High Limit Coin Pusher, $5000 Buy In, OVER $11,000 PROFIT!

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what is up everybody i am back with another high risk coin pusher video and today this is one of the most craziest videos i've done on my youtube channel ever this is going to be like probably a record for my youtube channel this right here is a five thousand dollar buy-in and i'm about to explain why i did a five thousand dollar buy-in they only gave me 80 bucks in quarters now i know what you're thinking like they've changed the price and quarters again they're going to start putting high-end prizes like 500 dollar chips rolls of cash a thousand dollar chips look there's a whole stack of thousands and five hundreds and a huge tower of chips right here so i think we're going to profit today i just have a good feeling about it huge tower of chips right there there's 500 chips thousand dollar chips and uh a few bitcoins in there a roll of cash on top so yeah let's see five thousand dollar buying that i spent five thousand books and uh they got they gave me i'm gonna say about 80 bucks in quarters maybe a little bit less i don't know i think it was around 80 they gave me so yeah let's see how many how much money we can win back today hopefully a lot and if y'all are new to the channel be sure be sure to hit that subscribe button turn on the notifications that way you get notified every time i upload a video let's get started not really going to be using skill stop much today in this video so let's see if that makes a difference so yeah i hope you all really enjoyed this video today i know oh look at that tower it's moving already that is amazing so five thousand dollars is on the line here y'all think we can get five thousand bucks back i hope we can get 5 000 bucks back because that's a lot of money on the line like like i said this is the most craziest video i've ever did on my youtube channel ever like this is the most insane video i've ever done [Music] so this could be a setup to lose too so i hope we can win something back at least five thousand banks i would hate to lose a thousand bucks 5 000 books on it well nothing is really moving [Music] surprisingly [Music] it's moving okay not too bad on quarters so far i mean i think i think we're gonna put all 80 bucks in and we're probably gonna get like maybe 30 40 back in quarters because it wasn't too piled up with quarters when i first came in here so [Music] probably won't be winning too many quarters back i'm not doing any more buying this is it they usually do eight dollars in quarters forever 100 bucks you spend but it's different today so i'm going to start spending a lot more money like five maybe up to ten thousand each time now i don't know about ten thousand maybe around a couple thousand each time because we're gonna start putting these high-end prizes in here like this they was also talking about like not letting people do low stress like not letting people do a low stakes coin pusher anymore like choose between it oh that that just fell backwards right there oh my goodness [Music] if i can win those thousand dollar chips right there i'm already in profit that would be insane if i want all that i mean it's getting pretty close so let's try to get let's try to get 1500 likes on this video can we do it 1500 likes [Music] if this video can get 1500 blocks next video i will do a ten thousand dollar buy-in a ten thousand dollar mine at the high risk food edition i'm going for the right side now look at that it's probably just another uh it's probably just another it's probably a setup because i know there was 25 a 25 chip that just fell off let me use a little bit of skill stop this time [Music] okay come on come on push oh look at that it's close i had nothing much on that one come on look at that tower though it's like like how is that hanging there look at that tower like it's either going to fall backwards because the way it's like the way it's set up it's going to fall backwards instead of forward so i'm hoping we can get some of these thousand dollar chips off of here look the ones on the left side have a better chance of falling off than the ones on the right that's just how the machine is set up here at this uh gaming parlor that's how they have it set up so oh look at that it moved but it moved like okay come on oh my gosh oh my god look it's so close that is my money back if i can win that right there oh my god dude that is so close oh my god dude that is insane i can't believe we've won that wait it's stuck ain't it well i don't think that was 5 000 weight and would you look at that this is literally the best video i've ever did on my youtube channel this is insane i can't believe those thousand dollar chips just failed i thought it was four thousand but i see five thousand stuck so i got my money back now i'm gonna go ask them to get that out since it's stuck okay you all will not believe this i am already in profit let me get the chips out real quick look at this one thousand two thousand three thousand four thousand five