MISSING '75 Ford Thunderbird... FOUND 40-YEARS LATER!

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oh dude we got a car look wheels and axle poking out right there man let me go check that out brother i didn't pick it up we drove over 3000 miles from the east coast the west coast of pennsylvania for one single pond that has 10 to 15 cars in it this episode would not be possible without our friends over there audible they've seen us clean up the environment pull cars out of the environment they've seen us do body recovers they've seen us solve cold cold cases and they want to be a part of it by helping us fund our next 38 day trip thank you a portion of it anyway yeah we're going to talk more about audible later on in this episode sit back stay tuned because this is five cars 10 cars 15 cars all in one pond yeah i'm excited about this one [Music] we got brock this morning we are at a new this is brock by the way uh we'll introduce you more to him we got dan dan the cameraman we got sam hanging out with us as well sam we are at a brand new location in pennsylvania like we are over 3000 miles away from our home yeah because we have a i'm going to say semi rumor truth we've been told that there are 10 to 15 cars here in right here this location in this location right here we're here uh-huh and part of it uh sam there's supposed to be a firebird and guess what a barracuda barracuda but the rumor on the firebird is that is that it was like drove out onto the ice and it broke through and sunk which means it's not going to be a dumping ground here it means that that firebird oh will be immaculate it well one and it could be anywhere on the lake yeah that's gonna be in really good shape then so a little bit of scanning this morning uh-huh that's our first mission and identify how many cars are really in here are there cars in here i mean that's the first thing we don't know what's in the vehicles we could be dealing with homicides today we could be dealing with that today yep uh stolen or insurance fraud yep those are the reasons why cars are going to be out here main four and a car can actually float for up to 10 minutes so if they went to here you know it's only gonna go out about 70 feet at max but if it was on the ice because we're in pennsylvania your lakes freeze up here so yeah i'm excited sam i'm so excited let's do it let's do the thing uh-huh you know it's only a foot and a half deep right here i hope we haven't been lied to like do we drive 3000 miles across the u.s just to sign autographs i'll show you what i'm looking at over here so right now what we're doing is we're doing some side scan on this bottom one and it's shooting off 12 feet to the left and 12 feet to the right but it's only one and a half feet deep right here like we're going to bottom out in just a moment and so the black part is the water column underneath the boat and then 12 feet left over to the right this is the down imaging but because we're so shallow there's nothing to even look at here i'm thinking over there it's probably deeper yeah there's like a hole up there wait we're getting deeper 1.6 feet now 1.6 i don't know maybe i should just get out maybe let's just get out and walk just walk it yeah go ahead hey there's a rumor of a firebird out here do you know anything about a firebird car being underwater here yeah drove out on the ice once upon a time and uh sunk is what i've been told [Music] we were also told that there were 10 to 15 cars out here really i'd say there are a couple motorcycles too motor like but it's but everything's like shallow over there only a foot in half like is there a spot where it's deeper and that's where they would dump them i don't know i mean check it out and the one across the street is a lot deeper i think okay we'll check that out too thanks man i appreciate it hey uh are you local rumor of a firebird being sunk out here drove on the ice and only car i know is there's something right here oh there's a car over here let's check that out about wherever you guys are right now how deep are we showing two three right here yeah no car yet oh dude we got a car look wheels and axle poking out right there man let me go check that out brother i didn't pick it up where just right there right along the edge what are you talking about are you messing with me i think i think that was a jeep what color do you think i think it's pink i think it's a little pink i think it's blue cadillac or corvette [Music] oh he's not even a whole car the whole car is a wagon no it is part of a car part of a car yo is that the leech right guys um i've never seen elites in real life no that's not a leech right there i don't think that's elite i think it's a leech i think that's just a movie movie bug yeah a movie movie bug with the sucky suck right there yeah no that's not that's a leech i've had elite on me before that's not a leech that's what they look like comment down below that's east east coast is that an east coast leech or what is that bug put it on your arm put it on your hand then i'm not yeah no i can put on my hand hold it let me see this camera i'm telling you that's not a leech oh maybe it's leash yeah it's a leech man holy wait i have like that turtle bite put it on your turtle bite yeah i'll see if you can fix the pillow bait it's not a leech see how it curls up because you freaked them out no leashes are like all long and stuff all right i don't know i'm i i think it's a leech i'll tell you what we do have though yeah we've got dinner now that's cargo yes cargo look at that i wonder if we can eat these yeah i'm gonna pass come on now you know there's so much garbage out here like they need to get um like a whole volunteer team because this is all stuff that they can get within the shore yeah and i don't want anybody to be mad that we're not here picking up garbage if we spent our time picking up the garbage we wouldn't be able to focus on the cars that we're actually out here for for the mission that we are so please understand that the bobbers the pop cans you'll see even just over by the rv i'll show you in know later on today i mean there's