Recovering 15k Pound Snowcat 75' Underwater in High Mtn Lake

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diving a snowcat wreck I am confirming I am on the snocat There it is! Ya! this just became real this is not the snowcat that we're pulling out but I have to bring you up to speed as to how we actually came to we're gonna be at a lake that is ten thousand three hundred feet in elevation we've got like ten divers that all came in they're all volunteers so what I what I want to do is I want to introduce you to Mike here the lodge owner for where we are staying we have to give a big shout out to Grand Mesa lodge Mike thank you for hooking us up with cabins for everybody here if we kind of want to know like the backstory of this I mean we have a snowcat 65 to 80 feet deep but you know we won't know until later today how deep the snowcat is this one is similar to it we want to know like how did the snowcat end up in your lake well snowcat went out on the ice in early February and went through the ice in my mind no snowcat should ever go through the ice like why would a snowcat punch through the ice? well there's a lot of reasons obviously you could get a pocket a soft spot or a thin spot in my estimation from what I saw when I went out on the lake you know that that next day I think the sno-cat somehow spun its tracks and actually dug down through the ice to a point where it was thin enough that it went through at that point the downside there's a downside to all this yes we're getting a snowcat but we are here for a couple of reasons one is the unfortunate side of this is two gentlemen Ryan and Rick. Ricky locals they've been local boys forever right? tight in the community and what's unfortunate about this is that both of them ended up passing away everybody here drove here from Oregon Colorado other parts across the u.s. to be here volunteers to help bring I'm gonna say resolution and closure for the community to have this out but also no financial burden to the family as well as you know like hey does the forest so who's who's responsible for this is that the family is that the Forest Service is that you know their state department are we all Forest Service that's our forest we're gonna show you around this snowcat the reason why we're taking a look at this one is so that way we have a good idea of what our lift points are gonna be 15 thousand pounds is what we're dealing with so this is not a normal car that we normally pull out you know between four thousand six thousand pounds we're gonna be dealing with ten to twelve maybe fourteen lift bags to pull this up and off the bottom we're gonna be a multi multi stage dives we have so much going into it the next two days so sit back enjoy the video leave your comments down below we'll do what we can to answer them and appreciate you being here today what are you seeing here you know first thing hopefully it doesn't have a plow and Mike's saying he doesn't remember it having that but he's not 100 percent certain that if we can get back to that get back in here oh I like that frame alot better well but then but then now here's our problem our problem is if we're coming from the frame and we're bringing the lifting step right here we're gonna end up crushing the cab so we can't come to the front with any of it yeah you're right the cab sticks over a track that's not this is gonna Bend this is go to move this is gonna flex now back here you could do to the frame but I don't think the chain or whatever's gonna damage that much and if even if it does that's not a hard repair right there but you got all these places with that in between the track too tight okay so the first thing I so the first thing I really like is this back axle here I love the back axle you know that's not going anywhere even if we had to pick this thing up on its nose and we lift the entire thing on it is you know by the tail and so it's straight up and down I have no problem with that what one thing we don't want to do is we don't want to run our rope around that axle we want to run a chain around it and then bring the chain out I brought a couple of the long tubular bags so you probably lay one out here uh-huh there's a whole bunch of different attachments points if you find a bunch of different attachments points down below and then that could help balance it out as we raise. my biggest concern with this is if we do any attachment to the track and the track breaks free we're shooting lift bags to the surface yeah with the track in my in my opinion we need to be on that frame what about what about the main bags on the support points maybe lighter bags on the track I could go with the bag each maybe. I think part of it is gonna be when we go down this afternoon to inspect it yeah we'll see we'll be able to tell you know what we're dealing with because we've this may not even be an option this could already be deteriorated or broken yeah yeah I mean it's nice to talk about all the options but once we go down we can at least we're familiarizing ourself with so we could actually go run some chain around these this frame then feed it through here you know feed it through here and run it yeah but you and your laying without a