Forgiving Each Other is Not an Option that We Have | By Brother Mohammad Hoblos

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you in al hamdulillah enojado honest I mean honest affair oh when I of the villa heater I mean surely I'm fussy now I mean say Yeti I'm Lina my Yahoo Ta'ala follow Moodle Allah woman you'd little feller hadiyyah-lah why shadow and ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lah why shadow muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh salawatullahi wa salamu alayh why allah and he was happy as mine i'm a bad apple allah azzawajal fill perennial kareem but the older will let him in a shape on your regime yeah you had ladina a man who talked to Laura haka to kotti well at a Mouton allah wa unto muslim hoon we praise him subhanahu wa ta'ala the king the master the sustainer the creator of the seven heavens and the earth and we send peace and blessings upon his beloved muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam my brothers are remind you and I remind myself as Allah subhana WA Ta'ala reminds us in the Quran o ye believe have fear of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala happy that is most deserving towards him and to not die except in the state of Islam to not die except in the state of submission my beloved brothers our Deen is made up of a lot of beautiful things our Deen is made up of a lot of rebirth acts of worship some of which are very easy and some of which are very difficult on the heart tonight were he today were he to speak about that which is difficult on the heart you see my brother's there's a lot of things in our Deen we do it some of us depending on his character it comes natural dream why maybe he's a tough character he's a strong person so anything in our Deen which is making a statement out loud you find his the first one day some of us growing his bead in this day in age even if he's not the most religious person in the world he's happy to do it because having a bead is a statement and he wants nothing more in this world but to make a statement so you find that this act of worship for him is easy so he does it does it with strength but there are other things there have that are very difficult that are in fact more rewarding than some of the actions that are apparent and there are actions of statements I'll cut it very short because time is of the essence my brothers I wanted to speak to you about a topic that absolutely no one in this whole today no one and I mean absolutely no one is free from this topic and that's the issue of forgiveness he's been hurt or someone has hurt you before and by no means am I here now to talk to you about the you know about the rewards of forgiveness and there if he forgive that this is a noble thing and that he makes you a good person no today we're here to push buttons today we're here to put salt to a wound that we don't like to talk about today I'm here to tell you that if you don't forgive if you don't forgive then woe to you that day you stand before allah subhanho wa taala you see many of us we tend to think that forgiveness is an option that i have that if i want i'll forgive but if I don't want but I'm gonna hold on to this to the day of resurrection I'm gonna hold on to this to the day of resurrection la habib allah doesn't work like that because a part of being a believer a part of being a muslim a part of being the follower of rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is to have a heart that forgives not only does it forgive but it loves to forgive regardless of the crime so because i'm sure your mind is already going through a process or he's probably thinking you know he's probably speaking about forgiveness on small issues light issues no i'm here to tell you today that there is absolutely no scenario no issue no situation that you could put forward before me that gives you any right to not forgive your Muslim brother nothing and this is being this is real being this is the Dean of the heart this is the Dean of breaking the nufs the Dean that no one likes to play with the Dean that no one likes to play with our beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu are you selling and let me make things clear by no means am I saying you need to forgive because the person that you're forgiving is worthy of your forgiveness that's irrelevant here today I'm here to tell you that you have to forgive because you forgiving one another has nothing to do with the individual though there is benefit but has everything to do with you and Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala the prophet of allah says allah llahu allahu salim forgive one another have rama amongst one another why why because the muslims why because they deserve him of it he says have mercy shall compassion towards one another why o prophet of allah he says for the one in the heavens may show mercy and compassion towards us towards you forgive me tonight let's hashtag today's hook but as let it go let it go my brother let it go my sister no matter what is happening in your life no matter how dramatic Shaitaan has painted your scenario or your situation it's only from Shaitaan and the key to everything is to just let it go then let it go why because that's the Sunnah of your habib sallallahu alayhi assalam he says he says show compassion to one another why so the one in the heavens can can show compassion and mercy and forgiveness towards us today we live in a world where it's praised the more you hold the grudge then the more it's praised and common terms forgive me unless some people tell me brother it's Friday hood bar and it's unappropriate to use this sort of language but that we're here to deliver a message I'm not here to speak