Kingdoms & Castles - (Kingdom Building Sim)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello welcome to the late night Friday stream or early early morning Saturday or whatever it is maybe it's normal day Australia it's something and make sure my doors closing line okay okay otherwise I'd be getting yelled at my wife okay um so yeah it's it's a it's large name how's everyone doing um we're playing a game that I have not played or even thought about for alright at two years so um this should be interesting we'll see how it goes hey Callum how's it going Oh Jay Pete how are you everybody design is here maverick we'll see about that and hey Jim and uh hey Abraham how's it going all right hey Anthony reckless how are you so um yeah let's see how this works I did not even realize his head twitch integration until like just a couple minutes ago I was reading through some of the some of the patches some of the update notes and I guess it was added in back in January of this year so we'll see how it goes oh no too bad no Jay I'm doing all right me Alex yeah and you get dragon plushies which which is a dragon plush I'm curious about this actually 30 bucks you know it's actually kind of appealing its prints it's a Lawford for a plushie but it's that dragon plushie warehouse do where else do you ever see a dragon plushie and make a nice stocking stuffer alright so uh that's early morning Callum hey Jo Bob all right so this is kingdoms and castles it's it's been a while since we played this one last time I looked it up awesome I play this was August of 2017 so back when I was when I was a wee lad and I had a little bit more hair not a lot more but a little bit more I played to using castles I did like she did a series on I think I played like nine episodes or something like that back in the days back I think at full release I believe is when I played the game that came out yeah but then I 2017 whenever at full released and I played that and I kind of stopped paying attention thanks pace but apparently development has continued and all kinds of new things are in the game now there is what we saw there's 20 which integration there's I don't even really know what all is there I was reading some of the notes and the new steam page is kind of hard to get used to looking at like events and things it's really hard they can figure out it's like you see the whole thing I don't I just don't see like the whatever but it's been a lot of stuff this recent one which just came out called pigs and fish fish and pigs is a new one to adds in like well obviously and then there's there's some before I think I was like a warfare update they are apparently are working on wente today it's just the two guys Michael and Michael wing stats and Michael or Peter or whatever they're adding in the ability to have I think multiplayer and additional kingdoms in the game this will be out there very cool my team was a lot of fun and so I suppose we should try that again those of you not seen the game before it's it's keen to build right roommate we're putting on a castle and and trying to people to live basically there's dragons around some of them are plush some of them are not and there are Vikings around we have to defend against apparently warfare has changed a lot which I am not prepared for so we'll see how it goes I have turned on twitch chat voting so I did a quick test just to see how that worked and every so often you're going to get a pop-up saying vote for something hey thanks Callum thank you very much I appreciate that so you're gonna get a thing popping up every while saying what do you want to happen there's a whole list of things that you can choose from and you can vote I believe I have my bot which has turned off we'll see how he goes but if you thanks to make some point thing it should not spam that all over YouTube so we'll see how that goes this is a good test for that okay so let's try this out I want to say something before we started this um those of you supporters I have this sort of the thing where we're patreon YouTube supporters I have it I have a secret playlist where you can watch videos that I haven't posted I actually got a few of them just moved in there so you watch ad free videos that I have yet to post and they're in the playlist if you know that the playlist link it's on the patreon page or just yell at me and discord enough I'll give it to you anyway okay back to this so let's repin again it's the only key do we go in standard mode here and go with I think we're gonna go with easy mode just because cuz I it's been out so long since played the game we'll see how it goes it's gonna be spamming butts not gonna spam exclamation point things it shouldn't it shouldn't we're gonna go with a medium app is fine a random app is fine and actually this one's okay we got a nice bay here we can we can live it let's let's see what else we can get hmm Oh an island map can I um I don't know how Island maps work now but can we like sail and build additional city things over here all this fish that's a lot of fish we build on a tiny island now and make our way over there especially here I like this let's try this out and see how that actually works island island hopping will do that we got a couple different resources here that should work she was our banner I guess we can put in our own banner if if I wanted to make my own like my logo in here I just pulls up that I didn't do that so we won't do that but we're going to be the b20 obviously I named my kingdom is all right so here we go we got two minutes let me just take a look at this so it should be working if it's not yell at me but it should be saying something I don't know what you guys need to do it whether hits I don't know I don't know if I say it maybe I say number three oh yeah okay you hit the number something with a little knowing cuz it's gonna spam it all across everything so I apologize for those of you on let me turn off the bots for this but you can you can do these are all bad things there's a whole list of things we can add in here I can change like the can I pause the game pause pause the game is positive that hasn't pause so I can change the interval on how fast these votes come on and how many things are actually in each vote category I'll leave it how it is we'll change that later on if we need some more excitement or whatever but okay we got stone stone iron where's the rest - islands they are over that way okay so I think I want to build on this one we got iron we guys don't ever wear yeah let's go bill right right like right okay that was a front right there there's a lot of new things since I last played so we've got here but when saying let me go and turn off that bot can I turn you off bot how do I do that relay mode off okay we'll see if it how long it takes to adjust it may take a moment but I think it's oh yeah there we go it's working already okay so there you go so YouTube would not be annoyed by all the noise over on actually you know what wait a minute if the bot is on hang on hang on one second let me try something real quick sorry but if the bot is on can you still vote on YouTube because it's gonna be the bot voting I should change that because give me ten things I want to turn the bot back on and if we say when the boss starts working we'll test this so if I come over here and I say thanks thanks chaos crusader so if I come over here and I say does that make its way over to twitch not yet but it'll give it a minute and it'll it'll catch up and hopefully that all starts okay no vote more than once Oh excellent question I don't know I don't know we'll see how this goes what is this what is that I don't know anyway back over is that my extra armaments that you gave me oh it is isn't it okay okay okay okay hang on let's uh let's play let's let's make things happen all right I would like another castle thing but I would like like a road and I suppose we gonna go and work our way towards stone some up this way let's go like this if I may go tell these guys the button to chop trees is over here go get those trees please okay super game speed over that one you do both don't count yeah well bummer oh nothing okay let's back off again all right so let's go and I'll build some hovels so we can some people in here we're gonna put them right across I mean they shouldn't eat across the street from them from the castle that doesn't seem right I know there's a way of like a proper way of doing this but I will not do that because I know what it is so house is gonna go over I mean this thing Oh would get it would hurry up look stone is going to a quiet hamlet well that's nice I'm not sure that goes to do that stuff we can have job security job for priorities now we can tell them what to do this way but right now we're just going to build roads I guess yes you can still pretend that's music loud enough can you guys hear it okay or the sound effects those are kind of quiet can I just those mean what happens for people visited but none could find a home our city is full oh yeah bring some wood please wood please we have advisors here right oh yeah these farms good wood we need some some roads and houses we need a hello all right one free building that's what I'm talking about something like that song is loud but the song and the games pretty quiet which one which one what happened no the bots are working it'll turn off in a second hopefully was it snowing and spring so we have a happiness thing we also have a health thing so we've got new types of food we've got we can bring in pigs and we can bring in fish of course indifferent just I don't know what there is but the different amounts of food promote healthiness depending on you know having multiple sources of food is a good thing hey Brad how's it going okay so we'll go get that let's pick up the speed here we're gonna want to get a I guess a farm going before too long which one why is it so snowy around here is that because of twitch you can get snowy let's build a farm like this it's good a road over there oops that's fine eventually we'll get a mini you know maybe I need some more of these okay we'll just do that for now we'll get the farm going I would like job priority to be just fine hey Kira what's going using how are you okay more wood so we got four people visited to found homes decided to serve you we've got a we full where's my house population that we got ten beds we have seven people in town we can also build industry which is things we can't afford right now is this oh yeah here we go maritime we can make troop transport ships transport ships resources between the docks and hedge resources Oh so we could go in we could what we can do is we could set up a where if that place is which i think is okay thanks thanks pastor peasants so we could go across the water here and like pillage this place take it stone and then just haul this stuff back to our town we can have a whole boob network going I guess no no no play go play we can't that could really be very detrimental this early on stats we need wood we need some stone real soon which we'll get with was I gonna be in it's gonna be in industry and then a no quarry is only need 15 wood for that where's my wood resource I think we have to okay all the ones getting put into these farms right now tax the peasants no no not yet not yet so we need more people to come and join us first that's kind of cool I can we can change this thing we can have it happen more often we can actually make it like six things to vote on at one time I guess if one do we take things out if you want it as well hot accident overwhelming rats and put for those weight-wise plague in the lead wait a minute wait a minute need to make me vote for new residents excellent excellent okay yeah I get to work on that I don't know how we claim this thing what this even means it's armaments as if things for I don't know looks like swords and shields I think actually I do think we we grow an army now used to be you just have peasants that would go and and why wasn't killed by wolves or as well as that are the wolves over here Little Wolf Den empty cave I don't see any wolves oh yeah that's right there you stay with wolves Michaels dead extra