SWIMMING IN MONEY At A Thrift Store Shopping Challenge

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i just made an offer here on this tote all this jewelry all these beads this tote all of these beads i mean this is just a ton i think i can get it george i'm definitely going to get george here and then also throwing this in what do you think about this all the watches the whole tote of them do you hear that behind me you hear that i'm in florida someone's living in this unit here they're in there yeah somebody's living in that unit i just bought one down that way someone's living in here we're gonna go grab that one [Music] now we're on a caravan run today so george is actually she's paying she's paying why i come in and load and we paid 40 dollars and this is the only reason why we didn't bring anything and therefore we need dollies so we're going to load this up well my word i'm going to load this up by george pace and we're going to head to the next location 15 minutes down the road wheels are nice and solid great buy we got a dolly for the storage unit auctions that's a good unit right there for 40 bucks breaking news folks it's jeremy and george with another wacky video for you this is how much taller i really am than george but in every video i have to hunch over like this six foot one so we bought one unit at the storage unit auction the second location was canceled so we drove a good hour and a half plus someone messed up with the dates and everyone at the auction was mad so now we're going to go on a thrifting challenge date who do you think's going to find more profit team jeremy or team george but i hope you win definitely because i'm so much higher in profit than you location number one is number one is the treasure trove treasure trove uh pretty sure i'm gonna win i'll look at you put you're gonna try and steal this win by masking up yeah incognito baby what are you eyeing already um i'm looking at beach tote bags because the ladies love the bags and the guys love the beaches yeah i gotta say those are kind of nice florida america how much do they ask only eight this one's actually that's not too bad is it not bad not bad at all i found nemo with wheels like a fish out of water [Music] i think george will let me win just by finding the king this is something we all like to find unfortunately this is what we typically find george is definitely still in the lead i'm pretty sure i'm winning anything so far what else did you find i found some really cool bookends love selling bookends 50 off there's basketball fishing fishing wars found a ton of jewelry 350. oh my goodness you know what i found what'd you find nothing absolutely nothing bummer you ain't taking me in this place and winning sheriff's ranch here i come to score begging you she begged to go to this one there's three of them on the way back home so why not why the hell's not huge score already look at this pool noodles out of stock everywhere even in florida where they should be there all the time we need these to build 50 cents a piece even better than buying them for a dollar we need these to build our our sifters for finding the mammoth teeth and bones in the creek so this is perfect absolutely perfect i just went through the entire store and i found the only thing worth getting while george is next door at publix using the body i win on this stop did you have a good break at the last stop it was a nice one something definitely to brag about okay we're here at goodwill oh this one all the way in the back yeah we're in the back definitely not vip because no 20-foot trailer but we get a sidewalk to the sidewalk so that comes in here i have a feeling we're going to find the best stuff here let's do this it wouldn't be florida without some pink flamingos i love it really oops i didn't realize you're looking sorry look at this maze game right here now this looks like a giant orb or a hamster wheel and they want a 98 for it but this is actually a game it's a maze let's see if we can get the marble right there there at the start okay now they want a buck 98 these sell anywhere between on ebay anywhere between 25 oh so you got to turn it it's a 3d maze 25 to 50 dollars some go for even more not a bad deal right there pretty cool game too wait wait wait wait is that what i think it is amazing hula hoops yes another pool noodle does it have a price it does a buck 18. yeah i think i will go for it i found you [Music] in an aggressive way you found me you're the one that's been slapping me in the face saying hey you're giving me high fives did you find anything else uh i found a couple hats nice betty boop and then i found miami heat hat and all i can find was a yeah pool noodles that's all i can find today ain't my day today can't be every day today is only today i have no idea what you're trying to say cut edit that part out look at this is this what i think it is yeah it is oh my goodness 12.99 13 bucks for a hammock i think i think i'm gonna get matching his and her hammocks for the property for me and george she's gonna make more money on the reselling but i'm gonna make i'm gonna be happier just in the relaxation taking two do you guys see what i see one of these things is not a stuffed animal in there one of the oh oh were you diving stuffed animal diving so stuffed animal diving huh did you find anything nothing yet guess what i just put in our cart look at this regularly 24.99 goodwill 12.99 brand new i thought we could do his and hers what do you think i love the idea so good idea genius out in the back by the creek or somewhere else hidden on the property whatever you want to do that's right that's right yours is going to be somewhere hidden on the property mine's going to be back by the creek here's a classic example of goodwill trying to become their own ebay so very cool buddy l pepsi cola set