I bought the MOST DANGEROUS LOCKER ever at the abandoned storage auction!

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there are so many needles in here I don't think I've seen this many needles you looked in there the other day oh my gosh it's so disgusting you man this it's been so crazy so far I can't believe we've gotten trapped in an elevator and just being here with all these youtubers doing this big collaborations crazy hey Locker net I didn't see you there hey how's it going all right today is day 3 right and we are looking for our three items our MVP items for our West Coast versus the East Coast collaboration so join us while we dig into this locker and see what kind of awesome things we get yours ready [Music] [Music] [Applause] and here's what we got look a close look kind of junky to be honest little dirty look at those couches what spikes come on are we bringing those couches own or the bikes are cool I think I saw a skateboard soon oh yeah we saw a couple skateboard oh yeah right here dude I have had lots of luck with skateboards recently this we were told her name is six months so this is like a laminator kind of like a cricket right um so yeah nice piece that might be a good but what's up let's hope we find three one's more expensive than that but yeah take a look here guys this is this has got some potential that right there the coin master I thought that was the safe and that's one of the reasons I was interested I was gonna go big actually actually I was kind of yeah by 15 for me that's a lot I can't like my $5 lockers be honest bit 550 long yep wheels back I heard of tires back here look give this for like an ATV or something yeah let's check it out okay start pulling stuff out okay let's get through this box here and see what we get we got some cables now these bike parts are potentially Ridgid faucet & sink installer yeah I never seen that before that's some sorry neighbor um good flea market items bike seat - impressive there's a nice little sander that's five or ten bucks really new bike parts nightstick oh that's cool this is a little flashlight that's a battery for Carson kits this kid yeah do you guys know what this is I know what it is I just curious how many people note that is see that right there that's a LED light strip so you plug it in in all these lights so you can like string that across your room that's pretty cool no no you're not you guys dare me so another some of the viewers are gonna say yes please shave that beard share that shrub off your chin I mean this is the kind of stuff you find in Tweaker units is like you know it's missing a grill this happens I mean this is weighted that's cool so it's a mirror there's tons of good stuff in here that's a couple bucks that is a quarter it's a nickel nice it's got lots of vices in keeping it what's that and we had to edit that scene because I just got a lecture from my wife about appropriateness on YouTube so we apologize if any of that made it through editing I mean it's not going to make it through editing and will not where's the buffer we're seeing her for some reason I might have like 3,000 people in the audience right here oh we got one right here that makes me totally self-conscious guys really that's a good fun didn't see that doesn't that box right there on her clothes right yeah that's good oh you know what grace is mad at me because I sold her to the skateboard we said we're gonna keep for her I'd already listed it and the guy called says hey is that still for sale and I was like yes and then gray said where's my ski or sorry baby I sold in yeah she broke rivers um that's a good one though it's nice and wide and long and that's a gives her a better chance of not falling off set it's good I'm gonna put the on the truck look at this one did we get any yeah so here's the other one that we found yesterday I don't know how much footage we got of that but there is definitely good footage of Jackie from Treasure hustlers pretty much carving it up on this thing right yeah she was very impressive but then she fell yeah so one of the first things we found in the locker on the first date when we were actually with the whole cloud group was this piece of paper and it's a relapse prevention like group therapy for people that are addicts and this was on truthfulness so a couple of the people actually kind of read some of it we were reading it and we just kind of went back there today and it was just actually kind of really sad Jackie you want to share a little bit about what he said on here what ways do you think you were less than truthful during your addiction trying to get cash for crank and beer or to the dope dealer so I can get a front basically just seen telling my girlfriend I didn't have any crank when I really had a lot didn't say they're seeing it more colorfully what is the same well just says how important is to be honest and then he just said basically he just had to do a lot of things he's not really proud of to get the drugs and one of those things is being a thief so it's just really really a very good one yes and a very good thief so um it's it's kind of crazy and really sad because you seize people's journey a lot of times when we go through walkers that's the thing that gets me the most from when we started what eight plus years ago is finding people's personal effects and like journals and like different struggles they've had and you can kind of read and be a part of their journey it always makes me feel really bad for them and kind of sad when it something like that and usually it is a struggle with an addiction or death or yeah this is what so what's really terrible is that this is like preventable this is decisions that are made these are passive they take that could be course-corrected at some point but they don't they get themselves in a very bad spot and usually that the outcome involves losing their lockers and often losing a lot more than that this is just stuff here but we know they lose more important things than that but it's a terrible spot these people get themselves in sometimes and in this case this is one of those stories so we want to share that with you I would probably make more money here than it is the storage locker yes it is this is brand new with tags Oh double X large Oh Brandon did say when there's stuff from like the post service post office and like United veterans sometimes people like behind that I just saved that from the locker and I saved it for my wife throwing it away whoa are you putting this in there this is a big boy do you see that why are they so humongous these are some big up to here it's like tubing for a shower I think you know what it is what I think it's a snake know why these guys are a bunch of snakes and they were in here yesterday we gonna sweep the East Coast what about that little butt right there I get that off this coming I'm gonna take the loss for the team there that could have been like a solid gold but I'm having a lot of things not yet this one said drugs and rehab letters post it guess what folks I just got my husband another