We Bought 3 Cheap Ferraris For The Price Of A Toyota Camry - Car Trek S4E1

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Is it derivative? Sure.

But you gotta give credit to these dudes and their team - each Car Trek has been better than the last, and you know they’re having a blast making them.

It’s something different on YouTube vs. the constant barrage of press car videos that drop on embargo days, or builds that never seem to get finished.

👍︎︎ 186 👤︎︎ u/Cheehos 📅︎︎ May 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

well this one wasnt as cringe as the other ones so thats a plus

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/Real-Paul-Walker 📅︎︎ May 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Genuinely enjoyed this episode. I am dying for a real shitbox car challenge though.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/BrandonNeider 📅︎︎ May 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

This one was the best they've done. They're slowly getting the humor and natural pacing down better, it feels less stilted.

👍︎︎ 52 👤︎︎ u/TrevorArizaFan 📅︎︎ May 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Never heard of this show before, apparently the other episodes were corny? I thought this was great. Watched 15 minutes before I had to step away and def will come back and finish it later. I wonder if they'll run into any legality issues in the future since this is a straight copy and paste of the old top gear format.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/NoSpicePlease 📅︎︎ May 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

I really wish I liked this show more

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/gustriandos 📅︎︎ May 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Weird they didn't put Car Trek in the title.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/TheBaltimoron 📅︎︎ May 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

I don't know what it is about this show that makes me keep watching it. The writing and acting is super cheesy, and I don't particularly like two of the three hosts, but somehow it's great entertainment.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/JohnnyToaster 📅︎︎ May 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Car Trek is going wonderful and I am thankful that these guys are able to absolutely pull it off.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/DenXOffWhite 📅︎︎ May 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
this is a road and for most people a  road like this is used to get from a to b   but i think they're missing the point because in the right car you can turn a  regular two-lane blacktop into your own   personal asphalt playground but the right  car would have to be something special   something powerful something made by the most  recognizable brand on earth now this is a ferrari and if you can afford it i highly recommend you  get one but that is a big if because the most   desirable ferraris like this 488 pista cost  nearly half a million dollars when it was new and if you wanted to buy one today  you pay considerably more than that   now ferraris are desirable they're  beautiful and they're expensive   and it goes without saying that finding a  cheap ferrari is almost impossible...almost welcome everyone to texas the land  of big cows big steaks and big trucks   the perfect place for AutoTempest to  give us their biggest challenge yet   to find and buy ferraris for the same price as  a toyota camry they then told us to bring our   bargain-prancing horses to a remote field near  dallas so we can show each other what we'd bought and as usual my car was perfect  welcome to the cheapest ferrari   in the country auto tempest challenged us to find   a ferrari for the price of a toyota camry  and i think i did a really really good job this is a 1978 ferrari 308 gtb it has a v8 in  the back and it looks fantastic this is exactly   what i was looking for when i  was looking for a cheap ferrari   now i happen to know that this is  the cheapest ferrari in the country what hello magnum what's going on here a 1994 ferrari 456 gt and look  inside you got a manual okay okay   so i know that this is the cheapest ferrari in the   country yes and you know that because  you actually found this car for me yes so after i bought this that popped up for sale in  my backyard well thank you very much i i clearly   got the better deal dude um yes i don't think  this is fair at all it's less than a camry well   right at the tippy top you establish the rules in  cartrick one i am 100 sure that you have cheated   nobody's buying the base model this was sixty  nine thousand which is exactly what somebody   would pay for a c8 core vehicle cheated that that  was definitely cheap did you fix anything on it   no do you have headlights no turn signals  no a heater do we need those oh my gosh okay shenanigans genetic no no  no no no this is this is bad   no what nice they said ferraris for the price of  a camry not ferraris that would lose to a camry this costs the same as ten camrys that's a  six-figure plus car last time i checked the camry   it's not that forty thousand dollars  that's a camry with a couple of dollars   forty thousand dollars there's no way one universe  is that 40 grand well you remember in december   when tyler bought what he claimed was the