thousand and twenty five bucks five thousand twenty five bucks so i'm i'm profited uh twenty five twenty five about seven twenty five thousand no i profited twenty five dollars not twenty five thousand oh my goodness i wish 25 000 but yeah like i didn't i forgot to turn the camera on anytime oh there was some more chips an extra 50 wow we're winning a lot of money tonight my goal is to clean out the whole entire machine to spin everything out of here y'all think we can do it i think we can so it's been a good night already i've profited a lot of money and like i can't believe that i'm just speechless right now those thousand dollar chips and look how close those ones are like i'm just going to put in like 10 bucks at one time and see how much we went back this should probably be a long video i don't know that is everything that i had left at once there's still quarters down there at the bottom but i just didn't get them out yet so look at this it's moving oh my goodness oh look at those thousand dollar chips they're moving but i don't know if they're gonna fall off okay not bad all right looks like we got one more wave right here come on so five thousand dollars back in one drop so i'm ahead what's what's this 75 bucks right here that is already a really good profit 75 bucks profit i spent i did a five thousand dollar buy and got five one thousand dollar chips in one push that was amazing and that huge tower of chips and with that stack of cash it fell back the cash went on that way y'all can see it i really don't have to explain it but yeah like it fell off there and we probably won't be winning any of that stuff on the back so i mean we still got all this stuff right here in the middle to win that's a lot so i'm gonna go to a collection and i'll be right back so what did i tell you all it's about half of the 80 bucks back so not too good on quarters i will have i have to say that not too good on quarters at all so youtube is telling me that 70 percent of y'all watching this watching these videos are not subscribed so if you are new to the channel i mean i ain't gonna force you to subscribe if you don't like the content don't subscribe but but if you're a fan and stuff go ahead and hit that subscribe button for more future for more let's retry this for more future arcade coin pusher videos is that better okay finally i can talk right and i and i only got like six hours of sleep last night so i am pretty exhausted so if my words are jumbled that y'all will know why look at that on the left side that is that that's gonna fall that that is gonna be a lot of money once that does fall look at that 20 stack it fell all the way back there it keeps on sliding back look at all that in the middle getting ready to fall that is okay there 100 chip out of there nice okay come on oh my all right it's not really getting much those chips that fell backwards there landed on the the moving platform back there it's just keeping the quarters from falling off that's how they probably set it up for you to lose but i'm focusing on the left side mainly because look thousand dollar chips right there five thousands and these uh yellow one thousand dollar chips right here those are uh instead of those being toward a like a 1 000 like buy-in giveaway like it's a giveaway except they have changed it just for today i don't know it could be today or from here on out i don't really know but they have it to where it's just face value and you get it so you get a thousand dollars cash if you get it okay this is all the quarters i got in the cook and of course i dropped the cup in the floor see nothing left come on push okay that was pretty good it's just not moving anything now come on get them i'm going for the left side that is the side to go for right now so i'm gonna do a collection and i'll be back i'll be right back about said i'll be brought back see y'all can just tell i'm exhausted i will be right back okay i'm right back that's what i about said a minute ago but like that's all we got left in quarters we got to make it count because this is under 20 bucks i know that okay come on get those chips off of there come on get them no we didn't win those chips yet come on second wave second wave come on that's what we needed that sounded like at least five six bucks and quarters in that one drop right there all right come on it's like nothing wants to move now nothing wants to move at all okay i'm hoping this time is better i hope we get a lock hope we get at least 10 bucks and quarters back i doubt that'll happen though but wow or we might get nothing back and there's the second wave oh look at that i think they might give me that thousand dollar chip right there i'm not sure let me play it a little bit more and see if i can win it myself though before i go and bug them again all right i guess time for another collection our quarters are decreasing by the second it just keeps taking half and half and half again look we got half what we had last time i don't know i think that's too much weight right there in the middle because look