DREAM FIND! I Bought a PACKED 10x10 Storage Unit! Storage Unit Yield HUGE PROFIT! Nice ROI

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oh hey beautiful so oh look at that so you're legitimately not going to believe this check this out today we just bought another storage unit not a little one either a 10x10 it's completely full floor to ceiling side to side front to the back stuff everywhere it's got its positives it's got its negatives we'll talk about that when we get there first we have to go by the dumbbell here because well we got a lot of trash here let's get on the road go to the dump and then let's go to the unit all these dumpies here killing me guys like since i moved to virginia you had to pay a whole nothing i love it let's get this unloaded all right so here we are guys look at this big boy it's actually a very very nice facility here we paid 260 dollars for and like i said before it's a pretty packed ten there's some crap in it but i'll explain why we've got in a second let's get in there all right so let me explain myself with this unit you guys know usually if it has a mattress i run the other direction this one has five so it's not something i'd usually buy but the thing is the dumps 10 minutes from our house this is smack in the middle meaning it's five minutes from where we live in five minutes from the dump plus right now because of kobe the dumps not charging anything so i can get rid of all these mattresses all this furniture for free and not pay anything to do it and it's only five minutes away so the way i look at it is i got a 10 by 10 full of stuff for only 260 bucks because people don't want to mess with the mattresses they're free to get rid of why would you not dig it plus we needed office chairs that are comfy they're in there i see more shelving units back there we need those for the garage and last time i saw this even though it's not much this time it was a good unit right if you see money at the front it's usually a good sign and it looks like a gold dollar in there so maybe that means there's more money in the unit let's see what we got all right so let's just start pulling stuff from this side until things start crumbling and we'll take our time and slow down so first thing is this bag which i think is all closed it feels like clothes let's take a quick look and make sure we don't see anything like high-end jerseys or brand new those aren't conversions oh they are look at that brand new converse with the tag right there they only paid 27 bucks for them but if they're both yeah they are they're right here maybe i'll resell them for 20 bucks easy yeah usually 20 bucks on poshmark right there by the way guys poshmark and ebay is in the description poshmark is popping right now i've got a lot of stuff on there i'm telling you we've been doing really good in there the rest of it though i think they're closed i won't look through these clothes unless you know anything decent branded worth it we'll blow in poshmark too so there's that okay this one's not closed let's see what's in here though like i'm about to rip it hercules it's a strong trash bag where's these kind of bags in the store when we get them it's a tote they have a whole tote in the trash bag it's a broken toast let's see what's in here this is a freddy krueger claw or a wolverine or something oh freddy krueger's cooler than wolverine right yeah what'd you say don't play with me that is the dark beta the mask vault what do you think it is crap pokemon charge i'll take that what year are these from though they're 2016. money and a quarter we'll take that don't put that in my pocket pokemon cards are good they're good it's not a lot of them but and they're newer there's a holographic one i see right there i'll take those for sure except that right here what else we got this little thing what is that a cd player it looks like it should be one but it's not um well yes i am the champion guys there's no way around it uh well cars little toys that what does that say right there can you read that um ultra amber i'm ultra it's your final form ultra instinct okay nothing in there these are these ones do the game skylanders bottom of the dumpster all the time all the time other than that a couple toy guns like this breakaway shotgun think it's got anything in it's got a scope can you like point it at my body no a couple cars and a couple toy guns in that bag so nothing too great for pokemon cards that's good stuff got a remote so hopefully that means it'll be a nice tv in there somewhere but really i want to see what's in this thing right here this looks like it's supposed to be a tackle box but i don't think it is let's see oh it's like paint isn't it um these are like piping tips for like cake decorating is that what this is so it could be like ambient crazy color yeah yeah it could be gel to put nice the whole icing kit huh cool lift it up let's see what's under it then more stuff for it butter flavor piping bags glitter there's more of these um this is a whole icing kit it's gotta cost a little something i can't imagine like that would be that cheap definitely something out of like 300 units first time i've seen anything like that so that's cool guys you hear this i touched this blanket and it started making noise not gonna lie that's a little sketchy but uh what is it no let's put it in there let me get this big monster it looks like a desk out right now it's kind of annoyingly in the way so it looks like it has glass pieces because there's something up there so it's missing glass of all the glasses there it's actually a pretty nice guy really it has like nice little things to come up there so let's hope the glass is in there okay this thing won't shut up so we have to get it out of here let's throw the pillow out first whatever it is oh look at this it's like a nerf freaking rifle uh-oh i think this one's got anything in it no don't leave it on my face ah there's nothing in it how's the breakdown