tank though I mean think about your you're gonna have a tank on your back uh-huh that just that changes things yeah slide your little side mount X do a little side mount action I'm comfortable aside I'm comfortable with side mount. now but but even at that we don't want to go anything by the cab like we have to stay behind the cab on this certainly I think we need to dive it and see how it's sitting I mean at least now we walked around we familiarize ourselves you see where the frame is you see a couple of attachment points you know we just you just need to get down there and look at it so for the next couple of days we have like her own little private boat launch we got Mike the lodge owner he has some GPS coordinates he kind of said that were I'm actually heading the wrong direction but he said kind of towards that this is my father John by the way I may have seen him in our previous videos up in Portland anyway where we're going dad is see that red boat right there in front of us on the other shoreline like dead straight we want to kind of go to the left right now like right now have us lined up with it and about the center of the lake is where we're heading to thank you to all the members who have actually helped us purchase this new sonar also today's new episode sponsor we have Scout Inflatables as well as Bixby I'll show you a lot more about the boat anyway but the boat we're just getting started they've sent so many accessories with it because they saw us on the Marty the missing bridesmaid and they saw the small Slough that we needed to get into so they they sent us a boat it like look at this you know all right in addition to that Bigsby has been a sponsor of ours in the past and they also sent us like this little motor battery packs and we'll talk more about them because we are like really got some wireless remote control as well sorry our main objective right now though is we're actually heading out I need to set the sonar right now to make sure that that's looking pretty good already I got changed the depth on it there it is yeah yeah yeah I have the coordinates of it now so before we go too far I want to introduce everybody to we're gonna get to know everybody throughout this but the first person we need to introduce you to Jonathan master diver safety coordinator dude whatever other titles he wants to give himself more than happy to put them down below but what we need to do is you know anytime you put something big together we are dealing with a very technical dive on this one in fact let me just have you jump in here. Sure. and I have one more thing to throw in here for you okay we were planning on a 65 foot dive at 10,300 feet in elevation right that changes things from what I told you so come in within six feet of the microphone and all right you come on in here Jonathan take over and give us a safety briefing and what it is that we're up against. At altitude what you always want to do is you got a dive on a theoretical table because of the way the residual nitrogen builds up in our system here with this new information since we're about 10 to 12 feet higher deeper dive at 10,300 feet we just want to be that extra careful is going to be kind of roughly more close to about 100 to 110 foot equivalent dive at sea level we can only dive 14-15 minutes right in there so let's keep and make sure we don't dive any longer than that other safety factors that we do have we have two emergency oxygen kits right over here one in the red case one in the black case we want to make sure that if we are feeling any issues you're starting to feel fatigued, we're up or you're having any weakness don't hesitate to use some of the oxygen okay we want to be safe on this. diving a snowcat wreck believe it not just diving it but weirdly like the only people in the world right now that are pulling 10,000 plus feet pulling a snowcat outside we need so with that we have to be very methodical in our planning stage for all this as well so here is if you guys can just kind of follow me through my entire thought process on this normally you know in the past we've gone down we've checked out the you know the wreck and what is it we're after. we're all fairly seasoned in what we've been doing that I feel really confident and you guys felt feel confident if you don't let me know right now that we can start taking stuff down to you know start with attaching right now so as we walk through this we have to and this is maybe like a long rant for anybody but it's never been here before but really we want to bring you into the entire world of what this actually takes this is all the behind the scenes it's not just the you know hey Jared showed me the snow cat coming out of the water this is a this is what it takes okay you are here with us for the next two days and I'll try to cut this down to like 45 minutes for the video so with it what we have is we're looking for the weakest link in all of this and he's playing jump rope by the way the quick introduction here c'mere this is Elijah Elijah is gonna be with us he's actually my little brother so you're hanging out for the next two days and you're gonna watch us bring a snow cat out. you can say yeah bringing a snocat