Real Life "Missed Time" Stories | People Stories #6

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redditors who have missed time for example you're doing something at 4 28 the next moment it's 8 o'clock and you have no recollection of anything that happened in between what's your story it happened to me in first grade class was over and i remember walking deliberately to the bus pickup area only when i got there there were no buses no kids no teachers just an empty parking lot i went back inside where my teacher found me and called my mom i've always wondered if i'm repressing some horrible event i decided to take an impromptu weekend trip for my son's birthday he lives in wichita i lived in atlanta flights were too expensive so i decided to drive this is a 17-hour drive each way without including stops i made it in time for his birthday but had to drive back home a few hours after after about four hours of driving it was 8 a.m i remember distinctly checking the time next thing i remember is glancing back down at the clock and it being 2pm scariest moment of my life i panicked like i had just slept through work but instead i slept through six hours of driving highway hypnosis you weren't asleep but your brain decided none of it was important so it just doesn't get stored it happens because the driving is so repetitive i used to work nights a long time ago i was about 19 or 20 at the time this was pre-cell phones i got off work around 4 a.m and it usually took about 30 minutes to get home there is a fairly empty stretch of highway to get home small farm in the middle of nowhere driving along the road and it was like i drove into a cotton ball everything was so white and so bright it washed out the color i could only see the road a few feet in front of me so i stopped and pulled over it was weird no panic just a mild curiosity i got out of the car and looked around but it was cotton ball everywhere and so quite and then it wasn't it was like a vacuum sucked up the whole cotton ball up and turned the color back on i looked around and there was another car maybe 100 feet away and both of the passengers were like me standing outside and looking around why died we waved at each other got in our cars and left when i got home mom was at the kitchen table and asked where i had been i gave her a funny look she said she had been worried as it was almost 8 a.m i am normally home by 4 30 i would have sworn that the whole thing lasted less than 15 minutes total that the sun had come up really didn't register the missing time didn't register i never turned the car off and the tank did not reflect it running for an extra couple of hours yo my buddy told me this happened while he was riding passenger with another friend in the middle of the night as well what the frick i actually didn't believe him or thought he was just super baked but i have the worst chills right now reading your story they didn't get out of the car but when it finally went away he said it was like three hours later it's not the juiciest story but it really freaked me out at the time i was playing games on my computer one evening at around 10 p.m and decided to just finish what i was doing and then head to bed since i had work the next day next thing i know i'm sat in front of a black screen in just my undies and it's 4am computer was cold so it must have been off for at least a little while no idea what happened because i don't have a history of sleepwalking i have had this happen countless times you turned it off and before it was done shutting down you fell asleep i was sick had a long day at work and i made the mistake of asking my in-laws if they had anything to help with my cough my mother-in-law came back with a little dosage cup and told me to drink it one moment i was feeling better and playing video games and darkness the next i was being handed the phone by my wife in a room flooded by sunlight on the other end was my boss concerned with why i wasn't at work come on me i'm sorry sir i took something for my cold and the last thing i remember was yesterday a little after 10 what time is it now comma boss it's 3 30 in the afternoon you must have been sicker than you looked i'll put it down as a sick day take tomorrow too i'd spend 17 hours passed out in an office chair because my mother-in-law had given me a double dose of nyquil instead of cough medicine tl dr do not mix sleeping pills with alcohol was on a transatlantic flight got into a good conversation with my seatmate had several glasses of wine then about four hours from the destination we both decided to get some sleep but i was still animated from the discussion so took a sleeping pill on landing the flight attendant woke me up i exited went to baggage claim was picked up by my friend went to her house then crashed on the sofa several hours later i awoke and could remember nothing of the landing getting off the plane going to baggage claim and immigration meeting my friend the drive to her place our conversation nothing a complete blackout complete memory loss no telling what i did or said during that time they mean it when they say on the pill bottle do not take with alcohol as a frequent international traveler i call that poor man's business class drink two glasses of wine and take an ambien and you won't care that you're in economy you'll time travel to your destination not me but there was a glitch in the matrix thread that had a pretty cool one from what i recall a guy was taking his driver's license examined they were approaching the first stop sign he remembers preparing himself for what to do as it was a four-way stop the next thing he remembers is his driving instructor saying did we pass that stop sign followed by him looking in his rear view mirror to see it already behind him i had a suicide attempt that ended up causing me serious brain damage i woke up having no memory of the last five months prior to the