appropriately and no one walks out understanding what hello Mona Bell now we're here the speaker language so that we understand today we live in a culture with what to forgive is a sign of what it's a sign of weakness but what you think I'm a grown evening I'm a grown kidding about no way in the world brother it's become an issue of pride but the hell do you think you are Ani who on God's green earth do you think you are to hold something and carry it in your heart and look at the language I don't forgive to the day of judgment wow man really really what Sunnah is this what D is this because it's most definitely not from Islam and it's most certainly not the sunnah of muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam to hold onto grudges for what for what one lie my brother's examples I don't have time but examples and I'm sure every one of you knows the scenario what ye blood brothers Blood Brothers they grew up they came out of the same womb and the same mother they circled on the same breast they lived and slept they grew up in the same bedroom eat from the same plate and drink from the same cup today that I speak to one another way because his wife said that my wife said then with your life how does it possibly get in between me and him what deed is this father and son that don't talk to one another rights rights that grew up on the streets they need my brother we did hubbas together a year Havas we were like that in Hamas ten years I did time within 10 years I'll take a bullet for it bro one drama one incident and all hell breaks loose - what happen a fee where did the hearts go men husband and wife for 10:15 ease yeah we we had a divorce why well what happened wanna my wife showed me a post once on the Internet a woman was having some troubles with her husband she's asking for advice she has three kids I quote three kids husband and wife Leah shared the same bed for years you ain't from the same for years brother how big put your drama baby brother were human beings everyone makes mistakes you're not perfect I'm not perfect but why is it that when atomic and Nana nananana this is unforgivable why why Penny's marriage kids between one another she's asking for advice her husband whatever he did some one of the sisters in a noisy shared masha'Allah she writes back to the sister and I quote the hell with him wow man just like that the hell with him just like that bro we forgot all the good times just like that the hell with him what is this man so then there's always a spell amongst us who comes to me yes my brother and I get Phi equals all the time brother all I want is my heart eager and I'm asking for anything more than my heart brother anything I'm not asking for an inch more and not an inch less so in his mind Shaitaan is making him think brother that's your right cos doesn't Allah say and look I love how weak one ayat of Quran that shoot my nafs doesn't Allah say in the Quran brother tooth for a tooth and an for an eye yeah all I want is my heart when they got married the chef came and her family Arial and let's start with the Fatiha why because it's the opening of the Quran and I said that the hearts can flourish and we could come together but then when there's dramas it's my lawyer versus your lawyer when the kids are with me on the weekend your mum's above your mum's higher when your mum's at least your mum's of that then when the kids are with the mum then when the kids are with the mum you know throughout the week your fathers are 1 2 3 she wipes the floor in the toilets with him day and night well man just like that just like that the brother forgives let it go no way brother my heart my heart I tell you fine so the brother says to me is anything wrong I tell him brother love like there's nothing wrong with you asking for your heart there's nothing wrong with you telling me I for an eye and a tooth for a tooth but I'm telling you this now that he feel open this bow with people Allah is gonna open this door with you on the Day of Resurrection and if Allah opens the door of tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye you're in a world to her every single one of us has troubles in his life every single one of us has made mistakes every single one of us is a sinner and every single one of us is hopeful I wish for that when I stand before Allah on the day of resurrection Allah is gonna turn a blind eye and forgive all my sins yet you can't even forgive the person who grew up with four years of your life for one issue you can't even forgive if people tell me brother but it's my heart it's my right let me tell you bluntly brother there is nothing in this world the only heart you will ever have is when you stand before Allah in front of the real judge in the real court then and only then will you ever really get you this world will never ever ever do you justice we're really my brothers were y-you where are we men forgive me I'm a bit too but so my my heart hurts me hurts me when I see two people who before the drama they're the most religious and god-fearing and I'm not like but and one old brother will like this and he'd and Quran and all I forgive you and I love you for the sake of Allah but as soon as you step on my toes what was once a nice bead is a piece of velcro so right out the door come here you little D Sunday and let me well man what happened cuz what happened he disrespected me let her go man look nothing for Allah sake let it go cuz let it go now we wanna unlit there's those that show mercy and compassion towards one another the one in the heavens who showed mercy and compassion towards them he saved my brothers you know what I love about the Sahaba the Sahaba were real people many of us we like to praise the Sahaba so much