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hi my name's colin i used to be a chief engineer on super yachts but gave it all up to buy a hurricane damage lagoon 450. my friends and i are fixing it up as we go and are determined to circumnavigate the entire planet so subscribe if you want some inspiration to live life to the fullest 20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the things you did so what are you waiting for morning guys so we've done something a little bit crazy we um had a couple of hurricane damage boats offered to us for an extremely low price we just drove nine hours and now we're here on the outskirts of pensacola and we're gonna check them out so we've never seen these boats before we bought them completely off photos so these were damaged by hurricane sally which came right through here and so and so now there's a stack of these hurricane damage roads right right in this yard we're gonna figure out how we can get in um but we've bought the boats we got the bill of sales they're ours we just got to find out how to get into the shipyard i found the 69 footer so just coming up to now a lot of damage on the transom but uh yeah about what we expected so this is what obviously sunk the boat has taken a big impact there they've uh just put some plywood with some expanding foam in there just to get it floating but um whoever buys this thing's gonna have to just cut all of this off and start again um big job there's no doubt about it definitely a lot of work but that's why it's gonna go cheap good thing about it is that it's foam core and all the boats that i've been dealing with are balsa core so this is an excellent part about this boat once you've once you've done a bit of glass work before this doesn't really scare you anymore so jeff just pointed out something interesting about how this part here broke um what are you saying so you can see where it's been cleaned there that's where the strap was when they craned it so because it was laying on the side as they craned it all the weight went on there which isn't structural so that just broke off you can tell because this is a clean break it's not like the damage that's spent three weeks underwater you can see it's just happened as the boat was salvaged so a lot of that damage was done during the salvage so jeff's done quite a few of these salvage boats um and it's quite interesting to see um that often a lot of the damage is done when they salvage it obviously not this boat was totally wrecked before that but some boats you'll find that it if they salvage correctly they you can reduce the amount of work that needs to be done but if the salvage goes wrong you put a strap through the hull or something you can end up doing tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of salvage repair so it's really really quite a technical thing to salvage these things properly and this is just another little example of what can go wrong if you don't put that strap in the right place all right guys here we are in the salon no doubt about it this has to be completely gutted everything all you get all these couches out but then you start with a fresh slate and make it exactly how you want there's a lot of potential here it's such a big boat okay these these engines here are going to be very intriguing they're the caterpillar c18s straight six um we took the we took the um oil fill cap off and we took the oil fill cap off and oil came out the top of the engine so this engine is completely full of salt water and the oil sitting on the top so there's potential for this thing to be able to turn over but let's be honest everything else in the engine room is pretty much destroyed you wouldn't even bother with the generators there's air conditioning and stuff this boat's not worth trying to get back to how it was this boat's just more of a a project boat for someone who just wants a huge boat um just to motor around and maybe entertain friends and family but um it'd be silly to think that this boat's going to be like like it was ever again yeah a lot of a lot of damage up here on the um on the brow of the boat a lot of work so here we're inside the bridge pretty large space again um all of this has been underwater guys so it's there's no point trying to save any of this stuff you just make it completely custom ah score look at that okay here we are up on the fly bridge really nice space what always happens after these storms and the same thing happened on parlay is people come and they loot things they steal stuff so there's a bunch of things missing but yeah you have a nice little party area up here this boat's got potential it's definitely it's definitely worth salvaging for someone okay we're coming down from the bridge into the guest area absolute mess obviously batteries are fried huge cabin here um just a total mess there's another twin cabin in here with uh its own head so that's two heads two cabins so far in another cabin up here this is what i'd sort of call a vip cabin or something like that for a nice big v-berth ah it has its own ensuite as well i've just found so that's three cabins and three ensuites a little laundry here those should run still so that's good so there you go guys there's our symbol 68 foot boat that we just bought um definitely a huge project for someone there's no doubt about it it'd be just such