't we so let's go to my trees chopped down get to work slobs there's me I'm gonna go do a bit of exploring just kind of see what's going on here in the world make sure there's no evil things like moose moose are evil I think as a white knight I begin with archery I believe it also a wild boar over there there's some mushrooms kind of mushroom are you defense mushroom I will take you with a G just like a he right oh good that okay pick up some mushrooms along the way a bit and we'll go and kind of explore our surroundings here and see what we got there's nothing terrible over here there may be a dragon nearby you know what kinds of terrible things can i zoom out another force are very good we need lots of wood there's probably like a little village over here's well you can see that question mark on the mini-map means there's somebody living over there see oh here's somebody back here maybe I shouldn't be maybe I shouldn't send my keep around so the whole point of the game is don't get your don't let you keep your dying so I'm gonna come back here my house does have enough no doesn't it I want to now that I have beasts cages I'm gonna bring bill amongst the priests I'm gonna bring Locke the dog sure I'm gonna bring goat his name is goat I'll have a gold for a goat but have enough for a dog whatever I'll bring both our dogs in so here they come coming to join me now go get more trees please you guys are sitting around doing nothing get more trees or trees get some rocks - it's fine watch out for that moose I will take backpack to go do some exploring there's population cap yes we have popular up up 10 that'll go up as our level as our dungeon levels up doing our forces we want to go ahead and put in I guess quarters is where people will live what do you want you want a wooden bookcase in a basic bed I will do that I will build on let's build like a little talent wooden building let's build a little thing over here can I do it like this and in control yeah I got bunk house and there's gonna be poorly defended what just happened that board doesn't need something like that see in here did you just eat my dog yet take that there's a boar corpse and a boar head on the ground alright alright except mode so normally you can build undead things I can't do that here right I can make it I can make a torture table I can whipping post gallows is still there I don't see there's graves but I think graves are different corpses are stored there but they're not they're not the same as like being able to raise it did that's kind of a bummer but that's okay the boar eat the dog dog killed by boar a great ready to collect corpses and we'll try it we'll try it throw in a or is it what why is he wooden yes what happened why is he oh he's saying on that stand on them the funk all right we can't make an undead army and normally as a keeper but I don't think we can't as this guy wandering the gnome wants things I'm missing he's gonna be like a crafter priest some swimming will heal us he wants a bed and a bookcase which we're gonna do that in here when putting some floors down we'll give them the this floor oh no he's fine put that in there we're gonna get some beds basic beds like that and we'll put in a bit of a bookcase I suppose people want that wouldn't bookcase I remember to put doors in here one of these days I just do it like this now let me alone no I can't leave that out real quick okay let's fill it up there let's a word there come take this thing out hey Andy how's it going we don't do doors in this in this place it's um I go okay take care of it is that how you well remove walls I don't know if I'm doing this right whereas we do this way hey everybody how's it going uh no leave me alone I know he's wounded can you fix yourself do you not heal oh I don't want to heal on my guests all right this is a little different hey wrote it hey you you you come here can you come do this can you come and make you commands or Z insulation pick remove or remove it installation remove construction there it is okay got you that works I think we built I think we bought the place we can't get into we have failed already why can't I remove the wall remove floor can we attack the thing orders prioritize that we go to remove that you come in it's ok it's ok we're fine yeah we got it we got it yeah your moose I see you ok so you know break a hole in that thing put a door in there in the second don't you worry things would be fine in a second pretty bit of click corpses let's go ahead and set that thing up I just set it outside here right there okay there we go we got a hole now kill you leader greatly lower the morale of this tribe and stops immigration I want a door a wooden door to go right here we're gonna put in a wooden bookcase if I can don't you for this of course technology of sorcery so I can't even do that you want an iron trained on me about which we might be able to do we don't be iron if we wanna make a dummy it sent a little bit of effort as well to get there we can make a wooden dummy though I'm gonna set that one over here where the dogs are okay anyone here wanna join me Ford's or workshop or jeweler for the Goblin or the the gnome peasant for gold you need a forge or workshop or a jeweler let's make a workshop I'm gonna set it right over here in the corner another dog in now you doing better now I'm very fast speed so things will come and attack us along the way which is probably why that's kind of a bad idea nobody can get into the mountains and get kind of safe we're not doing that but I do want to dig and get back here somehow let's dig just up this way and then we can come over here and then dig this out that guy's meat training over there okay good I'm gonna build yeah that's fine will you go give me some trees while you're at it while you're doing nothing over here is the rest I'm will go get some some trees I guess I don't a stone for that probably normally the keeper does our magic bells I don't think I do I am so I have a limit of may magic spell training with one so I can't do magic really but I'm a little 12 of fighting so I'm a good fighter I'm all about melee stuff you have a gnome we can bring the gnomes in we'll bring them in yeah come on in gnomes get to work we got one of those so one gnome will come in and start joining us wherever they are and they can start making things we come over here I can tell them to make leather armor out of wood helmets gloves boots clubs torch sure hey jiggle so he's a she's up there working part of that okay now I do want to go explore a little bit hang on who are you where's backpack backpack come here come here so explore go see what's up here in the mountains what'd you see a damaged mushroom I'll take it who lives up here okay look it's right up against the door who lives back here it's very who are you here a dark elf oh um hello I think he saw me I don't think he saw me he didn't see me huh oh yes okay he sees me now back back run okay backpacks gonna die so he found the dark caves there's someone else that lives over here too we need to use this path and dig into their dark as gonna be a problem we're not to go kill them so let's go murder them let's hire some folks to do that we have a knight who wants dummy we can't do that we can bring it some dogs though yeah bring in dog anyone what beast cage let's go make some of those build a beast cake you like a more of those does it still play out where you want to have things around here looking good I think it does you want more light yeah you probably do it's dark in there installations torch there you go I'll put one over here and over there all right plenty of woods getting hauled around gathered over there we've got my my gnome right here sleeping morale is a little low for some reason you an archery target I will get you one and get a Bowman in throwout when I throw it right in here I'm gonna make two of those like that let's go ahead and get a bit of a building set up more building right number of things that work together okay another billion to go right in here is gonna be a big stockpile them in here in here big stockpile room I know that's and remove ads have a doorway there we'll do it right this time okay don't you worry science train I got it this time you know what game you calm down I got this build some torches inflation is torch so along the way we're gonna makes we're gonna want to make some traps and things as well over here plenty of torches plenty of trees and chocolate lots and lots of wood we got even more down here if we want which I'm gonna head and tell them start working on things if I get more cash I think I can bring in more peasants what do you archery more beasts cases what's your name robitussin Robin Stein I want to what is it what's the prioritize prioritize these beasts cages and that thing if all castles begin as as a village that's just I want to dig there's I don't need gold yet but I will take iron what are you grant that's up here we'll take all of that okay we'll get the golden minute we had a wall going in a bit don't you worry no no no no one's joining us we have a priest heir Amir it's a wooden bookcase which I can't do yet and I can get spells somehow you make that stuff yet you didn't make that stuff why do you why are you pretending like you didn't oh you probably did that probably took it didn't I do I have it yeah I got I got a armor anyway on me so there's be a stockpile room over this way we will set up you think those cages are you guys doing so it's not working prioritize some more things prioritize there we go some things getting made pressurize it's a couple of those and I want to get this one done and it's good it's a wall done Oh case is a real hard now I don't get spells these are supposed we get along the way if one strike level one we can heal self and summon insects and all that but we can't do that because we're a fighter nology we want sorcery I'm not entirely sure how we get that unless we just get it along with the level increases once you conquer things and you get points which goes towards your the castle and those these dogs all seem to be taking away from my from my population although either no dog in here and we'll take a vote the Bowman went away Oh a goat increases population a little limit by one yeah come on here which face I will take under the bed for I don't need any more beds we're gonna make a couple more beds over there look we got an archer excellent yeah good don't do things let's make take all the dogs I'm going to command them let's go find something to kill just do a little bit of exploring we know where the Dark Elves are but we got to find out what this thing is this over here uh yeah it's good point I guess presence will count as population either oh hello you are orcs what's your thing you just a fighter fighter well we're gonna we're gonna fight we're gonna die no we died already I'll be this guy okay died already what are we okay we know where the orcs are good job dogs let's go look over here there's something over to our south ear what is this there is oh these are peasants it's just a bandit they're 22 attack my attack is 22 as well he's coming for me a few I'm coming for me so we found a bandit town did the band just attack this place this is no this is like a peasant town that was slain by bandits there's a edge of our map anything else over here they should've left me alone anything else is sore maps are pretty small on this this mode see anyone else over here okay so there's our there's our whole map it's good job dog you made it back well done I'll take two more dogs I'll take a Bowman we'll continue on and a borei here we go so I think first we got to go with is the the bandits over here we'll go slaughter them as soon as we can the archer should go and can I tell you yeah training is good I can sign you quarters as well afternoon hey mercenary oh yeah he's a very a door fortress feel to it so in order to get that if I can't it's a fountain do for us this is luxury candelabrum luxury yeah here you go have one of those fancy in there the storage room is done so I'm gonna wooden set this thing up as as storage for equipment that way it's all equipment we get tossed into there like that club on the ground according to 25 all right weapons for our minions yeah we certainly do let's go get some gold you know what's right over here I was saying I didn't want it but maybe we do we get we can get some goats and take some we got that we are working on making some things we'll go ahead and some more stuff I will make make a bow for my bowmen a couple those only and I know what a hand torch does I make one round of everything else there we go hey Duke village how's it go this game you get from it's everywhere a steam hitch it's on humble I'm curious I would love extra archery training potential means this guy's really good I would love to have him my kid do I just level up maybe and then we get the ability to get more spells is that how that works normally you would go and well I guess yeah normally as a normal keeper you begin with the sorcery the sorcery spell one which unlocks the wooden bookcase we don't have that though we have ironworking I think gives us no we don't because that's iron dummy which we don't have either I don't know what we get with this