tools hooray aha so how do I get those can we go on like do this rebuild I want that oh that too [Music] I guess yeah I guess army is I think that was a whole big update last time the the army stuff alright I think I would like to get a quarry going right over here far away from roads yeah yeah that's right so you can go back with whoops no it's fine that's and then we'll get this War II thrown in right there okay I've been for that rode all the way up to a row button okay I don't know find a food we've got only eight food hanging around so we probably should get a little more that's I know we can get a windmill in the air I do remember this part I also remember farms are fast food oh yeah if there's a soil fertility thing how do I see you the wintertime hey Mike how's it going so this is the this is the fertile soil there's also super fertile so somewhere around here there's some right over there we built our houses very fertile right every time a we should stick with farms over there you've been ordinary it naturally fertile uh so big enough spot for it we can stick it there we can build our farms [Music] and I don't have any more food than this but we're going to do it hey thanks Kent design what fires make sure if you build wells I don't have a well well well you stone there's water right there they'll put it out thank you okay put on the super foil but I super a referral spot dragon storm what it what did that no no [Music] Vladi are killed by wolves does it does it doesn't change the names and people does it there's no Tod can I change your name like a place to live and get over it Tom let's go throw in I guess we're gonna do them and sweaty and kind of my roadie back here so let's go something like that it was in advance [Music] there and like that don't want houses here actually because if I remember right the the castle will grow over time we'll be adding all kinds of things in great halls and treasure rooms and that we can attach it to this make it look real cool because what we're gonna do looks like actually the walkway is this way maybe we should put a row right there looks don't but no stone well you know what we're working on it what is that that's that's that's that stuff blacksmith will make armaments that's a lack of food Tim no no [Music] boy here we go dragon storm dragon spot on the horizon a lot of them space you get the blame for this and five people is a to found houses it's a bad time to be moving in if people want some food where's the dragons at sea fish if I hear them dragon sighted here he comes just the 100 there's a whole bunch of them there's so many of them wait a minute wait a minute I don't leave can afford oh well where's stone somebody gives me some stone can I change us to farmers first boy workers next buildings last listen about this I'm gonna get burned down maybe we turn that up you know huh I changed my mind I don't want to plush you anymore hmm it's okay we got a little pawn there we got pawn we go we got buckets we don't have a pond over here though my food yeah get the water maybe just hide out in the water I get it look yeah I doing nothing beat it dragon ouch oh you broke that one that guy yeah they come back don't they look the dragons get like tougher or bigger and they get and more they the more they're around or the the later in the game that something still around okay we all good you guys going to get some good excellence yeah let's get some more wood to me closer forests around here I probably should have built a little so - all right thanks cat design so we gotta grab these without getting the wolves preferably wolves down there - hey watch out for those wolves buddy I'm here hungry there you go I think somebody died yeah somebody's dead there sorry buddy okay farms got a little trashed make sure we get rid of those are you building more quick same name cost let's rebuild that one um we are a little hungry so let's see if we can do that we got three people and come in they saw those dragons and they thought hey it's like a good place to stay it might not turn off yet but turn off I'm boss I'll turn it off sorry YouTube [Music] let me get more armaments now there we go okay The Grove is ready that'll help with some food we got we got a food here out what they had what they do is they come in and grab the food and then they throw it into their houses and then this or a stock pilot in here as time goes on and your town gets bigger than David's gone they they want more they want new things they want more things other than just corn or whatever everyone's they're not very happy what's that devastated bout the recent dragon attack food shortage like I know but I was happy though and this is health which we have wheat and bread we don't any fruit yet we don't any fish yet but I don't like it fish I would like a doc I need gold for docs how do we get Coakley so that is Oh taxes taxes give us gold couple tax just a little bit just like 1% oh not yet super game speed with that unit even worth it if it's tie okay just fix one for armaments all right let's go faster Forster replants trees stockpile be nice to have let's get a stockpile and just throw it in just say like right there I think so let's get stockpile in right there and remember how siz I think we probably get a well though to cover this spot over here just for our farms our pit right there may become its Castle a little bit for sure would be nice to have we can build some trees kinda close by we have trees like we're nowhere near those those wolves there's to be tree land I can't put it actually gate a railroad back here I'm not sure how soon we need to be building castles Town Square for peasants to be happy villagers like taverns and do that and then we'll get our forest ranger must be near useable trees back here ok here we go still whine about food nope CoA beat hey food came in excellent excellent harvesting time ok little bit came in maybe any more food isn't there a windmill somewhere in here there it is first productivity of farms adjacent so we could stick it in the middle there and we would have well I swear I ruin that but we could have a nice farm spot into the farm right there ok things are cheaper to build let's build things let's make a cottage [Music] right there let's rebuild these houses yeah a wood piece jeepers that guy's kind of sad must mean he's maybe a graveyard know what there's a treasure room they'll give us cash let's do it we're gonna build it up over squeezing in here somewhere to put it or to be in my way my flat oh I forgot it does that that's fancy that's extra fancy dragons no no no no no no plagues what we need this happens we're gonna need an advance town health where as health hospital there a cheaper hospital clinic cash flow but we can do that now because we can't tax our people so it's our takin's tax even 5% we have plenty of beds for our people let's get looking is it looking smooth over here on the on the stream [Music] even such a planet zoo on Twitch and then problems lately with it with it fixing my weights to the net okay all right I won't worry a bit to get some things built didn't go and no not just a usual plague it seems like half our population is sick thanks thanks it's only a short one at least Terral place both lend to it to peasants are ill well that's pretty super Terran is something we need that would cover our houses people keep dying so the Tavor over here where the houses are where's the front door let's go sweets fast like that is you do it like this yeah yeah there we go okay only people happy okay I apologize you to people that bought is is not abiding by my my commands timber workers do we have a big issue with would obviously have some we don't have any stone no why not because people aren't carrying it so stockpile things needs to go up I guess make sure the stone is carried around there we go here comes people seem to keep dying hey hey you there she stopped dying [Music] produce storage Rissa can't be stored by the end of winter is lost over their pants bed who they can't be stored in the by end of winter is lost I forgot that was the thing we'll stick our granary right over here in the town square [Music] there we go extra charcoal excellent I know that does but I'll take it five new folks came in thanks tico s-- I think I'm gonna grab it oh yeah here they come they're gonna get it I think yeah I guess that goes into houses right that's a that's a resource for people there it is once access to charcoal I get charcoal that's a industry right here he's for heating cooking and smithing what to say about nearby nearby homes don't think don't like it smoke nearby homes won't like so we're gonna throw it over here next to it should be over here that next to this guy behind the guy okay passionate woody would be nice they're all their graves hanging around Cemetery here we go where's a caretaker okay throw it back thank you're behind the cosmic [Music] Evette and then we'll get a road hidden back here [Music] okay perhaps I should have put a road that goes maybe here over this way connects it all up this is what a wood piece each we do I have here three I'll say that [Music] resilient that's it see Callum dragon storm is dirty hey if there's a resources in here in the stockpile excellent the granary should be holding food now so we oh look at that we have a stockpile of food wave plenty of charcoal thanks chat we have zero of the two basic things I would like more of that can i oh that's very good faster wood cutting let's take advantage of that let's go in and crank this thing up I would like timber workers you get to work chop some trees very quickly stray random black stone oh hey that's could be good because these are what's in the way of all this stuff so it's like one of these goes away we could get access to that iron mine what do what do you think over here advisers futures are running low it's fine to me buddy and some Correa's have no place to store their stone work is halted and I'm able to Dave the dragons attack perhaps we should build more Archer towers or ballista okay just in case castle it did it build and stacked to form walls and towers we still got a lot of wood right now this doesn't seem like it's the best thing to be building against dragons attacks okay and stack them up there and get a tiny Tower I miss I miss that if someone said something is is the stream looking smooth I am terrified under the dragon storm keeps it keeps popping up in the last me [Music] aren't you farmers I would like to get you a windmill a 15 bucks I have to [Music] what's good okay a few more people in here we can get a couple houses over this way we could build something fancy like a cottage manners are very fancy was gonna do a couple colleges [Music] okay now to give us some good things oh it's super cloudy to do is just is that just annoying he's putting clouds in the way which gods are chosen to help our plight one less useless don't worry about it okay which one hey there we go that's not really any good but hey next time was that dragon storm again [Music] mr. ivory nice yeah yeah maybe a cemetery where's it gonna go I can't this is a cemetery right here though right yeah you you need money we need money for this place tax people as much as I can perhaps is there a gold mine around just iron or stone stone and then there's more iron wolf tin will wean anything that comes near except peasants that that won't wet that work at a forester you know those trees we tore down that was quick and good so let's go put that back down I once I guess I did timber workers it down down that way carrot I don't care about the caretakers the kids the bottom of the list tax collectors that's an important job yeah definitely the most important of jobs okay you make trees we're gonna have our houses I think go around this way with another another big one right there [Music] throw in I'm very fertile over there but we could put a couple around this way we should put this whale somewhere else one of these days we'll have 15 bucks I think it should be priority 1 yeah everybody agree yeah it was picking Jake II know every time isn't it dragon storm all right Jake keen thanks buddy all right I'll take some iron what's