FOUND DRUGS I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars Auction

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Jeremie here back at it today at the warehouse for the part three of the 120 dollar unit with the handgun hopefully the last part because tomorrow I need to go back up and get the five hundred dollar unit which I'm extremely excited to get into and see what's in there I mean I think that one is gonna be a gold mine so let's get right to it today we'll dig in again we're gonna be meticulous we're gonna be careful and we're gonna hopefully find a stash of cash hopefully got a visitor today at the warehouse who in the world are you hey I'm Eric Bresee from West first books on YouTube oh so how in the world did you get a hold of what the Hales so I was watching one of your videos and I saw you had books I figured we're in the same area so I figured hey let me reach out and see if we can work out a deal we got books and we got dust flying all around you right now dirty dusty warehouse are you sure you're not you're not afraid of that dust of my bare orbs no what if you suck any of those orbs in well alright Eric how about the books alrighty last day of this sort and very first thing I find is a card superdad you're my hero right underneath it search warrant so again every unit has a story and I've gone through the paperwork I know the story but when people asked me if I feel bad doing this for a living and buying other people's stuff no I don't I feel bad that they did wrong or I feel bad that they were irresponsible not paying their bills got a heater here in the box again we got a check everything looks like a brand new heater it is it's a brand new heater that'll be nice I think this we've got we've got some hats with the tags still on Chicago dab Newton else we got here Cavaliers championship some more here chief got here one step oh we got a respirator let's see if it's in there I'm gonna take the gloves off for a second it sure is and it's brand new size medium huh interesting brand new respirator this unit let me tell you this oh wait try it in layers what are the layers grape and lemonade so grape aid okay all right I know you guys are gonna hate this look how nasty it is but I'm getting hungry okay mmm we're probably need to be honest yep and there we go there wait I'll go well brand new Rough Rider good gum is nasty gross okay back at it here we've got cable about shingles of some paperwork got more bills I'm just gonna set that aside and I got a pair of pants with this this is a wallet date planner set that and that's what I think it is we have another brand new respirator right there never open there's two respirators we got a wallet it's not the American Eagle see what we have here nothing American Eagle wallet maybe something back here nope Holy Bible and see nothing in the pages all right we got a ton of paperwork this box has a ton of stuff in it I'm going to set that aside we'll go through that next and we'll do a closer up samples again for the Garmin let's get close on that box this box down in the garbage yeah we're checking everything final samples stick like phone or GPS holder look at here look look look look got a 3ds nice and we got call of duty in it so that's good right there let's see if it even powers on valium Wireless there it is now we need a charger hopefully we've got one in here we've got M&Ms minis there's some in there you hear that let's find out what it is Oh toothpicks that's a tricky one there wow what a letdown I wanted some M&Ms and I got toothpicks and there's more toothpicks down in here we look at here for the crossbow found two more and we got a phat max tape measure got at the wall tool bag here doesn't feel like much weight side pockets nothing there oh here we go we got disc hmm and the plot thickens all we've got is the disk I've got a bag here with a lock on it don't know where the key is tsa luggage check the side bags or the side pockets first some notes some Visine and wouldn't you know it wouldn't you know it mm-hmm that seems about right how look handful of them holy cow well there you have it let's see if they're hiding anymore down in there oh yeah yeah the rubbers with the Econolodge right there there's that story and there's another key all right oh but but we're meeting people we're meeting people in hotels but we're also getting oh my goodness so hard to believe that times all right let's see what else we have in here yeah yeah you can never have enough what a score q-tips let's see uh ha ha ha yeah that'll go right in right in the warehouse weird there's bags of stuff in here ok there's bags of bags of stuff in here what do we have here ok OtterBox okay we got all kinds of coin wrappings we've got headlamps another headlamp flashlights there's a power bank this little calculator on and of course for some odd reason we've got a very deteriorated bullet in there all right we're gonna set this one aside like the getaway bag or what all right we got a puffs box with golf balls more nails got keys keys to something starting fluid never have nothing out lots of receipts we'll have to look at that make sure there's no gift cards in it we did really well with gift cards yesterday Fran's brand-new sharpies it just looks like markers and stuff Purex dryer sheets more receipts batteries I haven't bought batteries and I don't know how long find so many and storage unit see what's in here okay we got a pair of sunglasses we've got a bag of cards to look through all that individually more stamps so on of course with your stamps fishing lures all right set that on the side see what this is batteries how state buckeyes let's looks like random garbage and then I H um a hum by Verizon you might know what a hum is whatever it is it's brand new alright I'll go through this real meticulously if I find anything of value I'll show it to you out of that whole big bag of receipts and papers I was able to find one $25 gift card so that adds to the total that I keep finding I've taken a lot of the bigger furniture and I've already gotten that inside we've got a disc and it babe that bit I don't know choke on your tongue trying to say that whatever the kind of bag this is I'm just trying to go through the other items with you we've got just a bell and I just like to go through the side first because it seems like for whatever reason people hide things on the side for easy access for a second I thought those were string panties but that's just putting over your eye that's garbage yeah we got clothing pair Imbros what size are those these are extra-large you know what those are going home with me I usually like my stuff 3x but I can live with an extra-large when it's extra extra large not bad clothing here it looks looks to me like they were just ready to go nothing nothing really spectacular hidden in this one this one looks like all clothing that's what it is luggage with clothing ready to go so I'll donate the clothing if I find anything else in here I'll let you know what it is garbage can of garbage can of stuff there's more starter fluid again I'll just take that home you never have enough starter fluid here is shampoos saline solution hydrocortisone cream that's just all gonna go in the garbage see what kind