guy interesting I know the priests over here wants a wooden bookcase we cannot give it to him let me see if we get oh this this jogging in here which I can in some granite so make some things out a stone if we can good my Amina's will go grab that stuff on their own I'm gonna make a wooden a stone a building I'm wearing something like this a nice wall that goes around our place look look how much of a castle looks like now there's all the castle comments something like this for now well dig into the wall something like that I'm way short on what I need but it's something I will I will not wall myself in I know you thought I was gonna do it but I'm not I'm gonna remove those two that's our way out that's where I main doors going to be now I got you Travis I saw it before well dig in we're gonna go dig like that so we can get into the back way okay so we got stash over there hey once you go pick up that mushroom can't tell you just up grab it can't tell you just to fetch not Friday fetch fetch that no these are stone walls he's wailing in all this stuff we gotta get more it's gonna be more there we may not have enough to lay something else back here back here - oh there's a lot more things around way up stuff up here - okay what's all this blue stuff oh that's that okay understood I'm confused what is this you can't get back there you must oh maybe this leads into them I don't think you did I think you did other gloves so how are you doing buddy you were at level full of are you right you're at level 3 right now as you train you'll get better at er level 17 plus 3 with your hit my bow thank you a bomb you stick around little while welcome to stay and chat everyone else get out yeah holy miner the question marks nothing bad happens there this guy has like a thing around which it means he's kind of fancy he's a fast trainee I would like to have him but I cannot have him nothing we can do is we can go the floors we can add anything like carpet and stone which is people like that better right luxury goes up does that make you train faster is that still a thing luxury point zero or 0.1 I'm assuming they'd be better if it was higher there this is a terrible looking castle who made this thing I guess the bones aren't gonna raise from the dead anymore either I would like if we wanted to make I can't afford that that's good we can do a prison torture table use it torture prisoners free population slot required for torturing let's go and put up a torch out here people can see us we need some doors will make the let me can what is that adamantine we want a wooden door I guess because it's too far away fine we got this going so we can put in a door there now wooden door the strongest of doors Oh over there okay I'd like to get in from this way we're gonna we're a fast forward is thing and just grab a bunch of materials here and haul them back bring an iron in which we start making iron things I think once we get to make it more bows once we get to the ability to make where is it there's iron dummies we want to forges person ology ironworking interesting stupid or on here I think we problem is soon we need more malevolence before we go that so we can go out to the outside map which is what T yeah so here's us we've got spiders around we've got Cyclops around and ogres nearby we can go venture to if we want to we're not gonna do that just yet we gotta go kill the things that are near us first we can set up a team of archers dogs and not peasants and go kill those things I think maybe it's about time for that conquer a tribe yeah yeah we'll do we'll get there we'll get there make know maybe take out these folks let's say we've got if arches I don't have a frontline guy except for me and I don't wanna be frontline I will die I do have a sword helm gloves I got all the stuff I have a torch in my hand I need my own little house I think of anything let's build out real quick build my house out of wood it's gonna be over here my little house isn't over there no drawbridge is not only we do moti they can take a pit Billy missed on water or lava we'll fill it up we can build a moat let's do it let's do that we'll get a bridge right there I'll take all this out and take a time up to there and we'll dig over here as well I can take you a long time my wasting time with this probably dig that out and then we're gonna get a little bit of a tunnel going up here to the water oh you're welcome Inquisition sill the door the priest I think what we need to do is we got a herd of dogs let's go look do this you can do this dog's name is luck you got to be good bring some arches with you and um yeah I'll come along sure why not now I'm gonna be in charge of this place it's not control myself now come on everybody let's go on a mission a mission to kill him along dogs let's see if we can find everyone take a nice and easy there's the bandits right there so if I need to fire I don't have rain woman I'm gonna wait they will start shooting how good are they I'm at 30 attack they are 23 attack dogs come in ideally the bowmen would not be front line good job one dead what a mind in that guy's gone stab them yeah we got him okay good job dog Boise carrying a +8 sword pick it up are you building it wield that sword stab he has a healing potion take it he has got +9 sword take it I will wield it okay getting better +8 sword and a torch you you're gonna my guys oh no he's still alive buddy drink a potion I should probably give it I can't actually give it to you I think I can switch to Lear I want to be him or look for a potion keepers he's fine he's fighting a bantam he's fine he'll be all right he dies I lose the game scroll of teleport and we look at all this stuff that's on my guy wasn't it I'll take those I'll take the job take Phillip ort okay now I have a bow right I don't wear my buff I had a bow on you yeah well fine whatever I'm a would-be this guy okay let's go get him bite him dog no get him go bandits killed we've got another corpse there I got what's left just me and a dog kick the door down we're coming in who's in here nobody there's a bandit over there get him get him go what's your name Bing ttan tribe the bandits destroyed that's right we did it I'm taking a scroll to teleport I'm taking your sword I'm taking everything kick it in open the chest what do you have five gold pieces oh man I'm rich I can sleep in the bed if I want you can take it in okay bandits dead there was no one here there's no peasants around I guess not all right well let's head on home we did well done Bing ttan turns on back inside and in exit control button okay so now we can tell our our minions to go pick up all the spoils over here we've got let's see if income orders fetch fetch all this oh no it's fine we can always bring more dogs look two new dogs I've already decided to join us no he's sleeping he'd be fine okay lots of entrails are coming in we're getting golden as well finally we've got a little bit of us grant that is iron that we have now I'm level two doing treasure chest for our gold we I don't know I'm a little confused so we know we get points for doing that but I want tech how do I get tech because I don't have a bookcase exile I'm normally a bookcase I guess I booked it doesn't give you tech I think you just need to I don't know where we get new tech from or what how you do that follow the orange hints got it so I guess we'll just keep going on here and hoping that we will level up and we'll gain the ability to get new tech I'm not entirely sure how we do that so uh we'll find out they'll they said they'll grab the corpses and toss it over here and and get a bit of a graveyard going over here if we were an evil keeper that would raise undead minions which will be great another bowmen Oh two more bowmen this guy is slow he's an idiot but he's got better defense little treasure chest yeah I'll do that gonna put in my house down here I need a door I need a stone door I think iron door that'll do put it right there and I want a bring gold in I want red carpet in my house thank you and I we also would like a bed I want a luxurious bed I make a fine bed I'm not greedy and then I'm gonna have my chest my wherever it is or was it I can't find anything in this game there is treasure chest so I go right here next my bed I can't build a floor my help menu 500 bucks I can't know which once we get this stuff moved in we came and start touch it into my my new my treasure chest I'm working on building if I set up a order of prioritizing a that I'm gonna make but a moves the camera controlling shifting no it's not a skull throne we're good people I might play I I might be for me x4 yes if I get a key for it I'll do it I may buy it increases luxury by 1 increase population living by 10 cars at least level 10 that's what it does move this chat appear love it you better so this has been dug we should flood this place take a la a lot of flood and to do it what got a goat I can get another peasant as well I can build a horse get a horse and I'm ready the peasant where's the horse go where we did with a horse has are increasing my population where you going are you going there's the goat I suppose the goat should go somewhere we can say can I say quarters three I'm mark this one off this is three I live at quarters number one obviously down this way yes I am in that bed to get up mind that one and I would like to have that healing potion where to go my poison someone must've trained so if we want to do this it's the only water it's over there swank over there whose idea was it to build a moat let's go dig dig a pit okay so we're gonna go like this wrong one this and then this way and then this we don't want to completely block it in so cancel I can't cancel because I can't get over we're gonna build bridge build a bridge over it I'm hoping we can put a bridge over it it's not what to go around sure it is there I am I got my cash in here 147 bucks to my name now right there next to my to my spot I probably should get a let's see I need I'm gonna need a torch in here I think we guys we want a candelabrum my thinking here right next to bed bill barricades as well we can do place your minions if you need a morale boost for hanging prisoners increasing luxury and a message board for other players that were playing that way okay let's just keep on digging things out and hope they'll lead us to what we want we've got this way and take all that stuff there's some water back there is it safe to come up here sure it is take that and those and up here crotch out for the Dark Elves I think we can kill some Dark Elves may not be trained enough for that probably only be able to do wooden dummies is we can only lead up to a certain amount so I'm gonna have to build let me see if this works can I go to Bridger for this I can't see if once there's water filling it if we can build a bridge otherwise maybe it might be kind of stuck here not to get a rep to get that under here otherwise there's gonna be no moats down here eh or triggered bottom-left cool or triggered too much gold this thing here so we have all the different folks here and we can leave beating the bandits if four main villains we have to conquer and they are I guess they're gonna be just the keeper up here we've got Dark Elves Green skins and demons apparently I hear somewhere we have to beat all them to win the game oh here they come here they come attacking a 21 no big deal we've killed things tougher that let's grab the the army again no the new army want two archers I want four dogs and can I get another what can I have you need more beasts Cajuns make them that's all we can do or just me like I drew it out here these cages where's it living we'll make this room all about the beasts I just tore my side these cage it is here they come or capture oh hey hang on yeah capture that guy and if this works if we can just throw them on the gallows hang the prisoner let's be inside I know rooms there mrs. partridges no one can reach it oh yeah you're right okay so look at the armies set up gnome peasants for dogs yeah I will lead this expedition all right burns come here don't check bye bye shaman the orc yeah we are maybe the guy mark to be captain I'm not sure there's gonna work really want to just kill him can you guys grab a bow one of these days please your archers swordsmen okay that guy's about to die I think oh did we get him what happened what's that s me he's hostile I saw more of them coming though hate to me it's a moose we don't care about moose there's more man here I know there was there is one of my dead friends I here slobbering my peasant friends there they are all right get them wolves stab stab what do you guys you have plus four armor I will take it my dogs are dying get a dog in there first Oh Mayan critically hit it's maybe a little rough we should build handle this guy you wear this armor okay like to force them equipos stab stab here though cuz I want to I'm gonna force you archer to go and grab a bow I know I have them where they all at all right yeah they're right here go grab that bow so there's that orc it does that mean he's enslaved he's unconscious he's asleep that's what's going on he's just unconscious he's not he's not if he wakes up we're just AB conscious 463 stay back a little bit oh he's dying all right