that one over there what did that one that's tools overwhelming rats that sounds scary right here we can have a festival is it cost 50 bucks they're like get 50 bucks out of it yeah it cost 50 bucks I'm nowhere near there we need that tax collector working harder he's me a jobs being filled I must make sure it's okay I would like how I make soldiers crazy squad of soldiers using idle peasants I need that a chamber of war first which is there which needs lots of stone and lots of gold archer tower i want that right that goes on top of this this is nothing right now it but he needs a justice a on top of it six new residents we've got how many we got fifty two out of a six looking like a small village yeah cuz we could is is or i moved back down tonight I did yeah for sharing it means Parkington all right if I want I spilled on water I remember those docks so what I went no I want a fisherman fishing hut that's what I want must be near fishing grounds which we figured are back here yeah is this gonna be in big trouble whenever it comes to being attacked because I don't bill to defend this place but overwhelming rats a half of our food well that's all bad things now super cloudy dragon storm extra wood I'll take that one we have a lot of extra stuff we need more stockpile room I think let's do a the Baker takes wheat and charcoal turns it into breads yeah Baker where's he gonna live maybe you'd break an exodus granary there's the front door the Baker look at that right there anyway I won't I want to look right stash him over does their work radius here right there next to the farms [Music] it's at fertile soil that's really good soil over here Clinic there we go now go nice to the people over here stash it right here's the terror [Music] our peasants has died under mysterious circumstances farkles are rats stockpile I would like another one of these let's get to it right there I guess [Music] get a road to come back here over this house it gets glued a road back here somewhere and get more houses to think back to back this way might be times I think about about about walls and since we have no place to put our stone there's something he means start possible [Music] pausing you having fun yeah oh it's just stuck on that oh that could be really bad wait dragon attack why no go away we need we need uh where's the the attacking just this 20 bucks for $1 away where is he you get here just hanging out scary about him my money I'll be paying somebody now that not too bad 3:54 by holmes 13 my taverns we need a we can make a piggery somehow wherever you go whatever it's called fishmonger a swine herd that seems like something that would go right here in the not fertile soil right there and then with the with that we need a butcher we cash for you know don't let that burn well I forgot those things burn all the time let's abolish that and move it away a little bit that being a problem last time let's stick it back over here somewhere that guy hey all right well tools thanks Jackie it's just just need you just hang around [Music] who's that what is this what is this my fish man my fish man working I didn't realize it actually worked fish man get to work buddy I think I didn't have any gold for that yeah good see I'm uh I'm a very competent King okay heavier longtime store harvest some of it was room by winter bring pads to the granary we help you're right there with your whining Oriole place put their stone and you see the dragon I sure did she built some defenses in case of yeah yeah we're gonna have Vikings showing up here before too long also so second quarry done yet yeah it is it was a fire so maybe we put that out in attack in 13 years so let's see here we have we have stone gotta be minutes dying let's start by putting walls up maybe this way we go around this where do we want to go we want to go to it let's go around there we go it's all we can get down right now more food source cuz you produce more than you can use if I use a bigger granary well that's cool it pops the top open any if you see inside look at that fancy extra stone hey thanks Horst oh there's my stockpile too good we use it for walls we'll need a gate somewhere but we'll just go this to like there and then start scooting this way that for right now we put a gate like here to the to the boats and below right now Stonegate no he's 40 he also get these I guess and put them up on the walls yeah back that we can keep on these walls what's up bird doing [Music] yeah the birds my kingdom clearly it's magic oh he's done we got just barely enough room for our people let's make a another cottage is 12 more peasant room the facts store goes from pick-up and drop-off by transport allows foreign merchant ships to dock I want that I was twenty five bucks but I'm going to do it so right here by my daughter don't you make sure what you're facing the right way though it works hot accident you may have any idea what it is [Music] I have to sort [Music] produce is for just for free - granary is for just food in general our coal makers is person - ah that's what it means it's a long way from a well it's going to burn down [Music] - Oh Bella rear high heaven range was I doing about yeah let's do a small grammar stew row the leads [Music] actually I want to make this go low that's probably fine and then we're gonna make a maybe a big granary right there [Music] hey a free building Hey fires out standing up like a fire brigade we should deal with that now poor Madeline you me have roll a last name Oh Oh Shawn I saw that they do those wolves [Music] how'd you get though [Music] okay hey look at that Sandow higher caste okay Casa block I by the road or we could go out a couple notches hey Nabila cost of one building oh don't build that thing build something big and expensive like a hospital or church or a library or uh dragon should appreciate this statue hope it's okay I don't have to make great hull chamber over war won't that I care by the cemetery nice that's that's alright I like that one I afford you can't afford a little super to me so this is right though I'm sure if we need another one report small-market as wise extra food and charcoal to the market to create yes is for heads of household any one of those I mean one of those over here somewhere so we throw it in at the edge rink White House is probably gonna be going around this way so let's put it right there or there wow thank you very much major corn thank you very much Wow thank you see let's go with a dance and no matter I was done I am 10 years it's oh no no dragon hmm what was I was just about to build this okay pretty what it is though it's Thunderer here in the market are you 20 bucks I'm always short ooh a grand festival let's do one of those burnt uh yeah they're gonna burn the new place the new war place down can I uh that's treasure room this one can I hire an army not fully staffed well it should be Union Army military how's so yeah yeah there they are I knew I knew there was bigger dragons that guy he's scary oh no oh man these are I'm not talking to you Siri man peasants killed by dragons for it's not nice my farms are all burned down my house burned down my what was that farm anything else seemed to hold together Chuck will make roaster working yeah Grand Festival hoping for that I think we've got that Cemetery we're gonna need it i retake those meat too if I needed I thought I needed a butcher here's the source pork for each piece of pork collected from a swineherd butcher cuts and prepares it mobiles multiple service tools are available stores 1 to 100 pork I had some cash yeah Jerry's loved this place yeah we get fertilized in the fields with our dead bodies here what's up hey kingdoms been overcome with a strange sense of belonging celebrate the people have come together to throw a festival in every town square you have ever made or the one okay get me money give me some money happiness radius three so basically not gonna help you guys out okay stir our mad most because the Dragons oh you want a church or a library get over that I can't afford it seventy-five gold I don't okay now how do you work oh hey wait a minute I would like I would like some stone cuz it just does work we're using our gold for this maybe we say oh here comes my now many golden huh merchants hello how do i how do I deal with this ah okay I would like to sell you some things I have armaments tools so much money I'll say you for two littles need a whole bunch of math are still with that weapons take those we have a bunch I think and I would like to buy [Music] he's doing business we big purchase please don't do it five of those [Music] hey there we go we want okay let's go put in here a iron mine to get a road [Music] right there rings mired in this place goodbye at zero oh okay maybe we should make that butcher across the street here the help of that super more fields in over here one need to go right there fishermen do more fishing oh wait fishmonger what's he do but fishing huts fishmonger I'm some he does what's then the kind of thing presence tours fish he's going to cut fish into the various things so let's set him up over here nope that's trying to say I think means it needs more gold mr. despair so cemetery parts can be reused no that means no no no rats no rats we need food by eating our food to dilute happy music it's kind of like right you'd be like out here but first thing you see when you walk into town is the cemetery house it my kind of town and so much stone another one Hey no right um you guys all right over there knuckle Petach or didn't he die already a church in a library can you hear those and new windows gets it's breaking down yeah no one saw fit to stay gonna make a life more pleasant for our peasants life is fine oh we don't need places to put them though I think I'm gonna build my houses around here I mention before so let's go do some more I guess it's hobbles I can't afford these for a few hobbles in the one there and one they ever can that what couple houses on the side - hey Adam how's it going [Music] these men have far problems when these days we'll get a windmill no how about a lot I think about these farms new way yeah we got a festival it's over with now though now as far as the military goes how's this work so can I tell you guys to do something why order you around amongst ballista Barracks in archery school oh it's probably build I see you have to make archery school I'm assuming you go away I hope esence in the archer squad contact enemies from afar bargaining town and ready go faster let's make castle blocks Lenny will go up and that my gold oh good idea Thank You Bree very good idea I want no one here yet good way to go home can use more Baker's for sure dockworkers yeah we need all this stuff granary workers and more people and 18 farmers okay oh do we have enough um for what I've been looking for no almost there hey let's go [Music] sounds pretty bad let something I got two people sick so I'm not scared of it anymore we're going in finally me more people hey uh can I vote yeah wait who's voting for one a break get out of here emergent uh hey buddy I would like to we want to trade with you with anything or I can sell you things I have some more armaments we'd like those and nine of those here take some of those I should sell you my my charcoal I got a bunch of it that's what that is no it's iron supermagic many people seem to appear out of thin air this day to serve in your kingdom how many how many well look at whoa Wow we're gonna do with all these people that's a WoW we went from 100 right wait a hundred second ago to 157 all right I guess I'll make some buildings come over there and we'll get in some hobbles I guess a timber okay that's excellent finally no one has a house but we finally have people around I'm gonna keep all of my houses over here cuz I think I haven't seen much of that other than the like a market there's water to aqueducts and reservoirs oh I thought it was more things like more market kind of things that you want to keep around your place [Music] once happenes have irrigated what happenes a place near other gardens Cal was beat slower than our wall roads oh we put it in in the road just to get like people like this