Storage Unit LOADED With MONEY FLOOR TO CEILING! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit and Found Money

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oh that is heavy [Music] welcome back to trailering with jevis guys and guess what we're on a buying spree because today at the auction we bought two more storage units and they look super super interesting just got home gonna hop into the van get back on the road and go look at the first one we bought i can't wait to show it to you let's get on the road [Music] so here we are at the first of the two storage units we just bought at the auction again we bought so many units lately i'm loving it we paid 200 for this one and it looks really really good and i'm gonna tell you the truth i've been on it because i've seen one little teeny weeny thing i'll show you what it is when you get in there let's get it [Music] so like i said in another video we're not doing live auctions because they won't let you you have to bid on a little live stream which is really annoying but my gaming self recognized this wire when they scrolled past it with the phone i knew this was the controller port on a playstation 2. so i knew there had to be some type of gaming stuff in there that's why i figured 200 bucks plus it's pretty loaded for a 5x10 for 200 bucks anyway but this there's two of them there's actually three of them they're all sony playstation 2 controllers they're only worth about 10 bucks a piece but i just figured if they have a gaming stuff in the front there's probably more gaming stuff in the back and just like we thought three playstation 2 controllers sitting right there all right so we got oh little box man these are like what five ten dollars depending on where we're selling flea market five bucks facebook if we sit for a couple days probably get 10 for it but we don't have a flea market now so i guess it's facebook let's see if i can get this oh this toad up here oh it's heavy it's really heavy all right first look at that a dream catcher that's kind of cool are these all cds nice boys them in right on top oh look at this zip tied shut you guys suck but yeah that looks like it's gonna be cds all the way down which do really great for our live auctions not gonna complain about that let's see where all this weight is coming from because it's heavy in there new curtains blocked out panels hopefully they have some value on ebay i might use them in our room upstairs yeah for real oh oh jordan box there they are now no chance they're three youth anyway still um kind of just a random everything you think of random stuff box calculator random stuff nothing interesting that still gives me hope yeah did they uh they had to buy some jordans at some point there's also a laptop charger in there random electrical pieces what's in here just random stuff look at this okay like a cat little laser pointer this is very random that's a coffee thing this yeah it's not coffee it's an old hot dog thing and a couple what about the other one cars in there but they're new or hot wheels because they're uh they're plastic no dang it i thought that's gonna be all changed but no this is like some locks locks yeah we always need those for auction so you know what i'm not gonna complain with locks i got the keys in them too so hey that's what's in there that's about all that's in this tote there's also this really weird box that says toys on it mcdonald's toys maybe they're like old collectible ones i don't see why you would keep regular ones how do i open it i guess i rip it they are old mcdonald's toys from the year i don't see 2004 so not old old they're not considered vintage technically because they're not 20 years old but we probably put these in a lot at a live auction like look little mickey mouse guy a lot of the live auction this saturday mickey mouse boy uh that one is i'm not sure chicken little this looks like um pumbaa yeah i know he's from the lion king so that looks like all cool mcdonald's that should be interesting too let's get this big red tote down very heavy again not sure what that is this is i thought it was a foldable chair it doesn't sound like it this might be part of a canopy or something along those lines that's what i'm guessing probably a canopy all right this we got power washer coleman's power washer still in there so a couple bucks facebook marketplace what is this a vase or a jar all right all right nothing nothing cooler anything in the cooler cups there's something what is this thing right here oh that's a lockbox oh it's open you ready yeah no okay still still a little sander or a buffer or something oh jigsaw shows how much i know all right there's some more saws down there so there's some tools in here that's good local sales stuff not really awesome stuff shipping would be bad but money got a little step stool we usually can sell these for ten dollars very quickly on facebook every time we've had them they sold within like two hours maybe listing them too cheap i thought ten dollars just here maybe it's too cheap i don't know then we got cleaner i try i thought that was glass roll the trash bags which is always good for what we do here over here so there's two at least one big dresser and probably two that's a little smaller it looks like good shape though yeah like a dresser is easy fifty dollars we usually film up for 80 have someone offer us like 50 to 60 on it and we just take it please so that's easy at least 50 bucks let's pull this out this is just well that's just blankets that's a nice desk in there let's pull some of these chairs out i see it one two these chairs i'll probably give it five bucks a piece really easily too two there i think we got two more here so that's set right there at least 20 bucks if not more because we have the complete set i want to pull up this giant amazon box sure what is this that's paper towel roll i think it goes in a deep fryer actually first i gotta see what's in here not shoes but it says official autograph on it that's mary poppins uh bert wow so they went around and got what if it has any value if it's just like uh we gotta we gotta look through it yeah pictures pictures and things like that not much else than that though let's see what else we got going on i'm just going to pull this out i want to know all right whoa all right all right this looks interesting first box here is that a shoe box yeah okay but there's not shoes in there let's see the body sh empty metal container i don't know why people keep certain things photo albums which they'll give back that's supposed to be a watch but it's like a little beady bracelet and some caps from a cap gun so there's some cards down here too you always got to check