so yeah I think we got it be a torture table torture table I think you're right let's build a structure here wooden building bring some dogs in a horse increase of population limit sure I'll bring him in another goat why not me more more wolves really I'm gonna set this thing over here like that but like a bit of a torture room get a Gunther here join us now you sir I have bows in the base why can't you take them why don't you want a bow you are clearly an archer you don't use those kind of bows you need to be a longbow for you a maverick I'm hoping either stuff we're gonna make it donkey please population by one also plenty of population room I love that more people here we're level two right now how far oh we got aways oh there it is I found it there it is there it is we want hey we got it we want I think ironworking first no I want sorcery look there's the button how long is that button been there okay so if this this place built and we'll turn it into a place for sort of for keepers can I clip a bow I'll maybe you I'm gonna control you because I want you to come over here and pick up that bow and use it equip okay got it I want to control oops Chat Chat archer curses all dungeons Sarita's at a team I'm gonna be him down now you pick up that bow and use it so I'm at a peasant tie and they all died brand Clifton and what's the name sergeant ever these trees here and it's working well it is gonna work because we'll build a little bridge over that I think engage with a bore yeah yeah where'd you come from um step oh yeah now we're good we're good we cut his head off alright let's eat him let's eat no I can't eat it no okay never mind never mind never mind so I think we can come over here at a structure and that's it yeah we can't build a bridge of that okay cool cancel that all right so this will be all right we'll get these tree chopped down we'll build this moat and we'll be a check there's a train finally to be archers peasants around doing nothing when there's things to be done hey buddy want you to do some work you see this over here orders prioritize we doing the old mining progress not really really anything because we think all our peasants died we don't any cash to get more peasants so our last peasant need to make sure we get him up getting some gold I want to prioritize this that one please bring in that gold we need that o is all my peasants where are you at alright so I need to get a wooden bookcase we're gonna build a couple of these for these to be exact and we're gonna put they can live in here also put some couple fine bids put two of them in there so we can start bringing in some some mages of some kind you know I countin twitch I get 23 over there on twitch yes thrown to my leader can poop yeah it's very important what on my fainting candelabra look at this room yeah what do you think of that sleeping source of light he's merry in rooms and stuff that we can make when do we get to know if we can or that at that we can see is it question mark we can see our stats and all of our stuff where'd i see that i'm so excited to see it but now oh yeah pillage sure take the courses would i see that hey rad call me here was here wasn't it yeah there it is so I need to get less level subbing is more research I think so we get to get 300 points in order to do that we're gonna have to get a way that also told me what man what I had I have arteries when I begin with torches and put one over here I think dog level up also yeah they're all level 22 they can't gain level by training they do get it by fighting I think Hebert sleeper verse look flip has gained a level in spell which means he can now heal self under tech my aunt's well that's not very good where are the ants act under tech by ants how many that means we can see them oh look there we found him these guys are tough that's the leader right there 36 okay um it's kind of bad I can bring a priest in real quick okay I need to get an army set up here so I want you guys to be up here yeah that group two archers I need seven dogs and a priest sound like a beginning of a bad joke I'll bring the gnome in also just something for something and I want to make sure we are equipped correctly what do you have you have nothing you have nothing you have a bow and you have no armor why did you not pick up in your armor who knows Bar slipper I want you to control you let's get these ants they're gonna come from this way before moat was done to be a lot nicer we fight him outside we fight him right here all righty here they are okay so here's my spell I have now now heal myself do you have a spell I don't think so all right well fine we'll fight him out there I guess dogs gonna get slaughtered well doggies waiting dog suffers from poisoning giant soldier ant are you the leader you are kill the leader got him leaders dead way to turn stab that one stab stab no yeah this is a nothing just a few ants we can slaughter it's like some dog who's all this so these my peasants yeah peasant arms peasant legs I think I kind of slaughtered over here is that it where's all the other ones that a little disappointed oh you guys you see something oh oh yeah thanks game fighting one at a time I can hear myself it's fine ouch ouch done kill yourself okay now get out all right we did it we lost the entire fort it's just me and three peasants but we did it didn't level up all right so let's go pillage the ants take all the iron ore that they have for some reason we're bringing a gnome we're mean an archer and iron training dummy for you I can't do it yet well I was gonna fight him here but the dog is charged out I was gonna try to fight him through this corridor here but my dogs are gone and gotten slaughtered if I had and a Montague yeah we just lost a few few slobs that's uh that's nice place for the barracks slow crash but that's a terrible I don't want you but I do want more people and I need a door set up but an iron door right there ideally the way that this game works is you start having you start getting some I can't do that yet I need to wait I need to finish this this so peasants get to work you do not train that way you go get a bow I know there's bows around here why don't you get your own bows where are they take that take a helm take some armor you have two bows now take a help hey Josh I'll bring feeling better we'll bring in the priest and Archer and we'll get a bit of our SEP so we've cleared out we sought the Dark Elves to deal with the ants came from this direction - there must have been coming from here I think spring thank you very much so brig is a big reason as to why my lights are looking good by the way [Music] I'm really curious about this what could it be I want to go take it over there so he's over here training to be a priest we're very another one in I can bring a peasant phone spend 30 bucks I don't want to do I need weapons for my minions yeah I do where'd all the weapons go that we had from the orcs all those swords that we had over here are they still out here skeleton skeleton skeleton where they all go are they out here skeletons we had a whole bunch of swords where'd they go the priests yeah we got plenty population we'll bring them in so these guys all can get up to level 9 in spell training so way it works is what's yet right now is yet three he's got 3 right now so when he levels up it's up in here he he now knows these belts he knows he'll self someone insects and he'll other as he levels up can go up to level 9 which brings him up to damage all the way through here someone element summon elements fireballs he can do all this once he gets trained well enough he can't do things like meteor shower whatever but if I was like a better if I was a wizard keeper than I could hey reef let me get this this pit dog out learn to yourself excellent excellent uh what's your thing plus for spell damage yeah a lamby's - excellent peasants aren't real make her way in here once he get this thing filled in oh is that an ant there's naen right there you attack a 19 you talk us to get him peasant wears backpack backpack stick you congratulations are now backpack boy dad a long time ago Oh your backpack okay the guy with a pitchfork yeah there's a guy with a hat backpack Oh tell me what you think of them again oh thank you very much I think that's oh there's a bunch of mech here die ant backpacks on a rampage okay stab come here ant hang on hang on thank you very much they really appreciate it oh man backpack so I am there was I was reading some of this stuff some of the dev notes where do you go we lost him and I think that's kind of in future plans being able to build moats and things like that are not most but towers and things this is just the first stage of that thanks I appreciate that make it as loud as possible it's okay I still like to know where my swordsman dangerous pathway back there but yeah so adding things like I'm getting a tower thing I'm assuming is the thing that will come along eventually kind of assuming like that I don't need torture speaking of torches put some torches in let's just like to stick them around the base here just occasionally these take well good thinking here what's taken over this way like this place up she light up the outside as well I'm assuming has an evil or as a not evil king I can't make the eyeball things like the eyeball thing Dave okay okay my surf devastated the right word take no dog is on Stein the dog his name no instant and boo Stein see you later okay so we have reached the cap on you the more wooden bookcases from a priest I think for priests is probably pretty good I know I know and sleeping in here maybe they don't like the torture chamber that could be a problem I suppose we can move it let's um let's this is supposed to be a prison that we were made in picking over here we never actually finished it put that in there may give him some floor so they can do some learnings we'll do it this way and some of that and now I'm gonna make another structure here or make another wooden building tons of wood and we're stash this one over here we have torture room prisoner II towards the room all that stuff it has a bow right is a sword drop that I want to control you I want this and yeah clip that so you got drop that so you have bow armor and big corpse no pick up some gloves and a helm suppose we'll do their stuff on their own I'm guessing maybe they're quite accustomed to the head harpy's grab bows on their own sure why it's not working well water in the moat hey there we go alright okay let's go and dig a pit right here and we'll put a bridge over it there it is filling in okay and then it'll it'll float its way down here there's gonna be some patches in the moat but otherwise it'll be all right so I can dig a little more and spray like that don't wanna get more priests in you I need some soldiers oh we get more stuff no corpses right so formally go get like torques or the Dark Elves I think maybe we go for the Dark Elves we have a lot of front liners anymore dogs dismiss uh yeah I got ya know make something that doesn't cost much make some and torches so we can see things make a short bow or two and make some Helms boots gloves [Applause] the dogs I got Binger Binger again I was gonna pull up let's see if I can find the names list here before I start streamin I forgot I see if I could bring in some some bees names what is this that's where the doctor I was all right buddy I know you're busy are you gonna you got a busy job here but I gotta go or something wait where was that that was up here so we need to go I can't get there right now never mind backpack go back to doing what you're doing I want to prioritize this though prioritize these three Anthon yeah let's get a bridge set I have it set over here do you a I'm gonna do it to one though and it will put one training dummy where are the before more of those backpack to going on the rampage I think how are you you're way down here so I can't be you the pit is destroyed the pit is destroyed oh that's happening okay yeah kind of panicking here is that my dog Binger hey go chew on something oh good man sir OOP miss him back oh come on stop running away bad at this got him okay next for good I was wondering how good it was I was looking at the the reviews and it had like mixed reviews on Steam I didn't read anything though I don't know what it was Mick what was mixed about it buttons from my minions there's a sort right there who wants who wants weapons [Music] I got 8 of 14 populations we have room for people we need to go get some more advancements and I think with for priests to dogs I think we can do it ok let's grab a new team myself obviously - archers five dogs and four priests to be enough another dog sure bring a sixth dog in I haven't built any rings anything I can't do that till get a forge so we'll get there eventually but we can't yet I could also stand back and just do range stuff if I wanted to actually might be a better idea for me luckily it just died I don't have a front line person other than a dog so I'm Jimmy's guy all right here we go time to go kill some things um yeah let's go ahead I was gonna set that prison room up before I left but we're good go kill some Dark Elves half this way I will lead leave the charge if I die game over so we're not trying too careful