Sold Everything for a Big Profit from the abandoned storage locker. The Pirate Games totals are in!

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that's real nice um yeah it's you for now it's me oh this is 10 karat and this is 14 last time on Locker nuts with the pirate games well underway jet goes through the treasures he scored at the vault auction with lots of great items found but nothing compared to the gold hoard that was found inside of a hat box now it's time to start selling alright Monday morning just a little bit up in the morning every flea market day out which is getting some gas get a full tank of gas and first day of selling for the part it's a pretty exciting it is really exciting Oh before see what the day brings but nevertheless I'm tired alright so first thing in the morning it's dark you can see it's really dark I go over to Alex's booth and start looking through his stuff he had a ton of stuff that day and I was hoping it would be a lot more interesting than what I brought but poking around in there and yeah it just seemed like pretty much the regular old household type of stuff there's an ice cream maker I've got like three of them at home now this is what other guys do to us like every single morning they look through our stuff in the dark hoping to find the stuff that we missed pulling out and sometimes they do better we get them more often they don't I don't even really know what I'm looking for here I just felt like poking around that morning here's some really nice interesting cups in the end so I get out my jewelry box and Alex wants to come over and take a peek too much lemon right away he grabs that ring been here by now I'm starting to sit up matching the disks with the cases like we saw last night yeah Alex over here setting up his load here we go Mike setting up his loon these guys got a lot of stuff and I have a very small he's manually we had all the game here today Manuel knows George on the truck fun day [Applause] [Music] two bucks each [Music] all right I just want to flash back to the last video that I did the show when I pulled that Runge out of the box I didn't see anything and even when I went and replay I didn't like looking at it I don't see anything until right here watch I'm gonna slow it down for you when I swing that rug look right below it see that right there it looks like a little bit of a something hanging down there and let me go back and do it one more time what do you think is that the chain hanging down there and one of the pieces I guess we'll never know they got better stuff than me [Music] he's my booth all right get ready here's what you all been waiting for all right so here's what we got this was surprisingly that is white gold as 1814 oh this is 10 karat and then this is 14 here and even this thing right here which is not Jade as I did the testing I don't know what I'm doing okay good okay good and then um these little guys right here silver those nothing so then here's what we got 18k when I gave got 216 and then 10k 14 and it doesn't include this piece here because Alex wants a chance to buy that if I want to sell it and then I also got this right here tempted to keep it by give that up because it added that much more to the total settings are a grand total 2070 and still got this guy right here I nearly forgot that gold chain that I had found in the rug had stuck it in my pocket so I also got 30 bucks in addition for this little piece let me know when you're ready to sell all right check the check by someone I can check the black diamonds Alex called dibs on this so check someone like do all your research through that day and then just let me know a friend because I thought that was the top Gold is a good carat here it's very another one is 10 get a mic sat in here George taking over big dollar sale over there I'm doing my best attempt to not sell anything today things got kind of exciting today with all that jewelry but didn't even fill my booth you know it doesn't really make that big a difference because I've really saw anything you know so what's going on over here well remodeling I guess but these are all empty sold some Christmas stuff this morning only had one person asked about these ten bucks no one's house Jewellery left have not sold these wheels [Music] sold a couple little things out of here a few bucks here sold a few things here and there Rob about another $5 in little homies no movies I did so a few of those I sold quite a few these belt buckles for bucks inch so one please and I'm starting to pack up already but hold a few things off this table not a lot of this stuff I'm gonna blow out brought it out too many times and blow it out for hella not that all right there's the deal of the day going-away dollar each four dollars for my rings and times and free sale going on here frenzy alright back from the flea market I gotta get this stuff in here it's sprinkling it's actually sprinkling right this very second I'm gonna hurry so that's all I got not too bad in some of those bins are empty update you on just second on how I did alright man I am tired got home had a package a couple eBay orders up get to the post office of course first unloaded the truck because it's raining but anyways here are the grand tonal so from the pirate games I sold $1,100 in jewelry guess how much other stuff I sold $41 what a bunch of garbage I sold expired ten bucks that was in this thing comic books almost nothing else sold very disappointing very disappointing most of stuff I gave away even the dollar sale was a big fat failure we gave away most of stuff I mean almost everything went away at the free sale hey could have got on my video I said