I Bought a Concrete Truck To Help Save This Ghost Town (Cerro Gordo Pt 2)

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Wow man this is awesome!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/SkinnyBadgerr ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 07 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

These guys truck.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Level9TraumaCenter ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 07 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This makes up for driving on Cleetus' grass.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/charlieray ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 08 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
the souls of a thousand miners lay trapped beneath the earth and far down these mine shafts the souls of a thousand miners they laugh at us and our machines and our modern mechanical marvels those of a thousand miners think that they have a great advantage over us [Music] the souls of a thousand miners are buried far far below as deep some say as the bowels of hell itself the souls of a thousand miners forget one thing i was born the mountain [Music] so ladies and gentlemen welcome back to sarah gordo this is video number two in our series of however many videos we end up doing up here now i got to tell you real quick if you liked that sexy intro that just happened and that you know you you just made chilled your right to your bones you can thank that man right there you guys wanted more jacks so we are giving you more jacks obviously you loved him in the uh in the video where we went down and recovered the big case excavators and so not only is he a great truck driver but he also happens to be a man of many voice talents i guess that many miles on the road gives you a lot of soul so much windshield time yeah i didn't truck just that was bone chip it was beautiful yes so guys obviously we're back here and uh we're about to show you all the chaos that goes into pouring concrete at an old ghost town at 9000 feet [Music] elevation [Music] life on the road's pretty crazy get to go to some cool places like sarah gordon explore the mine but it doesn't mean the world back home quits turning i still got to take care of all my banking my taxes my house payments via the internet and the internet is a scary place my friends hackers scammers your cookies are vulnerable to the world but you know what not anymore thanks to surfsharkvpn they can protect all your sensitive information they put up a shield to protect you from the hackers the scammers keep your cookies safe you want to keep your cookies safe i thought so well guess what all you gotta do is download surfsharkvpn click the button you're in and use promo code sparks and you get 83 off plus three months for free you wanna know my favorite part about surf shark vpn is i could be traveling the world with my family if my kids need to watch a show and i can't access it where i am all i gotta do is log on to surfsharkvp and change my location bada bing badaboom we're back in business so i recommend maybe you put up that shield if you're gonna use the internet stay safe out there my friends and keep exploring so guys one thing that i mentioned before obviously uh in some of these videos where there's so many moving parts and we're all over the place um it's really hard to kind of narrate in the moment what's happening and i personally hate watching videos where there's no storyline you don't know what's going on even if it's just a simple like excavator recovery video i want to know what the process is so basically you're not going to see a ton of uh of narration along the way you'll see some selfie videos here and there we're kind of telling you what's going on but we're going to again use this interview format because it's really helpful to be able to kind of thread all this footage together because otherwise guys it would just be a jumbled mess of uh cool footage but nobody really knows what's going on so again we're not trying to be a tv show been there done that but this is something good from the tv show yeah we've we're taking all the elements of good things we've learned in storytelling from tv and and other things we've done and bringing them right here to you thank you duncan thank you there you go nice on that note obviously narrating what's going on uh we're currently at cerro bordeaux telling you how we got to cerro bordeaux so it's a little bit like a back to the future type thing it was it was a twisted road literally yeah it was a twisted rush a little bit of exception here uh basically our biggest challenge is we're figuring out um how to get the right equipment down to cerro hordo to be able to obviously um do the work that we needed to down there and also without having to take you know 10 semi loads worth of different stuff so we had to to grab the vehicles with the highest capabilities for the job but also some of these vehicles are so specific like the cement mixer that thing like 100 has to be down there but it takes up a full semi-trailer so the options are the other option would be to take all the bags of concrete in the