i don't know how this one oh it's got a pump now let's test it ready nope nothing what else is going on it tends up so much i don't know it's about to fly out a nerf gut i don't i gotta prepare for the worst all right so this is what i'm assuming is making that noise no well i was going to blend the dinosaur but it doesn't look like it's a dinosaur it's this that was just spinning what is that like a satellite it looks like it's live you got it five below that like stays in the air or something yeah it definitely flies it's got propellers on it so football spider-man what is it this is a tractor this has to go over here a little dude in there keep doing work dude uh walk i'm seeing a few there's a couple footballs in here but they're either low in air and popped i can't tell a couple trucks just like typical kids toys nothing like overly expensive looking you know dinosaurs trucks nerf guns the typical stuff you would expect from like a five or six year old so let's get this bag right on out of here so right here this looks like the christmas decoration box i'm seeing like ornaments and things like that open it up make sure nothing looks super fancy or anything some christmas ornaments can be money like let's take this out looks like just typical christmas balls they actually look personalized yeah so definitely no value to us plus it's broken so christmas stuff just usually isn't but if there's a time of the year to find it it would be right now it's the middle of december so if we're going to be able to sell it it would be now some stockings or santa hat there's something in it is it yeah glitter guns what is it frosty let's see this box i'm gonna assume is gonna have christmas balls breakable yeah i'm gonna assume it's gonna have the christmas balls open oh it's taped over here that might help that might be a reason let's see really quick uh not christmas balls but like little ornaments and things like that it's like a lotion bottle yeah all right little candles they actually have a smell too and yeah there's more warm there's nothing cheap i can see i mean nothing expensive i can see a 2.50 price tag on one of those christmas balls so nothing there this is another shoe box let's make sure it's nothing different i'm gonna assume it's just more christmas balls oh no it's yes christmas like ornaments presents things like that so let's just get the christmas box right on out of here so orange sheet thingy ooh at least we have an xbox controller it looks like the xbox one wired maybe or one or 360. i never had a wired xbox one controller so i couldn't really tell you all mine are wireless but maybe that's an xbox one controller hopefully if the system's in here that's some good money still even though the new ones just came out south park hats uh just once your stuff in there it's gonna set this one aside this has christmas lights but let's see if it really what it is yeah it looks like christmas stuff all right nothing all right but look at the bottom all christmas lights there's nothing but christmas lights in there so let's just go ahead and get this pink toad right on out of the unit let's go up here some we got first a red bucket with that in it always got a lot of red buckets with that in it you know this might be the drawer to the desk we just found oh boy you got an ashtray with cigarette butts in it you know it's a good one you keep that in your drawer classy classy so let's hope that's the drawer and this oh um it says what is that oh neil put it looks like this diy to me do it yourself that's what i get from it let's see looks like some bathroom stuff can you see it up here in the dresser all right so that it's like the toilet brush holder beautiful what's in here though front bathroom stuff right under it what stuff let's see sounds like a rattly to me so we gotta see what that stuff is open jewelry is it i don't think so i think it's a shower yeah that's just bathroom stuff uh what else is in here there's the rug here's a little drain board there's a little trash can and yeah it's pretty much what it says so i guess we can assume so far that what their box label says have been correct so i wanted to get this out because i wanted a nice office chair to use my computer and it was cozy too the ones we got when we first moved here were cheap and like they're at first they're like you know they did what they needed to do but now we're editing for long periods of time they hurt it hurts so this was one of the reasons i wanted the unit right here and it looks like we got office chair number two six dollar ones from goodwill to start are not working yeah now they're done now we gotta go and this one there we go is that mine yeah right there oh good a lot better yeah there we go that was one of the reasons we were worth and the cheapest like office chairs i could find with cushions were like 70 80 bucks a piece so i was like 260 if i pay 80 bucks a piece for that that's 160. so might as well pay a hundred bucks to get a 10 by 10 right let's see what's in this random lunch bag it doesn't feel really heavy some personalized pictures more freaking christmas balls i'm getting really tired of the christmas stuff already uh a little bag is there something in there you can't tell there is a sock all right a sock oh yeah that's all it's in this thing so let me go ahead and throw this aside get up out my way what do i go to next choose something the suitcase but take that metal piece off this yes it looks like a mattress chopper but we're gonna see yeah and that's all i see in it but it's gonna be something under it could be protecting something yeah it doesn't feel like it why why every suitcase we find is broken i don't know look at this it's already busted so whatever and yeah it's the mattress topper and nothing but a mattress topper so this right here is trash get about my face you want to see uh i already see the c word on this tote too i'm not liking this unit whoa where did that come from out