at all those chips right there but there is a few stuck in the middle there so i hope they'll give those to me usually if something's stuck they're nice enough to get it out for you [Music] [Music] i'm trying for the left side this time that's where the money's at [Music] not many more quarters left [Music] i mean i said i probably wouldn't do another buy-in but okay come on get them off of there it's just everything's just stuck nothing's falling out wow they're 100 bucks 100 chips all right looks like we got another 125 bucks right here that ain't bad that's pretty good and again we got half the quarters we had last time it's just going to keep taking half and a half so it'll go from five bucks to 250 and then then i don't know how much but it's just going to keep taking half and half and half every time [Music] i'm going for the left side oh no only two okay not bad all that right there is stuck that is all stuck right there you all think they'll give it to me what do y'all think [Music] i hope they give it to me come on get it off of there oh we got a bitcoin those are just for an entry into a 500 buying giveaway i'm pretty sure unless they've changed those up too so yeah we got a bitcoin nice i never win the giveaway like the entry into the giveaway i never i've never won before but i think all that is mine right there so i'm gonna do both sides this time i'm gonna use skill stop i'm gonna put in like that on this side that on that side i'll be right we'll get a good second wave though [Applause] okay not bad all right come on push all right one more quarter looks like yeah i guess i'll go ask them if if i can claim that right there if they're gonna give that to me or not okay wait there went one more oh it's definitely stuck now so yeah i think that's mine i'll be i'll be right back i'm gonna go ask them if i can claim that you all will not believe this this is the best this is the best time i've ever had at this high risk coin pusher this is the most money i've ever won or probably ever will win this is just in one drop we got this thousand dollar chip right here turns out this is still for the um the entry to the giveaway thousand dollar buying giveaway so this ain't face value i don't think anymore well they done told me it's not so that goes with the bitcoin since that's not really cash we get to take home that's just for a entry you know entry into the giveaway so look one thousand two thousand three thousand four thousand five thousand six thousand seven thousand two five hundred dollar chips eight thousand nine thousand ten thousand and fifty dollars in one drop and this is all the chips we've won in total here these red ones these red yellow ones are 1 000 chips this is absolutely insane i thought that that the um i thought that the yellow chips these used to be for like a thousand dollar buy and entry like for a giveaway for a thousand dollar buying then i thought i must have heard them wrong but i thought that they like you know these was like face value like if you win these you get a thousand bucks but no it's still the entry thing so i thought that was gonna be an extra thousand but i am not complaining at all this is literally been the best high-risk coin pusher like the best time i've ever had at this harass coin pusher and this is all the quarters i got left but even if i don't win anything else i'm still pretty happy it's all the quarters we got left i'm just going to put a molly and see what we need all right that was a pretty good push come on oh look at that that whole entire row of it moved oh i don't know i mean i'd hate to leave that look at the position hmm i don't know what should i do i'm thinking i want like eight bucks and quarters but that's gonna cost like 300 bucks now so what should i do everybody five bucks and quarters it'll cost 300 bucks or eight dollars i meant cost 300 bucks let me get 300 bucks out right here i think i'm gonna go do another buying because i'm gonna trade these in for cash then i'm gonna use my cash to get another buying and 300 bucks that's gonna be about eight bucks and quarters i think for their special event they've got going on with the high end prizes i'm locking the high end prizes thing it's it's probably pretty good for me but i don't think that they're going to keep doing this because it's easy to win so i don't really know we'll just have to wait and see so yeah 300 buying i'll be right back okay i spent 300 bucks and i got eight eight dollars and quarters back i hope this is worth it and i hope i made a good decision this is my last buy-in even if i don't win with this i still want a lot somebody uh commented and asked if i was saving for college no [Music] no i'm not saving for college heck to the no okay i think it was worth it come on push well we definitely got a lot of quarters back there goes 100 chip look at all this stuff in the middle here well i think it was definitely worth it i got a 25 chip out of that all right i'm just gonna put it all in it one time again i'm gonna put in my look there was some more on the left