SO MAD! Old Owner TRICKED Us! LOOK AT THIS! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit! Good Profit and ROI?

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whoa what the heck [Music] today we want another storage unit south the only one one out of three of us watching people in line are ridiculous man they're like what is that i would use tire 600 i'm like what do you see you're driving me crazy but we got one i hope we got it for decent price there's something in it that you can see in a picture that you know i usually like and i'm hoping that means there's more stuff like that in the unit i'll explain more we get there but for now let's get in the truck and get on the road let's go get it i thought i should let you guys know that i have a very unique talent i have this ability to always arrive at storage facility when the employees are at lunch it's amazing whether i come at 11 a.m 12 2 or right now this is wrong it's actually just like 3 50. they're at lunch still it's an amazing talent i wish i could share with you guys but you know what it's my secret power when we gotta wait for them to come back so we finally got inside the facility and we got to our what was it seven by fifteen really weird size unit 160 bucks for it it is not the prettiest unit do not judge it but there's something right in the front that makes it a little prettier to me at least so let's get into it so this is a pretty ugly unit let's be real here but the reason i like it is because well you know i have a weak spot for two a few things safes and video games and the fact that there's an xbox sitting right at the door is one of the things that intrigued me number two these black bags like this now usually if they're closed people destroy their clothes like that but when i see random stuff in them like that xbox and stuff like that i usually assume they're evicted or somebody just threw somebody out like they broke up and just threw their boyfriend out and put all the stuff in bags and through the storage said good luck because that's what happened before we bought a unit with a bunch of black bags and they had like ammo in them video games all kinds of cool stuff like that so when i see the black bags of random stuff in it they do kind of intrigue me but let's start going through it first let's get into the clothes hamper one of our favorites somebody else's pills all right [Music] one of the most common oh is that here a lot of hair you want to wear it i did not wear it come on just wear it what about this [ __ ] what is that in there just to keep the form oh all right look brand new though yeah let's see what this bag holds it's gonna hold some magic is what it's gonna hold it's got a power board i wonder if that's the xbox now i think pretty that 4360 has a power brick yeah it does it might be missing the other side true maybe and well happy valentine's day and what what is that this looks like one of the dancers yeah but i feel like he's gonna play some copyrighted stuff if i cut it on uh where's this button supposed to be on the hand oh dance he sucks just a dance oh you're fired he didn't even stood there and played music what a boring toy all right this bag does look like it's all closed let's give it a quick look make sure you don't see you know north face jerseys things like that anything high end off the first look let's check this jacket brand really quick you can usually tell a lot about a jacket hollister that's not bad so these clothes are definitely something we have to look through but that's just not going to be on video because i'm here to entertain people and entertainment i don't want to look at clothes they're boring they're very boring oh don't falls went down what's this oh this has nothing uh somebody's been at the casino i recognize those things nothing in it looks like some costume jewelry here looks like a used earring that's beautiful hey look like a pearl bracelet put that in the jewelry pile lipstick mail what's that those are definitely more pills in here and well other than that it's just mail but we'll take the jewelry and add it to our lock so right here is the other drawer to that thing it looks like more of the same i don't know why i was taking it apart but maybe not gotta look through it and we will go just like the clothes we go through the paperwork in detail too but like i said it would be very boring to look doing video so that's something we do and show you in the recap if there's anything interesting and i'm not seeing anything interesting hey my card sheets that's a reward card isn't it masquerade things supposed to have money on it sheets food is amazing if you live on the west coast and you never had sheets you're missing out um yeah look at that get off mask is that the only thing in there it looks like it i could tell you just by feeling this this is like plastic this isn't metal so no chance of it being gold but again it'll go with the bracelets in the random costume pile actually it doesn't even have a hook look still put it in there why not so i was gonna move this bag i kind of kicked it and it feels like the shoe bag i'm hoping if that's full of nike's jordans i'm gonna be in a very good mood but let's make it wait a little bit longer because you know i like to be dramatic to myself so i'm not just doing this for your sake i like it to be dramatic too well that's because they're in there come here let me show you if somebody's used razor oh come on you don't want to use somebody's juice razor boring this oh look some fake lily right on the back some fake glue you can just tell i'm looking that's like the worst made fake i've ever seen in my life i don't think this is this is like something you get a playmaker give it a chance we don't know yeah we do why look at it what's wrong with that what's wrong with it it's made to be see-through i think it's fake what's wrong with this question um well this looks like more paperwork so that's just oh that's your misdemeanor on it wow misdemeanor always the case always always always there's