of the bathroom thing maybe that's not real but it got me for a second that's kind of weird i don't know how i got there let's put it on this desk so you can see it better chef christmas christmas christmas christmas all the way down it says christmas boxes in garland on it so i guess we should have took their word for it since we're finding so much christmas stuff it's kind of put me in the christmas mood so i decided to get you a present from this unit okay here you go merry christmas oh yeah your favorite that is my favorite i love it see i'm not getting you nothing no more i get your teddy bears you sell them i'll get you hangers you break them we're going to talk right now i don't know sorry he's not going to do it sorry he's not going to do it would have been better if i gave you a surge protector yes here's a christmas card your new name diego what's up guys i'm diego i'm diego uh nothing in there let's check the other one nothing in there what about this one come on you go you had to leave one behind for us no i told you i got the money out of my cars already i hate when i see protectors i was hoping there'd be something in there what else are we seeing down here there's some change down there definitely some random change throughout this i couldn't even solve this a little when i'd break it too i hate those things um what is that turtle and colored pencils that is just a joyful highly valuable box yeah this corner right here let's see what we got this is closing a hanger get out of my face hanger more clothes this looks like it's gonna be like a race car race track type thing maybe what's that is that an answering machine no i think it plays discs yeah another nerf gun is it hey this thing if it works it's usually like 30 40 bucks on ebay i mean we got to find the wire to it but if it works 30 40 bucks these are speakers they might go to this display yeah and a miami hat so that could be the best value box if the google home works it's 40 bucks and cd player might have value just because it has nice speakers with so point that out of the beginning it's like a couple dollars i see a gold dollar and a few quarters so it's probably like two or three dollars in there that's one of the reasons i've been on it i'm not gonna lie to you did you really think that a little bit of weight would be that much to counteract all that it wasn't stable to begin with well sorry hold on there it is okay my psychic abilities are on now you should be able to look at it and see it's not stable sorry i'm sarcastic let's see what's in the suitcase right here um it opens what do you think it is if it's christmas decorations i'm throwing it all the way down the hallway not christmas decor no oh hey beautiful what do you think's in here a ring is it something what is that it's a earring with a freaking 1916 coin on it george v dell dave ah read that up close i wonder if it's silver i can't get it to focus we'll do it when we get home we have light but yeah that it's a nice day i hate when i can't get the camera focused on it i mean it's dark oh look what's underneath of it that's just string actually troll but if that's silver that could be a worth a little bit of white and silver i'll put this in my pocket because it's kind of interesting and we got this this this and whatever this purse is nothing in it though um this one also nothing no there's something in it oh the strap it might be like i mean they both look like new purses yeah they could be i mean a little bit of money is there any brand in them that doesn't look like it no some rabbits what about this one is this one other branch no so maybe like 10 bucks a piece just because they're new and other than that it really depends on that coin the coin could be worth a lot of money we don't know right now next box is right here and i cannot even tell you what it says look like they wrote in white out look at that they literally wrote it in white out let's see that was definitely not a 20 minute intermission if i eat the tape because we forgot the knife at home definitely did not just happen it happened so we got a pot that's wrapped up in plastic on the top part hmm it's metal so i don't think anything's breaking in there look at the bottom nothing written on it but the top of it like this yeah so a vase there's a lot of stuff it could be valuable just don't know like this one too that one's clay check that out interesting so i don't know these could be something that the owners made themselves or this could be something done by somebody to somebody you never know you know what i mean what is this candles it looks like yeah our candle holders for this thing right here i think this is like a big candle holder that goes on the wall uh toilet paper holder yeah more bathroom this is heavy is that why they wrap everything up in paper towel that's a candle we'll take it actually it looks like a scented one yeah oh cool strawberry whatever oh yeah we're taking it smells good i like that one is there any more in there i like candles there's this like a glittered rock or something okay and not much else let's pull this little sucker out here well what is that no no humidifier maybe maybe is that an anonymous oh yes remember this thing yes i am anonymous i mean i know it's from the movie originally but it's kind of synonymous with anonymous ooh you know i was a rapper anonymous i did not and i'm a rapper now it's kind of synonymous oh look at this with anonymous oh that's signed by a lot of people let's see if anybody that's in the sports recognizes any of these signatures because this for all i know could be their high school team yeah not a clue that could be a whole nfl team or that can literally be their high school team and this box has jewelry in it good transition let's see i saw it in a controller xbox 360. and a knife yes another knife now we have one of you too watch this watch here geneva all right look at this necklace this looks like it could be silver check