of treasures are hidden down here I'm kind of thinking I'm gonna end up finding I'm gonna end up finding more gift cards this seems to be at the bottom of everything marble paper work aviator snips how'd you put a viateur snips down in the bottom the garbage can with who knows what we this harley-davidson cup cozy nothing in it that'll sell well I'll go right on Tuesday that will eventually go on eBay kinds of paperwork I wireless Verizon card didn't recharge with this looks like we got a digital camera we do we have a Nikon Coolpix l20 digital camera here's what it looks like cut the cord in there batteries in there no card we got the professor Hales glasses as well alright so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna dig through the rest of that and if I find anything good I'm gonna share it with you but it's such a mix of Crayola chalk lighters and garbage so I'm gonna have to do a more thorough sort and we'll see what we can do see what we can find at the bottom of the garbage can watch a bunch of change and a ring that's what we found scraping the bottom of the barrel another garbage can filled with all kinds of things the only way we can figure out what's in them take everything out yeah we got stuff in the bottom here looky there so q-tips we'll keep those here band-aids we'll keep those here rubbing alcohol yeah I'll keep all of these things here for either cleaning or anybody gets hurt or gets a boo-boo at the warehouse ooh - pray George will love this oh yeah uh-huh it stinks that's some nasty stuff there yes some flonase deodorant got some hair gel [Music] right here we got hair gel Viking gel tanning lotion shaving gel Oh yep yep here we go haven't found enough of those yet right and on top of it here's a ring there you go you know what your lady wants this Christmas not this kind of ring but the best thing down there toilet paper roll look at that never have enough of those now remember when we got this unit the story that was given to the business was grandma's heirlooms and all the memories were in here I've yet to see anything of growth anything that would belong to Grandma I mean I think we can all agree we've seen things that belong to men what in the world have no idea what this is I wonder if they're any good how do you even get to them we've got more paperwork more bills and again with with the name that we already know this with this unit water heater thermostat we know it it's not a grandma it's a guy just random odd stuff new plug right there actually I might hold on to that nothing all that great in here honestly not the greatest but not the worst either when you're hungry you got about that stale been sitting in a storage unit flavor to it you know what I mean mmm we've got this super cool electronic swing groover looks like it was on clearance at one point in time and it tells you how well you're doing with your golf swing spots which we've got some propane gas we've got a liquor bottle you better pull out make sure you know you know grandma's unit grandma was hitting that bottle hard it's empty now we did look a little bit in this box day one because we found the DVDs and the DVD player this looks brand-new yeah brand-new all in there those home sweet home put that back in we've got all the cable work for the surround sound player here so we got a Samsung DVD player I love Samsung we've got a ultra thin air Atena see if it's actually in here it is not not in here bummer but we do have the Samsung controller which is nice and we got a Vizio so we don't have the TV but we got the DVD player this might be this might be to the laptop that'd be my guess all right we got the mob it's in there broken but it's in there so that's a good sign let's see what we actually got action films Boondock Saints short circuit no way wow what a classic Talladega digging Knights laugh out loud slickers six movies and well it's do we have here we've got UFC ultimate greatest fights the possession hurricane since I washed it was great in that shadow hours brothers and champions Paranormal Activity we've got red box which furry somebody did ask if you find a red box do you return it and one of our one of our subscribers actually answered after 30 days if you don't return a red box movie they bill you with your credit card on file so it's paid for just like one of these would be paid for and therefore you own it we've yeah year one Youth in Revolt kangaroo jack laugh out loud Will Ferrell collection Band of Brothers oh there we go there's the Vizio so there's the blu-ray player so we do have the remote for that as well Batman Begins not too shabby I'm back at it with the dresser now and just one drawer in particularly you see all the baggies and the drug paraphernalia there's the scale right there in the middle that's a scale so a little bit of everything you just never know what you're gonna come across just got a sort through it extremely carefully in the midst of all this baggy garbage I was able to find a silver dime 1957 a regular penny and then look at the penny next to it if that is indeed a penny so it looks like I don't know what it looks like remember the Obama penny that we found in the safe could that be something like it anybody have any information going through another drawer and finding a bit of jewelry this ring here definitely appears to be a star sapphire smaller than one than what you've seen in my other video cool ring though and then this necklace definitely silver 925 see it there I'm gonna have to go through the rest of this and untangle it I think we definitely have gold here it feels like gold it acts like gold but I'm gonna have to untangle it from all this mess with everything else in the dresser I was able to find an original old-school pair of Oakley's and again I couldn't show you everything because there's just too much personal items I was able to find a winning lotto ticket some other tickets but gift cards biggest one $100 here so we're scoring big on gift cards and then I also found this ring and a Cleveland Browns money clip and then the at home drug test is actually sealed so who knows what I'm gonna do with that when the sort is all said and done these are the items that are going to Goodwill as donations a couple things I set aside that I'm actually gonna hold on to yep I'm gonna keep the masks and even found a couple pieces of clothing I'm gonna hold - this is all garbage - garbage cans filled - recycling bins filled you may be thinking where's the other garbage can the other garbage can is right there filled up tomorrow I head back up and get the five hundred dollar unit can't wait to peek what's inside thanks again for watching don't forget to subscribe and remember adventure weights go find it what the Hales are you waiting for go find it okay come on another fifty bucks and another 50 cards to call and find out the balance baby you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 223,330
Rating: 4.7370944 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found DRUGS, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, comics found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters
Id: vORxym_E8IM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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