FOUND HIDDEN JEWELRY I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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oh my goodness it's in here hallo how the Hales are you hope you're having a hails of a good day I'm gonna use Hales there few times too many but I know what you're all thinking you're thinking where the Hales is Jeremy today I'm in Columbus I'm back in Ohio the weather is horrible I bought this unit online on storage treasures calm for $50 now I only got it because I bid on another one which was an awesome 10 by 10 for 160 30 minutes after I won the auction they the facility called and they cancelled another reason why I do not like online auctions they can cancel your winning bid whether they don't like the price it sold for any reason it doesn't matter they can cancel it so I picked this one up just for fun hoping to get the other so let's hope there's some big money in this one and if you haven't subscribed yet what the Hales are you waiting for come on get over there hit the belt get those notifications [Music] here we are got this one for $50 online got to pay the premium on top of that and then some fees so let's just we'll say 70 bucks okay so let's open her up it's a small one it's a 5x5 again I was adding this one on to a bigger one that I didn't get here we go not much not much but enough to see if we can make some profit let's take a closer look look at all these good signs here okay these are some of the things I saw in the pictures now if somebody stepped in here you most likely would get a footprint my footprint is there but you don't see any footprints right but look at this layer and layer and layer of dust so this is why I wanted this one for $50 I was hoping for look at that right there some old antiques that could be cast iron we'll have to see but we've got we've got some foot bags we got some bags we got some boxes look at that the claw oh man who knows what we're gonna get in here we can get a little bit of everything let's start this treasure hunt out right let's just get right into it okay set of crutches that's easy five dollars if we don't sell it you know what scrap the metal okay never a good sign for resale okay I know a lot of you out there you smoke that's fine for you I'm talking about resale value things that have smoke on them that takes the value down so that's not good even though I really don't smell smoke right now let's see let's see well here we got some Jordan sandals that's good let's see what we have in here we've got Cherokee jeans small so somebody was a small fry there's some bliss jeans this one's all clothing remember always go through the bags and go through them well make sure nothing's hiding in the actual clothing you know you will find a lot of a lot of little hand and things like that man there's bags everywhere let's see what's in this one okay we'll just pull this one over this one has actually I need a bigger bag for traveling I actually spend way too much time on the road to be traveling with the bag that I go with traveling all right this pretty much is not gonna be worth anything so we got five dollars so far I've got five dollars so far just in the crutches we need to find more than that over on this other side we've got a bucket we got a bucket of hay now we're doing all right but anybody knows what the Hales knows I don't drink so apparently I'm gonna have the opportunity though so most of these chemicals these cleaners like this is brand new it was only a dollar but I'll hold on to all of that so this has value to me look at this here emergency disaster Red Cross services let's see what do we have in here okay here's what we have you see this this is an emergency disaster kit actually you know what this would probably be a really good idea to keep in the actual trailer there's a glow stick I'm I can't keep one of those in the trailer I mean those are too much fun purified drinking water this is really cool this I think is either gonna go in the truck or the trailer but there's a backpack here with the two with the handle so maybe this tells more of the story maybe there was something that happened here in the area the other thing that can be is homelessness so that could have happened to we don't know yet see there's something in here you gotta be careful footing are doing the most good you gotta be careful certain our hands in this stuff because drugs is a reality especially in this business I just alright we do have the black marker and [Music] something's in here what's over in here then we'll get in the main I always like to do the side front pockets first geez we've got a giant flashlight alright it's labeled Salvation Army look at this maybe they were actually serving no way they must have been serving they must have actually been serving on the disaster team this is cool jacket and everything Wow they expect to find that in here so I don't I don't think this is a person that needed it I think this is a person that was going out and serving other people which means we need to find this person this is probably pretty important to them all right we've got a bunch of garbage bags before we can get to the boxes and obviously on Imran connive so let's just kind of we'll take a peek oh look at this brand-new brand-new Candyland still sealed you see that this is the this is this is incredible there's brand-new sopranos trivia game all right we've got a easy build block I like this I like where this is going this is a great start obviously there was a baby in there as well so good start right there let's set that aside let's jump into one of these boxes okay I gotta set this over we'll get into we'll just I don't even know what that is I don't know what that is we're gonna set that over there this is the 15 in one game looks like let's find out let's find out for sure as seen on tv and it's in there it's brand-new that's great whatever it is I mean I can I'll just use that at the house I'll go and go in my bedroom right there look at that 15 in one game Center I get alright so I'm gonna keep that this is good because we're already alright only because the glove is so dirty okay you got last where in here giant giant glassware corning that's what it is it's Corning ware we've got a nice box fan over here I'll probably end up scrapping it because it has no mouth