cheapest  lamborghini diablo in the world oh my goodness so   this is a 97 lamborghini diablo vt roadster  there's only like 200 of these in existence   i'm driving a diablo home oh my god oh my god oh  my god oh my god oh my god well on that same day   i also bought a silver 1997 lamborghini diablo  vt roadster but i paid 78 000 which i assume is   quite less than you paid yes and i decided when i  saw this for sale that i would enjoy it more so i   traded that and they gave me 38 000 back and forty  how this works who are you the irs no oh my god   so how much was this thing like advertised for  well it was advertised for a hundred thousand   dollars but i didn't pay that what did you  pay for this car forty thousand dollars   no no how much cash money did you pay for  the dealer thought it was 80. so it's eighty   thousand dollars well spidey sense is tingling  because it's ed yes in addition to my ability   to make it cheaper it uh it made itself cheaper  by finding some some water okay so uh flood car   yeah that cost you eighty thousand dollars i  know i know but it was a long ago flood this   is not cheating no no no this is totally within  the spirit of what auto tempest intended i believe this thing has all of the carbon fiber yes it  was a 338 sticker plus the 35 000 hgte add-on   those wheels are ferrari oem yes yeah an upgrade  in fact a hideous skid but look at this look at it   yes i see how pretty the paint is which must mean  that everything underneath was so sorted out that   you had plenty of time to detail it no that's  not what happened um this is a 78 308 gtb and   i actually followed the rules on this and didn't  use some weird financial trickery like some people   thirty thousand dollars and it's clean  titled 21 000 miles and it has a v8   in the right area of the car right here okay  not like you you have a mustang basically   okay that's a front engine rear drive car this  is what a ferrari is supposed to be i think   there are plenty of legendary front-end v12 cars  that say that tyler and i are totally justified   in saying that these are very very good examples  of ferraris that is not true and uh none of those   legendary cars are here right now how much did you  pay for your car 45 000 45 grand but only 10 000   kilometers on it and it is mint it is a museum  piece of a car kilometers so you have brought this   car in from dubai dubai originally japan so it's  a japanese speck oh it's a stick it's a manual   cated manual which forgives all sins there's  some paintwork here buddy oh it had a little   impact but it's clean carfax because it's been  its whole life in japan there's no japan carpet   this is not a camry that's not a camry this is  camry money freddie this is the reason people   are scared to own pre-owned ferraris they're  catastrophically expensive and everything breaks   said the flood car owner it's fine i figured you  would have fixed everything by now because you   are the warranty but you didn't even do that and  you didn't grow out your mustache either i guess   for the next week hold on hold on start growing  i'm getting a text tom selleck all right a text   from autotempest we never thought we'd say this  but thank you freddy for following the rules yes   clearly you win this round but we know the  viewers are clamoring with comments saying cheap   ferraris aren't cheap when they break they're  correct so it's time to see just how broken   your cars are head to this address to receive  some unfriendly news from a very friendly face   freddie ouch ed you're disqualified i have a  mint ten thousand kilometers you're gonna see   how manly this is a man's car okay that's  what it was in family vacation right yep we saddled up our clearance rack italian  stallions and headed towards what i knew   would be my easiest inspection ever ed's  love of cars with sketchy history meant   he was surely in for a rude awakening and i was  honestly surprised that freddie's car was running   at all but as this was our first drive together  we all decided to open them up and see what   they could do well two of us did at least  so when it comes to buying cheap ferraris   this 308 gtb is not only the perfect  choice frankly it's your only choice ferrari prices have increased so much over  the years especially vintage ferrari prices   that is practically impossible to find anything  on a budget but i did it this is my favorite kind   of car because it's a project it needs a little  bit of work all right needs a lot of bit of work everything feels like you have to sort of  manhandle it nothing is automatic everything   is manual you don't have any traction control  any driver aids there's switches here that i   have no idea what they do everything electronic  on the dashboard which is custom made by the way   does not work the air conditioning does not work  it's getting quite warm now what i would usually   do is roll the window down but unfortunately  those don't work it is completely locked up on   both sides so i'm basically trapped in this  car and this is one of those cars you can   absolutely have a blast at the speed limit because  honestly it's uh it's not much faster than that but it doesn't matter that this car can get  his doors blown off by an average minivan   it's a ferrari it sounds great it looks great it's  so much fun to drive ferraris are supposed to be   