here what is that whose bones event a deer skeleton oh hello oh he's sleeping he's asleeping dark elf I'm gonna Saki step to the side so everyone can murder them at the same time Dark Elves head is chopped off dark elf wakes up yeah that's a bad thing to wake up to I'm gonna see what's in your chest there's the leader he's pretty good we steal his stuff there were quick levitation potion Hey okay now uh casting spell he's fully healed he is stabbed I'm wounded at the moment I don't to be in front the dogs in front there oh I got heal but one of my friends who is this guy he's wounded and desperate dark outside been destroyed yeah they have so who are you then oh you're just civilians okay look at all your loot you got well we don't let civilians live this is all you have this is the whole tribe you'll be level up did we level three yeah pillagin take all the stuff I once I went even the dog heads the armored teleport scrolls which we missed somewhere I'll take van deke go the dog I'll take an extra peasant I want to go and level three what do we want I think we want ironworking yeah we got a higher working okay so I are working we can now get some better training dummies I'm gonna build a whole new training room I think this has kind of been taken over by by horses and goats so let's build up a new structure don't have any fit are infinite can't build an iron building let me go to work on you would I'm gonna stash this one back here you can walk you much fur here let's do it this way it's me a training room over here thanks a bomb yeah it does look alright now doesn't it there's some patches and don't worry about those doing over here get back in another dog chipper yeah I don't know why we wouldn't take the dogs in now I want to make sure that this is prioritized trying out the new the new features outside building is that cuz that's a levitation potion I'll be back redraft so then the peasants probably out there grabbing all this junk what is that elven sword what's that drop that what else can you get elven sword +8 okay so ours is better my bowmen pick up the sword though I don't think you can do slaves here you can do you can get prisoners so we can make a prison we're supposed to do here this is our prison we can set up a torture chamber put a iron door on this one and torture table three populations a lot required for torturing I just put it in here I need to get ironed I'm gonna be anti Mantine dummies now yeah I don't have you at man time I don't even how to get it so what's that one of those in here and we'll set one there I really want this guy so I want to prioritize that okay come aboard amber slaw and Leonard the night how tough are you what are you good at you are up to level says level oh do you guys only go to level seven heat go to level nine cuz he's so fancy all right train all right now we have Adam Ant I'm not allowed to use it let's set it up I can make Forge also right I need a room for these guys I sit outside - it here let's make a adamantine dummy I'm gonna set it here and here I don't know how these work hey mom thank you very much gas stream apocalypse that's right that's what's going on is begin I think December might be a little more heavy a little strings just because I've really been enjoying streaming lately like I'll be in here I ever I record at same time is what I what I know mister but right now is my recording time and I haven't kids in bed wife's in bed so I just come back here I hide in my hidey hole and record what I'm in like sitting here recording you know what me a lot more fun if I was just streaming this and somebody's kind of having that streaming itch lately because of the what can I put it there is because of the floor maybe what if I remove that wall put torture spot in there we're gonna x2 no min or a no man do we lose our other one oh we have we have a new forge here now make adamantine swords which I have zero of I can make these any magical weapons magical weapons in order to make a two-hand weapons Pemex swords though armor boots gloves Helms oh it's gone okay let's go put in this torture table right there there we go and that's more like it okay and then we also need to put in the the gallows I guess it's somewhere I mean we have over here it's fine no one wants to sleep in here for some reason anymore why not because this isn't here does this concern you just a problem go sleep in the bed they may not want you cuz these are nicer beds instead of trying to share it we need for you I need another iron dummy for another night extra spell of training potential so I want to kick one of you out goose use you get out of here I want this guy what's your spell training who or how good are you lift Lu su eleven these guys are what nine yeah so that means he can go up to casting things like me your shower you can cast meteor shower yeah we sure would be cool if I get I want better bookcases I need advanced sorcery [Music] mmm okay you might be ready to go attack something um let me go explore supposed to explore where's backpack at where's that guy come here buddy sleeping wake up get off that bed that's not for you let's head out this way and head up where's the UH that is I want to go explore over here and see where that question marking what it leads to oh hello I thought I killed you I thought you were all dead what do you find that you're a 20 I fight at a 19 defended a 12 you didn't know game yeah come come this way come in come in come in come this way come on over here where'd you go come on across the bridge I have friends here they say hello and you said neat wraps up yet I'll take a defense mushroom come on just way across the bridge come on this way he's have to break the door down I'm gonna go call my friends which is these guys go get him oh he's in the easin that keep already kill him now don't kill me nice boots alright let's go get him anyone here not in the in the group I want make sure everyone's here all the dogs all the priests we lost one all the Knights okay and archers right now let's go this way who kill some orcs I'm gonna hit - that was an iron door yeah I didn't hold long at all and I'm I'm kind of a beast I can kill orcs in one swing breaking orc necks stop killing all my priests plus I got my priests behind me they can just sit back and keep on healing me armor that's all it was just a hole in the wall no I don't go swim in okay we'll go pick that stuff up in a minute let's go over here it's gonna be a way into that spot keep our eye on Friday yeah that's it oh is that the one I lost is my new priest probably doesn't go anywhere either it was all my priests know - and we're still here no here he is Lu su he's still around we can bring in Oh extra spell spell training yeah come on in we'll get four priests again till we're there we need to replace that door has been revised and now if we get traps where our trap set I don't have traps prisoner had impaled head of the executed prisoner interesting I will take all your stuff please including your heads we still have a lot of folks to kill though we're still only level 3 we have 300 to go to get leveled up I don't you know know me I lose one I did apparently extra skill weight extra skill workshop permanent trait insane who's the new guy you get out I got an insane guy to hire Tim wrong is his name so what's that mean wait why are you wounded I know and when your forces a dog is killed by Nome are you gonna die immediately was that not my dog are you just did you just kill one of my dogs whoa whoa whoa who hired this guy um Leonard where are you hey you are we got a crazy gnome okay what kind of sad is that I don't like that no come back other guy mm-hmm I should have captured him let's go fast speed here and let people just train I do want these to get made though where's my where's all my my my peasants besides not working I want to make this a priority I can operations that why not not if I earn plenty iron those are added to my Adamantite where's the main to the iron one it's not okay so what's our next step in I think insane meant murder everyone you see because course to and if I tell my people like unites you are in quarters one I guess that one and you're also in quarters one so you'll sleep over there right yeah there to go gnome you guys are over here also what's wrong with you are you okay you're Mary that's more like it that's what we she can have more of more Mary people I want you to be also in the barracks hey Isaac so they going here for about hour and a half we should take a bit of an intermission I suppose plus I got a Pina don't get too much water as usual so uh yeah let's do a quick intermission I take a quick pee break we will we'll let the patreon and YouTube supporters and kill each other and Engle emulator style here and see what pop this thing up watch this I have a new intermission button it didn't work work please put a new button in its supposed to work there it is okay just took a minute okay okay everything's fine alright so so we're gonna take a quick a quick break I'm gonna pull up the new definite I do have a new supporter in pill bug actually pill bug interactive this guy's it made that's intelligent design game a while back is a patreon supporter thank you public you've been added into here let's go with let's do a Europe a little bit smaller Europe map deathmatch so if you support me thank you very much I do really appreciate it it makes this YouTube and thing a lot more fun whenever I gonna when I know the income is a bit more steady so okay so let's let this thing go everyone is if you are supportive anyway you are in here somewhere my turn on let it go I'm gonna go peep and I'll be right back but turn my mic off [Music] if I were still around cooked like a poop like a Texan is it going was no look is in here somewhere I've never seen him I don't think so I guess I have seen before he doesn't ever do much who's this Oh marking hey he's still here no mark and you're fine you're probably dead now though hey you are you got one you own one province Oh dopey didn't a hive Lord is is the prize we're going for today yeah yeah hey chef oh yeah hasha dominating Eastern Europe so I was watching this thing from scishow they did a thing about I don't know I have a link to this I'm sure I can find you one it's it's on your phone it's free on phones three bucks on your five bucks five bucks I want which highborn we're a goal hive Lord tell Salvage bar you want it [Music] 32x Oh unkempt where'd you come from [Music] Steve Steve has just completely conquered the world except for all kami over there explain they said it has to do with that is because the muscles that control the lens need to be exercised by fusion focus I don't know what do I think I don't know what it was actually and how it and how it actually helped you by looking away for 20 seconds I think maybe you had something to do with like lack of blinking or something like that it's kind of part of the reason Steve has completely conquered the whole thing adherents of the repeated meme has taken a little bit of controlled Scandinavia right that's so Steve congratulations you are our stream Emperor Steve Steve Strazza who's been a patron since I think since the beginning the very first month I think Steve was was was here thank you Steve you are you are here I raised my my water bottle to use to Eve okay let's play some keeper RL let's go conquering the world now we've got publishin of eleven now yeah do you have a bow you also have a sort I'm kind of tempted to drop that sort so you don't use it and you as well yeah your elven sword can I make a better boat no I cannot can you do anything No hates all green skins all right so I once we get sealed up which we think we are we can build maybe like a house for my fry peasants if we do a little wooden building maybe they live in the in like the hut how's this you know what you peasants you can live over here this is gonna be your new home there you go explore crash on you better leave a better lever of you I'm steamed about that worst game ever I was put in some torches in here while we're thinking about it there and there and I gave you guys some beds have some basic beds for and this is gonna be quarters three I guess so this belongs to the peasants door then can I just select you like all peasants I can't tell you where to sleep no okay all right so we'll see how we're looking here so we've got a level 28 guy with no weapons pickup buck who has it no I have a level 9 sword we'll get that where's my sword at that's a sword you know dogs don't have him about ten of swords around here where are they wait a minute yeah all these why can't you pick these things up so confused why isn't working why aren't they taking up weapons you have an elven sword +9 take that you need armor you need some gloves and some boots and a helm and it's a +4 or take that's one of them so equip the sword equipped the better armor drop the other one helm gloves and boots okay so no other guy other night you point you come here grab another nines or what is the elven sword do for us anything I think so but there was a nine here the gloves of course and I thought it was right there take a hand torch take a helm armor there's a better armor this way yeah okay so we want better armor drop that drop that