okay I'll talk to the get talk to everybody hey what's up all right enough with Elijah back to me so we're looking for the weakest link in all this with this 20-plus thousand pounds breaking load 6000 working load we have 10,000 working or 10,000 breaking 3300 working same thing 4700 working load so our weakest link in all of this is gonna be a carabiner at 3,300 which means that with a 1500 pound lift bag we are only going to put two of them max for each lifting line so what we're doing is we're first attaching to the snowcat this line is then going to be floated up 25 feet closer to the surface at which point at the top of it come this way Emily at which point we've already pre rigged it with additional carabiners that tomorrow we're gonna put two bags on this one two bags on this one Chris is taking this one down so that's gonna take care of four bags we have another five six bags where the other ones go oh seven eight nine ten so with this because it's a 15,000 pound snowcat it underwater it actually only weighs like 13,000 pounds we have enough bags with us to actually lift 21,000 pounds lifting capacity is not gonna be a problem we're 25 to 30 feet higher off the bottom than normal so tomorrow's dive is like I said we we talked about earlier 50 to 55 feet it's a lot safer depth for us to be diving tomorrow than it is today hi one of the other things to know about this did you guys know that the Navy turned this down uh-huh that's right war beating the SEAL team okay okay then you want to nothing do it that there's like wait a minute it's not sea level it's high elevation it's a technical dive call Jared Adventures With Purpose and get his entire crew out there they can handle it cuz we can't. Actually I have no idea if that's true or not on that note we're gonna get in the water we've already got a buoy out there as you guys saw we're marked we got a game plan we're gonna make this happen any questions is everybody comfortable Chris is hooking up to the back with two Nick knows where he's going whoo one thing I want to throw in whoever's taking this one identify if that front if you can hook to the front at all that we have something sticking out in front of the cab hook this to that okay got you and I want to hook that tomorrow okay with a bag hook it now put it as far front sorry I like it suit up get in the water let's go get ourselves a snowcat pre-rigged tonight pull it tomorrow do it check check check audio check you hear me wow that's nice and loud and clear I like that now that was gnarly where do you think you attached to? I got to the front passenger side close to the front on the track. Chris how'd you make out Jared I got two lines hooked on the frame with two different spots on the back that's beautiful. I got a big old rip in my drysuit. I didn't get my side attached the suit started filling water pretty cold like like how? so just when i was down there try to wrap around just snagged it which water started coming in. Thanks Scout Inflatables for the boat. we got Bixby this big Bixby Scooters not only can you use it as a kayak motor inflatable motor but also a underwater little scooter you can use it so many uses for it I'll leave a link in the description definitely check them out. you're not hooked? what are you doing now dad? I'm trying to do it one handed here. so comment below do you have a dad that when you take him places it just kind of turns into one of these? so I have to say today was even more successful than I thought that we were gonna be right out of the gate like we had a few little hiccups along the way including Sam rippin a suit we got an extra one hopefully you can fit in does anybody have anything they'd like want to say before we wrap for this today it's been a long day for us we gonna be out here again tomorrow morning 9 o'clock is anyone going down there be very careful not to get entangled in our line there's a bunch of lines down there now good point well the good news is we're only going down to the top of 45 50 foot mark now and saying tomorrow we're going to go down two at a time not three a time bye see you tomorrow that's all. it's a beautiful day today to go out and get that snow track out of the lake so we're officially back for day two I'm feeling really good and confident about yesterday we did talk about some of the attachment points that we had yesterday I do have one concern is I don't I didn't pay enough attention to the snow cat yesterday and maybe Mike you can answer this question for those 4-foot stills that come across are those only bolted to the rubber or is there an additional metal under our house or on the track the rubber is a plate okay okay so so that's my concern that I started thinking about last night is if we're pulling on the metal up the metal we're not gonna bend it but we could rip it away from the rubber so for that reason I know that Chris you have a solid attachment point you have two on the frame for sure Mark and Jared are gonna bomb down let's have you guys change those but the other three that are down there take them off the tracks because the bed of the cat is actually missing we have additional attachment points to the frame see if you can get the frame even if