water and haul them up separately and then mix them on site in the mixer truck um i like that option simply because it keeps the mixer truck from having to do any unnecessary work since that's the most vital part of this whole thing if it's not functioning we're dead in the water also there's this big debate about concrete and cement yeah is it a concrete truck or cement truck we've been calling it a little bit of both and apparently there's there's just people get real hot and bothered about yeah there's this whole culture in the in the sea world yeah now if a concrete group and a con in a cement group met together and they had a battle who would win have you seen the the gang fights on anchorman very similar to those yeah do you think who would win you think i'm not going to pick sides right now i'm gonna based on the people that told me concrete i'm putting my money on concrete that's just me i'm gonna call it mud to just kind of not get them body the waters yeah i don't wanna yeah basically uh the most key the most critical vehicles to have down there so my mixer truck um also we gotta be able to have transport vehicles get up and down the canyon and trailers are not gonna cut it so we're gonna take two military five tons these are cargo trucks designed um for hauling you know cargo in nasty situations and you guys have seen these these trucks we've taken off the island we've had them all over the place these trucks just flat out work they work really well but they're als they're also not like that great to drive on the freeway so we're gonna transport them down there on your flatbed yep so dave calls me up you know a couple weeks ago and he's like hey we we want to get you back we want to come back we've got another adventure and i'm thinking it can't get a whole lot more adventurous than you know what we did down in st georgia yeah that's what you're looking for yeah i'm so wrong he's like hey you need to look up sarah gordo and i when you were like no we're not taking the semis up there i was like oh come on come on like seriously now that i've come up i'm like yep nope we're not taking the salmon semi up this road is just asking for a broken semi or a stuck semi i mean immediately within yeah you know the third fourth mile up you're like oh first corner nope not happy yeah there's terms that the trucks just flat out won't make um so obviously truck number one kenworth um pulling the lowboy that has the mixer truck on it uh truck number two is the old sweet pete pulling a 48 foot uh flatbed and that's got two five-ton cargo trucks now in the bed of those cargo trucks we're putting uh water totes we're putting tools supplies anything that we can fit in there that we need to haul to be able to you know avoid having to take extra vehicles so heavy d does all the measurements and he's like i think we're gonna have like six inches on this end and six inches on this end this is where the cab overs just shine because the cab overs have little cab lots of frame so those trucks on there they can hang way over the front without hitting the sleeper so this was a specific cabin couldn't have done without you yeah so that's uh taking us to vehicle number three which is going to be my f550 flatbed hauling a gooseneck trailer now on the trailer we're gonna have two polaris four-wheelers the sportsman and the scrambler um then we're gonna have my polaris ranger which you guys see in all of our videos that's like the ultimate support vehicle then we're gonna put a bobcat skid loader on there and then we're gonna have fuel tanks the tools all sorts of other just anything that we can fit on there that we might possibly need we're gonna put on that trailer and then vehicle number four last but definitely not least is my new motor home yeah why not throw in a quarter million dollar brand new rig yeah and because here's the deal there's places to stay serve orders bunk houses and stuff but having this motorhome which i'm obviously very excited about this is like my second trip in a day um having it around having food in there having the ac running having a nice place to sleep and shower it's just handy so we decided to bring it this is what happens this trip jack's the truck driver he deletes dave's number alec alec finds his real dad i to delete dave's phone number rob gets lost in the desert rob gets lost in the desert ends up with third degree sunburns sun burns all over places that you wouldn't expect diesel dave ends up finding a long lost brother moves in with him and lives in a dirt hut for the rest of his life uh who else is going davis davis ends up realizing that um he wants to be a mechanic not a videographer and then he never picks up a camera again um let's see who else hunter hunter realizes this kid that lives here is his brother and ends up staying there and never comes back jack dive gym just never shows up oh bud but but i forget about it but obviously ends up somehow towing everything back on one trailer hell no brent who's brent about the guy who owns the place oh brent uh brent just goes back to his nice house and takes a good sleep and yeah just he's the only one that comes out on top so i think reviewing everything