there you go that's nice isn't it that's real nice I have a tavern we can give him another tavern stick and over on this side of town owns over there I have pretty good radius though or we can do more houses over here there's plenty of room over here we can use some housing over here or farming actually it's gonna go out and around this is mostly gonna be inside we could do a big batch of farms because we are out of food yeah people are fine seems like the wine few peasants left what come back alright new freebie I'm gonna take the keep peasants from despairing gladly accepts any donations like donation like for me for me donations or we can make a great Hulk or a barracks or an archer school I'm gonna get Archer school it's very big [Music] right there I wanna see this grouse tomorrow maybe I shoulda stuck on this side with this she is inside somehow in size you go train arches squad cause 51 don't all right people a little unhappy homelessness plus five people are in good health that's good have another windmill and has a stockpile situation let's make make a make a small granary over here right there let's stash some food and we're gonna make some houses over here they're gonna go kind of hesitant to put on on the fertile soil Oh stash them over this way so in there where the market is [Music] I'm innocent should be in here right Market Market Market saw small markets Hey right there we go lose some houses around here these walls we're gonna go in this way now and over stone the quarry around here are you just straight over here Cory right there you'll have to be at least these walls are bigger eventually but not quite there yet we're gonna to get these walls I guess we're gonna come around can't squeeze through here and then come around and I don't know right this way maybe around these trees here keep them inside of our castle walls you get big castle [Music] all my wood but we're not chopping it [Music] more people right we still have enough beds what we have [Music] how much the hot is a hobble hold halva holds five and in a cottage I was 12 so it's certainly better let's squeeze it in there and then one there okay there's 24 more spots that's gonna help us out immensely no boy pair comes all the wood Wow okay this I've been running yet I think so so I went stone or is it stone people Meyers it's filled but it's only six people [Music] I'm gonna set up the stockpile over here big stockpile I don't think I'm ever made nice wood space you'd be like right there [Music] as a whole here so they need to go in there and he put in this ball again he'll put you know what goes in there is a fine-looking statue Oh next time I get a free building I'm putting one of these in because it's Cathedral requires a church where's the library I need to make one of these if I get those and I could get the big stuff fountain water and all benefits of a well and a larger radius actually happiness as well I'm stone roads be cool anyone over on this side too so we down there over there real quick quickly stones coming in let's go to there we get some towers well probably to set our set up on this side and come around this way what's up extra would have a fish monitor we don't we produce storage but necessary I reminds therefore we're getting a Forester second one over here to help with away from the wolves again I said that one's probably fine cottages do that six years so the Dragons show up with these people what are they doing Oh bill Denise good job building faster dragon storm here it comes Oh Quarry output oh yeah I'm vote for that one if I wanted to go to anything where's that Briscoe this way actually put my kingdom the wrong way tonight this is going out to nothing this is where my gate should be looking up we can't have a bad gate in the front gate this is where we need to have another gate and this is where we're going to be going out here and maybe getting other little spots we could just do a whole bunch of fishing over here I don't know really a benefit of going to a new places except for storage and really over here there's nothing over here except for wolves and trees Hey [Music] go in a bit [Music] and maybe up and around I would go there [Music] we're goes quarries you leavin yeah okay they're all working it they're all there we're just waiting for callers mostly Chuck will make our working Hey working buddy the charcoal we have gold we have a lot of gold don't we uh we should go spend it should we get how is that garden I want to see it or whatever yeah look at that whoo that's fancy as a garden right yeah that's real nice it gets us a bus with other guards around doesn't it what was the boost bonus happiness figure he ate it and most happiness if placed adjacent to other gardens which we're going to be doing travel has slowed through there which not ideal but we put it this way because those lost things happen in that whoo that's real nice it's place to get info I suppose getting fancy I don't know dragon attack no more of those I I want one of these every time I always bend my money before I could see those things we can make ballista as well what we have is just the one guy he's big he's big in here comes with a dragon storm armor better with resin for Indiana it's on the soil fertility also could change that beat a dragon a spotter to me shoot that thing please archers and ruin my fancy Gardens look at look at those things scroll to be a little high ooh that's nice nice burnin house next door and it's real nice yeah hey in here how's it goin hey Cooper yeah here's a switch iteration so you get a vote on things as they they pop over a couple minutes [Music] more stone I think we kind of have to go around this I really wish this would go away okay oh oh they're mine there we go I want this to go I guess out it's a little funny what you do in there in there and hook those up we can build along this way here this is pop open yeah it does that's cool we do non-food farms portraits bakeries got pigs coming in okay hang on let's go spend some resources here do I have enough I don't know for archery squad will manner though the man's charcoal more tax yield it is real nice let's go down right over here maybe like right makes them to well I don't want to be nice to charcoal so let's put over here where's the front door it okay Road would go into it and let's make sure we get almost a hospital to get Church first the like churches let's put it there over here I think yeah there we go I thought that was a road in front of that tulips if I did you try that my candle would get my stuff back [Music] I'm right that I won't cause he really these houses here put a robe that way [Music] what's happened Vikings where are they yeah okay are they coming from my basement over here okay so they're coming from the side I want them to come from of course they are we raised an army turn the army on I know we need to be compares first we can make this though archers how much they are trained you fifty one goal good if I could raise taxes [Music] well the dragon storm kill the Vikings oh they're just gonna destroy me I don't have any sort of defense yes we can get money in here taxes taxman you do your job where is he do you job faster here right they're just the one so he's gonna land over here we need to get some we gotta build an argument we're training supplies no staff to train new soldiers what are they ready it comes to military no armaments we have we have our mints go pick them up training how do I use you [Music] I open in the archer squad Emmys from afar either on the ground or stationed on a wall even know how to tell them what to do [Music] attack each other like a man the military can I had to come okay dragons I think for trainees to arrive there here towers put it Archer tower right there quickly build that you're gonna wreck all kinds of things that I maybe they go automatically here you come [Music] stole my money that all they do dragon that's not very nice and seek their vote hey dragon give me give me a hand here it's all my money get back here peasants are too unhappy okay okay no I text my people and they even took it all right let's get some defenses here this is this is a not going well do that we need to just put like a tower just sort of around the place so we'll stick random towers here make these out of wood it'll be safe stack one in there put an artery tower on top of it and we'll stick one over here there's no well oh right here I didn't prepare for this let's uh let's uh make a well over here hey thanks well somebody's shootin Oh what do you have a squad okay there they are so Daniels here get him Daniel okay get it to work doing other things go take care of this did I just band you in so you're not going to be every soldier again I think I did well get him back well it took wine you belted put the fires out tougher player army like my army but I just sold off seven were kidnapped by a Viking raiding party he took seven people um all right let's raise those taxes again people are really unhappy dragons taverns are too crowded they say we drinking all day - if I live in this town I want to go in soon as we get some money let's put some more archer towers in here [Music] okay so workers just work this thing so it just they just are there which is probably good many a tower over on this side two Vikings and 10-years dragons in 14 years I'm glad they told they tell us it's very kind of them let us know when they're coming couple of them they're like increase the size later on if you want to I squandered my squad piece [Music] helps pretty good on the bright side but it's not a whole lot of fruits but [Music] I wonder if I were to build a wooden wall say we do that can we then change it to stone [Music] thanks you guys are sure our kind over there in twitch which land appreciate that three peasants left we didn't want them here anyway all right let's focus on we got that going in good night can I mine multiple sides of these like if this this stone was gone could I put one on the side also that's might work there for the quarry in there oh I can Morse don't seems like a good idea when it saw fit to stay we train our tree squad we can also kill those wolves over there [Music] hey what do you do feels more calm than usual thanks timber if I go in does it give them money it does just thanks you for your donation no I wouldn't I want money I give me money and what's that one iron special item Rufus are some techniques produces cost by 10% for wood and fiber senses don't cost 1450 don't have that can I sell you some what is that iron and I have some armaments which keeps giving me hey Tom has gone okay we're gonna use that money for towers there and we're gonna put one over here since we get a piece of wood boys you that one handsome [Music] get these guys back and it sets you to auto auto chop and without it you have a ton of food now my person sell that to the merchants first distance about glad to get fed can't say your food so you food I can I can I have lots of food okay I have any food to sell you oh hey that's good that's good a lot of wolves out there armies here though our meeting go kill the wolves come over here and we're gonna go chop chop chop chop lots of trees just clean just clean this place out there's lots of wolves over there it's okay they won't do anything Army's gonna take care of me anyway and I also want priority to be on there either for timber oh yeah more more more timber all right well Mele them invite one's name I can shoot this wolves over here let's go deal with just we're just feeding the wolves right now there you go take care of those wolves please there's good right there there you go Porfiry Joey I only have four is it is it done I think it is just another day slaughtering some wolves for education them cheat them more okay enough with the timber and more wolves around here can I do something with these are they just empty keeps them let's go wolves yeah you take care of those hey mines now all right where's my mind's at mind you beeping your top right query workers here we go how was the stock pile was looking at a fool nowhere near full [Music] a stockpile however that is there and I would like a ballista I put it up here no but