you have to go to the back where Chris is at right now I don't care I just want solid frame points keep it off the tracks let's pop this thing up so everybody here actually knows what's going on under the water we've been talking about all the time but let me bring you guys into the realm of what we actually have so we have the floor of the lake is what we have and the snocat sitting ontop of it. The cab is sitting over here with a little rails over here we have two lines that are attached down at the bottom here that are attached to kind of a a buoy line it than the buoy line then finishes going up so we have 50 feet here we have 25 feet here right now we have three of the other lines are attached to the tracks what we're gonna do is we're gonna move those off the tracks move them to the actual frame same type of a set up here so we have 25 to 30 feet so let's call it 25 feet and then we have another 50 feet up above so we're gonna bring the lift bags down to these attachment points attach two bags to each one of them so that we're gonna have between these five lines that are down here one two three four five we actually have 10 bags total we're gonna be attaching to them we're then going to inflate the bags bring these bags up to the surface of the lake we now then have the cat hanging 25 to 30 feet below with the bags up at the surface so we have to get bags see those are like 10 bags big bubble bags all right we're then going to be dragging all of this over to until it high centers somewhere over here because the lick bottom will eventually high center out so we're gonna high center here release all the bags let the cat sit we're gonna reposition the bags and then float it nice and high and finish doing our final lift to the surface so I hope that that kind of explains exactly what it is that we're doing all right right now I'm checking my BC make make sure things good my straps are ready to go one of the most important things is that your air you turn your air on that's really important what's one thing I want to do is check my reg and then out of the safe second that's the way they sound the straps are tight hoses look good inflator hose for the BC is connected right the little test that feels good I think I'm good to go it even makes this Scout inflatables good job scout sponsors our support I'm link is in the description okay all right let's bring Jared in the boat here just so we're solid now five five points on the frame okay well yeah listen you guys down with two bags drop down the the lines there with your bags so you're gonna take a bag you're gonna take a bag okay the hose is gonna be attached to one of them oh one of them is gonna have my air hose already attached and so three tugs to start the air okay once you fill it three-quarters of the way full switch it to the other bag fill it how long does it take to fill one three-quarters of the way full two minutes maybe make sure both bags are attached before you start filling oh yeah otherwise you won't get that carabiner open 80% more to go eight more lift bags eight more lift bags Thanks that's not bad there's only four four rounds oh yeah four rounds yeah so basically we've got all the attachment points and straps and chains hooked around the snowcat where its solid on the frame the two divers that are in the water right now are filling the first two lift bags and i think should said he's guessing it so he said it Jared said it'd take about two minutes per bag to get it 3/4 full which is what we're shooting for but.. until it fills one was that air compressor he's never run that air compressor no bags at ten thousand three hundred feet so i it might take a little longer right so in shifts we're just gonna keep going out with those new tanks and that I mean it's it'll take a few hours what's been the most challenging things so far? Lack of visibility down there luckily there's no current but that just shuttling divers as well is making sure that we have the proper attachment points with Nick yeah yeah only one of you yeah Mark's still doing a surface interval goes down for like enjoyment what's that must be you an enjoyment absolutely yeah I wonder uh. We're fishing for liftbags. we should never leave Nick by himself evidently oh that's alright we can fix it what do you feel had happened I guess the first thing is do we have a strap attached to it down below okay so we have a full strap so whoever attached that strap didn't attach it properly down below to the frame. That's not even attached to anything. so they broke whatever it was attached to. because yeah it does have if you look close on it it's got some grease and stuff on there Ya clearly it was attached to something But it broke free a tip that we have learned also when you inflate the bags inflate your first one but your second one make sure your valves are not facing each other. so basically when the thing came up it had both lift bags on it the one that was still empty one that was half full the rope and a little strap with the carabiner still attached so whatever it was attached to literally it's broke through on the snowcat and everything all the rigging came up with no debris or anything luckily in case but as soon as