fiery and passionate and this one definitely  is in fact this car was the only car out of r3   that was around when enzo ferrari  the father of the company was still   alive and i think he gave this car his seal  of approval he probably didn't but whatever oh yeah behind this 456 gt was such a great  decision and the reason why i went to all the   trouble and the expense and months wait  to get this thing from dubai is because   because of this the gated shifter 436 horsepower  v12 six-speed gated manual transmission and a   comfortable four-seat grand touring  car that you can haul the family in   this is an amazing value for the price  of a fully loaded camry with every   button and option accessory pushed in the  undercoating and the pinstriping everything   but i did spend a little bit more to get it  here the shipping the import duties the taxes   but ed kind of established in cartrick won the ed  bullion rule that it doesn't matter what you spend   after you purchase it it matters uh the purchase  price so i'm still not cheating right right now the 456 is one of the last ferraris left  that i still feel like is kind of undervalued   some people say that's because of the  very conservative styling on this car   i think it's absolutely beautiful this pen and  freind styled body which they built as sort of   the answer to the ferrari testerosa and the  ferrari 348 that people said looked too of   their time they looked too 80s they looked too  wild and crazy and they weren't going to age   well with the 456 they were looking towards the  future with the styling and i think they nailed   it pretty much every car had this swoopy soft  shape in the 90s and 2000s i've always dreamed   of owning one of these cars because it seems  to me like the perfect ferrari and it's one   of those instances where you meet their heroes  and they are just as cool in person just like ed bullion now when you save up some money and you finally  buy your dream ferrari a lot of people might tell   you that your ship has come in but that could  never be more the case than with this car right   here now of course you might be like my land  loving co-presenters and flood cars and salvage   cars might not be your thing but i have to say  they totally float my boat so let's not let this   car soggy past water down how utterly brilliant it  actually is it has a 6 liter naturally aspirated   v12 that it happens to share with the legendary  ferrari enzo and when the car was released   ferrari actually tried to pretend that it  wasn't as fast as an enzo in fact they lied   saying that it's 0 to 60 time was 3.7 seconds when  in fact all of the magazines tested it to be 3.3   the same as a ferrari enzo so obviously ferrari  didn't want it to kind of tarnish the reputation   of its legendary hyper car but they probably  could have sold infinitely more of these things   if they had just been honest about how fast it  is of course it's detuned a little bit it has 612   horsepower rather than the enzo 660 and it only  revs to 8400 rpm but who cares this is the comfy   for orienzo that you can buy for two or three  percent of what you would pay for a real enzo now when this car came out its primary two  competitors were the lamborghini murcielago lp   640 and the mercedes mclaren slr and i have  both of those cars and i love each of them   so i've always been intrigued by the 599 so  i'm really excited to be in the car this week   of course when you introduce a ferrari or any  car to the life aquatic it doesn't come out the   same way it went in and there are some issues  that i believe could be attributed to its time   spent submerged i've got an airbag light on my  screen as part of my gauges that would tell me   my odometer my fuel gauge my coolant temp gauge  my oil temp gauge any errors that were to come   up that wouldn't result in a light that's all  dark it's on if i'm shining a flashlight on it   i can almost read it but it's of no use to me  in driving also there's a weird creak from the   front right suspension and the doors don't exactly  work right sometimes the passenger door resists   unlatching and the driver's door when you  close it the window glass hitting the frame   above sounds terrible it's like your grandmother  saying intercourse is just totally totally wrong it's not perfect but if i'm honest i don't  know that i would fix any of this stuff i   would just go drive the car and i might have  spent more than i was supposed to on this car   but i just wanted to buy something that i actually  wanted to own and i don't honestly think there's a   lot of people sitting in the audience that  have a 456 or 308 as their dream ferrari   but i think if you were going to spend 80 100  000 whatever you want maybe a little more if   you require having a clean title that you  couldn't do any better than a car like this after moseying through the sprawling metropolis  of dallas auto tempest brought us to collins   brothers jeep a place that looked less like a  dealership and more like an automotive graveyard   if i was a betting man i'd say they  weren't very confident in our choices of cars well hoopties lots of hoopties how  you doing there freddy uh i'm i'm all right   just got some just yeah i  gotta turn the fan fan off   and disconnect the battery otherwise uh  the battery dies i never saw a magnum pi   have to do this no never