so to the point where we start painting this picture like they never did anything wrong earlier very wrong Sahaba did a lot of things wrong but that's what was beautiful about them because they made mistakes then the way they dealt with their mistakes is what makes them so special and so unique my time is short one particular incident after one of the barrels there was beauty of war gold silver swords shields stuff like this so the Sahaba gathered there's a lot of it it's money so they started sharing their opinions as to how they should distribute this wolf and please don't listen to the story for the sheer entertainment of it live the story brother try to imagine I'm not sharing with you all this fairytales these are real stories of your father's why not they entertain you but to learn because you know what my brothers the truth is when really push comes to shove we don't follow the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu Halloween stirs that's what we are men and being against it doesn't necessarily mean you've got tattoos then he's to sell drugs on the streets well my I now apply these anti-black meds there are more gangsters there any youngster on the street that I can ever be gangster with your character and your attitude we don't follow Rasul Allah we follow people like Tony Montana in Scarface yeah and 2pac in my body shoe and the we that see brother that that's that's that's the way it is cus that's how it is on the streets brother what Dean is this man so the Sahaba H men gave his opinion then Abu forgave his opinion on the mirror for those of you who don't know of our motherland is arab arab arab en he makes an arab feel like he's among Arab you can't be any more Arab than what a bizarre was Sabah are also gave his opinion today mosques I was in Canada the brother mosques mosques awaiting imports to deal with the issues why because rather I gave my opinion and this God disrespected me when we were in the meeting so now it's me versus 'man mosques are going to war with each other why who said it but I gave my opinion what Annie went against me does neither Who I am I've been here for ten years brother discussed only been on the boat for five years these are the people that are leading I massage it mashallah Sabitha gave his opinion then the next person was Bilal Robby alotta on who Bilal is the more atom of rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa lane not only used to be a slave but an obsidian slave meaning he was black so as far as society is concerned talk about being rock bottom but you see slam came to break this so when bill and gave his opinion he says abu that i disagree with you Allahu Alem I think this is what we should do with the world sub-user imagine being put on the spot in front of everyone he says even you you belong even his son of a black woman even you're gonna disagree with me today visit big words so bilal rightfully so got very upset he picked himself up and went to the prophet of allah now I want to pause he for a minute because I want to prove my point that we have follow the sunnah of rasulullah saaw salam we follow the sunnah share Tony Montana masha'Allah and Mawlana - back when we hear the story of the Sahaba we exclude our life and our society's workers it's different times my brothers I wanna ask you sincerely and I want you to answer since in this act that be landed by picking himself up and going to the prophet of Allah to complain what is this Accord in this day and age that we live in today he's a snitch true or not brother we have a drama you pick yourself up - don't complain were you woman bro that's tree language you see but Belen was interrupted by your feedback and your Tony Montana Belen was affected by your prophet who you claim that you follow you see below had something in his heart so he went to someone that can help him with this situation you and I nananananana that makes me less of a man na Habib I am gonna hold that in my heart for the next 20 years I'm gonna fresh him back by him right before with him slander him with any opportunity that I can get for the next 20 years but I won't go to someone that just might be able to help my situation Sabadell goes he tells the prophet of allah the prophet of allah became furious so the prophet of allah he comes he goes to abu dharr was and he grabs a bizarre by ish he grabs a virile talk about bridging up this right now was bridging up and he grabs aloe vera and shakes him and says i would are you are a man that still has jahiliyyah in his heart so did abu dharr do that is that what he said see let me tell you the difference between a man and a so called man a real man is a man when he when he acknowledges that he really was in the wrong he admits that he's in the wrong so with Allah as his head he understands that he his brother he understands he upset his prophet so how did he deal with the situation did he stop praying at that much it's at the RNC belén because that's how we deal with our issues is not did he Abbeville rowdy a lot Allah after acknowledging that he's in the wrong he picks himself up he goes into the streets of Medina looking for Bellaire or the alotta on Lu then when he sees and he finds Belen he goes to Belen publicly leave this with me publicly in front of everyone he goes to B land in front of everyone and gets down on the floor and says to be lady aberlin by Allah I will not lift my head off the floor and to use that with your food and let it be known right here right now in Medina which one of us today is be honored and which one of us today you belong is the dishonored one come on man how come I haven't heard this story before bruh so what did bilal do he's vulnerable he's on the floor he knowledged a perjurer