like two or three bags of garbage just right there unfortunately our specialty is pulling cars out solving crimes so please understand that's where the show is currently at don't be mad at me in fact i don't think there's cards in here like i i still feel like we've been uh duped on this one been bamboozled dude bro there's 10 to 15 cars over here you got to get it's 25 feet deep all right yeah yeah right that way oh oh oh we might have a car hold on wait let's circle a bucket on that one i'll do it for a week uh it's 18 feet long we're seven feet deep right here maybe one of those ones where it's a challenge to get it to float right about no i don't know what that is it's not a car because i see i see i have a tire over here so i can see a clear tire by itself that's not a car if you're going based on width see i mean that's a tire what if these are like fenders well i mean this is what it looks like on down imaging oh the down okay that's only uh it's not very tall no but you also have like you know you also have this right here but i mean that's not showing up as a car like no that's like that that's a mound of yeah something all right one more pass different angle so it's going to be off to our left is where it should be it's not a car no i don't know what it is yeah it's lovely it's not the motors i mean it could be a motorcycle i don't know what is this it's almost worth diving on though almost almost but i'm not really feeling it because if you look at the width it's only like four feet wide so it's not a car motorcycle maybe but no i don't think so either all right let's hit more like that better not be jon cause john's a big fat liar is that john yeah there ain't a single car in here zero cars we're back to one and a half feet yeah it's way too shallow here we're done here yeah dude i started off so excited this morning pumped and now i'm like yeah i'm getting 10 to 15 cars a firebird and a barracuda now you're all dejected yeah now they've gone over there i want to talk to john over here hello hey john 10 to 15 cars i want to hear how this story got started and how you convinced us to drive over 3 000 miles from oregon to pennsylvania on a ghost hunt well it started for me when i worked at a local quarry and a guy that was my supervisor at the time was telling me about stories then he's the one that told me about the firebird that was they were doing donuts out on the water and went through the ice and lost the car in there well they must have gotten that one there because i mean it's it's shallow i mean you could tow that thing out yeah like you can like free dive down on that one yeah i'm not saying it didn't happen but we are saying it's not there now okay and definitely no 10 to 15 other cars no barracuda no i heard that one from the uh township of that many cars in there right that that was this one or there's the one across the way across the way so it could be either they are they do on the other one so okay so so we're not ruling this out yet we're rolling this one out yeah this one's checked check but not the other one so yeah let's go check out the other one and then uh john you know enough about me and a lot of sarcasm a lot of fun the other day oh yeah i'm a little concerned at this point right now i'm still on the edge a little bit with john and the story that he gave us and now we just loaded the boat into his truck i'm kind of concerned we're even going to see him after he's going to be like he's like okay i fooled him and i took their boat all right let's go check it out uh the other quarry right across the way yep last thing we want is big yo i fold them and i took their boat we don't want that don't want to scan the entire thing on this one like it's not going to be like hey people are driving out on ice we're going to leave the ice series out of what which is we're going to do is hit the perimeter then perimeter and not even the primer i mean we just have this little section right here where a car could go in and we'll see if we can spot another section for cars but yeah all right i mean we've had so much foilage over here right of here yeah oh yeah i ran into snapping turtle uh two days ago they're as big as truck tires in here you will lose me all right uh ten bucks jared as big as truck tires i'm not messing with you yeah watch where you poke around hey you're losing the hand today i appreciate that 75 yards up the one huh the one big one the wall there's more than one huh but when i say his head's like this holy crap going to eat the boat sam [Music] and a big shout out today's sponsor is audible where you can listen to podcasts you can listen to audiobooks comedy theatrical productions and really with sam and i being on the road like look at some of these transition shots we're like crossing the country like there's a shot there in the shot there in the shot there we are covering a lot of territory from the east coast west coast down south up north all over the place and without audible like this trip listening to you would just be like unbearable super boring so because of that i could throw the audio books on and i can learn all types of stuff sometimes i listen to rich dad poor dad sometimes i listen to the com i really like the comedy one of my current recommendations right now as i'm traveling across the u.s listening to the comedy club series i'm on like you know i've listed already listened to series one two and three i'm currently on series four so if you're into comedy definitely check them out every month audible members get one free audio book and access to a monthly selection of audible originals and when you do jump over to audible be sure to use our custom url of audible.com forward slash adventures with purpose or text adventures with purpose to 500 500. you have authors you have celebrities that also talk about and they like read these books too so if you're like hey you know what i want like you know someone so celebrity because they just have a soothing voice you can get that on audible so we really thank them for actually putting their money where their mouth is and seeing you know adventure