they've got a price for 99.98 100 right here looks great packaging is good and if you actually look at the ebay comps most don't anywhere sell for even 40 so this is you know not the best display of uh thrifting for goodwill but if they're changing their business model we have to adapt and we have to change with them my bag none for reselling george's bags all for reselling one two three four you might be in the lead but i could still pull the win off you very good you know i'm the underdog i'm the underdog that always pulls it back at the end i really hope you win this time liar you haven't eaten all day all this winning is making me thirsty and you haven't even been hungry so really the way to keep you from being hangry is to just let you win keep me preoccupied and let me win maybe all right here we go another sheriff's ranches check this out here five dollars for a phone this is a business system see that right there att business system one two three four five six honestly i think there's hundreds of dollars right there just in the phones it would have to be ebayed but that's money that's that whenever you see that type of system in a thrift store no that's money and go for it you finding anything what are you finding yeah you're on a hat kick aren't you i should try and see how many hats i can balance on my hat okay go for it i'm watching let's see how many i'm not done looking all right how many hats do you have in your hands you're finding so much more than i am you are you're kicking my butt don't tell her about the business phone system i found sometimes it's more important to have harmony than it is to have money you are killing it what were you whispering over there nothing nothing at all how many hats do you have in your hand quite a bit how many hats have you bought already today quite a bit you are definitely doing some kind of crazy hat thing today oh you were for real okay two dollars per hat two dollars per hat you thought i was joking yeah i've never known you to be serious ever pretty sure i could balance this okay let's see what you got i'm watching daytona beach all right are you going for the guinness world book of record this looks like the world record is it straight i wouldn't call it straight does this last half bring back memory bad ones and i got one more [Music] not bad not bad at all holy cow that's a meat lover supreme stuff meat lover's stuff you ain't gonna be hangry anymore are you thank you is it going to be worth everybody bon appetit i'm picking out all the ham and giving it to you all right um winner of our competition has to eat the leftovers i'd say that's fair sure now that you're not hangry anymore definitely not hangry anymore world's best pizza ever it was very very oh man oh god we ordered the stuffed pizza with meats on meats on meat uh we'll be going again we'll make sure to tell you exactly where that was in our next video but we're at another goodwill and you know what i'm feeling the challenge is still on i'm feeling a comeback here we go i really hope you win you're such a liar you ready this one looks like really good this one might be called for me the great will this is where you're going down uh george what are you looking at a dress is that okay knew it check this out is that the dvd section that one i want just to watch and i have for my own okay but anytime you can get season sets like this like oh that's brand new sealed no this one isn't but there are some but battlestar galactica the nerds love that lost season one again is that one seal no but lost season two uh-huh this one wait maybe no lost season three that one is sealed all right completely and totally sealed nice nice fine if i'm reading everything correctly uh-huh we should be paying 99 cents per set nice which means huge profit look there's heroes season two sealed there that one looks sealed we got bones wait check this out little house on the prairie season one on dvd no you can't get this on a streaming service anymore bones bones bones bone smart ones look at that brand new 40 bucks and here i've got five seasons at only 1.99 well i think it's 99 cents we'll have to find out when we go to the register but um pretty sure i'm killing you in profit right now because that's money to a collector i just got my butt handed to me no it was never detached the only thing i've found so far we're here in florida cleveland ohio yes this is the old mascot which means things like this will increase in value because no longer big money they got rid of them now it's just a big dumb sea that's we might have to keep that here's a bag of cars we got we got matchbox we got hot wheels now if we can find red lines it'd probably be 9.99 you know it's probably not a bad deal but i'm gonna pass on that one what else do we have over here look at this we got nerf guns okay nerf guns are big sellers 299 for that that recom if we can put a whole lot together let's see is there anything else down here well we got some guns right there is that nurse i'm not sure we might have some others down in here this is nerf right here crossbow if we could put a lot together of that that would always sell well on ebay [Music] how did this cart get to be overflowing i found a couple a couple uh i'd say more than a couple you found build-a-bears okay here i did find out these aren't 99 these are 3.99 but even then look it's sealed little house on the prairie season one where are you gonna find that for 3.99 you're not all these are build-a-bear yeah look he's got outside nice you're in the army now build-a-bear this one's dandy's another good brand name another collectible one right there and then of course [Music] did you see scooby-doo because i saw scooby-doo over there you did i didn't see it i just thought you'd be singing scooby scooby doo where are you where are you we can't have a show without you