I know why they're not grabbing the right things drop two of those okay there you go now now go and stop being dumb okay gnomes I like I'm gonna use you as a fire you guys aren't gonna be here to fight you were just here to make things and I have some iron around the mother will keep making stuff gloves boots chain armor do two rounds of each of these we've got plenty of swords I don't hug it adamantine is it a thing in was it in here what is this granite there's gold we didn't get the stuff grab all this this one and all kinds of iron back here granite we must make a demand time with something is it gold and steel or something call that all this gold but you cleared out our countryside here I've got a couple of question marks around those do actually like better outdoor porch is definitely better game I really do like this no I've I would put this one and it's not my top ten it's very close to my favorites and every time keeps getting a developed it's keeps getting better every every every update is big and they're all nice changes to the game they're all very sizable I see there's any more iron over this way over there so I'm guessing have to go by the river to get to these things we're gonna go dig this way I'm curious that's the end right there so let's go dig there and see what it is no produces chain armor okay so people should go pick it up by themselves should ya next big thing on door fortress is going to be magic so we're gonna be able to have well magic we but it creates like cashiers I guess I haven't seen exactly what all it's gonna do for us but it's gonna make magic a thing in the world oh this doesn't work I'm on laptop just came out yeah couple days ago I want to make I think this is still a thing we're gonna make this all gold floors in here who are these are oh in sufficient light so they won't trains fast but they'll train faster with better floors it's always a thing before put some torches in there what do people want to come here I don't have enough dummies I think I will make one more iron dummy though they're curious what comes in with an atom in time to me so our target for another Archer I'm gonna put in a target right here thought my gravestones maybe should be not in the middle of castle let's make a standing torch right here in the middle no not to be inside actually melee training potential with older Engelbert or whatever your name is bring the lard I want prioritize that normally yeah normally you can play as it worked oh it works that another thing in the comic books was he not was he not forged in Canada I think super north Canada isn't it I want to wring the lard I never watched that I I have that in my watch later list the he was at the row black convention and that's good idea Travis they they always post everything from that that convention I started watching yet that's an excellent idea we want where are they where's the gravestones so blind there it is can see like a row of them yeah remove these level three training will let them go for a little bit longer and we'll go raid something we got this thing dug out yet no pirate eyes that it was done backpack get to work there he goes there's a backpack backpack still alive he is where is he there he is of course the guy with a hat that guy - really curious what's over here obviously we won't be able to see in there even if we do get it dug out I think we're gonna do actually it's gonna mark this to be dug dig that and prioritize it I'm gonna gather my army which is gonna be make sure everyone's in their archers keeper okay yeah I will be in charge of this thing I don't have a sword bully since I'm not even using why aren't they using this room it's like it doesn't count as a room for them where's that elven sword at take that one okay let's go nope so as time goes on I should level up and look a little different rather just look at hey look there's some giant ant skeleton that's not what we want hope there is some dead peasants a dead spider is here apparently do we know who the spiders are hello spider uh you're weak here take that do you kill backpack there's a Spider Queen she's unhappy yeah jump in their front lines priest what was it it wasn't even a proper tribe all right back back do you think hold on alive now is it I can soon as they die we must get a few more right that's how that works so we've lost a lot of of peasants extra skilled disarmed traps sure come on so yes the new thing with there in the river as' that's the new update is we can now make what's living the white year the yellow we can be the humans we can be the good guy but the good guys sort of good guys nobody sauce torture chambers but we're kind of good we don't have so much material the Cyclops have been triggered okay so he's me coming after us in just a minute we could chase after him and go get him first if we want got ogres around we got these guys we need to go and this way this works is as soon as we kill these various folks it'll jump to other folks nearby it'll it'll expand our boundaries so our main villain if we got green skins up here have to kill so we need kill these ogres to go get them over to tough we also have to go get the main villain here somehow expand that far I don't get what the problem with though this is [Music] why they're not grabbing it it's almost like maybe you need to move the forage into there let me try this have the forged in this room we'll see if they'll grab things from there move this one and we'll get those set up [Music] so where's the other question mark at you know what I'm not concerned about it I'm gonna go oh that's at a man time I'm an tiem okay I see okay let's dig me I guess there's be something scary back there this game have a circus now let's go let's go see what it is yeah backpack you got a job buddy expand hold it we just get all this stuff I want this stuff maybe something terrifying here I'm sure forget the green skins yeah in goal is to kill four main villains we have some Dark Elves out there a keeper some green skins and some demons around on the map demons green skins fill in and Dark Elves well scary music what happened that's like attack music are we getting attacked maybe out names paranoid creeps population limit by 10 let me nice I have the throne 500 bucks though we might be able get it pretty soon we've got the gold were accessing yeah we got a bunch of it round I'm gonna hire more minions three more minions get their work now if you guys have been have been triggered do we need to do is just go get them let's do it they're coming for us we're going for them so I'm going to get our group set up we do get all the priests ran all the not the peasants but the Knights are gonna be in here bringing the gnomes gnomes name is figs now the dogs are coming along and the archers of course does the archer have actual weapons only one of them does no no two of them do so you come and grab a bow you go that's all yours grab all this tiny mini metal things Armour boots helm better bow levitation sure and gloves if you don't have Laurie so I want the armor I want helm and that bow okay you're better ending soon we'll go another I'm stifling good we'll go a little wonder why you got a you got someplace to be bottle rabbits so you gonna train up a donkey nope I need that let's go on rampage I think we need to go before they come after us so let's grab Byrne slipper who's down there for some reason let's go why are we sit where's your weapon I just gave you a weapon you need drop it go pick up your weapon you filthy keeper I want this +9 so where is it still here or is it all just +8 fine that'll do okay Equipe okay is reading better around here surely there is then I forget to equip it is that what happens I grabbed it but I didn't equip it probably yeah it sounds about right sure grab that and give a damage mushroom as well what's your armor +4 it's pretty good +0 it's terrible who made that fire that guy and more teleport scrolls oh I see what you're saying I see what you're saying so we want to go to this map and we want to go here right all right here's the army welcome to the Cyclops site marching in golden hair blowing in the wind like a valiant warrior ready to go meet his first Cyclops I think there's a whole lot of things around here who lives up here who goes oh look it's a cyclops a 44 attack okay he also has a damaged mushroom I have a damaged mushroom as well I'm going to go ahead and eat this mushroom and now I attack at what a 42 almost as good as you your defense is 40 also how about a attack you're awaited dog bites Cyclops attack is harmless Cyclops is wounded okay I'm not feeling too good Sam again okay keeping the heel I got a whole row of priests behind me stab him stab him again got him we did it we did it that was easy I will take your mushrooms all your mushrooms we're here just know this guy was guy was a drug addict really smush rooms in here Wow take that one and sure night-vision yeah panic I don't think I want that one um you had some gold you have a heavy Club +10 I will take that forget the sword we want the club something else is back here - what are you dark elves a sleeping dark elf oh that was awesome we're gonna slaughter him smack him around die get him when you have you have good stuff you have an elven sword some gold some rocks more golden swords hey uh priest can I get a heal please I brought you guys along for one reason is to keep me alive I'll get the sleeping one good job don't leave me you frontline dark elves destroyed we got more gold over here check you out more gold I can send my gnome or my wood defense necklace Wow rats I will wear that okay what's my defense at now I'm at where am I I am burnt look I look cooler I got armor on now I attack it 43 defendant of 40 I am Mary I I'm gonna exit well let's go look and see what this other one is before we go and run off we can always send our our peons to go grab all this trash oh we have you late for having to pick up more Dark Elves are they just peasants left I will take your cash okay I'll get us it later blind this potion don't drink that and gold alright is anyone else on this map no that's it let's go home uh yeah let's uh what's journey back home heroes we could keep on going if we want to go take out some ochres also spiders around I think we go we keep going we got harpies here also how do we get over here let's go destroy some ogres orders are tough but I'm overconfident right now so hero do it did we lose anybody in that battle the boar over here priest is crawling what are you doing why strong with you you lose a you lost a leg oh uh yeah come on buddy quit playing around we have what bandits bandits you guys attack I what a 20-3 yeah gonna be easy we're in a slaughter mall okay done oh crap so what you got here it's pretty green back here at more elves no this is like we've been all dying here anyways sleeping elf destroy only one here I guess they had some sort of battle before I'll take a fly zone and they're all killing each other warmer plus five more rats and sleep potion I'm with this armor plus five so I don't wanna like jinx anything but I'm terrible at this game and things are going really well I don't know because we're humans and all of sudden things are going right but we're doing all right here let me go here we just killing minor villains oh so if I get too confident who's mining how we get over there whoa look there they are okay night swings it's the ogre or as a tack 28 defend 18 vulnerable to magic attacks that's good can't I have a fly spell can I cast this yes I bunch of flies around now okay what just happened dog is blind dog is killed the fly is bleeding I want to go like toe to toe too much we should be whole Naro in here though we got this maybe a guy around get out the water you're gonna die Moe's going older is dead that wasn't as pleasant we lost a lot there no I was a guy playing around with a leg again come on buddy you guys have anything cool clubs do I had to dam up is it bad having these heavy clothes me walk onto the water to go venture up here and see what we see is that a question work there no this is the edge of map I think is there a maybe a bridge around here oh here we go around where's is Letus into the / realm yeah okay let's go home yeah we gotta go home oh we can reach them now okay so we're turning victorious alright we've killed two different tribes we can pillage all these things I want you know what you can keep your legs and your bodies I don't want to know you know what I do want them I wanted to line my rivers I'm gonna take all of your parts as well cleaning with a healing potion which I missed healing potion again and short boat plus knives no good another nine thing no I will take a donkey and a horse and a cow and let's bring some nights in I'm published 17 now because of those animals brought in so 20 and another night oh I'm out of dummies okay so we're also level six now so we can get a couple things we get pig breeding which allows us to make a piggery which allows pigs there's a lot of bigger population I think we want to get how come he allows us to make like healing potions and things jewelry allows things like those a meal I found two handed weapons might be nice for our Knights let's take that we take advanced sorcery so we can learn some