now just drop the  positive lead in that water look at this wow   looks like tavares garage kind of very much  yes a lot of broken stuff oh look at this   it's an old jack no not just any old jag in 1979  this car won the final running of the cannonball   baker cedar shining sea memorial trophy dash dave  hines and dave yarbrough drove at new york to la   in 32 hours and 51 minutes and you beat them in  a used mercedes not just them in fact richard   rawlings and dennis collins drove that ferrari  550 marinello in 2007 they did 31 hours and 59   minutes and so that is the time that i beat along  with alex roy and dave maher's time in my cl55   he had that holstered just like not exactly  i have tried to buy this specific jaguar   from dennis several times i always expected  that they would restore it on the show but   i guess they didn't it's still right here in  pretty much exactly the shape they pulled it   out of the junkyard yeah it needs a little work a  bit this is not a shopping trip for ed we are here   for a reason that is correct auto tempest is the  best way to search for a used car online and we   have found three i think of the absolute best  we could have but i know i didn't do much of an   inspection of my car before i bought it and so  i would imagine that that is exactly why we are   here so that someone much more qualified than  us can do so yeah usually the wizard pops up   right around now yeah there's a lot of cars he  could show up in any one of them wizard wheezer these are darius auto tempest never ceases to  amaze me summoning me into a storage container   man what's going on so i've never seen  so many jeeps in my life is that the   theme this time jeeps no we're at collins  brothers g but we have brought ferraris yeah   that has nothing to do with jeeps no not at  all but you're here to tell us what's going   to break you have cars to see ferraris indeed  shall i go first you already are familiar with   the car there's some new things go ahead and  go get it and we'll get started here we go there we go takes a while   wizard what's going on not much here pop the  hood give it a little jiggle the mighty v12 yes   436 horsepower but it wasn't running right when  it got off the boat in dubai they have to drain   all the fuel out of the tanks on the ship and  that messed up the fuel pumps but you fixed them   yes kia rondo pumps i've done that in a few of  these vehicles and it works really well and then   the brakes too the brakes were stiff you fix it  with a chevy truck part right yeah so that's tevis   brakes and the pressure sensor was bad it's the  identical part that's used on hydro boost on chevy   trucks you're a wizard wizard i've already spent  some money with you but since then it's been very   good no complaints so far other than a really long  cranking time like 10 seconds of cranking before   this thing fires that sounds like something it  could be a check valve after it sets for a while   fuel pressure bleeds back into the tank and you  have to build that back up to crank it and start   it again it's probably a very simple fix okay well  probably nothing else it's mint it's mint it's   mint well let's get this thing up in the air on  the left and see just how mint that it really is well wizard we're gonna do a tour of ferrari  history today three decades of ferrari's very   very different but this one's definitely the  nicest well i know you think it's meant yes   the last time i worked on it there was  a few things that were very questionable   and you didn't want to tell me no not  yet i wanted to reveal it to you here   all right like what well one of the things that i  found was there's a gasket here that's leaking oil   yeah and instead of replacing the gasket like they  should have they just blow up silicone over it   oh man there's also some copper washers that are  leaking right here the oil drain pan there's a   fitting here that's leaking and also the oil  pressure sending unit there's a copper washer   leaking there but that's just from a just from  sitting it sets for so long and now we're driving   it and getting it warmed up and everything and  oil circulating and starting to show its leaks   charming so anything else you notice that's not  concore quality yes actually underneath this   heat shield here there were some crank sensor  wiring that had been attempted to be repaired   they did a really bad job it wasn't even turning  on the fuel pumps because the wiring repair was   so bad charming okay well nothing else right no  nothing else it's actually in very good shape okay   well let's just walk through just to show there's  no favoritism like i'm cheating or something just   there's nothing else but everything this way back  is very clean in very good shape it really is   kind of meant back here yeah and it's a proper  sporty gt with the rear mounted trans it's out   of 5149 weight distribution and you have active  aerodynamics you have a spoiler here yes that   deploys at speed on the bottom you never think  there's a bottom spoiler on a car but this one   has it and this one works it's mint it's mint  mint the other two wizards not cement you'll   have plenty to look at one went for a little  swim the other one's the other one's just a   turd yes the other one's a turd so good luck i'm  ready for the next victim let's get it up here good day