FOUND GOLD JACKPOT - I bought an abandoned storage locker at auction and The Pirate Games continue

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Church hats like this they don't have that much value and I know this is looking a little better okay you know what hang on a second guys this is a really really good this is a really good find here I found gold irony I was not expecting anything you saw where I found it last time on Locker nuts the gang attends a live vault auction at beacons Moving & Storage everybody buy something on this day in a friendly bet spawns the first edition of the pirate games all right that was a great day funding in at the auctions guys help me crack open a couple safes you probably saw that video but that was pretty exciting so yeah I mean if you haven't seen it make sure you check out that seed crackling video this is my load all this is my domain so you see on the back of my truck here here's that one little that little pile of boxes that I bought you know I wasn't even planning on bidding on that I don't know I just got a little twitch at the end honestly I snapped up those movies this little stack of furniture right here all this 30 bucks there's a little pine cabinet right there I thought this was planted maple which is even better this kitchen said I'm gonna try to get that listed south tonight golf clubs right here ten bucks you saw me buy those I don't know what I was planning on buying that either but no one was bidding on it said 10 bucks said I'll do 10 bucks good this thing the real thing I'm most excited about is this set here that I got 450 bucks this one's upside down because when the legs are loose I need to tighten that up it definitely has that modern look to it I sold a piece most very recently of Danish furniture you know it wasn't even Danish it was danish style it was like 220 bucks I sold like within an hour I listed it boom I had people at my house an hour later no joke or maybe was 275 I don't remember of it and I got these two beds are here the two twin beds that's fantastic because you know who likes to buy this kind of stuff people live in San Francisco and they got tiny apartments and I think twin beds are popular there nobody's got any room not too bad but this is cool we know we got some video games in there we saw some ps2 stuff it's our big money but they're a little bit more money than DVDs but the fact that they had that in there makes me excited and I wasn't even excited when I bought it so you know there's some mystery there if we're gonna go through it this backpack to yeah I mean once again [Applause] [Music] what's up everyone it's Sunday beautiful beautiful Sunday and we did some church this morning I went to my daughter's basketball game and then I went picked up my trailer so now I'm headed home I'm excited I'm gonna start going through that first locker from the pirate games and hopefully got some good stuff I've been looking forward to going through this alright we start up with the bins that were the least exciting here's a bunch of VHS tapes nothing really good in here there's one blank one that was still in the wrapper and those have a little value but I'm talking like seven eight bucks that's it then real quick this was like Christmas decorations and some Christmas supplies like bags and boxes and wrapping tissue paper wrapped up up up up a ball somewhere along the line here my GoPro decides to glitch out which is kind of a common occurrence with my GoPro and I miss an entire box but spoiler alert there was nothing in there of interest candlesticks decorative items not very much just a whole lot of packing paper I guess they thought this stuff was fragile it wasn't I don't really know why they keep so much junk mail and mail for that matter unopened envelopes I don't get it but it's something that happens all the time we see so much of it so much of it not anything that's a very odd way to pack beads and stuff camera bag stuff's awesome ting this looks like some kind of like Mardi Gras beads that's actually kind of cool isn't it necklace it's not gold or precious or anything but it is kind of a cool little piece little stone of some sort this it's hard to tell this looks nice but it feels cheap this has got some tarnishing and I kind of like that I don't think that's silver but I don't know hope I get it untangled [Applause] all right pay attention right here I'm gonna come back to this but this piece is kind of important it's not worth it there's no value here though these pieces even the ones that are cool we're not looking at any kind of value all these Mardi Gras beads I don't know maybe I'll throw them in a baggie and sell them for a couple bucks maybe we'll find something better here though I'm gonna speed it up here because spoiler alert we don't really find anything good in the rest of this jewelry here there was something that slipped me by I give you a little hint right there and I'll come back to that in part three but for the most part none of this jewelry really sold we put it out on the table asked a dollar each sold a couple pieces but gave most of it away at the end of the day this stuff here is nothing some wall decorations right probably dollar for the pair live rigged darn or two yeah there's a big rug okay