I taped a live storage vault auction. The Pirate Games begin! Locker Nuts ep21

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so begins pirate games I'm really excited or I guess we are at the beckon beacons it's moving vault auction I'm in the bathroom because I don't think they want us to video out there but I don't know for sure but very excited I should have done a video coming up here but anyways got here Alex and his wife were here already so we came in and got checked in have to get deposit up front a little different a little different than what I'm used to but I'm gonna try to haul video we'll see how it goes keys look like they're all messed up it's very interesting that so we are at beacons moving and storage auction this is by American auctioneers the auctioneers that you see on storage wars most the time Dan and laura dotson they were not there but this is their company that performed the auction services and it went pretty well the guy there was definitely professional so as you see I'm gonna take you through some of the stuff that I went through you get there early and you can preview the items I was told you can pre preview the lockers the the vaults rather that they be open I was kind of surprised that all this stuff was pulled out a lot of it was pulled out very few of the vaults actually had items inside other than big bulky items I did like this dresser right here is a mid-century dresser there's a matching one in one of the vaults I do like mid-century Furniture and this was a it had a nice look it was definitely clean good shape I liked it right away but you know I didn't like how the boxes were out to me that just stunk of having been gone through you know been looted already even though they were taped up some of them were not taped up for example to having jewelry box I just showed right there was empty you know and it was right on top so was it empty when they pulled it out I have my suspicions but I do want to say that the auctioneer did reassure us that everything was pulled out at 7:00 a.m. he said that we could have been there at 7:00 a.m. and watched them I'm not sure if anyone did but we were invited to you and that they only pull the stuff out to display and break up the Lots a little bit more I know they did it to get more money but I just didn't like some of the stuff I saw quite frankly I didn't really like anything that I saw except for those mid-century dressers you know the stuff just didn't look too good there was a few older boxes which you'll see later those had some promise to it but overall it was kind of disappointing at first I was hoping for better you know long-term storage like this vaults people put a lot of good stuff in there typically at least that's what I understand I don't really have that much experience in this arena I've only been to a couple vault auctions I've never really bought one unless you count a u-haul box like see that ripped black box right there why is that pop propped up on top and the top popped open and I don't like that but you know long-term storage you do kind of hope to see better stuff doesn't mean there's gonna be but unlike a normal storage auction where people can come in and take out what they want and often people take out all the goodies right before they default on the on the lease or the rental rather yeah this you would think that's less likely with vaults you couldn't expect the good stuff to still be in there I don't know if that's true or not but here's an interesting set of golf clubs right here it had a nice vintage look I kind of dug it I don't really know why I'm not into golf clubs I don't sell them much just lots of boxes like this stacks of boxes and none of them really had anything too interesting written on them but it was helpful that they did have stuff written on them a lot of kitchen a lot of dishware not that many clothes but I'm sure they were there if this was a normal storage locker and this is what I saw in the auction lockers yeah I'd be kind of disappointed it just wasn't wasn't what I was hoping for and you know what it wasn't what other people were hoping for either there's guys that came from Southern Cal drove six hours to get there to attend this auction there normally I think a lot better but that didn't stop those guys from spending they did spend usually the guys from out of town were the ones that spent the most they were the high bidders I think for the most part see some exercise equipment here some chairs who knows what's in the bags didn't look too good to me the flashlights kind of picks up a little glare on the on the camera here I'm sorry for that but it did help me see when I was there in person it definitely illuminates things you can just see there's just like stacks of boxes everywhere there wasn't a whole lot of people it wasn't as big a crowd as I thought which was a good thing there's a huge vase that looks like that cabinet right there that was pretty cool there's Manuel talking to talking to Mike and here we go looks like the auction is about to begin so we'll see what happens [Music] [Music] you see in the background there that locker that has the red cooler watch Mike he walks back there and checks it a little closer he later winds up purchasing this one and you can watch how that comes out in his videos with the reveal alright got ten bucks you may want to pretend ten gonna be twenty ending off buzz 2020 to be 2010 out twenty sold for ten what's your number number 18 14 2013 2 be 40 30 now 40 for the boxes we're good enough for clear to go top 40 so for 30 bucks and so for ten bucks nothing number 16 number 16 for ten all right give me 300 for this one maybe three gonna be 200 give me 200 that one 200 now 225 tunity now 225 to get me now 225 225 God for 230 25 30 now 35 39 35 [Music] [Music] that goes for 24 22 get [Music] what all right Sal D group of boxes would bolt but stop this is part of it how much for this group if it just got new from you soon Paulie Finn it's been stored since how long give me boots in 1979 I got 50 now 75 now 100 100 is for a minute you said under now 125 125 150 now 175 now 200 now two and a quarter now 250 275 300 300 quarter three now 325 three go - 325 325 350 350 350 375 now 400 400 425 now 450 now 475 not 500 now 525 now 550 575 600 600 quarter 650 675 700 725 750 for the screws now 775 325 825 850 875 850 no 875 a 15-2 1875 now 900 900 925 925 for this code now you're gonna bend at 925 925 so for 900 number 20 number 20 for 900 thanks all right here we go I got four years give me a hundred bucks to beat time yeah now 150 150 200 don't gotta be till 250 now three 300 now 350 350 400 450 now five 500 now 550 600 650 650 650 700 750 750 now 800 800 now 850 for this group okay [Music] all right a real quick recap so here's the receipt I've got 282 bucks into this thing the golf clubs ten bucks the stack of boxes here man they put 30 the charge 35 bucks it was only a thirty dollar bid but I didn't catch it in time and I'd realize that when I was reviewing the video then I bought that stack of miscellaneous furniture 30 bucks kind of regret that one and then I got the mid-century Furniture set for a hundred and fifty bucks yeah so two hundred eighty two dollars and sixty eight cents is what we have invested for the first round of the pirate games forget how much Marty liking my bike has shake that out there's some PlayStation 2 games in here and that big bin down there I saw these VHS and that me not yet all right keep looking how about you guys no boxes there was something in there I didn't really look because I got a lot of video video games yeah ps2 the stack of boxes in the back no it looked like ps2 look like all discs without their DVDs I think there's good guys I got this beautiful idea for us right now so we all bought a lot of stuff each separately we all spent a certain amount of total we should have a little contest called the pirate games we each take what we bought we make a reveal we do an unboxing we sell it in all avenues and we come up with the total of what we spent versus what we sold and that will give us the highest profit margin and we create a winner a little competition between three of us let's do it two losers got to help the winner unload for nothing before we do our own thing what do you guys think alright let's shake on you go I'll give you the shake alright let's do this you saw it unfold right here the pirate games begin so much fun you're gonna have a great time watching what we've got coming up for you we had a great time making it and yeah the pirate games the pirate games the but what what was that what's that what's on my finger oh no no no you're gonna have to wait till next edition to see what that all about man tell you everything you're gonna see everything and that's very exciting so stay tuned watch my next video coming up very soon and make sure to watch Mike's videos and Alex's videos their first editions are out as of the making of this video so more to come you guys not gonna want to miss it thanks again for watching good luck to you all right god bless you we'll see you next time here on lock your nuts for the next edition of the pirate games see you soon
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 3,325
Rating: 4.9200001 out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned storage locker, found it, treasure hunting, make money, storage auction, storage auction unit, storage locker, storage unit buying, found in storage locker, real storage wars, storage auction locker, sell on eBay, sell on amazon, garage sale, flea market, thrift store, storage locker finds, storage unit, auction hunters, mystery box, storage unit finds, luggage auction, storage unit haul, passive income, real life, vlog, dumpster dive, how to dumpster dive
Id: Q6_Foypoo64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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