Tojo's in the right what did he do well ie an opportunity that most of us would love to have with those that hurt us it's a real forgiveness is to forgive from your heart sincerely whether you can do something about it or you can't you see there are many of us who have issues and dramas with other people and we paint on the outside then our brother Allah he man I forgive him for the sake of Allah you little busy bee little spinner the only reason that you claim that you forgive him it's not because you really forgive him the truth is is you can't do anything to display any way so really by default by the fact that I physically can't do anything i disguised my weakness we thought now all my here I forgive him for the sake of Allah but deep down in your heart deep down in your heart if you got the news that our bus hit him yeah bite your heart will start to do the dup keeper somebody stole me in a car listen what Allah he brought one law online I forgive him one law I forgive him but I forget cos Wow masha'Allah really if you give but you don't forget well I got news for you girl if you forgive but don't forget you didn't forgive to begin with you see this topic is not as juicy is why you first story why because it's hard on the nafs because this is real game this is real Dean so what did Bill L do Bilal gets down on his hands and knees he kisses up over on the forehead this is Abu baraa he's serious I forgive you for the sake of Allah done finished dusted never to be spoken about again not dragged around for 10-15 years not forget the fact that L was before this that were both under that were both on the same battlefield fighting for the same Lord see we don't have this in our societies anymore man why because three weakness is seen as what forgiveness is seen as well but that's weakness brother let her be that's a real man because we claim that we follow Rasool Allah saw no Holly you send them brothers to me all the time cuz I'll die for his honor one more here I'm ready to die for his honor I say well mashallah my lost Panna what I'll reward you for such a noble intention but brother Allah he I don't need you to die for his honor I need you to leave for his honor I want you to live like him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam your beloved prophet and of course he see this this is the side of rasulallah that we don't want to talk about what lying my brothers are taking oath by Allah forgive me if these words are Batoche but I tell you now and this is my own personal opinion what more he even our love for the Deen even our love for the Sahaba is a love of dunya nobody he loves Ahmad no her table most loved probably one of the most loved he's definitely my favorite nobody he loves I'm out of the hot Bob because he had permanent marks on his cheeks from crying out of fear of Allah now cos we love America Bob because when his name was mentioned before he is the shaking they knees no one loves Domino haha because he had permanent marks on his shoulders why because he was servicing the community in the late hours of the night when everyone was asleep and wasn't watching he didn't suffer more for that because he was a man brother when he rocked up cars everyone buckled the prophet of Allah who we claim we love because I'm sure you're thinking in your mind wallah brother Milo reward you very much goodbye very much - very touching because you don't understand what this person did to me is unforgivable and I repeat there is absolutely no scenario I don't care if he shot your mother he shot your father he raped your child I don't care what scenario he could possibly throw at me forgiveness is the key the prophet of Allah for 13 years in Makkah lived this with me 13 years in Mecca persecuted ham shawnette spirit had thus thrown in his face they killed his companions for what for what what crime did he do what crime did he do what he looked at so much sister why he didn't cuff up his money at the end of the business transaction what crime did he do 13 years they boycotted him and his family for three years Sahaba said we were eating the leaves of the trees until our droppings our droppings became not the droppings of animals for threes they divorced these daughters Chimay arugula in front of the Prophet publicly I'm not telling you a lie you know what that I started sending around or what's a video about what mana nanana publicly live in front of the prophet and his companions they grabbed Samia a woman a woman they grabbed her publicly they opened their legs in front of her husband and her son and I read the speed her private parts until they killed her by exalting from his land Makkah and solving for 18 months in medina 18 months he was crying why because he was missing man he was missing the Kaaba so much they stabbed his pregnant daughter as a result she lost her child 806 a few months later she ended up dying in medina he buried every one of his children while he was alive except for Fatima in all Hood you know it's one thing to go to war and kill let's finally killed the man in all her thigh massacred the dead his uncle Hamza they cut his nose off they cut his ease off they ripped his liver help him took a bite from his liver and spatter on the floor Sahaba said when the prophet of Allah seen Hamza we never seen him cry like he cried when he seen his uncle Hamza in narrations he prayed janessa for his uncle seventy times four years and then when Fatima came and now he comes back victorious with an army of 10,000 companions and army the witch arabian ever seen in their lives men who at the drop of a word were happy to give their lives just to see him smile he enters into the MA he enters into the harem of maka ten thousand soldiers surrounding and those