over and just processing in our head i think it's gonna end up being one of those deals that you get there and you're like and you do it and it's either gonna be like hey this all worked actually really well or it's just gonna be a thousand percent disaster just one thing after another after another i don't think there's gonna be any middle ground i think it's i think it's gonna shock us one way or the other i don't know what we're doing to begin with so you have no idea something about a concrete truck and thank you what's up right there yeah now there's there's only one little stipulation i gotta tell you about zero now i'm kind of cheap and when they sell these you get a free fill-up you know that you buy me get a free fill-up so i did christen them both so i fill them both up hey diesel dave got his first mugging yeah and guess what happened when he went in there what happened magical the lady said hey honey free for you and i said free i've never gotten a free drink from a gas station in my life and i walk in with this magical mug free for you honey free for you honey so it gets you not only is it free you get to be called honey yeah you can't be honest like it doesn't get any better i don't know what's better the free drink or the honey the longer you're on the road the more you appreciate the honey [Music] okay hello everybody i'm chris harrison and this is the bearded bachelor these fine young men behind me have come here today in search of love but more than that they've come here in search of truth happiness and joy all right guys listen so guys we're all loaded up we're headed out we've got about a nine hour drive ahead of us to get to sarah gordo and as you can see behind me we've got the f550 and it has bobcat skid loader it's got two players four wheelers it's got a polaris ranger it's got a bunch of fuel and tools it's got a couple of firm generators then we have my kenworth which has the cement truck on it now we'll show you here in a little bit a little flashback of how we got the cement truck where we got it what we had to do to get it ready to go then we have the sweet pete over there which has not gonna lie probably one of the best looking loads i've ever seen on it and then we have the support vehicle which is new to the fleet which is the dynamaxx told her home we're gonna be sleeping cool and comfortable so guys here's the deal we're gonna head out to the base of the cerrogordo right now uh should be getting there sometime in the middle of the night around 8 or 9 a.m we're gonna be meeting up with another fleet of trucks that's gonna be coming in carrying a track hoe um a loader and then we're gonna meet up with water truck and then we're gonna meet up with all the materials and supplies and then brent at the base of the hill and make a plan on how to get everything up the hill so this is the beginning of what is going to be no doubt a very very wild journey including tnt including lots of horsepower lots of fuel being burnt lots of cement being mixed and lots of beautiful eligible bachelors looking for true love thank you for what i'm looking for the next 550. [Music] all right guys it's about 2 a.m we just stopped at the truck stop here in tonopah nevada i'm driving for about seven hours and uh they've been pretty much going straight through um i was only about half a tank fueled down but i did stop and top off um everybody else is way behind us uh i think the f550 is burning a lot more fuel than anybody expected but i think what we're gonna do is go ahead and probably hunker down here for the next uh three four hours hey look at this making first use of the uh motor well not first use because i just took a camping with my family over the weekend but first time we've had all the dudes in here now the reason why i wanted this specific motor home because the bunk house model bunk beds right there it's got a bed right here come on let me finish the tour of cribs can i stand up real fast you got the sofa bed you got the cab over bunk i think we've got six dudes in here tonight so you got your hunch back you gotta not get it in that pose like that making that comfortable hey vlog anyway so this is a home sweet home for the night here in tonopah nevada until there's a lot of signs that said no rvs in this parking lot so it's probably 5am 6am someone's going to come knock it tell us get the hell out of here but until then we're going to get some sleep the driver sits up there right yeah this kid sitting right here i make a sharp turn of the parking lot and i hear some rumbling back here so i look back and right as i look back this guy goes head first right into the side of the sofa does the pops the seal shoots from here from there right into your eyeball right to my eye that's very impressive filled by i was soaked i literally there was like three other drops around the seat and that was it [Music] is that [Music] so uh we all got some sleep obviously you can tell by our faces it wasn't a lot of sleep jax looks refreshed i'm pretty fresh but i'm conditioned to this this is like this is life on the road for you this is just another day in the life for us i'm i'm used to like a nice solid 9-10 hours