your cards guys you remember our autograph unit it's possible very unlikely it's happened to us i think twice in like 350 units but you can find money in cars let's see what else we got going on here this looks like a lot of personal stuff probably maybe not this oh that's heavy that is heavy 64 gig iphone 8. we'll check that in a second hold on one second what's in here those crystals i used to love these things for some reason i used to collect them all the time and in here though we have oh instruction manual come on no why are apple boxes so heavy duty like why you always make me think i found it when i really didn't all right so in this one we have a bunch of cds there's a couple real cds in there too not a lot but there's some in there set that aside got a binder with nothing all right this this is a little lamp not bad here we have let's see this is i think it's a digital oop a digital frame so you plug a flash drive in the back and it just cycles through pictures and things like that so kind of cool is that a camera not the fan a bible anything in it no people always tell me check your bibles people keep money in them it doesn't happen to me oh look at that cool look at this motorcycle that's pretty cool what else do we got going in this box was it a butterfly that's kind of cool guys did i mention it's like over 100 degrees here this is imagine dream just like home decor yeah nothing too interesting we got a food scale more picture um seeing anything else i recognize that bag you recognize that bag i don't know crown royal and it's full of gems it looks like a video game like it's not a bunch of gems what is this bro just a little home before glasses vase so this box for the most part peace out guys looks like just home decor stuff but it looks like interesting home decor stuff at least so i like it so we just slid the dresser out and actually is really nice to be honest with you i think this one might be like more so 80 to 100 it's heavy duty all the drawers were taped shut which means they're empty but clean here that's definitely a nice dresser i'm probably gonna guess that's 80 dollars easy so i can see this nice desk now but let's see what's this thing right here drawer number one it looks like tools and tool stuff and bath and body works gift card might be some money on there uh not too much going on there shut that one back there is a you know that's their actual bank card but some random tools again not much going on third one staple gun and tools number four tools and number five ooh what is that probably like a socket wrench set you think yeah i could open it actually yeah it was at one point it's missing out of pieces though well not much else going on in there in terms of tools but we'll go through it later on and see if there's anything good you ready to see my vicious sword i found it's actually an umbrella with a sword handle i still could mess somebody up with it though right it would just take a lot more work yeah but it's still possible all right also in this back corner we got definitely definitely some type of enchanted staff probably capable of casting like a fire spell or something you think so right yeah probably a battle staff if i had to guess worth about 8k this is not charging it doesn't have a charge yet we also got a little vacuum what is this some kind of cane i don't know all right walking stick they also got in this back corner a leveler an umbrella and whatever that is yeah i don't know i don't know either but that so this big cpu tower was sitting on top of the desk first glance i'm gonna assume it's not gonna be very valuable because it's an i3 processor and it's a optiplex 3020. we'll look that up when we get home but based on the processor i'm going to assume it's probably not going to have very much value but you never know could get lucky let's see if i can get this big monster down now without breaking it all right a little guitar back there cool let's see what this is all right what's in here this is like a car dvd player this is when you were the absolute you know what when you had that in your car i remember my dad had him in a truck when i was younger i felt so cool riding around yeah that let's check the drawer first actually okay flip it huh there's nothing in it there's 16 cents that count for something you're opening upside down i like to take risks it's not the animal but the night stand right there is probably at least 20 bucks it's nice wood it goes with the dresser an acoustic guitar hiding in the background that's still in the box and there's a pick down there not bad there some kid can learn how to play guitar during the quarantine oh yeah all right let's see this looks like my favorite christmas christmas decoration says it right on the side well i am not even going to look through that because i hate christmas decorations let's see what's in here i think this oh it's got some weight to it let's put it right here it looks like a kitchen set yeah it's gonna be a whole set for sure but the brand is sango and it's canyon black i've never heard of that i'm not familiar with kicking at all i just kind of look it up as i find it because i find it so uninteresting so uninteresting now we got let's see a blanket but it's covering a decent looking monitor let me get this out the way a viewsonic computer monitor that's probably pre-owned so i mean like what 20 bucks again because it's a computer monitor instead of a tv i bet you it's worth 20 bucks on facebook marketplace let's see oh oh this is really heavy let's pull this out after a lengthy battle with the tape we got it open and it looks like well let's see so this is court papers one of my favorites this is um paperwork but looks like yeah all personal paperwork so that's going to go back with the other stuff see these are actual dominoes sounds like it yeah actual dominoes so we got a little bible here nothing in it what are these things look oh you remember this from elementary school yeah oh that was the stuff that was the stuff guys this looks like maybe a disc cleaner cool that's kind of cool i'm going to keep that but look what i see nba 2k14 for ps3 gives me more help with video games in here at least this is is it yeah yeah there's nothing in it though they're literally empty so all right these are family pictures that well again go back to the people same with most of this most of this looks like a family picture so we're just going to put this back away over here we got a bag of tools wrench drill couple screwdrivers hammer leveler that thing somebody's going to say in the comments at the level not a leveler no it's a leveler it levels things all right look at these we got oh they're in there too the first