I put up here right please facing facing out yeah [Music] okay give me some stairs so we get up on this side and then we got stone we got a lot of stone let's finish this up can I switch you out I can't maybe I'm shaking looks like we can't walk there's what's a good place that hopefully okay now one side of town is done so if there's no towers or anything it towers there we got a tower there there we've got four towers rights all armed on the wall increases the range yeah we can also come in here and we can upgrade the size I think we can't do this one because there's maybe you might have done wait let's go out this way hey festival time that's my favorite time hopefully I can raise us up population boost I handle that one at night people coming in here now you done yet I'm never doing naps but I like it put a bullet up there that's not the way what you're facing tell which way it's going I think it's facing okay fire in town no worries big worries actually you know what if you uh if you fall apart I could put a mansion in here I'm gonna fans people - next to the into the palace that's what makes you fancy ooh a moat I can make a moat is it fifty gold per per spot that's a lot of money I would like a tower to be here and here okay we'll hopefully be able to build that up I know it already hates with it I'm thinking maybe a state position that way man yeah that's that's a lot of people it's 50 people just showed up how much is that that manor hold holds 25 so you couple more of these I'll throw them over here we get a road going back this way go up therefore now [Music] if I come in here can I please tell me I can do this I wanna I wanna but I want to just raise it up and then put the thing back on top of it okay well don't do that hang on I would like you to be taller before I put you on there are going to be a lot to offer that [Music] one person left the kingdom in a light man is nowhere to live now we have a dragon here aren't we you know what I can this doesn't change that that that takes down no matter what so let's crank up to speed here get these built up and we'll throw in our tower now they go in right spot down there [Music] dragon Tech's bad times it doesn't recover much [Music] and right there all right that wasn't me a lot of we had a lot of people in town a lot of new folks we're putting to work this side of towns a little in bad shape I wouldn't like Hey and what's a baby marking to you there's food in charcoal the market access for charcoal or for people oh hey I just don't I was gonna get dragon let's go to market in writing to you next to the church there's market right there let's go over here [Music] Oh [Music] the tax baking party that's who gets the protection that's right ooh provides water to Auto Works aqueducts and reservoirs I don't know how our aqueducts work but I guess you can bring water in places like this can I sell you food 6 there I'll say you the six that I've got and it's all I'm gonna give you plenty of food you know it's go down a little bit more charcoal apparently is on the menu it was a Mason what's he do Pearse damaged structures with stone [Music] nice-lookin town people walking through the walls here probably turn this around the wrong way you walk down the steps and you run into that I think it'll switch around I'm pretty sure it changes whenever we add in stuff like for instance a Great Hall doesn't have a door on it does not it is on the side well you know my island if you throw this thing back maybe here gonna be running it into the there yeah there we go extra big now stairs are still the main yeah doors are decoration we would have it we have a door right there and there's a garcina by oh my treasure room you get to the castle yet to walk through the treasure room these armaments I have were very sad why recent plague infections was there a plague did I miss something churches libraries crowded taverns did you crowded okay sir why not give me to the church I don't know I know I'll build over here on this side this is in not first well okay [Music] there's that I'll give you a tavern as well just here seems like to be a little more central work and then oh yeah oh well did everybody well there's one there let's see you think we we need a barracks have an archer school you finish our gates up our walls [Music] super play I don't have a hospital though I just ignore that and and skipped it I meet you for a second two peasants have taken ill oh no not two peasants possible seems like a good spot for it right here and what's one spot there oh five people die from plague okay people are dying you're really cooler with taller walls um I don't even put a stone gate here that's 40 stone we're gonna hold off just work our way around here don't do a big clearing good job wolves over here with my arm yet they still over here oh yeah hey yeah buddy its cheeks oh you're the only one left I want you go recuperate [Music] so the the next update they're working on is supposed to add in additional kingdoms and I guess that's where we would want to hop them on a boat move around [Music] repentance has drought where you go into that form [Music] not fully stabbed right with her whine about clergy I really have that that few of people everyone is 18 archers the eight bullet stopper operators many people are minding the towers a lot and dog granary castle job yeah these I think are you me and Tim cavity sir windmills are man's [Music] I still have zero idle people we need more people let's up lower the taxes and see if we can make people real happy these are recently departed not being shown respectful burial yet because the no one's caretaking the cemetery having said evil planners sometimes a man that can I lower that like just say just one person deals what there's a big fire risk here I'm not a um what do you have for me two things okay so you okay you come deal with these these balls we're gonna come in here we're gonna do a whole lot of topping wolves over here too done okay come stand over here [Music] we had Vikings Vikings earlier spread lies Jim I can will be here in two years anyway okay uh you uh buddy you you um just hang out there's a lot of burning going on I'm that well what you're talking about put it in right is it easy to get to pop put it there what's with the amount of money lower taxes too much biking attack okay where they coming from is it just a few Vikings there's gonna be a lot of Vikings okay just the one and they're coming in of course we have no defense so archers over this way text blocks are you working I just hear there [Music] right I think no one's gonna work long as there's money no money let's see if we can fight them if we can lure them over here by our our army all right we gotta raise this up they're all Meili though I think Chuck shootin there you go yeah take that stretch you can shoot more aren't you shooting more and you know the Bliss is working maybe come over here and deal with this stand here my garden Oldham Bert my Gardens okay that guy's big guys gone back up start shooting what's up my things on fire yeah get out of here I got him [Music] vote to get away but ain't nothing on the boat we go sink the boat [Music] well that's a good one you know we're making whoo seed rolls very nice but there's that that's statue also look at that thing that's nice or we can do this giant Cathedral which is giant someplace to put this thing even go massive this covers most of my land about a hospital we got a hospital train right to that square one mm-hmm there's gonna be it I think we got to go with the Cathedral doesn't fit anywhere does fit there is that reach everybody know this does over here Hey tells of your unsuccessful defense of some Viking rampages have frightened many visitors wait waiting room unsuccessful can I build a boat to hunt him down troop transports drawbridge for our ways at the next island Colossus of milk was the point of going over here just just more people [Music] oh that's coming we have okay so we're gonna go like this around here and then Oh what is this what is this oh good especially tough today that's what we need where are they come on yet I'm over here come to shoot some bye keys [Music] Jim [Music] burning my town down I'm not okay with this take my money don't let him get my money [Music] shoot him there we go yeah you're my money back [Music] burn everything down is it done now do we is there more it's two empty boats I go recuperate no mad reason Viking attack gave us some trauma it was an unsuccessful defensive writing no no no we win but it's cool-looking I should build a tower they said you keep sailing by here I should get a tower just out this way [Music] that throw a archers should do a ballista but with a shoot further yeah look at the range difference by putting it from the ground up to hear what's going he's gonna go up on top now hot accident I don't have to get up there but it does look pretty like that looks fancy no my a doesn't spin around isn't it [Music] bringing to learn time anyway of changing the few distance is there more no they get out of here okay there's a good thing iron there we could which I think we should be in our might as well keep it in our radius and this is really fertile soil over here so I'm just claim it you're these trees over here I'm gonna get rid of these trees over here so this is the plant looks to get some tree chopping mad tree chopping okay we got two years the dragons gonna be here we could probably use some defense over here that Cathedral yeah not fully staffed a no one works here meet people how can we get people have in here 30 average home happiness 34 in good health what do you whine about them it's because overhears mad what's wrong with you being taxed - oh you're being taxed yeah yeah yeah okay they go only -3 then you don't have any is that iron iron fish or you have everything because the church is the church because - everyone enjoys a nearby garden when there's pretty happy I paid for you dude you don't have any the other variety of the food it's very pretty Cathedral okay that should help out maybe people over here man new charcoal over here cowboy was this gonna do for us [Music] normally yeah it goes away with your cursor it's just no okay and that one's real bad I sure don't like that one you might get in here it says leave these trees out of here just out part charcoal folks I'll be actually working charcoal makers known as low as my timber workers we not need [Music] twenty-eight clergy somebody has drowned over blitz what is that that's not what we want well we're at the at the chat I just see number eight number eight number eight okay don't you worry it's fine we got we got Sir Humphry over here who's ready to go sniffing mission house you're paying extra damage we could raise a second archer squad let's do it don't that we have people for this but I'll do it if you'd be some some extra people I take it you can use more beds maybe that'll encourage folks to come moving in charcoal shortage is making people angry it also says there's no fish or that so I've been meaning to make another fish shop for a long time let's make a couple of these where's the fishing at this would be fishing land over here a couple fishing huts and I guess more pigs take up a lot of space maybe get some fish those overs will jump on boats just to kick around the nearby Kingdom it's like a game game for them does that mean [Music] [Music] dragon in one year over here so I can see you [Music] I need some timber command [Music] okay and the all-important Stone Road [Music] whoo a free building you know we're getting you know we're in move on Lord leave I got you the forest and all its creatures in fig we trust for what sort whatever that is and the dragon should appreciate this statue can I put it on - eh I could if I did a four wall thing I could stick it somewhere extra fancy let's do that right here right here behind my castle I think so [Music] I hope it works so with this over blitz you can see the ogres around [Music] I don't mm that means what is this traitor Oh [Music] Gers just guess the ogre blitz is a as a mystery there it is Marcin what do you got anything for me to sell to you [Music] if I'm some fishing here