300 Stolen Harleys and 1968 Camaro SS (Myths and Legends)

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68 camaro come on scott you have a car is it the one [Music] dave and scott welcome back for another uh this is gonna be one of the wildest craziest stories from the 70s early 80s late 60s normally we don't chase rumors okay we just don't have time for it with as many known locations as we have but today we received uh wanna let's just get into it i'm gonna say i'm gonna set this up with the whatever happened back in the 70s statue of limitations has long passed because we're not we're not dealing with like homicide or you know anything like that we're dealing with possible thefts whether whether this was police police related or it was a outlaw motorcycle related let's just get into the story and introduce you this morning to a gentleman by the name of tab and anybody with the name of tab you know this is going to be a good story tab you called me up like i said one of those stories and i know you don't want to go a certain direction we're not going to say what name but i really think that i think that even though it is a very notorious again it's the statute of limitations whoever actually did it back in the 60s and 70s is not going to get in trouble for this and i think it's just gonna be one of those like amazing things if it's true like we're talking like world news if this one's true right if it's true and we locate what we're looking for what first of all just tell us what what do you believe is down here well i believe that we're gonna find somewhere between 150 and 300 harley-davidson remains my jaw just went how did you come to this story i was told by an old-timer many years ago that i got very close to um and he he told me that as a youngster i he joined a motorcycle club and um hey aren't you in a motorcycle club uh not this type of motorcycle club dave dave looks like he could be in a club like look at them tasks i mean he's definitely live in the motorcycle neighborhood yeah but i've never actually owned or ridden a motorcycle i did and uh he was quite taken by my bike and and he uh he uh gave me the warnings of hey you want to stay away from the outlaw motorcycle club and told me the story that changed his life he said that as a prospect he was um put on the chore list of collecting up some parts which meant going out and stealing other people's motorcycles or borrowing them or however you want to call it and with this you know real quick let me interject here because as i shared this story with a few people they said you know what jared back in the 70s i had a harley stolen and i mean and and it came up multiple times as to yeah harleys were stolen during this period of time so i'm starting to believe your story the you know the research that i was doing on it like yeah it's not it's not far-fetched as to what like this could be legit well it's this isn't new to this area you know i mean yeah in the 60s and 70s and stuff like that yeah you know it's how you gathered your parts to build your bikes quite hopefully the story rings true and we pull up some parts today on that note i mean 150 150 to 300 all in the same location right like all tossed off the same points hopefully it's not you know if it's in somewhere between you know 10 feet and 60 feet we're going to find this these parts pretty quickly if it's deeper than no we're in 90 95 feet of water and i've been under that i've been in this area yeah close to where i've been told it is on the other side yeah 106 feet deep under there yeah so i said well give me that gear i'll do it so so tab has given us the uh secret coordinates to this location scott you've got your boat with sonar i've got my little boat with sonar we let's go see where we can go let's do it yeah this thing's just been sitting here forever you should buy that one dave you ever wanted to live on the river no just next to it that's good stop resisting we're going too slow and you're impersonating i have evidence of you now all right so we got we got something there already um i mean it's not a pile of motorcycles i don't exactly know what that is i haven't seen tab yet mark's supposed to show up today too oh yeah yeah mark lee i love that guy he's not a bad guy had fun talking to him so i mean i've got plenty of rocks here from the slope that's down we've got something that's down there but it's not i mean it's no pile of motorcycles let's turn the 360 on and see what we can find do you see anything over there scott i feel like there's some objects that look like i mean it's really hard to tell but more maybe they're tires maybe their wheels from a bicycle i would expect to find bicycles and yeah shopping carts all sorts of stuff yeah especially off of this right here too up here i would expect a lot thrown over there but maybe people can't throw that far either so i didn't hear that part of the story you said that he he said the u-haul truck that they had they loaded the stuff up on a u-haul truck a box truck and then made a couple trips and drove out under the bridge and threw him off and he was indicating right around where the arch hits the roadway okay from the side down there that looked to me like the the most opportune spot if you're gonna do that but you know what else we have though today we have that 68 camaro to go look for we'll find out so i mean another is that rumor gonna be true the guy told you he did oh well this guy this guy told me too he's telling me a story from somebody else didn't you talk to the guy that i told well i talked to a guy that i talked to the guy that spoke directly to the guy that did it and what we are talking about don't go anywhere because even if we don't find these motorcycles we have another uh rumor we're gonna go uh bring you in on but it has to do with a 68 camaro that was dumped 30 years ago another story of a scorned ex-girlfriend who got cheated on dave if you have a nice car or a nice truck don't cheat on your girlfriend because we'll have to come out and find your car later and so we're heading to this pond it's a uh the northeast corner of this pond 30 to 50 feet out he says that he watched it sink and the other guy that helped him actually do this is in jail and this guy is on his deathbed like he's had four strokes now and he's not worried about it's been 30 years he's not going to he's not in trouble for it anymore yeah yeah statute of has run out so he is there's nothing nothing's gonna come back on him for telling the story or telling us about it so we can go find him yep oh we got something in front of uh dave here there's no pile of motorcycles and it might just be a rock yeah