better spells for my mages and deal magical damage yeah we want that okay so now here at the forge I want to make a golden staff what does that do 200 gold make it I'm gonna make honey out of mantle me we're working for adamantium we're working our way there I guess I will take a battle-axe which is better I miss I mean bad likes it better than Warhammer because it's more gold cost more take one of each one of each please make all those a couple super sword I guess we should have plenty of stuff though well let all the bodies just lining then there's a cow we should maybe make like a place a farm place for these animals take the archer I don't want to know yeah yeah I'm making a lot of things I'm gonna do I want dogs any more wolves what are they doing are you crafting no you're a knight you know craft you go and you you you be whipped and that's it I tell you to knock craft don't craft eat sleep what can I tell you to train raise training on option for you max level you can train still because you can go higher yeah you can go to a little nine but you already at level seven so you can't do anymore okay fine craft you may be whipped as well go get some gear buddy okay I really wish they would gab gear so you can get four more things and how's this adamantium mining going it is not so I want to see what that we're gonna order some prioritizing of this let's go over here and all this yeah there's dog Rock JA pretty much workshop only gives me wooden are like leather things and I can make bows at it alright looks pretty good he's got all his good stuff you got everything he needs you can probably take that's good you need all kinds of things guys everything warm by somebody if it is it really though nothing right there it's not oh you're nothing go grab things why don't you listen I don't get it quite anyway alright so you got a sword you should have a better sword and take the other one drop it on the ground take maybe better things in here there's a battle-axe in here +15 take that forget this elven trash pick up some boots better boots please good boots good gloves good armor I need to get you a good hat there's one there and take that's take a damage potion not all of them and it's probably good okay a torch in case you need it I guess there's equipment storage and there's resource storage this is equipment this is a resource up here I don't know why it's not working gold and his staff what's it do for us +12 warhammer also I think you're good next I want you and you can control I [Music] want you I want this guy okay so you have an elven sword but there's a better thing down here I'm assuming I want to get that that drop of that staff do on my wizards as well teleport sure take that better boots right here and were they where's Warhammer and did someone pick it up oh yeah I'm a good clerk yeah I guess someone grabbed it oh there it is okay yeah you're in pretty good shape I'm gonna wait until we make sure we make another one of these did I make - I don't like I did so we make another battle-axe and then priest which one of you it's you right oh I have I have two them loose ooh and this guy so let's grab in AUSA lien to come grab some things - a bomb you're you're great you're great I need all you have is gloves and a sword so why don't you but I just do oh whoops I'm picking things up don't push that button keep the torch is fine I want staff wherever went there is take that clip that staff drop that sword see widow armor +6 take that take healing I want you dying and eat boots and a help [Music] you boots around here I don't see any okay well that'll do there's something I guess it could be durability I don't know the peasants carry bunch of cheap pieces weapons and throw them at enemies yeah suppose it'll work hey chronometric some scary music again we triggered anybody I would think we had we probably have not though do we want to go take out the main villain are we ready for that nights need more than one team only one team here three nights will bring the gnomes along with us sure bring some dogs and three archers okay well let them do their training I think they might be ready to take this thing out try we got and we did get new spells so we can learn advanced sorcery right iron bookcases yeah put those in do we want to have a wooden one which party just don't just destroy these orders remove those so those those both of those put in some iron bookcases learn some better spells but as we learn we learned magic weapons and iron two-handed final battle yet we got four of these things to do okay so there's their training now you can with trance a level something with wooden bookcases I think you think this was a game designs town and not one my made by me well I appreciate the the the vote of building confidence but yeah I mean it's we could do a let's do another structure here just I just have one I have tons of stone we'll make a nice stew and building over here let me do something like that's move that's okay let me see if I can do double doors what let me do it before when I try to all right hey self escape yeah we're gonna wait until you guys can do like meteor shower whatever but a door can put a door and then I need to BQ bummer door right there puttin some stone floors and this is going to be what kind of room do we want this to be I just made it just to have it around we can maybe put in some more maybe my gold should go in there I think I like hoarding it where I'm at I like a little bit more and I get I get this I get my throne ask me a throne room so we'll make it fancy candelabra we'll throw in we can also get labs and jeweler's we have another yet let's see I would like a standing torch as well just AM on both sides of my throne kind of statues of some kind I cannot my luxurious bed maybe I should be in here yeah this is my real life place I have a my safe I literally do actually have a safe right there no money though sadly torches outside you know make this place shine dark over here like that alright let's see what else we going there that's probably good can't allow what got something on this wall over here though what's gotta go over there found him yeah I found over there that seems pretty nice seems swanky I feel like maybe we need have a better ability for I want some red carpet red carpet that leads up to my throne I don't have a throne yet but I'm gonna plan it out I obey ones let's remove remove floors out of a special thing good floor like that we're gonna put in I'm at my chairs and beyond a blue floor just case you can't see me put two of them I've read leading up to my throne there we go okay now we're looking fancy adamantite golems oh that's what you are oh-oh-oh backpack you better run um it's like a is that a robot looks like we got machine did they just come out of the they just come out of the adamantine all right let's call the army we got something to kill let's go get them no they're back this way I think I know I can't go around away hang on hang on backpack we're havin trouble walking I'm going to get him music is exciting I'm just walking to a safari let's go this way no no no this way hello peasant oh look there's a bunch of them there is one there this tribe leader right there I would like to fight them not first slaughter my dog wait forever to arrive okay do something scary not hurt and kicks you I'm not he's not hurt I'm gonna die to this I'm feeling better you don't you slaughter my dog not hurt he's not hurt not hurt oh he's blind his skull is shattered we got it dig into the hard rock kicks you you're wounded yo myself how's he feeling boys resist fire resistant resistant to melee attacks well that's a problem I'm out of here kill all of us you didn't kill my whole army no way everyone right away we're the good priest is he dead yet I need to control you where is he what do you have you have things like these are all what you wanna do fireball yeah catch fireball yeah it's gonna hurt magic missile oops sorry sorry buddy sorry was that one here poisoning blast blast of air seems lame how about just summon what's just fireball how's a guy in front me I'm gonna be in front now I'm gonna fireball does that hurt you vulnerable to magic attacks just give them their circular blasts no that's teleport deception summon insects we gotta go away we gotta run we're gonna run everyone run run away run away run away we're all gonna die run away if they come at my base we're hosed okay I made it out maybe so are they coming yeah they are this is a problem resistant how am I supposed to kill this thing alright you controlling you and you alone where's the guy with a cool staff you know the other priest you do you have it no one has it that guy died uh I'm sad I like that guy alright final control you there's one right there can I fireball him is he close enough for this know who's crawling is it me know him he the one who doesn't have he's unhappy he lost his leg it's been a bad day magic missile how far does it reach quite far enough teleport away I'm gonna burn you that damaged you at all what happened to him disappeared come across the water what just happened you drowned in the water oh okay okay where as where's my keeper at he's back okay bang this house obviously no looks yeah let's burn the bridge down at the fake King they just gonna die in the water or remove that bridge okay come get okay yeah come on come on where you going you know where to go he just hang out there now are you back pack you just radar peasant can you swim because I'm gonna get you to be real close to them they're gonna run okay okay well yeah they didn't work so now we're all we're all locked in here with no peasants event okay uh that's a bad place too because there's scary things up here apparently is there more of them just leave back here okay and that leads to where the golems were okay that's bad all right you're free to go your wound didn't keep on my yes I'm gonna bring hates all dwarves let's bring in a couple priests we'll bring in the night that hates everybody we'll bring in the gnome I'll bring in I'm in a donkey in but I will bring in couple more peasants then we can get to my base night it's goodbye animating Gollum yeah it's gonna keep happening you guys can't walk around their painful supplies better run redoing where you going you can't get into the fourth oh they're gonna get slaughtered must be build a house to do this if I get archers let's put this this bridge back prioritize it if we can I don't know we're gonna be able to make it though hey brass like that can I get a peasant in here come do that I can't summon anybody [Music] right you come here which are for that golem he's gonna hurt you you go water I guess is shallow enough there we're here make this don't worry about picking up cabinet your dead friends just go make that where you going no make this I can't tell him to build nor enemies would you go in [Music] because I'm after forbidden waters forbid this you listen to me if I tell you that scared of that guy who is still fully healed I'll never be an archer in vulnerable range attacks now where is he that is crazy [Music] does I can't cross the river it says vulnerable you guys say they're immune to melee right so can I arrange them do you have a bow you don't need a range weapon what am I supposed to do hey uh hmm a little confused about what I do now doctor come Anton golem yeah it's gonna happen a lot um man what am I supposed to do now my guy with missing leg is still here for now Aldo is unhappy you know how many spells so you can't do me any good so uh I don't want you means mining back up here all your buddies on the other side the moat I know um I'm over here two keepers engaged with a fight with him with a golem where'd you come from you can't just pop up like that whoa whoa wait a minute no no no I keep trying look on the map I can't look teleport please that's not a bad place to teleport - how did I get there how'd they get that there's no way to walk in here here's off hmmm this is kind of a problem I can go maybe pick up a boat there maybe a bow in here right I'll take the healing thing I will take an extra scroll teleporter mini that where's all the bows and we have some pretty sure we have some okay where they go where's the cheaters eye there they are okay a zoom in here tak is harmless harmless harmless no this is no good I know what to do go out here I want to control I want to control this mage you missing leg guy Yura seem like you seem like a hero you know spells right you know a lot of spells nope why are you out here no no no you don't do that why do you come back in you stay out here stand your ground okay I'm gonna go control you now where you go don't go back inside all right when they get closer we're gonna try to do some magic missle in stuff like that but it can be a little bit the bugs gonna do no good what's that one deception hey self we'll do that sure we can escape to teleport right yeah circular blast pushes things back blast pushes them back here poisoning okay so throw some bugs out just get them occupied anything gold is crawling not the only one crawling I guess one step like that okay now let's fireball that hurt you any the wall catches fire of course it's that hurt you you're unhappy well I'm a little unhappy as well well 100 percent I