the clasp out it looks real what are we got here hold on we come out a little more yep 925. that's silver that's a pretty good way to chain right there it's got to be like 40 bucks i'd say just on the weight maybe and scrap what is this thingy s that means it's for me hold on what are these they're all magnet balls that's weird oh i have something to play with going back in the box and we have another watch here which is a jyjm it looks like it says already so let me look at this other watch too make sure it doesn't say nothing about gold on it stainless steel stainless steel it's probably stainless steel probably not going to be worth a whole lot but the chain's cool let's see what else we got in here the football could be valuable i just don't know raw this is let's see it looks like a bunch of artwork and stuff like that from school let's see what's in here make sure it's just school work yeah all school and looks like it's gonna be all school too so you know what i'm not gonna complain with that bag that's the best thing our box this is the best one we found so far a couple watches xbox controller and probably forty dollars in scrap silver and a knife i think of getting closer to the back this stuff's starting to get better this time i think so i'm gonna try to pull out this light nightstand dressing thing but it's not trying to fit through there's stuff in the drawers is it yeah oh yeah there it is let's see let's just turn it around then we'll stand it up the way it's supposed to go wow okay it opens at the top oh it does it or did it just come right off i have no idea to be honest i don't think it's supposed to no i think it's broken nice beautiful high quality version there yeah miami this is brandon dolphin colors too um let's see what's in the bottom drawer let's see oh open why is it so hard it's i don't know geez man it looks like the [ __ ] oh my gosh it's not the drawer it's all books and it's a couple dvds you see how nicely it cooperates when you use just a little bit of force with it so i just took this blanket down from up here and it does look like there's a good amount of boxes here which is something i'm happy about because when i bought it i wasn't so sure if i just figured it was so close so take the risk but let's see what's in this box here oh guess what we got now it says kitchen but we'll check that where did i put that knife in we got a knife now yeah let's see what do you think you better not be kidding don't take kitchen don't take it right now i'll say kitchen what do you think what do you think's in it um golden jewelry yeah jewelry sure it's kitchen you lied you lied oh well got a vase a cup whatever this is get out stop with paper towels another cup uh yeah it's just kitchen unfortunately let's get it out the way so i see this box of boots right here and it feels like the right way i'm begging you can you be like new or in like new conditions oh look at that have they even been worn no i'd say no and you know what else they're steel toe so that's money that's i bet you that's easy 30 to 40 bucks right there they're brand spanking new i don't know what they cost to do but let's see there's a price i'm not seeing one anywhere so i don't know but i didn't work at toyota for a little while and i know that i heard a lot of people complain about the price of steel toe boots so i'm gonna assume they're worth a little bit of money now can we see how many boxes are here quite a few up here which one should i go for um probably move the plastic shelf and get the one on top well that came with it and we'll keep the shelves because we always need those so let's get the white one right here and see what this is i see like a vr set it looks like so vr set and a box looks like it was some headphones at one point another card we have money this time oh it's trolled me what is that it's a mastercard thing they got a mastercard from target they took it out how rude how always just to use it if you take it out um let's see it's an interactive reader looks like a textbook they could be money too it just depends textbooks are legitimately the hardest hit and miss ever no virginia absolutely gosh i hate this gosh i hate the sol so bad gosh they're just a stupid system like it's so i don't want to get an education system it's just really stupid so nothing in there for books empty cards and broken dreams now let's get the blue box party stuff i think debbie party stuff they've been pretty accurate and it looks like party stuff people are on point with their labeling so far today it doesn't usually happen usually it's like party stuff and it's like a pan the next one says kitchen and it's like a toilet brush a blanket and half of a pillow that's all i used to pillow yeah let's pull down this one and see what we got real quick i found love in a box here thank you i'll keep that all right i love this too then i just keep it while it's on camera then get rid of it serious don't just put it back in the box right where this clip ends all right i'll do it all right she's gonna do it what's this that's kind of cool looking it looks like something you find like a tattoo shop look it's like string in there yeah it is cool it looks like a tattoo shop there that's cool speaking of that i'm having that urge you guys have tattoos you know you just randomly get that urge you just want that ink therapy what is this look at the freaking paper it's wrapped in if they play with it or does it leak what is it a it candle like a giant candle doesn't it looks like a handmade candle yeah it smells really good though so we'll find something to put it in like this oh no never mind that's like an actual light looks like a melty thing it might be personal pictures and the beach is my happy place but it's broken so not no more another vase that was a pretty random box let's box it up so look i just set this up here and think about turning it around and i think brandon'll be happy with that yeah i hate touching