I cut the camera right there because I went to adjust the go p-- road for a better angle and wind up knocking it off the mount and then had to fiddle with it for a few minutes wind up stopping the video starting it it's a little suspicious the timing I do admit that but hey whatever I just wanted to make a mention right here I do find something in this rug at the flea market I just went through this thing in slow motion I'm not sure I'm gonna revisit this in part three we'll see if we can see anything I'll close up there's something in that rug now I see why there's something in the rug because it was underneath the bracelets right in the box gold does travel down doesn't it there's a little hint but gold does travel down if you think about a sluice box that the gold miners use gold goes to the bottom and it was working its way down got trapped in that blanket or the rug I think so anyways back to the video ok this rug looks pretty decent that's nice actually that's right five bucks I don't know actually maybe I don't know how much that would go for it that's a nice rug it's very heavy and it's just cool looking I think five bucks maybe seven bucks I'll do seven I'll try seven tomorrow pink-out okay that's cool and here's another penny that's a weird place to store your pennies and that's a clearance item five dollars power corn these sell for dollar this is Windows RT that looks like a power cord for like a computer that might have a little bit about you because it's such an odd connector I don't see anything in here that's looking like silver to me none of that's precious so yeah this box is a lot better Oh first of all get a dime itself a buck oh no this one's broken yeah one actually won't sell come on box business cards boo his funeral home in Memorial Park someone worked at a funeral home I just want to show you guys real quick my hack job of a perfection setup here I got my swing arm lamp with the GoPro extension on there which is actually not a bad idea it's a with a couple clamps that I picked up and because I got light camera all I have to do is provide the action church event baptisms oh hey no that's cool that's cool Teen Titans I used to have this book I think I used to have that book too Sandman spider-man I love this stuff two-in-one annual thing in the Hulk so I'm just telling me to look at that one little closer Deathlok number one condition doesn't look great on that I don't know that book maybe that's something Silver Surfer number 50 Captain America that iceworm Punisher number 4 yeah that's wicked then I'm killed spider-man mm-hmm that's not cool ooh what is this Wolverine was my favorite character back when I was young I loved Wolverine x-men classics it's not worth noting but strangely enough since the movies come out my favourite character now is Captain America I think he's the coolest one wait what check that out eazy-e eazy-e - alexander snake-hole eazy-e nwa but the head that is very cool hmm all right coolest thing I found the locker yet pillow a little brace for you it actually it smells clean like it wasn't used I don't know I know this sounds kind of crazy but I think I'm gonna look that up is this donut Vince here we got some hats oh I like that yeah what do we got here huh oh look at this is the church hat wow that's a big old head mr. d there's no price tag on mr. d oh dang that's fancy yeah it's a big old habit I got a big old head to you you know I think I'm gonna wear this to the next auction okay let's get back to this typically church hats like this they don't have that much value and I know this is looking a little better okay you know what hang on a second I'm gonna clear the table we're gonna do this right I certainly would not there's anything good in here I do not want to drop it into a box or something okay let's see what's in here that looks it doesn't I don't know got some jingle jingle Benton doesn't sound real to me don't think I'm that good at this business yet that I can tell based on the sound but I am getting a little better this is interesting huh it doesn't look like going but this does look like it could be Jade you're wondering what I'm doing I'm putting it up to my cheek or something about putting it to your cheek yeah because what is it what is it what is it I think it's put in your hand you hold it for 30 seconds it should feel cold to the touch which this does definite definite does I know this is incredibly interesting footage for the channel I think my subscribers just dropped by like half a dozen all right 30 seconds okay and then you put your darn cheek that feels like that feels body temperature you put up to your cheek and see if it feels cold still it should that didn't but we're gonna put that aside because it wouldn't have somebody look at that Jayde's cool this is Kohl's $45 this is genuine garnet you know I mean it's pretty I don't think it's pretty expensive but this this is silver ingot l it's got a little tarnishing to it I don't know I'm gonna put that aside and ask our guy tomorrow about that I got just for my wife pull up to you how does she always have such impeccable timing to pull up right when I thought the good stuff okay karaoke MTZ oh this is super cool how do the GoPros here that's awesome which Locker is this from this