a shame for this boat to go to the scrapyard you know there's so much potential in it and just get it floating again to do all the transom repairs and do all the hull repairs and fix up anywhere where water could get in could be looking at 50 grand 60 grand and then you can splash it but we just don't have the time for it to do anything with it ourselves we got too many of our own projects so we're going to give this to someone else morning everyone okay so today we've got some exciting stuff going on we've got nathan he's got a company called maintenance pro and what are we trying to do today we're trying to save two uh cat c18 assert marine engines the boat was underwater for about a month now the boat's out of the water it's time to jump on it and try to save as much as we can the accessories like the starter alternator those are going to be most likely shot there's still tons of water in the block and i believe all the oil is has come to the top of the bottom of the pistons so hopefully saving our wrist pins and and bottom the liners and stuff like that as long as there's water in it it doesn't have that chance to oxidize we probably have a pretty good chance of saving yeah so we might at least get it spinning over yeah that's right i feel pretty confident we can save them um so the way jeff and i are thinking about it just to throw a little bit of money at it at this early stage see what we got if these things are seized right now we're going to stop but if we can get them moving get them turning we're going to pull the injectors out we'll take you guys through the whole thing um but yeah let's get it done let's do it [Music] what nathan's doing right now is just blowing off all the debris because we're going to be thinking make sure nothing goes into the engine one hour later nathan how many um submerged motors have you done before oh i have no idea it's better it's better for you been a few yeah and how do they normally last after you get them going and people use it yeah like as it's not like debris is getting in there scarring up all kinds of your internals it's just water yeah it's not rusting and wreaking havoc and that way this motor will be fine right so there's not really that much damage that is done when it's submerged no if it's if it's done properly saving it there won't be any damage nothing good comes from it right as long as nothing's rusting in there you're gonna be okay a lot of people think you're gonna find a lot of rust under here i mean water and metal rust but the air is the other element that you need here and it didn't it wasn't allowed to have that that looks pretty incredible doesn't it not a drop of rust on that and if there was going to be rust it would be up here where air actually could enter yeah the bottom is flooded there's no way for air to be in there yeah so as long as we're good up here we got a really really good chance of saving this motor oh zip tie okay so here's your rocker arm assembly hands right here on top it's running your valves and this center one is running the other vector so obviously what we're doing here is we're just taking the rocker arm assembly off so we can get to the injector this is the injector here and this is the the pump the plunger for the injector so we have to get this rocker assembly off like this in order to get to the injector which is this guy here you can hear fuel flood down in the cylinder because fuel would come in to the injectors here and then the cam pushes down and that's what gets your fuel to atomize yeah they're definitely a little bit dirty all right so what's next nathan yeah so we got all the injectors out of here we're not going to spin it with the starter but if we were you'd have to be careful of hydro locking this motor you take all your injectors up make sure you get all the water out now we're just going to be spinning over my hand or hopefully spinning it by hand what are you expecting is oil and water and there could be oil up there but mostly it's going to be water and diesel from us just getting it in there from taking injectors out and if this motor has good compression will probably hit the ceiling okay so what are we doing here so we're just uh pulled the dipsticks because the engine's filled with once the water comes in the oil rises and the water all settles at the bottom so the dipsticks is letting the water come out from the bottom of the engine the oil is going to settle back down because we don't want to turn the engines while there's water in there because that'll pump the water through the oil pump and through all the journals throughout the engine yeah these engines are so big and got such a big oil capacity it was going to take us forever to to pump it out with the vacuum so they've got a oil change system on them so we just took the pipe off that opened the valve and now the water's gushing out real quick so that'll save us a bit of time yeah all right so nathan's down in the hole there um what he's done is he's just cut the alternator belt straight off because he knows alternators more than likely seized up so he's cut that belt now he's just he's about to leave her on the end of the crankshaft there and we'll see if this thing moves [Music] a lot of water all right so this is the starboard engine he's just done the same thing he's cut the alternator belt off and he's about to