wizard what's going on ed it is a  beautiful day and it's a beautiful beautiful   car thank you i love ferraris especially in gray  over red i think it's the best color combination   you could ever want indeed well don't tell  my wife that i could make love to this car well i won't tell her that but i'd also rather  you not let's just check it out oh i won't   actually make love to it but i'm saying i could  well we're both very flattered by that i think   you'll find this car to be utter perfection  is there any history with the car at all   no no it's ready for pebble beach i find that  hard to believe coming from ed bowlian yeah i i   will say that years ago in 2014 a second owner  of this car decided to wash it in a unique way   wash it yes yeah so you or i might use a bucket  and a hose or a pressure washer he decided to   use the accumulated effects of a rainstorm so  what you're saying is a flood car well several   states have said that about the car but i think  it's just the greatest thing you could buy let's   get this thing on the lift and see if it's just  as good as you said it is i'm sure it will be all right let's see what we can see under here  limited i suppose due to the aerodynamic aids   i can see through the aerodynamic slits  though oh yes there's some power steering   accumulation here on the boot on the steering  rack watermelon flavor strawberry actually oh yeah   that would make sense that it's been in  a flood and it deteriorated the seals   and over time it's starting to leak do i have to  get a new one uh we wouldn't have to replace it i   could remove it and send it off to be rebuilt and  reinstall it that would be fine on that okay save   a little money there well that would be nice  through here oh i see some oil seepage here   it looks like the rear main seal is leaking in  here the seeping seems acceptable yeah and you   can see in the wind as it blows it's collecting  here on this exhaust mount it's kind of oily there   yes i do yeah don't taste that no i'm not going to  taste that and i suppose i should mention in case   you haven't noticed it that the screen is part of  the gauge cluster is currently a bit dim okay in a   situation like that the thing that i would do is  not replace the cluster but i would send it off   to be rebuilt oh rebuild it all that sounds great  take care of that and reinstall the same cluster   so i don't have an odometer a fuel gauge a coolant  temp gauge an oil temp gauge or any of the alerts   that would have come through that screen but the  error lights like a check engine light or anything   like that or i you as you may have noticed an  airbag light so i did check your airbag light   and what it says is there's the sensor is bad on  the passenger seat okay and the cost effective   solution for that is going to be just get a  used seat get it reupholstered to match this one   and you're probably looking at four to five  grand to do that i have to replace the seat   as the cost-effective solution that is why can't  you just replace the sensor well the trouble is   trying to figure out which one it is and all  the labor involved and tearing it all apart   end up actually more expensive than just putting  a used seat in what if you just told the computer   that it didn't have airbags it's highly illegal  is it illegal everywhere maybe not everywhere   but i wouldn't be interested in doing it it  could be another vacation it could be like a   wizard shop in international waters international  waters yes it probably could be done in that way   well however bad you think this car is i can  promise you that the next one will be far   far worse well it is freddie's car and that's par  for the course absolutely good luck i can't wait   oh hold on what's what are you doing it's uh fans run all the time and gotta  take off the bat never mind uh okay   this is my 1978 ferrari 308 gtb and now  you're going to see what's wrong with it   there's nothing wrong with it what was that that  was going on under the front trunk it's a feature   not a bug okay this car has some character it's  a it's a character you're gonna love the camera   you're gonna love this car yes well let's get this  thing on the lift and see what kind of character   it has but before we do there's something  special i got to do for this car all right what do you think okay so uh the car is in  great shape as you can clearly see and uh   but what about this here this is a safety strap to  tie the battery on because the battery holder is   not battery hold down is missing yeah but it works  i mean the battery's not going anywhere there's a   couple of bolts or something missing to this chin  spoiler so ferrari's all about having light cars   you know power to weight ratio so uh sometimes  the bolts are going to be missing because that's   just weight reduction uh it might be weight  reduction but that could break under high speed   let's get the flapping it's an active aero active  aero yeah they have them on the new cars they had   them on the old cars yeah i suppose but now as we  move to the business end of the car there's a lot   of oil coming out of this thing yeah well you know  it's a little weepy a little bit looks like it's   got some torn cv boots they're like completely  shredded the bushings seem to be deteriorated on   the control arms as well they're pretty bad yeah  but