it went I just started kicking out of the way because I didn't know if it was gonna be pulling something up with it or whatnot so it's a little spooky for a minute but we can see the buoys coming up yeah a little bit of lift yeah we're getting some lift over there Did Leah come up? Nope not yet. She had ear issues, I need to go back down, I don't know where she's at. so if everybody can hear me so where we're at right now we have nine or ten bags are all on nine of them are mostly full we have one that does not have air so I think if we finished that one off and then we'd run around and top off the rest of them I think that one dive underneath the two of us is going to take care of it we don't need to take that compressor back out we can go the way that we normally do tank regulators and I think that ten minutes underwater we should have it floating we still have plenty of daylight too as long as you get that big floating in the next hour we still have plenty of daylight to get it on the trailer tonight I'm gonna disconnect your hose once I get down there well we run into a lot of these bags running into one another cutting into each other and uh pretty much destroying each other is what's happening because we're so bunched up in there so let me do this let me take change this regulator out at the same time I'm going to take the bag down with the hose on it and we are going to I'm going to attach that bag attach the tank then I'm going to fill as many as I can on what air I've got left here once I've done my pop then you can pop your a generator which way am I headed? go ahead pass that buoy Pass where's bubbles are at and you're looking for the buoy that's just under the water but we got another ball floating now okay there's a sign guys there it is yeah oh he was just moving like they're all attached they're still attached yeah Mark is it under there did it pull loose? the cats under it right now? It just started shooting straight up see how it's moving now yeah it's moving like it's attached I don't know I like I'm I'm I don't even know what to think right now Mark can you put eyes on it do we have the cat? what do we have the cat? I don't know I'm trying to get my thoughts together here. go just peek at it really fast okay no problem I don't think the cats on it. there's something under that okay it's still holding some of the bags that the bag should be a lot further underwater right now just tell them stop pulling no cuz we're not attached to either so I mean something big has happened down there yeah they're you they're going too fast I don't even know what to think let's go check out I bet you there's no lines attached to the balloons. All the suddent there was complete debris and blackout. I was trying to get a physical look at it but it was totally black out with debris and sediment so I mean that was missing to me that led me to believe. that so we had it and we didn't. that's what it looks like there's only seven lift bags on shore so we still three down below holy crap you hear that so the one I was filling up was on the white strap yeah yeah and is the empty one and it was just about had it almost full and then all sudden it just went. are all divers accounted for and safe. Ya. thank you you okay all right so 100% I know exactly what happened and why and so amazing learning experience for us on this one as well what ended up happening is we started on those tracks on those tracks it was smooth that we went around and had I even remembered that we were using these on that to go around the frame 100% no anything metal anything sharp and so as it started to come up it just sliced right on that frame is what ended up happening so anytime we go to frame any metal we have to be chained we cannot use soft shackles we can't use rope we can't use straps of any sort around anything metal anything frame so at this point I feel defeated for right now we're not done we always have a conclusion we always get what is we're here for I'm in the water tomorrow I hope that everybody else is as well understand that we have incredible weather tomorrow so I think what we're gonna do is just kind of you know pack up enjoy our evening enjoy an amazing barbecue socialize talk about what we saw but tomorrow I may be one of the first ones down Sam probably one of the first ones down Chris for the first ones down I think between the three of us we're just gonna anchor this thing tight we're gonna anchor properly and from there we're just going to start putting bags we're not going to be cycling like we were today you know today I really wanted everybody to have an opportunity to get in on it be a part of it whoever feels really strong tomorrow like we're gonna be down two three four bags at a time we're gonna have this thing up within two hours and finish what we needed what we were hoping to finish today so frame tomorrow nice and tight chains all the way around it's still coming out all right hope see y'all tomorrow, ya he's going to let us know if he's not feeling good. *mark mumbling* keep in mind it is a long drive back if we need to take him to Grand Junction so bye see you tomorrow. all right we are back for what we did not want to be a day three but