subscriber that's how we do it hard work dedication boom I did find something really interesting it reminded me totally of the East Coast guys big miles it's true truth hurts sometimes you Gianna's complaining because we're taking too long could you put your knee up here check you out come on check you out nope hey you ready let's kick you right there what's it for then this is bear claw do you have to film this and put it on the ground right next to my feet did not you see that did not fall out and land right there it's no chance this is fine that's what this this is us on the west coast right here but you know what I don't think man's gonna mind how perfect is that I think that's it says right here get in here okay so we looking in this box and this is typical Tweaker box cuz it's like all kinds of electronics and weird broken stuff they're probably damned but then we find this look at that you see that let's get that focus needles bent this oh yeah it's in that needle it says like so dangerous we're wearing these gloves right here but this is not enough to protect against that don't help slow it down so we're gonna have to be even extra careful on this unit but here look what else I found in here I don't think that's cool right it says Italy could it be silver Italy Italy but it doesn't see it only 95 yeah want to put that aside that's kind of goods but this way you do have to check everything Jack's pulling out some of the bikes from the locker that was the one thing that made you want to buy it right jack that's a nice bike what's going on here I don't think that's the factory right there are you getting that was the one branded and said was um nice some of the guy said five hundred bucks and some guy said what are bucks really yeah it's quite a difference you want their light there Mark Spencer remember this nice see that Oh Jarreau we're super popular in the late 80s get the camera where you're rolling right yes get the camera over okay you're scaring me 40 what anymore [Laughter] $52 though there's a $52 of our money back we spend not making it honey Phil look at your shirt Meghan you dropped all the money that is shameful anybody knows me you know I don't let go of money we gotta fight oh I'm fully aware that really happened right there would you do with all the money I mean grocery shopping now action oh yeah I already look you this they're in rough shape so just sounds cool thank you very much yeah you guys were here yesterday right when we came with the first day yeah yeah I remember that all my help just come in here now Hey subscribe to Locker nuts on YouTube before I do it just locker matters yeah there's a nice big TV that Lena is really bad shape there's all deep scratches cracks bummer that could have been easily a hundred bucks right there each cycle not too far from you that's a nice box yeah they'll sell all right so we got this whatever this is all right most people keep their personal and most personal items in there all right very often all right needles this is another needle needle canister there use needles love that it's a very strong smell communities there's some stuff in here what's that oh this is no this is a multi-purpose tool that's cool yeah this is well is your maker mark on here I can't see one that's 30 bucks if it's a maker if it's a good one so great is it it is how it looks brand-new that's probably easy 15 bucks if there's a maker mark on it at the 30 bucks there's a Leatherman at probably 50 60 bucks used another scale why somebody else he's probably you order some bad stuff there are so many needles in here diabetic I don't think I've seen this many needles a wallet want some jewelry in here okay let's put that as a new piece of jewelry lots of lottery tickets a little big tight pack of cards and some drugs marijuana so we pulled these items out here we're gonna go through those a little bit closer and see if it got anything good I don't see anything on that and I didn't have my hopes on it all right this is not turning out to be very interesting either I saw this little bit of jewelry in there I got kind of hopeful and it looks like it could be silver that says 95 right there let's see if you can get up on that right there 95 we might have a silver piece there that's good so where's not worth a whole lot but we definitely still like to find it and wallet genuine calf leather oh okay here we go make it which sells and that's money boom not even a corner ten that people like right now the puffer jackets are really popular but looking at paint or something on there and just rips everywhere yeah it's a real shame that's not even salvageable and tears stains everywhere that's really too bad that's a nice jacket right there I don't know how much those go for but I'd say that's at least at least 50 bucks 75 bucks visiting DC condition can you sell them for parts yeah probably I don't know really lots of bike parts ooh yes well Selden even that's correct why is there so many skills there's no skill over there it's not a skill especially he's got lots of weird obsessions so check this out that's kind of interesting it's a piece of like what do you call that burl with what looks to be a brass fitting right here I'm not exactly sure what that's for I'm thinking like maybe it's on the top of a walking cane or something that's a really interesting piece okay so good news now that we're back in this part here we've gotten like a what do you think this is a quarter of it out yeah yeah I think it's about a quarter I really thought that the entire back was all furniture because all this kind of stuff look like bigger items in the back but once we're back here I mean you got bags and boxes back here it's better than couches and mattresses no there's still a lot of potential in here we've looked in there the other day oh my gosh it's so disgusting is that a cockroach no that's a grass cricket are you sure yeah I'm positive don't gives you the heebie jeebies that when you open the bag and you see something crawling around sorry dude but you're gonna have to move out of your home oh and so just a little just ran back in there that's okay there's a little update jack counting this DVD and I looked it up and it's worth like 32 bucks so hey here's the problem we got this takes a long time to process it does and it's fun time goes by quick but the problem is we only have today we have to select our three items by tomorrow morning so if we don't start working a little bit faster pace we are not going to even like get to stuff and there may be like a gold brick back here that we won't even know about and then we'll wind up like not having that and entered in the competition so what are we gonna do jammer [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 18,410
Rating: 4.9006848 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, i bought an abandoned storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit, TreasureHunting, Storage Wars, AuctionHunters, WhatTheHales
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2019
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