side not bad all right rapid fire one more time okay so i did a lot on the right side here i didn't really put any on the left but i hope they're not stuck oh look at that all right i'm hoping we can get some of this stuff off in the middle here that looks like a lot of stuff right here all right come on get them get them off of there all right we got a lot of quarters back all those chips right there look like they're about to fall i don't know all right i'm gonna put all my quarters in into the cup i'm sick of grabbing like two bucks at a time from down at the bottom and then just having to keep on doing that so i'm gonna put them all my quarters inside this cup here so it'll be easier to play all right definitely a little bit more than eight bucks i know that so hopefully we can keep this this amount of quarters going for a while without having to do another buy-in i probably won't be doing another buy-in probably not [Music] [Music] okay that's a lot of quarters that's over five bucks at once what can we win back yeah the middle just won't move at all oh it's stuck that's what's keeping it from falling it keeps getting stuck [Music] all right [Music] there we go that was a lot well i think i'm gonna go ask them to get that stuff out in the middle because i think the reason why we didn't win this stuff sooner is because it kept getting piled up and there was no way it would fall out it was blocking it blocking the rest of the chips from falling out so i'm gonna go ask them to fix that real quick and i'll claim all that cash all right so they got all this stuff out for me right here they got 100 200 250 looks like and another bitcoin was stuck so not too bad at all and oh wait there was another 50. there was a there was a 50 chip that i didn't even see fell out wow we've definitely made a huge profit tonight definitely this is literally the biggest profit i've ever made on the high risk coin version [Music] all right i still have plenty of quarters i've got a lot of quarters left so come on get that hundred dollar chip off of there [Music] all right there went a hundred dollar chip i think all right stuff now the 100 chip just got stuck i think wait where is the hundred dollar chip oh it's stuck i see it oh wait there it goes i think the 25 is all it's stuck now all right and we got so many quarters back [Music] definitely more than eight bucks still so let's just keep going try to win some more chips i just can't believe they put thousand dollar chips in here today that was a pretty good push right there there we go oh wait something else just fell oh my goodness that was a crazy amount of quarters an extra 150 just now fell awesome so yeah do y'all think we can i'm thinking about trying the right side because that's where there's more thousand dollar chips at [Music] all right come on push there we go that was a ton of quarters and all those chips okay so unfortunately my phone did not record the ending of it but i won most of the chips out of here i'm tired i'm exhausted oh it's been a long day and they're getting ready to close so i gotta go hurry up and get my money get it exchanged out for cash so guess how much i won today y'all are not gonna believe it just how much do y'all think i've won just guess you don't have to comment just guess i will be letting you all know in three two one i won sixteen thousand five hundred and fifty dollars all right here all these chips we got a lot of thousand dollar chips out of there we got a couple five hundred dollar ones and a lot of hundreds and fifties and twenty five so we killed it tonight at this coin pusher this is like this has been the best night ever i'll probably never see this again i probably won't win this much ever again but sixteen thousand five hundred and fifty dollars that is amazing and we got in we got two uh i keep dropping my chips i keep dropping them let me pick those up real quick definitely didn't do not want to lose those definitely not so yeah i'm gonna go cash these in and get sixteen thousand dollars so a really good profit tonight this is the best profit i've ever made the best knot i've ever had at the high risk coin pusher and the most money i'll probably ever win at any machine so this is all the chips i want right here and two enters into the 500 buying giveaway with these bitcoins and i got a thousand dollar buy-in entry giveaway for the 1 000 chip right here i thought this one was face value at first but no turns out it's still the the entry into the giveaway so i prefer just to get the cash though because i know i probably won't win the giveaway most likely so anyway if you all enjoyed hit that subscribe button and turn on the push bell notifications that way you get notified every time i post a video thank you all for watching and i'll see you all in the next one have a good day
Channel: undefined
Views: 37,705
Rating: 4.7587938 out of 5
Id: G7gGbvOtC4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 2sec (2222 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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