you could have got on my video say happy birthday to April tomorrow's her birthday so we got the cost of the booth out of that and now if we'd only brought that stuff we would have spent 20 on the booth but we brought a bunch of other stuff to you it's only fair to split it 1250 all right let's be fair 1250 for the booth gas is about 30 bucks that's I mean every time I fill up oh yeah I'm liking my odds right now I'm liking my odds I'm feeling good about this contest I think I'm gonna win and you know what that means Mike and Alex gonna have to help me unload next time I don't want to get ahead of myself games not over Alex got lots of stuff to eBay Mike said that he's not feeling good about his odds but you know what you just never know you never know although if anyone knows he does cuz he's the pro at this but Alex Alex got lots of eBay stuff so we're gonna have to see how Alex comes out we know he's got a really sweet keyboard that's worth big money if he can sell it so we'll see you know it's on what someone's gonna pay for it so let's see how it pulls together I'm the one who got lucky than with the jewelry choice an easy sale big money that's it [Music] it was like almost like a pond water that deep and then it just started hissing and that just happens this is a new city center here in San Ramon not very far from my house I spend a ton of money building this place it's all very modern stores are pretty cool they're not that many like big chain gives us place a very cool feel and it's designed by this very famous modern architect you see it it's nice design looks like this stopped next walk out okay gonna start up again I don't get it [Music] good morning after the flea market rain with this rain I can't even drag furniture out to the driveway they take photos in the meantime be enjoying that nice ring I get I really do like this ring I love that Alex likes it too alright rain is stopped time to pull the stuff out if you can see this is what I have to do get that stuff out I've already listed that and so I can get to the mid-century stuff and get that listed so pad for some work I gotta get my gloves on restore finish rag give these a little spit shine here see if I can make them look even prettier but they are in pretty good condition like my gloves aren't fitting very good today I don't know why oh wait that's right because that big old fat ring right there show the difference this makes doesn't take that out Mike I should probably some goof off on that first but yeah look at the difference already here's a little scratch right here it's a go away it just blends right in now this looks like good a little feature in the wood that one's done this one's not and if you can see the difference slow hard camera doesn't pick up really the full lustre difference and like I said these were in really good shape before I probably didn't need to do anything but putting that restore finish on it just gives it that little extra umph really does make it shine they're beautiful I love them I'm gonna price them I think at 425 for the pair and 250 for one I didn't see what happens then we'll do these bed frames they match but I will sell them separate and with those again I think I'm gonna do like 200 for the pair or 150 each alright look at what's changed we got out of that Walker so that's gonna go into my totals $2.00 3543 all right I'll take it all right now let's take a look at these golf-club see what we get King Cobra - I don't think that's anything try touch copper a lot of titanium yeah right there's got a little copper Wilson I'll check all the pockets in these golf bags because sometimes people take their rings off when they're swinging and put them in the pocket or at least that's what I do but no such luck but I did bring these to the flea market the next day and got a solid ten bucks for them nice and quick I bought this I thought it was leather but I don't actually think it's love then I think that's like a volume lani jack nicklaus this is mcgregor right there i don't know if these are worth anything interesting I've never seen one of these actually and this I take spirit bring your ball get some sand I'm actually gonna put that aside there's a wood wood right here it says McGregor it feels actually really nice these are some nice clubs Jack Nicklaus right there for the putter get this Northwestern Golf Company model 1000 24k gold-plated gold-plated putter that's some Donald Trump that's actually a nice umbrella check the pockets again but nothing good in there but I did sell this eventually you have to wait to the MC how much I got for him I listed him for a hundred bucks locally and had a couple people interested but eventually did sell and you'll see at the end I was not good picked up Cantrell and it right on there right on right on the lens you know it's kind of funny about that it's not that funny but what's kind of funny is as soon as I open my GoPro app right now GoPro give me an advertisement saying they'd give us $100 trade in this little GoPro for a brand new broken or working you want to say good morning good morning good night good afternoon yeah it's too early if you remember in my previous video I called out this little piece of jewelry that's kind of like mixed up in the beads well that turned out to be a nice little fine and my mom is actually the one that gets the credit for pulling that out that remained in the baggie with the Mardi Gras beads all day which would have been a dollar I had anyone asked and at the end of the day she decided to sort those out and came across this little cross very nice fine thanks mom this piece right here this came out of the law the pirate game locker locker