we'll get a row that passes along the back here [Music] we gotta limit something gonna run around this race [Music] ads over to viking attacks oh oh so next time Vikings show up like what you all are waiting for [Music] he's leaving how's that stone road looking forget the walls we got a stone road okay put one of these in Thanks just go to the water and go just like this [Music] and then over here and then around in there and it will be set we don't need towers yet and we have a hole in our wall hey bar mic feature that I'll be Romain [Music] Jerian attack so we're gonna drag an anti viking attack at the same time basically okay when people are happy maybe they'll move into my house my town pretty fertile soil what was that dragon just one just a little guy oh you know what he's coming this way excellent where is he at hey Davey Murray there he is I expect to see you working buddy army more here start shooting [Music] you you you hey not very uh very useful toes you may be making him mad don't beat some at my farms why didn't our Hugh I may not be anybody in it it's workers there unknown for chasing well we gotta figure these Vikings coming from fed it just the one yeah they're coming from a very large guy in there and they're coming from this way over here okay let's put you up on these walls I'm staring here and then you are gonna go yeah you know it's go like next to him they're gonna land over here I think get him from the walls but now we'll do this we may actually expand and come up to here eventually I would like to see some more farmland over here though that's good soil that we need people first need that here Riis the free building on a stone road oh I did didn't I oh no oh I forgot about the free building oh man hey statue I had it look perfect for place for us I can't believe it it is yeah I can so nice right there best of all time Thanks celebrating these do pity of our master [Music] come here Vikings [Music] can't believe I wasted that all right Vikings we're we're so excited we're shaking take that down come on over here keep shooting so lightning bolts I know I'll take it is there more oh yeah gonna get the vote you can get here what stuff Oh a bustling city Hey look at us okay we got 12 years until the bike or the Dragons come back I don't I don't know where they live by you I don't think there's wizards in the game maybe it was my cathedral maybe they're happy with me we are blessed the Viking army has been awed by the majesty of our Cathedral and converted zero joined our kingdom as peasants be more space let's build some houses in here the manor can go a couple meters in there take your minds with a manner [Music] and then a punch not sure how much they need roads to this place we'll find out yes [Music] if it's just for space okay do you care there's no road to you nice little houses with big ones upgrade okay can I go in here and say do I think you're making things up [Music] your mother's about replace okay yeah I didn't replace him which I guess I could do I have I think I've enough for another one these manners no any more gold sixteen people came in more people than we have I know we are actually good as soon as we can we have may attack a little more though [Music] what's all this what's wrong with you what's wrong with you people terrible plague I'll give you a clinic inside of town my pigs are burning price smells good over there like pepperoni in the West it's brigand el insulting me names what's going on population boost oh there we go excellent two people are leaving immediately um let's go get some stuff built as the money okay cottages it is let's cram them in here in there and then more okay thank you for dinner I appreciate that we're out of money when you do tax people we're out of food I haven't changed my food production at all we've been growing a lot so he's probably do something like that like I didn't word in here watch it there and then we're gonna get a couple of farms fill in the last couple spots here lots of decent stuff over here there's also very fertile soil over here we should move over here pipe of this road comes around along the wall and around here we could build big farmland over here we can get the road and circle this place or make it here go side to side you guys happy that what's going on you love life there's a peasant's of died of plague here we are above 300 but never back down chop that tree and that tree I'm going to be quick about it go to road there you know what we should use this I have any gold but I got other things let's get Castle finished there we go let's put some towers in [Music] let's put a keep there that'll go up [Music] there and [Music] you live there okay let's build I can't have oh hey money Oh some of these what I'm broke I'm out of food as well let's get a stairway there and there and there's gonna be a road coming this way so we'll put one here it's like this little doorway this you go through this very cool lightning storm make some cheapo roads on the edge here try not to ruin the fertile soil [Music] and [Music] think of an iron mine all these sides here okay builds more houses we have tons of room now people still aren't the happiest oh you're not being buried I wouldn't fold in it put a cemetery in here with no coat no golden the problem is we have all these these towers and things are gonna cost me any money so I think maybe the trick baby is gonna be say we turn off where is the is it that one or is it archers maybe we're no longer paid are you who are you new archers are you archers assuming you are so yeah so if I if I don't pay you money and something comes up wolf will hire them but literally at night now really military training right now either [Music] we need a published booster we have to idle people actually yeah just come on hop on top of listening just on and off whenever we need them whenever they're necessary we'll throw these guys in here girls do we have the lift operators no I'm not necessary until later [Music] marine event planners Castle job for the men's probably we need more food though so let's do this over here I can do a nice nine spot they're not sure how the farms feel about charcoal there but I'm sure they're fine clean out a couple more trees if we need to right there to make another one what you got [Music] they go there they are 52 come [Music] corrugate [Music] [Music] yeah we know it um we have a very a very tame chat I appreciate very much chat for being for being not a typical live stream chat thank you very rarely do toxic folks throw up very rarely that's know well it's not a sign for you but I'm sorry the the my bot is not working or I'm sorry that it's it's spamming me tube I turn it off again and see if it'll work I don't know share if I can what I can do about it it's quite annoying though but there [Music] the residents what we've got enough beds we got 48 people stand around doing nothing excellent and because we're not working the archery jobs we're getting money coming out I didn't ever that was a trick that we did before we had 15 dead bodies laying around that you would you go in and you would um you'd go in and you would turn off of each individual Tower each time I remember that being a thing I would like a different just a different layout just more expensive this looks cool okay um cheapos there's like it doesn't hold nine that's like they hold more people don't they okay we're using our precious space here what we getting charcoal oh we need that don't we okay this road can now go through and connect if we need it your cemetery no no this is nice Yukie coming to town and the first thing you see is his dead folks to a mice come on in come to the gate look to the right and you got there's the caretaker right there he's got his or the Undertaker book scary fish through there yeah we probably should get a road actually no it we really probably should move this hang on can I um it is because we get a road coming through here cuz it's if you want to go from here I guess you can walk through there it's not that terrible people to walk seem to be able to walk through just fine well be avoiding that about here spare at the fish filthiness they need a bath a bathhouse what's that we need two things no bathhouse bathhouse partisan aurilla now that's something I've messed with before so let's go see about Massimo raise water to aqueducts is it gonna it's gonna have to be I'm assuming at the water somewhere anyway it's be can carry water it work place ideally one could go in here a lack of food [Music] posture quiet produce those are all bad things building cost reduce how much does it cost to make a stone road are much faster try Farah where most peasants are walking it seems like there's a lot of going this way gentle stone people come out this way go this probably should be stoned since it's right next to the Cathedral [Music] well I got cheap roads are cheap building things I might as well do it odors are coming I not forgotten the statue of statues very expensive but when I get a free building don't let me build a road instead or very hungry food shortage [Music] let's do this let's chop these put another farm in here may you move my forester we can set that outside out here let's put a farm in here putting our windmill in we should like a boy let's do another farm I mean just wood for this [Music] short on wood again here let's uh prepare for this so I'm gonna go ahead and rid of all that wood we're going to burn the forest or down we're gonna move it like we need to put a gates in here somewhere I'm gonna set out this way bring you for a gate and put this so just be right here with these stairs are well yeah right here I like a line coming down this if this is the way I mean line still if we put it right there though what's that demolish that gate okay and then we gotta get a road coming out he's right there's fine fourth right there [Music] we'll have this road hmm should put a gap there [Music] it's not too late to do that but then we squander one of our good fertile spots let's do this and see if we can encourage them to come around this way cuz then we can get a whole nother one right in there hmm we could put it a whole another round of farms right in it right in here I'd be nice real nice we're still short on food or we could do let's do this yeah whatever it's probably to move these are gonna burn my farms down here comes some food I hope we have enough storage we got to ring Ares one big one one little one yeah it's plenty of food we got 450 we can hold hey merchant what you got same stuff I don't want you this those Vikings oh my god oh we got a lot of Vikings Oh mine there's an ogre that's a lot of Vikings okay it's gonna be bad can I quickly put mmm no how much defence over here okay I removed my stairs so we came up this way I want you up there and you I think we should stay on the wall honey wouldn't so we can't build anything I'm chopping trees down got dying in the Army on right right thank you hey diamond let's go stand over that way you [Music] 382 people here that's where they come oh that guy's gonna go that that way so if you can hold off that really nice if I can get something built but I need wood to make we have people working that job zero idlers need you over here you stand up on top of that [Music] hey thanks Robbie [Music] where's he going what are you doing sticking my face in the wall can you break walls oh no no no I don't have you defences over here stop at almost two hits [Music] we're here oh he can't come over here there's a wall broken okay let's go ahead and finish off that is bad no no no do hits took my stairs away my gold uh Han Han yeah no one steals my gold I'm just gonna break anything day he'll gun him down come here yeah yeah that guy that right there where you going [Music] run in keep shootin we get the guy with the money [Music] that more Vikings that's just a Viking ship and there he goes did all of them I think so no one has a catapult hey yeah hey they all go okay well that was kind of dirty I do like that it has a a rebuild button however that was just a cottage and yeah you know what's we we don't like care for you those gonna make something fancier is that just a cottage