this will go in an 80s flush live the things i do for you thank you good eye isn't this the voodoo doll you made of me yeah you donated it no i didn't donate it it just showed up yeah that's definitely the voodoo doll i made of you let me check the harry potter armpits yep definitely uh-huh that is let's see if it works [Laughter] yep it works she's laughing look how cute this is i kind of like the box it's got like a nautical theme with mapping only 2.99 and then you open it up and bam you can either put necklaces bracelets keys you can hang your keys or all of your money your tractor keys there your car keys there the camper keys whatever you want oh the keys to your heart the keys to your fart and the key to my snack drawer after raiding george's snack drawer we came to one more location one last location it's in the middle of gainesville big time college town what do you think we're gonna find george i don't know i can't predict the future like you can i'm gonna win i'm gonna find money and the way we go yep we're definitely in the heart of it right here interesting i'm not sure i want to hang this up with all the other signs i hung up on the property not sure it's going to make me any profit either i still can't get that kiss on camera or off why are you following me which way will you go oh no doubt whatsoever that way wait i think the camera flips everything around but that way she's following me trying to win did you find anything i did find a baseball cap look at that florida gators yeah first i found the cleveland indians that represents ohio that looks like some some mouse butt there and then there we go plush is always good and i found nothing nothing so far all right finally my area expertise i ditched george i lost her let's see if we can find some money i've been through all of this and really you know this is a squirt gun if this was the original super soaker we'd be looking at a ton of money but really you know you got another knock off nerf there you've got oh hi there guys hi hi jeremy i mean you really we don't even have we don't even have name brand and there's a revolution well here's a nerf crossbow and strike and here's a nerf rival but we don't have any of the pieces there's just not much to make anything there's no profit margin here i mean we want profit and if we're gonna get profit we gotta eat it up just like a hippo would it build a bear build a bear it's a happy birthday edition nice i'm not having any luck yeah there's not it's slim pickings at this location you think all the college students have already gone through everything i feel like this one's pretty much picked over we might have to find another location there's several in the area we can go to a couple more she's so good she can talk on the phone and thrift at the same time i can't even chew gum i'm getting an update on joey i can't even chew gum and walk at the same time anybody who's wondering who joey is joey is the baby kangaroo she wants to get a joey a baby kangaroo it's raining like crazy we are at the repurposed project in gainesville florida our viewers our fans have told us this is the most incredible place in the world do you think it will rain some profit george hopefully it will because the last place was slim pickings yeah except you actually got the pickings i still have nothing we just walked in a bunch of sailor mugs there's a ton of them literally they're mugs they're mug shots right there that one looks matching mustaches for sure [Music] did you find barbies yeah i found some i found the doll that you made of me last year five dollars i'd love to get five dollars for a voodoo doll i made of you flip it over and then bam somebody wrote on her we're inside the main building now and george is finding other georges pocahontas which was my nickname in high school that's not what you're making for the last time i'm not asian look at look at the display here very cool paper dolls very cool check out the old collectible bottles glass conductors looks like we've got chandelier pieces jewelry pieces in here railroad spikes little doorknobs even very cool look at all this stuff if it can be repurposed it's here look at that cork after cork after cork this place is actually really really packed and really really cool i just made an offer here on this tote all this jewelry all these beads this tote all of these beads i mean this is just a ton i think i'm gonna get it george i'm definitely gonna get george here and then also throwing this in my offer twenty dollars they're gonna go see if they can accept it or not so 20 is good 20 is great this is amazing i'm going to beat george in this challenge and you're helping me you're helping me 20 that's going to be a big one that's a big one all right i'll grab it we'll bring it up to the counter i finally finally am making a comeback you have no idea what i just negotiated what you're going to tell me or is it you're going to have to find out what do you have it's huge it is huge look at all this look at all this fabric everywhere quilts this place is incredible this is like a dream come true in gainesville how much is that eight dollars holy cow this is this has got to be a king size quilt wow all right you may have me with the king size quilt but i still making a comeback that's beautiful if you need a power cord oh my goodness this is the place to get it now chords even chords by themselves let's just say discord here or this random cord here they will sell on ebay individually just like remotes will random remotes will sell because people misplace them this is this is all donated car radios i mean i just don't have the time today to go through it and beat george with all of this i mean just this i might be able to beat her with did you just find an entire tote of watches you going to make an offer or am i you're a better negotiator than