i might have a car down there really yeah right back over here i mean it looks like i was let me come back around this way hey scott yeah right here in front of me about 20 feet identify if that's a car that's down there possibly i don't know how it had gotten off right here i mean it could have come off the road and then floated into the water off to the right right here i mean here i mean come take a look at what i'm looking at okay look at that pile right there right here and that's right underneath the bridge in that spot it's not smooth on top either no this is smooth over here and so this is like all silt and settlement but built up i mean this story might be true dave sure yes sir i gave you the info that these bikes were here you know if somebody was showing up on time you'd have all that information so you're gonna have to wait for the video now i understand completely we got scott he's not hip he's not hooting and hollering though scott he's not working what i said you're not hooting and hollering nothing i didn't find anything a bust huh but i tell you it's a lot different being down there than looking at the side scan because oh yeah there's massive mountains of log jams with miles of garden hoses wrapped around and fishing gear and how about sturgeon you see any sturgeon didn't see any sturdy i think it's too warm right there yeah we did a lot of uh magnet fishing while we were down there so we drugged the magnet all over this area surprisingly get caught there's a there's a lot of magnets down there there's not a lot of metal but there's a lot of sticks and cables and stuff all right well are you in to join us on the 68 camaro uh possibly yeah all right let's uh make that our next mission tab we really appreciate the uh coming out we were hoping it was going to be true oh i i i i'm sure we were yeah i'm sure we were our members that you put them into a question i've never been able to get down there i saw you guys that said they'd been there here's one they've been there go back and look again yeah i appreciate you coming to doing it hey absolutely i never afforded that hire a salvage security yeah we had to check it out but uh don't go anywhere because this video is not done yet we don't know if we're going back to oak grove where we pulled out a corvette and a jaguar and we're going to do some more scanning over there i think we should actually go there and then closer yeah it's closer and then also check on the 68. like it's only like 11 o'clock we got plenty of time well let's go enjoy the day good thing because this isn't the only treasure i know about oh now now he starts telling us the lost tillamook indian mine all right it's a pinpoint spot that and in the two indians point the the direction no no you know this is starting to sound like hold on wait wait wait this is starting to sound this is starting to sound like the movie goonies that's over by their by tillamook well this is very top hey what three three days two sleeps to the white white mountain where water runs towards black to a blue lake and there in a black canyon you will find it well sounds like i know what we're doing today now let's go all right there you go you heard it here from tab uh i heard it here first oh you can read it out of the newspaper they still make it we have four ponds that are out here and of the four ponds two of them are park ponds now and these these are houses and apartments didn't used to be here so pawn one pawn two pawn three and pond four and so what we need to do is we need to huff it down this path right here and over here to the corner of this other pond and i have been told that in this pond over here at the north northeast side 30 to 50 feet out they physically with their own eyes watched this 68 camaro sink like what if we could actually see it right here that's possible right so some people have seen things on google earth before they've solved a number of missing person cases no i think there's a google earth i think that's just algae there so if you look at like the roads back in the day i mean these are now park trails but remember back in the day these were all just uh gravel roads that people used to yeah yeah none of these huge apartment complexes would have been there 30 years ago yeah well look at all those dragonflies everywhere wow yeah yeah so this is pond one correct yep and we're going to go across over there and then we'll jump over to the other pond yeah and what i'll do is i'll circle the uh perimeter of this because the car could have gone in anywhere around this same thing with the other side too so we'll check this around the whole thing and then yep then we'll pull out over there yep so the people that saw this car splash into a pond i'm sure if it's exactly this pond no it's one of the ponds they gave me the exact location and that's the other part over there that's the other planet so this is just a bonus point but there has been rumors as well that car's been dumped because think about where we're at we're in the middle of what used to be i mean there used to be no nothing yeah and so people come here to dump things supposed to be just straight ahead northeast corner all right well we'll know in uh three minutes if that car's in there man right here yeah so that corner did anything huh how close to the corner did you guys say uh northeast corner like but yeah i mean you're not gonna get over there it would never sink it's too shallow just a big rock there dave i thought we had something that's the size of a car though oh i think it's too far from the actual car too and a fish yeah i mean it could float i mean we've had cars float for up to 10 minutes before that we've heard about yeah well we got something there dave we're at yeah it's it's almost like right in line with that like i don't think that it's the dock there because of the way that this is on the bottom and it was both on left and right so i'm gonna come in straight towards it like it seriously looks like a car dave yeah bingo bingo bingo we got something underneath there under the dock yeah oh shoot sorry didn't mean to bonk you there yeah we have something right here it's like 10 15 feet right behind me [Music] all right we're gonna turn on the 360. [Music] like this i don't know what it is get over top of it we'll drop the magnet huh confirm range oh yeah he's right behind us no there's no freaking way this might be it dave scott i think we i think we found it really right there yeah right behind us that tell me that doesn't look like a car there right there right here yep does that not look like a window wheel well yeah kinda no scott scott scott where'd scott go back up a little