no it wasn't the manor statute I'm statute I get it I miss oh here it is here did okay okay don't let these only do it statue time but first let me build a couple manners I don't know what was that I Ramon ruined [Music] we'll put in our wall you guys get down off you know what just just hang out up there I'm gonna go ahead and get rid of the workers save me some money and you know but now she almost build a thing by itself actually candala by itself but not without even your help I don't the library I'll find me one of those long time ago okay I know where he's going he's going he's going right here we don't for the dragon dragon lady what do you think we got choice between dragon lady or just a dragon I guess we have inferior us whatever that means and we have the guardian of the forest and all its creatures it sounds like an elf to me which one do we want Calista stronger against golem archers a-star against Vikings okay where we say dragon dragon when it can go up there oh look at that that's fantastic that's spectacular I mean you can't go there no no no it can but I really wanted to go up there oh well hey let's just delete this then we're gonna be a little stumped right there I just delete all this cautious to click here okay okay right right there that'll place me well I think so yeah I'm really bummed he can't be up on top of that okay let's uh Maura make some changes here this won't you can't get a road through here this this cemeteries gonna go mm-hmm mm-hmm okay make a new cemetery real quick where's he gonna go Oh a library what is it in advance town has a range on it kind of pretty small range we gonna kick up all these come on over here where's the front door yeah almost - want over here also you were there and one more of a can you are fit here okay library's not gonna make a great library no we're nowhere near that I can make another one of these what is this some lady I mean I should put them I should have put them both right here well we can do that we can do those two there still go there that's gonna money here and then Lord Levi can go on the other side then as you walk into town we can have a dragon which I thought was gonna be ready week is happiness [Music] we need to build my walls up I'm a little disappointed in the short they all are start doing that we have to rearrange a lot of this stuff I'm gloss tone just put everything up and one more level a tiny you just like hobble with these things I'll have to remove all the towers and redo those higher the towers the walls along the range yeah I know and that's how you come into town you stop off at the docks you what come walking in you uh walk by the gallows nevermind it's a street time and then you see ma'am and you can come on through sorry rolls real fast and then there he is there's his feet anyway and then there's the way into the palace there's the Undertaker and then there's a wooden towers going to bar very easily I like it okay um yes we got here anything against the other side we could now boy let's hire the army these are always real a lot of a lot of things were they at stairs stairs I went stairs over here somewhere and is he here already there Oh okay that's probably okay this is one over here also there's a lot of dragons they got tough they are where I'm mowing them down with these these are the big guys there's a little guy right there [Music] get them all so hey supposed to stop that some media says don't block roads today not hope they did their coke is there one that's not blocking the road I think all of them have going stairs don't have frozen your bump your bike kill them on my peasants look at things burning my hole this is all my food do we have a well over here hey hail doc thanks here since you look the Dragons take your money again yeah happens a lot thank you we may need a well inside of town if I can find a spot for one maybe not not gonna build that you know what's going in that great library looks real nice but we're to put Lord Levi in here I'm not sure what he does we'll make sure you face it the right way would you have a deer that's not intimidating at all I can't put that as I'm a castle this no no you and your deer go somewhere else we another dragon do you think maybe a double double dragon kind of silly having two of the same statute but I guess ideally these are supposed to be spread around and they're on the kingdom but we don't do things ideally right my farms are burned a little shine this thing here maybe okay let's rebuild all these things what's the shortcut Rose whine about would my road not going through this was my chance to fix that but I think it's ugly we do it there we go double dragon affirm anything I couldn't maybe put a second one of her she's she's intimidating I not made any armaments because getting him free from you guys but that might be a thing we should probably do at some point that's made at a blacksmith I think I made one at all have I [Music] these trees out here we got some real money on tarpon trying to put a mode in thankful which I dragged them with a deer statue this thing I'm not putting any guy with a deer next time I do I keep for made all these all but the barracks I made that yet have I know castle looking mm-hmm the walls a little more menacing even short on charcoal for a long time I'm gonna deal with that okay we're still unhappy what's wrong with you I need a bathhouse oh yeah oh yeah I forgot about that requires oh yeah that was a whole thing repose to be doing we need what was in it this thing rides aqueducts water to aqua swift like build a whole aqueduct system I guess I'm sure this works figured out well stick it probably into the docks look cool dirt road is burning yeah happens in this town a population person give me over the number of beds I have let's go there [Music] oh it does go oh look at that hey look go buy those don't link that around we have this spot here so we can build a road that way I want to save my stone no because I want to make that thing these trees well my Alvarez just went to zero because that uh Samara the filthiness nee the bathhouse towers what you crowded [Music] yeah I can change them I can make it 30 seconds for these things [Music] we got like what 30 minutes or so for a stream time left let's crank it up let's crank it up and let's let's do more choices so make things a little more hairy here every 30 seconds you get a vote [Music] I would like one of these please I like when they're all green it's very helpful ooh a tree double yield that's alright well they're all mine already my all the trees all the trees Richards any more trees more trees okay you know my get a bonus I should leave it on super fast speed because then it just helps that doesn't actually go any faster let's go here and that way of that having our lightning storm oh we haven't seen this video [Music] make my stuff all burn [Music] that's kind of cool what's wrong with you now uh yeah taverns and in the bathhouse alright so we're to make I'll go fast no matter what let's make that used to be in water sire in freshwater I don't have any fresh water doing I have only this one little patch this is all I have I can't make it there what does that one out there I'm I guess I can't what's in the way can I make my own pond with a moat let's say we do there's no debt yeah what if we do something and give us a bathhouse in the tavern too while we're at it [Music] come into the church there and we'll throw one in here right there perfect however bleach I thought we gonna get the free building is that only really do us any good oh if you're forgetting attached then you do the Blitz how about those buildings okay so now can I make this thing it's it a key topic it is [Music] Noorie Nuria is a for Tyler sure which one tile must be on clear land or a pier other three must place on fresh water okay okay you cheat this what buy something so let's cancel that one cancel that one and cancel those okay so we have just the three so it'll go right there I saw that do village I saw that I don't listen to it yet though it's on my phone it wouldn't it wouldn't play for me I gotta blitz yeah alright sorry ice oh we got Vikings do a lot of Vikings okay let's raise a couple armies I would like train a squad and let's see it can we build a barracks yeah top a barracks in there is there a door for this on the side like let's go I went to touch that somewhere did him offices okay use that now here are that parents want you to touch that not quite okay we should fight all the good guys fight faster come stand up here on this tower that's what a bike you can throw it up so they'll be up there let's get more of these guys trained primetime for a festival it who needs me in the water sire stamps boy can we dragon they're already somebody dragged that people watching working one free building well I think what I like is an archer tower it seems like a bit of a waste or maybe a like a ballista can't put a ballista up Aaron yes I forget place for one appears a good spot for one if they were to come this way what do you get me now no more dragons hell thing to get bet fine we'll put it there okay build it faster more dragons coming in this is where the Vikings are so go over there if an army yet it's all this is my roads that are breaking stone roads because giant Marcus Marcus Marcus super play hey be a problem can you follow him Hey train faster hey aren't you supposed to be oh they are are they flying in and seeing this guy around the way too happening destroy my castle Tom's got enough more dragons okay although Mikey's running away that's right you cowards you better get out of here I don't know why you're leaving but I'd be running away to tales of our unsucessful defense what do you mean we did so good they'll run away like a bunch of cowards okay let's go back into the middle of town here and you see if we can see we can light you though oh wait let's go build that's a little upset we build those roads slowly building an arch or marks or squad they're no dragons still out [Music] oh they're flinging catapult at me stop it Farms are all Don thousand with them [Music] the the west side of town is always burning it was a bad one with with all this far lighter right here people have died doesn't say it says if I'm sorry six people are ill dying though they've got six people die from dragon dragons super go what's honest you're not doing it though it's going why is that yeah it didn't change I can I can I can adjust it that it there's not much of a wasn't hampering it all over here that's a pretty dragons another one thanks do you Bree hey let's raise an army sores aren't gonna do me any good but archers certainly will Hey oh you know I can do something where I I can like give you extra money Sir Lancelot my file has a bow I should put you guys up on on the wall somewhere where there's somewhere where you can stand and eat go in here and I put you in there explain no but I can put you I could build a wall before you stand on let's go we just we just focus all our fire yet they seem to be like coming into through here I like that dragon guy maybe thumb maybe it's a lure beckons should appreciate the statute though maybe maybe it is a lure so we know where they're gonna be coming from houses oh that house over there any more houses I've been destroyed need a bigger cemetery now Oh somebody's gone Hey we killing the dragon Jenny when paying attention easily when they start getting wounded a wrong way Chris 20 stone down below water now super cloudy you just take that cuz it's the only red one in there Marcus can I do oh yeah I can get a bunch of these we have no idle people let's train up some five more squads those arrows flying and what do you to be any good yeah it's really miserable I mean I mean look on the bright side - me if I have deficit by the recent dragon attacks - fifteen worried about the future dragon attacks what I think there's gonna be any more I don't know what I'm thinking those ideas I would love to build these walls up a bit I have a lot of stone ever gonna leave us they gave me the population boost yeah yeah we need that we need that dragons are gone so welcome Mary bill over here anything else need doing hey there we