something at the bottom here always a story hey a phone what kind of phone is it they already tried to sell it at the thing look yeah that's the little thing that machine puts on it at walmart if you ever saw phones there you go more pills you know what this is going to be annoying to myself in five minutes after the camera ends but i want to pour this out see what's in it more hair let's see lottery oh here's already in a ponytail oh sweet less work for meal mail and a little bit of makeup well this is the only thing kind of interesting in there what a crappy box so i just wanted to point it out before i go to the next thing we're looking at this thing i can already see they have an assault and battery in 2019 so like usual i seem like it's the case every time i go into one of these units they're probably in jail which is probably why they lost the unit but i just thought i'd throw that out there let's pull something else out this bag does not feel like all clothes heavy not oh available somebody's car keys you know what's weird these things sell on ebay because people know how to reprogram them if you have to buy this from a dealership they're expensive so these you usually sell on ebay because somebody could take it apart and reprogram it and sell it a lot cheaper so that's money actually um let's see what else we see on here really quick though right off the top i'm not seeing much of anything what's this there's some suspect stuff in it like that and well not of these razors yeah i wonder what they were cutting with the razors here's a necklace let's see if it says anything on it no just costume jewelry again but it'll go with the rest of it let's see to make sure there's nothing else in here not that i'm seeing now again though guys you'll see in the recap if that we missed anything just a wire aux cord actually i want that for the truck bluetooth is a little sketchy when you start to lose service it goes out and stuff is so much easier um well the rest of it is just closed unfortunately all right so this get out get get her out that's just a dirty bag of clothes oh there might be stuff under it i just don't know look it doesn't look like clothes to me i'm just going to kind of rip it and look great rip it a little bit all right let's just see it might be a purse oh yeah it's a purse let's see what kind of brand it is though ugly yes it's very ugly and it's unbranded that's a very ugly purse um there's another one there's a few purses down here there's like a whole bag might be a whole bag of purses at the bottom that looks like coach but is it real that's another question look bam can't even see it can't it's too dark it's the right heat stand guys so coach give me like a louie or a gucci or something nice you know let's just keep pulling them out this one looks grimy and used like beat up used why keep it i don't know um well let's keep pulling some of these purses out this is a bag nothing come on give me one how many purses i don't know hey look some scentsy things and what the heck is that i don't know another person last one there's the burner now there's more in here look at this hey look that's a michael kors but it's pretty dirty maybe it'll clean up though you never know you never know nothing in there that's the last person i think this is the last one right here come out what brand i don't know but yeah it seemed better today so the rest of it though does feel like clothes all right let's see what's in this heavy black bag here this one's definitely not closed all right hoping it's shoes it feels like shoes hoping it's the right kind of shoes it's shoes all right but oh come here buddy that's the right kind they're not bad nice kit thank you just a little smush i mean this is just dirt like look at the bottom they're not worn worn they're just dirty these will come clean very easily what size are these tens of course oh look at those these again nikes not bad there's the other jordan right no this is a puma just same colors there's another nike these are like those cheap running ones but you know they're still clean this is a nike boot some of these are expensive and again it looks like dirt like it doesn't look like it's you don't even stained up to where this isn't going to come out in the wash but that's just me oh those are the other puma there's the other one of those nikes i think this will come out in the wash too this another nike boot and well there's the other nike shoe a couple of vans a couple vans are these even converse yeah they are okay i didn't even see the thing on it yeah a couple converse what's that white panther this said that's dirty i don't know if that's savable but overall decent shoes i don't know if they'll clean up that's gonna be the real question it's almost like a coin flip they clean up money if they don't yard sale let's see it's in the pillowcase i think that's closed it feels like clothes let's see if that's not close whoa what is this more shoes it does look like it but it looks like these are going to be dress shoes of the knees these are ralph lauren shoes i didn't know they made shoes yeah a lot of these look like dress shoes and things like that so like look at this these these these i don't know enough about these to really go through them jordans i kind of pick out but dress shoes i just kind of got to look him up and hope there were something another purse how many persons have we found here like ten yeah that's kind of cool actually i like that other than that looks like just paperwork and shoes overall so something again that we'll look through what is that oh it's a [ __ ] i thought that was jewelry something that we have to look through and look up because right off the top it's not looking good in there so we also got the trike how much to get you to ride this down the hallway me yeah i don't even know if i can fit my butt in that seat i would still write this but yeah i'm breaking everything i pressed that thing in two seconds it would be like inside me in five minutes it would just puncture my body and just destroy