it though because i feel like i'm gonna catch his infectious suckiness but you know some people gotta like him somewhere so let's actually we'll leave this out of the box because we'll bring that home and give it to him pretty cool so we got a little amazon prime box it's taped up still i mean it doesn't look the amazon tape's been broken but it had to have been somewhere because it looks like there's stuff in it this is 50 bucks zoomies what is the cologne cuban necklace oh it's a watch and it's in there look at that wow that's pretty nice actually that'll be something we definitely set aside as well see another box like that like express it's a brown watch people being obsessed with watches in these last two units we bought so oh look at that it's still ticking so it probably hasn't been in here that long i wouldn't say no there's more these are candy canes candy canes what do you think's in that baby nothing i don't think there's anything else in here really quick look good vibes and to open this yeah it looks like one of those led signs yeah let's cut it up and see what it is so you're legitimately not going to believe this check this out that is a glow vegeta from dragon ball that looks so cool we have one like this at home with goku we ordered a while ago i don't know but this is super cool it doesn't need batteries okay and here's another one it's an actual like look it's a dragon ball see the star on it and it has goku inside of it the glows that's crazy that's crazy these are definitely not being sold nobody asked these are going right on one of my shelves those are so nice but now it gets me really excited about what can be in the other boxes because they're willing to buy those no telling what else they got so check that out the plug was actually in there so we just plugged it into the wall right here and look at that it changes colors that is super cool those little two things right there that's where i think look at that what is that it's from the bottom yeah no i'm like is it supposed to be something uh it doesn't look like it not sure either which way that's pretty cool next box here and let's see what this is really quick open this guy's knife stuff i need my knife back completely forgot to bring it i had it in my jeans pocket when i went home the other day from the last big unit forgot to put it back in the truck the other day the other day what i said yeah no that's not bullying always i love you but you still bullying me every day guys i don't know everybody every relationship bullies each other's okay all right i'm gonna bully you i'm gonna cut your finger no that's it is it's just more intense for them it is not look at that buttermilk pancake mix these are these things that like everyone you get those family members that you don't really care about but they're still related to you and you got to get them for christmas something for christmas so you don't feel bad you get them like these things for like five bucks or like a discount clothes store that's what you send them hey aunt joe joe really it's 20 20 all right i mean it could be like joanne or something what is that a keurig a keurig these have been easy sales for us always this is the case you keep bullying right i'm gonna have to go like 50s cartoon on you do you guys see like his bullying versus mine hey i'm just a victim here uh so we got a keurig and a pancake mix in there those are storage unit boxes you just don't know what you're good let's see what's in the next box ah i don't like that i see this because they've been pretty accurate so far about hahaha hey look resident evil 5 for xbox 360 in there cool that's in there that's a lot of dvds let's see look zombie lands right here too what is that little big planet day one edition oh well never mind that blue rays and ps4 looks similar you kind of got a look that's under here there's something is it looks like a white waist trimmer but this is a good movie right here you've never seen it really good and hey look there's the movie that we found a signed poster for the other one that i've never seen super troopers but hey we have a bunch of dvds so we'll be putting up together putting together i can't talk right now i'm excited because i found dragon ball super putting together more dvd lots for the live auction again guys this saturday we killed it last saturday that's over 700 you guys have showed up this weekend we're gonna do it again so let's keep pulling our boxes for now so we're starting to hit that point where we have so much stuff out i don't really know if it's gonna fit so we're gonna take what we have right now go load up the truck and then see if we still have room i think you're stuck in a hangar right here that's what's causing you that we have this whole car right here see that hanger came back to get you i waited for you to come down here and i'm gonna get you let's go thank you for the truck and see if it fits and this is how the real ones park their truck no not sideways so everybody can get by you should back it right up to the sidewalk tailgate at the door let's see what we can fit in there so everything's packed in you can see it's pretty full the chairs were kind of a little sticking out but the net it's not going nowhere we're only five minutes from home so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take it home we're gonna go through this stuff because there's a lot of little boxes that we might have missed and things like that price some things i'm gonna put the football in a sports memorabilia group and see if they give me some information on who the signatures are and then when we're done with all that we'll come back and do the recap and show you what we could have missed see you then before we talk about any of the other cool stuff in this unit i got to tell you about the coolest thing i figured out so far from the start of this unit it's pretty cool check this out so as we stated we're gonna put this football in a sports