day three we're gonna nail it today let's just find a game plan this out from what we have so we still have the cat is still down at seventy-five eighty feet we currently have the good news is we currently have one line come up let's call this our one line one line is coming up and it currently has three bags attached to it I'm guessing that if I may have deflated it a little bit overnight we're not going to worry about inflating those at this moment in time right now we're gonna be sending Nick and Chris down with two lines and a bouy so they're gonna be dropping down with an 80-foot line they're gonna attach me attaching to the frame in two different locations I don't care where it's at I don't care what position the cat is in because it end up back down it could be on its tracks so you could be upside down it could be on its side we don't know right now we just want this thing floating so that way we can get it to shore at a 25 foot depth is what we're really after from there we have plenty of time air safety to really play with it once you guys have put those two down I'm then going to drop back down with my own buoy ball and I'm gonna have two more lines that we're going to attach you'll have two lines I'll have two lines so we'll have 4 lines total that we'll be able to attach additional bags to this morning you're going to drop down the yellow bullet buoy so the yellow buoy is what we have for you you're gonna go for try for 4 bags or 3 yeah I think we can use do two okay so drop down the yellow buoy line two bags on one here being the two bags on the other carabiner this red orange buoy is actually our dedicated towline so we'll separate this strap from the main towline it's very clear and evident because it has you know yellow hook so it has the orange line attached to it leave that one as our very last if we have to put our tenth bag on there on my drop-down I will be going around and just double-checking all five of these connections to make sure we're not gonna have any hiccups down there one of the very first things we have to do this morning is head out and make sure that Buoy I put out last night still close to what we need to drop in we'll be heading out to a waypoint making sure see if the lift bags are still floating and then we're gonna put Nick and Chris on those lift bags and send them down so you still have lift bags are showing some shadows some lift bags right there so don't pull on the line but follow the line down yeah it's not attached to anything just a weight yeah okay we've got three solid blocks awesome perfect we got two on it is still sitting upright yeah kind of at an angle like forward okay up right yes everything is hooked at the back there's nowhere else to hook that's what I'm saying cuz it's kind of sitting those down isn't it yeah so I mean we'll drag it I say we can get as far as we can yeah maybe pull it in backwards yeah I don't know I mean nice and solid though yeah yeah like everything down there so we have a five solid attachment points on the back I can't get to the front I mean the nose is you know and if you try to even swim over there like it is so silty without us even kicking up any silt is that way that I'll sit so with that same game plan that we had before go down on the yellow buoy you can do four balls he doesn't have life jackets see if we have a life jacket for Sam anyway take this same game plan will send down the second set of divers after that one. Actually we were thinking we do this right we might be able to do all six two of us if you can knock them out but we still have those other three that have to be finished filled and aired up as well so yeah whatever you gonna do and then we'll put another diver in if we need to how's it going? Good Jared's going down right now you boy to fire that up yeah man I didn't get it, one of the bags is only partially filled I would starting to hear a lot of popping though so yeah things are starting to move and I've ran out of bottom time so I didn't get to fill up that bag I think one more bag and then just finding any that look deflated I think it'll go actually cuz I was hearing popping and I swear I saw it start to go one bag is all you got to do. one bag if it doesn't go then you gotta top the others off you might like my heart's racing right now like it with excitement yeah we almost got this but by we I mean they oh absolutely and running the O's yeah be sure to check out Sam Sam the Adventure Man links in the description everything yeah so your bag is full down there like it's venting on that one so we'll have to go top off the other ones Chris It just does not want to pop so um I've only got like one of my bags that's not inflated everything else barely inflated your bags inflated yep so let's um send Jay back for the other sausage I need two more of these tanks just so I can finish filling and one more of my high pressure stills. He's going around to touch up the other ones so he doesn't get on this shot fingers crossed I have a really good theory as to what just happened did everybody see the snip that just flew over and the sniper hanging out the window shooting at those orange bags 100% that's exactly what happened yes when we were climbing