me so we're going to leave that there what else is over here how much would you give me i don't know an umbrella is that a good deal yeah umbrella and you can ride it right there we go for the umbrella keep going keep going hurts so bad but guess what i got an umbrella so we came in here threw out a lot of bags that were nothing but clothes because you know they're annoying to look at plus we gotta be out of here an hour and a half we gotta have this whole unit packed and ready or else we're gonna have to come back half an hour to get a deposit tomorrow i don't want to do that excuse me no sneezing let's see what's in this bag put it right here yeah more light right here anyway yeah all right let's see it looks like we have more purses oh all right at first this is him oh those are nice shape but they're not tim they're brahms there's a spider on it now there's not drama so this the other one of those yeah so there's a nice look at that what did he like only get his left foot bad like i guess no this might just come off look at that maybe i think it's just like a wash off like i'll probably watch the load of all the clothes from this unit other than that though what is that what is that one dollar why do they make it look a weird large prayer it's a weird price tag but yeah other than that the rest of it is weird clothes all right so let's get the reason out that we paid for the unit because there's an xbox sitting right here does anyone else just sometimes feel like when you're looking at units online you don't know if that's how they stored it or you're getting set up that's like constant fear now i feel like ever since covet hit it's been like this weird death field of storages where storage facilities are scamming people there's shell bidders trolls it's just been like painful since covet hit because i mean who would come in the store to say let's store the book bag the bag and right on top right at the door i want to store my xbox 360 just like that nobody does that right it's just weird i just i don't believe it so we have an xbox 360 right there let's see what else is in here this just something something placed there perfectly to hold it that's how you store your stuff right you put a bag of clothes you put a pot right there and you store your xbox on top of it no nobody does that i feel like scammed already but you know how that's how it is lately it seems like it's constantly like that more clothes boring this looks pretty packed you want to put that on the cart and go do it sure let's do it let's see if it's not just all clothes more pills jeez a lot of pills and a lighter all right that's great combo to find the first part you search that's good let's just put that back in there because that's weird um second section looks like clothes doesn't it it does look like clothes make sure there's nothing else in there there is what is that not what we wanted all right so the rest of that's closed zip that back up back up by the way the little suitcase right here is nice so that'll be worth a little something to somebody too because people like suitcases where's the last zipper am i blonde all right let's hope it's not closed open and well it's closed but let's make sure there's nothing in it like a pencil and and and and that's literally it's close i hate clothes all right let's bring this show down so there's anything interesting it looks kind of random this a bag one box it's probably that phone hey cool pad legacy that's what i got by the way it's a good phone has a bad reputation but it's a good phone it works great for me if you have big hands it's great for you somebody like me i press all the buttons too much on the little ones a little painting um well timberland box is just paper that's kind of disappointing all paper let's get it out so we see what's under it if anything looks like a bunch of junk doesn't it yeah yeah i think it's a bunch of crap what's up everybody my turn to go through the unit because we've seen enough of jeebus for now but i love you but it's my turn and i hope you guys are having a great day let's get into this stuff feeling salted i don't want to insult you i love you all right let's see what we got nope sorry i guess i'll forgive you i guess i'll forgive you all right so let's see this paper is just paper yeah all paper i don't know what i was saying there but seasoning on the top paper i don't even care all right happy valentine's day it's not even signed no food inside a cart even with the beer i know even with the beer it just says love beer smells kind of weird i feel bad for that beer you know what's gonna happen to him probably what he's probably gonna be packing material yeah probably all right let's see what ooh i have a bag of shoes here there you go let's see what we got oh these we found these before this is the gatorade uh versions i think they're sevens if i'm correct but it was a bigger size i think we sold them for like 40 or 50 dollars so that's why i'm glad you got the shoes so i'm just like jordan nike i mean i don't i don't know my shoes that well but more than me oh i like this color i don't like heels but i like the color these are rogue or roofs heels uh running shoes puma ooh look what i see another pair of shoes let's see if that's the same one dang it all right look at this one which these again should sell pretty well i mean they're not too dirty so just clean them up a little bit the rest i see are all heels so we'll just have to look up brands for those set that over here and what is in this bag oh i see clothes oh little trees so how's the smell black ice the best one yes it is uh coverage spray tv okay that's just an empty spray bottle and rusty that's just closed oh hey is that ti-80 come on 84 plus nice a little dirty you might need a battery replacing but those things are like basically in this should we sell them though yeah definitely that's a good find yep oh look at these sparkle shoes these will fit you really well yeah totally totally i don't know that's cheese whoa what the heck you got enough there why