memorabilia group a lot of people that buy and sell autographs on the regular have a better chance of recognizing them than we do and actually i thought this is going to end up being like a high school ball this ball is actually signed by the 2015 buffalo bills players so number five where's that one at right here is i think it's pronounced tire rod taylor number 41 over here is sierra wood number 61 where is that right here is gabe ickert or eiker i don't know how to pronounce it number 48 over here marcus gray or marquis or marcus not sure gray the number 38 i guess that one's up here is dan herron so yeah it was pretty easy people in the group to find the signatures i would have never had any idea what i'm looking at but apparently we have a football signed by five professional nfl players which is just a little bit better than somebody's high school ball now let's get to the rest of this stuff i also got a lot more information on our little coin here now that we're home and you can see that it says 1916 and that's the front of it you can actually see it because we have actual light so we found out that this is a penny from 1916 it's actually from the uk and doesn't really state if you upload that check doesn't really state of value but i saw somebody selling a lot of these i think like five of them for 30 some bucks so i'm going to assume it's not really that much money but it's minted by the royal mint apparently and there was 86 million of them made so i'm going to assume they're not that rare but that's what it's supposed to look like in the front right there which ours does our back is a little bit more faded you see that's what it's supposed to look like but then ours is kind of like you could tell that it's the same design but it's faded away from probably being worn as an earring so that's the coin so the little tiny thin necklace that i thought was fake in the video like an idiot just because it popped up is actually 10 karat gold but it's actually so thin and tiny that when i put it on the scale it doesn't even register the whole gram and it's plus it's only 10 carats so it's not going to be too particularly valuable but it is gold technically so we did find gold already this is 100 925 sterling silver it's just under two ounces so if we were to scrap it it'd be around 40 bucks but because it's a complete chain and neither of the clasps are busted look at that i mean it's definitely wearable right now it's gonna be worth definitely more than scrap value so i'm gonna guess that's probably at least 50 bucks if we sell it cheap but i could probably get more for just because it's silver and it's complete so once again we got watches i don't know what it is lately with watches so check this one out out up close now it looks like it says like ymyjm or why something like that i don't know this is the one that could potentially be value valuable not value that didn't make no sense it says geneva but i think the ones that are worth money are geneva like the end of the e and not an a plus you can see this one's in kind of rough shape but if somebody wants to repair it it's definitely repairable the best condition watch we've gotten though is this express one here because i don't think it's ever been taken out it's still ticking and everything and the time is actually right it's about what 9 10 p.m right now so it's actually right in the band and everything looks like it's never been touched so i'm gonna assume it probably went got as a gift and went right into storage because i don't think they've ever worn it this other box here definitely is the wrong thing it's in there this is the other watch it said it's supposed to be a micro cuban necklace or whatever that is right there but in reality it's just that other watch which yeah it's not a cuban necklace it's oops this watch right here so not too strong to value this stuff yet i literally just finished editing it but pretty psyched about the football and the necklace so check the goku ball out right there it's going to be sitting right next to our tv if you can't tell kind of you know a little bit of a dragon ball fan just saying just a little bit and look at the lights puts seven lights on there the change constantly which is pretty freaking cool and the other one over here there's the vegito one who's gonna be staying right there so like we said those two guys are staying right in our house all right now that we're in the garage let's go through some of the stuff you didn't see there's not very much though pretty much what you saw is what all there was but this little orange bag i think i flipped through it and just kind of tossed it aside but inside of it it was actually some change not a whole lot but you know a dollar maybe two dollars something like that worth the change here's the pots with the wrapper off of them so you can get a better look at them if anybody has any type of information on these i don't even know how to go about looking them up you know what i mean clay looking metal pot black pop with design on it i have no idea even go about looking those up so we missed a little tablet here so there's a tablet and there was a car yeah it's metal i mean it's not plastic or nothing but a car other than that everything that you saw is what you got but keep in mind guys we're only a little bit into the unit we got a lot more to go we'll be back in it tomorrow so make sure you come back to see what else because this one does seem to be following the rules as we get further back the stuff is getting even better so again be back tomorrow if you enjoyed it leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new until next time peace out you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 57,546
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Id: 2UT3xeOrQ3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 59sec (2459 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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