bit let's drop a bag not yeah no it's right there guess what solid metal now is there any chance it's uh no there's no chance if you look at this scott go get your snorkel stuff real quick running away yeah run run away my heart's racing right now i can see that so you're stuck on that pretty solid i'm stuck well i mean it's rusty so i mean i can pull it off right what i'm saying you're yeah it's solid it is a solid metal piece and it's just out of visibility too yep that's all it has to be think about those cars over at um uh twalton that we found oh i know i mean they were only i mean the rx-7 was only eight feet under water oh we're i mean we're looking right at a car there 68 camaro come on oh fisher dave out fricking i can't move oh it's on my foot dave you gotta get oh hold on you can't do no don't move don't move don't move oh it hurts oh oh it's pulling more oh i can't get it don't paddle don't paddle i don't even know what to do oh okay you can bring the whole thing up get stuck on the bottom of my foot there okay it came off yeah yeah that thing hurt i can't imagine look we cut a fish yeah a fish with a fish hook thanks buddy bring me some good news scott good news is i wore a wetsuit yeah you following the line down or you're just gonna kind of guess i'll follow your line yeah i might as well go straight to it like 60 seconds we're gonna know come on scott you're killing me get back up here come on you've been on it long enough just come back and tell us scott you have a car is it the one well i don't know the visibility is very bad but i just find this came out of it scott i need to know is it the right one well the visibility is literally i don't care you need to figure it out fingertips fingertips is the biz really that bad oh it goes from it goes to absolutely pitch black i have no idea i can't see anything i can't see the uh i can't even see the color i almost was able to bring up the whole bumper i was just reaching around in what felt like the trunk maybe and this came out but that doesn't i have no id that doesn't seem uh like somebody's stereo speaker wires from uh no idea i mean you could put an aftermarket in in the 80s what year did it go in yeah 30 years ago yeah okay so that could be so that'd be a 1990 it would have gone in let me try again it's it's it's bizarre it goes from like do you have your knife on you no i mean dave come on now how many other cars are gonna be in this exact location that we were told to come search i don't know only one there's only one car that's how the story goes and it's 30 to 50 feet off and they saw it sink right into the wrong corner but it's the right spot some people don't know northeast south and west though right now i'm saying that it's it's not the corner we were given but it's the wrong corner north south east west but if you're going to put a car in this pond it's the right corner because that's the easiest place to do it [Music] and i'm sure that dock wasn't there 30 years ago i think it's a volkswagen bug it's not a bug on sonar it doesn't look like a bug yeah i uh i went all over from it's got the bug doesn't have a trunk well this sort of doesn't have a trunk it has like great i don't know all right give me your stuff i'm going down okay i'll tell you exactly what it is okay so the door window the doorknob here's one thing when you go to grab the doorknob it's not one of these you pull out it's one of those where there's like an inside little latch you pull like click like on a volkswagen bug you know what i'm talking about you know how the handles right you go grab the handle you don't just pull the whole handle you kind of push this little other lever in between the handle it snaps out of the 660 camaro handle that you grab it and you push the button okay it doesn't have that open the door it does not have that images this was in it oh that yeah that's it for sure yeah that's it for sure okay 68 camaro it slopes on the back yes would be a fastback what about the grill trunk the car itself would be pretty square how do you actually feel how long was the hood it's it's really hard to tell you have to go down and just it's i'm going to go identify this side okay so some of these are an ss so i just got to fill for the front grille the ss would say that yeah so i just need to do a little bit of braille on the front or the ss would have a gas cap on the back that says ss on it on the back as well you might be able to you might be able to get that off around the front grill i think i'm not positive might have an ss in the grill yeah but i'm pretty sure if they would have the emblem on the side would and round headlights i'm just saying grab the door handle all right right door handle right well uh do you know what it is yeah i know exactly what it is now it's it's not the 68 camaro what is it it could be a 68 beetle bug but it ain't a 68 like oh yeah it's a 68 camaro no it's a 68 beetle bug is what it is okay did it did anybody else collaborate with that idea when they when you first got some uh intel back from the first guy who went down no but this is the wrong corner too i mean the i i don't know scott the thing is are we gonna be pulling this one out probably not because one we're not even supposed to have a boat in here so we have evidence that we broke the law to begin with probably gonna put this on youtube anyway and there's uh gates that are closed everywhere so we can't get a tow truck in here so that means that this car may end up staying in here unless somebody has a hookup over there at the uh fairview furview city of fairview city favorite hey we found out there's a car in the pond yeah we've had a car in the pond we're willing to get it get it out if you let us yeah if you let us we'll come get it up for you we followed up on the motorcycle leads that one was a bust that was a dud 68 camaro turned into a 68 bug or 72 bug or 74 bug or whatever bug it is on that note it was a good day in the end we didn't get the motorcycles we didn't get the 68 camaro i hope you had a good time with our little uh scouting adventure anyway that's it for now be sure to subscribe where uh next time we'll bring you another car or a truck or jeep we don't know see you next time later later bye-bye
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 727,281
Rating: 4.793138 out of 5
Keywords: motorcycle, stolen motorcycle, motorcycle underwater, harley, harleys, harley davidson, stolen harley, 68 camaro ss, 68 camaro, stolen camaro, camaro underwater, 1968 camaro, ss, adventures with purpose, motorcycles
Id: GM34-loOxy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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