attempt seven years later i am just now beginning to fill the gaps can't be suicidal if i forget who i am roll safe jpg i have ptsd and this happens a lot just flashbacks and memories i get caught in and can't escape i snap out of it sometimes minutes or hours later had full text conversations whilst in the middle of it i don't remember i also suffer from ptsd once you have regular sessions with a psychologist these will get a lot better wishing you good luck usually i'm under medicated with adhd and hyperfocusing i look at a clock it's 9am seconds later my paper is done it's 10 p.m i'm thirsty hungry tired and have to use a bathroom all at emergency levels sounds like you'll sin accidentally played skyrim for 13 hours straight once without realizing it i don't think i even took breaks just suddenly the sun was coming up and i was like oh crap i got drugged and robbed on an international trip dude in a bar started chatting me up i got up to go to the bathroom left my drink unattended next thing i know about an hour later i'm disoriented and standing outside the bar and my stuff is gone all in all was still a fun trip never change berlin that's scary i was exhausted after being rotated closing opening every other day for two weeks i got in my car after a particularly long day started it up and waited for it warm up next thing i was aware of was sitting in my parents driveway i was about 20 at the time had just broken up with a butthole and moved back with the car off but i was still buckled in my job was 12 miles straight shot on the freeway from home i have no idea how i drove myself home safely because i have zero memory of it early 2000s i used to do a rural paper route six days a week 1 a.m to 5 a.m i never saw other humans or even animals often my route almost never changed no new customers no new areas added the monotony made all the days blur together one night 1am i drove out of the depot where i pick up the papers blinked and it was 4 30 am and i was on the road to my house with no papers in my car i remember very clearly the radio skipping from an advertisement to the middle section of an unwritten law song my car lights were off too the thing that snapped me out of it was that my rural street to my house has no street lights most of the route had on the road and i was driving into total darkness i was confused and even called in the next day to make sure my papers got delivered and they did i think the level of boringness just made me go into a mindless chance holy crap i haven't thought of unwritten law in like 15 years xanax i was prescribed a great deal of xanax daily due to an extremely traumatic event i have very little recollection of those two years xanax is basically a reset button mainly added sometimes i get to work forget to take my medication and then realize literal hours have gone by and i've got no idea what happened in that time adhd my whole life you should know that that is not normal and it sounds like you might have a little more going on get checked out i didn't miss hours but did miss minutes i was driving home from work in the middle of the way and all of a sudden was conscious and felt like time had passed i looked around and was in a completely different area not a ropes i zoned out and drove straight and missed my turn but in it i had been driving for 20 minutes and was on a different side of town in order to have gotten there i had to have drove straight for a while turned right turned right and got a freaking highway stayed on it until it ended which it ended in one of those round practically circle exits exited got three lanes over left turned then drove straight for a while left turned again drove straight for a while and woke up there i panicked pulled over and called my dad he said i probably just zoned out and that i was fine i found out a year later that it was some type of seizure haven't had a seizure in about a year holy crap it's lucky you didn't go off the road i had an urgent cesarean i remember being in the operating theater and my baby being whisked away to the nicu my next memory is being in a room with my husband and he's about ready to head home but got me snacks apparently i missed five or so hours of my life in the recovery room after surgery i was having full-on conversations with everybody that entered the room but i can't remember any of it i've asked my husband what i would talk about and he said everything whatever the means i don't even remember what the recovery room looked like eta i wasn't under general anesthesia i had a spinal block and fentanyl a similar thing happened to me when i had my wisdom teeth out apparently i spoke to several staff members in the recovery room when i woke up from the anaesthetist but my memory doesn't really start till about half an hour later i had a row with my mum one evening i had been assigned homework which didn't need to be handed in and done for three weeks but my mum insisted i do it right now forbidding me to hang out with my friends after three hours of non-stop arguing i slammed my door and sat on the end of my bed sulking the time was 6 p.m i closed my eyes for literally a second and it was morning 8 am i was tired as frick didn't actually feel like i had slept at all and spent the entire day freaking out about what happened in fact i didn't know what happened when i told my mum about this she was weirded out but then dismissed it as stress from the argument we had i don't remember being six i remember saying in my seventh birthday that i literally just turned six and now i was seven it was really weird went out of my dorm at two p.m to go buy some food returned at nine pm freezing with wet hair not feeling my toes or fingers because apparently there was a hail and i went out without hat or gloves i had a bunch of random stuff in my backpack that i assume i bought like a pair of cheap headphones a picture frame and drying rack clips i also had