I Spent 24 Hours Straight In Prison - Challenge

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I don't think it's that big of a deal come on let me come on they can't actually arrest me for not uploading like I'll try to do three a week I'm an average two a week and that smells pretty good good yeah I'll be fine you have failed to upload more than two videos a week this entire year Your Honor my videos just take a lot of time how about this i sentence you to 24 hours in jail for an easy video but can you sentence my friends as well that way you know the contents a little better consider it done 24 hours in jail mr. beets and friends [Music] are we especially gonna phone callers yeah you really liked it so Taylor calm down Taylor you're freaking out Jake none of us have our phones show them the time to 24 so to 24 tomorrow 24 hours from right now he will unlock this and let us know see ya guys we're gonna spend 24 hours in jail this is an actual jail cell which this look all right Chris 24 hours how you feel Ali's no Chandler how did you feel 24 hours left Garrett you having fun yeah all right guys well we'll get to know each other really well 24 hours in a prison so so what would you guys do if you had to spend ten years in jail like this I would just tell them no you and then I get out of jail well I played Monopoly a lot yeah and I always get the get-out-of-jail-free part so I'll just throw that in their face and see you I just cry all right guys let me just put this out there probably shouldn't break the law just being in jail sucks it's the worst thing I've ever done in my entire life also don't forget this is true we may be suffering but think about how much Waluigi is suffering [Music] my stomach is eating itself and I'm going to not live anymore I'll only have three hours this is your stomach about the start up a of it oh yeah then it took me a long time I haven't seen sunlight in 13 years I mean days we're going crazy Oh imagine this just doing this for 365 days I bet I wouldn't be addicted to social media yes true I'm probably still find some way to smuggle it in I get a phone and just had it in my coin purse [Music] thank you we were starving here's your rations thank you okay we should be able to last another 10 hours now just really good yeah [Music] no don't break the law this sucks I also ran from the cops but they didn't seem to care about that so Chris what did you say I got a poop how does that make you feel seeing how the only toilet is right there we still have 21 hours left do you just want them to poop in front of us I mean if I can throw it later Garrett are you okay with Kris pooping while we're on the road yeah I've seen Chris poop a couple times it's nothing new go ahead man so as you guys the toilets in the quarter and just poop your pants man did it for all you people wondering why we never have girls in our challenges like the $100,000 circle what it's tough this is what is making girls poop in front of a bunch of guys would you speed fruit having Chris poop right beside me it's uncomfortable did you imagine I cannot prove it you guys are gonna sit there wait you're nervous pooper crazy been working for YouTube's awesome I bet you do all kinds of crazy stuff some thumbs-up totally don't get you gotta do cool stuff sometimes this one time I pooped in a bucket look at this teamwork this is mr. B's teamwork oh you gotta be honest here I could stay here for years Chandler you got you a second full box in my house what you used it that's is it spicy yeah their gutters you see him and you Chandler well we got about do so people in prison get Mountain Dews yeah if they're really really good or they know somebody who can smuggle it in Chiangmai it literally smells like blood cakes over here if you don't stop I'm gonna stop poverty it's it those cashews he use the fiery ones yeah if you're going to go to jail don't go to jail Chandler we'll just for the entire time Chandler please just put like we don't want to squeeze your butt cheeks I'm a goofy goober yeah you know what the worst part of jail is literally everything [Music] all right we got you some nice new sheets for you Thanks yep I'll just let this out yeah enjoy your 24-hour sentence hi Chris you like your new sheets yeah this is great I didn't want to fill it at all I wanted the real chill experience all right guys it's getting pretty late Chandler you about to head to bed no I'm feeling pretty tired myself I'm probably gonna hit the hay [Music] in my head clock thing sleep all day oh I forgot was this yes so the prison guard came in like a son woke us up at 8:00 yeah he was banging on the south or him I sounded like I was getting shy I'm not sure you know I was freaking out why it's like I am and this prison guard literally just came up and bang on the saw door both man unlike my friends I'm not a baby and it didn't affect me because how did it affect you least you thank you it's terrified guess it's gonna piss so much if you're gonna have a pop been in prison for 19 hours I'm bored Chris how is your first 19 hours don't throw your poop in the streets for this is what will happen 8 mr. beast how are you feeling oh you look great I know it looks like an egg weekend with the jumpsuit Chris looks pretty thick make Chris's but a meme I expect to see this all over my Twitter [Music] we good this morning Garrett army mm-hmm what'd you go but no what about you do that's prison food that's a lot better than I thought beyond pretty cheese biscuit nice just writing this out so Christmas would go honey through everything hurts this is not a comfortable mattress you guys put food on my bed and I slipped on it so that my sandwich is flat as a pancake what this must be prison I got a chicken biscuit instead of a chicken sandwich I really actually wanted to eat that but I decided to do it just for the concert you're just looking a bunch of dudes feet right now please Chris if you were to ever go to jail what would it be for tax evasion how about you Chandler murder all right I mean today well Gary if you were to ever go to jail what would it be for also at the jail it would be for doing this you Chandler no power to murder you because someone far [Music] Taylor yeah it's you get yeah it's just all stare - dude peak years [Music] I think Chandler does love the prison teller you toad nuts come here come here don't go to jail did you look go nuts [Music] Delaware yeah I need everyone's phones I want to hold a FaceTime their family hi everyone it's time to paste I'm your family chris is in jail on a Saturday night because I forgot that you wouldn't think that it was like legit alright next article Taylor's dad does he have any idea here in jail hey I'm in jail family out can you bring me a peanut butter banana sandwich hold the jelly out of the man all right cool cool I love you [Music] all right guys King starts facetiming me I'm the stuff I'm in jail right now me and all the boys are in here oh well we were doing stuff for PewDiePie the secret I want to spoil the video but they arrested US but now let us keep our bows we're in a real jail but we just got the mare to give it to us for dead so we're spending 24 hours in jail all right I see the concept okay well I'll let you go [Music] I have everyone's phones again Jenny this is turning them into a different occasion there that's mourn your ugly I'm gonna oblique what's good job darling really I know what everything is if we replace the four of them for jaywalking an aggressive jaywalking oh man I didn't care so I did it again that's aggressive did Ohio Mike you need to calm down yo hey nice chain thanks man I got it at the dollar store I was into this dude I can't believe they're hiding these in cakes approximately Oh six zero to Delta 49er operation belt OD is underway give it 30 minutes for things to settle down and commence operation D or moments later these barns look a lot thicker than I thought they would [Music] [Music] nowhere no boys I can't wait for me alright boys that was a long 24 hours but we've made it out you guys know though we're fugitives out yeah til we have just stayed like a couple more minutes and not been fugitives wasn't worth it yeah I got sure don't forget you guys need to live the rest your lives in secrecy I ended by skinning disguise I'm gonna head out before you talk [Music] go go go go go go go go whoa okay I didn't have any uh besmirch so that you were out in public without mr. B switch other yeah hey I got you man yes hopefully better hope you have men shot mr. B's [Music] you
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 68,142,282
Rating: 4.8929458 out of 5
Id: sESRuTyfsEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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