with purpose and helping us get out on this road trip to clean up the environment to solve cold cases and to bring resolution to families with missing loved ones without them and their support a portion of this trip would not have been possible so thank you audible for stepping in and helping us out and do me a favor check out the link in the description below to audible thanks for being here i ramble on long enough let's get back to the show but do be sure to check out the link in the description down below [Music] this is way too shallow here yeah i can see the ground they don't want to fly with nope they're they're not impressed how do you tell them to fly like ha ha fly fly away oh there's oh he's oh no he's he's gonna poop on you do you see that yeah i saw that oh watch it he's gonna come down he will yeah i scared this yeah i see 11 feet here though loving him which is uh definitely surprised me because like right over there see how shallow it gets there you can see the grass quick drop off yeah sam i know that you've been complaining about the mills i've been feeding you lately i have something for lunch for you today today okay i can't even breathe oh look at that what is that oh it's a lot i'm giving you a hot dog for lunch today thanks man i used to eat the food that i would find like not that much like i probably wouldn't eat that that one go ahead nibble it but it still still smells like hot dog five bucks i think i think i'm gonna pass on this one jared i should appreciate the offer i appreciate the five bucks put it back to the marine knife all right well jared's been like offered me like a little like five bucks here and there to eat all kinds of things i don't know what his deal is it's uh it was off to the corner off over there ah so we're gonna go scan that one again like it was i'm gonna say it was clearly a car yeah but it was right on the edge of the screen off on my left so we gotta get closer to shore on that one there it is bingo bingo bingo it's a card truck i can't tell oh we gotta dive on it how deep is it here um it's only like uh five and a half feet i don't know if this is a win for uh john or not but uh we're at least going to give it to him that's right i think it's a truck yeah i think it's a truck no it's a tractor we have a tractor look at it i love it it doesn't that look like a tractor yeah i think yeah yeah i think it's a tractor i think it's a tractor let's go get ourselves a yeah i like it yeah let's do it awesome all right it's still not a car john but uh it it's all right it counts all right well that's it just one item in here today yeah let's uh identify it and then figure out a game plan to get it out of here because we're totally getting it out of here today all right so so john even though we haven't pulled the tractor out yet you've earned the shirt at least oh you're a medium or a large what our size are you a medium we'll get you a medium so although we haven't pulled the tractor out you've at least redeemed yourself a little bit so uh you are now officially part of the team let's get ourselves a tractor thank you you're welcome sam yes sir um so you're a little more suited up than me right now how about you want a magnet yeah yeah man little snake dan's here how are you looking you want a magnet fish a little bit challenge accepted sure i'm sorry what did i say dan oh sorry this is dan behind the camera dan john john dan yes dan's with us that's right john's with us just yes you want a magnet fish for a tractor yeah latches onto the tractor so we have a direct line to it all right all right first cast all right second try second take two [Applause] third try [Applause] oh yeah that's it you got it cool sweet good job third time's the charm yeah good job so why did we just throw that magnet in sam i just thought we have a nice marker that way we could follow the line just straight out i'm just a little less you know filling around third time's a charm that one didn't take long you might be warm enough today sam you may not even need it we're only going down five feet probably no hood you have a hood on like you're getting really cold ah it's all about the leeches after after seeing after seeing you earlier man in fact so my other gloves have a hole in it these are actually my hot gloves but i'm going hot today because after seeing jared hold a leech that he didn't know was a leech okay fine i'm gonna put my hood on down too because i don't want that leaves going in my ears right behind your ear right there like that see that just i'm on board with your theory now today what it is we're gonna go touch it fill it see how it's sitting get an idea um look for uh lifting points on it yeah you know because the water is so shallow this is not gonna be one where we can just attach to the top of it you know so we're gonna have to be like so it's probably gonna be some strapping underneath like how can we get some strapping underneath attach the bags together that way we can get a nice high lift on it you want me to dive dive it's only like four and a half feet yeah but we gotta go underwater and see where we're gonna hook it up you and by you you are not coming down because if you go over the top of it just like that you have no buoyancy control you're gonna be kicking and flailing still everywhere all right you're now ground support you did this to yourself all right now here's the thing some people think i like i got a comment the other day said jared you are too mean sometimes oh that's all please understand this is always fun it's all sarcasm this is people hanging out harassing each other yeah all it is for brotherly love yes so when i blame sam the other day for the tire get in a flat i'm not really blaming sam i take personal responsibility that that tire was 20 years old yeah not your fault yeah dan's not even 20 years old here think about that the tires that blew down older than you older than you what are you doing in the water you guys are late are you standing on it standing on it right now you better not be kicking up any still no no still i'm on top of this thing actually right now here i'm