from the pirate games room oh this is a signet ring these are really popular that looks real you think yeah no Kyle looks real doesn't it I don't know I've never bought fake jewelry so it confuses me I'm gonna bring it to my guy tomorrow and see but pay me as much as I can get sapphire it looks like that fires you don't usually see the blue stone fake as much huh your trailers not very full right what versus I mean you don't want it nevermind you are in this I'm not touching into some possum this says 2003 hmm oh and it an Oakland please ring what's kind of funny is it like when they want a championship could be it looks like it may be like fans buy them you know I hope it's gold did feel like gold I can't tell I mean just kind of a weird cousin hold on let me just look for mark thank you mm-hmm got some weight to it yeah all right so here's what we got this little guy this thing right here it's nothing they're nice though they'll sell I'm thinking it's like gold-plated like a plate or something I do see 10k but there's some other markings on here that I cannot read that'd be great if it's gold let's see this good I see 14k on that one again it's not super heavy that's a 14k why this would be terrific if I hid some gold because this would be a great start to the games 14-karat km TZ k mtz so it says older gold jewelry can look like junk that's the title of this article on the way home I decide to stop by the local jeweler and have it tested just in case and to my surprise it tested 14k first thing the lady counter said was that it was a really old style both of us were thinking the cam TZ was some sort of electroplate mark it turned out that it means that it is a makers mark from a vintage jeweler guys this is a really really good this is a really good find here I found gold irony I was not expecting anything you saw where I found it so um that's good so let's get back to this that's it that's a nice looking band to you yeah I think this is 95 this piece right here this is 95 but it's gold color so I don't know if that means it's gold plated or if it's something else I don't know looking forward the Katy yo 14 karat right yeah yeah that is nice look at that 10k it's okay it's like no this is 750 7502 I know 95 is silver it's seven five zero some like lower quality silver that's cool ring 10k yo 10k and then these guys this is just metal this one might be silver no he's nothing but I'm gonna have them look at him anyways now here's the 10k 14 grams that's not bad it's so mostly this guy right here this is like what 10 grams of that just about and here's the 14k ooh grams here yeah they're stones up look at that 8.4 this is a 200 our band right here okay so there we got 23 grams it's got some good stuff in it I don't find this kind of stuff all that often you're not really really of course we wish we did but we just don't this is gonna get checked out by professional and he's gonna tell us if this is how much of this is real and what's the value that was so exciting really really thrilling thrilling to find jewelry like that and sometimes that's how it happens so if you see up here I'm just running the video real quick of what was left to go through that night they'll night got kind of late on me but I was really excited about all those what I thought were ps2 games and it turns out almost all more empty real bummer all the cases were empty the movies were empty like I don't know the dude must have some binders somewhere with the games in it they were not in the locker that are not in the lot or whatever you call it they weren't I thought maybe oh there and there in the backpack there was a stack of disks but when I got into that that stack was pretty small actually and a lot of them are like blank and movies that I didn't have cases for and they were all scratched up like that whole thing was a bus but I didn't even care at that point the jewelry was the big excitement and Man Man Man Man that was probably the second biggest jewelry haul I've ever gotten I really haven't had too much luck with gold overall but that's okay yeah you know that that was very thrilling keeps me going I can't wait to find another hit like that so thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed this video really I sure enjoyed this one especially enjoyed this one so stay tuned for part three of the pirate games we're going to show how we liquidated all this stuff which is mostly flea market and we know of course also part four show you how much we made off of it and we'll see if we won this game see I feel pretty good right now that gold makes you feel good so thanks for coming over here we wish you good luck and God bless you we'll see you here next time on lock your nuts for the next edition of pirate games take care
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 11,162
Rating: 4.9580836 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction pirate, storageauctionpirate, #hustlegrindrewind, storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, i bought an abandoned storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, bought, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit
Id: Tz46x8l2krU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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