they're like 50 bucks they're actually really   really cheap to buy what's going on here this is  a zip tie which was uh used to hold in bodywork   and is no longer connected just pretend you didn't  see that you know just put my hand over my eyes   and yeah okay i'll do that i see the studs where  the ac compressor used to be and there's some cut   lines there yeah so this is an ac delete car uh  it wasn't a factory option it was done afterwards   but uh it makes the timing belts really easy to  access so you can see that yeah so it helps out   mechanically even though uh it really sort of  needs ac it's like kind of like the death of a   thousand cuts it's nothing majorly essentially  wrong with this car it's just a lot of little   things really yeah well hopefully your estimate's  not going to be too bad let me go work the numbers   and we'll see where we're at yeah it's not just  go go go easy go easy please please thank you you think this was faster than my 308 yes yes if  we pushed it it would be 289 is it highland green   i think it might be it's a it's a t5 not  not a real mustang it was delivered to   south vietnam really yeah it says right  here well no wonder why i like it so much   wizard what's going on guys hello easier cool  car yes i have some numbers for you guys we're   going to start with cad yes easy your 599 is  beautiful and i still would make love to it what   but you have a lot of things wrong with it's  going to be very expensive i'm so sorry absolutely   i'm sorry continue wizard i'm sorry anyways  so you had an instrument cluster a steering   rack rebuilt you had the seat the rear main seal  when everything gets tallied up the number that   we arrive at is 16 000. your instrument cluster  doesn't work the only part of it i got it i got it   which part all of it the screen doesn't  give me all the messages that's all of it   well it did it's a lot of it we need to be careful  about fuel range so you paid double the budget   you cheated and then 16 000 is broken on this  599 years this is a hundred thousand dollar car   that was flooded of no consequence it will drive  just perfectly it needs none of that oh no all   right who's next the next person i have in line  is freddy yes yes his has a lot of small things   wrong with it it's not like major catastrophe or  anything large it has to be pulled apart it's got   lots of oil leaks it's got lots of bushings and a  lot of little things that need to be taken care of   not a big deal if you have a shop do all that work  you're going to be looking at fourteen thousand   dollars to get this thing right okay okay that is  half of what your car for yes it is but it's a diy   thing you know like your car you can't diy that  well when you say you would diy it i would yes   is that the condition that you got it in or  have you been diying it to get it to that shape   we don't need to talk about details right now  ed okay the fact of the matter is yes i had to   do a few things to that car to get it in running  condition and yes it is leaking from the things i   did but it's less repair work than your car so and  had it for four months and they're still that much   broken on it after four months of you wrenching  every day on it yes but i only started wrenching   uh three days ago so that's that's fine well that  explains the toe strap and the zip ties and things   under there that kind of makes sense duct tape  yeah that's his standard operating procedure that   is not true okay so what about fair tyler here for  tyler tyler actually came out on top on this one   eight hundred dollars eight hundred  dollars what does it need the glove box   latch titan we just need some crush washers  and needs like one gasket one gasket   one one little and it needs a check valve on  the fuel system wait is it going to catch them   on fire uh i don't think it will catch on fire no  but what would i need to do to make it catch them   on fire i'm going to cut the timing belt and the  timing belt's already been done it's new it's all   thoroughly it doesn't matter i'm going to cut  it anyway it's perfect it's 800. it's really   sabotage it's just a beautiful car tyler wiens  desirable crashed previously painted all over   i'm calling shenanigans i don't care about  your relationship this is shenanigans okay   you had four months to get this  thing prepared for the wizard of oz   three days ago four months it's your fault that's  your fault all right well thank you wizard we're   now gonna go inside speak to dennis collins to  understand how much it would cost us for ongoing   ownership and operation after our cars were  i suppose as sorted as tyler's is sounds like   a plan i'll head on home then all right we're  headed in thank you oh ed your your keys ah yes   thank you and your sunglasses actually head  vision oh it makes everything look cheaper   good to see you sir thank you so much for the  hospitality you have an awesome shop hello   and you have one of my favorite ferraris the 550  marinello that you and richard set the cannonball   record in yes sir how long have you had it it's 99  i bought it in 99. it's got about 42 000 miles on   it very hard miles goodness gracious so we want  to understand for each of the three cars that   we've chosen what the long-term cost of ownership  would be like how many ferraris have you owned   approximately 40. okay