going to slide down the glass there's the glass don't kick up any silt no silt should i walk to the side here is the the door frame i can feel that the window is either down or broken yeah then you come back here and there's a drop off i'm thinking our tractor is actually a truck yeah this window this window's down too so both windows are down well then i'm going to say no no when the windows are down they're trying to sink it yeah they're not trying to but check it anyway all right so here's the window we're gonna reach in right now all right nothing in the passenger side [Music] let's see how far in this tilt it is blue car big headlights on it it's actually not in the field as far as i thought making my way to the passenger door all right the door is open all right i have my hand on the steering wheel all right at this moment in time reaching all the way across i don't feel any remains so that's good news i'm going to stick my hands a little bit further just make sure is there a back seat on this one this might be a car hold up i'm just really old and crumbly i mean we do any pulling we're going to tear this thing apart what i'm trying to identify now is where can we actually attach to completely blackout conditions that we're going to be working in i don't think it's a truck i don't think it's a car i'm confused i just push on the side of the metal and it just goes right in so this car's been down here for 30 or 40 years easy the bumper is coming off too the bumper just fell off this thing is way too rusted and gone come up in pieces we're not going to succeed on this one right here on the metal on the hood and it's disintegrating well here's what i have so far okay can anybody identify based upon the front of this car what kind of car is that steve circle headlights bring it up it's old it's good oh wow steve is excited look look how excited he is it's it's metal it's not plastic and you have circle headlights and look at the the noses coming off each end take that grass off the left side please yeah you see there's turbo bring that up that's probably something special all right i'm gonna take that up super super breaky so make sure you guys yeah it's fiberglass you got that in wait is this the firebird that john was hoping maybe i would be cause this is the original blue painting i can see it well that's what that led me to think oh that's the blue color it was i like you guys so part of the mission dan is to you know find the cars pull them around the environment if we can however sometimes as i mentioned sometimes they're just too far gone like i could just put my finger on the hood and pretty much any piece of the metal there it would just crumble based upon the distance we have to get around and it's just going to be a waste of our resources when we can be getting in on other cars on this 2020 trip that we have going on across the us seeing if we can locate you know lost loved ones and that's what we did here today that's really what this one turned into was identifying a car identifying if there was any you know a lost loved one inside i did a thorough search inside both sides the windows were down and normally when the windows are down on the vehicle there's a really good chance that nobody's inside so immediately right away i wasn't too concerned about it but i did thoroughly search inside as well as a little part of the back seat nobody was inside so that's the good news that's where we're going to actually jump over let's go see what steve has going on see if you guys were able to identify it and wrap this thing up you want to type it in anywhere you know how cool this will be on the wall of man a man cave in the basement well i mean you want it i love it yeah yeah i love you guys yeah it is so far gone that the moment i touch it it's falling apart like think about it i mean i was able to rip that off with my bare hands i'm saying it's been down there since 70s oh for sure oh yeah there's no real attachment points that we're going to get this thing out of here like i know cars i know pulling them out i know what we've destroyed like that uh that suicide door let's get their snails back we had the thunderbird and you cleared the cab clear the cab 100 both sides there is no body inside of it 100 i can say confidently confident okay well that's good and so with that the important part i think that really that's kind of where it's going to leave us is uh hold that up that's that's your little trophy there steve you like it uh-huh we could be there all day with steve but instead we just want to give one last shout out to audible thank you for stepping in helping to support this episode they're actually coming up on one more episode with us as well later on throughout our trip in two or three weeks so be sure to check them out in the link description below because again we would not be able to do all of this without our incredible sponsors audible v1 being one of them so let's jump to the outro right so leave a comment down below what do you guys think it is and uh really sam on that note i say that uh that wraps up another episode of adventures with purpose where uh you never know what it is we're gonna get i apologize that we're not pulling the entire car out for you steve i like i said we pulled many cars this is not the one that we're gonna be able to pull out today yeah just crumble yeah on that note we'll see you next time later later bye [Music]
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 340,591
Rating: 4.9066367 out of 5
Keywords: 1975 thunderbird, 1975 ford thunderbird, mustang, found thunderbird, ford thunderbird, found ford thunderbird, insurance fraud, car insurance, car insurance fraud, investigations, true crime, found car, found car underwater, found truck in river, found truck, found truck underwater, stolen cars, stolen cars found, scuba diving, full face mask, found car in river, fraud, stolen, crime scene, crime scene investigation, drysuit, drysuit diving, mrleisek, adventures with purpose
Id: D8m-xoEpc6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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