that we sold on the other jewelry this piece slipped through the cracks my mom pulled it out and we checked it out 14k with some little itty-bitty diamonds there so we've got another 60 bucks on all right on our way to Brentwood to see Jana's parents and made a quick stop on the way to deliver that maple table I usually do not do furniture delivery but but it was right on the way and these people said they needed it they've been living this place for a month without any kitchen table and now they need that to work for them so boom the other half the money they then known me the first half is deposit got a hundred and forty bucks I was only asking 220 they offered go left here it goes to your yes yes and now for some local sales all right if you remember those TV trays I couldn't let them go at the dollar sale I took them home mainly because I was already getting some action online and I did something for ten bucks then I've got those mid-century beds bed frames and those went for a hundred and seventy five that's what I asked and that's what I got and then also I came across these little brass figurines and that was in the box that my GoPro took a poop on me well I listed those on on the Facebook and you know brass is just a hot right now so I got someone to buy those for me for 18 bucks porch pick up finally sold the mid-century modern dressers those were getting me a little bit nervous sold them yesterday actually they sat on face book for a long time got a lot of interest and quite a few people flaked on me who said they wanted it but I boost I decided to boost it for six bucks on Facebook boom sold them same day I guess that boost works people came got him they were very pleased they were very excited and they were very nice couple I was happy to see him go but even happier to see 425 bucks in my pocket who's the dressers alright finally the last piece of the pirate games sold and this is the fried one right here George [Music] thank you thank you we had a dollar to Natali's this it might be the dollar and pushed me over into a win over alleys yeah all right I like that number see that right there 1981 in sales there's a lot of hard work to get there but I am pleased with the outcome 1981 what a great year I mean you want to talk about numbers Mike likes his numbers what a great year 1981 the year that the Raiders of the Lost Ark II know one of the best movies ever maybe the best movie ever made yes that's bold I'm gonna say it hello Bella also Raiders of the Lost Ark something else going for it Raiders Raiders anyways let's get on to the summary so you can see cuz it's not all sales right we have expenses too so let's go through here we go alright I covered the cost of the locker auction fee in tax in that first episode when I showed you the receipts for gas and flea market booth costs I only charged half because I felt like I only took half a load let's be fair here the other half of my load is from other lockers I didn't buy very much but I also had them there the cost of the facebook boost which I had to pay six bucks to try to move those mid century dressers and I think it worked because they did sell three hundred sixteen bucks in cost let's take that off the total of nineteen eighty one in sales we've got one thousand six hundred and sixty-five dollars in profit and if you're interested that's five hundred twenty seven percent ROI return on investment all right that's what we got and then if you noticed my attire here and it looks kind of familiar yes that's the same attire I was using in that last clip from the flea market because I went straight from the flea market rushed home to get you these numbers because I made my last sale earlier today to George so fresh off the presses here we are this is the final numbers well no actually it's not is it because we have two things left to sell one is gets that ring got that still I prefer not to sell that but I will if I have to and then the other thing is that eazy-e autographs photograph that's pretty cool and I've been told that it might have some value but I don't really know but I might have to have it checked out but I know Alex wants to buy it so let's just say that if I got this in the bag those two items don't matter but if they do come in the play I might have to put those last two chips on the table but we'll have a submarine up to three of us and we'll see how everything comes out in who the big winner is so thanks for watching I hope you guys enjoyed the pirate games I sure enjoyed playing with those guys and by the way at the end here I keep saying hey I hope I beat Alex I hope I beat Alex well of course I'm not ignoring Mike he's in the running - it's just that he shared his number with us and his locker maybe wasn't as exciting as we all wanted it to be but that's the way this business works so next time look out because I know Mike's gonna come back with the vengeance and we can't wait to see what he does but great time we had a great time doing this I hope you guys enjoyed it thanks for coming good luck to you god bless you we'll see you here next time on Locker nuts and maybe for the next series of the pirate games thanks for watching
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 13,419
Rating: 4.956284 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction pirate, storageauctionpirate, #hustlegrindrewind, storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, i bought an abandoned storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, bought, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit
Id: sOiPy2nIi1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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