out looks like you bumped one of those levers you're gonna blame this on me either way we should go back down and peek at it so Sam thinks this might just be an easy fix of one bag that I may have bumped a lever on the good news is we're still attached to it we have our tow line's attached to it we have our buoy line attached to it I'm going with the sniper theory all right we'll see him here we still have plenty of daylight it's not over we know it floats I don't think we popped a bag I don't think any bags popped I hope that your theory is good I hope so I hope so too let's catch our breath and then find a better mood and try it again thought process at this point I think create a manifold two compressors on it we just have to keep air in those bags that's why we popped it before is because I was running around filling those bags with a high flow regulator while we also had the other compressor going at the same time so I think if we create a manifold that one diver can go in and hook them all up within ten minutes we no longer have a diver in the water two compressors going we got the bags going and I think that's the best idea at this point. Antone's saying yeah Jonathan yes Antone you know exactly what we need you want to ride with somebody that can get us to where we need to go? I was watching it to see if anything was happening I was maintaining 39 feet and it wasn't going up. holy crap Antone we want wow I am excited for those! right? run what you brung see what happen into there we're gonna go into they're gonna end up there yeah yeah that work I think that just might work my buddy yeah so there's a tank here just popped up one of the ones we were looking for Jared just found it and sent it to the surface hey first fire up yeah fire it up it's good to go fire them both up It's only been 35 minutes, let's wait a little longer so right now I'm like really shivering and shaking starting to get hypothermia this suit somewhere along the way ended up getting a leak I'm completely wet inside has nothing to do with a zipper being open this time Sam and Emily they're gonna give it another 10-15 minutes on this one and we might have to come back a month or two with another game plan we're gonna go take care of this tinge of hypothermia I don't even know how you press in the top yeah yeah go ahead yeah no we're checking things out over here seems like she has a closed circuit and mine is open We swapped hoses to see what that would look like and my psi went up and her psi went down so I'm thinking that that not that you died isn't one all right I got ya I never even told me but here if we I'll tell him now one of help me out one of the manifolds by time I was down there it had lost one of the fittings so I i kinked it i kinked it i kinked it and I tied it the best I could was in the water not sure so that's the open circuit he's talking about Roger so we have an open circuit it could be draining five other bags true story on there so you can bring that back up yeah you have a male fitting that was not on the end of it when I was underwater I think at this point I mean we have it's been a long three days at this point and I think that's I mean we have some people that need to start there's some there already left we've busted a lot of bags out there and we have a lot of holes in them so we're not filling up properly is our other problem I think that's really at the end of it you know I was talking to Nick and Chris and some of the other ones we've never failed sometimes we just get a little delayed is where we're at in this process you know everybody's willing to come back August September I think it's always shoot for what is the snow season actually start here? Labor Day October okay it snows Labor day so I know we can make it a September for sure I'm marking everybody Jared's not back to work yet so on that note to be continued to be continued is whetre we're at with this one like I said we never fail sometimes we just continue the operation the good news is we are in the lift bag business so we're gonna be making some custom lift bags for this one 10,000 pound lift open bottoms I got some good ideas for the way that we're going to conquer this one next time and we're gonna do this in a day next time Chris thanks for hanging out with us with another episode be sure to subscribe and click that little Bell notification we will see you on the next one we don't know what it's gonna be might even be the snow cat later in September October September we're gonna get it though we'll see you next time buh-bye
Channel: Adventures With Purpose
Views: 1,107,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snowcat, snowcat crash, snowcat sunk, snow-cat, snow cat, found snowcat underwater, snowcat underwater, snowcat in lake, pistenbully, pisten bully, pistenbully snowcat, scuba diving, underwater recovery, recovery, diving recovery, salvage lift bag, salvage lift bag recovery, grand mesa lodge, bixpy, bixpy scooters, bixpy jet, scout inflatables, inflatable boat, boating accident, accident, broken ice, ice, ice fishing
Id: DUq5k8ooGsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 11sec (2951 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.