generally I can get five ten bucks summer at those at the warehouse I did find some evidence let me show you in some personal paperwork that dub it was an elderly person so that being said normally you would think that you would find older vintage items okay move this up let's see I already look at this here okay I think I know what's gonna be in there and three two it's usually like a glass you put it on a led and look at this Salvation Army it actually says the Salvation Army how cool is that this person had had to do relief work looks like an ear piece there's going out hair piece and we've got rocks and keys here we also have a penny in there a little money back samples we have another wig you guys may think this is crazy these wigs some wigs can sell for hundreds of dollars on eBay check them out just type in wig on eBay you'll be shocked at what you actually see and we've got you so far we got purse we got two purses let's see nothing and and okay no way yes way we got another wig and not only is it a wig it's a virgin wig here we go hmm that's nice I might try that only that helps fill in some of those spots right there we might think we have another one I probably have $100 in weights right now retail value okay this all looks like paperwork will have to go so that's a good box that's a really good box remember this is the dust all this dust is what I saw there's been times where I've found oh look at this look at that jacket number 30 Detroit look at that okay the plot is thickening for sure well this leather jacket stick that right there leather jacket these usually will go for about $100 on eBay so now Brooke oh we got a okay all right this easy player Pro come on come on that's a large it's a large it smells like smoke unfortunately that's not gonna do well because like smoke but so resell value on that is a jump and you know what we get in junk drawers we get money we get gift cards we get let's find out what this is whatever this is we get as well let's see what it is it is a business organizer suits over on this side so this is where I would hope to find gift cards no none there that doesn't mean doesn't mean it's not in here there's a t-mobile box let's see is it there t-mobile 4G let's find out [Music] luggage totes boxes okay this US clothing that's female clothing we'll set that aside look this that's nice is that Northwest Territory it is Northwest trails so somebody was actually transfer thank you I told you it was dusty and that's a good sign so there's got to be money in here here's another here's another bag here that one's empty usually honey you get five ten bucks apiece for these nice little wardrobe bag oh it's heavy it's heavy that thing is heavy I'll give you a look at this box really quick there's a few things in there including a sump pump I think that's the sump pump got my handy dandy knife we're gonna go ahead and see what's inside now label kitchen hopefully it's mislabeled it is not but the cool thing is is this is actually this plastic so you know what captain fumble bucks hamburger I think there's glass for example Scioto Meadows by century homes that might be a nursing home glass - oh I can't believe I just did that did you see that I just cut straight don't worry I'm not using it so alright alright so here we go cut away from the sausage serving trays 399 special there we're getting somewhere we are getting somewhere I see them see purses jewelry for sure we're on the jewelry we're on to here's a cell phone yes yes hello hello hello the 1980s are calling you okay this could be we gotta check this of course not I can't see because the flash is straight - yep don't don't know what that is it's all there's definitely stuff in this one okay let's see can we find any gift cards or money gift cards or money there are a lot of cards in here I just saw something say cash to catch island our cash Island I don't know what cash island is but alright anything back what do we got what do we got something something so yes yes the hot and ready little caesars rewards card I'm ready for that alright well have to go through that find home look we got all kinds of purses in here what is this hungry I bet this is like oh okay okay this is good this is okay so here there we go we got blood pressure cuff right there those are good money that's good 25 bucks right there got all kinds of things in here I love this miscellaneous one we got money down in here there's two cents we'll have to check that here's a little coach purse oh no it's gonna happen again looks like it I stopped it okay we got meds we do have meds in there so there's meds in that little coach purse and what else do we have we've got another purse here this is a coach see I did open some things that had a lot of personal items in it that had names and and there was a ton of change told you this one was dusty here comes the comments you should be wearing a mask like a wear mask but you can if it helps you you wear masks alright um we've got paper we've got the paper paper paper there's a card for something let's see do we have a gift card no that is a pharmacy benefit card all right on to the next and this is Home Depot this is probably a poncho I don't know what it is actually Oh towel was tall let's we got another coach purse my goodness I think we got enough purses we do we got purses and we've got I'm gonna have to go through this with Scioto downs racino all right this is getting to the point where I think I got this one figured out gambling addiction I've seen a ton of it already in here everything in here is this really is it's been around crank me turn me on crank crank me and turn me on that's all it takes on all right let's see everything in here so far I've seen it a lot of stuff has been about gambling so if you can do it right I'm problem it gets out of control this is where you end up losing everything cell phone another cell phone we got flashlights okay so I don't think we're gonna find cash money okay this is in loving memory okay this is this is alright this is a this is from a funeral we need to we need to do what we can to give this back to the family regardless of anything else going on oh it's in there oh yeah what I need in the box that is all right that is not jewelry we have two laptops on the box what else do we have in here well that