turn it over hopefully she spins i can't see any reason why it wouldn't [Music] oh all over the tools all over me that's been a pretty freely huh yeah all right guys we just put the um rocker assembly cover back on and um we're going to fill this thing completely with diesel nathan's giving us this little nozzle here she's starting to pull up now she'll be swimming soon we're going to fill it right up to the top cover all the all the valves and the cam shaft get everything soaking right now nathan's having a look at the computers or the ecms sometimes they're so well sealed that they could be dry inside and that's a big gain change if we ever wants to buy this nathan's has taken off the ecm right here i'm just going to separate it and see what it looks like inside but hopefully if this is a really good seal this is a vertical piece of equipment right here it's glue it's glued shut so i've got to break the steel here look at that guys got a drop of water in there man all right guys we me and nathan just went ahead and we took all four turbos off and then our soaking and diesel as well so we got the turbos we got the injectors we got the rocker assemblies all of them just soaking in diesel until um we figure out our next move um the engines are full of diesel how do you think these engines are going to go yeah i think they're going to hold very well the top end looked great loads of compressions send oil to the ceiling and i think these motors are going to be in really really good shape so what's it going to take to get these running well you'd want to go through the complete wiring harness take all the plugs apart spray some corrosion x in there and a little bit of dielectric grease plug them all back up go through the whole system just taking your time with the electrical because that electrical can add up fast money-wise and and then you start powering up so simple things until you get to where you're okay it's ready to go one more time and in your opinion how much do you think these engines are worth as they are right now but where they're sitting i mean if you can look past the the dirt and everything debris still surrounding them ah man they're at least 90 000 a piece right so there's a lot of value in these engines even though it's been sunk that's right oh yeah oh yeah all right nathan thanks a lot man we're sure learned a couple of tricks up here today i really appreciate everything you've done and uh we'll keep in touch for sure but wait there's more we actually bought this one next to me here as well so this is a sea ray 560 2001 um so a little bit smaller engines than the other one but it was also completely underwater so again a lot of work let's have a look around so this is a much smaller boat than the other one but it's um got a lot less fiberglass damage so it wouldn't take too much to get this one floating there's a couple of things here and there um a couple little things definitely still needs a lot of work to get it floating but a lot less than the other one so just climbed up into the cockpit here got the salon there in the galley she is a total mess guys let's make no mistake about it it's completely underwater pretty much want to cut this to start again and make it your own custom home or boat or whatever someone wants to turn this into so obviously this carpet's going to come out all this furnace has got to get replaced but it's spacious 56 foot yacht so we've got two fairly large cabins here and a smaller sort of crew cabin or or maybe a kid's cabin there it's right in next to the laundry but um same deal as the other one everything's just got to be completely removed here we go here's the fly bridge brand new no this is totaled guys this is nothing worth saving here you'd have to start again and uh rebuild this all with whatever you wanted here customize it we're not gonna hide anything but you can't there's nothing too high these boats are constructive total losses for the price that we're going to give them away for someone's going to buy them there's a lot of things to to consider for someone to to buy these boats and um yeah we're not trying to make a lot of money we just thought it was a fun project and an opportunity that we couldn't refuse by the time this comes out on youtube these will be in the hands of someone else and maybe we can do a follow-up episode but um that's all for today see you next week [Music] so one of the perks of buying hurricane boats is you get to score a lot of nice nice equipment that you find in the villages here jeff's got a brand new pair of sandals there good to go they gotta be worth at least 2.50 so that's a score that's got to be added to the value of the boat
Channel: Sailing Parlay Revival
Views: 1,261,093
Rating: 4.9031801 out of 5
Keywords: hurricane damaged boat, salvage boat, buying a boat, living on a boat, boats for sale, boat broker, salvaging boats, salvage catamaran, hurricane damaged catamaran, sail, sailing, sailing around the world, ocean crossing, sailing ran, sailing into freedom, sailing la vagabonde, sailing Delos, sailing project Atticus, boat repairs, fixing fiberglass, fiberglass repair, superyacht, megayacht, sailing zatara, gone with the wynns, sailing nandji, sailing nahoa, sailing old dog
Id: lncbvEuCVOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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