don't think I don't think there's gonna do I don't think we can do this push them back I think I think I'm dead that's no way to go I'm gonna magic missle you one more time then is not hurt yeah boys resistant fire fire resistant resistant to melee attacks so we have to range attack him but we can't do that I'm gonna have to go to escape real quick and I will control you don't saying you got any more I only control him the boat doesn't do me any good how do we do this they resist my melee attacks we can damage them but it just doesn't do much damage at all we can try grabbing one of these elven swords maybe that'll help me out excuse me maybe these are something special I'll grab that equip it anything else special in here oh wait this battle axe look gonna be way better equip that okay any uh we got good armor if a box of the care is it oh yeah / - its I want to put it up here kind of in a bad spot not really a good place to put chat in this game I'm just - over here for now I guess it's decent i guess for elven swords there i'm gonna take regeneration teleport I'll take the rage potion as well I'm going to start popping some shrooms here cuz I want to rage what's that do for me - 15 damage increases damage and lowers defenses for some turns doesn't regen we went that's healing head defense where's other best mushroom yeah right here open sword +10 we don't care about I'm gonna be trapped in here but I can teleport alright buddy I think believe me Bridge did spell my doing here smack I'm not hurt smack him again not hurt you're wounded we did some damage to him I can still heal myself ouch oh we did it we killed him okay the carbon half now I want to see it chrono metrics if I want to fight him one at a time which is not that's not one of time let's teleport don't go out there hang on gotta come back just a minute come here I want to fight one of you one at a time please crawling priest is back there I'm curious I switch over this elven sword I moon didn't know it's not doing me any different okay take a regen potion you guys damage Jim can I throw out keep doing my leg crawling guy is dead not everyone did oh it's so sad I can't handle to hid from you guys I we please break the door so I can fight you want thank you one big hit let's use the heal don't kick something got him take the region I'm applying the rage potion that's it we're popping the the rage mushroom come here come here come on what are you doing come on don't be a coward yeah go in the water got him last one I am burns flipper destroyer of adamantine golems we did it okay okay um everything's gonna be fine now let's hire some peasants let me turn hang on let me uh slow time down here let's go chop some trees let's get this fixed up and that was rough okay chop some trees down please peasants and I'm gonna let you I will allow you to go be here now move all that yeah you guys can walk this way now not to know cuz we can we'll go my presence I'm going to hire in a moment we'll come out chop some trees down and I should build a build that there they go they're already hard work look this guy right here his name he's he's Mary Mary like backpack thanks a bomb you're a baby bomb you're all right keep you around a little longer me one more forge a fast craftsman that seems like a good idea where do I have a gnome already yeah you Froy hey Froy get out and with this guy hey crash how's it going well it's not very good oh that's how they got number base hey bro oh they broke through the walls oh okay I see I see put that back up there we've got a bit of a problem here with this building we should probably rebuild that something we'll do it on this Robin steam the dog I reaches level one we're back at my door need to get back we've got a priest's extra spell potential excellent here rebuild our whole force here now man I know I do need to I do need to find a good chant I gotta find a place for this thing I don't know where to put it I might just go with no chat for this game look stash it right in here it's not gonna work for most it what I'm but for now we'll just leave it over there I think about getting ready to chat on the screen I don't know I'm thinking about it I've been thing about it for a while anything about that I think that's fine but all right I'm gonna leave it on fast speed we're gonna sit back and do basically a lot of nothing they got things that you need to get made they will rebuild these walls here eventually I take a little while though oh yeah pillage stay out of mankind golems I'm doing mean I just get too free and I Mantine adamantium it's the word I'll take another priest I will take hates all dwarves this guy which name I'll write here sure you dropped chat you can put a button plugs YouTube post which Tesco and community well I have that that's what this one is this is from Stream labs which does that so this chat here from both main chats pretty much all YouTube has ever won than YouTube what 24 over on Twitch and a hundred and five on YouTube so that's typical this guy there's a lot of golden Mike here we need to get to never mark this right take that all that I mean I was getting hauled in here everyone's a peer working this is all prioritized isn't it don't prioritize anymore okay I'm prioritizing I guess I can't do it then that's the but I was looking for yes which is always pretty quiet all right I think about it in the stream about it now but not can't weapons for your minions I got a stream again in here and uh in like 9 hours can I go a little longer there's something else back here - there's two more things back here I'm scared to open it up I don't know what it is I'm terrified it could be something very scary you were slow and you have extra defense I don't want you I don't want slow people I deal with that before did a bad job of marking these is that all been taken no still work on it however at a man time we can make keep on an event I'm sorry too much duo fortress out of mantium we can make all kinds of cool things we can make I think we can anyway is it just the dummies we can make oh we make weapons wait a minute weapons yeah swords armor armor who once I'm gonna make three of those three of each war hammer battle axe that's what we want now the cool thing about this game yeah this games on Steam the really cool thing about this game is the ability to save my fortress I don't know can I do it now why so we go in here and I I want to save an exit let's try it see what happens same I said and I want to upload it we should probably upload it after we get the wall built can I do that here I don't know how to do that look you can upload your force I don't how to do that though actually now that maybe we can only oh maybe you only do it if you win yeah I don't think there's things don't cave in on this one yeah the moat you write the moats the moat was uh was a good thing a bomb we are very proud of it we know you're proud of it yes you have told us nearly there at that dugout will see that leads to a fast beat okay I think that's what adamantine is is magic weapons maybe it's a golden staff making one of those yeah I don't know no don't make that I want to say my cache I want to get five hundred get thrown iron staff sure kept all those we can make that's where is the training room a lab for potions and jewelry for jewelry we have to go kill someone for that though first take the dogs with us archers music stop for some reason I'm a little worried now couple nights nights any good do they have weapons he does sir julep does al brekkie err doesn't though he hates all dwarves oh yeah get that I don't know why stuff isn't able to be picked up by you I'm sure of it I'm sure with a bomb mote extraordinaire oh I forgot 20 minutes I've got like an hour so I got to stare at the wall for a minute now not necessarily the mall just off in the distance just okay a chair it's Michael get me some gold you'll be digging it yet yeah there we go I need a throne I feel like I saved the day no one was here no one survived but no one knows that I saved the day but we'll tell them about it archers of esto a night we'll bring in Sylvester and loft and we can get more beds we're getting built another night and since we know the bed will get another Archer in here are you make an apt peasant yeah another Archer Neko lady is the next night produces me I had a man Tina helm Eredar hates the dwarves you know I'd dummy you something to get him deficit set five nights now and three archers that's that's pretty good think it's up all the bodies yeah this place is just filled with bodies yeah they left their leather body parts behind that goat he's a little scrawny if it is wall yet to be sprite prioritize that I'm a little worried so Susan might some of my guys get trained a little better we'll head back out I will take another priest population of 14 of 15 we lost some of our they killed my cow the Mantine armor I think it's getting worn by people I think I don't see it laying around are you wearing it iron gloves iron helm nobody has anything not sure what the problem of dwarves I hope they're making I'm where they putting them I want to go through here and like force them to make everything or pick everything up hey you can is there any bows in here for you we what kill some elves there's some anime intent gloves so we can get better bows they seem to have all disappeared yeah all my all my bows business period all right I'm gonna build a workshop then let's remove I'll try it remove that one and then build it back yeah they should automatically a quit better year at a manhunt Warhammer best fighter who's that sir julep I want you to go pick up drop that pick up the new adamantine thing that is not here let me control you adamantium Warhammer there it is right there I'm a time sword for 12 where's the Warhammer there it is plus 16 man that's good okay yeah and be a shining example to all the other slobs out here pick up the good stuff yeah meantime boots I will take +4 boots drop all of those those yeah it's got to be a bug plus 18 X take that Wow okay yeah mm-hmm I don't have to deal with this I wonder if I can put if we try doing equipment storage in where they're training I feel like stash it in here with them what's this what is this yellow stuff maybe they'll stash some things in there we're going to remove this one you get going Oh stuff it built fire balls been elite been learned mailee training level one okay come on here we'll do some down this way and around we got a lot of space can I make adamantine gravestones I don't know the gnome that's all we have is gnomes to pick not like I need more gnomes ones enough so have the one yeah okay um see nobody has any bows we made this though so let's make some more of those we'll see you later come up probably not but they might please I have nothing don't pick anything up kind of annoying I'm almost asleep in those fancy beds over there seem to be ignoring my placement here too I have something to do with outside rooms what if I was to use this either what is your shortbow why are you putting it here I did I got rid of that no no no equipment in there but stuff over here only yeah you're right if you put a ditch along here then they can't reach it yeah that's uh nice uh kind of way I think you're right no we're not evil war the white knight with a good guys and I mean ten helm laying right there alright let's go do this I'm putting this off but alright hayloft come here you're mean you're even gonna get off you're done here get over here come and grab some gear alright so I want the good stuff I will take where are they all at take the helm and there's a better than Adam Anton sort in here so I'll take fans the boots gloves better blows short bows they're so quick the boots and a bit of gloves drop that wears the better weapons at war hammer it work okay you're done boy none of you have it boy all right take the warhammer there's all my good stuff I need to make some more things put those two things and those sometimes they drop sometimes they grab them and sometimes they don't cuz like that one guy I didn't give him all that stuff but he has all of it cartridge don't have their bows and get your bow right he'll a main guy we need to get it we need to make sure we have all these good stuff where's some better armor okay gonna grab that I want you here to take a good short bow and what else we have our plus 4 okay good enough you know yeah come here go get me one of these staffs staves and give me some gloves too okay just I mean that helps your spell-casting out I don't actually know though Thanks what does that do for you actually let me see how I see your stats that you lost seven so you have more training to do f + 8 spell o + 8 spell damage oh those are really good to have was a battle ax there - so whoever doesn't have one you Wieland you just walk around here B and Mary I have yourself a knot that's this and take that plus eight armor I missed that new boots okay and do you have everything yeah you have I can see what you have just I had nothing yeah I can advance advance source ratings what it is and I can get better bookcases don't take that okay just drop that thought over there just hit him okay let me see I got a level up still I'm 50 points away from getting next one which would be master