an ice cream paper cup which indicates i ate ice cream in -15 degrees celsius outside and an empty cup of iced coffee my bf freaked the frick out because i told him i had no idea where i was and what i was doing surprisingly i didn't get sick only a bit creeped out hum might need to tell someone if it ever happens again like a counselor or someone dissociation can be a stress response like anxiety and is very treatable was on a school trip and we drank a bit i have no collection of about one hour no one knew where i was apparently the rumor spread that i had lost a peppermint droplet some candy in a field and tried to search for it we drank a bit the only one i can't explain is where i lost time looking at the moon i was about 14 15 maybe me and my mum were coming home in the late evening i was following her going into the house when i stopped and turned around to look at the full moon the next thing i know my mum is saying what are you still doing out here you strange girl apparently i'd been there for half an hour at least she'd wondered where i'd gone and realized the front door was still open it wasn't even like i thought it was only a few seconds or minutes i just glitched out completely until she spoke to me i think that means you're witch now add sufferer here a lot of the time when i'm doing something and something catches my attention out the window or if someone says something that sparks a thought for me i end up zoning out and get absorbed into that thought the leads into a brainstorm almost but at the same time i'll lose all sense of time and it can last up to an hour it can last a lot longer but normally if it's past a hour i kind of go in and out of it till i get full awareness again i work the night shift at a warehouse there were several days usually around 3 a.m or so when i would kind of regain awareness what is this in my hand where did it come from where am i supposed to put it how long have i been sleep walking through work how many mistakes have i made would happen maybe once a week or every other week if i loaded up on caffeine energy shots i've moved buildings and can stay awake my whole shift these days could have been worse honestly and i'm genuinely surprised that this never caused a bigger problem than mildly freaking me out considering i worked around heavy machinery and conveyor belts a lot walking down a hall at work blink and i'm sitting in a chair at the other end of the hall with a nurse asking me if i'm okay seizures can be crazy i tried to take my own life on school grounds tried to drown myself didn't work out and i remember going back to my classroom to collect my belongings and that's it other than that there was about a week or so totally unaccounted for i think i just totally checked out and drifted through that time i hope things are better now and that you've got some therapy that sounds like a painful thing to go through when i had my wisdom teeth removed they gave me laughing gas i remember my arms appearing to stretch out into infinity in front of me as i went under then i remember about five seconds of staggering out to the car with my friend holding my arm and gawes in my mouth after that i woke up 15 hours later my friends say we watched star wars and i was saying a bunch of random comments during the movie i don't remember any of it at all i have been blackout drunk once apparently i stole photos from a photo booth numerous times pretended i was a vampire threw up a lot partied some more and went on an adventure and then came back to throw up some more before passing out i remember none of this all i remember was being in my underwear drinking in a hotel room and then waking up in my underwear in the hotel room woke up at a friend's place without shoes once can't remember quite a few walks home from parties clubs booze was involved every time i have ptsd and dissociate pretty badly sometimes usually for me that has more to do with forgetting what happened but being aware of the passage of time the time slips happen but in my experience it's usually a few minutes at a time i think the scariest one was a time last year when i sat down on the bed and looked at the clock 11 14 looked out the window and back at the clock and it was nearly five o'clock i was in the exact same position so i assume i spent the whole day staring into space but i don't actually know i've lost an entire weekend once from what i've been able to piece together i was knocked over backwards while refereeing my brother hockey game and hit my head on the ice it happened on sunday night i don't remember saturday monday is blank until about noon you time travelling son of a bee i have a dissociative disorder so this happens fairly regularly back when things were really bad i was losing an average of three hours a day i'll just suddenly find myself somewhere most often sitting on my bed with no recollection of how i got there most of the time my joints will be stiff from not moving and my eyes dry from not blinking sometimes i'll leave little easter eggs for myself once i came to and found all my earrings lovingly scattered across my floor another time i became violently ill and found that i had emptied a bottle of laxatives i'm much better now but i'm still in the habit of baby proofing my house i don't keep laxatives any sort of medicine that i could od on alcohol or even particularly long or sharp cooking knives it's mostly just annoying but it can be scary too sometimes a short while ago i was 30 years old i am now 39 years old i cannot tell you where the time went just flew by that said when we look at our lives over the years we cannot remember it day by day even year by year it just seems a short time keep a journal if you don't have something to write down and create a gmail account and just write little things about your day every day in there it will really help to look back on i blame factorio start playing at 8 p.m and before