of sleep so here we go uh three hours out from cerro gordo so get on the road see what happens so pull the toter home in i'll pile all the guys in you jump in your cab over and we get what little sleep we can i think there's what three four hours yeah um and then we're on the road again 7 a.m me [Music] so cerebral from from tonopah should have only been roughly a three hour trip somehow someway um my gps on my phone switched over from google maps to apple maps i don't know if you guys ever have this issue but for some reason apple maps was like no you guys should go this way and i didn't pay attention and then realize it had changed the route on us until it was way too late so instead of going over into california then down like nice you know truck interstate like nice roads it took us into death valley national park oh boy well we ended up taking the scenic route and uh was not intentional the old apple maps trick got me i wasn't paying attention to the gps missed one turn and by the time we realized what route it was taking us on it was way too long uh to go back the other way so we're currently in the middle of death valley and uh death valley is exactly what you think it is it's hot it's got to be 110 115 degrees right now um trucks are surprisingly still running pretty cool but that's because we've been going downhill once we start making climb we'll see how they do um currently we're at negative 60 feet in elevation that's 60 feet below sea level we still have a ways to drop we're about to go through the lowest point in the continental us i think it's a couple hundred feet below sea level but guys this place is nuts giving you a chance to come through death valley check it out like i can barely breathe this air is so hot um one issue is that trucks aren't necessarily allowed in here unless they're local trucks which technically we're kind of considered local because we're going to a local spot ghost town is just up on that hill there but man we definitely took the creative route and by the time we realized that we were entering death valley national park it would have been probably a three hour detour to go back the right way but the kicker is as we're starting to enter this road into the desert wasteland we're seeing signs that say don't go in there semi-truck's not allowed trucks prohibited and saw my jacks what do you want to do and he's like well sometimes those are just suggestions and i'm like alright well let's go for it [Music] [Music] so i'm right behind jax right here and uh we're driving about 15 to 18 miles per hour and he's got the window no he's got the door open his cab over right now my best guess is that the truck is running on the hot side and that he can't afford to go any faster otherwise she's going to start overheating but you can see he's got the driver's door open right now so i'm guessing that he and dave are getting a little toasty inside that cab over see back back in the old days this was normal business for the old timers for the old crazy boys pulling these big hills in the desert huh you shut your ac off yeah the doors open shirts off pants off windows down just rolling another day on the job that's how you climb out of death valley when you're trying to keep your truck from getting too hot [Music] [Music] holy going into death valley i had i had no i mean it was gonna be hot obviously yeah but what i don't quote my numbers they're probably a little skewed but i think it was it was 13 miles at uh eight percent up same going down into the valley the crazy thing about death valley is once you start going into death valley it actually feels like you're going into death valley it's just this straight road that drops from like six thousand feet elevation down to negative to below sea level and it's just this long steady grade and it's guys it's a national park it's like it's it's designed for like subarus and toyotas not giant semi-trucks and as you as we're descending into uh the the heart of the beast it's just getting hotter and you just feel it coming yeah literally like it got to the point where i think when we stopped at the bottom we were like negative 70 feet below sea level um i think it was like 115 120 degrees down there we stopped and these guys are nowhere in sight here we're in the kenworth now in our defense you've you've turned out to be a real good co-pilot thanks you guys but here's the thing technology has come a long ways since 1989 versus the kenworth beastmaster and so i mean everything my drive shafts are like the size of my arm his drive shafts are like the size of his arms that's the difference i mean the cooling systems there's just this whole world of difference so me and me and diesel dave are like we're like in fourth fifth gear you know seven eight miles an hour but hey that that old caterpillar never got a breath over 210 not the whole time there was a moment where we shut the ac off and we opened both of our doors and we kind of hung our feet out that was just a look suite listen driving that load through death valley is the hardest i've pushed any vehicle ever like i've never i've never tested any vehicle or machines limits as hard as i did that because