go right is the only stream on on twitch right now or YouTube or chat is actually listening to me whenever I and I ask for things remember that's that wouldn't know we were gonna build a long time ago there's like three of me you make okay it's archers the walls are getting fancy Oh for that that's for more dragons right I can't stand on top of this can I not you you're a knight how you see in front of it I should just stand there okay someone maybe Vikings come in we can we can stop them he'll be here in one turn one year are you uh archers oh you are come over here you stand in front archers on the walls yeah they're attractive those dragons it's just out of range [Music] oh we got one there's one we got one right to the barracks it's like we're eating good tonight more dragon meat come on get him get them we just missed him so close get them professor troupe training that sounds like a job good good one feds again slaughtered my dragons big guy going through plainness I think I want one of those dragon plushies well yeah Mon now more archers there I need you guys sir Noah could we just go and maybe put in they could are going here we got a spot dumb let's take it right here go there and as soon as we get more stone where you keep on raising that up all those quads stand up there there's no one going down if anybody get out of here you and your dragon friends [Music] because Qualls make a real towel one of the tower over need more stuff it's work we're gonna it's doing okay - what happened none of mine I think oh free building I don't know I don't have a great lover yet I want it Wow where's the the front of this thing that's cool that's really cool that should be the first thing you see when you come walking in it's not really the best spot for it cuz it doesn't cover much my town quick put over here but it really fits it over here sure looks cool though I want to go here just cuz it he just looks cool those things it's a bit too fast you think it's very hairy time apiece hey hey for what are they in leave see you Jim all right yeah I would see the krail are be pretty great library get built and I want to see these couple towers here and they might call it a day the last few spots here I never got my moat which is 50 bucks a piece I would take a ton of money to build this thing to go all the way around oh how much is it now 25 bucks now's our chance yeah let's do it I'm out there we're gonna build up how is that all the money I have it is oh yeah okay well what's he doing oh I thought yeah they're taken they're taking bits of the dragon is that food [Music] hates dragons gila loves dragons dragons we're carrying little bits of dragons away the time until the next attack if you were oh that one okay what was the last world with this thing just happened free building I'm never at that thing made love to him back house but I'm not gonna happen we must be school up fire brigade right here and you over here too we go I think getting built yeah much how are their I want Tara right here also a 90 stone I'm gonna get out of wood seems silly wood can't go more than three are we shooting at other Vikings here Oh Vikings are here I missed that are completely missing okay you guys stay in your don't take our money okay got them where's the rest of man if they're coming in with our leading I can fully miss I was too busy looking at Fire Brigades lose our money now because we have all these soldiers we have a moment let's say a domestic home let's turn off this for a moment I spent only like I'm on that worthless mote very helpful one free building still you know we're making what can I put it [Music] I need to be here need to be closed Dragons coming in okay so dragons are here then no one's getting paid however my army still works him on that tower is it done yet he one of you [Music] hey thanks Rupert okay stone tower time I'm cheap [Music] two towers that'll do [Music] they're off we still have people look man I'll get this back in you over there get on that tower oh you probably can't because there's no stairs you get it there you going up there there they go me going you can't go up there but you can go up here since I give you a stare here we killing any dragons I wasn't my element or call everything else he's on fire that's okay there we go dragon dragon okay let's let's fend off these Vikings and I think we call it a day where they at I think I got a bunch coming in yeah we got a lotta million okay coming from sorry we're not prepared on so let's go grab everybody everybody where I'm most biking down let's go where they apart gonna come in this way let's get up on the walls they're broke hey we can pick that taxes because dragonpit sin-free guys going I told you to go on this one [Music] you up there a lot of broken things over here the auto repair buildings option Hey okay we don't were will mind where's everyone else come here I'm at pick on the boats all right let me have it no don't worry with the right no no would you the Vikings stop you guys shoot their boats so many people yeah get those boats yeah all their strong one down here then always homeless people running around we have more Shore hunted beds take all the Vikings no thanks you keep shooting dragons would appear about dragons care about oh here we go here's a melee fight think about taking my money more Vikings are coming in you got my money where's he going we can shoot him chew him [Music] in that tower go there we go we got them my arches go we disappear we're disbanding people we had a lot more artists without a plague it is a proper time for a grand festival all right I said that was it we're not gonna move in we seem to have lost some arches on the way they went it was scared okay call it a day here people-people use a genome we got we got a lot of folks I don't have any beds just the way things is way things is here rebuild some stuff that's fun I like this I cannot wait until the update lease of the suppose it updates ads in ái kingdoms I want to send my army out and destroy some of those keep it or trade with them you know it will be nice but alright call it a day Oh like oh wait oh you know I think this thinking might mean some of them might be my sons this way it is if my old one from a long time ago on here colleagues look stone from 2017 hey hey where my old kid no city oh let's save here load up hang on you load up my old game where is it not space time August 9th 2017 500 citizens look I was fancy look at that we got like a I was extra fancy back then no voting hang on yeah hang on nobody stop it okay we got farms outside we got a nice a road going in here you coming this way to get some move some Archer towers 578 people so time I built built over the water that was I remember this dragons now a mighty keep we got some guy with a deer I remember this guy at all but apparently he's been around for a while the town's now burning we have what is this my Great Hall kind of built over oh we hit like a river going through it oh yeah and then the connected the islands fancy sorry I'm just in all of my my creativity two years ago all right we are calling it a day well we can end this with a deathmatch though it only seems appropriate we do that so I mean think about the town burn I guess thanks you chant all right so let's look deathmatch Oh 55 remain use it rather cute little dragon minute let's go it's giant it's a foot foot and a half wingspan it's ro big hmm I have to alright um anyway let's go and and death match um let's go over here oh I have a new patreon supporter thank you very much James Holly Dale thank you thank you sir let's go and and room world different you know I was thinking was I playing that had I was playing something I had a potential for a good deathmatch game I don't know what it was I was playing something I think it was but there was something yeah I to them nevermind yeah I love fun went building the old old old look stone back the two years ago next Oh a lot of fun that one yeah I and it was an it was a game I could you can change the names of folks and oh oh I remember I remember okay it was a super world box I think but it no maybe it was I I think it was that yeah it was that one it was that one because you can put in people you can change their names that was it but it would take a very long time to set up I'd have to do it and manually teep type in names but it would be an interesting one I I think they meet me and then we just sort of let it play out forever and until the last person survives I guess but dragons or demons out there anyway so let's do a deathmatch today let's do something a little different let's do I like the rush to the middle a tiny map is good we will do a underground arena that way when things blow up it'll be very scary and all the tech maybe we only allow ranged space or tech see what that does for us you're allowed to have I don't how much things cost I was gonna go to 10,000 okay so you can have max money for for weapons okay you can't before you twitch banned all right here we go got a thing hey there's no dusty monk Magnus all right so what everyone everyone's wielding inferno cannons what do you have you have a heavy charge blaster I'm charged rifle charge Lance Lance thing like mods the first one to go everyone follows right murder each other yeah time to shout for a loud yeah elephant you just died not know about ranks hello there you are right there nope yeah here for you over there see any work you did after you are Karthus version up there hanging out partying doesn't party time it's murder now patron and YouTube supporter this is what you get for supporting me you get to you get to join in and and murder everybody style freeze charge pay off like an a by it versus let me I mean like hey new guy James Hallandale hiding out is collapsing things start burning in here it's going to be very hot he's getting shot in the head we got butts Vincent oh gee Pete stoian and James is taking down but uh but no buster and a Vinci 5 hill valley 28 degrees inside hill valley is down let's go and hide out up here with his helmet housemates oh gee beat everyone has the same gun well that's James II blasted oh gee Pete is down James is down we got DaVinci and story and left and oh end Vincent Vincent ight now my character ones that we have 41 inside one game last buddy no media danger stuff just in 19 hours you're dead for hours all the Bloods like in little patches everyone because everyone ran to these these posters patches of blood fries for dying first I don't know Mom you get our sympathy I think everyone's been there before so they throw it away mend it don't run it shoot you got a fancy hat use it Oh DaVinci is I'm all for you but da Vinci congratulations oh yeah we raised our bottled water to you and we all say how how great you are okay there we go time for bed thanks for watching everybody I will be streaming again tomorrow night's uh I don't know what we're just I had an idea so this is by the way this is free games month or or slash cheap games month and I've been thinking there's a game called I've can't think of things right now um star star friend tears star traders frontiers which I play many times before however I've been thinking about playing it again because they just came out with an updates and this is one of those games sort of like kings and castles where it came out what like a year ago but they're still putting out updates and all the free updates and it's a cheap game anyway so I've been thinking maybe that might be what we do tomorrow night or course we have X call into play there's a major expansion rude so we may take this one out tomorrow night because it's a lot of fun but if you have any ideas let me know if you have any ideas for free games let me know because I I've been finding a few but see so thanks for watching everybody and I will see you all next time
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 23,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, indie games, strategy game, sid meier's, Nookrium, Nook youtube, Nookrium 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 24sec (12084 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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