i know if the sun's rising birds are singing and i still do not have enough steel production this was me last weekend but i know 1404 i just need to fix this production chain make it a little more efficient and all of a sudden my whole day is gone sup nerds i have adhd i lose time every single day no drugs involved it comes with having a brain that literally has no sense of time i cannot sense it i cannot feel it without an alarm to ping me i literally cannot feel the difference between one minute and 30 minutes or one hour and three hours so it is very very very very common for me to sit down to do a task have my brain wander and become engaged with something and forget to set an alarm without an alarm it is completely up to chance whether i happen to glance at the clock or not so i end up intending to browse an article for a few minutes and end up spending three hours on it or read a book intending to stop after a few pages and go to bed but i forget that i should have stopped so when i glance up i went from 9 p.m to 4 a.m i know where i was what i was doing i was reading in bed but since i have no internal sense of time passing huge chunks of my day can just leap ahead without me especially when i'm super focused on something like reading writing or illustrating i can easily lose two five sometimes entire days on the weekends without really realizing time had been passing like that as you can imagine this makes being a good employee very hard i honestly literally cannot estimate how long something will take or previously took sometimes i zone out like that when just thinking so i'll snap awake while laying on the couch checking the clock to realize i've wasted two hours just staring into the middle distance thinking about wasp hierarchy or something else nonsensical or something makes a noise and i look over and realize i'd been just repeating one soothing motion for the last half hour like standing absently in the middle of the hall staring at the ceiling and scratching a spot on my neck because it feels nice an onlooker would have thought i was possessed what's really fun is when i'm driving to a location and zone out into internal thoughts basically a movie starts playing in my mind's eye and i'm not paying attention to the road whatsoever somehow the leftover parts of my brain manage to auto pilot my vehicle at 80 miles per hour for 3-4 hours through traffic and multiple exits until i snap back into awareness and realize i have no idea where i am and no memory of the last several hours of driving at this point i volunteer to drive during long car rides knowing i probably won't even consciously experience half of the drive i'll only be actively bored for a few hours and the other four will be spent in a trance not me but my ex's mom will call her jude jude had suffered from cancer almost a decade prior and basically had chemo brain couldn't remember a lot of things very well and it ended up getting her into major trouble later on while i was dating her son jude decided to start babysitting this five-month-old baby at one point a cute little guy and she adored him but none of us believed she was really in a position to take care of another person she proved this whenever she bought a dog without telling anybody and took very little care of it i already knew from the beginning that this wasn't going to end well fast forward a couple months she's cleaning the house one day while watching the baby according to jude she sat down for a little while around 2pm i think she swears this happened in the span of 30 mins and all of a sudden it's five o'clock she thinks the mother of the baby had already come by the house to pick him up but he's still in the other room sleeping unbeknownst to jude without any hesitation she calls the baby's mom and goes where's insert baby's name it's only 2 33 p.m at this point long story short baby's mom flips the frick out and tells jude that she is no longer permitted to babysit her child since she clearly couldn't remember that he was staying with her jude was so torn about this and pulled her eyes out when relaying this to her son and me in the end though jude was still able to be friends with the baby's mom and got to see him occasionally it was a strange scenario that could have been easily preventable but watching all of that unfold was incredibly baffling to me i went on a flight once it was a 10 or so hour flight so naturally i took my laptop and phone with me and paid for in-flight wi-fi once i got on the flight i literally just blinked once and completely skipped three hours into the flight and i was on my phone apparently the exact next time i blinked same thing happened i was just sleeping this time though blinked again this time flight's about to land and i'm on my pc the weird part is that i was actually doing something the whole time according to my mom and brother along with my pc i play osu and it tracks all your plays i'm prescribed clonapin for an extra boost if my regular anxiety meds aren't working but i usually go months without taking it so one night about a year and a half ago i took one before bed and completely blanked out until i woke up the next morning turns out i spent hours making an instagram account dedicated to professional wrestlers and fanny packs and putting up a bunch of posts i still keep it going bc it's hilarious but it was actually pretty uncomfortable when i woke up and realized i was capable of doing weird crap while completely unaware if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
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Views: 44,576
Rating: 4.9390864 out of 5
Keywords: missed time, prime time stories, real life, real stories you won't believe, missing time mysteries, mysteries, real, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: DrctyuJLbLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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