FOUND ANTIQUE HOARDER STORAGE UNIT I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes

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look at this I bet this is all silver - $10 a quarter is probably all I've I can't believe it we have collectible money for sure is this silver yes silver certificates brand-new silver certificates I can't frickin believe this unit I love it oh my goodness look look down on the bottom I think we just found an entire jewelry here we go oh nice check it out it is absolutely sterling silver and it is an old coin purse I've never seen anything like this before do we have a gold watch do we have you're not gonna believe it look that one even says caution so let's throw caution to the wind and let's find out what's inside oh my goodness oh my goodness silver it's silver these are all silver yes here on what the hails it's finally time to put the rest the myth that Jeremy wears it to pay I mean look at this close shave right here and right here male pattern baldness pills yes even there but a toupee Hales no unless we find one in the storage units today who the Hales knows what we're gonna find in this $1,800 and $1,700 unit because we have found just about anything and everything you can think of so let's go on the treasure hunt again today because you never know what the Hales we're gonna find [Music] I was thinking today we're gonna jump back over to the $1,800 unit side there's a lot of topes a lot of boxes we've been going back and forth remember both the $1,800 and the $1,700 unit they're owned by the same person so it's all the same person's belongings but here we got like look at these monster toes you see these you put dead bodies in here if you were Carol Baskins and you were trying to you know feed your ex-husband to a tiger this would be where you would do it you would put it in there and so I was just thinking why don't we figure it out let's let's try and figure it out let's move these ones aside we haven't we haven't looked inside any of them this pile right here this is all to go back to Walmart or store credit but haven't gone yet so this one might be easy let's peek in here really quick this one might be really easy to go through oh you know what this is women would hang this up in their closet these were like well says kotti there but it would be a smelling thing so that they're there hope there's more no I just thought this was gonna be fabric there so their clothes would smell nice and fresh look at this we got a harmonica in there you know how to play [Music] know what it tastes like rust old lady brawl because it was on one haha it really does that's what it tastes like it's rough there are sheets and stuff in here new smoke detectors remember when I put a brand new smoke detector in your apartment yes I could have saved myself $50 right here brand new all right but it was well worth it to make sure that happened all right let's set this aside looks like those are nasty those really that make everything page they make the harmonica taste like that and everything all right we'll set that aside over there we're gonna we're gonna move this too and these are big boys all right I need I need your guests first what do you think's inside Christian let's hope it's not a body but is it good depends on your definition of good let's let's open her up here we go do you think this is good now I know right now you mean the ripe age of 21 wait you're 21 right yeah you've been the right favorite age of 21 you're thinking is that good no this is globe China GP see oh look at that you know this is no me either this would be old this is what you would wash yourself up with so you know you would we didn't have then we didn't always have running water so you would wash yourself up you'd take this wash up we're gonna set that aside very gently because it looks like we have another one here these can be worth quite a bit look at the marking right there these are huge ones to England here let me let me flip it around over there there we go England right there and man these are beautiful pieces look at that old huge collectible okay just look down here look at the ordinate difference between this one and that one very different pieces same function holy cow how the world did these survived look at that that's the thin thin glass - I'm not even sure how these survived being moved here there and everywhere I'm wondering the same thing yeah I mean it's been moved who knows how many times I'm over here beautiful piece now if we can figure out if we can figure out you know what I think this might be part of a lamp well definitely a lamp but remember that high expensive stuff that we have the flute like back up here just so see this shade right here sneak on over here look down on that box you see that I think this might be more Waterford that's a table lamp shade maybe that all goes together we'll find out we'll find out oh look at this a vintage light bulb do you know what wattage that is it's a 60-watt that's that's money right there 60-watt just joking you want to move everything to LED we'll set that over here and wash again okay oh man look at all this I can't believe this stuff is still in one piece wow that's the old picture let's find out let's find out what year this stuff could be worth thousands I don't even know what it says J en I see the something pottery Trenton New Jersey semi porcelain okay I mean we got to be careful whether this is old school so you would come in fill the picture up and you know whether you were pouring in these things over here this is wild how did this stuff even survive oh man look at that one look at that look at that that was China globe China again