so he can certainly speak  to that so obviously cost of ownership involves   the servicing the anticipated repairs carrying  costs like insurance and things like that if   you were to consider all three of our cars which  would be your pick looks wise or maintenance wise   knowing the answer looks wise which one  would you absolutely never want to be seen in   the 456 yeah absolutely now if we were talking  about true cost of ownership though which one   do you think comes out on top uh 456 for sure  what no how i also think it's the best driving   car out of those three thank you thank you same  engine family have you never driven a 308 gtb   sir because that's a fine driving wow 20 or  30 years ago it was so we're talking about a   car that requires timing belts has 12 cylinders to  maintain relative to a 308 or a modern ferrari 599   why do you think it's cheaper to run the  first time this car had a clutch is at 40   000 miles and the reason why it had a clutch  because the throw-up bearing went out okay   so your cost of ownership on your car with an f1  gearbox boom and what is that every 10 000 miles i think they've improved it a bit you've got  the best looking car and you probably got   the best hair out of you three so we'll give  you that you got the best looking car i think   you're going to have the highest maintenance  car out of that just kick a guy when he's down   the 456 is a crazy reliable car it really  is that's something you could drive   every day you're not going to drive a 308  every day and you're certainly not going   to drive that 5.99 every day without some  issues there's too much going on in that car   that is a valid valid point but what about  the 308 how much do you think it would be   with all the catastrophes that await zero the guys  that i know that drive their 308s they're okay   okay but when they sit it kills them especially  the carburetors especially the fuel we've got now   so it but it would still be more than a  456 yes it's a hold so what it's so it's   you can work on it with like a basic set  of hand tools and the parts cost like   five bucks well apparently not apparently well  we saw how that went for you so so we don't   know exactly where we're headed from here but  auto attempts will have some set of challenges   to await but as ferrari drivers what words of  wisdom do you have for us go fast and have fun   can do i ca i can't do that good luck thank  you i'm betting on you sir thank you very much armed with the wizards warnings and the  well wishes of our dear friend dennis   it was time for us to move on but there was only one thing on tyler's  mind and it was the most cheap ferrari   thing possible he wanted to find the nearest  olive garden for a tour of italy and a chance   to beat his personal breadsticks record auto  tempest though had other ideas all i do is we   win win no matter what i see i cannot fathom how  that car would be cheaper to own than mine and   regardless i'd just much rather have my car tyler  you have an ugly ford probe how does that feel huh   rarely we're not going to jedi choke anybody just  yet see i got a text while we were in there and   it is from auto tempest of course even though  your cars are clearly far from perfect at least   ours are you wouldn't be ferrari owners if  you didn't test the performance of your cars   on a track we've arranged one for you  in the morning so head to this address   and see how your iconic supercars stack up okay i  see you laughing but mid-engined rear-wheel drive   flat plane crank v8 that is a supercar  he's gonna be on fire or exploding   i have 430 horsepower you 612. goodness you have  maybe 100 left yeah but slow car fast versus fast   car slow that's not how it's gonna go let's go  have fun are there any trees in this track no no next time on car trip this looks like a fast  track get ready go i am coming no no i think   everybody's childhood is covered here i should get  the hot boy pose hashtag blessed and yes now that   we've learned everything wrong with our cheap  ferraris tomorrow we'll learn how trustworthy   they are on the track but one thing that we  know we can trust is that auto tempest is the   best place to search for a used car they compile  all the results from all the major search options   into one search it makes it easier than ever and  it's the first place i go every morning and by   you searching for cars on auto tips clicking on  the link in the description below doing the fun   active shopping for cars makes car trek possible  that's right auto tempest all the cars one search you
Channel: Tavarish
Views: 2,925,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aston martin, mercedes, amg, hyundai, bmw, lamborghini, ferrari, toyota, supra, mr2, sw20, 3sgte, 2jz, 1jz, sl55, r230, r231, m113k, vantage, v8, v12, v10, v6, gallardo, turbo, cheap, budget, diy, wrench everyday, doug demuro, chrisfix, hoovies garage, tavarish, jalopnik, mightycarmods, motor trend, roadkill, hack, bendpak, tools, lift, 4 post, 2 post, quick jack, welding, how to, tutorial, 456, gated, 308, 599, ferrari special, top gear, the grand tour, jeremy clarkson, james may, richard hammond, car wizard
Id: NmwIdGUb3qY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 40sec (2260 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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