i am you think so yes all right i'll see if i can get it all are they individually priced that's probably goodwill let's no rugrats i don't think they're individually priced all right i'll talk to them what do you think about this all the watches all the watches the whole tote of them what is this one that one's two so oh are they all i was looking to see i thought that was like goodwill oh maybe someone definitely do but i would not be surprised i would be surprised if they all had braces wow roughly like 15 20 minutes i think it's 20 25 do you want to split the difference and go 20. sorry i said um i meant like there's probably like 15 or 20 watches 15 or 20 watches you want 20 bucks for it can we go 25 and put all the band pieces in there so that's all those there's no watches in here it's just pieces to watches can we go 25 for that can i look through a little bit you can look through yeah sure stuff but we will find a solution and then i think she's got another question over here look at she found key chains how much do you want for the whole total keychains you guys are awesome i will we'll buy you out we'll keep coming back we'll buy you out and keep coming back be nice to me 10 bucks you good with 10 she's good with 10. oh my goodness take it for 10. we're working on watches [Applause] okay so you got that one for 10. i got all the beads for 25. we're working on watches just put the quilt with the beads if you ask them right there jamie and the purple they can find a spot for you okay okay um i think that honestly 25 to 30 is fair because there's like 25 watches in here and then it also has to be so you want 25 for it you want 30 for it yeah all right 30 deal i'll take it take it off your hands for 30. i got another question if you see all of these what do you want for every single one of those so like bulk deal all of them i don't know if that's possible oh but that's a genuine i don't know so just see all these right here just every single one of these if i just bought them all what would you want okay with taking just the jewelry inside them because we use the oh they're using them thanks i mean we can get you like pill bottles or something to put the jewelry no we're probably not interested in that with the display cases yeah we needed them for the cases okay but i'll i do have another one another question what do you want for all the wallets remember i found these we're having a little challenge to see who can win we're trying to find the coolest stuff that's awesome she went to one end of the building i went to the other that's awesome i didn't even see if they were into they are individually priced aren't they um i didn't even look we're always competing against each other that's i love that okay um there's like 15 to 20 in there at least a dollar each um 30. you want them for 30 she says no on those yeah um because i feel like that's a little unreasonable but i also feel like that's kind of reasonable what about what about every single one of these medium pouches here in this tote what would you take for that let me get somebody this honestly i need to because i'm just i'm just not as close that's all right [Music] we love it this place is awesome it is nice second opinion on the medium pouches who does it who's this go tour if we're going to mirror you somebody quote you i said i need somebody else throw your number at me i'm i'm thinking 10 to 20. um because you guys i mean you're clearly cleaning us out right now so i'm okay with you guys taking home a lot of stuff because we have problems you probably know we just want to get them so can we have that whole thing for 10 is that all right tell us something we can't resist we'll help you make more space what about 12 12 12. how about this one for 12 and then you throw this one in for 12. and then what would you throw that in for are we at 24. we get an even 30 plus tax okay for those so 30. i hope you guys are remembering all this because i'm not okay so 30 for all of those we'll take them for the beads right uh we did 20 uh yeah i think we did 20 for all the beads and then we did 10 for that we'll figure it out okay that's cool so you this is this place is amazing is this first time here first time ever and we love it anyone told you about our mission no okay so we're a non-profit and um our whole goal is creative reuse for like community artists and diverting useful stuff from the landfill love it um so we used to be entirely volunteer based and now we have paid staff very cool and we do sliding scale for people who need it so that's very very cool are you guys making art or we like to sell art cool so we like to keep things out of the landfill just like you guys do so we like to we like to re-home all of this stuff the landfill as well that's awesome yeah we can definitely we can definitely all right just let me know what else you need first cool we'll just keep we'll just keep going plugging away yeah coolest place in florida we found yet right look at that king size quill everyone here has been very helpful this and we just have to load this up in the rain now you may have had me in the beginning but i negotiated the hails out of those deals you sure did and i was really hoping that you would you're such a liar really really hopeful but i think there's a chance i could win yeah but there's only one way to find out only one way to find it we're gonna auction all of this stuff out everything in our sunday night live auction this sunday right after the video 9 p.m eastern standard time we're gonna find out who truly won was it george team george or jeremy [Music] [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 64,993
Rating: 4.9364796 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 29sec (2009 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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