we're 80 000 pounds straight up this long grade it's 100 10 115 degrees outside and just hammered down and he was hammered down my truck my truck did probably 60 25 miles an hour the whole way roughly all those steep grades you guys were about half that yeah um but luckily neither one of the trucks overheated because this is the deal if the truck overheats in death valley you know we're gone like it's going to be a multi-day affair trying to get that thing out seeing that that was the thing i mean we teased about going slow and stuff right but i've got i've got the army trucks on if we break down right you got to go unload your stuff come all the way back grab my trailer mm-hmm and we're already on i gotta figure out what to do with my truck yeah you got one shot to do this right yep that's it that's a one message the trip through death valley on gps said it was only gonna take an hour and a half ended up taking probably close to four hours there was a couple points there where i almost jumped out and did a lap around the truck and jumped you couldn't i was like hey can you go check my tires real quick it was brutal driving through death valley was a huge mistake but it was it was an experience uh looks like we're gonna roll into the base of cerro gordo um the bottom of the hill about noon and i have got people there that are meeting us there because they're planning on being here so here's here's something that's like just super cool guys um a little while ago a few weeks ago i got an email from a guy named harmon he runs a big trucking company here in california yuba city uh h s heavy haul and he said hey you ever got any loads in california hit me up let me know i'd just love to help you guys out and we'll just come haul with you guys for free so i was like okay cool so this trip came together and i sent him a text i was like hey man we're doing this trip i need to move some equipment and he's like i got you covered so i'm like all right uh can you move this tractor from this location in that location he's like i got one better i will bring you a loader and a trackhoe like big big machines don't worry about it i'll cover it i'll handle it i'll have them delivered to the base of the hill uh 7 a.m on tuesday i was like oh man this guy's awesome sure enough they're here we roll in obviously super late harmon his whole crew are here literally waiting for us um ready to unload and get these machines uh these are gonna be the first piece of equipment that we take up the canyon obviously because we're gonna use them to kind of support all the other vehicles so big cat 329 and a cat 950 loader um and they obviously can't take their trucks up the canyon very far so they did want to take them up a little bit of the way so i think they trucked them up roughly three miles until the first big shark turn and that's where we unloaded the machines and then uh from there i put hunter in the track hoe and he's gotta walk another five six miles up the canyon in the track co be a long walk probably three hours um and then we'll leave the loader on the side of the road uh and then we go back down to the staging area these guys roll in and we start figuring out like at this point it's just a logistical explosion we have parts pieces dudes trucks just going every which way because we're trying to figure out how to get unloaded and get everything situated so we can get it up to the top of the hill and on top of that we're trying to figure out how to load water in our containers to get it up the top of the hill with us as well so um that day down in the like this this afternoon down in the uh down in the parking lot at keeler was probably one of the longest hottest hardest days of my life man i won't lie to you this is one of the most logistically challenging things i've ever done in my entire life being hundreds of miles away from my shop my home all my equipment my tools and only having what we remember to bring oh man no problems yet but i'm telling you it's just like you forget one little thing and it's like town is 50 miles that way it's a trip to get in there and out so it's like when you start unloading get everything ready you hope you have everything you need so right now we're just gonna get everything unloaded and uh unloaded and staged get ready to uh start moving stuff up the hill uh this afternoon and tomorrow morning but uh say 110 degrees out here we only got like two hours of sleep last night it's been a long day it's only like 2 p.m right now so it's gonna be a long long tuesday so unloading down and keeler uh we get the mixer truck off the trailer we get the five tons uh we did the the slips there's no loading ramp here um no loading dock and obviously that's how you don't have ramps for trucks that big for the back of the trailer so jax says to me he's like hey i'm thinking maybe we'll use uh the lowboy to unload the five tons his trailer to the low boy back to back and it just made this perfect little step down ramp unload the five tons easier than if we would have had ramps yeah they'd be just as easy as a loading ramp if not or loading dock if not easier um and so now we're figuring out which trucks need to go up the canyon