why why why what is it i want to read some of these uh no i don't know everything yeah i don't even know where to like find the name on it's even like spit them off real quick so metra nidozil yeah a gift bag a hat paw patrol be there on the double i thought chase is offensive now is he still on stuff i don't know i don't know what this is looks like it's like a bite seat cover is it i don't know here's some costume jewelry down here uh the stretchy there we bracelet another bracelet here that's okay they can do their business i'll do my business and we just leave each other alone all right nothing off my bag but i got two new bracelets let's do this back here we have another purse this is probably the best condition purse that we found at this point yeah um some liquid tylenol all right verizon box come on let's go samsung that's on a20 come on how do you get it open does it feel like it's got some weight help coming in a little bit not really just the paperwork markers paperwork some more there you go where's money right here i have a few more pieces of jewelry here your arms have been boiling i know is that pom-pom all right ready i should close this give me a c h what are you selling chw treasure hunting with jesus you're fired you're fired this is why i've never tried it with cheerleading i'm not good at this kind of stuff so if you're a cheerleader i haven't been back for you before we get into this big what looks like toy box random thing i want to apologize for that cringeworthy cheerleading thing i feel so embarrassed but oh it's staying in the video yeah i mean that's fine that's fine i embarrassed myself on video for you guys so it's worth it a gun all right oh yeah it's broken it is we have wild things they'll just go on a dvd pile and make dvd lots hey look this what i see you know g xbox oh right here well we're kind of right i think there'd be more video games yeah i wonder if there's a game or anything hopefully we'll find the wires for this too yeah so that right there what's in this box we have uh paperwork paperwork magazines a book nothing really pikachu there more paperwork goes right here pikachu pikapi oh he has something in his hand he's supposed to say or do something oh he can only take one thing so probably says that then uh toys we have a hulk this box is also a christmas tree and some christmas ornaments hey look steak well that's bs that's a pretty good fake though yeah it is it got me really really good part of the tree teenage mutant ninja turtles and a spiderman scooter yeah hopefully it could be tightened and fixed it's in here christmas balls oh my money a diamond a penny sweet long in this bag looks like all trash but there's a wallet a wallet and i said it looks like your seat wallet a football and more scentsy stuff more like random costume jewelry i think we'll have a lot of that there's a lot of toys in here cars plastic train tracks footballs aluminum foil everything you think of is in this box so let's get this out of here i gotta point this out this braid here i legit just jump because that looks like a snake look at that damn don't it looks like a straight snake especially in the shadow it looked worse than it did that's creepy next bag we have here sounds like a lot of plastic kid's toy right here another couple bags in here let's see what's in there i just hit my head on the way more toys i'm just gonna throw that outside here sorry somebody had a loud card over there so we didn't want to put that in the video and drown out my voice so let's see we got in this book bag here we have a bunch of paperwork journals mail um bills i mean just you know just all paperwork come on you want to look at somebody paperwork later yes to find an interesting story but not now i don't want to bore them with all that are those baby kims uh uh they are baby 10. like a little kid too some batman crocs some more oh spiderman frogs oh snap some other shoes you got on cars and this is i don't know off-ramp this is like all kid stuff and look a random like power drill battery hopefully we found the drill yeah last time we didn't no we just have a battery we have a couple or one grown-up shoe in there so that's some kid stuff a lot of kid stuff back here uh ooh you just touched that too lucky i was like please grab that thing well now i need to wash my hands i thought that was a potty trading one um i don't know how to pronounce that but it looks like a fancy wax it just doesn't feel like i don't know it feels flimsy but i don't i mean expensive shoes are ugly and flimsy nowadays so i don't know yeah only i just put a name on and people will buy 500 shoes just because their names on it yep doesn't have to be better quality anymore so we have some dvds in here more like costume jewelry there's a lot of it yep so we should have a big board of it for you guys when we do have a live auction which should be soon um this i don't really see anything else and this box is completely coming apart great well you made it there a gps box who needs one of these gps anymore is this a gift card one more gift card hey pocket nothing else this feels like so heavy let me make electronic boxes like that that's why that is why this is like a weird envelope oh it's just paper electronic boxes that are overly heavy this bag has well some kitchen tops so random just kind of wonder what goes through people's heads and store stuff hey look is there more where this got me again look you know this isn't rare school money that's pretty good that's pretty good i just got me um lotion more kids toys another snake um hey card card help this box we have that scared me uh some straps another spider-man slipper another croc flip-flop dang it i thought that was money again i mean like i want to see money so bad which hazel's in your head i know i do that let's go paw patrol lunch box what is this box down here xfinity give me some more routers why not hey yeah now what is that yeah it might be a cable box like things but i don't see the box so we have to find the box might be in here though