definitely made the purchase price worth it let's see what we have here sausage never good okay well it really doesn't matter if you're not using this alright oh that one could be this one says that one says bedroom that box this is perfect perfect Bob minutes it's like cosmetic stuff we got a bunch of hats OSU oh there's a good one there's one right there OSU here yeah that is awesome oh there's there's an awesome one Jesus okay what's this oh that's for the left okay so that's cool the laptop so some random stuff in here let's get another box okay just set that aside I don't need to be rough with any of this stuff there's a difficult you know what I'm saying when you're confined space okay look at that and you can't see it so let's make it so you can and we should do better now huh there we go we got fumes we've got cosmetics all brand-new sealed cosmetics and you would be shocked this stuff will sell on eBay perfume hundreds of dollars depending on what the perfume is creams again all depends and then you even get your little bingo sticks let's see what do we have here oh you see what I'm seeing here we go oh damn Perry Mint come on come on in three two I can get it that time that's okay that's okay I'm good with that look look what we have here though we've got some kind of woodland ornament oh yeah I'm thrilled already I have two two laptops and now now I have seen eyes every move you make every step you take I'll be making YouTube videos all right so we're jewelry okay there's definitely more cosmetic stuff in here which I'm just gonna set aside to pull another one just pull another one let's do it this is here here we go this side up looks like glass sausage it is it's a tired shot glass it's a shot glass collection so it is very much so glass look at that pearl there's one from Pearl Harbor Wow yep shot glass collection that's worth some money here we go remember everything that's worth money is usually hidden in the corner this that's the toaster up here or here next tell me in the chat one or two down in the comments we think one or two survey says we're going with number two here we go here we go I'll tell you what I'm gonna bring you in closer I'm gonna bring you in closer right down into the action here we go blue that live that this happened live [Music] okay we've got a Lion King in 3d all of this we've got a ton we got a ton of DVDs okay that's incredible this whole thing has DVDs and blu-rays that's all money that'll get up that'll get us our money back look this whole thing is there's more Salvation Army there's more Avon wow there's a Christmas card in here let's hit those money in it somebody worked at the summit have to and nothing in that okay there are a buttload of straws paper so see what we have here in this fanny pack I know my UK subscribers love that that's right also alright let's see what's in the fanny pack we've got we've got a bag of panties don't leave home without it we've got we've got we've got that what would you use that for anybody know let me know we go down below all the way this we got great movies we got King Kong oh no that is Carnival of Souls there are a lot of movies in here level we've got me a CD just hit the jewelry stash oh my goodness we just found the jewelry stash that looks like gold back there this looks like this is the jewelry this is the jewelry chest right there and where is it where is it realize it until we found that okay man there's some lazy susan all right I'm gonna set that that right there let's see well fit in here [Music] get to the jewelry but your story right here guys there's jewelry everywhere in here look brand-new brand-new let's see what's in here and then we'll get to the jewelry box okay oh this thing's filled with jewelry this Avon but Avon still made some silver brand-new brand-new brand-new brand-new oh my goodness how lucky what is this some kind of glass bear that's kind of cool boobs I called see what else I robot that one is awesome worried I'm gonna have to go through all of this piece by piece this would be this would actually be a great unit on Donatella's auctions so let's see what we have here okay you guys ready drawer number one this is what we have in drawer number one we've got tickets got this oh my god is this this thing whatever that is okay that's what we got in draw number one draw number two you're number two a razor blade there's definitely a razor blade in pens drawer number three that could be gold okay we got an angel so we've got here okay got an angel probably couldn't see the other things good job and just more lighthouse oh man look at that that belt buckle look at this turned that into an amulet okay that's drawer number three but don't wait just wait there's more let's see what's behind here and I think that's where all the rings were supposed to be if you can see there's no rings in there here's another set of drawers here we go I'm gonna have to look at every single one of these pieces piece by piece I see some chuck-e-cheese coins I mean to me that's worth it yeah I definitely made my money back on this unit there's no doubt there all right laptops oh is that I think it is no it's not what I think it is and I'm not gonna show you a points card either we're not gonna pull that out okay what's in here we have yet to find a balloon which is so much shocking volunteer Home Depot and looks like some more pieces a while look at that cross piece if I have it in view hopefully I do okay all right we've got one more area in the story box right here and nothing and then there was this let's find out what we got anything there there's anything there is that's prescriptions all right let's go into a big pocket here we go oh yes more wigs more wigs and more hats u.s. army look at that jesus paid it all that's a cool hat right there jesus paid it all u.s. army and we have some unmentionables please do not send me messages about wanting to buy this to your fifty weirdos up there this on the other hand sure no problem I don't [Music] you [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 89,412
Rating: 4.8402505 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: cAneM0iA1Mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 36sec (2076 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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