that one right there this one is that the mash that's the match right there you see that that's the match vessel set Wow okay this is all it was wrapped with guys this was it was in a thin sheet that was it those pieces were in a thin sheet how in the world they survived that's how gentle these hands are I know they look massive they look mean at times but just lands gentle hands get the job done let's see here's another crazy sheet and there's something in here for sure and I think it's probably gonna be big money look at this look at that one do that picture this is crazy what's that one say England it's from England as well man alive somebody marked something maybe it was appraised at one point in time wow wow wow wow wow it's big size 13 feet almost almost did something dumb all right that was wrapped in a sheet as well we're gonna set that aside okay okay here we go here we go we're about to find out our lamps look at that all right you put oil in here so your accelerant your fuel would go in there this do I guess what kind of lamp it is apart from an oil lamp okay rubbed a lamp and a genie came out Aladdin oh you're getting so good man look at this you're learning your stuff this isn't a Latin lamp you see right down in there this is a Latin lamp I'm gonna rub it no no wishes so we're we'll have to figure out looks like it was leaking at one point as well resealed yeah definitely I think it was leaking fuel very cool Wow there is some money in here now I think our big money piece is gonna be yep our big money piece is gonna be right here this is amazing all right let's see what we have here all right I'm gonna be really careful so we've got a three six six F so that's our identifier right there three six six F and here is the actual here's the old-school lamp how you would turn it on back then still works all right let's set this down right here come on down here with me your light bulb would go inside and then man look at that is that not the ugliest and yet most expensive you've ever seen that look it's hand-painted they don't make it like this anymore hand painted porcelain glass man this is awesome this is an incredible find we got to be gentle because there's so much money here man you know do you know that actually there are some viewers that watch what the Hales and they're like you like money too much have you ever Christian in your life heard of anybody who likes money too much I've never seen anybody put their hand in their pocket find a $20 bill and be mad about it and go oh just about $20 that I didn't know I have I know I get excited when I find things worth something oh no no no no look look everything didn't survive Christian can you see this everything did not survive oh that might be a thousand dollar piece all right let's find out what this one is first though that's not good okay well this goes to the oil lamp look at that look at that okay so this goes here this goes to the Aladdin lamp look at that glass work if I can get it on it's now on wow-wow-wow you out all right set that right there we have got to be careful the only thing wrapped around that was a Care Bear blanket thankfully Care Bear took care of business okay and we've got turkey platter under here though what is it it is the most random thing that could be in this entire tote it is a Christmas tree bag go figure I went ahead I put everything back nice and neat in this tote I flipped them so we could take the big casket tote that was underneath which is now on top so we can find out what's inside all right here we go what kind of price would you even put on that last tote I mean we've put an average we said we went into average of $100 per toe per box and we'd be making huge amounts of money but that last tote I don't even know it's gonna take a while to look some of that stuff up a look at this look at this more cool stuff okay check this out look at that so I don't think I don't think this is an actual cane unless a lot of this will be sterling silver this dressing or it'll actually be gold which I have to polish it up but I don't think this was for a walking stick I don't think it was like a cane unless they were like yum yum was on my mind or maybe it was for teaching so this is how you want to buy a storage unit there are three things you need at any auction you need an ID you need cash you need locks or maybe this was an old - yes disobedient kids I don't know I have no idea any idea Christian no none yet okay we've got okay we've got something else now this this was definitely a walking stick okay maybe they okay maybe they both work that one's a pretty weak walking stick though but then I guess I said you know these were probably more for for show than anything else cuz these are pretty you're not gonna get very far with these like a guy like me look at the bend I can put in there I don't want to break them but I'm a big dude we've got another one these are playful yeah they're old antique walk look at that look at all the knobs on that all the craziness on that that one's probably handmade that one that one has a crook in it regardless I don't know I don't know I'm gonna have to figure these works out okay here's an old old ruling stick which these are huge collectability as well people will will actually old yard sticks they'll collect them so Harold struck this a funeral home in Pennsylvania kind of morbid but you know you know they have a great business you know why any funeral home has a great business you know why because everybody is dying to get in there just saying but uncle Jing he's shaking his head behind the camera for good reason you know this is no I don't either so maybe oh you know this this might be like a