sorcery will give me the next bookcases most powerful spells that we can get all right so we've got a pretty good sized group I think decent sized group torches where oh you probably torches in here don't you I got all burned down yeah yeah torch their torches in here again forces in the dungeon maybe sure yeah I don't can I pick it up as a show up no shows up just ones that are worn how I should give you the better battle axe well should I should have even have the best stuff since he is the most useful I know no don't throw it I should drop it and the helm around for boots drop those take the healing potion please certainly defense potions seem good mmm levitation we can float over some water we're gonna use that before and maybe lured the the other guys to come in - I have love's I don't there's a better ones around we can make him but I'm happy with this okay back to your little house all the gravestones built up they have been hauled around yet how is the outside look we got all the same answer yeah we got all this taken care of dogs up by checking it out still working on getting some gold in here we have the 500 I can make my throne now let's do it wait why not where's at least level oh he's level 10 for that I could just read things I'd be lot easier um we're prepared for it let's go be level 10 then all right everyone's here right for priests yeah five nights all the dogs we can bring more dogs in lucky come on Ian I don't need more gnomes archers let's go 51 attack on burns flipper we re to travel - I think we got good we're gonna go we're going for the Dark Elves I think this is a main villain so we gotta kill for these guys if we kill this one plus the other three we've been why are you sleeping what's wrong with you hey hey you what what's going on here wake up wait I can't even that's weird hang on hang on what where's my keeper at that's really weird there he is go wait for him to wake up okay that mean this is a probably a difficult one there's one we can see right there you just a civilian no main guy owe you nothing Oh weird nothing kill you one swing I'll take all your gold do come here you sleepy dwarves or drow no easy that was it right no not yet that was just one of the little clans okay we got more that was nothing who are you you are a little tougher 34 my my priest I'm gonna check this out a torch sure I'll take a torch come here who is a bunch of including sleeping purple guy tribe is gone this isn't the right one I don't think a fire spell sure and more elves well there's a downstairs okay good job priest guess illusion more take that maybe just storm in through here tribe is gone is it the tribe have gone no okay down we go who are you a gnome excuse me yeah out of here oh what is that stone goal okay I'm not scared of those I probably should be 23 attack maybe not okay fine no big deal you get out of here fly what are you a jackal I know a staredown obviously makes sense the Dark Elves would live deep underground what was that someone float through the water you stopped at you little Oh ed Worf what is this fire resistant boots only plus one but I will be fire resistant now I have a little blow a ball around me weapon enchantment about time I find one of those yes and champ my battle axe actually I want something better guy can I um yeah I shouldn't do that how do I switch this if I go oh what do you mean do that oops they put them there back home didn't it yeah okay I want you to have drop that and equip this level 18 at a man time axe take that and then the other guy who'd you take it from this one you can have regular battle axe over there pick it up we'll head back out [Music] so we didn't quite get a mil right yeah we gotta keep going down the stairs I finally take them out all right you got it out you got it now no where is it oh you I think you got it no no now you got it okay and he picked it up okay now back out so we're gonna have to be with know we can do this straight there [Music] all that way not that way all these chests and things we can we can pick all the stuff up later sort of an auto pickup oh yeah and chant where is it I had it pretty good can I see my where to go see you Daniel [Music] scary things float over here Oh dwarves your key is destroying us down further where's my whole army here they come spiders Oh what are you you are a clay golem you know it's a tough my group has shrunk a lot you are blood golem a lava golem whoa [Music] she be hitting it pretty well yeah we gotcha this is what a snake along with a gnome I am wounded blind and poisoned where am I where my friends go there there I was blind to that's why oh what's going what's happening to me where am I still wounded I'm still poisoned [Music] you got spider the batch right destroyed my army huh fire spells another way down take it you know just go down I want to get it before our whole army is dead oh here we go are you somebody important 37 easy kill I don't feel safe you waste your good spells on those peasants sure come here get back here things like let's sleep potions are really powerful come across somebody you can knock them out and then just slaughter them I was a drawer alright draw a peasant over here we gotta kill tribal Dark Elves of our kinda story is that the right one said it said it hey it is it okay let's go home we can clean up this stuff later let's rebuild the tribe real quick we got one to go we can bring in here we've got Silas tonight a couple dogs or a dog I put this with a level 9 begin three levels with that so I once I went jewelry sorcery and I think pig breeding week s will get alchemy in a minute next time I'm going to pillage all this stuff I'm gonna take even the Elvin children corpses wow that's a lot of courses I think all that's alright give me all your stuff eleven gold pieces and all of that okay we have three more that was just one so we killed that one next up is gonna be the main villain down this way we can go after we can't that's one we can reach because we still have to kill this guy this guy and this guy we can't reach any of them if I have to have a level 10 before you do that we go kill these spiders real quick and probably do that as we are right now aren't sure everyone in here that's a good question where's that enchantment scroll where is it chakram teleport teleport just sign this stuff into one square with it where'd it go no five things there when they grabbed him up any champion that's what we want let's use this there we go it worked plus 19 okay I forgot when you should have off the bow because it just was just random it's a four boost way there is we have those I dropped on my mushrooms - oh I came back hey bomb yes this this is a really good - a fortress light kind of game extra Archer potential yes please yeah this is a really good I get that question all the time all the I talk about this game stream where our folks are like you know I like Dwarf Fortress but it's just too much it's too complicated on the wood I don't know how to get into it and all that and yeah this was a is the perfect game to just ease you into that kind of thing even rim world is is a little much now for newbies that walking in the game and I think is a really good job of kind of easing you into that so we're gonna call it a night here do Mike I didn't do my [Music] channel update insane we're not hiring you extra skill forward within me I don't want you to come kill us though I bring you in here are you gonna come to kill us no I'm joined your party where is he there he is you're trying to attack me aren't you you're trying to attack me aren't you he's insane he's chasing backpack around if you harm backpack you get the wrath of me don't chat with me skill okay Pickers pick his body parts up alright no more no more insane people what a weird thing to have in the game why is that a thing oh it was art if I see somehow I managed to get him - oh nice c-plus really how would you do it though how do you get him to stop trying to kill everybody I do need a new priest we need uh yeah we gotta get more of those yeah oh we can make oohs right I got that skill I want I guess we'll put it let me remove where is it first move that one and we'll put in the new golden put case right there that'll get us trained even better thanks a bomb done before just have to be in inside building so you can't just throw them wherever I know these priests get some training actually no we're fine I'm gonna leave him behind the new guy I'm gonna take my party that I have now and we're gonna go travel to let's go kill some spiders let's go kill some harpies that seems exciting where they at way out there okay go find a bridge Oh born on let's travel this way somehow back hope I just walk there no it's a big giant mountain in the way oh hey okay who is here hello knock knock look at you again you sir kill a lot of you drow stop killing my priests all right he doesn't have a lot of golden air blasts that's not very cool the tribe gone who is uh picking at the walls I just picked the corpse with a bed and a forge and control you insane and standing room in where I guess you could if you can manage to get him inside there when you visit Alec I think you can recruit them if you go visit them you can recruit them and give if you have gold you can pay them to join you where are the harpies at oh yeah there so if you wanted to go visit who do we have dwarves if doors are pretty good fighters no leave the arm is that one of my priests arms I bet it is missing oh yeah fernald Oh missed is is missing an arm pick that up reattach it ouch now harpies are ranged but nothing is ready attack is harmless [Music] Arbeit bleeding it seems to be pre here slaughtering these guys except for our I free sticking destroyed dumb bug is dead take that dumb bug we lost another priest we lose the guy without the arm nope oh he just has an injured arm these priests are always dying okay so that's done can we go anywhere else no no we need to get a better let's go get some ants what who's our ally we have one nearby just dwarves over here you're right they do hate hell I hate them go party go kill him I mean they look there I don't remember that guy okay up there what kill some orcs something flashing over there yeah alright orcs me and my part your friends are here to kill you nope just drow again man I like being a powerful guy I normally I play as you know you only plays a wizard or a sorcerer or some kind and he's a pretty weak yeah make sure you stay in behind staying behind and not get out in the open and get slaughtered I like this guy kill them without dying please with an I'm not the right one though we call these peasant hands I'm getting all bitten do I have my regen poet's potion I don't I'm suffer from poisoning yeah I know okay there's a heal okay now man people are dying they're getting poisoned I'm poisoned as well sleeping elves knows we kill a lot of sleeping elves in my games kind of a thing maybe a bit of a problem don't kill domain at the main hands I don't think well we did okay oh we can go to the this one now the main keeper I think it's partly to be a difficult one what time is it do we wanna go back there and and do we do that before the night is over to it should I it should I call it here and continue this a little later we have my guys good I think we might need to call it because I do have to get up I do want to do a stream tomorrow in like eight hours so we probably should postpone this so I think well I think we'll save and go save this for next time I don't we're gonna stream it one of these days we'll do another stream but good long enough now you go to bed so thanks for watching everybody I'd quite a decent amount of folks in here today but we'll do some more this so tomorrow here at in in about four or eight and a half hours we're going to stream some Frost punk I'm gonna make my thumbnail and posts the the thing here in a minute and then the morrow night we're gonna play some kimchi and something else maybe we'll do more this sure yeah thank you now they're priests yeah we'll do four priests yeah so thanks everyone for watching and uh I'll be back eight hours or so I'll make a thing so you can remind yourself or whatever if you want to do that but save and I think works you're on track to win it's long as something stupid doesn't happen as long as I don't do something stupid which is a high thing to a big question we might go and and win we have to kill the I'm a little worried about the main guy I think if we take that main guy down I think we've got it though the the trolls will be easy and then what's the other one we have to take out what it was talk about the ants and spiders you just killed very funny it's too late for me to catch jokes alright thanks for watch everybody I will be back here about eight hours so I expect you to be sleeping and back there as well and yeah okay see
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 17,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dwarf fortress, livestream, live, dwarf fortress tutorial, rimworld, nookrium, neptunesnookgames, rise of industry
Id: gwMGRXnqVy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 208min 13sec (12493 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 01 2018
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