never know let's hope it's somewhere in there boozeman oh it's a flash yeah i was like uh um yeah i'm not seeing anything but paperwork in the bottom of that box so i went through most of this stuff it just kind of filtered through it a little bit most of it just looks like closed mail randomness so this is the only thing that i kind of peeked on that looked interesting because i saw this jewelry right here so let's quickly go through this what is that i mean it's a heavy like golden razor but it doesn't actually have like a blade on it it's like it's trophy yeah i know and i don't see any markings on it we're gonna have to use like the loop at home to see if we can find any markings on it so there's that guys by the way the dust in here is horrible yeah nose is going crazy no it's horrible so yeah more costume jewelry here this is definitely faking it's like super light and plastic feeling um another purse purse inside of a purse with more we have tons more costume jewelry in here again we'll put in a lot and let you guys know when we actually do have an auction it's all it's in there yeah i mean just tons of coffee jewelry um q-tips yeah so um aside from that like i said all stuff that i don't want to bore you guys with so we have 30 minutes to get out of here so we have to literally get all this stuff packed in the truck go get the deposit and head out of here so let's get started so it is like 11 something at night we finally finished going through this unit and to sum it up it was a pretty crappy buy there wasn't very much in there at all it was pretty pretty bad idea but let's go through the few things we didn't keep first look at our trash pile this isn't just finishing it this is from all the universal balls we got here we gotta go to the dump this week guess what our dump is here it's rough and expensive it's a whole mess of three dollars a trip really beats that fifty five dollars better payback in california just saying over here bag of per uh the purses a lot of stuff in here we found out as we were in here had a mold smell in it so a lot of the purses along with some of the shoes we had to throw out because they just stunk over here this is all the clothes from the unit it's in the truck because we're literally just going to put them in there shut the tailgate and go right to the donation bin and get rid of them all because our garage is getting full we need to go to the dump one day this week and we're probably gonna have a yard sale this weekend you think because maybe we haven't got any stuff over here we want to get rid of all of it and clear out before you know more auctions show up and whatnot but let's show the few hidden things we did fine one a game boy advanced sp with chess master in it so not a rare game or nothing but it doesn't have a charger i have a charger for that yeah because we could test we got a blue one of these so that's cool i don't think they're that expensive though but i have a weird story about these you guys ever see the machine in arcade where like there's a prize at the top and there's keys going spinning around you gotta press the button and time it and push the key out unlock the top that's actually how i got mine when i was a kid like when it first came out i won it for like a dollar and fifty cents i tried three times and won it when it first came out for a dollar fifty i'll always remember that look at this this is just the boy one unit so a big box of caution jewelry quite a lot of it i don't know what to look up with this i tried looking like gold razor golden plated razor gold very i looked up razer trophy i don't know what this is but it's gold looking so set it aside og xbox xbox 360. this one has the wires on the floor this one does not have the wires either one of them have any controllers or any games unless there's a disc that's in the disc tray so they're not really worth much this is maybe 10 or 15 bucks without a controller games and this one i don't even know like maybe five bucks so overall i forgot to mention the most important money maker the whole thing the shoes so we didn't really set them out because well everyone's getting very sick and tired of the mold smell like they've been sitting in mold for hours i know like they're just so shoes are good sorry i did want to point out a pair of shoes that we didn't see while we're going through the unit which were these so these are nike foam posits but i mean they're pretty rough like some of the paint's coming off of it and the other one has like a full like the bottom right here is messed up and it is like ripped right here so they would have been worth a lot of money but they're about to you know what is weird about the phone positions remember we found the pink one there was a giant bubble on the bottom like they were ruined and they still sold in like two days like 60 bucks yeah so we'll never found the white ones before so i don't know overall it was a crappy buy i don't buy a unit based on an xbox especially when it's most likely my guess obviously set up by the facility because i don't think no one stores a cup on top of their clothes in the next box on top of it doesn't seem right but anyway whatever it's in the past is done now a whole bunch of units to go off tomorrow bidding on like i think 11 right now hopefully we win some of those so if you enjoy the video leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 43,206
Rating: 4.9238353 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit mrbeast, abandoned storage unit auctions, abandoned storage unit for sale, abandoned storage unit they left money, best abandoned storage unit finds, storage unit, i bought a storage unit, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, storage unit mrbeast, storage unit wars, storage locker, storage units best finds, storage wars, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: f1-wOwrUIhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 21sec (2121 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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