peg leg I I dated a girl once with with one leg you know what her name was Eileen ah ha ha you're right Eileen okay I don't know what this is either but maybe some of our viewers do viewers can you let us know what this is is it is it a walking stick or or not I don't know not sure okay but I did find a grabber here's an old antique grabber so how does it work how does it work here oh here we go okay so I got the grabber open and then pulled the trigger here there's the trigger and then the grabber is gonna you know what would be fun take that home and sneak up behind George and then just yeah that'd be fun she'd be screaming look there's a price on it they must have bought it oh it's not zooming is it there we go must have bought it for six dollars cool we'll probably put that up as a decoration that's pretty cool okay oh we got a lot of stuff in here oh my do we ever here's another lamp okay see if we can find any markings okay I see I see just a little bit of marking right here in the wait but other than that I'm not seeing anything I got a feeling so here's the crazy thing Christian people who grew up during this they went through the Great Depression which you're going through a Great Depression right now in your lifetime so economic times right now nobody's at work the whole deal they they didn't trust banks they hid money everywhere I mean literally everywhere so like this before I would even sell it I will disassemble this entire lamp and see if there's money hidden in here usually I'll look under lamps but even there's a there's a place in there and you'll find money anywhere from people those individuals who went through that period of time here is pillows never have enough pillows yeah I don't want those ones but I actually I'll have to rip open those pillows too because there could be money hidden inside the pillows mattresses the whole deal check this out look at that old cast-iron pot look at that look at the star right there well do you think that stands for large what do you think I don't think so no I don't know what it would say if we repeal I think I don't think it stands for large you know size matters so large might be I don't know or maybe ah what is it - 7 it's a 7 it's a 7 it's a size 7 cast-iron pot got you alright so here s we got an antique mirror how did this stuff even survive so I would actually try and pull this stuff this looks like newer felt I definitely would pull this off because it looks like newer felt and figure out what the deal was but look look it looks like stuff was on display here too doesn't it maybe there were family photos I'm gonna set that right on the edge and hope that it doesn't break because we've got this thing I think that's a candy dish if you thought that piece of cast iron was cool check this out okay this that doesn't say small medium large extra large just a number 866 look at that look at that so I guess what would you make in this cornbread would you make a piece of cornbread that looked like a lamb or a calf and then open it up and be like hey let's eat the cornbread I'm not sure I am not sure but what I am sure of somebody put a price tag of four dollars on it and in my opinion that is so undervalued that's ridiculous that is cool that might go home to my fireplace okay but that's not it look we have a this is probably an old Apple crate some kind of fruit crate no markings on it but I have a feeling that's actually filled with antiques let's get a date oh look at this look at this remember we were looking at dates what's our date 1973 1973 I wasn't even born when the stuff was wrapped and put in here that's how old it is and how old I am okay see what we have this could be exciting this is I don't know I bet you look at this we got a glass piece that is I don't even know that doesn't let us know in the comments let us know what is that marking for does it have like a pink hue to it yeah he's shaking his head yeah so that has like a pink hue maybe it's part of a set that goes with this you know what I bet you it is I bet just an entire set engine that goes with it yeah this is a pink depression glass set pink reddish Oh something big is in here I found something big here we go Christian there's more oh here's what I found I found the dishes more dishes more dishes more dishes okay and oh here's more more dishes come on in here come on over here I'll show you straight down in there more dishes the entire dish set all right that's it looks like an entire dish set was putting this Apple crate so we'll have to rewrap this up figure out how much it's worth and get it ready to be sold got another tow and it's heavy totes mcgoats we'll just set it down here let's do old-school on our knees man I just turned a whole nother year older a couple days ago but my knees feel like they're like 50 years older from doing this stuff I have tennis elbow bad knees a bad back I'm balding and I'm cursed with ruggedly handsome good looks it's it's not it's not needs life I know it looks easy on YouTube but it's not an easy life all right let's see we've got personal concepts what do we got here we have oh you know what you know what this is this legally has to be displayed every business in every business where you have employees of so many numbers or more so 2018 so this is this is the 2018 poster which isn't gonna do anybody any good minimum wage and minimum wage plus tips employee rights this is 2018 unfortunately this probably cost a good $30 if not more no this that's not the price tag let's see it cost um I don't have price tag but unfortunately it's good I can't resell it because it's old 2018 oh this is big this is heavy all right we got oh you're gonna love this we've