tonight um and what's going to stay down here at the parking lot so we figured out that all the water totes we brought i think five or six of them we're gonna fill those on the bed of one five ton right there because there's a big two inch water line and there's no water up at cerro border remember we got a truck with all involved with us so we fill up all those totes roughly 1500 gallons on one five ton and then we fill up the mixer truck so guys real quick i'm going to kind of explain to you how the cement truck went down um this uh kilgore construction a company out of utah um let us know that they had a truck we could buy from them but it had a cracked frame and so they weren't using it anymore so in order to be able to use it we have to fix the frame went down took a look at it sure enough frame is very cracked all the way through but i don't think it's beyond repair so bought it bring it back to the shop had more gz start working on it and uh what we ended up doing was double or triple bracing the frame so we fixed the crack and then we put plates over just like kept on stacking plates on there that frame is stronger than it's ever been and it's not going anywhere so we fixed that did a full tune up on it oil change fluids all that kind of stuff we also threw an exhaust break on it um the back brake uh because we know that truck's gonna be going up and down the hill and we need as much engine braking as possible so other than that trucks pretty much dialed ready to go and we're gonna go for some concrete with it after like moving all these vehicles and equipment around we're finally ready to convoy up the canyon and it looks like this i'm in the lead with the mixer truck dave is behind me in a five ton with all the water um jax is in my 550 and then we got um alec and davis those guys on the polaris uh machines and then hands in my motorhome my brand new motorhome getting ready to go up this gnarly road that's probably the biggest risk that we've taken throughout all this is driving that off this canyon because one thing you don't realize about motorhomes like that is they have a lot of tail swing so when you turn since the rear axle is so far forward this section of the rv the back part as you turn just swings everywhere sharp turns a lot of tail swing and cliff edges lead to some nerve wracking moments which the mvp was the mvp was hands so uh the good news is we make it to the top no issues the one five ton got a little bit hot you cold you pulled over just let it cool down but he was too quiet quick i mean it was like this big 550 was tight in a few spots you're like yeah yeah i think you guys are up in tires on your side he's got what uh 200 250 000 rig he's driving up here geez yeah how hot did this get 230 yeah right at the end it was sitting right about 215 and it jumped up right here on this turn does the fan run on it all the time does it does have a heater in it does it have a heater yeah i don't want to know oh turn the heater on coming up the hill uh i you know what i think i don't know if they have heaters it'll really help um cement truck made it perfectly no issues no overheating um everything else made it up no problem so that this is a huge win like a huge win for us because um a broken down vehicle on this canyon road is is a full day of the week yeah because it shuts behind that's a one lane yeah all right guys there you have it we got our trucks and equipment to the top of sierra bordeaux um after a long long full day two days three days a month of trucking um and now that everything's all situated once the concrete starts arriving we'll be able to start shuttling stuff up and down the canyon and getting ready to pour these foundation footings so uh there you have it guys uh we're not gonna do that in this video obviously we're gonna save that for part three once we start logistically moving stuff around so guys hope you enjoyed this was a wild ride for all of us um also i want you to drop in the comments below if you think jackson dave would be a cute couple or you don't think they were like how long would they work out six months twelve months a lifetime i'm gonna work to put in the comments below let me know what you think that's why i have you and i've been together so long because i'm so good at keeping a relationship together he is so selfless he is the concrete that holds our relationship [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: HeavyDSparks
Views: 1,010,976
Rating: 4.9577403 out of 5
Keywords: Trucks, Tractors, Heavy equipment, Ghost town, Cerro Gordo, Brent Underwood, Ghosttown, Ghosttown living, Exploring, Mining, Abandoned, Desert, California, Gold, Silver, Wild West, Heavy d Sparks, Heavy d, Heavydsparks, Diesel brothers, Logan Paul, Jake Paul, Tiktok, Whistlindiesel, heli, heavy d, diesel, diesel dave, dave sparks, zion, diesel trucks, giveaway, ASMR, vlogger, Heavy D Sparks, Rzr, Atv, Offroad, Fun, Diesel, silver, gold, 6x6, cleetusmcfarland, tractor, caterpillar, heavy equipment
Id: yVoCQRHrwrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 55sec (2095 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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