people that harmed him for years in easing is not Muslims and I'm asking you to forgive your Muslim brother god forbid I should ask you to forgive too far I'll be labeled on the payroll scholar for $1 unlike you one more you mop the floor with me so I'm not even got a day to go down that road god forbid we should follow the Sunnah of Rasul Allah Allah Allah Allah why brother he enters into the Haram ten thousand soldiers surrounding the Haram those people that harmed him for years in ease rather I gonna go an era talk about the tables turning huh so he looks at them he says to them and and what do you think I will do with you today what do you think I will do today they said you're an honorable generous person the son of an honorable generous person the prophet of Allah turns around and says to the kuffara it Hibou for an to matulak are to go every single one of you are free I forgive you when's this soon in our lives man when's this deemed a cola-cola the stuff from in al hamdulillah in Amadou honest I know no salli ala al habib muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam well I had so many more stories I wanted to mention men but a matter of time my brother's I said to you before that yield forgiving is not an option that you have you forgiving is not an option that you have I said earlier about another man that says to me brother Allah says - for truth and I for but what does Allah say after that same verse what does Allah say after that Allah says yes you have the right tooth for a tooth an eye for an eye but those who forgive then this is better for them you want good or do you want better yeah I'm sure someone has hurt you in the past and I'm sure that the worst person in the world but it's not about them it's about you and Allah and don't you dare think that now look you know what our drama was many he's a girl hum the lessons then you know uh yeah we don't talk but since then you know HMDA have started crying and now I wear a hijab and I know since then I've grown my bead handler I've been able to gamma and Hajj a few times tell us it's done it's finished it's thus that all hospitals refer rahim allah Habib's mojaworks the prophet of allah he says salallahu alaihe salam he says every Thursday your weekly actions are collected and they presented before Allah and Allah can forgive whatever he wants whoever he wants he says except sorry hadith accept accept who you are prophet of Allah he says accept the truth that don't talk to one another regardless of who's in the right and who's in the wrong he says never mind Allah subhana WA Ta'ala won't even look at the actions until they fix what's between one another until they until they fix what's between one another so you could get your hash not once but do 100 times are he and get the ambra in between every hundred of yours and you can read the Quran day and night all of you actions so long as your brother is upset with you and there's no peace amongst one another everything that you do equals to a big fat zero in the eyes of Allah did you think we're just gonna walk into paradise is that what we thought you think that we're just kind of waltz into paradise masha'Allah cuz I drew my bead no Allah will push you to every last minute the why is it that we don't forgive people tell me brother a lie it's about the principle now happy it's not that principle maybe sometimes its principle but let's get straight down to the call why is it that we don't forgive the truth if something could pride and arrogance that's in the Hartmann who's aided disrespect me like that bro doesn't he know who I am you see his pride and his arrogance this will bring the end of you why the prophet of Allah sees anyone sallallaahu Selim anyone with an atom's weight of Pride and atoms wait never mind seeing Jannah he'll never smell its fragrance shaykh al-islam even taymiyah he says an amazing line he says it amazes me how the one that traveled through the passage of urine twice every one of us traveled through the passage of urine twice when he left your father and you entered into your mother as a spoon he says it amazes me how the one that traveled through the passage of urine twice how can this person still have pride and arrogance in his heart why my brother's a lot of a lot of the call a lot of a lot of the issues that we're facing the core of it Allah he is pride and arrogance and and and our lack of ability to forgive one another you know when you forgive even if you're in the right even if the person owes you money even even even even what lie you know when you forgive you feel like a mountain has come off your chest and again I don't forgive because he's worthy of my forgiveness you know I forgive for your life forgive him for the sake of Allah because I have so much sin in my life that I'm I'm wishing and I'm praying that you turn a blind eye so I'm ready now to turn a blind eye to him huh there you turn a blind guy with me
Channel: Islamic Media
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Keywords: islam, prophet, mohamad, mohammad, muhamad, muhammad, sunnah, holy, muslim, religion, religious, sheikh, imam, mu, entertainment, fti, hell, fire, paradise, jannah, jahanam, shady, al, suleiman, al-suleiman, alsuleiman, quran, qur'an, koran, hadith, peace, knowledge, sahaba, companions, islamic, media, islamicmedia, split, moon, splitmoon, productions, splitmoonproductions, uma, unitedmuslimaustralia, unitedmuslimsaustralia, united, muslims, australia, association, unitedmuslimassociation, unitedmuslimsassociation, lecture
Id: G1PqWr0m6PE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 44sec (2324 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2016
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