got a we got eight person do you know what this is hey it's upside-down isn't it I want is it upside down upside down what do you mean you just spin it like this wouldn't you you're right it's upside down it's cake dish oh so you'd put a cake on it oh I see look at that I see five dollars written on it so do you think they were buying or do you think they were trying to sell this stuff or both oh I don't know there's a greased pan of $5 that makes me the grease pen makes me think that they got it from a thrift store and then they were trying to actually sell it but a lot of thrift stores use grease pens I'm going to set that applied over here that's like melt glass look at this peak down here really quick we definitely have some antique things down in here if we find more money and things like this that's not money it is a you know what it is no I think that's an onion slicer Dicer I think you put the onion in there and then like that right and then like that I don't know I never got into onions so that'd be my guess and probably why they sealed it Wow all right I know you know what this is we've already talked about this and now this one is this one is newer than some of the others we've seen in this unit because this one you could actually plug in and the electric would heat up the old iron instead of you setting it on the wood-burning stove so this is a more believe it or not a newer version and then this right here I this is asbestos so this is iron asbestos I have one of these at home you see that right there that's where the handle would actually go in and you'd go back and forth this would sit on your stove and then boom boom boom right by my front door is one of these you know I keep it by my front door in case anybody breaks in I'm going to throw its bestest at them that's it's a weapon that's you should probably take this one home for your front door just saying I'm just saying all right if you want patients to marry you you're gonna have to protect her okay what do we have here oh my goodness you know what that is it's just look this is old school check this out holy cow look look at that that's the other thing I can't grow a full beard but this is where oh man are these the old tin plates no so I would definitely want to be checking inside here for hidden stashed money but I bet you this is an old family photo album now I know she was doing her history she was doing an entire the entire lineage of the family tree and she marshy she was able to mark herself back to family history and lineage to the to the Civil War at the Revolutionary War even I mean she was going all the way back that's the same woman right just different angles different dresses Wow Wow what do we have here don't look yet no stinking way look at this look at that Presbyterian Church of Claysville September 28 1897 did they even have a copy machine back then to make one of these 1897 was the printing press even invented yet oh my goodness look at dad that's the old church bulletin I was joking about the printing press I'm gonna get so many hate comments on that all right here we go this is this is amazing 1897 if I could find if I could actually find this church and give that to them Presbyterian Church of Claysville let's say we're in Claysville a dozen it doesn't tell us where in Claysville that is cool it's in the seventh District September 28 1897 Wow Wow check this out these are so cool my goodness now if I had a hairline like this you see that hairline right there if I had a hairline like that instead of mine I'd be rocking it I'd be rocking it do you think military with the star on the time possibly maybe maybe look that baby picture Wow now here's the thing with with this kind of thing since these people obviously were antique lovers buyers sellers dealers everything we have no idea if this was part of the families photo album or if this is a photo album that they bought for collection my guess is my guess and it's only a guess that this was probably the family my I'm guessing because I see some things that look somewhat similar to other things I've seen that is cool that's so cool that was in here we'll make sure that gets back in there okay there's something metal down here that looks really cool too but before we get to the metal thing what do we have holy cow there's a huge vase now you're gonna laugh at me but some vases if you look on ebay some of these can go for thousands if I have the right vase here I have the right base base base base if I have the right vase this thing could pay for the entire units remember I put $3500 into these two units holy cow it's old it's beautiful no cracks the roughest part about selling something like this for a thousand dollars on eBay shipping it without it getting there broken but really let's be honest the roughest part is me not breaking it before we even package it and sell it okay all right one more item in here it looks super awesome this is a Becky Porter french fry cutter hold a second hold a second Christiane you thinking what I'm thinking yes you are that onion cutter is how does it work okay let's not break it how does it work okay so that goes in there right and then this goes I bet you this well however it goes I'm sure it does Oh how's it go oh look at that leave it to the cameraman to figure it out put your potato in BAM crispy golden french fries come out I love it [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 26,959
Rating: 4.9311223 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: AV0lFRPtfDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 39sec (2019 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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