shoebox actually has shoes some like justice league converse or something look at the other batman look at those so some green batman shoes and they're actually converse not some let me see the off brand they look like maybe worn ones yeah they're pretty good shape right there definitely not really easy let's hope they have some value i know converse aren't typically too expensive but hopefully there's some special ones of some value let's see what's in this thingy what is this paperwork again let's see if i can get it open and let you see bam it's paper paper not fun so i moved the thing a cleaner out of here and found these let's hope they're not real like family pictures oh no look it's biggie nice that's kind of cool it's a handful look tupac too it looks like it might be hand drawn another one a tupac so two uh two pot two at two five sounds weird you want a biggie anything else in here oh i hope that's in there somewhere i think it's the xl version of this it's like in the easy 150 or 200 because it got recalled and you could technically send it back to apple for like a 250 gift card so i just sell them for 200. like don't care about apple or they get cards so let's hope the xl virgin's in here too also we got bag what do we have here there's a baseball in there it is unforgettable limited edition what's at a park welcome to candlestick park i don't know what that is yeah i don't know the certificate of authenticity the fact that it's a collective wall all right another candlestick handcuffs you're going to jail this is another one looks like the same one doesn't it two of them cool hopefully they're worth something that'd be kind of interesting for sure what's that some type of book probably remember we had to buy these for elementary school it was so annoying uh pictures in here and things like that so make sure we get the pictures back other than that a bunch of nothing so we have another box of tools and random stuff here i don't see anything that's just cool stuff i don't see anything like really cool stand out it's just a box that's cool there's another crown of oil in here this one has nothing in it but most likely just another box we usually just list them locally get like 30 40 bucks for some random tools so it's money but just not interesting money this is sounds like more tools it's yeah cool let's see look at that staple gun flashlight spray paint hammer tape measure it's a bunch of different tools this is let's see what it is actually a granite hot plate club cookbook christmas that looks old that's just the candles just a bunch of books so nothing's too funny either so we moved a bunch of crap out of the way we found a box of pictures i'm really hoping marianna rivera is in there because i don't know if he fit i think he's a little taller but it says picture so i'm gonna trust it let's see what's in this tote here all right what do we have here this is all kitchen stuff yeah just kitchen stuff that's just plain market stuff but i mean still it's a good like 20 bucks in that box because there's like a brand new set of silverware stuff this looks interesting what is this what is that thing um a motorized cd door emerson 3 cd changer huh i've never seen something like that before i'm guessing these are probably speakers that go with it yeah speakers holds the monitor up yep and there's the monitor so the monitor is probably a good 15 bucks the speakers and this i have no idea i've never came across that before but it looks cool all right so we got this dust cleaned out and we got caddies pennies there's still money that's a good 25 cents and this which it looks like a fan oh we need this right now guys it's like 105 outside it's probably 95 in here the little ac ain't helping too much but it's better than nothing i guess so we got look at that cross oh what is that that a pen a fancy pen that is a fancy pen is it gold or something i've never seen such a fancy looking pen i'm not too sure it looks interesting though let's hope that has some value to it i'm going to set that aside let's open up some of these other drawers see what else we can get into like this one a washer what about this one come on be good to me pennies how many pennies are in there actually that's an old social security card okay i'm like probably close to 50 60 cents in this drift okay all right all right what about this one let me in i don't know i knew that if those are empty i'm gonna say these aren't yeah there's nothing in here but we can't assume that we can't assume it see bam q-tips two of them told you but two q-tips we're gonna miss those if we would have won by your assumption that's why you can't do it that's easy couple hundred bucks there all right guys well she went to go grab a cart for us to start packing i wanted to show you there's this super nice sand something milan bedding set and i moved it down i didn't realize just how much stuff is in this unit look how far back that goes behind that skateboard and stuff i was pretty happy what we were getting so far i realized we're really not even halfway through it so we're going to pack up the van see how much more we can fit and let's get mariana rivera out of that box so i opened up the picture box and unfortunately there was no mariano reviewer to be found i even checked inside this thing he wasn't in there either but i did find that this barack obama basketball as much as i'd like to just you know eat it across the hallway i think it really will have some actual collector values so yeah well probably i've never seen it before i'm going to guess it's probably worth at least 20 bucks for looking up on ebay but i mean not being a fan of him it's still pretty cool looking basketball and definitely a pretty cool collector's piece now that we've gotten all this stuff we've got already out of the way look how this unit looks now imagine if that would have been what they saw when they opened the door this thing would have went sky high sky high unfortunately our van is at maximum capacity though guys so we're gonna try to get home not get a heat stroke pack everything unpack it and you'll probably see the next part of this one tomorrow so thanks for watching leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 282,669
Rating: 4.5689187 out of 5
Keywords: finding money in storage unit, finding money in storage, finding money in storage lockers, i bought an abandoned storage unit, money found in storage unit, most money found in storage unit, storage unit, storage unit money find, breaking bad storage unit money, money, storage, unit, storage auction, storage wars, storage unit finds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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